According to the UK's Direct Marketing Association, every £1 spent on email marketing in 2015 generated £38 in return. Want to achieve the same results, but don't know how to write a letter to a client?Then use the bestsample letters to clients,which we have collected for you in this review.

How to write a letter to a client correctly

You think about your customers all the time, but it's not mutual. To capture their attention and get ahead of your competitors, you need to regularly remind yourself. Emails do this very well. According to the authors of the Pipedrive blog, there are several tricks that can work in your favor:

  1. Patience and more patience. Bring your potential buyer closer to the deal gradually by regularly sending him .
  2. Agree on strategy in sending letters to clients with the marketing department, so as not to be too intrusive and not to clog the client’s mailbox with repeated information.
  3. Use a CRM system. It will simplify the technical side of communication with clients and speed up work with mail.

A CRM system is a convenient program that helps keep records of clients and transactions, records all calls, and also helps to conveniently organize correspondence with the client. For example, the program integrates with the mail service (you can connect an unlimited number of mailboxes) and allows you to save the correspondence history directly in the counterparty’s card. If a new client has written to you, you can create a deal card directly from the incoming letter.

And now the most interesting thing: to send a letter to a client from CRM, you don’t even have to type text. Using the document designer, you can create a set of letters for all occasions and send them to clients in two clicks. SalesapCRM will insert the client’s name and other data into the email. Want to know more? Then press .

Letters to clients: examples and ready-made samples

We have compiled a selectionbusiness letters to clients,which you can take as a sample. All you have to do is add details to them.

1. Are you writing to a potential client for the first time? Send this short message:

Letter subject: Perhaps you are our new client

Hello, [Name].

We [brief information about the company].

If this interests you, I am ready to discuss the possibility of cooperation. Let us know what time would be convenient for you to call.


2. Tell your potential client about your successful experience of cooperation with his competitors:

Letter subject: Keep up with your competitors

Hello, [Name].

We work successfully with [competitor of X and Y] V [field of activity] already [so much time] and together we achieved good results. You can find detailed information about them here [link to case/review].

We will be glad if you join us.


3. If you received contacts of potential clients at a business event, send themoffer lettersuchsample:

Letter subject: More about our company

Hello, [Name].

I hope you liked it too [event], and would like to thank you for your interest in [Company name].

I am attaching more detailed information about our company. I will be happy to discuss all your questions over the phone.


Reminder letters

4. Some time after sending letters to clients offering services or additional information remind about yourself:

Letter subject: Is there something you want to discuss?

Hello, [Name].

I hope that you had the opportunity to read my previous letter and become more familiar with [additional information].

Do you have any questions or thoughts about my proposal? I will be happy to discuss them over the phone or in person. When will you have time for this?


5. If you can show the effectiveness of your proposal with numbers, then share them in letters to company clients. Facts convince better.

Letter subject: A few facts you might not know about [Company name]

Hello, [Name].

I recently sent you a letter about [Company name], and I think we could be useful [your company].

Our clients are seeing growth [specify indicators] when used [name of product and service]. We also offer [tell us about promotions] And [mention other great deals].

If you would like to know more details, please let us know and we will arrange negotiations by phone or in person.

I'm looking forward to your answer.


6. Offer clients a trial period or free samples. Buyers are more willing to make a deal if they test the product first.

Letter subject: Gift for your company

Hello, [Name].

A few days ago I sent you information about [the product's name] and now I propose to try it in action.

I have created/attached some guest logins/free samples/vouchers that can be used to access/receive [product or service]. Share them with your colleagues. It would be interesting to hear their opinion.

I will be happy to discuss everything in more detail over the phone or in person. I'm sure we can really be useful to you in [field of activity].


7. If you are not sure that you are corresponding with an employee authorized to negotiate, ask him to help reach the decision-maker:

Letter subject: I hope you can direct me to the right person

Hello, [Name].

A few days ago I sent you a letter about [company or product] and now I doubt that I came to the right address.

Is it you who makes decisions on the issue that interests me? If not, could you help me contact the right person at your company?

Waiting for your reply.

8. Use this text of the letter to the client if, after meeting with him, you want to inquire about his future plans:

Letter subject: Your plans

Hello, [Name].

Thank you for your time. Now I would like to know how you see further discussion of our issue.

If you are still interested, please inform us of your plans.

Waiting for your reply.


9. After meeting with the client, remind him of the following stages of negotiations:

Letter subject: Action plan for the near future

Hello, [Name].

Thank you for taking the time - today's meeting was very productive. Let me briefly remind you what we will do next:

[Date of]: I will send you [contract/full set of documents].

[Date of]: You will pass on your comments and wishes to me.

[Date of]: We will make all final changes and sign the agreement.

If you need to discuss anything before this date, please let me know.

10. Composesuchletter to client, if during the meeting he wanted to receive additional information:

Letter subject: Information on your request

Hello, [Name].

We were glad to meet personally with representatives of your organization. I promised to send you additional information about [question]- they are in the attached file.

Ready to answer any questions. Feel free to call me at [number] anytime or write to this address.


If the client does not contact

11. If the client does not answer the phone call , use the followingletter writing sample:

Letter subject: Couldn't contact you

Hello, [Name].

I wanted to discuss with you [question], but you are probably busy. Please call me back at [number] or let me know when it’s convenient for you so that I can call.


12. Didn’t get through to the client and left him a voice message? Complete it with the following letter:

Letter subject: Didn't get through to you

Hello, [Name].

I recently called you to discuss [question].


13. If a customer persists in not responding across all channels, they may have a lot on their plate. Use this template - even a very busy person can find a couple of seconds to answer:

Letter subject: Short answer required

Hello, [Name].

Unfortunately, I can’t contact you in any way. I assume that you are very busy or are no longer interested in our services.

Please indicate the appropriate answer in your response:

  1. Please leave me alone!
  2. Too busy, write to me again in a month please.
  3. I will contact you myself.


14. If you want to unobtrusively remind about yourself, share with the client information that will be useful to him:

Letter subject: Useful information for your business

15. If the client delays payment, remind him of this:

Letter subject: Delay of payment

Hello, [Name].

[Date of] I sent you an invoice by email. Payment has not yet been received, so please inquire if your finance department has received our invoice? If necessary, I will resend it. I expect payment from you within a week.

Thank you for your help.


These templates will save you time to actually communicate with clients. And to achieve greater effect, automate the creation and distribution of templates via . right now - it's free and only takes a couple of minutes.

The Russian fish market has been a good platform for us for many years for successful business. Moreover, we not only supply individual fish processing machines, but recently our customers are increasingly demanding from us a comprehensive redevelopment of existing production facilities and the development of new projects from scratch. This is where we benefit from our extensive experience in the areas of hygiene, processing and design from warehouse to shipping. In the field of ensuring maximum shelf life when it comes to freezing and salting, as well as in the technological field, our competence is increasingly valued and in demand.

Thanks to the ever-increasing quantity of fish, primarily from aquaculture and gradually increasing fish stocks, the demand for fish processing equipment from fishermen and fish breeders is constantly growing. More and more customers are turning from fish suppliers to fish processors. This is due to the fact that any products made from fish allow you to earn more than just selling raw fish.

Another important trend in recent years is product packaging. If previously most fish products went on sale without packaging, now the retail requirement is an attractively packaged product that can be stored on a store shelf for a long time. We also have interesting technologies in this area: together with our partner SEALPAC we are developing new solutions that meet individual requirements and customer wishes.

Analyzing the features of Russian fishing, you probably draw your own conclusions that will allow you to increase the efficiency of your work in the Russian Federation. What trends in Russian fisheries that are decisive in your work in Russia could you highlight?

The Russian fishing fleet used to be one of the best in the world. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this situation, unfortunately, changed for the worse. But over the past few years, the industry has again begun to actively develop and increase its pace. Nowadays, many ships and fish processing enterprises located on land need to modernize their existing capacities, since they can no longer cope with the volumes and do not correspond to the modern level of technical equipment of ships and production facilities in other countries. With today's catch quotas, it is increasingly important to process and freeze caught fish as quickly and efficiently as possible. We try to help our customers understand what they really need and offer optimal solutions in terms of efficiency, quality and price.

As mentioned above, Russian fish processing is now actively developing after a long period of stagnation; government support and the desire of fish market participants to bring the industry to good performance are noticeable. In general, fish processing in Russia has long traditions that are worth remembering and using in industry, perhaps somehow modifying, developing and improving them.

Recently, many of our customers have expressed a desire to export their products to the European Union. For this purpose, certain hygiene regulations must be met, which is why most of our customers are now rethinking their hygiene concepts and, of course, find in us a knowledgeable partner who can help with advice and action.

As for the further development of fish processing, we hope that this is only the beginning of the successful progressive development of the industry, which can bring it to its former very high level.

At the end of our conversation, I would like to wish you further success in the processing market and ask, probably, the main question - what allows the SCHALLER LEBENSMITTELTECHNIK® company to maintain its brand for so many years and stand out from others?

We try to take into account and accurately fulfill the wishes of our customers. At the same time, it is necessary to work in great detail and individually with each specific client in order for him to receive what he really needs. After concluding a contract, we do not leave the customer alone, we continue to help him bring his ideas to life with the help of our technical and technological know-how, equipment and spices. For many years we have been offering comprehensive solutions, allowing us to cover all aspects of fish processing. We pay an important role to service - if a customer has a problem or needs a spare part for a machine, we are always ready to help. Schaller Lebensmitteltechnik® puts the wishes of its customers at the forefront, and they, for their part, greatly value this attitude.

All this is part of our success in the market, along with the high professional competence of our employees, the extensive range of equipment offered and excellent technological products. That is why, despite the crisis, we remain one of the leading suppliers in the field of fish processing in Russia.


Do you read commercial offers that come to your email? How many of the sentences that you started reading did you find interesting? Do you think your business proposal will not suffer the same fate?

It is rare to come across a truly good and interesting commercial proposal... An offer that is pleasant to read, consider and, of course, agree to cooperate with the company making this offer. For the most part, commercial offers are replete with template phrases that are found in every 2-3 options.

Check your commercial proposal for template phrases!

Template phrases

  1. Individual approach

    This phrase comes up too often, but no one can say for sure what it means. What is this individual approach? Talk about this in your business proposal.

  2. Flexible terms of cooperation

    What are these conditions? Be more specific: “Discounts up to 30% for regular customers” or “New customers: first delivery free.”

  3. Wide range of products (wide range of services)

    Give specific numbers: “Our assortment includes up to 3,000 items of goods.”

  4. Turnkey installation

    It would be better if you add a block with a list of services to your commercial offer or tell us how you work (the process from order to delivery).

  5. Prices are below market prices (the prices will pleasantly surprise you)

    Add price for comparison:
    “The average factory price is 6,000. Our price is 5,100!”
    “The average price on the market is 10,000. Our price is 9,200!”

  6. Flexible discount system

    Give examples of discounts: “When ordering over 10,000 rubles, you receive a 15% discount.”

  7. Guaranteed quality (European quality)

    Tell us what can confirm the quality of your product: research data, statistics, long-term warranty, etc.

  8. Team of professionals (highly qualified specialists)

    Provide evidence of the qualifications of your employees: “There are no employees on our team with less than 5 years of experience.”

  9. Market leader

    Show your awards, certificates, numbers that show your position in the market.

  10. Years of experience (rich experience)

    And again, convincing figures: “In 15 years, we have served more than 8,000 clients.”

  11. High level of service

    “Each of our clients is assigned a personal manager.”

  12. Reliable company (reliable supplier)

    Show evidence of your company's reliability: logos of famous customers, a return guarantee if goods are damaged, a money-back guarantee, etc.

  13. We offer (we are ready to offer...)

    Replace the words “we offer”, “are ready to offer” with calls for “consider”, “order”, “download”, “go to the site”, etc.

  14. From the best Russian manufacturers

    Why not indicate the names of these same manufacturers? It sounds much more convincing!

And now the final question!

How many times does the word “we” appear in your business proposal, and how many times does “you” appear? If “we” is used more often, then the proposal does not disclose the benefits that the client receives by working with you, and without this there is no good commercial proposal.

Dear clients, our dear friends! On this New Year, I would like to sincerely thank you for your attention to us, interest in what we do and, of course, for your endless trust! I congratulate you on this magical holiday and wish you prosperity in business, well-being in your personal life, more joint projects and successful completion of all the projects you have started!

Dear clients, we sincerely congratulate you all on the New Year! There is no better gift for us than to see you satisfied and happy. We wish you the realization of your goals, inspiration, warmth, joy and more memorable events! Let's not stop there, because in the new year only luck and success await us. Happy holiday!

May this coming year bring you good luck! Let its onset mark the beginning of something new, important and successful. We wish you stability in all matters, successful outcome in all endeavors and prosperity in any area of ​​life. Thank you for your attention, understanding and trust. We hope that you will definitely stay with us in the New Year. Happy holiday!

Happy New Year, our dear, best and most wonderful clients! On this wonderful holiday, we want to wish you real miracles in life, as well as good health to you and your families, attention, care, warmth, love and happiness. May this year be luxurious, kind, joyful and rich in holidays, acquisitions, good luck and bright emotions for you!

Dear Clients! Happy New Year! May the coming year give you all joy, good news, fruitful ideas, joyful moments. We want to wish you all the best. We hope that the New Year will bring you and me even stronger business relationships, and we will try to continue to delight you with our work. During our cooperation with you, you have become more than clients for us. You have become true friends to us. Happy holiday to you!

Dear friends, we are glad to enter the new year with you! Let me congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and wish you and your families health, success and prosperity. So that the new year brings new victories and achievements, so that your most cherished wishes come true. And we will continue to help you achieve your goals, giving you the best we have. Sincerely yours (company name).

Dear friends, Happy New Year! In the coming year, we wish you peace, goodness, health, as much warmth and comfort as possible, inexhaustible vitality, and achievement of your goals. May the new year be accompanied only by positive emotions and significant events.

Dear clients, Happy New Year! We wish you comfort in your home, joy in your soul, love in your heart and the highest quality in your choice. Be happy in the new year, healthy, cheerful and optimistic. Live in complete abundance and prosperity. And remember, in the new year we are always happy to see you and are always waiting for you!

Happy holidays, dear clients! Thank you for choosing us and allowing us to have a special place in your hearts. Your trust and support have made us more confident, but there is still a lot to improve to make you even happier. After all, each of our clients is a friend whom we are always happy to see, wish him well and care about his happiness. Welcome to us in the New Year!

Our dear clients! We express our gratitude, gratitude and warmest wishes to you. Let there be only luck, success and a wonderful mood in your life. Happy New Year!


    About the company………………………………………………………………………………..4

    1. Custom-made furniture in the Shlyager furniture studio……………………………...5

    About the customer……………………………………………………………………..9

2.1. Customer wishes……………………………………………………...9

2.2. Pre-project situation……………………………………………………………...10

    Analysis of similar design solutions…………………………………..11

3.1. Analogs of artistic and imaginative interior solutions………………11

3.2. Analogues in terms of planning solutions and functional zoning…………………………………………………………………………………..13

3.3. Style-forming elements of the interior………………………………...14

    Description of the project……………………………………………………………..15

    1. Plans………………………………………………………………………………...16

4.1.1. Plan with dimensions before redevelopment of the apartment…………………16

4.1.2. Plan with the dimensions of the opening after redevelopment of the apartment.......17

4.1.3. Plan with arrangement of equipment and floor covering…………..18

4.1.4. Plan with lighting and ceiling covering………………………...18




List of references………………………………………………………...24


This project was completed during the period of industrial practice of the Department of Design, gr. 831191. To complete my internship, I was sent to the Shlyager furniture studio, where I later received a design assignment.

A preliminary design for the design of the kitchen interior in a one-room apartment in Tula was completed.

The purpose of creating this project was to develop a kitchen in a small one-room apartment, taking into account the wishes of customers. The customers are a young couple without children.

The main wishes of the customers were: the presence of a bar counter, a rounded set and the combination of a kitchen and a room. Customers also presented a specific color scheme in which they want to see the interior of their future kitchen.

Thus, when designing this interior, I was entirely guided by the presence of certain certainties.

I collected similar design solutions. After discussing some analogues with customers, the project situation became more detailed. Following the wishes of the young couple, the interior was made in warm colors.

1. About the company.

The Shlyager furniture studio was created more than 12 years ago and during this time it has implemented about 10,000 furniture projects. Thanks to the organization of its own furniture workshop, this company can fulfill the wishes of customers in the shortest possible time. They guarantee the high quality of their products, which they provide thanks to the accuracy of measurements, high-tech production, highly qualified personnel and extensive experience in working with various materials. This approach allows the company to fulfill individual customer orders and produce furniture that fits perfectly into the space of the room, is individual, reliable and functional.

The Shlyager furniture studio produces sliding wardrobes, cabinet and built-in wardrobes, and dressing rooms. The furniture studio makes furniture for the kitchen, children's rooms, hallways, living rooms and bedrooms. In addition, we implement individual furniture projects for businesses, such as reception desks and partitions.

The main regions of work are Tula and the Tula region, Moscow and the Moscow region.

In addition, the Shlyager furniture studio works with customers in almost all regions of Russia.

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