A common everyday thing: the apartment clearly requires renovation, and there is little money. How to make inexpensive apartment renovations with your own hands? It seems to be the simplest, most obvious way: superficial cosmetic repairs. That is, wallpapering, whitewashing the ceiling, painting, fixing the creaky floor; Possibly replacing windows.

However, if you calculate the labor costs and consumption of materials, it turns out that by increasing the labor costs by half and the money spent by a quarter, you can give the apartment a completely different look, and for a long time. How much you need to invest specifically depends on prices in the region, but the general methods by which you can make your apartment cozy and elegant inexpensively are the same.

Saving money when renovating an apartment with your own hands, like the Earth in ancient legends, is based on three pillars and a slowly hurrying turtle under them:

  1. We are not afraid of work. Nothing comes from nothing. Either money or labor.
  2. Wherever possible, we don’t change old things that are capital but have lost their appearance, but renew them.
  3. We place maximum savings where it will not affect the quality of work and will not be visible.
  4. We spread the costs of labor and money over time: having planned a renovation in the summer or fall, we spend a year preparing, and then we rush in and do everything quickly. Spending 200-300 thousand rubles at once is a problem, but breaking it up in parts over a year is quite possible. In addition, there will be time for measure seven times and cut once.

Where is it difficult to save money?

The only area where you will have to invite a specialist is to redo and strengthen the electrical wiring, if it is old and weak. The only way to save money here is to negotiate with a DEZ electrician. He will do the work in chunks, in his free time, but the likelihood of hackwork will be even less than with “branded” specialists: after all, he will then have to service it all.

It’s better not to skimp on electricity and wiring, but you can do some things, like installing sockets, yourself.


A good specialized tool makes the job much easier and cheaper. But buying it is expensive. Therefore, it is better to rent a tool as needed. In terms of costs, it will not cost much if you decide on the design in advance and draw up an approximate work plan for yourself.

Time of year


A sore point when doing cheap DIY repairs is replacing plumbing fixtures. If it is still “alive”, just dirty, then you can clean and paint it. How to do this will be described below. But if there are chips and cracks, then whether you like it or not, you need to replace it.

For such a case, here’s some information for you: new residents, especially in houses above the budget category, often immediately begin major renovations upon moving in, and excellent, brand new earthenware and cast iron plumbing ends up in a landfill. Landfill operators (simply landfill workers) have long since turned this circumstance into a profitable business.

They do not make direct contact with strangers via their office phone, but it is quite possible to reach them using word of mouth methods. The rate is from a third to half of the factory price for a household item. And don’t think that they will take you to the landfill and show you where it lies. In the back room you will be offered a choice of clean, thoroughly washed products, which you can immediately sit on.

Construction waste

The next sore point is the removal of construction waste. The operation is not cheap and requires paperwork. Exit: basement, barn, cottage or closet and several used bags made of plastic sackcloth, bought for pennies. Construction waste does not sour or rot; it can then be poured into a container at the house dump, bucket by bucket. There is nothing illegal about this.

Slats, boards, timber and plywood

For various utility work and covering large surfaces, you will need wooden slats and plywood. You can buy slats not planed, but slabs - waste from sawing industrial wood. Croaker is sold raw, but if it is purchased in advance, in March-April, and kept in a dry room until autumn, it will not be inferior in quality to edged lumber.

As for plywood, waste packaging plywood from disassembled used containers can be turned into waterproof in the following way:

  • We buy a 10 liter canister or two PVA putties; it is similar to very thin PVA glue and is cheap.
  • We cover the floor in the country house, barn, attic or some other non-residential premises with plastic film. The air temperature is not lower than +13 degrees.
  • We lay a sheet of plywood on the floor, pour a puddle of putty into the center of it and disperse it with a brush.
  • We cover the plywood with plastic, lay down the next sheet, putty in the same way, etc.
  • We place heavier pressure on a foot of plywood soaked in PVA; better - dispersed over the area: bricks, pieces of metal, concrete, old TV, etc.
  • After a week, we repeat the procedure, turning over each sheet.
  • After another two weeks, the smooth waterproof plywood is ready for use. Additional exposure under pressure will improve its quality.

Boards and large pieces of thick timber can also be obtained from used containers - pallets for cargo. Advertisements for their sale are common.


A very economical repair option - and; for thrifty, richer owners - MDF. When sheathing on wooden lathing from slabs, in 80% of cases there is no need to level the walls and ceiling, which already eliminates large expenditures of labor and money.

You can save even more by covering the walls up to your waist or chest, and covering them with non-woven wallpaper up to the ceiling. The work is simplified and cheaper, and the bottom of the walls, which gets damaged and dirty the most, will be reliably protected by durable material.

The most economical option for flooring is. Preparing the floor for it is not required in 90% of cases. But marmoleum is not suitable for the bathroom and toilet; here you will have to fork out money for tiles, especially since you will need only a little of it.

If you want to have a plank-like floor in your rooms, it will not be much more expensive, but the floor may have to be leveled.

The walls in the bathroom can be covered with laminated hardboard instead of tiles - it is hygroscopic and does not require surface preparation.


If you plan to glaze and insulate the balcony, then it is better to do it separately from everything else and in advance: from the end of March to the beginning of May. Outside, but inside it can, instead, be sewn up with plywood, covering it with self-adhesive film.

Windows and doors

When deciding how to renovate an apartment economically, you need to pay special attention to windows and doors: they account for a significant share of the costs. As for windows, here is the most economical option: . It is more advisable to purchase them in March-April, when prices for industrial wood fall, and to install them in late spring - early summer, when the wood dries out properly and shrinks. The technology for installing wooden windows in openings is quite accessible to the average home craftsman.

It would be better to update the doors. Remember about making your own waterproof plywood? So both sides of the door are sheathed with it, using assembly glue, placing the door removed from its hinges on a plastic mat and under pressure. At the same time, you can close the window in the interior door if it is not needed.

The door will become thicker. There are two options here:

  1. Reinstalling hinges is not the best way for the lazy.
  2. Remove the previous lining from the door; it is most often made from construction cardboard or thin fiberboard, and put a new plywood on the frame. In this case, the chipped corners “go away” immediately.

In both cases, the new door is covered with self-adhesive wood or a different texture and varnished. And you will be surprised (pleasantly, of course) by its new appearance. And hard plywood cheeks will ensure durability of the door. The doorway slopes are better made from the same plywood: it will be cheaper and more beautiful than replastering.


Toilet and washbasin

Dirty plumbing fixtures, if they are intact, need to be cleaned. The rather expensive active detergents recommended for this can be replaced with much cheaper table vinegar - it is also a weak acid - followed by washing off the soggy deposits with the most common washing powder. Just do not use abrasive detergents - they will scratch the glaze, and objects, especially the toilet bowl, will get dirty very quickly.

For cleaning with vinegar, they make kvasha - a knob made of a rag on a stick. Vinegar is added to areas where it will not leak, or kvass is dipped into it, and streaks are removed using circular movements and pressure. Particularly “stubborn” spots in the recesses are removed with small kvass and technical hydrochloric acid. All this, of course, is done with latex household gloves, a plastic apron and with the doors and windows open. It is also advisable to wear a respirator, at least a cheap “petal”.

Tiles on walls and floors

Tiles that are not chipped or cracked can be restored using a method well known to motorists; This is how they update the frayed plastic spoilers and bumpers:

  • The entire surface is coated with my Pemolux; Do not use active detergents containing acid! For a bathroom in a Khrushchev building, 1 liter is enough; for a larger one - correspondingly more.
  • After Pemolux, wipe with a rag generously moistened with the same table vinegar: Pemolux is alkaline based, and vinegar neutralizes its residues.
  • Wipe several times with a wet rag until a clean rag is obtained; Now we have gotten rid of the dirt that has ingrained itself into the surface.
  • We cover the edges of the tiles with masking tape (“paper tape”), except for the seams.
  • We paint the seams using a spray bottle with nitro paint in two layers; the second - after the first has completely dried.
  • Remove the tape, remove splashes and drips of paint on the tiles with a cotton swab soaked in solvent 646 or 647.
  • We buy a can of liquid silicone lubricant at a car market or auto store, and properly spray the tiles with the seams.
  • If the lubricant is absorbed immediately, you will have to spray again.
  • If after 2-3 days there is still silicone on the tile, wipe the surface with a rag soaked in vinegar.

The point of this treatment is that silicone tightens microcracks and pores in which dirt accumulates. Treatment lasts for 3-5 years, and then it can be repeated.


A cast iron capital bathtub can be restored. Complaints about its fragility arise from violations of the technology for preparing the coloring composition and its application. If the technology is strictly followed, the restored bathtub will serve for another 10-15 years.

Heated towel rail

It is not at all necessary to replace it with an expensive one made of stainless steel or brass and make a bypass for it. The heated towel rail is stripped down to metal after cleaning the bathtub for painting with the same cord brush in a drill chuck. If no fistulas are found, it is painted with the remaining compound from painting the bathtub. The look will be no worse than modern branded ones, and the durability will be like that of a bathtub.

Video: economical bathroom renovation


You can save up to 1,000 rubles on fasteners during repairs by using phosphated (black) rather than galvanized or cadmium-plated (shiny). The heads of self-tapping screws and dowel-nails will still have to be sealed, but there is no rain or frost in the apartment.


To make a cheap renovation, you first need to know what needs to be done and how, what the apartment should look like after renovation. Don’t be too lazy to confer with the whole family several times, look at more pictures of ready-made apartments. Design is not something incomprehensibly sublime; Most people are endowed with artistic taste. The professionalism of a designer in most cases comes down to understanding the client’s taste and guessing what he wants. And you, since you are doing it for yourself, need to understand what you want. Up to 50% of the costs of do-it-yourself repairs arise from the fact that they start at random and then correct and redo them along the way.

Sequence of work

And finally, carrying out the work in the correct sequence makes its share in saving on repairs: we start from a distance from the front door, and gradually move closer to it as the work progresses. Living room, bedroom and can be renovated in any order. Then it's time for the kitchen. We make the hallway the second to last one, and complete the renovation with the bathroom. Savings come from the amount of construction waste (and half of it is waste of materials for which you paid) and on the rework of soiled and battered waste due to unreasonable organization of work.

Based on the above, you can make a comprehensive renovation of an apartment with an original design, spending little more than on cosmetic repairs.

Video: reflections on the quality and cost of repairs

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    Ksenia said:

    Last year, renovating a room in a communal apartment cost me a maximum of three and a half thousand. Of these, wallpaper and glue are about three thousand. A friend gave me three kg of putty for free, she filled up small uneven spots, and bought a spatula. I bought a can of paint and a brush. In general, everything has changed with the world, but the appearance has become completely different. Ask your friends for materials more often; many also have some left over after repairs, but it’s a pity to throw them away.

    Olga said:

    We were able to save a lot on finishing the walls, but unfortunately, we didn’t immediately figure out how to do it, so we had one bedroom for the price of a corridor and hallway or a living room with a kitchen.
    The bedroom was wallpapered at a discount (ourselves) - 4,000 rubles, and the rest was plastered by my husband.
    Putty (the most common one) was mixed with acrylic primer and color (we found videos with decorative plaster on YouTube).
    He did it for the first time, but it turned out very well.

    Alexey said:

    When you do the repairs yourself, this in itself saves money. The hired team will do everything to ultimately inflate the price and it is not a fact that the work will be done efficiently. You yourself will always do what you need and save money. You can definitely save money on tools, for example, ask your neighbor =). I have all the tools I need for repairs, so everyone I know saves money on me by borrowing them. The most important thing is to do everything without haste. You need to start with small rooms or with a toilet, bathroom and slowly do it, calculating the means and design of the repair.

    Vladomir said:

    I have never been particularly involved in apartment renovations, since due to my military profession, they were all temporary. So on to the little things: put up some wallpaper, tint something, tighten it up, and nothing more. It all started with obtaining permanent housing in 1994. Then I had to work hard and learn a lot. I literally tormented store clerks and skilled neighbors with questions. However, without hiring anyone, slowly but surely I learned with my own hands how to properly glue wallpaper, lay and adjust linoleum, scrape parquet, move doors, sockets and switches, change plumbing, lay out brick walls and plaster them, and much more. Design solutions began to come. For example, to the general indignation of my parents, I destroyed the pantry (“mother-in-law’s room”), resulting in an almost complete third room. Yes, it was a real school, which later came in handy for me many times! Therefore, it is not in vain that they say: “The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.” There is no need to talk about significant cost savings at all.

When changing your life for the better, you should start with yourself, your environment, goals, ideals, but it is also important to bring changes to your own home. A beautiful, comfortable, cozy home is the key to a good mood, positive emotions, and spiritual harmony. Therefore, you should not be afraid to start making changes in your apartment even if you lack financial resources. Repair is indeed a very expensive task, but if it is organized correctly, the result is always justified. The main thing is desire and hands.

Example of an apartment before and after renovation

How to renovate an apartment on a small budget?

Prices on the construction goods market have been biting lately, but with a competent approach to business and cost planning, it’s easy to avoid overpayments and purchase high-quality materials. When planning renovation work in an apartment, you should first carefully consider the sequence of actions. Initially, you need to decide on the following nuances.

  1. The whole apartment will be subject to change, or maybe a separate room?
  2. On what scale should we re-paste the boring wallpaper, change the linoleum, change the electrical wiring, heating, or make other global changes?
  3. How to replace old furniture, is it possible to restore it on your own?
  4. Where can you get ideas for updating your interior design, and ways to bring them to life with minimal financial costs?

Renovating even one room a year is already progress

Often, budget renovations involve a gradual transformation of each individual room. For the case when apartment owners live on one salary, this is an ideal option. Repairing even one room a year is already progress; do not despair when there is no financial opportunity to carry out repairs quickly.

Basic rules for budget renovation. Where to start?

When undertaking such an important task as a budget renovation of an apartment with your own hands, it is worth very meticulously assessing the condition of the electrical wiring, water supply, sewerage, and heating. Having made sure that everything is fine with these communications, you can begin to evaluate the premises themselves. As a rule, the following elements of the apartment are subject to alteration.

The best option would be to make a suspended ceiling

The main stages of budget renovation

When starting work, be sure to take into account the following important steps that will need to be taken.

Bathroom renovation

The bathroom requires a responsible approach; often, in the absence of good ventilation, this is where such hated mold appears. To prevent this from happening, you should definitely check the ventilation; if it is completely absent, you need to install it. The most popular material for tiling bathroom walls and floors for many years has been ceramic tiles and its derivatives. It costs differently, it is quite possible to find a budget option, in extreme cases, you can always take plastic (lining). It washes well, does not absorb moisture, is easy to install, but “ages” a little faster. If you plan everything carefully, it’s not at all difficult to carry out a budget apartment renovation with your own hands.

Bathroom renovations should be approached responsibly

Decorating living rooms

Thanks to the accessibility of the Internet, you can find a lot of options for ideas for decorative transformation of your home. The main thing is not to miss something that can be given a second life. For example, decorating the doors of an old wardrobe with inexpensive full-length mirrors will definitely not be worse than modern “sliding wardrobes”. Apply mosaic, decoupage to the glass doors of Soviet cabinets and sideboards, or paint them in bright, rich colors, and cover them with self-adhesive tape. All this is quite accessible.

Example of restoration of an old cabinet

When the household has a lot of things or objects that need to be kept away from prying eyes, it is necessary to build a so-called wardrobe yourself, simply by attaching sheets of chipboard, OSB boards to special corners, and hiding numerous shelves behind fabric screens of an interesting color or print. A very fashionable option today is to decorate a living room or bedroom with “wicker” curtains. They are easy to make; there are plenty of instructions on the Internet.

“May the renovations in your apartment never end!” - the passer-by throws over his shoulder and goes home. And you stand there and think: “Why is he doing this? Did you wish for wealth or, on the contrary,... tax you?” But really, the issue of repairs is an unpleasant matter for the average citizen. With today's prices for materials and services of construction Jedi, you will have to fork out seriously. And how much time and nerves you will have to spend, and even live in a ruined apartment! You wouldn't wish it on your enemy. But repairs are a vital necessity, and sooner or later you will still have to face them. Some craftsmen, even in times of crisis, still manage to renovate an apartment with their own hands quickly and inexpensively. But how do they manage to do this?

In fact, repairs are not as scary as the attitude towards them. If you are a resourceful, sociable person and know what a grinder, drill and trowel are, there is a high probability that you will succeed. We will devote this article not just to how to choose cheap wallpaper or to dilute glue for it yourself. We will share with you some interesting ideas and finds that will help you make a completely decent apartment renovation with your own hands quickly and inexpensively.

Lying on the couch

A piece of whitewash fell off the ceiling and flopped straight onto the bed? Then one thing is clear: there will be repairs! This means that some amount of money needs to be collected, and then mercilessly spent on materials. So start saving now. There is no need to plan repairs immediately: “I’ll start right tomorrow.” Take a few months off - you will really need them. This way you’ll collect some money, get everything you need, and most importantly, clearly understand for yourself what you really need to replace, paint, glue or remove. An apartment renovation done in a hurry with your own hands will definitely bring its own unhealthy results: it has come unstuck here, it is leaking here, something is missing here, and it is not clear why it is here. In the meantime, start small, but most importantly, with a plan.

Plan + goal = result

Keep a small notebook. In it you will write down all the ideas, prices and phone numbers of stores or specialists. But the main thing is that it will contain a plan for your repair and a cost estimate. The plan needs to reflect all your wishes: for plastic, a suspended ceiling or just whitewashing, new tiles in the bathroom, wallpapering or a couple of new sockets in the kitchen. Write exactly what you want. If you decide on wallpaper, that means wallpaper; if you want decorative plaster, then so be it. Pipes are humming - replace it, a cracked toilet - throw it away. You may think that, based on your desires, you won’t be able to do an apartment renovation with your own hands quickly and inexpensively. But you probably don’t know this, and you’re only forcing yourself into limits. If it works, you’ll do it; if not, it’s not a big loss, it’s just a note in a notebook. Next, start making an estimate: what exactly do you need and in what quantity. How many meters of tiles, grout, bags of putty, wallpaper, chipboard and other things. You can always correct these entries.

To find out exactly what materials, what quality and price you will need, go to online stores and construction forums for help. Carefully study the characteristics and pricing policy, approximately calculate the consumption. And at the same time, learn how to replace a faucet, hang wallpaper or install drywall yourself. Determine for yourself: I can do this myself, but here you need to look for an electrician or plumber. Write it down.

Friends and comrades, or Ode to an instrument

Construction tools cost a lot of money, so it’s better not to spend money on them. Another option is to rent it for a while; it is rented everywhere. And it will be even better if you borrow it from acquaintances, friends or relatives. And be sure to thank the person for their help. How? You know better. Take this opportunity to ask if they can help you decorate your apartment. Especially if your friends are well acquainted with construction literacy. This will also help you do your own apartment renovation quickly and inexpensively, and also with high quality. And your friend will probably make a significant discount for old times sake.

How to buy for free

There are many options. First, remember: it is better to buy materials for apartment renovation in the cold season - the price is much lower. But summer is construction season. In winter, you can come across a 50% discount in construction markets or a “Buy 2, get 3 for free” promotion! This way you can buy the same wallpaper at a low price, but of much better appearance and quality. And if they lie for a couple of months in a dry pantry or closet, then nothing will happen to them.

Explore local forums, especially if you live in a large city. There you will probably find many people who have already done inexpensive apartment renovations with their own hands. You will probably find photos of finishing, tips, addresses and phone numbers of specialists there. And you will also come across the heading “repair” and “remaining materials”. Periodically look at who is selling or giving away interesting things. People often end up with materials after renovation that no one will buy at the sale price, and it’s a pity to throw them away. So, you can buy a couple of bags of putty or even Spanish tiles for a ridiculous price. A person has an extra 2-3 meters left, there is nowhere to put it, but it will do just fine for you in the toilet. There you can also find the remains of a cable or grout “for a chocolate bar”.

More respectable people, when moving into new buildings, often exchange brand new plumbing fixtures or PVC windows for more expensive ones, and these are sold for next to nothing. Why? Because they want “Rehau” or “only France”, and such a window will do just fine for you. Anything is better than the old wooden one. When you get rich, buy yourself a Rehau.

Barter is power!

In war, all means are good. And even more so if you have started an inexpensive apartment renovation with your own hands. By the way, don’t forget to take “before” and “after” photos (just for memory). Each of us is an expert in something. For example, you are a car mechanic, and your neighbor often travels on business trips and does expensive repairs for people. But he hasn’t been able to assemble his car for a month now. Or maybe he got lost, wandering around law offices, and you, as luck would have it, are a lawyer. Help a person with a claim, and he will help you lay tiles or deal with electrical issues. Let it be in the evenings or on weekends - whatever is convenient. The main thing is that it will be completely free for him, and you will be able to renovate your apartment inexpensively with your own hands. Well, or almost our own.

We don't litter

Today you have to pay not only when you buy, but also if you throw away. Have you been remodeling and found yourself with a lot of broken stone and other debris? Order a car for pickup? Stop! Go to the same forum and advertise: “I’ll give away construction waste for free! Pickup." Please provide your phone number and address. They will come, load and take away. Where? Someone is building a house, and they need crushed stone, but it costs money. Your garbage will completely replace it, and most importantly - for nothing. Yes, and good help for you and another piece of advice to add to your collection “how to make renovations in an apartment with your own hands cheaper.”

Are you replacing an old toilet and sink, and where do you plan to throw them away? If they are intact and fully functional, write to the forum: “I’ll give them to the builders. Pickup." You’re not the only one who wants to renovate your apartment quickly and inexpensively. Demand a chocolate bar.

New - well forgotten old

Buying a new bathtub today is expensive, and it is irrational to exchange real cast iron for fragile acrylic. But what to do if your font is frankly yellow in color and has colorful streaks? So, it won’t be possible to renovate your apartment inexpensively? With your own hands you can return the bathtub to its original whiteness! Don't believe me? Go to the store. Buy 5-10 packets of citric acid and durable rubber gloves. Send your family for a walk while you get busy. Pour 5 packets of acid into a liter of boiling water and coat the bathtub and sink with this solution (work only with gloves). Leave for 20 minutes and then wash thoroughly. Your bath will be like new! Don't like the result? Repeat again. If this time fails, then the bathtub will have to be painted. Fortunately, they sell a huge amount of bath paints, and they are easy to work with.

Sleight of hand and no fraud

Well, here are some tips for you on the topic “how to make renovations in an apartment with your own hands cheap and cheerful.” By following such simple tactics, by the time of the planned repair you will have collected the required amount of money, and will even be able to stock up on the necessary materials at the most convenient price. Or maybe you’ll already have time to do some work. Now all that remains is to buy the missing material and complete the plan on the appointed day.

If you reread the first page of your notebook marked “plans,” you will be clearly surprised. It turns out that what seemed overwhelming at first, you can easily master without extra investments. And if something didn’t work out for you, don’t be upset. It’s not without reason that they say that repairs cannot be completed, they can only be suspended.

The author of another story in the “My Housing” section tells how he made renovations in his new 1-room apartment over the course of a year. He attracted qualified craftsmen only to the most critical areas of work. For example, for laying tiles. For the rest, he relied on his own strength, taste and everyday intuition. “I’ll say right away that I didn’t specifically adhere to any particular style. Each room has its own style, but mostly closer to the classics,” writes Victor_IV. The repair itself cost $5-7 thousand, and the same amount was spent on household appliances. We invite you to evaluate the result.

The apartment was bought for a young family, that is, for me and my future wife. I won’t waste time on polemics about the advantages and disadvantages of a 1-room apartment. Everyone understands perfectly well: everyone chooses for themselves, based on their financial capabilities, views, priorities and other factors. Our choice is to buy a 1-room apartment in a new building with a favorable location for us and developed infrastructure.

Apartment with an area of ​​45 sq. m was purchased in a 19-story building.

The appearance of an apartment is always the beginning of a new stage in life. There was some serious work to be done, which I wanted to do with all my heart. The whole arrangement process took us a year. Renovation of the apartment began in the summer of 2010, and we moved in in the summer of 2011.

All that was received from the developer in terms of finishing were double-glazed windows, a metal entrance door and a toilet. The double-glazed windows, fortunately, turned out to be Rehau and, oddly enough, practically without defects. One of them did not close well, but this problem was quickly corrected by adjusting the window. I did not change the front door, since it also turned out to be of good quality and not bad in appearance. By the way, we have 7 apartments on the floor, and no one has replaced these doors in any of them. Here are the first few photos of the apartment without finishing.

First we had to decide: to do a cheap and quick repair or a high-quality, but long-term one. We settled on the second option. I am a design engineer by profession, and I was interested in creating a design project for our apartment myself. Good, high-quality repairs are quite an expensive undertaking, and given the limited budget, it was decided to carry out the repairs step by step and, if possible, on our own. Looking ahead, I will say that the renovation is still not completed, but I estimate its readiness to be approximately 90-95%.

I created a lot of design projects, some of them involved using a large amount of drywall to create various niches, dividing a room into zones, and ceilings of complex shapes. There was an option for a complete redevelopment to make a studio apartment. However, I had to abandon these options due to their complexity and since, I repeat, I was going to do the repairs myself.

Here are some sketches created in one of the computer programs.

Finally, a project was chosen that was compatible with the budget and my capabilities. It was precisely for him that the work began to boil.

The renovation began with the dirtiest work, namely moving sockets and switches. I advise you to immediately buy construction respirators, since you have to breathe only dust. Physically, the work was not easy; I had to sweat a lot. I don’t know how builders do it, I immediately cut the path with a grinder, and then knocked out the middle with a hammer drill. It is advisable to use a construction vacuum cleaner; it will suck out at least a little dust. Otherwise, when working with an angle grinder, after two minutes you cannot see the person standing next to you. For me, the role of a construction vacuum cleaner was performed by the old Soviet vacuum cleaner “Raketa”. There is no need to use imported home vacuum cleaners, as there is a high probability that they will have to be thrown away later.

In addition to the sockets, we had to make several grooves in the floor, in which the antenna cable was hidden. The cable itself was placed in a plastic hose so that it could later be removed if necessary. According to the general plan, the apartment has one large corridor; we decided to divide it into two (large and small) with an arch. Since there was only one light source, we had to make a hole in the ceiling and bring an additional light source into the small corridor. It was dark in the corridor without light, and according to the project there should be a closet there. In the bathroom, the drain pipes had to be hidden in the walls. In principle, it was possible to do this yourself, but we are talking about water, so it was decided to entrust this work to professionals. Several photos of the transfer of sockets.

The next stage is working with drywall. According to the project, plasterboard was used in four places: the ceiling in the hall; decorative through niche in the large and small corridors; a box for ventilation in the toilet and an increase in the wall in the kitchen to install a built-in refrigerator. The whole difficulty was that I had never made a structure from plasterboard before. However, information from the Internet, communication on forums, several consultations with builders and a great desire removed all doubts. It was possible, of course, to make a suspended ceiling, which is more logical for new buildings, but my choice still settled on plasterboard, which I do not regret at all. A lot of time was spent on the drywall (after all, there was not enough experience), but the result turned out better than expected - all the structures came out smooth and durable. Unfortunately, there are not very many photographs.

Decorative niche in the corridor.

Box in the toilet.

The ceiling in the hall.

Then finishing work began. The walls, in principle, were quite smooth, except for one corner, which had to be leveled with plaster, and the remaining surfaces with two layers of putty. Of course, I applied more layers to the plasterboard, since there were many surfaces of complex shapes and in some places my first experience in creating plasterboard structures had an effect. The putty used throughout was "Acrylic Puts", purchased at the construction market in Uruchye.

After all the filling and grinding work and cleaning the apartment from the ubiquitous dust, it was time to lay the ceramic tiles. I must say that I paid great attention to the choice of finishing materials. The materials market has been studied far and wide. Of course, we do not represent all brands, but there is plenty to choose from. As for searching for tiles, I visited almost all places of sale. These include construction markets, where prices are pleasantly pleasing to the eye, and elite showrooms, where any collection causes delight - until you see the cost.

After a long search, the tiles were finally purchased. The toilet and half of the corridor are made from Polish Opoczno tiles, which are quite common here. The bathroom is also made from Polish Paradyz tiles. We bought Russian tiles for the kitchen, I don’t even remember the name, my wife really liked the openwork texture and color. We chose tiles that were available so as not to delay the repair at all. For ceramic tiles, a tiler was hired based on a recommendation. It would be a shame to buy a good tile and then install it in a botched manner.

Tile in the hallway.

In the toilet and bathroom.

In the kitchen.

Some of the wallpaper was bought at Zhdanovichi, the wallpaper in the corridor was brought from Poland at a price several times lower than ours.

They wanted to put a parquet board on the floor, but due to the rather high cost, they had to abandon it and opt for laminate. We chose Egger products, class 32. The laminate was laid without joints between rooms, since the length did not exceed that allowed by the installation rules. Unfortunately, there are no more intermediate photographs of the renovation, so what follows will be photographs of each room after the renovation - so to speak, the result of my efforts with a brief description. I’ll say right away that I didn’t specifically adhere to any particular style. Each room has its own style, but mostly closer to the classics.

Large corridor

The design of the corridor was determined by a molding I saw at a furniture exhibition. The idea of ​​a huge mirror framed with a baguette immediately came to mind. Subsequently, the role of a mirror was played by a cabinet built into the opening. A niche built from plasterboard was also framed with a baguette. A pass-through rack was installed in the niche for storing all sorts of cute trinkets. I bought a baguette in a store. It cost three times less than the imported one in framing workshops. A unique design was applied to the wardrobe mirrors using gold paint in the color of the baguette. I installed the cabinets in the hallways myself; I only ordered the cutting and gluing of the parts from the factory.

The interior doors are Belarusian, classic, veneered, ivory to contrast with the dark wallpaper. The slopes of the metal entrance door did not look good, so I finished them with the same trim and decorative rosettes as the interior doors. Classic solid wood furniture from the Laguna factory fits into the interior very harmoniously. There was a request for a mirror on the wall above the table, so an openwork frame was chosen on the IKEA website and brought to order from Moscow at a price plus 10% of the cost of the product.

Small corridor

The small corridor is designed in a less formal style. Sliding wardrobe - mini-wardrobe. Sliding doors are combined, using opaque glass and wallpaper inserts. The wallpaper insert was glued onto the chipboard base by my wife using PVA glue.

Toilet and bathroom

In the salons where they bought tiles, designers drew designs, but they seemed somehow boring, so they finalized the design themselves. Initially, it was decided to make the bathroom and toilet radically different in style from each other. In the toilet on the top right there was an outlet for the future boiler. There is a removable hatch under the bathtub on the left for access to the drain pipes. We came up with the opening system and mechanism ourselves.

I wanted to make the kitchen as cozy and multifunctional as possible for a 1-room apartment. Therefore, the colors were chosen closer to natural, various shades of brown. Only high-quality materials and fittings were selected: Egger chipboard, plastics for facades and Resopal countertops, Blum fittings. To reduce the cost of the kitchen, I assembled it and installed it at home myself. I bought all the appliances only built-in, so that the kitchen would be a single composition.

My wife is very pleased with the glass work surface - it is easy to clean and looks stylish.

There are no handles on the upper facades; the doors open by pressing. The kitchen table top is made of the same plastic as the kitchen facades. There are Japanese curtains on the windows, bought at IKEA. The price for the entire set including the cornice is a little more than $100. We have curtains of this type, only from other manufacturers, they are much more expensive.

Living room, also known as bedroom, also known as... The room performs many functions, and therefore it was immediately decided to stick to natural colors. Now all that remains is to resolve a few questions about the furniture, I’m still in the process, I don’t want to clutter up the room too much.

Before starting the renovation, I decided to start a notebook to record expenses. But the repairs came just at the time of the second wave of devaluation and a sharp jump in the foreign exchange market. Therefore, I refused to calculate financial investments; it is difficult to estimate real costs in dollar terms. Offhand, we invested approximately $5-7 thousand. This does not include household appliances. The same amount was allocated for its purchase.

Repair is not a very exciting undertaking and also takes a lot of personal time. But seeing the result of my work, I get moral satisfaction. Whatever they say, the family hearth, family life and comfort largely depend on the environment that surrounds you. I tried, I wanted the apartment to be comfortable in addition to its visual appeal, I paid special attention to all the little things, because the smallest and seemingly insignificant things can sometimes radically change the impression of the entire renovation as a whole.

Own housing periodically requires updating. The difficulties associated with this are simple and clear - often it is simply a lack of budget. In addition, the lack of knowledge about a particular technology makes you think about inviting specialists. However, the best way to save money on apartment renovation is to choose budget finishing over expensive ones and do some of the work yourself.

Budget renovation rules

Before deciding to carry out a budget apartment renovation yourself, you should familiarize yourself with the upcoming difficulties that are sure to arise at many stages of the work. What are they:

  1. Apartment owners must have sufficient time for budget repairs. Especially if you have no experience in laying communication lines,... Repair work is timed to coincide with vacations or special days are allocated for this. Spontaneity harms the final result and delays the process. If you hurry, you will make people laugh!
  2. It's important to get it right assess the situation apartments before renovation. Budget painting will not solve problems with the floor and walls if the plaster is in poor condition. The same applies to communication wiring. You shouldn’t count on costing a pretty penny for budget repairs in an apartment with your own hands. Inexpensive decorative materials will become a rational purchase if the rough finishing is done with high quality.
  3. Required price monitoring and a selection of nearby hardware stores. The latter is important, since the cost of delivery sometimes amounts to an impressive amount. You should not get carried away with a very cheap product - a construction field, an unplowed field for counterfeits.
  4. Compose carefully estimate. This will save you from overuse of material and waste, respectively.
  5. And lastly, you cannot skimp on generally dangerous communications. Gas and electrical equipment is installed exclusively by city service specialists. Otherwise, the lesser evil is non-working devices, the greater is the misfortunes associated with this.

Where to start?

So, having decided to independently renovate the apartment on a budget, having assessed their own strengths and means, they begin to work. Here is an algorithm of actions, following which time is spent rationally:

  • The desired plan rooms. The position of communications - electrical outlets - depends on it. If you like, the space is divided into - rest, active life.
  • Old coverings are removed from all surfaces - floor, walls, ceiling. If the windows and doors will not be replaced, then they are also cleaned for the upcoming finishing. To work, you will need a hammer drill, dissolving liquids, spatulas - depending on the raw materials being dismantled. It is recommended to immediately saturate the walls with antiseptics - mold is common in apartments, and besides, this possibility is no longer expected.
  • Laying a new concrete rough screed on the floor - without it it is impossible to arrange a smooth, high-quality floor covering.
  • Satisfied communications– electrical wiring hidden in the walls, sockets and sockets are brought to the surface. They install plastic water and sewer pipes and change the heating system. If provided for in the plan, frames for plasterboard partitions are arranged.

Now the room has taken on the appearance of a rough finish. Solutions vary depending on the previous condition of the apartment. It is important to keep in mind that during the renovation, residents should have the option of an “alternate airfield” for at least a month. Especially when the apartment is small.

Stages of budget renovation

Now the prepared apartment is finished with inexpensive materials. For flooring, planks and multi-layer plywood are chosen - it is environmentally friendly, inexpensive and beautiful, with appropriate processing. In wet rooms you cannot do without tiles - consider substandard or broken ones offered in stores. It's always inexpensive or even free.

For walls - traditional wallpaper or painting. The ceilings are whitewashed and painted. Drywall gives an unusual look to a city apartment. Portals and partitions are made from it. Doors and windows are painted and subjected to many design techniques - aged, decorated with frosted or mosaic glass inserts. So, the work begins:

  • It is generally accepted that finishing begins from the ceiling. This is incorrect, since in the future construction dust rising to the top will settle on it. Removing it later will become problematic. Therefore, they start with the walls or floor.
  • Vertical surfaces - walls, window slopes and ceilings must be leveled. In the future, they will allow you to perfectly evenly cover the area with wallpaper or paint without visible differences. Requires a base and finishing mixture to work.
  • The floor is poured with a finishing screed, having previously installed beacons and reinforcing mesh. Setting time depends on the thickness and consistency of the solution. The finished surface can be used only after 3–4 weeks.
  • Determine the level for installing the logs - a step of no more than 60 cm. For plywood even less - up to 45 cm + transverse lathing. Lay the boards, knocking them towards each other, without gaps. For plywood, the flooring is made in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Paint the walls or cover them with wallpaper. The most budget options are thin paper ones. But the quality is appropriate. Try making your own - it requires an inexpensive finishing mixture and tools to create a pattern or texture. For example, a “bark beetle” will be obtained by smoothing the solution with a grater wrapped in coarse sandpaper. An interesting option is using film. Effective strokes are created with a regular spatula. After drying, the walls are tinted and secured with acrylic varnish - this will make them spectacular.
  • The turn has come. High-quality whitewash is no less relevant than other decorative materials. If you don’t want the mundane, then making a suspended ceiling with your own hands without using special equipment is also budget-friendly. Installing a slatted ceiling made of mirror slats will not only add effect to the room, but will also visually expand it.
  • Lastly, the floor is painted or sanded. The last option will highlight the beauty of the tree.

The renovation is complete. All that remains is to give the room a finished look - install, arrange furniture, lay carpets. Sit on a soft sofa and calculate how much beauty cost you without the participation of professional craftsmen.

We bring to your attention options for budget renovation - before and after photos. Perhaps among them there will be one worthy of repetition.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):