Advantages of metal tiles:

  • When installing the sheets, fewer seams are created, which additionally gives strength to the roofing structure.
  • The material is quite airtight and does not require special care.
  • The light weight of metal tiles allows you to save on the construction of the rafter system.
  • The size of the material is quite large, so installation can be completed in a short time.
  • With proper installation, less waste comes out than, for example, with slate.
  • Metal roofing adds aesthetics to any structure.

Metal tile sizes

Metal tiles come in a variety of sizes, with different useful lengths and widths, and according to this, the working area of ​​the metal tile sheets. To determine the entire length of the metal tile, you need to measure the distance from one edge to the other. The full width, which does not have such a huge range in size as the length, is measured in the same way.

The length of the canvas can vary from 40 cm to 800 cm. Width from 116 cm to 119 cm. It is necessary to use the material based on the parameters of the roof; experts recommend not to choose panels that are too large for independent construction. For example, it is difficult to lift a six- to eight-meter sheet to the top, and besides, you can tear off both the walls and the canvas itself.

The thickness of the sheet varies from 0.45 to 0.55 mm, but do not trust what is written on the packaging; when purchasing, measure the actual thickness of the sheet with a micrometer.

How to calculate

The amount of material is calculated according to the standard scheme. The area of ​​one slope is calculated, and then summed up for the remaining number of segments. For example, on a shed roof, the length and width of the slope are measured, with all existing roofing structures, multiplying, we calculate the total area. The next step is to calculate the overlap of the individual sheet and the overall value of the overhang edge.

The overlap can reach up to 200 mm, and will not be included in the usable area, we find out to find out the usable area of ​​the sheet. Having calculated what size the overhang area will be, you add it to the total area of ​​the roof. It's simple.

It all depends on what material you will use. The waves on the material come in different sizes, but in any case you can calculate the useful dimensions of any sheet, and overhangs do not pose problems with calculations. This method assumes that you have already decided what material you will install, and all that remains is to count the number of sheets required.

No organization will undertake the installation of metal tiles until it has made all the required calculations.

In fact, it is more difficult to calculate a more complex structure, but what is interesting is that the theoretical calculation and the actual result in this case have a larger percentage of the difference. Therefore, it is always better to take the material with some reserve.

So, the main thing you need to know before calculating the amount of material:

  1. Calculate the area of ​​all slopes.
  2. Calculate the area of ​​overhangs.
  3. Calculate the useful dimensions of each canvas.

Calculation examples

Having done all the above calculations, and having found out the useful value of the sheet, the roof area, you can begin to calculate the required sheets of metal tiles. It's actually simple:

  • to the overall roof result we immediately add the value of the overhang area;
  • We divide the obtained result by the value of the useful area of ​​the canvas, and thus the number of required sheets is obtained.

Let's take, for example, 100 sq. m. plus the value of the overhang edge - 5 sq. m. Let's take the working value of one sheet - 5 square meters. m, it turns out 105 needs to be divided by 5 and it turns out = 21 sheets of metal tiles required per 100 sq. m. m. of roofing.

Second example.

See the picture below, we have all the measurements to calculate the required amount of material to cover the roof of this house. As an example, let’s take a standard canvas measuring 3620×1160 mm; this format is often used. After summing up all the values: two slopes, a veranda, we find out the total area. The house in the picture has 123 sq. m.

How many canvases will be required for this building? We have a format measuring 3620×1160 mm, for which we first need to calculate the usable area. Let's take the wave width - that's 60 mm to subtract. Next you will need to determine the dimensions that will go into the end overlaps. Here, more is usually taken away than in width, this is from 100 to 150 mm. We'll take 100 mm, I think ten cm is enough for the overlap.

Now we subtract the taken overlap value - 100 mm - from the length of the canvas 3620 mm, we get - 3520 mm working length. Then we subtract the wave width of 60 mm from 1160, we get a working width of 1100 mm. Our useful canvas dimensions turned out to be 3520×1100 mm. In centimeters it will be 38720 square meters. cm. We bring it to a meter value and round it, which is necessary to achieve the correct calculation.

Experts recommend rounding up. Using a calculator and rounding, in our example, in meter equivalent, the size of one sheet will be 3.9 square meters. m. The roof value remains 123 sq. m. m. divided by the working value of the canvas 3.9 sq. m. We enter the numbers in the calculator, we get the number - 31.53846153846154. It turns out that in order to cover this house we need to purchase 31 and a half sheets measuring 3620×1160 mm, if we do not round up the quantity - 31.7 pieces.

How to reduce waste

There is probably only one way to solve this issue. As you know, all sheets are produced by manufacturers of a certain size, but there are companies that cut sheets to a given size.

You can accurately measure and place an order, which will also be covered with a protective top layer at the cut points. In this case, you can cover even 8-meter panels by calling a specialist who will cut everything on the spot.

This method will significantly reduce waste, and thanks to the professional actions of specialists, you don’t have to worry about reducing the performance characteristics of the roofing.

The disadvantages of this method include the following points:

  • canvases over 5 meters long are more difficult to transport and store, unlike ordinary ones;
  • metal tiles of this length are also difficult to install and lift;
  • the cost will be slightly higher than with self-installation, since you will have to pay for an additional service.

Estimated cost of metal tiles

In the vast expanses of Russia, the cost of any product can vary significantly, metal tiles are no exception. The difference in the cost of a product does not depend on the region, but is determined primarily by the quality of the product and the manufacturer’s brand.

For example, in Moscow, for popular brands of metal tiles Monterey, Supermonterey and Maxi, the cost today is 250 rubles per sq. meter. But in Novosibirsk the same brands will cost you a little more - 260 rubles, but with delivery, which is also important. We can conclude that the price of the product is almost the same both in Siberia and in the capital, but taking into account delivery in Novosibirsk it is a little more profitable.

Lesson check! Let's say it turns out, according to the above example, at 100 sq. m of roof you will need to purchase canvases, approximately 5250 rubles. Do you still think so? Don’t forget that you need to find out the dimensions of the canvas and calculate the usable area.

Advice! Buy a medium sized product. Short sheets will result in a less useful area, therefore, more material will be needed, which means more money.

Long metal tiles are more economical in terms of reducing waste, but are inconvenient to install. The recommended size for self-construction is 3620×1160 mm or 2220×1160 mm, but the number of waves may vary. A store consultant can tell you the exact number of materials required, provided that you know the coverage area. Now you need to calculate additional fittings.

Additional elements

Calculation of additional accessories

For complete installation, additional fittings are required, the so-called additional elements. Such parts can be purchased either additionally or as a set with metal tiles. First of all, they are necessary for the reliability of the roof, in especially unreliable places, and only then they can be considered as part of the decoration.

An element can be bought on average - 200 rubles per linear meter. But we need to think about what we need and why, and also calculate how much it will cost if we have to buy it.

So, let's consider, we need:

  1. Ridge, end strips that will protect from atmospheric phenomena - rain, wind, and abutment strip - for additional sealing of various joints, for example, a chimney. And this is only the most necessary, there are other additional details, and they are especially necessary if the roofing system is complex, multi-slope.
  2. Snow barrier - to protect the drain from a sudden collapse of snow, cornice strip - protects from dust and dirt getting under the ridge. We will now look at how to calculate the most necessary components, and then, based on the calculations, you will finally decide what to purchase. To calculate the number of accessories you need:
    • measure the length of the ridge, everything will depend on what size the slats will be, since the joints take 10 cm, a standard ridge is 2 meters, for example, if the length of the ridge is 6 m, then you will need to buy 4 slats, which costs 800 rubles;
    • end strips are produced in different lengths and are mounted on end slopes, calculated in the same way, that is, taking into account that 10 cm should be left for the joints;
    • abutment bar - calculated according to the principle described above.

In addition, self-tapping screws are required; their cost varies from 3 to 7 rubles per piece. After the calculations, you can think about the color, if you want your house to stand out and be visible from afar, then choose any bright color. High-quality tiles do not fade in the sun and do not lose their quality, and you do not have to worry that over time your roof will lose its original appearance.

Beautiful and durable metal tiles are a popular roofing material. To ensure that as little waste as possible remains after installation, an accurate calculation of the number of sheets is necessary.
The simple shape of the roof guarantees almost waste-free installation; the more complex the configuration of the slopes, the more you will have to cut off and throw away.

When planning to order materials, measure the dimensions of the roof slopes, draw a detailed diagram, where each part of the complex slope is depicted as a separate plane, and indicate the dimensions of each of them.

Calculation of metal tiles for a pitched roof

The slope of such a roof consists of a flat rectangular plane. The metal tile sheet has a clear rectangular shape, with the upper and lower parts clearly marked on it.

There are full and usable sizes. The useful value does not take into account the overlap; it is this value that is used in calculations. Whatever the amount of overlap, it will not affect the result of the calculations.

Determining the dimensions of a metal profile sheet

The length of each sheet is a multiple of a certain number of embossed waves of 35 cm. By multiplying the wave length by their number vertically, the required sheet length is obtained.

If the roof slope is a simple rectangle, calculate as follows:

1) The width of the slope must be divided by the width of the sheet; the resulting number is the number of sheets of metal tiles in each row, oriented horizontally;

2) To calculate the height, the height of the slope is divided by the wavelength, in our case - 35 cm; the resulting number of waves is divided by their number on one sheet; rounding is performed upward;

3) If the slope rises low, the angle of rise is less than 14 degrees, an overlap of two waves is used to strengthen the roof. This is taken into account when calculating: one for each row is added to the total number of waves.

4) Knowing the number of sheets in a row, find out the number of sheets per slope.

Calculation example
If the slope has a size of 10 x 6 meters, and the width of the sheet is 1 m 5 cm. Divide the width of the slope by the useful width of the sheet: 10: 1 m 5 cm = 10 rows. The remainder will have to be cut off when the size of the gable overhang is determined during the work.
In the vertical rows, we focus on the initially accepted wavelength of 35 cm: we divide 6 meters of slope by 0.35 m of one wave, for a total of 18 waves. This means that 3 sheets of 6 waves each will fit vertically on the slope. The product for the entire slope: 10 rows must be multiplied by 3 sheets in each, you get 30 sheets.

Calculation of metal roofing for a gable roof

The number of elements obtained for one slope is doubled.

When making calculations, do not forget about an important component of the roof, such as. First, choose the type of insulation that is suitable for your roof.

To start making calculations, you can check the existing dimensions of the metal tile sheet, as well as learn more about its main characteristics.

Calculation of the quantity of rolled insulation materials

Don’t forget about insulation and the correct sequence of its installation on the roof

To know exactly how much material to order for rolled hydro- and vapor barrier, you need to divide the width of the slope by the width of the film, taking into account an overlap of 15 cm, you get the number of rows, the length of each corresponds to the length of the slope. By multiplying the length of the row by their number, the quantity in meters of rolled material per slope is obtained.

Calculation of roofing material for a complex roof configuration

Various options for multi-pinch type roofing

Most scraps are obtained after cutting sheets of metal tiles diagonally. The correct calculation of the quantity helps to make a scan: an image on paper of the figures formed by the slopes of the roof - rectangles, triangles, trapezoids.

Rectangular elements are the simplest and waste-free, as can be seen in the example of single-, gable- and sloping roofs.

This type of roof consists of four regular rectangles, two of them on each slope. It is not difficult to calculate how much metal tile material is required for such a roof. An example is a pitched roof.


The roof has four slopes, on two sides they are triangular in shape, on the other two they are trapezoidal. When performing a scan, each slope is first drawn in the form of a rectangle, drawing on it the contours of a trapezoid and a triangle. This drawing clearly shows the diagonal cutting lines of the sheets and the amount of waste that is not useful on the roof.


Four triangular slopes converging at a common point. Hip roofs generate the most metal tile waste.


This is the most complex type of configuration, consisting of two or more gable roofs: rectangles, trapezoids, triangles and parallelograms. Only a rectangle and a parallelogram do not produce waste. When laying tiles on a parallelogram slope, the pieces cut diagonally on one side will fall into the corresponding places on the opposite side of the slope.

By breaking down the elements of a multi-gable roof into simple geometric shapes, you can see how much waste is generated during the work process.

When all the calculations have been made and it’s time to move on to the practical part, first stock up on useful tools. Find out how to do it right.

If you are just starting construction and still doubt the choice of roof covering between soft roofing and metal tiles, be sure to check it out. You can compare ondulin and metal tiles. Our specialists will help you with your choice.

Calculation of additional elements

Examples of possible additional elements for roofing of different types of roofs

The elements covering the ridge, located at the convergence of the ribs and horizontal edges of the slopes, are calculated as follows: the total length of the ridge and ribs is measured, seven to ten percent is added to it to make an overlap.

The lower valley (aka internal) is installed at the point where the inner side edges of the slopes meet. The upper paired element is decorative; it covers the inner one. The length of both is calculated by measuring the length of the converging edges and adding 10% to it for overlaps.

It goes along the entire contour of the cornices. The measurement of this perimeter is the basis of the calculation.

The end strip is equal to the length of all roof ends.

The sealing strip required in the spaces between the ridge and valley is taken with a reserve.

Metal tile calculations online

On the websites of construction companies and companies selling materials there is a convenient service - a construction calculator, where you can calculate the amount of metal tiles per roof. For example, one of these calculators is available at this link - It's easy to use:

  • Select roof type
  • Specify the length and width of each slope
  • Get the full result - the number of metal tiles, valleys, ridge and end strips, the required number of screws and the total cost of materials

The video at the end of the article will help you use the calculator.

Video instructions on calculating metal tiles for ordering

For those who are accustomed to working with a profile sheet when covering a roof, calculating metal tiles will be difficult, for the simple reason that its wave proportions are completely different.

General information about metal tiles

Roofing materials are different, and first of all they can be divided into soft and hard. The first ones, of course, are more convenient to lay on any surface, and they are easier to work with, especially cutting into the necessary fragments. But the latter are much stronger and more durable, including metal tiles. This type of coating differs from a regular profile sheet in that the contours of the wave exactly follow the shape of a regular tile.

That is why a roof made from this material turns out beautiful, but at the same time, it is, of course, much easier to cut. Today, many companies are engaged in the production of metal tiles, and some manufacturers have different size standards. Therefore, before purchasing this roofing material, it is better to familiarize yourself with all the options.

As for the number of waves, the most common options are those with 3 as well as 6 rows of imprinted tile profiles. The first type looks more aesthetically pleasing, but the second, despite the difficulties with its installation, provides better roof tightness due to large overlaps, which must be taken into account using a calculator.

Metal tile calculation calculator

Specify all surfaces to be covered.
Metal tile sheet
working size, not full size!
x cm

- -


Add everything rectangular roof sections

    L= m H= m


Add everything triangular roof sections

    L= m X= m


Add everything trapezoidal roof sections

    L= X= M= m

Features of overall dimensions of metal tiles

The main difference between the material under consideration and other profiles is the heterogeneity of the wave, which along its entire length varies with smooth increases and sharp decreases. However, this affects the size of the sheets only indirectly, only when there is overlap, that is, its usable area depends on the shape of the metal tile. As for the dimensions, their main feature is that the length, whatever it may be, is always a multiple of 5 millimeters, while the sheet can be from 80 to 800 centimeters in length.

However, the most popular segments are 362 and 363, as well as 222 and 223 centimeters, with an overlap of 12 and 13 centimeters, respectively. Despite the fact that the width of the metal tile should be standard, since the rolled sheet for the production of profiles seems to be the same, the transverse dimensions differ from different manufacturers.

In particular, there are rolled products with a width of 119, 118 and 116, as well as the less common 118.5, 115.3 and 114 centimeters. The overlap for the first group of standard sizes is 9, 8 and 6 centimeters, respectively, and for the second - 8.5 and 2.8 centimeters, as well as 90 for the smallest sheet width. For obvious reasons, the smallest cross-size is not popular because too much material is lost when laying on the roof.

Calculate the roof area

The calculation of metal tiles begins with determining the upcoming scope of work. This can be done without even deciding what dimensions the sheets will be purchased for installation on the roof. First, we measure the length of the roof slopes (and not the length of the house, as some beginners do), and then determine their width from the ridge to the eaves overhang. For some types of rafter systems, measurements of the ribs will be needed, for example, this applies to hip and attic roofs, where all 4 slopes are inclined.

Next we work with geometric shapes, and most often during calculations we have to deal with a rectangle, which greatly simplifies the task; trapezoidal slopes are less common. Triangular elements are quite common, for example, above clerestory windows and on half-hip roofs. So, for a rectangle, the formula S = LW is used, where L and W are the length and width of the slope, respectively. For a trapezoid, the easiest way to avoid fiddling with angles is to use a calculator to find the solution: S = h(A + B)/2, where A– overhang length, B is the length of the ridge, and h is the distance between the overhang and the ridge, or, in other words, the height lowered to the base.

The triangles that form the half-hip roof are somewhat more complicated, since they come in different shapes. The simplest option, of course, is a triangle, in which two sides meet at 90 degrees. For such a rectangular figure, the formula S = ab/2 is used, where a And b- legs, or, in other words, the two shortest adjacent sides. An irregular triangle is calculated, like a trapezoid, by lowering the height to the side that is the base: S = ah/2, where a– the base, and h– the height lowered to it.

Determining the number of sheets

Now all that remains is to figure out how much material will go on the roof. For this you need a ready-made calculator, or a series of formulas to compare areas and roofs. Knowing the dimensions of the material, figuring out its quadrature will not be difficult, since we are initially dealing with a rectangle. Then you will have to cut individual sheets along the edges, for example, of a trapezoidal or triangular slope, so that they fit correctly on the roof.

In other words, to begin with we use the same rectangle formula S = AB. Then we divide the previously determined roof area by the square footage of the sheet and find out, using a calculator, how many elements of metal tiles we need for the roof. In order not to experience a shortage of material when buying metal tiles, after an accurate calculation, taking into account overlaps, add 5%; if overlaps were not taken into account, then you need to add 10–15% in excess of the calculated amount.

It should be remembered that it will not be possible to lay the material across even if you want to; all sheets are strictly oriented and have both a top and a bottom. Therefore, all calculations must be made based on the fact that the profile will be laid from the ridge to the overhang and nothing else.

It is recommended not to buy sheets longer than 4 meters, otherwise large sizes may lead to deformations when climbing onto the roof. If the width of the slope is greater than the recommended length, it is better to lay the material in 2 rows, with a horizontal overlap. Another important point - before calculating the metal tiles for purchase, study the following table; it indicates undesirable cut sizes when cutting, which lead to deformation of sheets with a wave pitch of 350 millimeters.

7,03-7,13 5,63-5,73 4,23-4,33 2,83-2,93 1,43-1,53
6,68-6,78 5,28-5,38 3,88-3,98 2,48-2,58 1,08-1,18
6,34-6,43 4,93-5,03 3,53-3,63 2,13-2,23 0,71-0,84
5,98-6,08 4,58-4,68 3,18-3,28 1,78-1,88 0,51-0,69

Before starting calculations, you need to understand that roof and roofing are not identical concepts. By “roof” we mean the entire system that stands on the mauerlat: rafters, sheathing and counter-lattice, all kinds of insulation and, finally, the roofing material, that is, the “roof” itself. An online roof calculator with drawings allows you to obtain data on both the roof and the roof - in a format convenient for you.

The finished calculation of the rafter system and metal roof tiles (as well as other types of roofing coverings) can be saved both in the form of simple numbers for the amount of building materials, and in the form of drawings and 3D models. You can save the result on the PC or mobile device from which you entered the data, and also send it by e-mail to yourself or the specialist who designed your facility. By the way, before purchasing, it is recommended to consult with him or a professional estimator: the online calculator for calculating roofing with roof drawings is designed for standard initial data - your object may have features that the service will not take into account.

Using the service you can make calculations:

  • single-pitched, gable, hipped, including hip roofs;
  • any of the listed types of roofs, including the attic;
  • any of the listed types of roofs, taking into account different angles of inclination;
  • roof area.

All data is entered in centimeters - for example, the length of the roof along the ridge, which will be 12 meters, must be indicated as 12,000 centimeters; The service also displays results in centimeters.

If necessary, under the basic data you can check the boxes to take into account additional materials: Mauerlat, counter-lattice, waterproofing and insulation. The service takes into account the most used types and brands of materials.

Metal tiles are one of the main roofing materials. An online calculator is used to calculate the approximate cost of metal tiles. This service will be convenient and necessary for many users, because it allows you to preliminary estimate costs and compare different coating options.

Roofing materials for roofs vary in technical and operational properties. The shape of the roof can be different, it can be single-slope, gable, or hipped. In order to calculate the cost on the website, you just need to enter the initial data.

Types of roofs and roofing made of metal tiles

  • Single-pitch roof. The single sloped plane and the simplicity of the device are the undoubted advantages of the design. In low-rise building construction, this type of roofing is used relatively rarely. Particularly suitable as a roofing system for high-tech buildings.
  • Gable roof under metal tiles. Two pitched planes are a standard solution for most houses and buildings. The slopes can be symmetrical or asymmetrical (with different shapes and slope angles).
  • Four-slope metal roof. There are no fronts at the ends; triangular slopes are used. The design is impressive and presentable, reliably protects from bad weather and heats up evenly. Atmospheric precipitation has little impact on the structure. A hip roof made of metal tiles (hatched) has limited space under it, perhaps this is its only serious drawback.
  • Warm roof. The attic or attic is insulated for use as a living space. Also, additional protection of the roof from cold and bad weather allows you to increase the thermal insulation of the entire house.
  • Cold roof. The design does not contain layers of insulation; other protective materials are often not used (from wind, humidity, steam, condensation). A cold roof is more economical; however, the attic or attic cannot be used as a living space in winter.

How to calculate the cost of metal tiles online

The roof consists of several main structural elements. The top covering (metal tiles) serves as the final decorative and protective layer.

The price of materials is determined based on the selected metal tile coating. An online roofing calculator is a great tool for determining costs and comparing different roofing options.

When calculated, the price on the calculator includes additional elements, such as ridge, wind and cornice strips, as well as self-tapping screws. In this case, the calculation serves as a guide.

Before calculating the price of metal roofing tiles, it is worth deciding on the manufacturer, name of the material, and type of coating. The sheet profile can have different dimensions in length and width, have different thicknesses and decorative and protective coatings. This must be taken into account when calculating the amount of metal tiles for a roofing system.

Professional calculation of roofing systems in the company “Turnkey Roofing”

Each type of material has its own specifics and cost. Preliminary calculation of a metal tile roof allows you to select the optimal sheet profile for the customer’s needs. The consumer can order the services of a “Turnkey Roofing” surveyor when deciding to purchase roofing materials.

Take advantage of the calculator to calculate metal roof tiles on our website for subsequent ordering of the material and installation of the roofing system.

Our company carries out installation work on roofing and offers materials with delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region. Roofing tiles can be purchased with delivery to different regions of the Russian Federation. Warehouses are located in close proximity to the Moscow Ring Road.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):