Autonomous water supply system for modern house– this is not an innovation. Quality devices for water supply are tested by users and time.

But it is better for buyers to familiarize themselves with the functionality of all devices of an autonomous water supply system before purchasing and installation.


In order to pump water correctly long time, a membrane expansion tank is required.

For the convenience of the system and saving space, three types of these devices are available for sale:

  • floor;
  • mounted;
  • flat.

Specialist's note: When choosing between types of expansion tanks, remember that only the floor tank has a replaceable membrane.

What exactly does the expansion tank add to the system:

Operating principle

The fluid pressure in the system increases. Then the storage tank is filled with a certain volume.

In it, the water compartment gradually increases, and the opposite compartment containing air decreases.

This process occurs until equilibrium is achieved, in other words, required pressure in the system. When the pressure drops below the air pressure level, a timely contraction of the internal membrane occurs.

Due to it, the water supply is normalized. The tank device functions as long as necessary to stabilize the water and air pressure.

Choosing the right device

When choosing a model with the necessary functions and volume, take into account the fact that the frequency of pump operation depends on the total volume of the tank.

The leading characteristic for any tank is not its functionality, but its volume.

At the same time, for each water supply system there are criteria that cannot be neglected, namely:

  1. Number of regular water users. (Daily use).
  2. Number of points for water intake. (Appliances, taps and other plumbing fixtures).
  3. Approximate frequency of using water intake points at the same time.
  4. The “on-off” cycle. You need to know exactly the limit of this cycle per hour for your pump.

Approximate calculation:

When calculating for three regular consumers, install a tank with a total volume of 20-24 liters. However pumping equipment should produce approximately 2 cubic meters per hour.

When calculating for four regular users with a reserve, it is better to install equipment of 50 liters or more. The pump productivity in this case is approximately 3.5-3.7 cubic meters per hour.

If there are more than 10 consumers, then a tank of at least 100 liters is required, and pumping equipment with an indicator of more than 5 cubic meters per hour.

To avoid breakdowns and expensive repairs, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the manufacturer.

In this choice, there is no need to chase a cheaper and dubious brand. Improper savings can lead to breakdowns in the future.

Models with a low retail price inside are made, as a rule, without defects. But consumable parts are always made from the cheapest materials.

It is better to inquire about the material from which the membrane is made. Its environmental friendliness and stability will improve comfort as well as the service life of the system.

You might also be interested in an article about.

Read the article about malfunctions and repair of a hydraulic accumulator with your own hands.

How is it different from a hydraulic accumulator?

Installation diagram of a membrane expansion tank Battery, membrane tanks and are devices that are most in demand in modern device plumbing and heating.

But it is better to know their significant differences, because the expansion tank creates the effect of smoothing the pressure when heating the liquid.

Speaking in simple language if not required space for water that gradually changes its volume, then any non-plastic container will burst. For this purpose, a device with a membrane was created, which normalizes the difference in the operating system.

Both devices appearance very similar. But their structure, purpose and performance characteristics different.

The hydraulic accumulator is used to supply drinking water.

Its main property is the supply of the required water pressure.

The most important part in the tank and accumulator is the membrane.

The material from which it is made varies in water supply devices, including between the tank and the accumulator.

The locations of the chambers for air and liquid are also different. The hydraulic accumulator is equipped with a “pear” tank inside. There is air pressure on it, it is between the walls of the tank and the water container.

For each of the above devices, the most important parameter is the durability and reliability of the membrane. Its quality guarantees the stability of the entire system.

Watch the video in which a specialist explains how to choose a membrane expansion tank for water supply at home:

Why do you need a membrane tank for water supply? When organizing an autonomous water supply for a private home from wells or wells, it is necessary to create an emergency water supply. An expansion tank for water supply is perfect for these purposes. These containers are practical and have a large volume, but to ensure normal operating conditions it is necessary to use a number of devices and not limit yourself to just one installation. When a tank is included in the water supply system, the autonomy of the water supply is significantly increased. The created reserve will allow solving problems with water supply that may arise when pumps break down and during operational maintenance of equipment and the well. On at the moment produced by industry huge amount various models, which significantly complicates the choice.

When a tank is included in the water supply system, the autonomy of the water supply is significantly increased.

Description, types of construction

Expansion tank for water supply it is used to maintain the required pressure level during autonomous water supply. Membrane (expansion tanks) are most often used for these purposes. These are containers with rubber membranes inside that divide the tank into chambers. One chamber is water, the other is air.

The tank is connected to the water supply system of an autonomous water supply system so that the input branch supplies water to the tank, filling it, and only after a certain volume is filled is water supplied to consumers.

The operating principle is as follows: when the system is turned on (started), the pump pumps water into the water chamber until it is filled. At the same time, the volume of the second chamber is significantly reduced. When the air chamber contracts, the volume of air inside it does not change, so the pressure on the membrane increases. Accordingly, the pressure in the system increases.

Expansion tanks use a membrane to divide it into 2 reservoirs, one containing air and the other containing liquid. In this case, it is necessary to have pressure monitoring equipment (pressure switch) in the tank. This is necessary for automatic shutdown pump, the same sensor automatically starts the pump when the pressure in the tank drops below the programmed value. This will allow automatic operation the entire water supply system.

To control the pressure, it is necessary to install a separate pressure gauge, which will duplicate the pressure switch in case of its breakdown. In this case, it is important to very carefully and accurately adjust the pressure sensor, since the pressure in the water supply depends on its operation. Installation of expansion (membrane) tanks in an autonomous water supply system solves several issues at once:

  1. Maintaining pressure in the system when the pump is turned off and when it is stopped for maintenance or repair. In addition, such tanks can significantly reduce the power of the water supply pump.
  2. Protection of the water supply system from water hammer, which may occur due to voltage surges in electrical networks, which significantly increases the survivability of the system.
  3. Protects against pressure drops and other unpleasant nuances associated with air entering the system (for example, when the water level in a well drops).
  4. In the event of an unexpected shutdown, the pump will maintain some pressure in the system.
  5. Reduces wear on pumping equipment, thereby extending its service life. This is due to the fact that the pump pumps water only after the water pressure in the tank has decreased, and not after the water pressure in the system has decreased.
  6. In case of low water consumption, it allows you not to turn on the pumping equipment at all, but to use only the water that is in the tank.

There are membrane tanks different designs. At the moment there are only 2 types:

  1. With replaceable membrane. Its main advantage is the ability to replace the membrane when it wears out or breaks. For replacement, a flange is provided through which the old membrane is removed and a new one is installed. The flange is bolted to the tank body. If the tank has a large volume, it is possible additional fastenings membranes. Most often, the back of the membrane is attached to the nipple. Therefore, to remove it, it is necessary to dismantle the nipple, otherwise the membrane can be torn.
  2. The peculiarity of the functioning of such a device is the absence of contact of water with the tank. Because the water remains inside the membrane. This protects the metal body from rust, and water does not become contaminated upon contact with the surface. Thus, the service life of such tanks is significantly extended. Devices with similar designs come in vertical and horizontal versions. The main disadvantage is the increased wear of the membrane (which requires frequent replacement) and the need to carefully monitor chemical composition membrane itself to prevent entry into the system toxic substances(that’s why you can’t buy cheap Chinese or Polish membranes!).
  3. Having a stationary diaphragm. They have a statically attached membrane (diaphragm), which divides the tank into 2 parts. The main difference is the impossibility of replacing the diaphragm if it breaks or wears out during operation. Similar to the previous design, there will be air in one compartment and water in the other. In this case, the water has direct contact with the tank body. If metal is used as a housing, it may rust and clog the system with rust. Therefore, to protect against rust, the internal surfaces of such tanks are painted. special paint. It is worth noting that over time the paint is washed off, this leads to contact of the metal with water.

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Device selection

The main criterion for choosing such a tank is the maximum permissible volume of water that can accumulate in the tank. To select a tank by volume, it is necessary to take into account a number of parameters: the number of people living in the house, the number of water consumers (toilets, water intake points, valves, household appliances, etc.). In this case, it is necessary to calculate the pressure drop that may occur when all water intake points are opened simultaneously.

The criterion is the number of system starts per hour (the start-stop capabilities of the pump should be taken into account).

So, for a private house in which 3 people live, with a pump of 2 m³/hour, a tank with a volume of about 25 liters is selected. If 4-5 people live in a house, a tank with a volume of about 50 liters is selected with a pump of 4 m³/hour. Further, with an increase in the number of consumers, the required minimum tank volume and the need to frequently turn on the pumping station increase significantly. However, it is worth remembering that a smaller volume allows you to reduce pressure drops in the system. In this case, the tank itself is a reserve capacity for storing water.

An important criterion is the choice of tank manufacturers. It is worth excluding cheap models from Poland and China in advance, since very often they use low-quality materials that are dangerous to human health. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the rubber membrane or diaphragm.

The next criterion is the cost of the membrane. This is only relevant for tanks with a replaceable membrane. The fact is that manufacturers significantly increase the cost of consumables (spare) materials, often unreasonably. Therefore, it is recommended to select models that allow the installation of membranes from other manufacturers.

Today we have to find out why we need to install an expansion tank in the water supply system, how the membrane tank works, and how to connect it correctly. We will begin, however, by clarifying the wording and names of plumbing fittings.

Down with confusion

In plumbing stores you can find two types of these devices, differing in color:

Image Description

1. Expansion tanks installed on heating - water supply are usually red and, in full accordance with the name, are designed to compensate for the thermal expansion of water or coolant liquid when heated. Liquids are practically not compressed, and when they expand, the pressure is closed loop begins to grow at a catastrophic speed; airbag slows down its growth.

Hydraulic accumulators, or expansion tanks for drinking water supply systems - blue
2. Hydraulic accumulators - blue(cm. ) . They allow you to create an autonomous stock cold water, and perform the function of a damper. That is, they dampen pressure surges when opening/closing shut-off valves and turning on/off the water supply pump.

The video in this article will help you learn more about membrane tanks.


How are expansion tanks for water supply arranged?

A membrane tank is a steel container with a pipe for connecting to a water supply or heating system and a spool for pumping. It is divided by an elastic membrane into two compartments - air and water. The air compartment is often filled with nitrogen instead of air, which prevents corrosion from damaging the tank walls.

Curious: the expansion tank of a hot water supply or heating system is usually equipped with a membrane with increased heat resistance. There are no other design differences between it and the hydraulic accumulator, so the expansion tank can be safely used as a hydraulic accumulator.


Now let's take a closer look at why an expansion tank is needed in a water supply system, using specific diagrams as an example.

Boiler piping

The boiler piping usually includes two fittings installed on its inlet pipe:

Image Description

Check valve. It lets cold water from the tap inside storage water heater, but does not allow it to pour back when the cold water supply is turned off.

Safety valve. Since check valve turns the water supply and boiler into a closed circuit; when the water is heated, the pressure in it begins to quickly increase. When it reaches dangerous levels, the safety valve releases excess water through the drain tube.

Helpful: Combined check and safety valves in one housing are often sold under the name “boiler safety group.”

While the boiler volume is small, there is little or no loss of heated water ( thermal expansion compensated by the elasticity of the walls of the water supply). But with its significant volume hot water Liters and tens of liters are discharged into the drainage, which significantly affects the costs of hot water supply.

Connecting the expansion tank to the water supply system completely eliminates the loss of heated water. Its excess is contained in a membrane tank, which is accompanied by a slight increase in pressure in the circuit.

How large should the expansion tank be for a water supply system with a boiler of known volume?

Usually it is taken equal to 10% of the boiler volume. Yes, the thermal expansion of water within reasonable temperature limits is less than 10%; however, do not forget that the capacity of the water compartment is not equal to the full volume of the membrane tank: part of this volume is occupied by air.

Therefore, in practice rounding is used big side: expansion tank for water supply of 50 liters is capable of providing safe work 500 liter boiler.

Water supply

How to use a hydraulic accumulator or expansion tank for cold water supply, providing yourself with water during periodic outages?

The instructions for installing the device yourself are extremely simple and consist of only two points:

  1. Connect the tank pipe to any part of the water supply using a flexible or rigid connection;

  1. Install a check valve at the cold water inlet. It will not allow water to drain from the tank into the disconnected and discharged main water supply.

Please note: usable capacity membrane tank differs markedly from its total volume. For example, an expansion tank of a water supply system of 500 liters is capable of storing no more than 250 liters of water in case of a power outage.

Well water

How to install an expansion tank in a water supply system with water supplied from a well or well? It is again mounted at any point in the water supply system.

In addition to the membrane tank, such a system includes:

Image Description

Submersible or It raises water and creates excess pressure to ensure the operation of plumbing fixtures.

Check valve. It comes after submersible pump or at the suction pipe of a surface pumping station.

Automatic relay, work manager pump (that is, turning it on when the pressure in the circuit drops and turning it off when the pressure reaches the upper critical value.

What pressure should be maintained in the expansion tank of the water supply system?

The answer cannot be given without knowing the settings of the automatic pump control. Pressure in expansion tank water supply should be slightly lower (about 0.2 atmospheres) than the pressure to turn on water pumping from the well. In this case, the pump will start before the remaining water from the membrane tank flows out through the open tap.

How to pump up an expansion tank in a water supply system if the pressure in it has dropped below the required level? This can be done by anyone air pump- bicycle, car, etc. The pump hose is connected to the spool on the diaphragm tank.

Water from container

Water supply from a storage tank is practiced in gardening communities with water supply on a schedule, as well as where worn-out water supply lines are often turned off for repairs. The easiest way to supply water to the water supply is by gravity, from a tank installed in the attic.

However, this scheme has three serious drawbacks:

  1. The water supply is limited by the strength of the ceiling;
  2. The attic must be insulated and heated, otherwise the water will freeze in the first frost;
  3. The pressure in a gravity water supply is limited by the vertical distance between the tank and the tap. Meanwhile for normal operation household appliances (instantaneous water heaters, washing and dishwashers) a pressure of at least 3 meters (0.3 kgf/cm2) is required.

Supplying water from a container installed in the basement, underground or ground floor, with the help of a pumping station, is free from all these disadvantages: the weight of a tank standing on the surface of the soil or screed is not limited in any way, the pressure is created by the pump, and the soil temperature is below the freezing level all year round above zero.

What role does the expansion tank for water supply systems play in this scheme? The same as when supplying water from a well: it smoothes out pressure surges and allows the pump to idle with little water consumption.

What should be the connection diagram for the expansion tank for water supply? Again, the same as with autonomous water supply from a well or borehole.

However: in practice, a surface water supply is usually installed to supply water from the tank. pumping station, which is a pump, an automatic relay with a pressure sensor and a hydraulic accumulator on one frame.

Fighting water hammer

Water hammer is a short-term pressure surge that occurs in a closed circuit due to the inertia of a moving water flow when it instantly stops. Water hammer often pushes the pressure beyond the strength of the pipes and flexible hoses; the consequences are very predictable - the owner receives ruptures in the water supply at the seams and fittings.

If expansion tanks are connected to the water supply, the water supply is made absolutely safe: the air tank in this case also acts as a damper. A small volume tank is mounted at the water supply inlet or (for collector water distribution) on the collector.


We hope that our material will help the dear reader in designing and installing his own water supply system. Good luck!

The expansion membrane tank is a mandatory component, without which the operation of the system is not possible. It is he who creates the necessary pressure for the full operation of the water supply system, makes reserve water reserves and even performs a number of protective functions. In connection with such a high importance of equipment, the question naturally arises: how to choose and correctly install a tank? To understand, let's approach the issue comprehensively: we bring to your attention the structure and operating principles of the expansion device, its types, selection features, as well as the connection diagram and useful instructions on setup with video.

Functions and operating principle

A membrane tank is a sealed, predominantly metal tank, consisting of two separated chambers: air and water. The separator is a special rubber membrane - it is usually made of strong butyl, which is resistant to the development of bacterial microorganisms. The water chamber is equipped with a pipe through which water is directly supplied.

The main task of the expansion membrane tank is to accumulate a certain volume of water and supply it at the user’s request under the required pressure. But the functions of the device are not limited to this - it also:

  • protects the pump from premature deformation: thanks to the water reserve, the pump does not turn on every time the tap is opened, but only when the tank is empty;
  • protects against changes in water pressure when using several taps in parallel;
  • protects against water hammer that could potentially occur when the pumping unit is turned on.

Operation of the device

The principle of operation of the tank is as follows. When the pump turns on, water begins to be pumped into the water chamber under pressure, and the volume of the air chamber at this time decreases. When the pressure reaches the maximum allowable level, the pump turns off and the water supply stops. Then, as water is drawn from the tank, the pressure decreases and, when it decreases to the minimum allowable level, the pump turns on again and resumes pumping water.

Advice. During operation of the tank, air can accumulate in the water chamber, which causes a decrease in the efficiency of the equipment, so at least once every 3 months it is necessary to carry out maintenance of the compartment - to bleed excess air from it.

Types of membrane tanks

There are two types of expansion membrane tanks:

Advice. When choosing between a replaceable and permanent membrane, consider one important factor: in the first case, the water is completely in the membrane and does not come into contact with inner surface tank, which eliminates corrosion processes, and in the second case, contact is maintained, so achieving maximum protection from corrosion is impossible.

Features of choosing a tank

The main factor in choosing a membrane tank is its volume. When calculating the optimal tank volume, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • number of users of the water supply system;
  • number of water intake points: taps, outlets for showers and Jacuzzis, outlets for household appliances and boilers that work with water;
  • pump performance;
  • the maximum number of pump on/off cycles in one hour.

To calculate the approximate volume of the tank, you can use the following guidelines from experts: if the number of users is no more than three, and the pump capacity is no more than 2 cubic meters per hour, then a tank with a volume of 20-24 liters is quite sufficient; if the number of users is from four to eight, and the pump performance ranges from 3-3.5 cubic meters per hour, a tank with a volume of 50-55 liters will be required.

When choosing a tank, remember: the more modest its volume, the more often you will have to turn on the pump and the higher the risk of pressure drops in the water supply system.

Advice. If you assume that over time there will be a need to increase the volume of the membrane tank, buy equipment with the ability to connect additional containers.

Tank connection diagram

The membrane tank can be installed either vertically or horizontally, but in both cases the connection diagram will be identical:

  1. Determine the installation location. The device must be located on the suction side circulation pump and before the branching of the water supply. Make sure that there is free access to the tank for maintenance work.
  2. Secure the tank to the wall or floor using rubber pads and ground it.
  3. Connect a five-pin fitting to the tank nozzle using an American fitting.
  4. Connect in series to the four free terminals: a pressure switch, a pipe from the pump, a pressure gauge and a distribution pipe that supplies water directly to the intake points.

Tank connection

It is important that the cross-section of the connected water pipe is equal or slightly larger in relation to the cross-section of the inlet pipe, but in no case should it be smaller. One more nuance: it is advisable not to place any technical devices so as not to provoke an increase hydraulic resistance in the water supply system.

Equipment setup instructions

After the membrane tank is installed and connected, it is important to properly configure and start it up. Let us dwell on the main points of this stage.

The first step is to find out the internal pressure of the tank. In theory, it should be 1.5 atm, but it is possible that a leak occurred during storage of the device in a warehouse or during transportation, which caused a decrease in such an important indicator. To make sure the pressure is correct, remove the spool cap and take measurements with a pressure gauge. The latter can be of three types: plastic - cheap, but not always accurate; mechanical automobile - more reliable and relatively affordable; electronic – expensive, but as accurate as possible.

After measurements, you need to decide which pressure will be most optimal in your case. Practice shows that for normal functioning plumbing and household appliances pressure in membrane tank should vary within 1.4-2.8 atm. Let's say you've chosen these metrics - what next? First, if the initial pressure in the tank is below 1.4-1.5 atm, it must be increased by pumping air into the corresponding chamber of the tank. Then you should set the pressure switch: open its cover and use the large nut P to set the maximum pressure value, and use the small nut ∆P to set the minimum value.

The process of setting up equipment is simple

Now you can start the system: as water is pumped in, watch the pressure gauge - the pressure should gradually rise, and after it reaches the maximum set point, the pump should turn off.

As you can see, without an expansion membrane tank you really can’t even count on the full operation of your individual water supply. Therefore, if you want to uninterruptedly enjoy the benefits of civilization, carefully approach the selection and connection of the device - all the principles and subtleties are before you, so we advise you to study them well and only then proceed to active actions.

Calculation of accumulator volume: video

Membrane expansion tank for water supply: photo

Most modern private houses and cottages are equipped autonomous systems heating, one of the important elements of which is the expansion tank. Given structural element serves to prevent excess pressure in the system, which can arise due to expansion of the coolant when its temperature increases. They are a mandatory attribute of heating and fire extinguishing systems; they widely use an expansion tank for water supply.

Available on the market wide range all kinds of expansion tanks of various volumes, which differ design features, but their operating principle is similar.

The market offers a wide range of expansion tanks for any well or heating system

Expansion tanks for heating and water supply systems are of two types: closed (membrane) and open.

Open type expansion tank

An open-type expansion tank is a container in the bottom of which there is a threaded connector with a heating system. This tank is placed at the highest point of the heating system. IN modern systems It is rarely used for heating, since it has a rather impressive list of disadvantages:

  • leaky, which leads to corrosion;
  • bulky, large tank can even be wider than the doorway;
  • cannot work with high blood pressure systems;
  • The water level in such a tank depends on the volume of liquid in the system.

Closed membrane tank

Unlike an open one, a membrane expansion tank is closed and does not have the listed disadvantages. It is a sealed container, balloon or flat type, most often oval or spherical in shape, the cavity of which is divided by a rubber heat-resistant membrane. The membrane is of balloon or diaphragm type. Diaphragm membranes are used in small-volume expansion tanks. Tanks with a balloon-type membrane are more durable because the water is inside the membrane without coming into contact with the walls of the tank. In addition, the balloon-type membrane can be replaced if it fails.

The principle of operation of the expansion tank when included in the heating system

Two chambers are formed inside the tank - air and liquid. Air (or gas) is compressed and is under a certain pressure. IN air chamber– install a special valve to bleed air if there is excess pressure in the system.

The operating principle of a membrane (closed) type expansion tank is that the coolant heated in a closed circuit expands. At the time when the increase in volume reaches the tank, the membrane stretches and the proportion of air space decreases. The pressure in the tank and the entire system increases. Mandatory requirement when installing it is the presence safety valve and a pressure gauge.

How to choose the right unit?

When selecting an expansion tank, you need to pay attention to several important nuances. In order to choose the right expansion tank for heating, you should pay attention to compliance with the maximum permissible limits of the pressure range in the heating system.

Another point that you need to pay attention to is the quality and type of membrane, its performance characteristics:

  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • service life (durability);
  • operating temperature range;
  • resistance to diffusion.

Internal structure and principle of operation of the membrane tank

To calculate the expansion tank and determine its required volume, the total volume of a specific heating system is taken as the basic value. It can be calculated taking into account the form heating devices and boiler power.

  • radiators – 10.5 l/kW;
  • heated floors, panel radiators – 17 l/kW;
  • convectors – 7 l/kW.

For calculations, use the formula Vtank = (Vsyst* k)/D, where Vtank is the volume of the expansion tank; Vsyst – total volume of the heating system; K – liquid expansion coefficient % (For water at a temperature of 95°C it is equal to 4%).

To determine the efficiency of the expansion tank (D), use the following formula:

D = (Pmax-Pstart)/ (Pmax+1), where Pmax is the maximum pressure in the system to which the safety valve is set (in a private house 2.5 bar is enough); Pstart – initial pressure in the air chamber of the tank.

Connection rules and possible difficulties

How to install an expansion tank? Installation of the expansion tank is carried out according to the project, according to the instructions. It is best, of course, to entrust this matter to a specialist, or at least consult with knowledgeable people. There is a great risk of making a mistake that will have to be corrected, spending additional time and money.

IN open systems heating systems use open expansion tanks with threaded connection in the day required to connect to the system. Install them at the highest point heating system, which is determined by the elementary laws of physics, and is necessary to ensure that water does not spill out of the system. This type systems are now rare, since installing an expansion tank of this type not always convenient.

In heating systems closed type expansion tanks of a closed type are used, which is divided inside into two parts. On one side, a heating system is connected to it, and on the other there is a valve that allows you to regulate the pressure: bleed off the air, or, on the contrary, pump it up. Initially, the entire internal volume of the tank is filled with gas, which is under excess pressure. This value needs to be adjusted.

Installation of the expansion tank is carried out according to the project, according to the instructions

Connecting a closed expansion tank can be done almost anywhere in the system, except that you should avoid tapping directly after the pump to avoid surges in the heating system. The principle of operation is simple - when the coolant is heated, it expands, the excess fills the space in the membrane tank, which prevents the pressure in the system from increasing. When the temperature drops, the missing liquid is squeezed back into the system.

It is best to install a membrane expansion tank next to the boiler, connecting to return pipeline in front of the pump. The fastening must be strong, since during operation its weight increases significantly as the tank is filled with water or other coolant that circulates in the system.

  • in the immediate vicinity of the fastening point, the connection diagram for the expansion tank must provide for the installation of a safety valve and pressure gauge;
  • It is not allowed to install filters and install valves on the branch that connects the heating system and the tank;
  • connects shut-off valves;
  • The tank must be connected taking into account the prospects and ease of its maintenance.

Expansion tank is necessary and important element heating systems of both closed and open types. At the stage of choosing an expansion tank for your own home, you need to make sure that you have a quality certificate. It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the safety certificate, since the heating system is an important element of comfort and life support. With this approach, one can hope that the chosen expansion tank will be functional, reliable and durable, which is important for a thrifty owner.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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