Almost any apartment building has various amenities of civilization that make life quite comfortable. In addition to water, gas and electricity, there is also heating in the apartment, which plays a special role in providing warmth and comfort. But for such pleasure you have to pay every month, as, indeed, for other types utilities.
Many apartment residents who have received a receipt for hot water, electricity and heat are probably interested in the question: “How is the heating fee calculated?” In this article we will try to figure this out.

How does the heating system of apartment buildings work?

Despite the fact that tariffs are increasing every year and the majority of residents have begun to switch to an autonomous heating device, the question of how heat appears in the apartment worries many.

It's no secret that every apartment building is connected to central system heating, which originates from the entrance valves that cut off the building from the transport road. The flange of these valves is used to separate the areas of responsibility for heat and housing workers.

System central heating has the following important components:

  • Hot water taps on the supply and return pipelines.
  • The heating elevator is the most important unit. It is he who supplies the apartment building with heating.
  • House valves - with their participation, the heating circuit is cut off. IN winter period they open, and in the summer they overlap.
  • Bleeds are valves whose main task is to drain or bypass the system.

The terms “bottling” and risers deserve special attention. You probably heard about them at every beginning of the heating season. The word "bottling" has two meanings. The first option is the direction of water circulation, and the second is a thick pipe, behind which water flows to the risers. As for risers, these are pipelines that are vertical and pass through all apartments.

How is heating done? Getting warmth in your home is quite simple. Let's take, for example, an ordinary five-story building. The heating in it is poured from below, that is, everything necessary pipes are in the basement. Each pair of risers is a jumper between them. And the connection of risers to each other is carried out in an apartment located on top floor or in the attic.

But what about typical nine-story buildings built in Soviet time? Here everything is arranged a little differently: the supply spill is located in the attic, where there are also devices such as: an expansion tank with an air valve, a valve that cuts off each riser.

Who sets the heating tariff?

You have learned how to heat your apartments. Now it would be useful to find out information about how to calculate the payment for heat supply. However, first, let's find out who sets the heating tariff.

Heating standards are set by regional authorities.

It is worth noting that for each organization that supplies houses with thermal energy, there is an individual approach. That is why heating the territory of a certain region or city different companies carried out at different rates.

Calculating payment for heating in housing: the most common methods

Those who already have a receipt for utilities are beginning to be interested in how to calculate the heating fee. After all, the cost of a service does not always meet all expectations. This issue is especially troubling when the volume of utilities is large.

Payment for heat supply is calculated in accordance with the readings shown by metering devices built into almost every home.

There are two types of devices intended for heat metering:

  • Common buildings;
  • Apartment.

According to the common house appliance, mutual settlements are carried out between the SMD (apartment building council) and the organization that provides the house with heat. If there is no communal meter, then all necessary operations are carried out using an individual meter. This device– an excellent assistant in calculating the cost of heating services, which the end user needs to enter into the SMD.

Also, a high-rise building may not have two types of devices. What to do in this case? Here, payment for heat energy is calculated in accordance with the standards established by law.

If tariffs change, then the energy supplying organization is obliged to inform the consumer or the SMD society about this and indicate the reasons for the innovations.

All of the above rules are specified in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011 and No. 344 of 04/16/2013. subject to significant changes.

There are several methods for calculating the amount of heating charges. But we will focus on the three most relevant of them.

Calculation without meters

Not every residential apartment building has a built-in communal heating meter. That is why the calculation is carried out without a meter during the heating season. The following formula is used here: P i = S i x N T x T T . And now, to make it clear, let’s tell you what all these symbols mean:

S i – total area of ​​housing;

N T – standard for heating use;

T T is the heat energy tariff that is set for your region and service provider.

Calculation for a common house meter

How are heating charges calculated if the building has a common appliance? Here it is worth paying attention to the formula:

P i = V D x S i S about x T T

T T - tariff for thermal energy, which the service provider sets for the region;

S ob - total area of ​​heated premises;
V D - volume of thermal energy consumption obtained from the difference in indicators of common house meters;

S i is the total area of ​​the heated room in an apartment without an individual meter.

Calculation by meter

P i = (V i n + V i one X S i S about) x T T

V i n - volume of heat used according to an individual meter;

V i one – the volume of thermal energy that was expended for heating non-residential premises;

S i - total area of ​​the apartment;

S ob – the area of ​​all rooms (including staircases, etc.) in the house that are heated;

T T – heat tariff.

But what to do if there are no heating meters in the house? In the absence of heating appliances, the payment is calculated for a separate apartment. This is done as follows: fixed tariff for heating services for 1 sq.m. We multiply the area of ​​the apartment by the total area of ​​all apartments and other heated premises (attic, basement, utility rooms).

Payment for an individual apartment must be calculated by multiplying the size of the total area of ​​​​this room by the quotient of dividing the total result presented above by the total area of ​​​​all apartments.

Still have questions? Then watch this video:

If you follow all these formulas, then calculating your heating bills will not be difficult.

Checking the accuracy of the accrual

When payments for heating arrive, there is a desire to check the accuracy of the accrual. What does it depend on? First of all, from the formulas used in a particular case.

In what cases is recalculation for heating necessary?

If you have received a receipt indicating a fairly impressive amount for the use of heat energy, then you need to recalculate the heating fee.

Is it possible to save on home heating bills?

Increasing utility bills, including heating, is not a new phenomenon. That is why it is no coincidence that many residents apartment buildings I am concerned about the question of whether it is possible to reduce the amount of payment for heat.

This can be done in one of the following ways:

  • refuse central heating services and switch to individual consumption by installing a boiler;
  • install a heat meter in an apartment building, which can be provided by specialized stores, as well as an individual heating point.

The first option is most likely suitable for owners of private houses. After all, it provides for quite large financial expenses and difficulties in obtaining proper paperwork.

As for the second option, it is more economical. This option is perfect for SMDs managing an apartment building without a housing office.

Heating meter: is it profitable?

IN Lately Most people switch to paying by individual meter for heating, considering it very convenient and profitable. How is it really?

Let's start with the fact that the heating fee consists of two parts - 70% is heating of housing, and the remaining 30% is heating of places common use. If you install a meter, it can only affect the amount for the provision of apartment heating services, while the second part will remain in place. Therefore, no significant savings are expected.

In general, whether the meter is profitable or not depends on the characteristics of the apartment and multi-story building.

Payment calculation according to standards

Autonomous heating calculation
Heat meters

  • Pi = Si x NT x TT, where

  • Pi = VД x Si/Sob x TT, where

Substitution of specific values ​​is carried out in exactly the same way as in the previous example.

Payment for heating in an apartment building

When the formula takes into account all the necessary values, you can calculate heating in an apartment building.

Autonomous heating calculation

The calculation formula is as follows:

Heat meters

  1. Control valve;
  2. Cleaning filter;
  3. Shut-off valves.

  1. Putting the device into operation.

Payment calculation according to standards
Calculation formula for a common building meter in an apartment building
Heating calculation using individual meters
Calculation of heating in communal apartments
Autonomous heating calculation
Heat meters

According to current legislation, heating calculations in an apartment building are carried out in accordance with current tariffs. Calculation of the tariff can be carried out both using heat meters and using established standards volume of thermal energy consumption.

If a building is equipped with several metering devices, then the difference between common building meters and devices installed in individual apartments is evenly distributed among all residents of the building. To have a more complete understanding of such issues, you need to understand how heating is calculated in an apartment building.

Payment calculation according to standards

You need to understand how heating payments are calculated according to the standard, and you need to use this method only in cases where the apartment building does not have meters at all, neither common nor individual.

Heating calculation according to the standard is carried out using the following formula:

  • Pi = Si x NT x TT, where
  • Si – total area of ​​the room consuming thermal energy,
  • NT – standard value of heat consumption,
  • TT is the tariff set by the local heating service provider.

By substituting the necessary values ​​into the formula, you can calculate the cost of heating. The consumption standard may vary depending on the region, so you need to look for the required value in the appropriate regulatory documents. Tariffs are also individual, and before calculating heating according to the standard, you need to find out the specific values.

Calculation formula for a common building meter in an apartment building

Next, you need to figure out how heating is calculated in an apartment building if there is a common meter. If such a device is available, heating calculations are carried out in accordance with its readings. What is important is that individual metering devices may already be installed in individual apartments, but if not every apartment has them, then the calculation is still carried out based on general indicators.

The formula for calculating heating using a common meter is as follows:

  • Pi = VД x Si/Sob x TT, where
  • TT – tariff cost of heat established for separate region local supplier
  • VD is the total volume of heat consumed by the building, which is determined by the difference in the readings of the common meters installed at the input and output of the heating circuit of the building,
  • Si – total area of ​​a heated apartment not equipped with an individual meter,
  • Sob is the total heated area in the entire building.

Heating calculation using individual meters

Now it’s worth understanding how payments for heating an apartment are calculated if there is a meter. If each apartment in the house is equipped own counter(at least general), then the calculation of heating fees can be calculated based on its readings. Heat cost in in this case is formed from the total heat, which was taken into account by an individual meter, and the level of general house consumption.

The calculation formula is as follows:

  • Pi = (Vin + Viodn x Si / Sob) x TKR, where
  • Vin – the total amount of consumed thermal energy recorded by an individual meter,
  • Viodn – the amount of thermal energy spent on heating non-residential premises in the entire house (defined as the difference between the general house indicator and the sum of all apartment meters),
  • Si – total area of ​​the apartment,
  • Sob is the total area of ​​all heated rooms in the building.

Calculation of heating in communal apartments

By and large, there is no particular difference in calculating the cost of heating in communal apartments from the methods described above - all formulas and indicators are the same, you just need to substitute specific values. The only difference in how heating fees are calculated in the case of communal apartments comes down to the proportional distribution of payment for each room.

If you still carry out a special calculation for communal apartments, you will get the following formula:

  • Pj.i = Vi x Sj.i / Ski x TT, where
  • Sj.i – living area of ​​a separate room,
  • Ski is the total area of ​​all rooms in a communal apartment.

Heating of non-residential premises may not be taken into account in this formula, since the actual values ​​are always minimal.

Autonomous heating calculation

Apartment buildings can do without centralized heating - their own boiler room is used to supply heat. Problems may arise with how to calculate heating in an apartment building under such conditions - the calculation formula is quite complex and not very convenient.

The calculation formula is as follows:

  • Poi = Ev x (Vcri x Si/ Sob x TKRV), where
  • Vкрi – volume of energy resource used to generate thermal energy,
  • TКРV – the cost of this resource, which is determined by current energy prices,
  • Si – area of ​​individual living space,
  • Sob – total area of ​​the building.

Heat meters

In accordance with current legislation, heat meters must be installed. An important point is that the metering device is purchased and installed at the expense of the owner of the premises.

The work of heat meters is to measure the difference in coolant temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the system, while simultaneously taking into account the volume of incoming coolant. There are two main types of counters - tachometer and ultrasonic. The latter are much more expensive, but high price pays off in higher measurement accuracy and reliability.

When purchasing a meter, you must check whether it is certified and whether it can be used for heat metering. The installed meter must be sealed by specialists who have the right to perform such work. Devices are verified every four years.

How are heating charges calculated in an apartment building?

The cost of heat meters is usually relatively low, but you need to take into account that installation will require a number of additional elements:

  1. Control valve;
  2. Cleaning filter;
  3. Shut-off valves.

Behind additional elements you'll have to pay a lot. In addition, you must take into account the cost of inserting, piping and connecting the meter - this work can only be performed by companies that have the appropriate permits. The cost of all work may be even higher than the cost of the meter itself, but this is a mandatory expense.

When choosing a company that will install the meter, you should also pay attention to whether its specialists perform the following work:

  1. Preparation of the installation project.
  2. Coordination of the project with the heating service provider.
  3. Carrying out initial verification and registration of the meter.
  4. Putting the device into operation.

Of course the cost heat meter and the work required to install it is quite large, but all this is ultimately offset by savings in heating bills.

Heating calculations in an apartment building can be carried out using different methods. Choice the right way calculation depends on a number of factors, the main one of which is the presence and purpose of the heat meter.

Payment calculation according to standards
Calculation formula for a common building meter in an apartment building
Heating calculation using individual meters
Calculation of heating in communal apartments
Autonomous heating calculation
Heat meters

According to current legislation, heating calculations in an apartment building are carried out in accordance with current tariffs. Calculation of the tariff can be carried out both using heat metering devices and using established standards for the volume of thermal energy consumption.

If a building is equipped with several metering devices, then the difference between common building meters and devices installed in individual apartments is evenly distributed among all residents of the building. To have a more complete understanding of such issues, you need to understand how heating is calculated in an apartment building.

Payment calculation according to standards

You need to understand how heating payments are calculated according to the standard, and you need to use this method only in cases where the apartment building does not have meters at all, neither common nor individual.

Heating calculation according to the standard is carried out using the following formula:

  • Pi = Si x NT x TT, where
  • Si – total area of ​​the room consuming thermal energy,
  • NT – standard value of heat consumption,
  • TT is the tariff set by the local heating service provider.

By substituting the necessary values ​​into the formula, you can calculate the cost of heating. The consumption standard may vary depending on the region, so it is necessary to look for the required value in the relevant regulatory documents. Tariffs are also individual, and before calculating heating according to the standard, you need to find out the specific values.

Calculation formula for a common building meter in an apartment building

Next, you need to figure out how heating is calculated in an apartment building if there is a common meter. If such a device is available, heating calculations are carried out in accordance with its readings. What is important is that individual metering devices may already be installed in individual apartments, but if not every apartment has them, then the calculation is still carried out based on general indicators.

The formula for calculating heating using a common meter is as follows:

  • Pi = VД x Si/Sob x TT, where
  • TT is the tariff cost of heat set for a particular region by the local supplier,
  • VD is the total volume of heat consumed by the building, which is determined by the difference in the readings of the common meters installed at the input and output of the heating circuit of the building,
  • Si – total area of ​​a heated apartment not equipped with an individual meter,
  • Sob is the total heated area in the entire building.

Substitution of specific values ​​is carried out in exactly the same way as in the previous example. When the formula takes into account all the necessary values, you can calculate heating in an apartment building.

Heating calculation using individual meters

Now it’s worth understanding how payments for heating an apartment are calculated if there is a meter. If each apartment in the house is equipped with its own meter (at least a common one), then the heating fee can be calculated based on its readings. The cost of heat in this case is formed from the total heat, which was taken into account by an individual meter, and the level of general household consumption.

The calculation formula is as follows:

  • Pi = (Vin + Viodn x Si / Sob) x TKR, where
  • Vin – the total amount of consumed thermal energy recorded by an individual meter,
  • Viodn – the amount of thermal energy spent on heating non-residential premises in the entire house (defined as the difference between the general house indicator and the sum of all apartment meters),
  • Si – total area of ​​the apartment,
  • Sob is the total area of ​​all heated rooms in the building.

Calculation of heating in communal apartments

By and large, there is no particular difference in calculating the cost of heating in communal apartments from the methods described above - all formulas and indicators are the same, you just need to substitute specific values. The only difference in how heating fees are calculated in the case of communal apartments comes down to the proportional distribution of payment for each room.

Calculation formula: how is the payment for heating in an apartment calculated?

If you still carry out a special calculation for communal apartments, you will get the following formula:

  • Pj.i = Vi x Sj.i / Ski x TT, where
  • Sj.i – living area of ​​a separate room,
  • Ski is the total area of ​​all rooms in a communal apartment.

Heating of non-residential premises may not be taken into account in this formula, since the actual values ​​are always minimal.

Autonomous heating calculation

Apartment buildings can do without centralized heating - their own boiler room is used to supply heat. Problems may arise with how to calculate heating in an apartment building under such conditions - the calculation formula is quite complex and not very convenient.

The calculation formula is as follows:

  • Poi = Ev x (Vcri x Si/ Sob x TKRV), where
  • Vкрi – volume of energy resource used to generate thermal energy,
  • TКРV – the cost of this resource, which is determined by current energy prices,
  • Si – area of ​​individual living space,
  • Sob – total area of ​​the building.

Heat meters

In accordance with current legislation, heat meters must be installed. An important point is that the metering device is purchased and installed at the expense of the owner of the premises.

The work of heat meters is to measure the difference in coolant temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the system, while simultaneously taking into account the volume of incoming coolant. There are two main types of counters - tachometer and ultrasonic. The latter are an order of magnitude more expensive, but the high price is compensated by higher measurement accuracy and reliability.

When purchasing a meter, you must check whether it is certified and whether it can be used for heat metering. The installed meter must be sealed by specialists who have the right to perform such work. Devices are verified every four years.

The cost of heat meters is usually relatively low, but you need to take into account that installation will require a number of additional elements:

  1. Control valve;
  2. Cleaning filter;
  3. Shut-off valves.

You will have to pay a lot for additional elements. In addition, you must take into account the cost of inserting, piping and connecting the meter - this work can only be performed by companies that have the appropriate permits. The cost of all work may be even higher than the cost of the meter itself, but this is a mandatory expense.

When choosing a company that will install the meter, you should also pay attention to whether its specialists perform the following work:

  1. Preparation of the installation project.
  2. Coordination of the project with the heating service provider.
  3. Carrying out initial verification and registration of the meter.
  4. Putting the device into operation.

Of course, the cost of a heat meter and the work required to install it is quite high, but all this is ultimately offset by savings on heating bills.

Heating calculations in an apartment building can be carried out using different methods. The choice of the correct calculation method depends on a number of factors, the main one of which is the presence and purpose of the heat meter.

Calculation of heating costs in an apartment building,

equipped with a common house heat meter.

Currently, heating fees have increased sharply and amount to approximately half of the payment amount. Why is this happening? Having received a payment, people do not delve into the numbers, but go and pay. They think something like this: “Since the figure is like this, it means that it was calculated in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation based on the readings of metering devices” - AS WELL AS IT IS NOT SO!

Some management companies or HOA chairmen, taking advantage of the lack of control and illiteracy of residents, do very simply:

1. They charge residents for heating according to the standard, i.e. according to tariffs approved by Moscow, and are paid according to heat meter readings.

The heat meter readings are hidden from residents, because the difference between the tariff and actual consumption is significant.


Let's say. There are 100 apartments in the building, each costing 500 rubles.

How to calculate heating fees, temperature standards

per month - 50,000 rub. overpayments per year - 600,000-1,000,000 rubles. What if there are more apartments?

2. Some management companies or HOA chairmen RANDOMLY set the tariff a little less than the standard and proudly inform the residents: “Look, we are so generous, you pay below the tariff,” but in fact the overpayment is about the same as in the first case.

To avoid this, it is suggested to defend your rights and NOT OVERPAY specific example show how to calculate the cost of heating 1 sq. m. in a residential area (apartment).

The legal basis for determining the heating fee is Art. 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the by-law - Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354.

Clause 4.2 1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 states:

42.1. In the absence of collective (common house), common (apartment) and individual metering devices in all residential or non-residential premises of an apartment building, the amount of payment for utility services for heating is determined in accordance with formula 2 of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on the standard consumption of utility services.

In an apartment building that is equipped with a collective (general house) heat energy meter and in which not all residential or non-residential premises are equipped with individual and (or) common (apartment) heat energy metering devices (distributors), the amount of payment for utility services for heating in residential premises is determined in accordance with formula 3 of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on the readings of the collective (common house) heat metering device energy.

In an apartment building that is equipped with a collective (common building) heat energy metering device and in which all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual and (or) common (apartment) heat energy meters (distributors), the amount of payment for utility services for heating in residential and non-residential premises is determined in accordance with formula 3.1 of Appendix No. 2 to these Rules based on the readings of individual and (or) general (apartment) heat energy meters.

In this case, in an ordinary house Soviet-built, we choose the calculation according to formula 3:

3. The amount of payment for utility services for heating in the i-th residential or non-residential premises not equipped with an individual or common (apartment) heat energy metering device in an apartment building, which is equipped with a collective (community) heat energy metering device and in which not all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual (or) common (apartment) heat energy metering devices, according to paragraphs 42.1 and 43 of the Rules, determined by formula 3:


- the volume (quantity) of thermal energy consumed during the billing period, determined according to the readings of the collective (common building) thermal energy meter with which the apartment building is equipped. In the cases provided for in paragraph 59 of the Rules, to calculate the amount of payment for utility services, the volume (quantity) of the utility resource determined in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph is used;

— total area of ​​the i-th residential or non-residential premises;

- the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building;

— tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2013 N 344, the appendix was supplemented with clause 3.1, which comes into force on June 1, 2013

Knowing the formula, the number of gigacalories consumed last year heating season, we can calculate the heating fee in a specific house.


House No. 0: total area Sob=12000 sq.m.

Property area ∑Si=10000 sq.m.

Gigacalories (Gcal) for 2012-2013 = October+November+December+January+February+March+April+May.

Tariff=1570.14 rub/Gcal. (the amount of gigacalories consumed is taken for the last heating season and multiplied by the current year’s tariff).

1. Initial data on heating.

1.1. House No. 0: total area Sob = 12000 m2

area owned Σ Si = 10000 m2

1.2. Tariff:= 1570.14 RUR/Gcal; in 2013-14.

2. Readings of house heat energy meters for the heating season

2012 - 2013

2.1. Meter readings by month (heating season 2012-2013):

Gigacalories (Gcal). = October + November + December + January + February + March + April + May = 92+ 126 + 228 + 250+ 150 + 200 + 113 + 0 = 1159 Gcal.

2.2.Total cost of thermal energy for the heating season 2012-2013.

is 1,570.14 rubles/Gcal x 1,159 Gcal = 1,819,792.26 rubles.

Note: see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011.

2.4. Average per month (12 months)

RUB 1,819,792.26 / 12 = 151,649.36 rubles/month

2.5. Payment per m2 of area (the total area of ​​the house is taken) =

151,649.36 RUR/12000 m2= 12.64 RUR/m2

That's what it is real cost heating, calculated in accordance with current legislation!

According to the standard, thermal energy consumption for heating one square meter. m. =0.016 Gigacalories, i.e. the cost of heating one square meter according to standards. approved by Moscow =0.016 Gcal. X 1570.14 rub./Gcal.=25.12 rub./sq.m.

Based on the current standard, slightly lowering this amount in an arbitrary manner, without taking into account the heat meter readings, the management company (HOA) charges residents a fee, for example, -22 rubles / sq.m.

Let's consider an apartment with an area of ​​76 sq.m.

Example:— i = the sum of the areas of all apartments in the house (apartment Nos. from 1 to 100).

Then the cost of heating without benefits, calculated according to meter readings for the month, will be:

RUB 12.64/m2X 76 m2 = RUB 960.4459

The management company (HOA) will charge residents 22 rubles/sq.m. x 76 sq.m. = 1672 rubles - the figure in the HOA accounting department’s payment slip.

Thus, the difference between the cost of heating accrued in accordance with current legislation and an arbitrarily taken amount in the payment bill of the management company (HOA) will be for one month:

1672 rub.-960.4459 rub.=711.55 rub.

For a year, the overpayment for a single apartment will be:

RUR 711.55 x 12 = 8538 rub. 65 kopecks.

This is an OVERPAYMENT for a year from only one apartment!

Each site visitor can use the above calculation to determine their own overpayment, as well as the overpayment of the entire house.

On this page you will learn how to calculate heating in an apartment in Moscow: the formula and system for calculating gigacalories in an apartment building, a device for measuring heat metering.

Residents of apartment buildings look forward to each new heating season with anxiety, and this is due to constantly rising heat tariffs.

To be sure that an extra figure is not added to the next receipt and not be horrified by the amount to be paid, you should know how the heating in the apartment is calculated.

What does the indicator depend on?

Since the rules for the use of heat in apartment buildings have changed, now their residents see in the payment receipt not one column, as was the case before, but two:

  1. A typical bill for using heating services in an apartment.
  2. An account that takes into account the heat lost for the needs of the home (HH).

To calculate heating in an apartment building (2017), you need to know how exactly it is heated, and what device for measuring heating in an apartment records heat consumption:

  1. There are buildings where there is a common building structure, but apartments and other premises do not have them.
  2. Metering devices are installed everywhere: in every residential and non-residential premises.
  3. Buildings where there are no meters for heat used for general needs.

Only having information about the number of counters in multi-storey building and the cost of heating, you can find out how the payment for heating in an apartment is calculated.

How is heating in an apartment calculated in 2018-2019?

Calculations when the apartment does not have a meter, but there is a common house meter

How to calculate heating in an apartment in Moscow? To be confident in calculations in such a situation, you need to know 4 indicators:

  1. The volume of heat consumption used for the needs of the house. For example, for a month it is 250 gCal (each region has its own tariffs, and the amount of heat consumed can be seen in the receipt or found out from the service that provides heat to the building).
  2. The next parameter is total footage of the house, which includes all premises, from apartments and stairwells to non-residential buildings - boutiques, offices and others. This data can also be obtained from the housing office department. For example, the building area is 7000 m2.
  3. The next element needed to make the calculation is heating costs in an apartment building, this is the area of ​​separate housing. For example, it is 75 m2. There is information about this in the registration certificate for housing.
  4. The last indicator is cost of 1 gCal (tariffs are indicated in the payment receipt). For example, it is 1400 rubles.

Having all the data in hand, you can find out how heating is calculated in an apartment without a meter:

250 gCal x 75 m2/7000 m2 x 1400 rub.

How is the heating fee calculated according to the standard?

Thus, the cost of heating in the apartment is calculated; now all that remains is to make calculations for general house heat.

This requires another important indicator - total area of ​​all rooms in the building, both non-residential (offices, cafes, shops) and apartments. For example, it is 6000 m2.

Now the calculation of heating an apartment in an apartment building will look like this:

250 gCal x (1-6000/7000) x 75/6000 = 0.447 gCal

Having received these data, you can multiply them by the cost of 1 gcal to obtain the cost of the heat tariff:

0.447 gCal x 1400 rub. = 629 rub.

By adding both indicators, you can find out how much you will have to pay per month:

3750 rub. + 629 rub. = 4379 rub.

This is how heating is calculated using a meter in an apartment building when it is a shared building.

Owners of apartments with autonomous heating there is no need to make such complex calculations, since they have their own metering device installed. But they will either have to find out the calculations of heat consumption indicators for general house needs or calculate them themselves.

Calculation if there is a common house appliance and an apartment appliance

When all premises, both residential and non-residential, have meters, and a common building metering device is installed, then the calculation of gigacalories of heating heat in an apartment building is calculated differently.

With the first indicators everything is simple. They are taken individually and amount to, for example, 2 gCal.

In this case, the cost of spent heat will be equal to 2 gCal x 1400 rubles. = 2800 rub., where:

  • 2 gcal– these are the costs of an individual apartment taken according to the meter;
  • 1400 rub.- a tariff approved by authorized bodies, and it is different in each region of Russia.

To calculate how much you will have to pay for public heat, you will need the following data:

  1. General house meter indicators, let them be equal to 250 gCal.
  2. The next thing to find out is, how much heat is spent on non-residential premises. You can find out about this from the heating network organization. For example, 10 gCal.
  3. Will be required data on the total area of ​​the entire housing stock of the building. For example, 5000 m2.
  4. Heat consumption rate= 0.025 gCal.
  5. Area of ​​the building with all rooms, both non-residential and apartments. For example, 6000 m2.
  6. Consumption of thermal energy that goes to hot water supply to the building. Let it be equal to 30 gigacalories.
  7. Calculate the amount of energy consumed for public needs:

(250 – 10 – 5000 x 0.025 8 – 30) x 75/ 6000 = 0.96 gCal

If the building has a central hot water supply, then the formula for calculating heating in the apartment will be carried out without taking into account the volume of heat and energy spent on heating water.

  1. Multiply the volume by rubles– 0.96 x 1400 = 1344 rub.
  2. Putting the indicators together– 2800 rub. + 1344 rub. = 4144 rub.

This is how heating is calculated in an apartment building when there are meters everywhere. It is easier to make all calculations based on the indicators in the payment receipt.

Calculation in the absence of a common house heat metering device

How to calculate the heating of an apartment was indicated above, but you can calculate how much you will have to pay for public heat if the building does not have a meter, as follows:

  1. The indicator of the norm of heat consumption adopted in the region is taken. For example, to know how the heating of an apartment in Moscow is calculated, you will need information about the regional coefficient. For the capital and region it is 1.3, and in the regions of the Far North it will be 1.5-2. And so on for each region of Russia. In our example, it is 0.025 gCal/m2.
  2. Take into account the area of ​​all premises included in the non-residential category. For example, 100 m2.
  3. Add apartment area, in our example it is 75 m2.
  4. Take into account the area of ​​the building in all “contents”, for example, 6000 m2.

Calculation of the heating system of an apartment building:

  1. The volume of heat consumed is calculated: 0.025 x 100 x 75/ 6000 = 0.031.
  2. We convert the resulting volume into rubles: 0.031 x 1400 = 43.4
  3. By adding this indicator to the apartment data(2800 + 43.4 = 2834.4 rubles), the total amount payable is obtained.

This is how heating in an apartment is calculated by area, taking into account all the rooms in the building.

The examples given above allow you to learn how to independently make all the calculations for paying for heating, both for an apartment and for the heat consumed for general needs. It is enough to know the tariffs and basic indicators to double-check the correctness of the amount indicated in the payment.

How profitable is it to calculate heating using a common house meter? How is payment calculated when using it? How can you really save on heating? Let's try to understand these rather painful issues for Russians.

Why is this necessary?

Let's immediately clarify the most important point. The meter itself does not save anything. It's just a metering device.

If thanks good insulation at home, high-quality glazing of entrances, metal-plastic windows and facades covered with a “fur coat” of foam or mineral wool, heat losses are minimized - after installing the meter, residents will receive bills with more modest figures.

If the access heating heats the street, and the apartments are generally poorly insulated, the price of heat in the house may well increase.

Please note: the assessment of the benefits and disadvantages of home meters in itself does not affect anything. According to Federal law №261 residential buildings must be equipped with metering devices. Dot.

So who benefits from paying for heating using a common house meter? What goals does the law serve?

  • More accurate and fair payment distribution. In fact, if the residents of one house invested significant funds in its insulation, and the residents of another were indifferent to heat conservation, it would be wrong to force them to pay a single tariff. At least, this is the point of view preferred by representatives of public utilities.

  • Stimulating residents of apartment buildings to save heat is an argument that looks much more convincing. Unfortunately, economic stimulation is more effective than any persuasion. If a person knows that broken glass in the entrance or an open door will put a burden on his budget, rest assured that the glass will be intact and the doors will close very tightly.
  • Finally, the most unpleasant thing for us, consumers of utility services. Law No. 261 completely and finally shifts the care of common property from utility services to us.

Yes, previously payment for heating entrances and attics was taken from the amounts that we paid for heating; but the amounts themselves were tied only to the current tariff. It was necessary to take care of the condition of the common property of the house management company, and for a fixed fee.

In general, any “communes”.

Payment calculation

How is heating calculated for communal needs and for apartments?

Scenario 1

The apartment does not have its own heat meter.

The situation is typical for houses built before the economy turned to capitalist lines. Actually, most of the houses in the post-Soviet space are heated by standing heating systems, in which, if you install individual metering devices, then on EVERY radiator. Which, to put it mildly, is expensive.

First, the cost of heating one square meter is determined. Heat consumption at current tariffs for the reporting period recorded by the meter is divided by the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential heated premises.

Then the share of the apartment in the common property is determined. It's easy to calculate.

All that remains is to add up the area of ​​the apartment itself, the area of ​​its share in the total property of the house and multiply the resulting amount by the cost of heating per square meter.

Scenario 2

How to calculate heating for common house and apartment needs if apartments have individual meters? The layout of new buildings provides for horizontal wiring from risers inside the apartment, and it is quite possible to install a meter.

  • You quite predictably pay for the heating of your apartment based on the readings of your individual meter.
  • The amount of heat that is provided to the general area - entrances, attics, etc. - this is the difference between the sum of the readings of the common building and all individual meters.
  • Your share of heat costs for general needs is calculated in exactly the same way as in the previous scenario: it is proportional to the area of ​​your apartment.

Scenario 3

How much will residents of those apartments that do not have individual metering devices pay for heat, if they are installed in other apartments?

The payment scheme is also clear and logical:

  • Heat consumption is recorded for all individual and communal meters;
  • The difference represents the cost of heating apartments without meters and common areas. We calculate the cost of heating one square meter according to readings taken, after which we charge payment according to the area of ​​apartments that are not equipped with meters and shares in the common property.

How to save on heating

As we have already found out, the calculation of communal heating in itself is not always profitable. What measures can bring real savings?

Individual metering devices in combination with thermostatic heads or throttles. In this case, you pay only for the heat that you really need. In addition, in this case you are less dependent on consciousness and common sense neighbors.

What is the practical implementation?

  • The heat meter itself is installed at the heating inlet into the apartment. It must be sealed by representatives of the organization selling you heat.
  • Thermostats or chokes are installed on the connections to heating devices. Chokes are somewhat cheaper; in the very budget option The adjustment function can be assigned even to conventional valves. However, adjusting the radiator temperature with a valve is not a trivial task.

Please note: screw valves should not be used. Rubber gaskets can block the gap with a half-closed valve at the most inopportune moment, leaving you without heat. Actually, you can completely forget about this type of valves these days.

The ideal option is, of course, mechanical or digital thermostats. The head is installed in such a way that it is not in the upward flow heating device hot air. After calibration, it is capable of maintaining with acceptable accuracy exactly the flow of the liner that is necessary to maintain the given temperature in the room.

What to do if you have a standing heating system? Installing metering devices on each radiator is a project with a very dubious return on investment. In addition to the huge initial costs, you will have to pay for their periodic maintenance, verification and possible repairs.

The problem can be partly solved by the so-called heat cost allocator. What it is? Simple Digital Thermometer, which continuously takes and records the surface temperature of the radiator and the air in the room.

The device is cheap and extremely easy to install with your own hands: it is attached directly to the surface of the heating device.

Knowing the thermal power of each battery, the temperature of the air and radiator during the month and the total heat consumption of all radiators, it is possible to reliably estimate the heat consumption in each apartment. As a result, we will receive a serious incentive to save thermal energy, since we will only pay for our own expenses.

A nuance: for a reliable assessment of the comparative consumption of thermal energy, at least 75 percent of the heating appliances in the house must be equipped with temperature sensors.

The device allows you to evaluate the actual heat transfer of the radiator. Its retail price is about 1 thousand rubles.

Another solution that can reduce TOTAL costs is an automatic heating point. The devices are in greater demand among organizations: at a cost of 400,000 rubles or more, they provide a noticeable reduction in heating costs for the house as a whole, but do not solve the problems of relationships between residents.

How does such a device work?

Remote temperature sensors monitor outside temperature on the street. When calculating temperature chart the most advanced devices take into account the degree of insulation of the building and its thermal inertia. Coolant temperature and permeability thermal unit adjusted to the actual heat demand.

When using automatic control of the heating system, communal heating meters begin to bring real benefits.

Accounting problems

As usual, any innovation brings with it a lot of new problems. What troubles should we expect from the next government initiative?

  • The first pitfall awaits us already at the stage of implementing legislation. You see, the initiative comes from the government. But residents must pay for the communal heating meters themselves and their installation.

Sometimes we are talking about very significant amounts. The introduction of general house accounting will cost from 150 thousand rubles. Calculate the expenses of each apartment for, say, a small 10-apartment two-story house not difficult.

Heat metering systems are quite expensive. How fewer apartments in the house - those more amount, which each tenant will pay.

However: emergency houses subject to demolition and those where the cost of a meter with installation is comparable to a six-month heating payment are not subject to Law No. 261.

  • Residents of non-privatized apartments do not participate in paying for the installation of metering devices. Their costs are covered by the municipality.

It would seem that one can only rejoice; but the costs are significant! And the budget is not rubber. Municipal organizations will have to save on purchases for current repairs and housing maintenance, which is no longer so joyful.

  • Maintenance of the metering device includes periodic cleaning of filters, mud traps, and repair of shut-off valves before and after the meter. In addition, after the end of the one-year warranty, all subsequent repairs to the device itself are paid by residents. And in a very curious way: payment for housing maintenance increases under this expense item.

That is, regardless of whether the meter is broken or working, we pay for its repair.

  • After installing a home metering device, the management organization finds itself in a delicate position.

On the one hand, she must pay monthly for the energy consumed. In the absence of payment, the supplier can simply stop supplying heat by closing the valves in its well. What consequences could this have in very coldy— I don’t think there’s any need to explain.

On the other hand, there is always a certain percentage of non-payers among residents. Each organization deals with this problem differently; however, management will be very tempted to distribute the shortage among those apartments that regularly pay for heat. There were precedents.

  • Finally, the law does not provide clear instructions on what to do in the event of a device failure. Several incidents have been reported in the press where, as a result of a technical fault, residents were billed at triple the normal rate.

At the same time, the solution to the problem was, to put it mildly, strange: the authorities accommodated the inhabitants of the houses, giving them... an installment plan to pay the full amount of the debt.

Useful little things

Finally - a small amount of purely technical information about in-house metering devices.

With low heat consumption and high pressure in the heating system, the installation of the cheapest mechanical meters is allowed. At high consumption and low pressure, an ultrasonic or electromagnetic device will give greater accuracy. Actually, most home meters are ultrasonic.

Along with heating, metering devices measure consumption hot water. Relatively recently, meters have appeared with a function that is very useful for domestic realities: they count water with a temperature below 40C as cold with a corresponding adjustment in prices.

When introducing heat metering in an apartment building, it is very useful to conduct a so-called energy audit: identify places of heat leakage and recommend measures to reduce them. The event, however, is quite expensive. For residents of a 5-story, medium-sized building, the cost exceeds 50 thousand rubles, for a nine-story building - 100 thousand.

For mechanical meters, installing conventional dirt traps and filters is not enough rough cleaning. A magnetic-mechanical filter is needed to delay the inevitable steel pipes scale and rust.

Such a filter will retain metal particles whose size allows them to pass through the mesh.

Most apartment buildings in our country have a central gas heating, invoices for which each owner receives square meters. Of course, you should trust the information on the receipt, but it is advisable to double-check the accuracy of the calculations in order to completely eliminate the possibility of error. The problem is that many apartment owners simply don’t know how to do this. Let's look into such an important issue!

How to calculate the cost of heating in an apartment?

The calculation algorithm is completely determined by the method of heating the house and the available heating devices. Options for equipping buildings with accounting devices can be completely different:

  1. Only one meter is installed for the entire house, and separate apartments and non-residential premises are not equipped with accounting devices.
  2. There is a common meter, but some apartments and premises are also equipped with individual devices.
  3. There is no meter in the house, but some apartments have metering devices.

Before you begin calculating heating, you need to find out which method of metering gas consumption is used in the house. Without this information further actions are simply impossible.

How to calculate the heating fee in an apartment using a meter common to the entire house?

In order for our calculations to be clear, it is necessary to take some data as an example. Let's say that the meter in the house showed consumption of 300 Gcal. The area of ​​the multi-storey building itself is 8500 m². The apartment taken into account has an area of ​​80 m². Let’s take the tariff for consumed electricity to be 1,500 rubles/1 Gcal.

First, we’ll find out how to calculate heating based on the area of ​​an apartment; to do this, we’ll use the following diagram: (300*80/8500)*1500 =4235 RUR. This amount will appear first on the receipt, since it is the payment for heating in the apartment.

However, let’s not forget about non-residential premises, the heating costs of which are distributed among the residents. Let's assume that the living area is 7000 m². Then the calculations will be as follows: 300*(1-7000/8500)*80/7000=0.6051 Gcal. Convert into monetary equivalent: 0.6051*1500=908 rub.

The total amount of the receipt in this case will be: 4235+908=5143 rub.

How to calculate heating according to the meter in an apartment?

Let's imagine that some apartments, as well as non-residential premises, are equipped with meters. According to available metering devices, 15 Gcal were spent on heating non-residential areas, and 10 Gcal in other apartments. The needs of hot water supply accounted for 40 Gcal.

First, let's find out how much heat fell on our square meters:

  • If you have a meter, take readings and multiply by the current tariff: 2*1500=3000 rub.
  • in the absence of a meter, the rate of heat consumption per 1 m² is taken into account, which is 0.03 Gcal: 0.03*80*1500=3600 rub.

Now you need to find out what amount will be added. The following diagram will help us with this: ( 300-15-7000*0.03-10-40)*80/7000=0.2857 Gcal. Convert to rubles: 0.2857*1500=429 rub.

  • 3000+429=3429 rub.
  • 3600+429=4029 rub.

How to correctly calculate heating in an apartment without a common meter?

In this case, the presence of a metering device in the home also has great importance. The first step is still to determine the cost of heating the apartment:

  • with counter: 2*1500=3000 rub.
  • without counter: 0.03*80*1500=3600 rub.

Now we need to know the amount for the needs of the house, and this requires information about the area of ​​​​the common property. Let's say it is 200 m², then the calculation will be as follows: 0.03*200*80/7000=0.0686 Gcal. In money: 0.0686*1500=103 rub.

The total amount of the receipt will be:

  • in the presence of individual device: 3000+103=3103 rub.
  • in the absence of a meter in the apartment: 3600+103=3703 rub.

As can be seen from the calculations, apartment meter significantly reduces the payment for thermal energy, so it is worth thinking about installing an individual metering device. This will not only save you money, but will also allow you to fully control the accrual process.

How to calculate heating batteries for an apartment?

When choosing radiators for your home, it is very important to make the correct calculation, otherwise the apartment will be constantly hot or cold. Only specialists can provide the most accurate data, but independently required amount sections can also be calculated. There is a simplified method that allows you to obtain data with minimal error.

First we need to find out how much thermal power is required to fully heat 1 m²:

  • at standard height a room in which there is only one window opening and one external wall will need 100 W;
  • if there are two external walls, one window opening and a standard ceiling height, it is worth taking 120 W into account;
  • at two window openings, the same number of external walls and standard ceilings we take 130 W.

If the room boasts a height of more than 3 meters or the presence large windows, then the value obtained in the calculations must be multiplied by a correction factor of 1.1.

How to calculate heating radiators for an apartment using an example?

Let's assume that we have a room of 30 m² with two external walls and one window opening. The ceiling height is 3.3 meters. The choice fell on heating batteries made of bimetal, the power of one section is 220 W (according to data from the model passport). We need to find out how many fins we need to heat the existing room.

  1. First, we find out the total thermal power for the existing room: 30*120*1.1=3960 W.
  2. Now we divide the result by the power of one section of the heating device: 3960/220=18 sections.

If we have two windows, then under each of them it is necessary to place a heating radiator with 9 sections. This approach will help reduce heat losses and increase heating efficiency. We do the same calculation for each room in the apartment.

As you can see, correct calculation of heating in an apartment is not such a difficult task, which you can easily cope with on your own. The main thing is to approach the issue with maximum responsibility and seriousness!

Often, after yet another payment of unaffordable heating bills, residents of apartment buildings feel deceived. In some apartments you have to constantly freeze, in others, on the contrary, they open the windows to ventilate the rooms from excess heat. These examples show how imperfect it can be centralized system heat supply, and payment for heat is unfair.

The above problems can be resolved by installing apartment heating meters. Maximum possible benefit this is received by apartment owners who plan to install a thermal energy controller as the final stage of preparing their home for insulation.

Before moving on to choosing a meter and calculating the required amount of energy, it is recommended to understand the thermal wiring diagrams of apartment buildings:

  1. Single-pipe schemes with a vertical type of wiring - it is necessary to install one meter per riser and temperature sensor for each radiator.
  2. Two-pipe circuits with vertical wiring - installation required separate device metering and temperature sensor for each radiator.
  3. Single-pipe schemes with a horizontal type of wiring - it is enough to install one heat meter on the riser.

If the first two wiring diagrams are available in an apartment building, residents often opt for the option of installing a common building meter. If the wiring is designed according to the third type, in this case it will be most profitable to install a separate meter for the apartment.

Types of heat meters

As measuring instruments To determine the volume of liquid passed through each of the radiators, ultrasonic or mechanical thermal energy consumption controllers can be used.

The simplest according to the design and functional features are mechanical type counters. The operation of these devices is based on the conversion of translational energy of fluid movement into rotational movements measuring elements.

Ultrasonic models are based on measuring the time difference during the passage of ultrasonic vibrations both in the direction of fluid flow and against the flow.

Most ultrasonic heat meters are powered by autonomous sources energy in the form of lithium batteries.

The charge of such batteries is usually sufficient for continuous operation for more than 10 years.

What is needed to install a heat meter?

To install a separate meter in an apartment building, you will need the following:

  • obtain information about the technical conditions of the installation from the heat supply organization or the balance holder of the building;
  • develop an installation project by involving specialists who have a license to carry out this type of activity;
  • install the heat meter, strictly following the requirements of the technical specifications and the previously developed installation project;
  • enter into an agreement with the heat energy supplier on payment based on meter readings.

Main nuances when calculating heat

A common situation is when housing is purchased immediately after the completion of construction of an apartment building. One of the main problems in this case is the independent calculation of the required heat supply and installation heating system with your own hands.

To figure out the required amount of thermal energy for quality heating housing needed:

  1. Decide on heat transfer - the number of battery sections in each room, as well as the proper placement of radiators in the room.
  2. Select reliable, efficient pipes.
  3. Decide which one shut-off valves will be installed.
  4. Choose the most efficient type radiators taking into account the features of a centralized heating system.

Extremely important nuance What remains is the installation of an individual meter at the entrance to the housing. Fortunately, typical for modern new buildings horizontal wiring allows installation of a meter with minimal costs. In combination with automatic or manual adjustment heat flow A heat meter will provide significant savings.

Formula for calculating heating for apartment buildings using a common meter

The most common option in a multi-storey building is to install a common meter to calculate the consumed thermal energy.

When installing a single meter on the riser of an apartment building, the calculation is made according to the formula - Po.i = Si * Vt * TT, where:

Si – total area of ​​an apartment building;
Vt – volume of consumed thermal energy on average per month, based on indicators for the entire previous year (Gcal/sq.m.);
TT – tariffs for thermal energy consumption (RUB/Gcal).

  1. Divide the meter readings taken for the previous year by 12 months.
  2. Divide the resulting value by the total area of ​​the building, taking into account all heated rooms: basements, attics, entrances (we get the thermal energy consumption of each square of area on average per month).

Based on the above, several logical questions arise. First of all, how to decide on the indicators energy consumed in the house for the previous year, if general device just installed accounting? It's quite simple. For the first year after installing the meter, residents pay as before - according to the tariffs. Only in next year You can use the above formula to accurately calculate your monthly payment.

How to calculate the required amount of heat based on the area of ​​the apartment?

The amount of thermal energy required for a specific apartment is calculated using a simple formula. So, on average, 10 square meters of living space requires no more than a kilowatt of heat. Available values ​​are adjusted based on special regional coefficients:

  • for houses that are heated in southern regions countries, the required amount of energy should be multiplied by a factor of 0.9;
  • for the European part of the country, in particular the Moscow region, a coefficient of 1.3 is used;
  • for the extreme northern and eastern regions, the need for heat during heating increases by 1.5–2 times.

An example of self-calculation for a separate apartment

As an example, it is enough to give a simple heating calculation. Let’s say that calculations are being made of the required amount of thermal energy for housing, which is located in an apartment building in the Amur region.

As you know, this region is characterized by rather harsh climatic conditions.

Let's take an apartment in a multi-storey building with an area of ​​60 m2. As noted above, heating 10 m2 of housing requires approximately a kilowatt of thermal energy. Based on the climate characteristics of the above region, in this case a regional coefficient of 1.7 will be used.

We convert the area of ​​the apartment from units to tens, obtaining an indicator of 6, which we multiply by the value of 1.7. As a result, we calculate the required value of 10.2 kilowatts or 10,200 watts.

Possible errors

The above calculation method is incredibly simple. However, there are significant errors here, which may be caused by the following:

  1. The amount of thermal energy required is more closely related to the volume of the room. It is quite natural that heating apartments with a ceiling height of about 3 meters requires more heat.
  2. The presence of a significant number of windows and doors compared to monolithic walls increases the consumption of thermal energy.
  3. It is easy to guess that the heat consumption for apartments located at the ends and in the middle of the building, in the presence of standard radiators, is extremely different.

Instructions for calculating heat according to the volume of living space

The basic, standardized value of sufficient thermal power per cubic meter of apartment space is 40 watts. Based on it, you can calculate the required amount of heat for both housing as a whole and individual rooms.

To calculate as accurately as possible the sufficient amount of thermal energy, it is necessary not only to multiply the volume indicators by 40, but also to add about 100 watts for each window and 200 watts for the doors. Ultimately, the same regional coefficients should be applied as in the case of calculations by housing area.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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