When renovating a bathroom, outdated equipment is replaced, the list of which includes a heated towel rail connected to the heating or hot water supply system. When choosing a new heating device, you need to evaluate not only its visual appeal, but also the strength of the material it is made of. Not every device is able to withstand operating pressure differences that occur in heating system apartment building. It must be taken into account that peak values this indicator can reach up to 10 atmospheres. Therefore, it is so important to know how to choose a heated towel rail and for which technical specifications Products should be given priority attention. It also matters correct installation purchased equipment. Typically, installation of the device is carried out before finishing work begins. finishing works indoors. This is more profitable both in terms of finances and time spent on installation work. Many problems can be solved more easily using electrical models.

After watching the video, you can understand how to choose the right heated towel rail from the variety of models on the market.

What types of heated towel rails are there?

All heated towel rails on the market plumbing equipment, can be divided into three groups.

Water devices

They are initially included in the standard equipment of the bathroom and are a pipe bent in the form of a coil through which circulates hot water. When the hot water supply is turned off, the tubular product cannot be used for its intended purpose until the repair work is completed.

If the device is connected to the heating system, then the period of its use coincides with heating season. This means that the water heated towel rail in this case stands idle for more than three months a year. However, life does not stop for residents apartment buildings we have to look for a replacement for this equipment.

Electric heated towel rails

These devices can be an excellent alternative to water models. After all, they can be operated autonomously, regardless of the functioning of other systems. There are also no strict requirements for the installation location of such equipment. Therefore, you can find electric heated towel rails not only in bathrooms, but also in kitchens and hallways. To operate, such equipment only requires an uninterrupted supply of electricity. Naturally, constant use electrical appliance will lead to an increase in bills for consumed kilowatts.

Combined heated towel rails

These units combine design features water and electrical appliances, therefore they can, if necessary, work in one of two modes. However, many buyers are still put off by the cost of such products.

Important! Having assessed the advantages and disadvantages of each type in relation to individual characteristics your apartment, you can understand how to choose a heated towel rail for the bathroom so that it is beautiful, profitable and functional.

The main nuances of choosing a water heated towel rail

As stated above, technical parameters water models must correspond to the level of operating and pressure testing typical for the water supply system of the house. According to building codes and the rules, as well as the requirements of GOSTs regulating the design of water supply and heating systems of apartment buildings, all used water supply sanitary fittings must be operated at a pressure reaching 6 atmospheres or higher. Although theoretically the water pressure in the system should not exceed 4 atmospheres, in practice this value can range from 2.5 to 7.5 atmospheres depending on the number of floors of the building, its location, and the state of utilities.

Pay attention! Before buying a water heated towel rail, you need to find out the pressure in the water supply system of your home, add a few points for possible water hammer and select the device taking this information into account. Remember that all important technical parameters are indicated by the manufacturer in the product passport.

For country house With autonomous systems water supply and heating, the pressure in which does not exceed 2-3 atmospheres, the choice of a heated towel rail is not so difficult, so you can buy any model.

Why are imported models interesting?

The diameter of the pipes of imported equipment differs from the diameter of domestic heated towel rails, which makes the products more elegant and expressive. In addition, the color range of devices from foreign manufacturers is much more diverse. It expands the possibilities non-standard design bathroom interior.

They bribe products imported to Russian market from other countries, a variety of forms:

    • MP-shaped models;
    • M-shaped;
    • U-shaped;

all kinds of ladders (including those with side connections, with ribs of different types and other configurations).

Imported models of heated towel rails are distinguished by bizarre shapes and different sizes

When choosing a shape, do not forget about the size. After all, the presence free space in the room affects which water heated towel rail is best to choose for the bathroom.

Particularly attracting the attention of Russians are rotary models produced by the companies DM (Germany), Global Ship (Italy), Korin (Finland), LVI (Sweden), Varmos (Norway). Their peculiarity is that the products can be installed perpendicular to the wall, at the same time, they can be moved in both directions, because the rotation angle is 180 degrees. White, gold-plated, chrome-plated swivel heated towel rails can decorate any room.

Important! The presence of shut-off valves, which allow servicing devices, releasing excess pressure and eliminating air pockets, is an integral part of imported devices. These measures contribute to uniform heating of the device along its entire length.

Also popular with Russian buyers German equipment such well-known brands as Art-Tec, Zehnder, Emco and Arbonia. Each consumer decides for himself which company to choose a heated towel rail from the listed brands, the main thing is that the devices withstand operation taking into account Russian conditions and did not fail ahead of time.

Influence of manufacturing material on service life

The quality of water used in Russian water supply systems leaves much to be desired. Models made of stainless steel can withstand the corrosive effect of the coolant. The top surface of stainless steel products can be chrome-plated, polished or painted.

Painted heated towel rails are the most affordable, while polished appliances are very expensive. Equipment made of non-ferrous metals (brass, copper, aluminum) is inferior in terms of duration of use.

Advice! Stainless steel products are popular, so they are often counterfeited. In order not to run into defective equipment, it is necessary to carefully inspect the quality welds, and also require documentary evidence of the origin of the goods.

Stainless steel heated towel rails are different long term operation

It is advisable to purchase heated towel rails made of ferrous metals for country cottages equipped with individual heating systems. Because when used in apartments multi-storey buildings devices made of ferrous metals are corroded by corrosion, clogged with salts and other impurities present in the coolant, and deposited in the form of a solid sediment on inner surface pipes

It is worth paying attention to devices manufactured by the companies Zehnder, Arbonia, Kermi in Germany, as well as the Czech company Korado and Russian enterprise KZTO.

Knowing the material used to make the device, as well as the degree of its resistance to corrosion processes, you can understand which heated towel rail to choose and how many this equipment will last approximately.

Safety of operation of electric models

If there is no possibility of connecting a water device in the room, then which heated towel rail is best to use? Electric, of course. The undeniable advantages of these models include:

  • beauty of design design;
  • no leaks;
  • independence from pressure in the hot water supply system;
  • ease of installation;
  • freedom in choosing the installation location;
  • heating temperature regulation;
  • enable/disable if necessary, etc.

However, there is a significant drawback, which is associated with the difficulty of safely connecting any electrical appliance in the bathroom in conditions higher level humidity. To eliminate the possibility of human injury electric shock, installation work must be carried out professional electrician using hidden wiring and special sockets built into the wall of the room.

Important! Electricity consumption directly depends on the power of the heating element of an electric heated towel rail, which can vary from 100 to 2000 W. Because modern models turn on and off automatically when the specified parameters are reached, it is possible to use energy resources economically.

Painted models of heated towel rails make the interior of the room brighter and more unusual

This equipment is produced by Russian and foreign manufacturers, and which heated towel rail is better to choose specifically, each buyer must decide for himself. Domestic models inferior in design, but also cheaper. Imported devices are distinguished by beauty, functionality and, accordingly, higher cost.

It is advisable to buy a device and order its installation in one place, so that a single company is fully responsible for its operation. Otherwise, the seller may say that the equipment failed due to errors made during installation. When making claims, the installation company will blame the seller for supplying, in their opinion, a low-quality product. To exclude this scenario, you can entrust a representative of the installation organization with the selection of suitable equipment from a technical point of view. The appearance of the heated towel rail is, of course, determined by the owner of the apartment.

When decorating a bathroom - necessary, I would even say necessary thing is a heated towel rail. After all, it really has a lot of benefits - drying your things, warming up the room (and it does this really well), if you have a heated towel rail, then the occurrence of fungi on the walls is reduced significantly. In general, you need to install it (be sure to read the article -), but which one to choose the real question arises, when I was choosing, I visited a bunch of different stores and today I am telling you useful information

First, a little definition.

Heated towel rail This is a heating device that is used mainly in the bathroom (for drying clothes, towels, and also for heating the bathroom). It is a bent pipe made of chrome or non-ferrous metals, mainly connected to a hot water supply (hot riser). If there is no hot water in the house, then a dryer that is heated by electricity can be used.

When choosing a heated towel rail, you need to solve several problems.

1) Connection type

3) Material

4) Price - quality

And now in more detail...

1) Heated towel rail connection type

As I already wrote, there are two main connection methods - to the main hot water riser and electric (to a regular outlet). To be fair, it is worth noting that now a third type is beginning to appear - combined (it performs the functions of both an electric and flow-through heated towel rail).

Flow-through (or water) heated towel rail - the most common one, it is connected to a hot water supply pipe and is heated from this water. IN big houses The water circulates through the pipes, so the risers and heated towel rail are always hot.


- does not use electricity


- if there is no hot water - accordingly cold

- limited mounting space, installation anywhere is not so easy, you need to pull pipes, and this is not always possible. And if the pipes are not installed correctly, then it will not heat up, or it will be very bad.

Electric heated towel rail – is gaining popularity, is installed mainly in houses where there is no hot water (for example, “Khrushchev” buildings, private houses, etc.). It does not cut into the main water supply system - to heat the water, it uses a heating element inside, which heats the liquid in which the heated towel rail is filled (usually oil) - then this heat is transferred to the walls.


— independent of hot water supply, no pipes needed for connection

- can be installed anywhere, not only in the bathroom, but also in the kitchen, for example.


— It consumes electricity, albeit a little, as manufacturers assure about 150 - 200 W, but still!

- In wet rooms you need to comply with the requirements for the placement of electrical appliances, I touched on this a little in the article - (be sure to read if you are considering the electric option).

A short video about electric heated towel rails

Combined heated towel rail – this option combines the advantages of flow-through dryers and the advantages of electric dryers; it is connected to the central water supply system, but if there is no hot water, it can be connected to an outlet. The disadvantages are that it is not so common on the shelves of the city, it is a relatively new product.

2) Shape

Now let's talk a little about the form, here, as they say, guys taste and color. There are dozens, if not hundreds of heated towel rails in shapes and sizes. However, you need to understand that the larger the heated towel rail, the better heating and drying clothes. Therefore, I advise you to choose the so-called ladders (made in the form of a ladder) . Laundry can be placed just like on a stationary dryer. YES, it warms up the bathroom better, thanks to its area.

If you don’t like the ladder, you can take it - less practical, but cheaper. There are models in which additional holders for clothes are installed on the pipe, thereby increasing the usable area.

There is a form staples (or also called horseshoe) - they are the cheapest, but also the most stupid - the guys are really not practical. Just a single pipe, which is bent radially into a bracket, is suitable for drying one towel, look at the photo for an example.

In general, there are really a lot of shapes, there are even in the shape of a circle, a triangle, etc. When choosing a shape, you need to clearly understand that the more crossbars and protrusions, the larger area drying.

3) Material

The most important thing in the operation of a heated towel rail is the material, because this is really the key to long-term operation without replacement. As a rule, all heated towel rails are made from various metals. But you need to take only high-quality options.

When buying an apartment, as a rule, you have the usual metal options, no one will install heated towel rails made of stainless steel, much less copper or brass. This is an ordinary bent pipe, painted over with ordinary paint. The appearance of such a dryer, and performance characteristics they leave much to be desired, so we put it in a landfill (take it to the nearest metal collection center), but we put it in a normal and aesthetic way.

Regular steel – there are models made of ordinary steel, usually coated with chrome on top. Such options are the cheapest, but also the most short-lived; under the influence of water, such heated towel rails quickly fail and begin to leak. Average term service 5 years.

– as well as from ordinary steel, there are chromed options, but there are also painted ones. These options last much longer due to the fact that they are less susceptible to water. Service life is from 10 to 15 years.

Copper, brass or aluminum heated towel rails - these are the most practical models in terms of resistance to water. They rust for a very, very long time, and therefore can last up to 25 years. However, these types have another problem: heated towel rails made from such materials are the most fragile, they are deformed even with the slightest effort, so you need to be very careful with them.

A short video on material and shape

4) Price - quality

The final point of our article. So, What kind of heated towel rail corresponds to price and quality? My choice - having visited many stores, I came to the conclusion that the heated towel rail should be made of stainless steel (because ordinary steel is not practical, but cheap, and copper, brass, aluminum are expensive and very fragile) for such options there is a guarantee of five years, must have the shape of a ladder (due to its practicality), and must also be connected to a regular hot water riser, electric options I'm not interested.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this is exactly what I bought, I am very pleased, it looks great! I also recommended it to a friend, he is also happy! Such heated towel rails are also convenient because you can remove them at any time. air lock(be sure to read this article).

And that’s all, I think my great article really helped you.

Any normal bathroom has a heated towel rail. But this thing is not always located exactly in the place where we would like to see it. Changing pipe layout is time-consuming and expensive. The issue can be solved much easier by installing one of stylish models electric heated towel rails. To make your life a little easier, we have compiled a rating of the most worthy ones from an extensive list of manufacturers of such products. But first you need to familiarize yourself with the technical side of the issue. Let's get started!

3 good reasons not to pass by

Already from the name it is clear the difference between a water and electric heated towel rail. To be sure: in the first, hot water flows, which we use in everyday life, in the second, heating is carried out using tubular electric heaters or a heating cable. The only disadvantage is that you have to consume energy, whereas in a water device this is solved using the capabilities of hot water supply. But there are many more advantages:

  • can be placed at any time convenient place(there are restrictions, but they are few) without carrying out complex plumbing and repair work;
  • you can adjust the temperature of the heating surface, turn it on and off whenever you want;
  • you can change the position of the device if the design allows it. The same applies to the appearance of the product - you definitely won’t find such variety among ordinary water products!

IN short video Below is an introductory part to get acquainted with the types of such equipment.

About the design, features, design

It seems that everything is clear, you just need to choose another heater that will not only heat the room, but also dry your clothes. First of all we're talking about about the size of the device, because if you plan to use it for drying towels, then the size should correspond to these same towels. But let's look at all this in more detail. A “compact” table will help us with this.

Varieties electric dryers for towels
Selection criterion Options What you need to consider
Power* from 40 W to 600 W The greater the power, the more heat is generated and the higher the energy consumption. On average, it is believed that cubic meter The room needs 50 W of power. Armed with this knowledge, it is easy to estimate optimal parameters electrical equipment. If the task is not to heat the room, then you can approach the choice more simply - estimate the size of the towels.
Material stainless steel Polished low carbon stainless steel is the latest word in plumbing fixtures. Stylish appearance and durability at a high price.
enamelled steel/brass The solution is comparable in durability to the option above. If you can live without mirror shine, then you will like the abundance of all kinds of colors.
chrome steel/brass The popularity of this material is falling every year: the coating is short-lived, despite initial impressions. If our words are not confirmed, then this means you have purchased something really expensive made of brass.
Location stationary The most common option, classic. You simply install it like a regular water heated towel rail and hardly notice the difference. Of course, in addition to the benefits described above.
turning Allows you to use the volume of the room, which is very convenient if this volume is available. The moving parts are really a plus, especially if you install the device in the corner of the bathroom.
floor Rather, a subtype of conventional heaters with a limited upper heating temperature. The advantage is mobility. Disadvantage: it takes up useful space.
Heating element heating cable Used in rotary models or products with a simple contour, for example U-, S-, W-shaped. Heats up faster, cools down faster.
heating element Used in stationary ladder-type models and derivatives. Using a tubular element, oil or propylene glycol is heated, acting as a coolant. Heating occurs more slowly, but the pipes do not cool down as quickly.
Combined type (DHW + electricity) Combines the capabilities of water and electric heaters. This approach has a positive effect on energy savings.
Network connection ordinary The standard connection, as for all electrical appliances, is to a power outlet.
hidden wiring Connection without a plug, in which you can achieve such a result that a stranger will not immediately understand that this is an electric heated towel rail.
Thermostat with/without thermostat All models come with a thermostat to maintain the unit's temperature. Typically this value is around 60 degrees. Models with a thermostat allow you to fine-tune the temperature.
Design Features with or without shelf, geometry: “ladder”, “zigzag”, “cascade”, etc. The presence of a shelf opens additional features: drying shoes and hats. The heating surfaces themselves have a variety of geometries and the choice here is entirely up to the consumer.

*Power needs to be mentioned separately. We are often asked whether low-power models really exist and how much electricity such devices consume per month. According to manufacturers, some models consume no more energy than an incandescent lamp. For comparison, let’s take a 100 W lamp and the same heater. Let's assume that the device will work around the clock, then in a month at a power of 100 W it will turn on the meter: 24 * 30 * 100 = 72 kW. This is really a lot. However, in practice, such devices operate no more than six hours a day, so the resulting value must be divided by 4. Total: 18 kW. You can easily calculate the consumption for any dryer you are interested in.

Now, as for the companies involved in the production of these products.

Very often when renovating a bathroom, you want to replace all the outdated plumbing fixtures, including the water coil that has long since become obsolete.

Today on the market you can find huge amount the most different models water-type heated towel rails for the bathroom, which differ from each other not only in technical characteristics, but also in appearance. It should be borne in mind that not every unit is able to withstand operating pressure differences, the peak values ​​of which can reach up to 10 atmospheres. Therefore, when choosing a water heated towel rail, first of all pay attention to the technical characteristics and material of the product.


In this article we want to tell you which water-type heated towel rail to choose, analyzing the sanitary ware in detail, both in appearance and in terms of the material of manufacture.

By appearance

According to their appearance, water heated towel rails can be divided into several different types. TO standard models These include those units that have the appearance of a curved pipe. With their shape, such products can resemble the letter “M” or “P”. Very often you can find models in the form of a ladder or a zigzag, and in lately became more popular modern options, when the device can have the most different shapes and size.

Model of a water heated towel rail in the shape of the letter M

An alternative would be if the number of hangers on the drying device corresponds to the number of people living in the house, and the distance between the hangers is sufficient.

At the same time, sellers can also offer more modern ones - a modernized heated towel rail. Such models are not much different, but additionally have functionality such as shelves.

Modern designer water heated towel rails, which ones are better, photos

Designer types of products have just begun to gain popularity recently. They can have quite original and, often, unique shapes - for example, stairs different sizes. Thus, a practical device can become a real decoration for the bathroom, bring a bright and original note to the interior, or emphasize a certain style.

According to the material used to make the heated towel rail

If, when choosing a water-type product, you focus not only on its shape and technical characteristics, then you can note one more important nuance. When purchasing, always pay attention to what material it is made of.

Tips on how to choose a heated towel rail for a bathroom based on the material it is made of

Today you can find products that are made of iron, steel, stainless steel, as well as various kinds non-ferrous metals. From which better material choose this plumbing fixture for drying clothes in the bathroom, we want to tell you below.

Water heated towel rails made of iron and then painted are among the cheapest products, but their service life is very short. If you do not have enough funds, then an iron unit is the most suitable option for you.

Heated towel rails, which are made of stainless steel, are very reliable and can serve their owner for a very long time. for a long time. The advantages of these products include the fact that they can withstand quite high blood pressure and are not susceptible to corrosion. The disadvantages include their high cost, because they are several times more expensive than copper or steel products. But on the market you can also find budget analogue- This is a painted version to look like stainless steel. Although such a product, with frequent use, very quickly loses its attractive appearance.

Water heated towel rails made of non-ferrous metals - bronze photo

If we talk about brass or copper heated towel rails, they do not corrode and are much cheaper than their stainless steel counterparts. At the same time, the permissible pressure that such a water device can easily withstand is 5-6 Bar. In this connection, they are suitable for those private houses where the water pressure does not exceed 2 - 4 atmospheres.

Steel units have gained great popularity due to the fact that they have enough low cost. This is where the advantages of steel heated towel rails end. Some time after use, the first traces of corrosion can be seen on them. It would be ideal for such a device to be completely filled with water. Otherwise, even in small voids, active accumulation of oxygen will begin, which causes very rapid oxidation of the pipes.

Steel heated towel rail ladder type photo

A very simple example can be given in this situation. For example, a steel water heated towel rail was purchased for a private home and it was connected to the hot water supply system and installed directly in front of the washbasin. After some time, you may notice that rather cloudy water begins to flow from the tap. This can be explained by the fact that the pressure that needs to be applied to the mixer is several times less than what is needed to fully fill the plumbing fixture with water.

This leads to a gradual accumulation of oxygen, then the oxidation process occurs, which causes very muddy water. Experts recommend connecting such a water device to a central heating system.

Water heated towel rail, which one to choose, important points

If you want to purchase the most economical model, then you can stop at standard options- M or U-shaped. Such heated towel rails are also perfect if your bathroom has small size. In such a situation, you will not need to change the pipes or separate them. It is enough to simply connect the device to them, and it begins to function immediately, and you can quickly use it for its intended purpose.

To heat the room and dry it large number for towels and linen, choose heated towel rails that have fairly wide pipes and are made of stainless steel. When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the appearance of the product. If it somewhat resembles a radiator, then it only needs to be installed to the heating system.

At the same time, when choosing a water heated towel rail, pay attention to the fact that it can withstand quite sharp and large pressure drops, various types of water hammer and does not succumb to corrosion. If you have absolutely no idea about installing these products, then be sure to seek help from a professional. This will save you from further repeated repairs or even replacement of the unit.

What to look for before purchasing a plumbing fixture video

Now water heated towel rails are modern and practical devices that will make your life easier and simpler. Water units, in contrast, have a number of advantages and a large assortment. You can find a product of different prices, and numerous designs give each person the opportunity to choose something original for themselves.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):