Designing a children's room is a fascinating, but very responsible task! After all, a child’s room is not only a functional room intended for sleeping, changing clothes, studying and other useful activities. This is a child’s own little world where he can play, dream, communicate with friends, and be creative. This article contains tips on room design for boys of different ages.

Choosing a design depending on the boy’s age

Age is the most important criterion in choosing the design of a children's room. It is obvious that a two-year-old's bedroom will be significantly different from a 14-year-old's.

1-3 years

  • Bright hues
  • Bright accents
  • Mandatory "field" for games
  • Feeling of comfort
  • Safe furniture

These are the points that should be observed and implemented when creating a room design for a baby. A child of this age does not yet have clearly formed interests and preferences, so the room should not be decorated in any specific theme. The main thing is that the child is comfortable in his room. To do this, it must contain your favorite toys, a comfortable place to play (a thick soft rug). Particular attention should be paid to the safety of furniture.

Rounded corners, avoidance of a high crib, table and chair proportionate to the child, shelves with toys at hand level - pay maximum attention to these points.

3-5 years

At this age, the child begins to develop individuality. And this age in pedagogy is called “the magic years from 3 to 5.” The child is active and inquisitive. He has a thousand interests and activities. It is worth taking this into account when decorating a boy’s room and thinking about its contents. If the space of the room allows, you can install any gymnastic equipment (wall bar, rope, rings).

Room design for a teenage boy

The older the child, the more developed he is as a person. Quite clear views on life have already been formed, interests have been identified, and a circle of friends has been chosen.

How to Design a Room for Two Boys

The first guideline for planning such a room is its area.

If the room is small, you should think about one desk (in any case, a double ergonomic desk will take up less space than two separate ones). It is also better to install a closet for two people, dividing shelves for clothes between the brothers.

The basic rule that boys will have to adhere to in this case is the shared use of almost all pieces of furniture. Simply put, everything will be shared, for two. Individual areas will include only boys' beds and separate shelves for books and small items.

Another option if the room is large. Then it can be designed so that each of the boys has his own individual part of the room. And if the brothers don’t mind, then everything can be shared. Then the room can be divided into zones (sleeping area, play area, sports corner).

How to properly design a room for children of different sexes

The very first thing you need to adhere to is its correct division. And we are not talking about dividing square meters for each child’s share. It makes more sense to divide the room by zones, rather than “by children.” This will allow you to successfully bring to life a unified style of the room.

The sleeping area can be decorated in calm, soft colors, adhering to the purpose of the area (sleep and rest). The gaming part of the room can be decorated brightly and colorfully. The study area should be designed in such a way that children are not distracted during classes.

It is important to know! If the children have a fairly large age difference (or are into radically different hobbies), it is better not to place their beds next to each other.

After all, in a common room, the bed is a kind of personal corner, the only private space in the entire room. It is necessary to give children the opportunity to rest from each other by going to their own sleeping area.

Children's room in Khrushchev

A modest size (usually 7-8 square meters) and a narrow, elongated room are characteristic features of most bedrooms in Khrushchev-era buildings. You can add low ceilings to the list of inconveniences. All this together makes the room, at first glance, hopelessly cramped with any design. But all these nuances can be successfully played out (with colors, minimalism in the choice of furniture, good lighting).

It is quite obvious that the colors for such a room should be light. This applies to wallpaper, ceilings, floor coverings, and furniture.

You can include a few bright spots in the overall design in the form of decorative interior details so that the room does not look too simple and inexpressive.

Furniture should be functional and small in size

When parents are wondering how to decorate a child’s room for a boy, a photo will only help answer this question. It is better to see the variety of colors, finishing materials, and furniture arrangement options first. And then start decorating the nursery’s interior.

At a younger age, the child doesn’t care what the design is. The main thing is convenience and functionality for mom. In infancy, pastel, calm colors of the interior and colorful, educational toys are important. At primary school age, on the contrary, bright colors of the walls and thematic elements of cartoons or fairy tales are used. And adolescence requires a completely different, more academic or sports approach.

The older a child gets, the more often his emotional, physical and psychological state changes. It is important to think in advance about how to decorate a room for a boy in such a way that later, as he grows up, it is easy to make adjustments and get a completely new design and functionality.

Decoration Materials

Eco-friendly materials include natural raw materials - wood, metal, glass. They have many processing options and make the interior comfortable and beautiful. The health of a child is directly dependent on the external environment. Children spend a lot of time at home, and it’s worth decorating the room in the safest way:

  • Floor coverings. The best choice is wooden floors, laminate, cork. The photo shows design options for the nursery. And in every photo you can see that the boy’s room is spacious. As a rule, children at this age are hyperactive. The construction of a railway, the construction of a castle from a construction set, and gymnastics require a lot of space. A group of friends will definitely sit on the floor and not on the sofas. That's the nature of boys. Therefore, ease of cleaning, level of heat retention, aesthetics and safety become decisive factors when choosing a floor covering.

  • Walls. In a boy's nursery, the basic pastel colors of the walls will be very organic and comfortable. Transformations of the room are carried out gradually, as the child grows up and his interests change. A room with calm colored walls is easier to decorate. For example, bright cartoon wallpaper or a print of a racing car. There are many options for this approach in the photo. The main thing is that the room is light, cozy and spacious. Dark and bright colors can put pressure on a child emotionally or make him irritable and moody. Neutral shades, on the contrary, balance and stabilize the mood. But the interior of the room should never be boring.

  • Ceiling. This part of the room is often left plain white. But in fact, this is a huge field for imagination. In the literal sense of the word. Boys love to dream. Some about pirate adventures, some about exploits in Antarctica, some about space, some about racing cars. The ceiling can be a starry galaxy, a sky open to the future pilot, or jungle branches. Decorating a room in one of the styles is not difficult. Multilayer plasterboard structures, stylish lamps, and decorative elements are quite affordable and will create the right atmosphere in the nursery.

The quality of finishing materials for a nursery will always come first. You should not spend money on the most expensive materials; it is better to check the certification, manufacturer and quality of related products.

The child usually spends his first months of life with his parents and a separate room is not so important. But when the baby begins to crawl, walk and run, the presence of a nursery is difficult to overestimate. It is better to keep the overall color scheme of the room in soft colors. All natural colors are acceptable:

  1. Sky, sea (all shades of blue).
  2. Grass, trees (green, light green, turquoise).
  3. Earth, sand, stones (brown, sandy, gray).

The bed can be purchased or ordered according to individual size and design. When choosing, take into account the height, age, baby and features of the existing interior. All children's beds should only be made of wood from solid birch, pine, beech or oak. Such products are painted with special safe paints and varnishes. There should not be any products made from recycled wood containing toxic substances, such as chipboard. It is important not to forget about the bed limiter. It can be removable or static, height-adjustable or standard. The main thing is to protect your child from falling out of bed in his sleep.

There should be little furniture in a little boy's room. You will need a bed, a small chest of drawers, soft poufs, and children's furniture for the play area. Lightweight options with rounded corners are suitable. There are a minimum of drawers and shelves, and more smooth surfaces that cannot be turned over, dropped or tipped over.

A set of children's furniture consisting of a table and chairs will fit perfectly into the play area. It is necessary to play board games, draw, and sculpt. This develops perseverance and attention. A comfortable, spacious toy box will teach you order. A small sports corner or hanging wooden swing will introduce you to a healthy lifestyle.

How to decorate a children's room for a boy 3-5 years old

To decorate a room for such a boy, it is better to give preference to modern trends and technologies. Children become more athletic, dynamic, and active. The room helps to form the inner world, interests, knowledge. At this age, cognitive activity increases. The child discovers the world and needs to fill the entire space around him with useful information as much as possible.

You can start by listening and understanding what cartoons and toys he likes, what characters he wants to be like. And then make adjustments to the room design. This is played out by changing the exposure on one of the walls. A good option is self-adhesive vinyl posters with photos of Spider-Man, Carlson or other characters. Stickers in the shape of letters of the alphabet, musical instruments, trees, insects or animals are suitable.

Curtains with a picture of a landscape, sea or forest can replace a corner of nature. This theme will be complemented by stylized soft pillows and large toys in the shape of animals. Perhaps the boy will want to get fish or a dog. This means that you will also have to provide a place for pets.

A sports corner with shelves for future awards encourages sports. The photo shows how the boy’s room changes with his development. A wall bars, a stronger horizontal bar, rings, and a rope appear. All this works to improve health.

A small cabinet with open shelves is convenient for children's books, coloring books, crafts, drawings, cars or airplanes. And if dad also helps in making crafts, the child will proudly show it off to his friends. To store such things, it is safer to choose a cabinet with wooden shelves (they will not break or scratch).

It's time to replace the small bed with a more spacious one. For example, stylized as a car or a flying carpet. Perhaps a bed or transforming sofa would be more appropriate. They combine several functions (a sleeping place, a small closet or a toy box). This is a great option for small rooms.

How to decorate a room for a boy 5 - 7 years old

It's time to actively prepare for school. And the design of a boy’s nursery is changing rapidly. For reading books, drawing, sculpting, you need convenient storage places.

More realistic heroes appear, specific requests appear, and character emerges. It's time to involve your child in interior design. He himself will tell you which style to choose. Sports, space or sea. The entire room is decorated in this concept.

It won’t be difficult to create a children’s interior yourself, for example, in a marine style. Hang curtains with a coastal landscape, decorate the bed in the shape of a sailboat, decorate the table, chairs and wardrobe as a cockpit, and glue images of mysterious sea creatures or pirates to the walls. Ropes and wall bars can easily be converted into a deck. The best colors for such a room are blue, white, gold. Accessories can be a compass, a steering wheel, a lifebuoy, giant shells, toys in the form of fish or starfish.

By preschool age, it becomes clear what kind of mentality a child has. Humanitarian or technical. If the room is dominated by all sorts of cars, tanks, airplanes, many of them in disassembled form, a lot of construction sets and logic games, then such a child most likely needs to separate a corner for a workshop. This will teach him order. A comfortable table, an ergonomic chair, and good table lighting will help develop his abilities.

If a boy is a humanist, there will probably be a lot of books, herbariums, and coloring books in his creative zone. And all this should also have a place. Plasticine, glue, albums, everything should be in its place. For this purpose, already closed cabinets, folding shelves, and cabinets appear in the interior. When engaged in mental work, any boy must move a lot. A punching bag or gloves may appear in the interior at first as decoration, but soon they will become vitally necessary. Every boy wants to be strong and brave. Serious board games, such as chess, will also appear. This means there should be comfortable chairs for grandmasters.

Interior of a room for a primary school student aged 7 - 10 years

The whole rhythm of a child’s life changes. On the one hand, active learning of school subjects begins, and on the other, a schedule, routine, responsibility, and workload appear. The task of parents is to create optimal conditions for good rest. But at the same time, the environment in the boy’s room should contribute to his further development.

Schoolchildren are actively interested in technical innovations and begin to understand complex mechanisms. This can be used when creating the design of a schoolchild's room. High-tech elements, gadgets, a computer, a stereo system, and various electronics will already be appropriate in the interior. The photos perfectly demonstrate how to decorate a children's room for a schoolboy.

The child is already willingly participating in choosing the style for his room. Racing cars and motorcycles will be clear priorities when choosing decor.

The bed should be comfortable and practical. It is better to buy a standard one for growth, 90 - 100 cm wide and 180 - 190 cm long. On the walls, a world map or photos of famous athletes and musicians would be more appropriate. A desk, comfortable shelves for books, and plenty of drawers will help your child organize all his valuables. In addition, you need a convenient, spacious wardrobe. The student is already able to take care of his wardrobe.

The most important element in any student’s room is lighting. In the morning it helps you wake up quickly and vigorously, and in the evening it gives you strength to do your homework. In this case, it’s difficult to overdo it. A central chandelier will highlight the interior, a modern table lamp will invigorate, and a stylized floor lamp will improve your mood.

The main colors of the interior also work on lighting. For sunny rooms, a combination of white, red and blue colors is more suitable. And for rooms where there is little light - yellow, beige, milky.

Textiles in a boy’s room play no less a role than everything else. For safety, you can choose from Roman or roller blinds. They do not flutter in a draft. Two-layer ones will do. One layer darkens and the other decorates. Don't fill the room with too many pillows and blankets. Everything should be easy to wash and ventilate.

The main difference between a teenager's room is the zoning and a large, comfortable desk. A good computer, stereo system and many different things should find their place. A spacious wardrobe with a mirror, storage space for small items, musical instruments, and sports equipment (hockey stick, skates, snowboard, exercise machine, etc.) are required. The play area is no longer needed, and a place for receiving guests will be useful. A pair of modern armchairs or ottomans will solve the issue of accommodating friends.

The design welcomes an abundance of chrome accessories - legs, handles, mirror. The color scheme can be varied, depending on the wishes of the owner of the room. The most popular colors are gray, blue, white, brown. The interior will help the child get into a creative mood or add dynamics. For example, one prefers a suspended ceiling in the shape of the sky, and walls with a forest landscape. And another will prefer the starry sky and a wall-sized photo of the metropolis.

In any case, when deciding how to decorate a room for a boy, you should take into account his age, interests, creative or technical abilities, temperament and wishes. A child will go from a toddler to a teenager while living with a family. The combination of home comfort, mutual understanding and respect will help parents in raising a boy.

Decorating the interior of a nursery is a very interesting business that requires a responsible approach and certain costs. Arranging a child's room is not easy. The decor of the room in which the boy lives depends both on its size and age, and on the preferences of the little owner of the room.

The main requirements for choosing furniture and other decorative elements are safety.

When implementing different design and finishing ideas, including combined ones, you should use environmentally friendly materials, choose bright shades, but at the same time make sure that the colors do not have a negative impact on the emotional state of the child.

There are a lot of design options for a boy's room. The interior of the nursery should suit its owner and at the same time not put too much of a strain on the parents’ wallets.

Children's interior according to age

The main criterion when choosing a nursery design is the age of its little owner. To make the interior functional and comfortable, it is necessary to be guided, first of all, by this aspect.

Each period of a child’s life has its own priorities. Newly born babies have no individual preferences, and the interior of the room should mainly please their mother and father; the decor should have a calming effect. If the parents are satisfied with everything, then their positive attitude is passed on to the child.

As a child grows up, he develops certain preferences in creative activities and games. A child’s life includes fairy-tale and cartoon characters that he wants to see in the design of the nursery.

Gradually, games are replaced by activities, and the baby, who will soon go to school, already needs a place to store sports equipment and books. And for schoolchildren, the need for toys simply disappears.

The interior of the room in which a teenager lives, as a rule, is designed based on his preferences, and the opinion of the parents will no longer be decisive here.

Children at this age have their own ideas about what their room should be like. Teenagers choose their own wallpaper, upholstery, and accessories.

Room for a baby 1-3 years old

The design of a nursery for a child under three years of age is entirely chosen by the parents. In most cases, a nursery for a newborn is decorated in light and muted colors.

Bright colors are used to create accents, for example, choosing colorful toys or decorating the wall above the baby’s crib with stickers.

Children grow quickly, the baby begins to crawl, learns to walk, so the furniture must be safe. It is better to put a carpet or other soft covering on the floor in a little boy’s room, from which dust can be easily removed.

Furniture items should be selected with smoothly rounded corners. For furniture, you should purchase a table that matches the baby’s height and a small chair.

The age from three to five years is the best period of childhood

This age is characterized by the manifestation of individuality, desires and tastes appear and form.

The child needs a comfortable atmosphere in the nursery. To store books, it is better to use shelves or drawers that slide out with installed limiters. When the baby reaches the age of three, it is recommended to use catchy accents in the decor of his room.

Toys, curtains and bedspreads will help add brightness to the room without resorting to repairs. Curtains with a bright pattern, a soft pouf with eye-catching upholstery will transform the room.

Children over three years old, but not yet five years old, devote a lot of time to creativity and games, so parents need to create a safe area for entertainment.

Advice. If the room is spacious, it is advisable to place equipment for sports: at this age, children need conditions for physical development.

Preschooler's room

The little man still spends time playing, but now his life includes activities. A desk for writing and a comfortable chair are required. Toys on the shelves are next to books.

For creativity, you can equip a separate wall. Special black boards are attached to the magnetic blocks (they and other devices can be bought in stores), the drawings on which are easily erased. These boards are easy to use. The child will be delighted with such a creative zone, and besides, activities that take place in the form of a game are much more fruitful and interesting.

The best design ideas and options for arrangement and decoration: create ideal conditions for your baby! Tips for choosing furniture, curtains, textiles and colors for a children's room for a baby.

See the photo for models and furniture options for a girl’s nursery in the photo.

Bay window decor

If the nursery has a bay window, create a secluded place for the boy in it. Hang a curtain, place soft poufs and throw pillows with bright upholstery. In this corner the child will be able to retire.

Advice. Try to rationally use the space next to the window. This is the most suitable place for a desk. The window will create good lighting; storage systems can be installed around it.

Decorating a schoolboy's room

As a little man grows up, his interests change. When a child becomes a schoolchild, most of his time is spent studying. Places that were previously used to store cars and other toys now need to be converted into shelving for books and sports equipment.

A boy who is in primary school has responsibilities, but games are still interesting to him. That is why it is important when decorating a child’s interior to divide the space into zones. The area allocated for activities should not overlap with the place for games; this approach will be rational and convenient for the child.

Advice. Most children are interested in everything related to travel, for this reason a good solution would be to hang a geographical map on the wall, which will help the child learn a lot of interesting things about distant countries. Children are inquisitive, and such a decorative element would be appropriate.

As an option, you can decorate the wall with photo wallpaper with a pattern of the appropriate theme. This way the child will be able to receive the necessary information and at the same time admire the beautiful design of the wall.

Interesting ideas for a teenager's room

Teenagers always try to insist on their own, and it is very difficult to please them. When creating the interior of a room owned by a teenager, you must definitely consult with him. Parents will have to try to come to a common opinion or at least find a compromise.

The choice of decorative elements is influenced by:

  • dimensions of the room and its shape(how many windows are there in the room where the door is located);
  • degree of illumination(is there enough natural light);
  • preferences a teenage boy (one finish is suitable for a young athlete, and another for a collector);
  • material possibilities parents.

Naturally, wallpaper with bunnies is not suitable for the room where a teenager lives; the decor will have to be changed. One of the walls can be decorated with wallpaper that imitates brickwork, thus focusing attention on it. Thanks to this technique, the finish will become original.

In order to highlight one of the walls, you can also use photo wallpaper. Choose a drawing based on the teenager’s preferences - it could be a panorama of the city, an image of a movie character, or an abstraction.

An original idea for wall decoration is wallpaper with photo printing, which can be made in any color. You can choose white and black wallpaper: they can be painted, and many times, and this is a great opportunity for a teenager to show their creative abilities.

Many teenagers prefer dark shades when decorating their rooms. But bright colors are also needed: for this, use catchy accents - they will add variety to the decor.

Cover your bed with a colorful bedspread or decorate the windows with bright curtains, and the room will no longer be gloomy.

Children's room for two boys

Setting up a nursery for two boys seems like a daunting task. The room should have two beds, two desks, and also places to store toys and other things.

All items must be in duplicate and it must be done so that there is room for games.

The best solution for a room in which two boys live is a bed consisting of two tiers. This way you can use the space rationally: this is the best option for a small nursery.

Double-decker beds are popular; boys like these designs; moreover, they are practical and inexpensive.

The interests of the boys, one of whom is several years older than the other, differ. In this case, it is better to purchase a loft bed. The younger brother will sleep upstairs, and arrange the elder brother’s sleeping place below.

If you organize the sleeping places correctly, there will be room for activities.

If the children's room is spacious, then for a room in which two boys with a slight age difference live, the best option would be two beds, standing separately from each other. Make miniature houses for the boys: they will be useful for playing together.

In a room where two boys who have entered adolescence live, in addition to two compactly located places for sleeping, there should be a table for studying. The main requirements for furniture are comfort and aesthetic appearance.

Interior of a small children's room

In most ordinary apartments, the rooms are small. Children's rooms in apartments, and often in houses, have a modest area, so the space must be used ergonomically and wisely. Multifunctional pieces of furniture will come to the rescue, for example, a bed equipped with drawers for storing things.

In small children's rooms, pieces of furniture should be placed next to the walls: this way you can save space.

The bed should be placed along the wall, and the study table should be placed by the window: this arrangement will allow you to allocate space for games.

Decorating in light colors will help to visually expand a small nursery. Mirrors also help to visually increase space. You can decorate one of the walls with mirror inserts.

Another way to save space is a loft bed. Below you can store toys or place a desk. If you decide to make a study area in the lower part, take care of the lighting: artificial light in this case is simply necessary.

Boys love to sleep on a raised bed, so a loft bed is sure to please your child.

Even a small nursery can accommodate all the necessary items and still provide space for entertainment. Built-in furniture in this case is the best option; it saves a lot of space.

Toys are stored on the shelves first, then school supplies. Beds serve as both a sleeping place and a storage system.

Options with complex layouts

The option when the nursery is located in the attic is one of the most difficult to arrange. The difficulty is presented by the unusual shape of the room and the sloping ceiling.

In such rooms, in the part where the ceiling is low, shelving is placed for storing toys and study supplies.

The desk is placed near the window, the remaining space is used for relaxation.

Read about what it should be like: from choosing a color palette and furniture to choosing textiles and accessories - with photo examples of finished interiors for teenage rooms.

You can see photos of the bedroom interior in green tones in the article.

Thematic design

Sea adventures

The theme of the sea is most popular in the interior design of a little man’s nursery. Blue and its many shades are considered the most favorable for decorating the room in which a boy lives (little men love this color).

Boys like everything related to the sea. Decorative elements in a nautical style are easy to find.

Advice. Do you want to please your son? Buy a bed that resembles a ship, your child will definitely be delighted. Decorate the windows with curtains with anchors painted on them. Many decorative elements in a marine style can be made with your own hands.

When decorating a boy’s room in a marine style, do not forget to use images of the inhabitants of the deep sea. Let your child feel like an explorer of the mysterious sea elements.

Comics in the interior

If your son likes comics, decorate the walls in his room accordingly. But you should not decorate the walls with too colorful posters: bright colors in large quantities have a negative effect on the child’s psyche.

If the child is delighted with the catchy pictures, then you can make concessions and decorate one of the walls with colorful posters or stickers.

Indian wigwam

All boys love to play Indians. Install a small wigwam in the nursery: this will give the child the opportunity to retire, he will have a secret place. In a makeshift tent, the boy will be able to pacify his emotions and think.

Such a wigwam is especially relevant for a nursery in which two boys live. Setting up such a house will not cost much, but it will bring great joy to children.

Interior in sporty style

Almost all boys go in for sports. They have their idols among professional athletes, so your child will surely like the interior of a nursery in a sports style.

There is no need to turn your room into a gym. The sports theme can be played out in another way: use drawings on curtains and wallpaper. Furniture in the shape of sports equipment looks original.

Decorate the walls with posters of famous athletes.


Most boys are also interested in the topic of space. Create an outer space in your children's room - make a ceiling in the shape of a starry sky. To do this, hang wallpaper with a glow-in-the-dark effect or equip it with backlighting. You can put posters with images of alien creatures on the walls.

Stainless steel coatings will add completeness to the interior, and the atmosphere of space will be complemented by shiny decorative elements.

When choosing decor for a boy’s nursery, be guided by his age and interests, then the interior will delight both you and the child.

It’s not difficult to create an original design: in this matter you need to show your imagination and follow a few simple rules to make the environment comfortable.

Photo gallery

In the collection of photos below with the interiors of children's rooms for boys you will find design ideas and design options for every taste:

27.04.2017 Read it in 9 minutes.

In order to raise a scientist passionate about science, a keen connoisseur of beauty, an artist capable of conveying the beauty of the world around him, a lover of travel and a person in love with life, you should take care from childhood about the competent upbringing of the child. An important role is played by the competent organization of the space that surrounds the baby. Creating a comfortable and aesthetic nursery interior is one of the first tasks that young parents have to solve.

The designers of the Fundament Group of Companies not only think through the functional layout, stylistic and coloristic solutions for the children's room, but also take into account ergonomics, and also choose safe materials, taking care of the child's health. The portfolio of the Fundament Group of Companies contains photos of the interiors of children's rooms for girls and boys: these ideas can become a source of inspiration and form the basis of your project. In this review, we will look at the design features of a children's room for a boy: how to arrange a sports corner, a sleeping area, and an office area, as well as allocate enough space for a playroom.

In the photo: Interior of a nursery for a boy with marine motifs

Children's room design ideas for a boy. Photos of interiors

In a children's room, it is important that the interior is not only beautiful, but also contributes to the harmonious development of the child. At the same time, the room should not resemble a “classroom”: nevertheless, first of all, it is a space for relaxation, but also a personal space, so your baby’s personality must be present in it.

1. Bed shaped like a racing car

In the photo: Design of a children's room 12 sq. m with a bed in the shape of a racing car

Many boys are interested in cars, trains and motorcycles - why not please your baby by turning a boring bed into a racing car? A panel on the wall with your favorite cartoon characters adds color to the already bright interior of the nursery.

2. Wall – slate and magnetic board

In the photo: Design of a nursery for a boy with a wall bars and a bed in the shape of a racing car

When a child is fascinated by “rock painting,” many parents have to think about new renovations in the children’s room. This can be avoided by prudently organizing a suitable place for the young artist’s creativity. For example, turn an entire wall into a slate and magnetic board, on which the child can not only draw, but also play with the magnetic alphabet and figures.

3. Mini-observatory for a young researcher

In the photo: “Mini-observatory” of the future scientist

If a boy likes to look at the stars and asks “unchildish” questions about the structure of the universe, a telescope definitely needs to be installed in his room. Today there is a huge selection of telescopes for children and teenagers, and many are not inferior in quality to “real” modern devices.

4. Tent for games in the nursery

In the photo: Children's room with a play tent

A tent is a perfect solution for a play area in a boy’s nursery: with the help of it and your imagination you can organize many exciting games. For example, imagine yourself as the Leader of the Redskins, who is playing a prank on his captors, or “go” on a multi-day hike.

5. Green carpet and starry sky above the bed

In the photo: Interior of a children's room for a boy with a wall in the form of a starry sky

The children's room is divided into play and sleeping areas using colors and designs that evoke natural associations. “Obeying the laws of nature” - this could be the name of the design idea for this room. The starry sky in the sleeping area and a carpet reminiscent of a green lawn in the playroom are an excellent solution for visual zoning of the children’s space.

Design of children's rooms for a boy with a sports corner

A sports corner is relevant in any children's room, but especially for a boy. Many parents give up the idea of ​​organizing a corner in their child’s room due to insufficient space or the fact that these equipment “do not fit” into the interior. Using the example of apartment design projects from the portfolio of the Fundament Group of Companies, we will make sure that a sports corner with proper planning will not take up extra space, and can even decorate the interior of a nursery.

6. Yellow and blue children's room with a sports corner for a teenage boy

In the photo: Design of a nursery for a boy, 12 sq. m in yellow and blue tones

7. Functional partition in a loft nursery

In the photo: Functional partition and sports corner in the children's room

It is convenient to separate functional areas using a functional partition, which is an open shelving unit in which you can place toys and books.

8. Sports corner and chalkboard in a small children's room

In the photo: Interior of a small children's room with a sports corner and a board

The small area of ​​a children's room is not a reason to deprive the interior of its functionality. The sports corner is located in a niche formed between two spacious shelving, and the wall in this area has been turned into a slate and magnetic board, which will be appreciated by the inquisitive young owner of the room.

9. Multi-colored sports corner - space divider

In the photo: Design of a bright play area in a children's room with a sports corner

In a children's room for two boys, a sports corner divides the interior into two functional zones. The bedroom and play area are separated from the office, equipped by the window, where there is a desk for both children.

10. Design project for a children’s room with motifs of a knight’s castle

In the photo: Design project for a children's room 14 sq. m with a panel and a sports corner

If a boy is interested in adventures and knightly deeds, in his room you can reproduce the environment that he will like. A chandelier from a medieval castle, a colorful panel with a romantic landscape will awaken a child’s fantasy and imagination. But what kind of knight can do without good physical training? A sports corner in green tones, equipped at the entrance, will help with this.

11. Playroom with sports corner on the loggia

In the photo: Play area with sports corner on the loggia

If the children's room has a balcony or loggia, then this space can be effectively used by equipping a mini-sports corner and play area. Bright and light shades will visually expand the area of ​​the loggia, the width of which you can put a sofa - where you can sit down to relax or read a book with your baby.

Organization of a play and study area in a boy’s children’s room. Planning and zoning

In addition to the sports corner, in the children's room it is important to provide a comfortable space for games and activities (not only for a teenage student, but also for a child), as well as a place to store toys and things.

12. Interior idea for a children's room for a boy 1-4 years old

In the photo: Design of a children's room for a boy 1-4 years old with dinosaurs

In the photo: Play area in the nursery with elements of fairy-tale nature

The play area occupies most of the room, which is optimal in a room for a child 1-4 years old. Each piece of furniture not only performs its function, but is also part of the overall “landscape”: a cabinet in the form of a fairy-tale house with a clock, a rack with drawers for storing toys, above which mountain hills rise, another rack - for books - is made in the form of a bright, spreading palm trees

14. Office area in a room for a teenage student

In the photo: Study area by the window in a teenager’s room

In a room for a teenager, on the one hand, there should be nothing superfluous, so that nothing distracts from studying and doing homework, on the other hand, everything should correspond to his true needs. For example, if a child is interested in music, it would be a good idea to install a synthesizer. The furnishing of the office area by the window in a minimalist style promotes concentration on study.

15. Extended window sill as a desk

In the photo: Design of a children's room 12 sq. m with office area

To save space and to increase the office area, a window sill is used, the area of ​​which has been expanded to the size of a full-fledged desk. Books for classes and notebooks can be conveniently placed in a rack located on the side wall.

16. A rug in the shape of a palette of colors in a playroom

In the photo: Design of a play area in a children's room with a bright rug

An interesting rug in the form of a palette of colors will undoubtedly decorate the interior of a nursery. Wardrobes in the shape of white fairy-tale houses, on one side, and a bright sofa with multi-colored cushions form a play area with soft cube poufs and an original rug.

Ideas for organizing a sleeping area in a modern children's room for a boy

It is known that children do not like to go to bed. To help your baby get ready for a sound and healthy sleep, you need to think about the design of this part of the room - most likely, the design of the sleeping area will have its own differences - in colors or decorative techniques.

17. Minimalist room design for a teenager

In the photo: Children's room for a teenager with an area of ​​11 square meters. m in minimalist style

The design of the ceiling in the form of a starry sky above the head of a child going to bed puts him in a calm and meditative mood. Monochrome and minimalism in the interior of a room for a teenager promotes relaxation from physical activity and emotional overload.

18. Zoning a teenager’s children’s room

In the photo: Design of a room for a teenager divided into functional zones

A sleeping area in a niche created by the designer - this solution allows you to separate the sleeping area not only visually. You can further emphasize the division into zones by hanging a curtain: then it will partially play the role of a canopy.

19. Decorative tree in a bright nursery for two boys

In the photo: Organization of a sleeping area in a nursery for two boys

In a shared children's room for two boys, it is not necessary to install a bunk bed, as can be seen in the example of this interior. Decorative wood with functional shelves will do an excellent job of dividing the sleeping area into two parts and, in addition, will significantly transform the entire interior.

20. Curtain in the spirit of Japanese minimalism in a teenager’s room

In the photo: Dividing a room for a teenager into two zones using curtains

A curtain in the spirit of Japanese minimalism, which can be completely removed if desired, will help to separate the sleeping area from the rest of the room with an office and a relaxation area. Such constructive solutions will appeal to a teenage student.

21. Provence style in children's room design

In the photo: Design of a nursery for a boy, 9 sq. m with elements of Provence style

In the photo: Loft bed in the form of a knight's castle in the nursery

For a teenage boy who is fond of stories about knightly campaigns and adventures, he will like a bed in the shape of a medieval castle or fortress. It is worth noting that not only the bed, but also all the interior items reflect the chosen concept: the chandelier, desk and shelves are made in the same style, which makes the interior of the room truly fabulous.

23. Functionality of furniture in the nursery

In the photo: Interior of a nursery for a boy with functional furniture

Many parents lament that their child throws toys everywhere, and it is sometimes difficult to enter his room because of the large mountain of cars and railroad parts. If you teach your child to have order from childhood, he will soon be happy to put his toys and writing materials into drawers. Beautiful and functional furniture in the nursery with lots of shelves and drawers will help teach your child to put things in their place.

24. Bright nursery interior with a car bed

In the photo: Car bed in a boy’s nursery

Your favorite red car can expand to the size of a real bed, which will delight your little one. The rug in the shape of a road and other interior details fit into the “thematic” design of the room in the same style.

25. Yellow and green shades in the nursery

In the photo: Children's room 10 sq. m for a boy in yellow and green shades

A drawing depicting a “city landscape” with a blue sky on the ceiling allows you to feel like part of a single macrocosm, and eco-motives in a children’s room in green and yellow shades are not only a fashionable accent and interior decoration, but also an opportunity to teach a child to care for plants.

Specialists of the Fundament Group of Companies will not only develop the design of a children’s room for a boy, but will also carry out high-quality turnkey apartment renovations in strict accordance with the project. When developing a design project and carrying out renovations, wishes and preferences for stylistic and functional interior solutions are taken into account, while our clients will be able to take advantage of the advice and recommendations of professional designers with many years of experience.

Text: Natalya Savushkina

Arranging a children's room is an interesting and exciting job, which is not easy to cope with. This process will require a competent and responsible approach. It is important to take into account not only the characteristics of the room, but also the preferences of the person who will live in it. The age of the little owner plays a big role. It is the first and most important criterion when choosing a theme for arranging a room.

Arranging a children's room is as pleasant and interesting as it is responsible, complex and expensive.

Don't forget about the safety of the premises. Furniture and finishing materials must be of high quality. The color palette of the room does not have a negative effect on the emotional state of the child. It is important to create not only a beautiful room, but also a functional one. This will allow the child to learn order and keep things in their place.

The design of a room for a boy will depend on the size and shape of the room, the age of the child, his range of interests and preferences.

Decorating a boy's room is done in different ways. If it is not possible to turn to specialists, then it is quite possible for parents to do this themselves. As practice shows, the smallest room in the apartment is used for the nursery. This is not entirely correct. The baby needs a lot of space to solve his problems. He must play and frolic in his territory.

It is important to highlight an area intended for creativity and study. It should be as comfortable and convenient as possible.

Bringing your wildest fantasies to life in a small area is not easy. You will need to think through everything down to the smallest detail. A modern design solution is perfect for a boy. An interesting and bright design will delight him.

Finishing and furnishings should be safe and environmentally friendly, and the colors should be bright and rich.

How to choose an interior?

Today you can find a large selection of children's room designs for boys. They differ not only in the materials used for decoration, but also in theme. Thus, it is not difficult to find exactly the room design option that will be optimal for a given case.

The first and most important aspect for creating a comfortable, convenient and functional interior for a children's room is the age of the child.

The choice of interior falls on the shoulders of the parents. Especially if we are talking about a child under three years old. At this age, he is unlikely to be able to help. But with older children it’s much easier. They can talk about their interests and preferences. This information will help you choose a themed design for the nursery.

Each stage of your baby's life has different priorities.

Namely, how old your baby is, what hobbies he has and whether he has any favorite characters, as well as the total area of ​​his bedroom. In the modern interior of a boy's room, it is not necessary to make the style exactly the way it should be. Dilute it with original elements indicating that the room is a children's room.

Features of choosing wallpaper

Various materials are used to decorate walls. The most popular are wallpapers. They look impressive, are reliable and last a long time. The range of this finishing material on the modern market is huge, so problems with their choice are unlikely to arise.

They differ in quality, texture, color and other characteristics.

If we are talking about arranging a children's room for a boy, then bright colors are perfect. For example, blue, green, red, cyan and others. An interesting option is to combine them. This will allow you to highlight separate zones in the room. On the wall that is located with the resting place, it is better to place calm tones.

Bright wallpaper colors look good in the play area. They lift your spirits and create an atmosphere of joy.

Recently, photo wallpapers have become popular. They depict cartoon characters, animals and more. They make a room interesting and special. Photo wallpapers look great in an area intended for games.

Interior theme: ideas

There are a lot of themes for boy's room design. When choosing it, you must be guided by two criteria: the age and interests of the child. This will allow you to get a room in which you will feel comfortable and pleasant.

Every home needs a corner for every family member.

A popular design idea for small rooms for boys is a sports theme. It is suitable for almost all guys, and especially those who are interested in this area. The room will be filled with positive emotions, so it is fun and comfortable.

To arrange a room in a sports theme, adhere to certain rules. Wallpaper and accessories must be appropriate. A punching bag, a sports corner, and exercise equipment will look good. They emphasize the features of the interior and are useful for performing various exercises.

In this way, the child can keep his physical condition in shape.

As for the bed, the car looks great. If the area is small, then you can install a folding chair. This will allow for more efficient use of square meters. A sports theme for decorating a nursery requires free space in the room, as shown in the photo.

If a child goes to primary school, then he is certainly interested in nature and travel. Why not decorate his room in this style, as shown in the photo.

It is interesting and useful to be in it, because at the same time you can study animals, cities and more.

Green, yellow and beige tones of the interior will perfectly emphasize the theme of nature. You will need to place flowers and other little things in the room that will highlight the theme: an aquarium, a globe, a map, photos of animals. The atmosphere in such a room will be calm and peaceful.

Cartoons about pirates and ship captains are of particular interest to boys. After watching them, they begin to imagine themselves in their role.

If a child is interested in a marine theme, then it is used when creating a room design.

Its main feature is the use of blue colors in the interior. It is important to remember the accents that will emphasize the direction and make the child’s dream come true, as shown in the photo. The following elements will cope with this task perfectly: a map, a chest. The clock can be made in the form of a steering wheel, and the bed can be made in the form of a boat. It is important to observe moderation. Otherwise, the abundance of things will make the child feel uncomfortable.

Men's fascination with transport, planes, and trains begins in childhood. Even at an early age, boys are interested in various technologies. This hobby will help you choose a room design theme for a boy.

The color scheme of the room can be varied.

Choosing a bed

Furniture is an important component of any room. The children's room was no exception. The presence of furniture in it is mandatory, but since the room must be spacious, its quantity is minimal. It is enough to install a bed, a wardrobe, a desk.

As the child grows up, his favorite activities, preferences in games and creativity appear.

If the room area is small, then it is better to choose a folding chair. It is good to install a pull-out type bed or one equipped with drawers. It will house things and objects. In this case, the cabinet may not be installed. This will save space and there will be more free space, which the child will like.

An excellent option for arranging a nursery is modern school furniture. It unloads the interior, as it has many functions and takes up minimal space in the room.

Furniture should be safe and easy to clean.

Rational planning: features of creation

The layout of the children's room differs from the traditional one. It is necessary to correctly arrange several functional areas at once. Each is designed for specific purposes:

  • Recreation;
  • Creativity;
  • Entertainment;
  • Studies.

Children love the creative areas and playful activities are more fun and effective.

These zones require a different design approach. This applies to colors, choice of furniture and so on. If we talk about a place to study, then you need to install a small table. It should not be bulky; it is better to choose compact and neat options. Be sure to have drawers that will accommodate the necessary school items.

It is especially important to take a responsible approach to arranging a sleeping area. This zone is responsible for ensuring that the child fully rests and gains strength for the new day. The bed should be as comfortable and comfortable as possible.

It would be great if it had drawers and decorative linings.

A play area is a must for any children's room. The child can have fun, run around and be charged with positive emotions. Toys that are located must have their own place for storage. This will avoid clutter in the room. Colorful boxes and baskets look great. They are roomy and compact.

To complement the overall interior, you can use light curtains and colorful bed linen. A lint-free rug works well.

If it depicts a racing track, then the boy will certainly appreciate it.

How does a boy's age influence the choice of design?

The age of the owner of the room is an important point that must be taken into account when choosing a design. It cannot have the same design for a child of two years old and a child of ten. Their interests and preferences are different. Each age has its own priorities and that’s normal.

Babies who are not yet a year old do not have their own preferences. Therefore, the choice of interior is made by the parents. He should be calm and peaceful.

This will have a beneficial effect on the child and give him a positive attitude.

As the child grows, he develops his own interests. He watches cartoons, reads fairy tales, and new heroes appear in his life. They are the ones he is interested in seeing in the room. As soon as he goes to school, his range of interests will expand. Toys fade into the background; now it’s much more fun to play football, play sports, or read books. This must be taken into account when choosing an interior design for a nursery.

As for teenagers, everything is easy here. The boy is able to choose the interior of the room for himself. In this case, parents will need to make his dream come true rather than insist on their vision of the premises.

Teenagers are maximalists and try to prove their weight. Ignoring their opinion will provoke conflict.

Three year old boy: what should the room be like?

At first glance, it may seem that arranging a room for a child under three years old is simple. After all, he still understands little about such work. But in reality it's not like that. At three years old, the child is actively developing and becoming a personality. He already has any cartoons, heroes, etc.

This information will play an important role when choosing the theme of the room.

A room for a child of this age must meet the following requirements:

  • Light;
  • Spacious;
  • Safe;
  • Cozy and protected.

Light colors look good in the room. It is not necessary to adhere to a specific topic; the child’s preferences are still being formed and changing. There is no need to delimit zones.

At this age, any activity for a child is a game.

Five-year-old boy: what should the room be like?

At the age of five, boys become individuals. They ask a lot of questions, are interested in everything and are restless. Their room should be multifunctional. This will allow the child to gain creative and athletic development.

It is good to highlight several zones: for sports, creativity, games and storage of things.

At this age, it is necessary to teach the child to order. Every thing should be in its place and it is important to keep the nursery clean. Since he needs to realize his creative abilities, it is better to use washable coatings for wall decoration.

Ten year old boy: what should the room be like?

This age is especially important in a boy’s life. Since, in addition to games, he has new activities: reading, homework. This must be taken into account when arranging the rooms and properly distributing the area.

The room should have a study, play and functional area.

The latter is intended for relaxation. It contains a bed and a wardrobe for storing things. It is important that the play area does not interfere with studying. The boy should have his back to her.

Room for a schoolchild

After ten years, boys already understand well what they want to see in their room. Quite often at this age they have heroes they love. This information is used as the main idea in the interior. Photo wallpaper with an athlete, actor and comic book hero will fit perfectly on the wall.

Even if the idol is new, it can be easily replaced with another. As a result, the room will sparkle with new colors.

VIDEO: Children's room for a boy - interior ideas.

50 design options for a children's room for a boy:

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