In the near future, residents will begin to pay for hot water according to a new principle: separately for the water itself and separately for heating it.
So far, enterprises and organizations are already using the new rules, but for residents the old accounting remains. Due to communal confusion, housing services companies are refusing to pay heat energy companies. Fontanka understood the complexities of the two-part tariff.


Until 2014, the population and businesses paid for hot water as follows. For the calculation it was necessary to know only the consumed number of cubic meters. It was multiplied by the tariff and by the figure artificially derived by officials - 0.06 Gcal. This is exactly the amount of thermal energy, according to their calculations, that is needed to heat one cubic meter of water. As Deputy Chairman of the Tariff Committee Irina Bugoslavskaya told Fontanka, the indicator “0.06 Gcal” was derived based on the following data: the temperature of the hot water provided should be 60 - 75 degrees, the temperature of the cold water used to prepare hot water should be 15 degrees in winter, 5 degrees in summer. According to Bugoslavskaya, committee officials made several thousand measurements, taking information from metering devices - the artificially derived figure was confirmed.

In connection with the use of this payment method, a problem arose with risers and heated towel rails connected to the hot water supply system. They heat the air, that is, they consume Gcal. From October to April this thermal energy is added to heating; in summer this cannot be done. For a year now, a system has been in place in St. Petersburg according to which payments for heat supply can be charged only during the heating season. As a result, unaccounted heat is generated.


In May 2013, federal officials came up with a way out of the situation of unaccounted for heating with heated towel rails and risers. To achieve this, it was decided to introduce a two-component tariff. Its essence lies in separate payment for cold water and its heating - thermal energy.

There are two types of heating systems. One means that the pipe with hot water comes from the one intended for heating, the other means that for hot water, water is taken from the cold water supply system and heated.

If hot water is taken from the same pipe as heating, then payment for it will be calculated taking into account the costs associated with chemical treatment, staff salaries, and equipment maintenance. If cold water from the State Unitary Enterprise “Vodokanal of St. Petersburg” is used for heating, then the payment for it is taken according to the tariff - now it is a little more than 20 rubles.

The heating tariff is calculated based on how many resources were spent on the production of thermal energy.

Confused housing residents

From January 1, 2014, a two-component tariff was introduced for consumers who do not belong to the “population” group, that is, for organizations and enterprises. In order for citizens to be able to pay according to the new principle, it is necessary to make changes to regulations. Pay by new system rules for the provision of public utilities prohibit. Since residents are still paying according to the old scheme, housing organizations servicing houses where they are present non-residential premises, got a new headache.

Charging for hot water supply consists of two parts, or components, each of which is highlighted in a separate line on the receipt - DHW and DHW heating. This is due to the fact that in Academichesky houses, water preparation is carried out directly by the management company in individual heating points of each house. In the process of preparing hot water, two types of utility resources are used - cold water and thermal energy.

The first component, the so-called

DHW supply- this is directly the volume of water that passed through the hot water supply meter and was consumed indoors in a month. Or, if the readings were not taken, or the meter turned out to be faulty or its verification period has expired - the volume of water determined by calculation according to the average or standard for the quantity prescribed.. The procedure for calculating the volume of hot water supply is exactly the same as for To calculate the cost of this service, the tariff for cold water is applied, since in this case it is cold water that is purchased from the supplier.

The second component

DHW heating- this is the amount of thermal energy that was expended to heat the volume of cold water provided to the apartment to hot temperature. This amount is determined based on the readings of the common house heat energy meter.

In general, the fee for hot water supply is calculated using the following formula:

P i gv = Vi gv × T hv+ (V v cr × Vi gv/ ∑ Vi gv × T v cr)

Vi Guards- the volume of hot water consumed during the billing period (month) in an apartment or non-residential premises

T xv- tariff for cold water

V v cr- the amount of thermal energy used during the billing period to heat cold water during the independent production of hot water by the management company

∑ Vi gv- the total volume of hot water consumed during the billing period in all rooms of the house

T v cr- tariff for thermal energy

Calculation example:

Let's assume that hot water consumption in an apartment for a month is 7 m3. Hot water consumption throughout the house is 465 m3. The amount of thermal energy spent on heating hot water according to a common house meter is 33.5 Gcal

7 m 3 * 33.3 rub. + (33.5 Gcal * 7 m 3 / 465 m 3 * 1331.1 rub.) = 233.1 + 671.3 = 904.4 rub.

Of which:

233.1 rub. - payment for actual water consumption (DHW line in the receipt)

671.3 - payment for thermal energy spent on heating water to the required temperature (DHW heating line in the receipt)

IN in this example To heat one cube of hot water, 0.072 gigacalories of thermal energy were spent.

IN the value showing how many gigacalories were required to heat 1 cubic meter of water in the calculation period is called DHW heating coefficient

The heating coefficient is not the same from month to month and largely depends on the following parameters:

Cold water supply temperature. IN different time During the year, the cold water temperature ranges from +2 to +20 degrees. Accordingly, in order to heat the water to the required temperature you will have to spend different quantities thermal energy.

The total volume of water consumed per month in all areas of the house. This value is largely influenced by the number of apartments that submitted their testimony in the current month, recalculations, and, in general, the discipline of residents in submitting their testimony.

Thermal energy consumption for hot water circulation. Water circulation in the pipes occurs continuously, including during the hours of minimum water withdrawal. That is, for example, at night, hot water is practically not used by residents, but thermal energy for heating water is still spent to maintain the required temperature of hot water in heated towel rails and at the entrances to apartments. This figure is especially high in new, sparsely populated buildings and stabilizes as the number of residents increases.

The average values ​​of DHW heating coefficients for each block are given in the section “Tariffs and calculation coefficients”

With the arrival of cold weather, many Russians are concerned about how to pay for utilities. For example, To How to calculate hot water and how often you should pay for these services. To answer all these questions, you first need to clarify whether a water meter is installed in this home. If the meter is installed, then the calculation is made according to a certain scheme.

The first thing you need to do is look at the receipt for housing and communal services that came last month. In this document you should find a column that indicates the amount of water consumed for the last month; we will need figures with indicators at the end of the last reporting period.

The first thing you need to do is look at the receipt for housing and communal services that came last month

After these readings are written out, they should be entered into a new document. In this case we're talking about on receipts for payment of housing and communal services for the next reporting period. As you can see, the answers to the questions of how to calculate the cost of hot water using a meter and how to determine its consumption are quite simple. It is necessary to take all water meter readings promptly and correctly.

By the way, many management companies themselves enter the above information into the payment document. In this case, you won’t have to look for data in old receipts. You also need to remember that in situations where the water meter has just been installed and these are the first readings, the previous ones will be zeros.

The initial readings of some modern meters may contain some other numbers rather than zeros

I would also like to clarify that the initial readings of some modern meters may contain not zeros, but some other numbers. In this case, in the receipt in the column where you need to indicate the previous readings, you need to leave exactly these numbers.

The process of searching for previous meter readings is very important if you need to understand the question of how to calculate hot water according to the meter. Without this data, it will not be possible to correctly calculate how many cubic meters of water were used in a given reporting period.

So, before you start studying the question of how to calculate the cost of hot water, you should learn how to take water meter readings.

Symbols on the meter

Almost all modern meters have a scale with at least 8 digits. The first 5 of which are black, but the second 3 are red.


It is important to understand that only the first 3 digits, which are black, are displayed on the receipt. Because these are cubic meters data, and it is based on them that the cost of water is calculated. But the data that is colored red is liters. They do not need to be indicated on receipts. Although these data make it possible to estimate how many liters of water a particular family consumes over a certain reporting period. This way you can understand whether it is worth saving on this benefit or whether the consumption is within normal limits. And of course, you can determine how much water is spent on bathing procedures, and how much on washing dishes, and so on.

It is important to understand that the receipt displays only the first 3 digits, which are black.

To correctly understand how to calculate the tariff for hot water, you should know on what day of the month the readings of this device are taken. Here, you need to remember that water meter data must be taken at the end of each reporting period, after which it must be transferred to the appropriate authority. This can be done through a phone call or via the Internet.

On a note! It should be remembered that the figures are always indicated at the beginning of the reporting period (that is, those that were taken last month) and at the end (these are those that are being taken now).

This regulation is prescribed in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011, number 354.

How to calculate the service correctly?

It is no secret that the legislation of our country is constantly changing, and therefore citizens are beginning to worry about the question of how to calculate hot water or any other utility costs.

If we talk specifically about water, then we should take into account the fact that payment consists of certain components:

  • indicators of a water meter, which is located in the room and controls the flow of cold water;
  • indicators of the meter, which shows the consumption of hot water in a given apartment;
  • indicators of a device that calculates the cold water consumption of all tenants;
  • data from the meter that monitors the consumption of the residents of the house; it is installed in the basement of the house;
  • the share of a specific apartment in the total expense;
  • the share that corresponds to a specific apartment in this building.

The penultimate indicator is the most incomprehensible, although in fact everything is quite accessible. It is taken into account when determining the amount of resource that was spent on everyone. It is also called “general house needs”. This, by the way, also applies to the last indicator; it is calculated when general house needs are calculated.

Calculation of hot water consumption

As for the first two indicators, they are quite understandable. They depend on the residents themselves, because a person himself can choose to save costs specific resource or not. But in other cases, it all depends on how often wet cleaning is done in the entrance of the house, on the number of riser leaks, and so on.

The worst thing about this calculation system is that almost the entire part of the general household needs is fictitious. After all, in every building there are residents who incorrectly indicate their individual indicators, or, for example, one person is registered in their apartment, but five live. Then the general house needs had to be calculated based on the fact that 3 people live in apartment No. 5, and not 1. In this case, everyone else would have to pay a little less. As you can see, the question of how to calculate hot water still needs careful research.

That is why our officials are still trying to figure out how to calculate the fee for hot water and which mechanism would be the most successful.

Do everyone have the same rates?

To save money, you should always turn on the tap if you don’t need to use water at the moment.

To do this, just go to the website of the management company or just call them. Also, similar information is contained on the receipt that comes to each resident.

After this data has been found, the cost of the consumed cubic meters of resource should be calculated. Next, calculating the payment for hot water is quite simple; this is done in the same way as in the case of all other resources. You should take the number of cubic meters spent and multiply by the specific tariff.

It should be noted that today there are many ways you can save hot water consumption, thereby reducing your costs for paying for it. To do this, you can use special nozzles on the faucet; they will help you not spray water so much and control the pressure power. You should also open the tap valve not at full strength, so the stream will flow under less pressure, but the water will not fly out in all directions. And of course, you should always turn on the tap if you don’t need to use water at the moment. For example, when a person brushes his teeth or washes his hair (while his head is being soaped or his toothbrush is being lubricated, the water tap can be closed).

All these tips will help reduce the cost of paying for hot or cold water, thereby helping to correctly calculate hot water consumption.

Difference between hot and cold water calculations

Of course, this formula, as well as the one that takes into account hot water consumption, has many flaws. Due to the fact that general house indicators are taken into account, it is difficult to control where the difference went between the individual indicators of all residents and the data that was taken from the water meter installed on the house. Perhaps this is really true, and all this water was used to clean the entrance. But this is hard to believe. Of course, there are tenants who deceive the state and give incorrect data, but there are also errors in the work of the pipeline system(the drain pipes in most houses are old and can leak, so the water goes nowhere).

Hot water invoice

For a long time now, our government has been thinking about how to correctly calculate hot and cold water and how to improve the existing mechanism.

For example, in 2013, our authorities came to the conclusion that it was necessary to establish standard norms for general household needs and take this data into account when calculating the cost of one cubic meter of water. This helped to slightly restrain the zeal of our management companies and help the citizens of the country. You can find out these numbers from the management company. But this only applies to those cases where residents have entered into an agreement with the management company. If we are talking about Vodokanal, then each locality will have its own separate fixed minimum payment. And, for example, an overpayment in a given reporting period may cover expenses in the next one.

As you can see, there is a whole diagram that makes it clear how to calculate hot water heating or how to calculate how much to pay for cold water consumption.

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. meters of total area in 2017:

January-April 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 1197.50 rub/Gcal = 43.8285 rub/sq.m.

May 0.0122 Gcal/sq. m * 1197.50 rub./Gcal = 14.6095 rub./sq.m

October 0.0322 * 1211.33 rubles/Gcal = 39.0048 rubles/sq.m.

November-December 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 1211.33 rub./Gcal = 44.3347 rub./sq.m

Calculation of the cost of service for hot water supply per person in 2017:

January-June 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month *1197.50 rub./Gcal = 253.87 rub./person.

July-December 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month *1211.33 rub./Gcal = 256.80 rub./person.

Calculation of the cost of service for hot water supply using a domestic hot water meter in 2017:

January – June 0.0467 Gcal/cubic. m * 1197.50 rub./Gcal = 55.9233 rub./cubic. m.

July-December 0.0467 Gcal/cu.m. m * 1211.33 rub./Gcal = 56.5691 rub./cubic. m


Calculation of the cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. meters of total area in 2016:

January-April 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 1170.57 rub/Gcal = 42.8429 rub/sq.m.

May 0.0122 Gcal/sq. m * 1170.57 rub./Gcal = 14.2810 rub./sq.m

October 0.0322 * 1197.50 rubles/Gcal = 38.5595 rubles/sq.m.

November-December 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 1197.50 rub./Gcal = 43.8285 rub./sq.m

Calculation of the cost of hot water supply services per person in 2016:

January-June 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month *1170.57 rub./Gcal = 248.16 rub./person.

July-December 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month *1197.50 rub./Gcal = 253.87 rub./person.

Calculation of the cost of service for hot water supply using a domestic hot water meter in 2016:

January – June 0.0467 Gcal/cubic. m * 1170.57 rub./Gcal = 54.6656 rub./cubic. m

July-December 0.0467 Gcal/cu.m. m * 1197.50 rub./Gcal = 55.9233 rub./cubic. m


Calculation of the cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. meters of total area in 2015:

Heating consumption standard * Thermal energy tariff = cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. m:

January-April 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 990.50 rub./Gcal = 36.2523 rub./sq.m

May 0.0122 Gcal/sq. m * 990.50 rub./Gcal = 12.0841 rub./sq.m

October 0.0322 * 1170.57 rubles/Gcal = 37.6924 rubles/sq.m.

November-December 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 1170.57 rub./Gcal = 42.8429 rub./sq.m

Calculation of the cost of hot water supply services per person in 2015:

DHW consumption standard * Heat energy tariff = cost DHW services for 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply service for 1 person with a fully equipped apartment (from 1 to 10 storeys, equipped with a sink, washbasin, bathtub 1500-1700 mm long with shower) in the absence of hot water meters:

January-June 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month *990.50 rub./Gcal = 209.986 rub./person.

July-December 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month *1170.57 rub./Gcal = 248.1608 rub./person.

Calculation of the cost of service for hot water supply using a domestic hot water meter in 2015:

The standard thermal energy consumption for heating is 1 cubic meter. m of water * Tariff for thermal energy = cost of service for heating 1 cubic meter. m

January – June 0.0467 Gcal/cubic. m * 990.50 rub./Gcal = 46.2564 rub./cubic. m

July-December 0.0467 Gcal/cu.m. m * 1170.57 rub./Gcal = 54.6656 rub./cubic. m

year 2014

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. meters of total area in 2014:

Heating consumption standard * Thermal energy tariff = cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. m:

January-April 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 934.43 rub./Gcal = 34.2001 rub./sq.m

May 0.0122 Gcal/sq. m * 934.43 rub./Gcal = 11.4000 rub./sq.m

October 0.0322 Gcal/sq. m * 990.50 rub./Gcal = 31.8941 rub./sq. m

November – December 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 990.50 rub./Gcal = 36.2523 rub./sq.m

Calculation of the cost of hot water supply services per person in 2014:

DHW consumption standard * Heat energy tariff = cost of DHW service per 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply service for 1 person with a fully equipped apartment (from 1 to 10 storeys, equipped with a sink, washbasin, bathtub 1500-1700 mm long with shower) in the absence of hot water meters:

January-June 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month * 934.43 rub./Gcal = 198.0991 rub./person.

July – December 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month * 990.50 rub./Gcal = 209.986 rub./person.

Calculation of the cost of service for hot water supply using a domestic hot water meter in 2014:

The standard thermal energy consumption for heating is 1 cubic meter. m of water * Tariff for thermal energy = cost of service for heating 1 cubic meter. m

January – June 0.0467 Gcal/cubic. m * 934.43 rub./Gcal = 43.6378 rub./cubic. m

July – December 0.0467 Gcal/cubic. m * 990.50 rub./Gcal = 46.2564 rub./cubic. m

year 2013

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. meters of total area in 2013:

Heating consumption standard

  • January-April 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 851.03 rub./Gcal = 31.1477 rub./sq.m
  • May 0.0122 Gcal/sq. m *851.03 rub./Gcal =10.3826 rub./sq.m
  • October 0.0322 Gcal/sq. m * 934.43 rub./Gcal = 30.0886 rub./sq. m
  • November – December 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 934.43 rub./Gcal = 34.2001 rub./sq.m

Calculation of the cost of service for hot water supply per 1 person in 2013:

DHW consumption standard

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply service for 1 person with a fully equipped apartment (from 1 to 10 storeys, equipped with a sink, washbasin, bathtub 1500-1700 mm long with shower) in the absence of hot water meters:

  • January-June 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month * 851.03 rub./Gcal = 180.4184 rub./person.
  • July – December 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month * 934.43 rub./Gcal = 198.0991 rub./person.

Calculation of the cost of service for hot water supply using a domestic hot water meter in 2013:

The standard thermal energy consumption for heating is 1 cubic meter. m of water

  • January – June 0.0467 Gcal/cubic. m * 851.03 rub./Gcal = 39.7431 rub./cubic. m
  • July – December 0.0467 Gcal/cubic. m * 934.43 rub./Gcal = 43.6378 rub./cubic. m

year 2012

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. meters of total area in 2012:

Heating consumption standard * Thermal energy tariff (supplier MUP "ChKTS" or Mechel-Energo LLC) = The cost of thermal energy for heating 1 sq. m

  • January-April 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 747.48 rub./Gcal = 27.3578 rub./sq. m
  • May 0.0122 Gcal/sq. m * 747.48 rub./Gcal = 9.1193 rub./sq. m
  • October 0.0322 Gcal/sq. m * 851.03 rub./Gcal = 27.4032 rub./sq. m
  • November - December 0.0366 Gcal/sq. m * 851.03 rub./Gcal = 31.1477 rub./sq. m

Calculation of the cost of hot water supply services per person in 2012:

DHW consumption standard * Heat energy tariff (supplier MUP "ChKTS" or Mechel-Energo LLC) = cost of DHW service per 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply service for 1 person with a fully equipped apartment (from 1 to 10 storeys, equipped with a sink, washbasin, bathtub 1500-1700 mm long with shower) in the absence of hot water meters:

  • January - June 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month * 747.48 rub./Gcal = 158.47 rub./person.
  • July - August 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month * 792.47 rub./Gcal = 168.00 rub./person.
  • September - December 0.2120 Gcal/per person. per month * 851.03 rub./Gcal = 180.42 rub./person.

Calculation of the cost of hot water supply services using a domestic hot water meter in 2012:

The standard thermal energy consumption for heating is 1 cubic meter. m of water * Tariff for thermal energy (supplier MUP "ChKTS" or LLC "Mechel-Energo") = cost of service for heating 1 cubic. m

  • January – June 0.0467 Gcal/cubic. m * 747.48 rub./Gcal = 34.9073 rub./cubic. m
  • July – August 0.0467 Gcal/cubic. m * 792.47 rub./Gcal = 37.0083 rub./cubic. m
  • September–December 0.0467 Gcal/cubic. m * 851.03 rub./Gcal = 39.7431 rub./cubic. m

Almost any residential premises in 2017 are equipped with a water supply system. And almost every real estate owner has purchased and installed water meters, which allows them to save money. However, before this, a person faces a number of problems; he has questions about the operation and reliability of the device.

Taking a meter reading

In order not to overpay for water consumption, you need to learn how to take readings from the meter. They are indicated on the device itself. Based on them, it is possible to determine water consumption over a certain period of time. To ensure the values ​​are as accurate as possible, it is recommended to use a calculator for calculations.

Any device has a special design; the arrangement of numbers and the color of the device vary depending on the model. The principle described below is suitable for both cold and hot water meters. To take readings without problems, it is better to place the device in an easily accessible place.

To take readings, use five black numbers, which are located on the left. For example, your counter shows 00502010. The numbers that rotate constantly (red) should be ignored. In this example, the meter shows that 502 cubic meters and 10 liters of liquid were used in the apartment. The zeros that precede them are necessary for future readings when the number of cubes increases.

How to check their correctness?

Like any other similar device, the water meter breaks down over time. It has a guaranteed operating life, but sometimes it fails before this period expires. If you suspect that the device is not working correctly, you can check it yourself. To do this, you need to turn off the water in the apartment and record the value of the three red numbers (these are liters). After this, it is recommended to take a 10-liter container, fill it and pour out the water. It is advisable to pass at least 50 liters in this way. If after this the device shows the wrong volume that you poured, the device is faulty and needs to be checked. Remember that one cubic meter of water is 1000 liters.

The inspection takes place at the expense of the owner of the water meter or, in the case of a warranty on it, by the certified organization from which the device was purchased. Before these manipulations, the owner of the real estate will have to pay for water according to standard tariffs. After checking, the meter is either repaired or replaced with another one. In case of overpayment, a recalculation is carried out, the funds are given to the owner of the living space.

The cause of the breakdown also plays a big role. If there is damage to the seal on the water meter, there are no arrows, or a scheduled inspection was missed, the owner of the device will be fined.

How to calculate payment for water based on readings?

In order to independently calculate the final cost, you must have information about the tariff and know the readings of the device. If this month the meter reading is 00502, then 502 cubic meters of water have passed through the water meter over the entire period. From this value you need to subtract the value that was last month, for example, 00482. From 502 we subtract 482, it turns out that 20 cubes were spent this month.

Next, you need to multiply the resulting number according to your tariff. For example, if it is 30 rubles per cubic meter, then you need to multiply 30 by 20, resulting in 600 rubles payable.

How to pay for water by meter?

Water supply services must be paid every month. To do this, it is necessary to transfer information from the device to the Unified Information and Settlement Center. This can be done in various ways:

  • One of the most common ways to pay for water is to call this center. All that is required is to report the values ​​from the meter to the dispatcher. There is no need to go anywhere or stand in lines, which is very convenient.
  • Another popular option is the Internet. To do this, you need to visit the website of the management company. If you do this for the first time, registration is required.
  • Personal visit to the Unified Information and Settlement Center. A person comes and leaves a journal entry with the water meter values.
  • Information from the meter can also be sent to the center by mail.

After the operation, EIRC employees determine the amount of money to be paid and send it by document. You need to pay for water once a month. However, do not forget that the management periodically checks the indications given by clients for compliance with real values.

If the water meter was installed in communal apartment, the amount is divided evenly between all residents who are officially registered in this residential area. If for some reason several meters were installed, the data is provided to the EIRC for each one separately.

It is strongly recommended not to interfere with the operation of the device or try to slow it down. If such violations are detected, the owner of the device will face a fine.

Online payment algorithm

Paying for water through government services is one of the simplest and most effective ways, which allows you to save time and quickly receive information about the status of payments in real time:

  1. To access your personal account, you must obtain a code to access your financial and personal account through the global network. This can be done at the regional IP office.
  2. The documentation issued by the GU IS contains information about the client number, account number and login password. Here you can also find instructions for logging into the site.
  3. After authorization has been completed, you must indicate your area and current meter data.
  4. After filling in all the readings, you must save the entered data.
  5. To pay for water supply services, you can use: bank cards, and money wallets: Webmoney, Yandex Money, Qiwi and others. To do this, you need to go to the EPD section, verify all personal data, enter the contract number and set the period for which you want to make payment.
  6. After this, you just have to follow further instructions; it is recommended to make sure that the payment has gone through and the money has arrived in the account of the utility service.

Consequences in case of non-payment

The current laws of the Russian Federation are such that a payment must be made for water no later than the 10th of the month. If funds are not received within 3 months, a written warning is sent to the person. In case of non-payment of debt for six months, the utility service has the right to go to court to collect the debt from the property owner.

It is impossible to live and work without water. There are many places on Earth where there is a shortage of this essential resource. There are many rivers flowing in Russia and many natural reservoirs with fresh water. But at the same time, it is still necessary to save this expensive moisture. To achieve this, our authorized bodies have signed a law that requires all property owners to install cold and hot water meters in their homes. The presence of these devices allows for careful use of resources, which is facilitated by established water tariffs. The consumption standards used to calculate utility bills are quite expensive. The standard for cold water supply is set at 6.96 cubic meters per person, and for hot water – 3.49 cubic meters.

Water consumption rates: advantages of metering

After installing metering devices, although the actual consumption will remain the same, the cost of water can be halved. But there are categories of citizens for whom control over water supply is not beneficial. This applies to people who are not registered in the apartment, but live there and use all the utilities provided. When calculating payments, they are not taken into account, and the resources used are divided among all residents of an apartment building, which makes general house expenses much more expensive.

Also careless residents, using various devices, which is fraud, reduces water bills. The burden of payments falls on other apartment owners who pay honestly. Therefore, it is necessary to fight such citizens, bringing them to light and forcing them to pay for all the services used.

Came into force from the beginning of summer 2016 Resolution No. 603, which changed the conditions for the provision of housing and communal services resources. Citizens who did not install water supply meters in their apartments or did not carry out verification within the recommended time frame will have their cold and hot water calculated by forty percent more.

What is the price per cubic meter made up of?

The cost of a cube of water differs in different areas of our country. It is regulated at the state and regional level by the relevant authorities. The price list depends on the following conditions:

  • water collection method;
  • electricity costs for this;
  • methods of cleansing;
  • maintenance and repair of pipelines;
  • expenses for salaries;
  • heating costs.
  • payment standards are calculated in ruble equivalent and are based on the price per cubic meter;
  • The tariff rate includes the nominal price of water.

The price of hot water consists of the following factors:

  • energy supply, which was spent on heating water (when calculating, the amount of heat used per cubic meter of cold water is taken into account;
  • the cost of 1 cubic meter of cold water, which is heated to produce hot water.

Water tariffs

To the question of how much a cubic meter of water received with and without a meter costs this year, the answer is simple - it’s the same. The meter does not influence the price per cubic meter in any way.

Since July 2017, the tariff for supplied cold water has been set at 33 rubles 3 kopecks, and for 1 cubic meter of hot water the fee is 143 rubles 76 kopecks. The resource is cheaper in Krasnoyarsk - m 3 of cold water costs 18 rubles 16 kopecks, hot water is more expensive - 176 rubles 44 kopecks. Compared to the beginning of the year, the cost of cold water according to the meter has risen by 7.2 percent, and hot water by 10.6 percent.

Calculation of price per cubic meter

For buildings where metering devices are not installed, the amount of heat Q Gcal/m3 for heating one cubic meter of cold water supply with a temperature T2 - 8 degrees to a temperature T1 - 59 degrees must be calculated using the following formula:

Q = C x Px(T1-T2)x(1+K)

Where WITH is the specific heat capacity of the liquid, and R– volumetric weight of the liquid.

In a building with metering devices, at the end of the billing period, readings are taken from the input riser and water consumption is determined based on tariffs for hot water supply. For example, the building consumed 90 Gcal of heat energy and 1000 cubic meters of hot water. Divide 90 by 1000. The result is 0.09 Gcal/cubic meter.

Price for water in bills

In order to find out how much a cube of supplied cold water costs, you need to look. The cold water line indicates the volume of consumption per month in cubic meters. Then see if this figure is similar to the meter readings provided to the settlement center. If the numbers match, then the second line will show the price of cold water per cubic meter. If you multiply these readings, you will get how many cubic meters of water were consumed in accordance with the metering devices. The cost per cubic meter of hot water is also calculated. If there are two flow meters in a residential area, then the readings taken from them are added up.

In addition, it should be taken into account that the question of how much a cube of hot and cold water costs is also influenced by which service is provided to the population. The water utility or other organization is indicated in the receipt for water consumption. The government allows increasing the price of utility bills only within the framework of the inflationary situation in the country.

In 2017, the lines for water costs common to the entire house were removed from the bills that come to homeowners and tenants. At the same time, general house expenses for hot water and cold water are included in the line for payment for residential premises. When you need to calculate water supply costs, these costs are also taken into account. The cost of supplying resources for common areas, which includes average water consumption, is divided among all residential areas in apartment building taking into account their footage. At the same time, the additional price increases quite significantly. To reduce payments on receipts, you need to find residents who live in apartments without registration and force them to pay for water in accordance with current standards. It is necessary for all tenants and property owners to be conscientious payers and provide indicators from metering devices regularly on the dates specified for this. You should also check the flow meters, for which you should contact the water utility or other similar structures.

How much to pay when there is no hot water supply in the building

The lack of hot water supply in a residential building greatly influences how much a cubic meter costs. In some buildings there is no DHW circulation due to poor pressure or when there are no return networks. Due to these factors, the heating network is not able to provide the required temperature in the centralized system. In order for truly heated water to flow from the tap, you have to wait a long time at the open faucet.

As a result, the cost of an actual cubic meter of hot water becomes more expensive due to the fact that its volume grows. At the same time, people pay much more on their bills. When the return network is restored or circular pumping equipment is installed, water from the mixer begins to flow at the required temperature - 60 degrees. It is diluted with cold water so as not to get burned. At the same time, the calculation of the cost of provided hot water is reduced to a minimum amount, because cold water supply and sewerage cost much less than hot water.

Benefits for water supply services

When asking how much 1 cubic meter of water received costs according to the meter, you need to take into account. They are provided to veterans of work, people with a disability established by the ITU, and participants of the Second World War. They pay fifty percent less for the cost of water per person.

Low-income citizens, those who have a salary less than the subsistence level, and people whose utility bills are more than the approved percentage of joint family income receive subsidies for utilities.

To register it, you need to contact local social security authorities with registration documents, income certificates and payments for housing and communal services.

Flowmeter verification

All hot and cold water meters are sent for verification within the recommended time frame. For DHW devices it is four years, and for cold water flow meters it is six years. The deadlines are counted from the moment of production of the devices. Today, flow meters are verified without dismantling them from the risers; for this purpose, a specialist comes and carries out verification on site.

Water supply quality

Water supply is carried out according to certain parameters, which are established by special standards. For cold water it is 0.03-0.06 MPa, and for hot water it is 0.03-0.45 MPa. If the pressure does not correspond to these figures, then install a booster pump.

High tariffs for sewerage and water supply should be directly dependent on the quality indicators of the supplied resources. Unfortunately, such parameters in our country are low, this is due to polluted natural water basins, a small number of treatment devices, old technologies and worn-out pipes of centralized resource supply systems. Many regions cannot boast of meeting standards for the content of salts and heavy metals. There are also places where the water contains harmful microorganisms and poor organoleptic indications.

In our country, water purification with chlorine is still used today, which is harmful to public health - this has been proven by many studies on people. leaves much to be desired, it has a bad color and smell. For control, it is necessary to create a program to improve water indicators in accordance with international standards. This will provide clean and harmless moisture to all apartments.

Differences in tariffs with and without a meter

With metering devices, only the water spent by residents is counted, regardless of their quantity. However, in this situation, it is necessary to add the overexpenditure of the spent resources of the entire house, which is scattered among all the owners who installed the meters. In practice, payments for water resources are carried out in accordance with individual flow meters, and overconsumption of cubic meters is checked once a year, after which corrective receipts are sent out, which are calculated using the following formula:

  1. Summarize the volume of the resource provided to the residential building in accordance with taken readings individual flow meters and the amount of water spent by residents without metering devices, which is calculated according to current standards.
  2. The volume of water according to the readings of the common house meter is divided by the result obtained.
  3. The result obtained is multiplied by the indicators of the individual flow meter of each residential premises.
  4. The resulting amount is multiplied by the approved tariffs for hot and cold water.

Overuse of resources occurs mainly due to the following reasons:

  • exorbitant water costs in apartments without installed meters;
  • water leaks due to malfunctions and emergencies within centralized water supply systems;
  • unauthorized connection of illegal consumers to the network (for example, for watering adjacent areas);
  • use of water supply by unregistered users.

In connection with all these features, the difference between the indicators of common house flow meters and individual meters is paid by the owners of the latter. In such a situation, installing a resource consumption device may be unprofitable, so all citizens were required to install individual flow meters in their apartments.

Rising tariffs

Payment for cold water and others. The current situation in Russia is forcing companies that supply utilities to increase housing and communal services tariffs. However, it should be noted that these figures are growing much lower than planned by the government. And although the load on all consumers is increasing, experts see no other way out of the current post-Soviet conditions.

A fifth of the Russian population generally believes that the consumption rate is too high and there is no need to pay for water resources in a country so rich in them. But everything around is rising in price, so an increase in tariffs is inevitable and justified by the existing economic situation. It must also be said that the increase in tariff rates will not cover the costs of restoration and replacement of pipelines.

Since the beginning of 2017, they have been used to supply basic resources (cold and hot water, electricity). But this only applies to citizens who have not installed metering devices in their apartments. For people who, for good reasons, cannot install them (which is proven by the relevant act), the conditions do not change; they pay for the cubic meters received in accordance with the cost standards for hot and cold water, without increasing factors.

The main problem of the population who receives hot and cold water supply is how to prevent an increase in payments? The solution is quite simple - you need to install individual meters in your housing, which take into account all the costs of housing and communal services. It is also necessary to install a common flow meter for the entire building. In such a situation, an increasing factor is not used, because the payment is calculated in accordance with the actual instrument readings.


The price of a cubic meter of cold and hot water depends on many conditions. To control the creation of prices for these resources, you need to fully decipher all expenses from which the price per cubic meter is determined. Flow meters installed in apartments teach property owners to save and conserve natural resources. And when hot water circulates in accordance with the standards, this lowers its price. Installation of common house metering devices helps to reduce cash costs and accurately determine the amount of energy needed to heat one cubic meter of water.

Not so long ago they began to come into use apartment meters hot and cold water. These simple devices are designed to protect consumers from inflated bills for water consumption. Flow meters show the values ​​of wasted water in cubes. Using these data, it is not difficult to calculate the amount of payment per month, but you need to know which numbers are responsible for what.

Types of water meters

Now, probably, there is not a single apartment building that does not have at least common building flow meters for hot and cold water. And in some new buildings, water meters are installed directly in the apartments. To begin with, it is important to understand the fundamental difference between common house appliances and apartment appliances.

General house meters take into account the water consumption of the entire house, including non-residential premises (shops, hairdressers, etc.) and expenses for wet cleaning of entrances. In-apartment meters show the volume of water spent in each apartment. Both are painted in corresponding colors: red for hot water and blue for cold.

Numbers on the device

A seal is installed on each device by an employee of the management organization. He also records the first readings, usually 8 zeros. This first data will be necessary in order to be able to easily read water from the meter in the future.

On the front side of the device there are 8 windows with numbers: first black, then red. Since one cubic meter of water contains 1 thousand liters, then, by analogy with electricity meters, the black numbers are cubes, and the last three (as after the decimal point) are liters. The main settlements with regulatory organizations are carried out in cubes.

To transfer the readings to the management organization, the consumer is provided with a payment receipt form. The following columns are filled in: readings at the beginning of the billing period and final data in the form of 5 digits. Some samples also have a “Difference” line and a written tariff, so you can immediately calculate the cost.

It is not necessary to bring payment receipts to the management company. Testimony can be transmitted in several other ways:

  • by telephone to the housing and communal services call center operator;
  • SMS to a short number assigned to the management company;
  • via the Internet, using online services of banks and other payment systems.

Amount to be paid

To calculate the monthly fee using the meter, you don’t even need a calculator (in the example, the cost per unit is taken conditionally, you need to check the tariff with the regulatory organization), it is important to take the readings correctly. For example, at the end of the previous month the device shows 00015680. This means that 15 cubic meters and 680 liters were spent. When transmitting readings, liters must be rounded to cubes according to the standard mathematical rule. The final figure should be reflected in the sample payment receipt.

The second figure must be removed at the end of the current month, for example 00027351, which corresponds to 27 cubic meters and 351 liters of water consumed. To obtain calculated data, the previous ones are subtracted from the rounded readings of the current month: 27−16 = 9 cubic meters. Next, multiply the difference in values ​​by the current regional tariff: 9 cubic meters. * 30 rub. = 270 rubles.

This example does not take into account expenses for general household needs. Management Company writes them on a separate line in the receipt. They represent a fixed amount or are calculated based on the difference in the information submitted and the readings of common house meters.

When water meters first appeared, many were afraid of the cost of the devices themselves, however, installed flow meters significantly reduce the cost of consumed resources. The payment according to the standard, which is approximately 6 cubic meters of cold and 3 hot cubic meters per month and does not change depending on the time of year, turns out to be significantly higher if the family spends the entire summer at the dacha and the apartment is empty.

In addition, there are a number of tricks that will help reduce costs even more:

If there are no leaks, but suspicions of excessive water consumption remain, then it is worth checking the correct operation of the device itself. To do this you will need a 10-15 liter bucket. The procedure is as follows:

  • make sure that all taps in the house are closed;
  • write down or remember the readings on the meter in liters (last three red digits);
  • collect 2-3 buckets, pour into the sewer;
  • compare instrument readings.

Depending on the volume of the container, the meter should show from 20 to 45 liters. If the readings differ in big side, it is necessary to call a specialist to carry out an inspection, the results of which will reveal the need to repair or replace the metering device.

To install a new meter, you will need the services of a plumber. The company that produced the device must have a license, and the water meter itself must have a technical passport. Only after the device is sealed by a specialist and registered can it be considered ready for use.

Payment Methods

It is not difficult to calculate from the meter how much to pay for water, and with the expansion of mobile and Internet services, the question of where to pay for housing and communal services becomes completely irrelevant. Special care is required when paying via the Internet or telephone, when the testimony and details of the organization are entered into the appropriate fields.

Third-party systems may charge a commission from 0.8 to 5% depending on the size of the payment and the rules of the service, or a set minimum amount. You can pay for the calculated cubes of water by using Sberbank Online or setting up the Autopayment service in your personal account. The financial institution has set a commission of 1%(or at least 10 rubles).

In addition to online services and mobile applications, which are available to almost all banks, payments can be made through specialized systems such as “System City”. Some telecom operators, for example Beeline and MTS, also offer the transfer of funds from the client to the supplier. But only those who own a SIM card from the corresponding mobile operator can count on connecting to this service. In addition, the list of management companies that can be settled in this way is very limited.

Pay for hot and cold water supply services without commission through PayQR. QR codes have appeared recently, so not all management companies have them printed on receipts, but no commission (provided that the homeowner uses the appropriate application) will be charged.

Another option is to transfer fees using the government services portal. The portal itself is not a payment system, but only acts as a third party between the client and the management company, therefore it warns that a certain fee may be withheld financial institution. As a rule, payment through the bank with which the management company has an agreement is made without additional fees.

Each client is obliged to pay regularly and in full for water according to the meter. Which option to choose and where to pay depends on personal preferences. Late or incomplete payment may result in the management organization going to court with subsequent collection of the debt, as well as penalties.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):