What does a wolf's bast look like?

This shrub is no taller than one meter. However, if a plant is grown, creating for it favorable conditions, then it can grow up to 2.5 meters in height (for example, a wolf's bast bush in a garden or park). IN spring period the stems of the plant are bare, and pink blossoms bloom on the branches fragrant flowers, located in the axils of leaves that fell last year. Each axil contains three flowers.

The trunk and branches are gray-brown in color. Leaves are ovoid. The fruit of the plant is light red in color and its shape is also ovoid.

From February to the end of March this plant blooms beautifully, and in Russia its flowering period is April-May. Wolf's Bast grows in low-light places, on soil with big amount nutrients. You can meet this shrub in floodplain forest or on the edges of the forest.

The healing properties of wolf bast

The plant contains in all its parts toxic substances: meserine resin (causing stomach upset, and blistering and redness on the skin) and dafrin glycoside (leads to rapid bleeding). The bark of the plant contained resins, dyes and wax. Wolf bast fruits are a source of bitter and coloring substances, fat, coccognin and essential oil.

Considering the fact that this is a poisonous plant, it can only be taken after a doctor’s permission. Wolf bast preparations have antiepileptic, analgesic, laxative and hypnotic effects on the human body.

The use of wolf bast

Let us remind you once again that wolf bast preparations should be used in homeopathic doses and only when your doctor gives permission. You need to take medications from this plant carefully and slowly. An infusion of this plant is used externally for diseases such as radiculitis, neuralgia, tumors, and sciatica. This remedy has irritant and vesicant properties. In some cases, tincture or decoction is used for sore throat, dysentery, jaundice and even colds.

In case of toothache, wolf's bast has an analgesic effect.

Wolf bast decoction. You need to take 2 grams of plant flowers and pour 20 ml of boiling water over them. Place the mixture on the fire for 20 minutes. After removing the decoction from the heat, it must immediately be strained and the raw materials squeezed out. The resulting volume must be brought to 250 ml with boiling water. It is recommended to take this decoction 5 drops three times a day.

Wolf bast powder. This medicine relieves a person from toothache. It is very easy to make it yourself, because all you need to do is collect the flowers of the plant and grind them into powder. Next, take this powder and rub it on the sore spot. After this, you need to rinse your mouth with warm boiled water.

A decoction of sleeping pills from wolf bast. 4 grams of plant roots poured into a glass of boiling water should be left for 30 minutes. water bath. After the broth has been infused for a quarter of an hour, it needs to be strained. This medicine should be taken before meals, 1 teaspoon twice a day.

Tincture of wolf bast fruits. Take half a glass of 70% alcohol and pour it into 1 gram of plant fruit (you can use the bark). Leave the composition for 7 days to infuse. Strain ready-made product using gauze. It is recommended to take this drug three times a day before meals. Before taking this tincture, it must be diluted. For example, add 2 drops of tincture to a spoon of water.

Wolf poisoning

All parts of the wolf's bast contain poison, so a person only needs to eat 3-5 berries of the plant and he will die.

Signs of poisoning are as follows: – vomiting; - abdominal pain; – urine with blood; – diarrhea; – increased salivation.

A person's death can occur in the event of cardiac arrest.

Measures in case of poisoning. The first step is to rinse the stomach, and then introduce Vaseline oil. In case of poisoning with this plant, laxatives should never be used. The main goal is to eliminate irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, for which the victim must hold pieces of ice in his mouth, lubricate the mucous membranes with dicain, and the poisoned person must take anesthesin internally.

Be careful, don't stop near the wolf's bast, pass by!

Wolf bast tincture

To prepare it, take 10 grams of plant bark (crushed) and pour half a glass of alcohol (70%). Leave the mixture to sit for 2 weeks dark room. You need to take the tincture three times a day, 1 drop, but every day the dose should be increased by 1 drop. When the single dose is 30 drops, start counting in the reverse position, that is, reduce the dose by 1 drop. Before taking, dilute the tincture with 100 ml of water. The course of such treatment is 60 days. After taking a break for 14 days, you can resume the course, or take another poison.

Contraindications to the use of wolf bast

Since wolf's bast is a very poisonous plant, it must be used strictly following the dosage. Children are strictly prohibited from using wolf bark preparations.

Wolf's bast is a shrub with small red berries. However, the seemingly tempting fruits are very dangerous. Poisonous plant wolf's bast, what are its properties, symptoms of poisoning?

What is wolfberry, its description, why is it called that? This is a whole group of poisonous plants. Of these, the most common are:

  1. Striped wolfberry.
  2. Wolfberry laurel.
  3. Fragrant wolfberry.

What is this?

Basically, such berries are called wolf bast or privet. This is a very poisonous plant.

In spring, privet blooms extremely beautifully. It is often used in landscape design. At the beginning of autumn, the berries ripen, and some, not knowing about the danger, collect them, eat them, and make teas and tinctures. Can you eat these berries or not? This should absolutely not be done, since eating the fruits can be fatal.

This name of the berries is not associated with food for wolves. This animal has always personified evil and death; privet also looks harmless, but is a threat to life.

Dangerous substances in berries

In ripened fruits and the bush itself there are substances responsible for its toxic properties:

  • meserein;
  • coumarin, which causes bleeding;
  • glycosidedaphnin;
  • essential oils.

Meserein causes redness, itching, burning on the skin, the formation of blisters with liquid, and produces a mutagenic effect. The poison of wolf grass affects the skin and provokes poisoning, negatively affects the kidneys, nervous system and heart.

Particularly severe consequences occur from coccognin contained in the fruits.

Symptoms of poisoning

Children are often poisoned by wolfberry. But adults are also victims of the wolf wolf. Mass poisoning occurs in July, when the berries ripen. In May, the plant actively blooms, during this period people are attracted bright flowers. They smell intoxicating, causing headaches and sometimes fainting. Poisoning occurs when consuming the fruit, upon contact with the bush, its leaves or juice.

When privet comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, the following symptoms of poisoning are of concern:

  1. Itching and burning in the mouth.
  2. Swelling of lips.
  3. Skin rashes.
  4. Burning in the eyes.
  5. Conjunctivitis.
  6. Blisters on the body.
  7. Tearing.

When ingested, the following symptoms are observed:

  • severe weakness;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • intestinal cramps;
  • thirst.

When poison enters the bloodstream, the following occurs:

  1. Dizziness.
  2. Frequent heartbeat.
  3. Wide pupils.
  4. Dyspnea.
  5. Strong headache.
  6. Impaired kidney function.
  7. Heat.
  8. Problems with urination.
  9. Difficulty swallowing.

If you don't urgently help a child who has eaten berries, it can end tragically. The lethal dose for children is 10 berries.


It is necessary to immediately eliminate toxic substances from the body. Should drink warm water, preferably diluted with potassium permanganate. One liter is enough for an adult, and for a child, depending on age. After this, you need to induce vomiting. You can do an enema to cleanse the intestines.

  • You need to take a sorbent, you can use Activated carbon, Smecta or Enterosgel.
  • If vomiting does not stop, it is recommended to take the antiemetic drug Metoclopromide.
  • To restore the gastric mucosa, you can use Almagel or an enveloping drink.
  • For intestinal spasms, you need to take No-shpa or another antispasmodic.
  • To restore water balance you should drink a lot clean water or take Regidron.
  • In case of damage to the mucous membrane oral cavity need a drink cold water with ice and take anesthesin.

If a skin burn occurs, it should be immediately washed with water, sprinkled with anesthesin, applied streptomycin or chloramphenicol ointment and covered with a bandage.

After receiving first aid, you should go to the hospital for further treatment, since such poisoning can lead to serious consequences, such as cardiac arrest and paralysis of the respiratory center.

Having eliminated all the symptoms of intoxication, you need to follow a gentle diet for a week. You can only eat boiled food, you need to give up smoked, salty, sweet, and starchy foods.

Treatment with privet

The poisonous plant wolf's bast has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Antitumor.
  2. Painkillers.
  3. Antibacterial.
  4. Sleeping pills.
  5. Anticonvulsant.
  6. Laxative.

However medicinal products based on privet can only be taken in homeopathic doses and under the supervision of a specialist.

Medicine from the bark of the plant is used for eczema, erythema, pulmonary tuberculosis, and skin irritation. The bark can also help treat paralysis and epilepsy. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction: add 20 g of crushed wolf bark to 100 ml of water, then boil for 20 minutes, leave for half an hour and strain. You need to take this remedy 1 tsp. in a day.

Privet bark can also be used to make alcohol tincture at the rate of 70 ml of alcohol per 1 g. Alcohol should be used at 70%. Before use, the tincture must be diluted with water.

This plant used in the treatment of gout and rheumatism. To do this, prepare the ointment as follows: 50 g of Vaseline should be mixed with two large spoons of bark tincture.

Wolf berries and the bark of the plant is used in the fight against tumor diseases. Treatment is carried out using tincture of bark and dried privet fruits. Healing properties Wolf's bast is also used in the treatment of breast cancer.

When treating with privet, you should remember that the bush is poisonous and take precautions.

Domestic use

Wolf bast is excellently used as a poison for agricultural needs. Infusions are made from it Colorado potato beetles and other insects. The poison can only be used for root vegetables. In this case, you should be careful and protect yourself with a mask and gloves.

Wolf's bast can often be seen in the form of a hedge. The plant is dense, has beautiful leaves and blooms luxuriantly. The shrub is drought-resistant and unpretentious. If you cut it correctly, it can turn out beautiful hedge. To date, several varieties of common wolfberry have been artificially obtained for such use. They vary in color and height. Caring for it consists only of watering and pruning.

Video: poisonous berries– wolf bast, wolf berry and forest honeysuckle.


Parents need to show their children what the bush looks like and explain what will happen if they eat a free-ranging berry. You can simply show a picture if there is no plant nearby.

Care should be taken when accepting help from traditional healers, who often use wolfberry in their products. Do not touch the plant with your hands.

Privet should not be planted in decorative purposes in your own area, since this is especially dangerous for children. In the city, the likelihood of getting poisoned by wolf bast is minimal. However, many go to the forest to pick mushrooms, where they can meet dangerous berries. Therefore, you should be vigilant.

Since wolfberry is extremely poisonous, it must be used for treatment with caution. And children are completely prohibited from taking drugs based on it.

Deadly wolfberry, Wolf's bast, Wolf's berries, Common wolfberry, Plokhovets, Pukhlyak - all these are the names of one plant - common wolfberry(Daphne mezereum), belonging to the wolf family (Thymelaeaceae).

Common wolfberry is found almost throughout Europe, in Transcaucasia. In Russia, it grows throughout the forest zone of the European part and Western Siberia, the North Caucasus, and Dagestan.

We have known since childhood that the Wolf's Bast plant is poisonous. It was even specially called “Wolf Berries” so that, God forbid, the children would not get poisoned. And they weren’t even allowed to come close to him.

Common wolfberry is a low-branched deciduous shrub up to 1.5 meters tall. Root system common wolfberry superficial. The yellowish-gray, slightly wrinkled bark will help you identify the shrub. IN middle lane Russian wolfberry blooms in early spring, before all the bushes.

The leaves of the wolfberry are narrow, oblong, oblanceolate, simple, growing alternately at the ends of the shoots. They dark green, smooth, slightly glossy above, bluish below, ciliated at the edges, up to 8 cm in length and up to 2 cm in width.

Bright pink fragrant honey-bearing flowers of wolf's bast are arranged in a “bouquet” of 3-5 pieces in the axils of last year’s fallen leaves.

It's very interesting what's going on pollination of common wolfberry. Its flowers have a pronounced protogyny - earlier maturation of female reproductive organs compared to male ones.

The bright flowers of the common wolfberry appear in the forest before the leaves of the trees bloom. Pollinating insects - bees, butterflies - are attracted to the nectar secreted at the base of the ovary.

When the insect's proboscis penetrates the perianth tube, pollen from the anthers surrounding the tube does not stick to it, since it is not sticky. Next, the bee's proboscis touches the stigma, located much lower, and, finally, the nectaries. The nectar makes the proboscis sticky, and when the insect pulls it out, it comes into contact with the anthers again. This time the pollen sticks to the proboscis and is thus transferred to another flower.

After such fertilization, a fruit is formed in place of the flowers - a juicy ovoid red berry-drupe up to 8 mm long. The fruits of the common wolfberry ripen in late July - early August. Inside the berry is a shiny seed up to 4 mm in diameter.

Common wolfberry is occasionally planted in gardens as ornamental plant, remarkable early flowering in spring and bright fruits in autumn. But due to the toxicity of the plant, its use for decorative purposes is limited.

All parts of the common wolfberry, and especially the fruits, contain an acutely pungent poisonous juice . The use of the plant for medicinal purposes is prohibited.

Poisoning can occur when eating berries (often by children) or chewing the bark. When the skin comes into contact with wet bark or when plant sap gets on it, severe dermatitis occurs. Inhalation of dust from the bark of the common wolfberry causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx and respiratory tract, contact with the eyes irritates the conjunctiva. After eating the berries, there is a burning sensation in the mouth, pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, weakness, and possible convulsions.

When writing this article, materials from https://ru.wikipedia.org were used
Image source https://www.flickr.com: Hornet Arts, C. E. Timothy Paine, naturgucker.de / enjoynature.net

Wolf's bast: description and properties of the bush

The perennial shrub wolf's bast is known primarily for the poisonous effect of its berries. It is quite common in the wild, which makes it highly likely to be confused with other berries.


Wolf's bast bushes grow low. Their height does not exceed 1 m. With deliberate cultivation of the plant, the height of the shoots can increase to 2.5 m. In nature, conditions suitable for this are extremely rare. The photo of a wolf's bast shows a twig with a bunch of berries densely clinging to it.

Source: Depositphotos

Wolf's Bast: ripe bright fruits

In spring, bast begins to bloom before greenery appears on the shoots. The flowers are located in the axils left after the leaves fall before wintering. Flowers are collected in small inflorescences of 3 pieces.

A rare shrub in which flowering occurs before landscaping. Flowers can be recognized by the following characteristic features:

  • pink color;
  • a pleasant smell reminiscent of hyacinth;
  • externally similar to lilac.

They can be observed from mid to late spring. Then the fruits appear, which become red during ripening. The shape of the berries is ovoid, like the leaves. The bark on the entire surface of the plant is gray-brown.


All components of the plant contain toxic components. They cause irritation to tissues and mucous membranes when they come into contact with them. This results in red spots and blisters. Stomach upset and bleeding may also occur.

The bark is rich in wax, dyes and resins. The berries are distinguished by the presence of bitter substances, fat, coloring components and essential oil.

Medicines from the plant have such an effect on human body:

  • hypnotic;
  • preventing epilepsy attacks;
  • improves peristalsis;
  • painkiller.

Before using these medications, you must consult your doctor, who will prescribe an appointment if necessary and indicate the dosage. An inept technique can lead to death.

An infusion of berries helps cope with attacks of radiculitis, neuralgia, and obvious tumors. Its use is also possible for jaundice, tonsillitis and dysentery. Instead of an anesthetic during a toothache, you can use wolf's bast.

If poisoning does occur, you should immediately seek qualified help. It can be recognized by characteristic abdominal pain, bleeding along with urine, diarrhea, salivation and vomiting.

On beautiful bush It's better to just admire. Treatment should be carried out in extreme cases and only after a doctor’s prescription. The fruits of the wolfberry are capable of a short time cause cardiac arrest.

Botanical characteristics

Wolf's bast is a plant that is both medicinal and poisonous at the same time, translated as Daphne mesereum. It is a very poisonous bush, its height ranges from forty to one hundred and eighty centimeters. Its bark is yellowish-gray, its branches have small growths in the form of brown warts, and leaves are concentrated at the top of the branches.

The leaves are alternate, obovate, lanceolate in shape, their length can reach up to eight centimeters. The flowers are sessile, arranged in bunches of about five inflorescences, their color is pink, they smell pleasantly with a fragrant aroma, and appear immediately before the foliage begins to bloom. The fruit is a bright red drupe. Wolf bast berries are poisonous.


In our country, the common wolf is found mainly in the European part, in the Caucasus, and it is also found in Ukraine. It grows mainly singly or in groups, forming rather dense thickets. It can be seen in the forest zone in shady and damp areas, in clearings, along river valleys, among herbs, and in meadows.

Part used

The parts used include almost all parts of the plant, including roots and fruits, branches and leaves. Wolfweed contains various substances, for example, diterpenoids, coumarins, sucrose, alkaloids, catechins, flavonoids, and fatty oil.

Collection and preparation

Wolf bark is harvested during sap flow, and this process, as is known, occurs in spring. It should be harvested with rubber gloves, as the plant is considered quite poisonous and can lead to poisoning.

The bark is carefully cut into small pieces and placed in a drying chamber, which is specially designed for this purpose. It supports optimal temperature, corresponding to fifty degrees.

In such conditions, the raw materials will be prepared quickly and efficiently, as this is facilitated by the necessary temperature regime. After which the bark must be packaged in cloth bags, which should be placed in a ventilated room, where it will be stored for two years until it has exhausted its properties. beneficial features.


This plant, namely its extract, is part of the homeopathic remedy Sandra, which has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. Traditional healers It is used as a painkiller for joint diseases, neuralgia, radiculitis, gout, and tumors.

Dried fruits, one piece at a time, are taken as an anti-sclerotic agent, and they also have a tonic effect on the human body. But I would be careful not to do this, since the wolfberry is very poisonous, and eat it in fresh- dangerous for health.

Various drugs are prepared from it, where is the concentration of this poisonous plant- minimal. If it happens that a person accidentally ate several berries, which led to poisoning, it is necessary to urgently call ambulance. While medical workers are on the way, you can rinse your stomach and take ten or twenty tablets of activated charcoal.

Poisoning can be suspected based on a number of the following symptoms. A person will experience a burning sensation in the mouth, dyspeptic symptoms in the form of nausea, vomiting, and pain in the epigastric region. All this makes it possible to understand that a person needs an ambulance medical care, which needs to be provided to him as quickly as possible.


To prepare the decoction you will need twenty grams of roots, which must first be carefully crushed; for this you can use a mortar and a pestle to thoroughly crush the raw materials. After which you need to pour it into an enamel saucepan and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water into it.

The container should be placed on low heat on the stove, where the drug should simmer until it has reduced to exactly half the volume. After which it should stand for a while, for example, one hour, and then it can be strained, to do this, use all known devices, for example, a strainer with a fine nozzle.

It is recommended to take the finished decoction three times a day, two drops, which should be dissolved in water. It should only be stored in refrigeration chamber, and not for long, a maximum of five days, after which it is worth preparing a new potion.

To prepare the tincture, you will need only one gram of crushed bark, which should be poured with sixty milliliters of alcohol or vodka. Next, the container must be tightly closed and placed in a dark place for ten days.

After this time, the tincture must be filtered; to do this, use gauze folded in half or a regular strainer. After which you can use the drug two drops, which should be dissolved in a small amount of water, and drink three times a day.

To prepare an ointment based on cleft wolf, you need to take one part of a pre-prepared tincture, which should be poured into two parts butter, and mix everything well. After which this medicine can be used for rubbing, and it is better to store it in the refrigerator.


Remember, this plant is extremely poisonous. Exercise extreme caution when collecting and preparing it. And before using drugs prepared from it, you must first consult a doctor, and you should definitely do this in order to maintain your health.

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