It's no secret that in order to get rid of extra centimeters and fats in your body, you should train a lot. However, how do you know if you are training correctly or not? Have you put in enough effort to make your efforts worthwhile? Do you need to train hard? Or do you need to exercise in a gentle manner so that your body has rest?

How to calculate your heart rate?

It is believed that The normal heart rate of a healthy person is 70-90 beats per minute, but how can you calculate the only correct heart rate at which the optimal amount of fat in your body will be burned? And here comes the first problem - since there are two interchangeable theories regarding this issue, you will have to choose one of them. All we can do is introduce you to each of them.

Regarding the first theory, the correct heart rate is a low heart rate, since it burns much more fat. Proponents of this theory are nutritionists. And in some ways they are definitely right, since there is quite adequate evidence that with a low heart rate the body begins to feed on its own fats. There is also a miracle tablet that you simply need to familiarize yourself with.

Pulse rate Carbohydrates used,% Fats used,%
Up to 80 About 20 About 80
124 65 35
142 74 26
159 90 10

If we decipher our table, we will clearly and clearly see that with a pulse rate of only 80 beats, the body uses as much as 80 percent of fats, burns them, and only 20 percent of carbohydrates that are valuable to us. But with a maximum number of 159 strokes, we have a not so positive result; it turns out that the body burns only 10 percent of fat, and 90 percent of useful carbohydrates. It is not for nothing that it is now so fashionable to exercise at a reduced pace, to get the lowest heart rate during training.

But even here there is one BUT - what to do with this famous formula for measuring heart rate, according to which 220-age * 70? What does it mean? Or has science gone far ahead and left it far behind?

Here we move on to the second controversial theory. This formula became famous thanks to its famous creator, in honor of which it received his name - the Karvonen formula. In fact, it is not so simple, because it has three options:

The so-called simple - as we have already mentioned (220 minus age) - is maximum heart rate during physical activity(MCP)

The so-called gender - (220 minus age) - PIL for men and (220 minus age minus 6) - PIL for women.

And the last one (the so-called complex) – (220 minus age minus resting heart rate)

So, in order to start burning fat, the optimal heart rate should be 60-80% of the highest. This means that if we translate this into the language of our formula, we get the result that you need to keep the optimal heart rate between (220 minus age) * 0.6 and (220 minus age) * 0.8. So we get that for a thirty-year-old lady, the optimal heart rate will be the one that is between (220-30) * 0.6 and (220-30) * 0.8. If we make simple mathematical calculations, we get the numbers 114 and 152. Finding the arithmetic average is not difficult - it will be 135 beats per minute.

So, the problem facing us says: if we train at a rate of 135 beats per minute (after all, this is the result that Karvonen’s formula showed us), then the greatest amount of fat will be burned. But if you trust nutritionists, then with such an intensity of exercise we will burn a huge amount of carbohydrates, and almost all fats will remain in their places, not counting the unfortunate 30 percent. And how do you know who to trust and who not? Who to consult?

And here it is - the answer. To be completely honest with you, we tell you with all responsibility that neither one nor the other can be trusted. Of course, somewhere deep down in their souls, both of them have some kind of common sense, but the result is simple. If you trust nutritionists, then even the simplest walk should bring stunning results. Although, according to our calculations, to get rid of half a kilo of fat at a normal walking speed of 3.2 kilometers per hour, you will have to walk 232 kilometers! So, to get real results, you will have to work hard one way or another.

And if you take a closer look at our formula, then there is no need to be clever here; the author himself sometimes doubts its plausibility, and constantly emphasizes its conventionality. One way or another, this formula has sunk into the soul of the population, and it is now used quite widely, in particular for calculating the PPP, although even a hedgehog understands that the result of this PPP should not be the result of subtracting age, but the result of the training of the individual himself (or his lack of training). Your maximum heart rate will depend only on your physical fitness, because all this is the result of your work. So, only specialized cardiological tests can help you determine this frequency, which will tell you the optimal frequency of your pulse, and not the pulse of a man or woman. And by the way, this result will constantly change, it is not given for life, so if you once did it, but decided to repeat your training results, we advise you to start by re-checking with cardio tests.

Another important indicator is the frequency of your training. American scientists have conducted research and shown that the most optimal frequency of training is from three to five times a week, it is during this time that your body has time to work hard and have plenty of rest. As they say, everything is good in moderation.

Whatever type of physical activity you engage in, your body will respond to it by changing your heart rate. When starting cardio training with the goal of losing weight, novice athletes believe that the longer and faster they run (pedal, work on an elliptical trainer), the faster they will reach their cherished goal. This is not entirely true. The fat burning process starts at a certain number of heartbeats, while the heart rate for weight loss will depend on physical fitness, age and degree of training.

Heart Rate for Fat Burning: Important

There are 6 heart rate zones, training in which will differ in effectiveness and complexity.

90-100% of maximum heart rate - metabolic products are broken down, but are poorly removed from the body (“muscles burn”);

85-90% - training is dangerous, the heart may not cope with the load;

70-80% - predominantly oxidation of carbohydrates occurs. Suitable for muscle building;

65-75% is the heart rate we need to burn fat (slowly, but most effectively);

55-65% - ideal for the development of the lungs and cardiovascular system;

50-55% - the body quickly recovers after exercise.

Calculating heart rate for weight loss

So, 65-75% of your maximum heart rate is the most accurate heart rate calculation for burning fat. This value is optimal - excess weight will gradually begin to disappear. Now you need to determine your heart rate for burning fat. The formula is simple:

220 - your age = desired heart rate.

For example, you are 30 years old, 220 - 30 = 195 beats per minute (maximum heart rate). The heart rate for burning fat is approximately 70% of its value. That is, for effective weight loss you need to maintain your heart rate at approximately 130 beats per minute.

However, do not forget that before the body begins to burn fat, it will burn carbohydrates. They are usually enough for the first 30 minutes of cardio training at maximum heart rate. Only after this time will fat burning begin. Therefore, cardio training should not last less than 40 minutes.

Often during training, the principle of cycling is used, in which several heart rate ranges are used (in which increased intensity exercises at maximum heart rate are alternated with exercises performed at low intensity). Such exercises are good when the weight has risen and you need to lose a few more kilograms.

Circuit training to burn fat

The most effective way to lose weight is considered to be circuit training for burning fat. This is extremely important for women, because, according to statistics, every fourth girl is dissatisfied with her figure and strives to lose a couple of kilograms.

What is the point of such training?

The main idea of ​​this workout is to fully work out the body in one session. It consists of strength exercises, as well as those performed practically without respite, which is extremely energy-consuming and forces a person to work to the limit of his capabilities. As a rule, choose 7-9 exercises and repeat them several times with breaks between circles of 20 to 40 seconds. Circuits for women are performed without weights or with light weights and dumbbells.

Benefits of Circuit Training

With the help of circuit training you will not build muscle, but it has a number of the following advantages:

It fights excess weight perfectly as it speeds up metabolism.

Increases endurance.

It has a strengthening effect on the cardiac system.

Helps strengthen core muscles.

Accelerates metabolism.

Takes no more than 30 minutes.

Sample circuit training plan

To perform such a workout, it is not necessary to purchase a gym membership, since you will need the bare minimum of equipment - only 0.5 kg dumbbells (plastic water bottles). If you are trying circuit training for the first time, it is better to do without weights.

Approximate set of exercises No. 1 (repeat 2-3 times):

15 push-ups

12 squats,

17 leg raises,

16 jumps up

30 seconds plank.

Set of exercises No. 2:

18 squats,

20 abdominal crunches,

16 push-ups

30 seconds of side planks on each side,

17 lunges with each leg.

Set of exercises No. 3:

12 jumping jacks with emphasis on the floor,

15 lifts per chair,

20 crunches,

17 push-ups

Hold the plank for 30 seconds.

Before you start training, you should definitely do a light warm-up (jumping, waving your arms). This will prepare the joints and muscles for stress. If this is your first time doing circuit training, choose no more than 5 exercises and do not use weights.

By the way, an excellent example of circuit training is the “Lose Weight in 30 Days” complex by the famous trainer Gillian Michaels.

This training is perfect for those who have never played sports. The complex includes 3 difficulty levels, which need to be completed for 10 days each. The load is given to all muscle groups, the main thing is not to stop!

If a person wants to lose weight, it is important to be able to find heart rate indicators that suit him. This will give an accurate understanding of what loads will produce the desired result. The pulse zone in the training aspect is individual and depends on age, gender and general physical condition of the body. If exercise occurs with excessive or insufficient load, excess weight is not transformed into useful energy.

Calculating heart rate using Karvonen's formula

A Finnish physiologist named Karvonen developed a method for calculating the limits of heart rate (heart rate) in people involved in sports. The method allows you to find out individual heart rate indicators and effectively calculate workouts for optimal fat burning. The value found is on the golden mean between the peak of the heart rate and the readings in a calm state of health.

The formula for calculating heart rate for burning fat using the Karvonen method is as follows:

  1. Determine your steady-state heart rate (RHR) by pressing your thumb against your inner wrist for 60 seconds. The most accurate parameters are detected in the morning, immediately after you wake up. The frequency of muscle contractions at rest accurately characterizes your general physical well-being, so repeat the measurements over several days. The average heart rate of a healthy person is 72 beats/min. Indicators exceeding this threshold indicate poor physical condition or overwork.
  2. Maximum heart rate (EMHR) measures how quickly the heart muscle can contract during exercise. The indicator is calculated simply: you need to subtract the age of the subject from 220. For a more accurate determination, you need to make physical efforts by doing a good warm-up with several sprint accelerations. After this, you need to run for two minutes at an intense pace. At the end of the test, the maximum possible heart rate is determined.
  3. Heart rate reserve (HRR) is the difference between EMHR and resting HR (RHR). It determines the limits above which the contraction frequency cannot rise. The optimal heart rate for fat burning is achieved through interval training, using calculations where the HRR is multiplied by 95%, and then the resting HR (RHR) is added.
  4. Beginners need to determine their heart rate amplitude, which is based on different goals and fitness levels. Once you have selected your maximum heart rate percentage (EMHR), multiply it by your heart rate reserve (HRR) and add it to your RHR total. The obtained indicators must be adhered to throughout the entire workout. Beginners are advised to choose the minimum training intensity, gradually increasing it as they develop endurance and burn excess fat.

Maximum heart rate (EMHR) – 190 beats/min.

Resting state (RHR) – 50 beats/min.

Reserve (HRR) – 190 – 50 = 140 beats/min.

Minimum intensity to start training – 60%

The minimum heart rate for fat burning will be, based on calculations, (140 * 60%) + 50 = 134. Indicators that do not reach this target heart rate zone are considered ineffective. If the intensity percentage increases, the weight loss process begins to progress.

For women

The average heart rate for the fair half of humanity is considered to be 70-80 beats/min. To find out at what heart rate fat is burned in women, you should use the formula presented above. Girls who ignore physical exercise suffer from increased pulse intensity and are at risk for pathologies of the circulatory system. The initial stages of training very quickly increase the girl’s heart rate, so sudden increases in heart rate must be leveled out by gradually increasing the load.

If beginners do not exceed the threshold of 120-135 beats per minute, the risk of fatigue and cardiac arrest is eliminated. Using the formula of the physiologist Karvonen, each girl must determine an individual target exercise threshold for optimal fat burning without harming health.

For men

The fat burning formula shows that men's heart rate is on average lower than women's and varies between 60-70 beats/min. The advantage here is achieved due to the fact that the stronger sex, supported by specific hormones, has greater endurance and power. Gradually developing tolerance to oxygen deficiency in tissues and developing the heart muscle, a training man reaches optimal heart rate limits from 125 to 160 beats/min.

Online heart rate calculator for fat burning

Our online calculator calculates heart rate for fat burning using the Karvonen formula in its algorithm.

Moderate physical activity during training in the green zone increases the body's endurance and optimally burns calories. The pulse should not exceed 70% of the maximum heart rate, since neglecting the permissible limits will cause a cessation of oxygen consumption by the tissues. In this case, the burning of excess fat will also stop.

The online calculator will help you determine the optimal load during exercise and the duration at which the most effective fat burning occurs.

Running to burn fat

Running is an excellent way of aerobic training, the purpose of which is to increase endurance and burn fat. Frequent exercise develops the heart muscle, normalizes metabolism and helps you lose weight. To calculate your heart rate for burning fat, you need to find out your individual anaerobic zone, beyond which the body will not be able to continue burning extra calories. Beginning runners should vary the jogging pace at a normal pace as their heart rate reaches its peak.

120-130 beats per minute is considered optimal for the average athlete.

Using specific meters, a person will not need to stop in order to calculate the pulsation. Those who exercise often experience sensations that are rarely encountered during a calm pace of life.

What you need to know while running

  1. Running significantly increases body temperature, which often reaches 39 degrees. For training, this indicator is normal. Hot blood destroys some viruses and promotes recovery from colds.
  2. Beginners often experience pain in their sides. Here it is necessary to slow down the pace or massage the abdominal cavity so that excess blood in one area spreads to the extremities.
  3. A restless heart during active running indicates that the organ is unprepared and requires a slowdown.
  4. The normal condition is pain in the muscles and joints, since during exercise the skeleton and fibers experience serious stress that must be endured. After the exercise, the areas of concern are massaged or treated with ointments.

Important! If a person who wants to lose weight exercises in hot weather, he needs to carefully monitor the maintenance of water-salt balance. A complete refusal of fluid will provoke a sharp rise in heart rate and cause dangerous consequences for the practitioner.

Running program for beginners

Very accurate information, one of the best videos on running for beginners you can see on the net. Recommended for beginners.

If you can’t run at a low heart rate of 120-135 beats per minute, but you don’t suffer from tachycardia. You should alternate between walking and running until you can work at a lower heart rate. At a heart rate of 150 you should be able to run relatively easily for more than an hour, but this is not a recovery run, since the heart rate interval is different.

Workouts to burn fat

The idea is to perform strength and aerobic exercises with little or no rest. This forces you to work to the limit and takes a lot of energy. The complex includes push-ups, squats, leg raises, jumping jacks and a plank position. Before starting, a mandatory warm-up is required. To maintain an optimal heart rate for fat burning, you need to track your readings using an electronic device on your wrist.

The main advantages of such training include:

  • Increases endurance and strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Since exercise increases metabolic rates, the body gets rid of extra pounds more effectively.
  • Skeletal muscles are strengthened, and the workout itself takes no more than half an hour.

How to burn fat productively

In 9 minutes of video, he explained how to burn fat correctly and so clearly and understandably that no trainer could cope with such a task.

How to create a fat burning program

All information is luxuriously laid out on shelves and in places! There is no cheap populism, there is a clear focus on long-term work to create a fat-burning program.

After a workout, it is best to have a good sleep, not household activity. During sleep, recovery occurs, minor injuries heal and muscle mass increases. If after training you also engage in other activities, then chronic lack of sleep and deterioration of the immune system are guaranteed. But naturally, I mean a workout during which it is impossible to talk on the phone or communicate with people, and after it the muscles are simply killed.

I admit that if such a workout took place during the day or in the morning, then it is best to first take a nap during the day, and then go for a walk or do business. Yes, and after training, not everyone eats a piece of cake right away, there aren’t that many stupid people. Many smart people eat cottage cheese and go to bed.

Let's summarize:
The most effective means for losing weight has always been rational cardio training, which in a few months relieves a person of excess weight, shortness of breath and metabolic problems. Those who want to lose weight should know at what heart rate fat is burned. When starting classes, you should calculate your individual heart rate threshold using the Karvonen formula.

Regular running training and knowledge of your own body will definitely bear fruit for those who want to become vigorous and strong.

Information about heart rate is important for any person, regardless of his state of health and age. The pulse is an indicator of the work of the heart muscle and the body as a whole, since it can be used to draw a conclusion about the full saturation of organs with oxygen.

During physical activity, in a stressful situation, or when taking medications, heart rate data can help you make the right decision when providing assistance, whether or not to take medications. For those who want to get rid of excess weight, they also need the ability to correctly measure their pulse, since metabolic processes slow down when it decreases.

Therefore, knowledge of how to measure your pulse yourself without special equipment or assistance is very important.

The heart muscle works continuously, contracts and pushes oxygenated blood into the blood supply every second. You can measure your heart rate yourself without the help of instruments by touching the blood vessels that tense during heart contraction. To correctly measure the pulse, it is important not only to find the right place where the vessels are as accessible as possible to touch and their sizes allow you to control the vibration of the walls without interference, but also to know how to determine the pulse.

The pulsation is well palpated (palpable) on the arteries:

  • elbow;
  • brachial;
  • sleepy;
  • temporal;
  • femoral;
  • popliteal

With a strong heartbeat, the pulsation can even be measured on a finger. When weak, only on the largest artery - the carotid artery.

Different methods of measuring pulse can be used, but in everyday life, the only accessible and objective one - palpation - is based on the vibration of the vascular walls transporting blood from the heart muscle to the internal organs. Good points on the human body to measure heart rate using this method are the arteries: the radial artery, located on the wrist, and the carotid artery, located on the neck.

In order to constantly monitor the work of the heart, you need to know how to measure your pulse at home, without turning to doctors or disturbing your family.

How to measure on the carotid artery?

The carotid artery is one of the large vessels that supplies blood to the brain. Therefore, even with insignificant heart rate indicators, it will be easy to feel the vibrations of the walls on the carotid artery and measure the pulsation. On the carotid artery vessel, the pulse measurement technique is effective due to:

  • size;
  • pairings;
  • availability of a place for examination.

Finding the carotid arteries is easy as follows:

  1. Place two fingers of your right hand tightly together: index and middle.
  2. Place your fingers on the thyroid cartilage (Adam's apple).
  3. Slide to the side until it reaches the indentation on the neck.
  4. Feel the point of the most obvious pulsation of the vessel.

To measure the pulse in this place yourself, you need to:

  1. Sit on a chair and lean back.
  2. Prepare a stopwatch, a watch with a second hand, you can also use the functions of your mobile device.
  3. With the relaxed fingertips of the right hand (for left-handed people - the left), folded together, feel the pulsation of the carotid artery.
  4. Record the time and count out loud the pulses of blood against the walls of the artery.

Heart rates less than 60 beats per minute and more than 100 beats per minute require medical attention.

Heart rate can be measured on both paired arteries: right and left, but this should not be done simultaneously. Do not press too hard on the vessel, so as not to stop the blood flow, causing dizziness or loss of consciousness.

Pulse measurement locations

How to count correctly in the area of ​​the left half of the chest?

Heart rate can be measured by touching the palm of your hand to the left side of your chest:

  • in men - under the left nipple;
  • in women - under the left breast.

Counting on the left side of the chest with an increased pulse is considered reliable.

To measure and get correct data, you need to know how to count your pulse. To do this you need:

  1. Strip to the waist.
  2. Take a lying position.
  3. Record the time on a stopwatch, timer or watch.
  4. Place the palm of your right hand on the left side of your chest.
  5. Count the number of heart beats in 60 seconds.

How to determine on the radial artery yourself?

Despite the availability of the method, not everyone knows how to count the pulse on the hand correctly. Knowing how to measure the pulse by palpating the radial artery, which is located on the wrist, you can obtain objective information about the state of your health. The radial artery is released through the skin so that its pulsation is noticeable even to a non-specialist.

To understand how to measure the pulse on your hand yourself, you should find this place:

  1. Sit on a chair.
  2. Relax your left hand.
  3. Place your hand palm up.
  4. Place the 2nd, 3rd, 4th fingers of your right hand on the inside of your wrist.
  5. Press the radial artery and feel the pulsation.
  6. Using the algorithm for measuring the pulse on the radial artery, calculate the number of pulse oscillations:
  • put a stopwatch in front of you;
  • Count your heart rate for 1 minute.

The heart rate of a healthy person should normally be from 60 to 80 beats per minute.

On the right or left hand?

Having understood how to calculate the pulse manually, you need to decide on which hand it is preferable to measure it.

You can measure it on your hands: right and left, normally the measurement result should be the same. But practice shows that more correct results are obtained on the left hand, located closer to the heart.

Knowing how to take your pulse on your arm can help save your life.

Algorithm of actions

The algorithm of actions when measuring pulse is not complicated, but for the reliability of the results, it requires precision execution. A step-by-step execution of the algorithm will allow you to understand how to correctly measure the pulse on your hand:

  1. Prepare a stopwatch and place it in a position convenient for monitoring.
  2. Remove items of clothing, wristwatches and rings that constrict and prevent access to blood vessels, so that nothing impedes blood circulation.
  3. Sit comfortably, leaning back in a chair, or take a horizontal position.
  4. Turn the palm of your left hand up.
  5. It is acceptable to lightly press your hand to your chest.
  6. Using three fingers of your right hand: index, middle and ring, simultaneously press on the artery.
  7. Feel for clear pulses of blood inside the vessel.
  8. Start the stopwatch and count the contraction frequency for 60 seconds.
  9. Measure the pulse on your right hand in a similar way.
  10. Record the result.

Systematic measurement of pulse should be carried out under the same conditions: in the same position, at the same time of day, for a certain amount of time.

Method of counting in 10 seconds

Speaking about how to calculate the pulse in 10 seconds, it must be said that this technique is used by athletes during active sports.

Using a heart rate count of 10 seconds multiplied by 6 allows them to quickly measure the number of heart beats per minute and determine physical activity.

It is not recommended to use this technique in all other cases, since such calculations have a very high error - up to 18 beats per minute! This is explained by the fact that a person cannot correctly take into account the first and last heart sounds in an exact 10-second period.

More accurate data can be obtained by recording the time spent on 10 pulsations. How to calculate the pulse per minute when measuring 10 beats:

  1. Feel for clear vibrations of the artery walls in a convenient place.
  2. Start the stopwatch.
  3. Count the vibrations of the artery from the second beat.
  4. Stop counting after 10 heartbeats.
  5. Record the time.

The counting method is as follows: 10 beats x (60 seconds / fixed time). For example, if 4 seconds have passed in 10 beats, then the pulse at the moment will be equal to 150 beats per second = 10 x (60 / 4).

Knowledge of how to measure your pulse in 10 seconds can be important in a force majeure situation.

Which measurement option is most accurate?

The most accurate and functional option is to determine the pulse by palpation within 1 minute. Places available for self-examination are the arteries: radial and carotid.

The method of determination on the wrist is suitable when the subject is in a calm state. After physical activity, it is convenient to measure your pulse by placing your fingers on the carotid artery. Other methods are complex in terms of finding the ripple and the reliability of the information obtained.

Useful video

For more information on how to measure your pulse yourself, watch the following video:


  1. - one of the important indicators of human health. It is important to be able to measure it in a healthy person during physical activity in order to avoid harm to the body. If you feel unwell, its frequency is an indicator of problems with the heart and nervous system. Even proper nutrition for the purpose of losing weight should be carried out while monitoring heart rate.
  2. It is important to learn how to find and measure your pulse on your own, using a minimum of equipment. The information presented in the article will help you quickly find the location of arterial pulsation and explain how to correctly measure your pulse within 1 minute and 10 seconds on your wrist.
  3. Knowledge of how to calculate the pulse, methods and techniques that explain how to measure the heart rate will help you effectively examine your own body and come to the aid of others at the right time.

The closer we get to summer, the more people in gyms start traveling on treadmills and riding exercise bikes. The purpose of this is usually to get rid of excess fat. At the same time, athletes always devote time to cardio exercises throughout the year, and their goals can be very different. This article will help you figure out how to make the most of your time on the track.

Pulse, or heart rate (HR), is a measure of how many beats the heart makes in a certain period of time, usually per minute.

This value is the most objective indicator of how much stress your body is experiencing. You can understand not only the intensity of the load, but also what effect it has on the body, and how long you can train in this mode.

How to determine your pulse

You can measure your heart rate either using a special device - a heart rate monitor, or by feeling the pulse on your wrist or neck. A heart rate monitor is, of course, more convenient, especially since you can always get by with the simplest model.

If you prefer to measure your heart rate manually, it is better to count the number of beats in 10 seconds and multiply the indicator by 6.

Maximum allowable heart rate

First, we need to understand what heart rate value is considered maximum. This can be done using a simple formula: 220 - age. The result will be the desired value. For example, for a person aged 30 years, the maximum heart rate will be 190.

Pulse zones

Now let's take a closer look at all five pulse zones. I’ll say right away that their boundaries are somewhat blurred and for more experienced athletes they are determined partly by sensations. In this case, of course, based on the readings of the heart rate monitor.

Zone 1. Aerobic zone (health zone).

Improves health, increases metabolism, facilitates recovery.

Heart rate: 50-60% of maximum.

Load duration: 20 minutes or more.

Training in this range will be useful for those who have just embarked on the path to healing the body and have poor physical fitness. Loads of this intensity train the heart without unnecessary risk.

Zone 2. Fat burning zone (fitness zone).

General endurance is strengthened and fat burning processes are stimulated.

Heart rate: 60-75% of maximum.

Load duration: 40 minutes or more.

Feelings: easy breathing, low muscle load, light sweating.

A slightly more accurate formula for calculating the optimal fat burning heart rate: ((220 - age - resting_pulse) * 0.6) + resting_pulse.

Suitable for anyone with frequent, low-intensity workouts. When training in this range, metabolism proceeds in such a way that fats accumulated in fat depots are maximally used to obtain energy. Loads of this intensity help reduce body weight by reducing subcutaneous fat.

Zone 3. Strength endurance zone (fitness zone).

Improves physical fitness and anaerobic power.

Heart rate: 75-85% of maximum

Load duration: 10 minutes or more (depending on fitness level).

Feelings: mild muscle fatigue, light breathing, moderate sweating.

Suitable for any person with standard workouts of medium duration. The intensity of the load becomes higher, and the body begins to burn even more calories. However, there is no longer enough time to remove fats from the depot and get energy from them, so he begins to use carbohydrates for this purpose.

Zone 4. Improvement zone (hard).

Anaerobic endurance increases and the ability to achieve maximum results increases.

Heart rate: 85-90% of maximum.

Load duration: 2-10 minutes (possibly more, depending on fitness level)

Feelings: muscle fatigue, difficulty breathing.

Suitable for experienced athletes. The oxygen carried by the blood begins to be insufficient for oxidative reactions, so the cells switch to an oxygen-free anaerobic mode. Fats in this zone are practically not burned, and carbohydrates are used to obtain energy.

Zone 5. Improvement zone (maximum).

Develops maximum sprint speed and performance.

Heart rate: 90-100% of maximum.

Duration of the load: about 2 minutes (possibly more, depending on fitness).

Feelings: severe muscle fatigue, heavy intermittent breathing.

Suitable for professional athletes. The body works to the limit of its capabilities, using up all available reserves and buffer substances, and the respiratory and cardiovascular systems operate with the highest possible efficiency.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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