Hydropneumatic flushing will help eliminate interruptions in the heating system of multi-storey buildings due to clogged pipes and radiators. It is necessary to carry it out if you often hear extraneous noise from the batteries, or if they are heated unevenly.

What is hydropneumatic flushing?

Among existing methods It is most often used to clean the heating system. The principle of such flushing is to inject compressed air under pressure into heating system, which is completely filled with coolant. At the same time, a pulp is formed inside the pipes and batteries, which is a bubbling compound between water and air, which is pumped into the pipes by pushes. Such a pulsed effect on the walls leads to the destruction of deposits and scale. Which, after cleaning, are eliminated through drain holes into the sewer.

The impulsiveness and strength of the thrusts is adjustable, so it can be changed step by step. The process continues until clean water appears from the drain. After this, the system must be pressure tested, which is necessary to check the system for leaks. Sometimes there are cases that after washing, a leak forms in places where there was scale. Previously, such through holes were simply blocked by deposits.

The scheme for such washing is shown in the diagram:

According to the standards in apartment buildings washing is carried out once a year mandatory. Owners of private houses clean pipes only if the radiators have become noticeably worse. It is not advisable to carry it out for prevention, since you need to pay for calling the appropriate energy supply services.

Types of hydropneumatic flushing

There are two types of hydropneumatic flushing.

First method

The flow method assumes that the system will be completely filled with water:
  • The air intake valve is in the open position.
  • After the heating pipeline is filled to the maximum extent, the valve is closed, and a compressor previously connected to the system pumps compressed air.
  • The liquid together with it, acting on the walls of the pipes, cleans them.
  • The entire contents of the pipes are discharged through the outlet pipe.
The completion of flushing will be indicated by clean water without impurities coming out of the open pipe.

Second method

The filling method is similar to that described above, but with it the sequence of actions is slightly different:
  • Water is supplied through one pipe, and the valve on it closes.
  • Compressed air begins to be supplied through another pipe. It lasts about a quarter of an hour, and for slightly dirty pipes in a small system it may take only five minutes.
  • The valve on the pipe through which the air is supplied closes, and the second one on the drain pipe opens, and water with impurities is removed through it.
After this, the system is flushed several times clean water.

Instructions for hydropneumatic flushing

It should be carried out regularly on individual risers or their groups. Before starting work, it is necessary to decide in which risers it will be done this time in order to install shut-off equipment at their ends.

The course of action is as follows:

  • Remove the nozzles and diaphragms from the hydraulic elevator, if there is one in the system.
  • Discharge the circuit into the sewer to drain the contaminated water.
  • Conduct a thermal imaging examination of the internal surfaces of radiators, if special equipment is available.
  • Block thermal valve located on the return pipe.
  • Fill the system with water to remove air from it, with the air collector valve open. As soon as the system is full, the valve closes.
  • Connect the compressor to the metering valve, open the discharge on the “return”.
  • Open the valve when the pressure on the compressor reaches 0.6 MPa;
  • Close the risers and wash them one by one. Continue flushing until purified water comes out of the hose.
  • Switch the heating circuit from supply to return. Rinse all risers in the opposite direction.

After completing the flushing process, the system should be filled with water, since its pipes cannot be kept empty.

Washing equipment

It is selected depending on the chemical composition of the water in the pipes, which is the coolant, and the degree of contamination of the pipes and batteries. The main installation for such washing is the compressor.

There are several of its models, the most popular are:
  • Station CILLIT–BOY. This is a modern device with electronically controlled. The cost of purchasing it can soon pay off, since such a unit can be used not only for flushing heating, but also for purifying drinking water from bacteria, as well as servicing the “warm floor” system. When used for heating, compressed air and water are uniformly supplied. Its washing power is enough not only to clean pipes and batteries, but also to remove scale from the inside of the heating boiler, which extends its service life and increases the heating level.
  • Rockal. This compact compressor is mainly used for cleaning copper and steel pipes. It can clean systems with a capacity of no more than 300 liters. It maintains a constant pressure of 1 bar, and its productivity, despite its small dimensions, reaches 40 liters per minute.
  • Ropuls. A powerful device that is used not only for flushing the heating system, but also for purifying water flowing through pipes into the house. It can be used for cleaning “warm floors” and cleaning solar collectors from silt deposits. When drinking water is purified with such a device, not only rust and debris are removed from it, but also bacteria.
  • Romantic 20. It is suitable for removing scale from heating pipes. It provides automatic regulation pulse interval. The pressure height reaches 10 meters, the pressure is 1.5 bar, and the performance is the same as in the Rokal installation. It can be used for systems whose volume does not exceed 300 liters.
A thermal imager is a useful device for ensuring high-quality washing, but few can afford it; most often, thermal imaging examinations are ordered from private companies. Available among its analogues is the “Seek Thermal” thermal imager with the following characteristics:
  • the color screen displays an image at a viewing angle of 36 degrees;
  • there is a focusing ring on the lens of the device;
  • The shooting frequency reaches 9 Hz.
It can accurately determine the temperature of the heating device and identify the most contaminated areas. Using the device, you can instantly obtain the entire thermal image of an object.

Video: How does hydropneumatic flushing work?

To evaluate the difference between hydropneumatic flushing and chemical flushing, we suggest watching the following video:

Any heating system requires regular cleaning. The hydropneumatic flushing method is the most popular today. This is explained by the fact that after it the heating system almost completely restores its throughput, which leads to maximum economical use energy resources.

Any heating system is designed and calculated according to normal conditions operation. More precisely, this means the good condition and correct operation of all its sections, devices, and components. In practice, quite often there is a gradual decrease in heating efficiency while seemingly maintaining the standard values. temperature conditions boiler equipment. Most often, the reason for such phenomena is that clogging of the internal cavities of pipes and heat exchange devices of the heating system disrupts the normal circulation of the coolant.

Completely eliminating the growth of pipes, radiators and heat exchangers is an extremely difficult, almost impossible task. This means that it is necessary to take a set of measures for regular prevention. In particular, the heating system of a residential building should be flushed at certain intervals. When and how this is done will be discussed in this publication.

Why is it important to flush your heating system?

Conditions when normal circulation coolant is hampered by deposits on the walls of pipes and radiators, when the normal permeability of the heat exchanger of boiler equipment is disrupted, it can signal homeowners a number of symptoms.

  • Obviously uneven heating of the battery sections - the temperature in one area is significantly different from other areas. If the problem is not an air lock (which is quite easy to check if you have a Mayevsky tap), then all that remains is to look for a serious blockage.

  • The symptom may be more obvious - very hot supply pipes and a barely warm (if not completely cold) radiator.
  • There is clearly not enough heat in the premises of the house or apartment, although the autonomous one operates in optimal mode. Or it takes much more time to create a comfortable microclimate.
  • The operation of the system began to be accompanied by unusual noise. This is especially true for a heating boiler, although previously absent sounds of water flow in pipes and radiators are often heard.
  • The owners notice a significant increase in the costs of the energy carrier on which the autonomous system operates. Owners of electric boilers will feel this especially quickly.

All these signs may indicate that the heating system channels in certain areas have lost their normal throughput. And preventive intervention is required before the problem gets worse. Ignoring the symptoms of a clogged system may well result in the need for much larger repairs, sometimes even with the replacement of expensive equipment.

Why could this happen? There are many reasons for this:

  • First of all, corrosion contributes to this. Flakes of oxidized metal come off the surfaces of the walls of pipes or other heating elements and are carried by the flow. And in a disturbed system there will always be vulnerable places in which the likelihood of such insoluble particles settling increases significantly. Old central heating systems especially suffer from this “disease”.
  • The coolant itself may not be clean enough even at the stage of filling the system or replenishing it - it may contain solid suspensions. Of course, it should be subject to filtering, but there are as many facts as you want about irresponsible attitudes in this matter.

  • Even seemingly clean water, that is, water that has undergone mechanical purification, may well cause deposits. A higher concentration of salts dissolved in it leads to the formation of insoluble plaque, which narrows the channels and can even completely clog the boiler heat exchangers. Ideally, water should undergo a special treatment cycle, but this is not observed everywhere.
  • Solid suspensions may remain after installation of the circuit - slag from piling work, fragments of seals, etc.

Particularly vulnerable to clogging are:

Radiators with large internal volume (for example, old cast iron). The flow rate due to the light of space expansion in them decreases sharply, and insoluble particles settle to the bottom, accumulating and clogging the lower collector.

Turning areas, connecting nodes, taps and other shut-off and adjustment devices

Heat exchangers - due to the distinctly small diameter channels for the passage of coolant.

If we talk about straight sections of pipes, then steel pipes are VGP due to the insufficiently smooth inner surface of the walls. Corrosion of the metal gradually increases the roughness, further contributing to the retention of any insoluble debris.

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Overgrowth of pipe channels increases the overall hydraulic resistance of the system, increases the load on pumping equipment. Thickening of the walls with hard limescale dramatically reduces normal heat transfer, which immediately affects the efficiency of the system. And if the boiler heat exchanger becomes overgrown, there is only one step left before it completely burns out with the need for subsequent expensive repairs.

By the way, owners of houses or apartments with an autonomous heating system should keep in mind one more, rather extraordinary danger.

The effect of bacteria cannot be ruled out - such a reason is rare, but still occurs in systems with low-temperature operating conditions (40 ÷ 60 degrees, which is typical, for example, for “ heated floors"). A closed water environment without access to oxygen sometimes becomes very favorable for the appearance and rapid development of Legionella colonies. Not only does this cause frequent airing of the system with the formation of traffic jams. The resulting dark mucus, like liquid silt-like mud, can clog the screens of installed filters. The air discharged through the valves has an extremely unpleasant hydrogen sulfide odor, which in itself reduces the level of living comfort. And the entry of these bacteria into respiratory tract person can lead to the development of severe chronic diseases.

True, this problem is “treated” by raising the temperature to 70 degrees – it is fatal for Legionella. Naturally, such hot coolant cannot be supplied to the “warm floor” circuits - the mixing units must work properly to prevent such heating. But if, for preventive purposes, the increased heating of the boiler is left for several hours, the entire volume of the coolant will sooner or later pass through the boiler heat exchanger, and the entire colony will die. In general, it would be useful to carry out such “roasting” of the system from time to time - in order to prevent a relapse.

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When and by whom is it necessary to flush the heating system?

Not everything is clear here. First of all, it depends on whether the homeowners use an autonomous heating system or are connected to a central one.

Flushing of common systems in apartment buildings

First of all, it should be correctly understood that none of the residents apartment building I am simply not able to flush the system on my own. Yes, no one will allow him to do this, will not give him access to the equipment of the heating station or to the shut-off valves of the heating risers.

The only thing that an apartment owner can do on his own (and even then with reservations) is to flush the heating radiator if there is reason to believe that the reason for its poor heating lies precisely in clogging. But dismantling the radiator is only possible if it is separated from the supply pipes by reliable shut-off valves. And provided that its shutdown (removal) does not in any way affect the performance of the entire riser as a whole, that is, the circulation of coolant through the riser will not be interrupted.

An example of how the radiator is flushed will be shown below in the corresponding section.

But without flushing the entire riser, such a measure seems clearly insufficient. Therefore, in the case when the state of the intra-house system does not ensure normal heating of the premises, residents have the right not to buy electric heating devices, but to demand that the management company carry out preventive measures to bring the heating operation to regulatory indicators.

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Carrying out flushing of intra-house networks is directly included in the list of mandatory activities for servicing heating systems. These are not empty words - they are based on current legislative documents, which should be appealed to in the event of failure of the management company to fulfill its obligations. And there are as many cases when, in one way or another, employees of these companies seek to either relieve themselves of responsibility for carrying out such activities, or to evade responsibility for their failure to carry them out.

So, it’s worthwhile to thoroughly understand this legislative framework - residents apartment buildings this information may be very useful.

The full title of this document is “On approval of the Rules and Norms technical operation housing stock" . It covers in some detail, including issues related to correct operation heating systems, in particular – and regarding their flushing.

What points should you pay attention to? special attention(in order not to accidentally “distort” the information, it is better to give it in full quotations).

Article 2.6. “Preparation of housing stock for seasonal use”

2.6.4. Schedule for preparing the housing stock and its engineering equipment for operation in winter conditions is being compiled the owner of the housing stock or the organization for its maintenance and is approved by local governments based on the results of the spring inspection and deficiencies identified over the past period.

2.6.5. Preparation for winter (hydraulic tests, repairs, verification and adjustment) is subject to the entire complex of devices that ensure uninterrupted heat supply to apartments (boiler rooms, intra-house networks, group and local heating points in houses, heating and ventilation systems).

2.6.13. IN summer period the following work must be carried out:

b) via heating networks - flushing systems , inspection of fittings, elimination of constant and periodic blockages of channels, restoration of destroyed or replacement of insufficient thermal insulation of pipes in chambers, underground channels and basements ( technical underground);

d) for heating and hot water supply systems - inspection of taps and other shut-off valves expanders and air collectors, restoration of damaged or replacement of insufficient thermal insulation of pipes in staircases, basements, attics, and niches of sanitary units. If the radiators are not warmed up, they should be hydropneumatically flushed . After all repair work the entire complex of heat supply devices is subject to operational adjustment during a trial fire;

But that's not all. Section V is dedicated to maintenance and repair of engineering equipment. And here you can also learn useful information– what is included in the list of such works.

Article 5.2 “Central heating”

5.2.1. Operating a central heating system residential buildings must provide:

  • maintaining optimal (not lower than permissible) air temperature in heated rooms;
  • maintaining the temperature of water entering and returning from the heating system in accordance with the schedule for quality control of water temperature in the heating system;
  • uniform heating of all heating devices;
  • maintaining the required pressure (not higher than permissible for heating devices) in the supply and return pipelines of the system...

5.2.10. Flushing heat consumption systems produced annually after the end of the heating period, as well as installation, overhaul, current repairs with the replacement of pipes (in open systems, the systems must also be disinfected before commissioning).

The systems are washed with water in quantities exceeding the calculated coolant flow rate by 3-5 times, and complete clarification of the water must be achieved. When carrying out hydropneumatic flushing, the flow rate of the air mixture should not exceed 3-5 times the calculated coolant flow rate.

For washing, use tap water or process water.

Connecting systems that have not been flushed , and in open systems, cleaning and disinfection, not allowed .

It would seem that everything is clear and should not cause any objections. But, alas, they are in the possession of some legal employees of management companies. The meaning of the excuse is often that the Decree of the State Construction Committee is an internal document, and its implementation is not mandatory. Although, judging by paragraph 2.6.4 quoted above. This is not entirely true.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2013 No. 290.

Well, if the situation turns out this way, then in this case there is another document that already has the force of law. It's about on Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2013 No. 290. And it has a very eloquent name - “On the minimum list of services and work necessary to ensure proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, and the procedure for their provision and implementation” .

Please note keyword"minimum list of services". That is, a wider range of services is completely permissible, but cutting them down without permission is not allowed to anyone.

Chapter II. Work necessary for the proper maintenance of equipment and engineering support systems that are part of the common property in an apartment building.

19 . Work performed for the proper maintenance of heat supply systems (heating, hot water supply) in apartment buildings:

  • tests for strength and density (hydraulic tests) of input units and heating systems, flushing and adjustment of heating systems ;

  • carrying out trial commissioning work (trial fireboxes);

  • removing air from the heating system;

  • flushing centralized systems heat supply to remove scale-corrosion deposits .

  • work on cleaning heat exchange equipment to remove scale-corrosion deposits .

It may be objected that the timing and frequency of such work are not specified. There are also clarifications on this matter in the resolution. The section, in fact, of the Rules for the provision of services says the following:

5. The frequency of provision of services and performance of work provided for in the list of services and work is determined taking into account the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. By decision of the owners of premises in an apartment building, a more frequent frequency of providing services and performing work may be established than is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

This means, with less frequency than established by the legislative act of the State Construction Committee, that is, the approved operating rules residential buildings(which were given above), work is not allowed. More often - please, if this is decided by the owners of residential premises.

GOST R 56501-2015

But even this legislative framework is not yet limited - careless employees of management companies can be “pinned to the wall” by GOST, which determines the volume and quality of services provided. The document is new and came into force on January 3, 2016.

The topic of flushing heating systems also appears in it.

GOST R 56501-2015 “Housing and communal services and management of apartment buildings. Maintenance services for indoor heating, heating and hot water supply systems of apartment buildings. General requirements".

Art. 5.15 Organization seasonal work, including preparation for the heating season

Until the end heating season, the contractor draws up and coordinates with the resource supplying organization a schedule for seasonal and repair work, including flushing, leak testing (pressure testing) and conservation of the heat supply system during the non-heating season.

The Contractor ensures that the work is completed in accordance with the approved schedule. Based on the results of the work, reports are drawn up.

The “executor” in this document means a legal entity providing management services for an apartment building. That is, the management company must draw up schedules for all preventative and repair work, including flushing the heating system, before the end of the heating season.

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Art. 6.1.8 Hydraulic tests and flushing of the heating system

At the end of the heating season, as well as upon completion of repair work, the heating system or its parts are tested.

Testing of the heating system must be carried out according to technological schemes in compliance with work safety regulations. Before testing is carried out heating system flushing .

Washing heating systems during the preparation of apartment buildings for winter should be carried out in the manner prescribed in the operating instructions.

Water pressure in pipelines during flushing should not be higher than the working one, and the air pressure should not exceed 0.6 MPa (6 kgf/cm). The water speed during flushing should exceed the design coolant speed by 0.5 m/sec or more.

Washing is carried out until complete clarification rinsing water at the outlet of the heating system drains.

After washing the system must immediately be filled with coolant or water that has passed through water treatment. Keep the heating system drained not allowed .

If desired, you can find other documents, for example, SNiP, which will also stipulate the need for regular flushing of heating systems. But what is listed above is already more than enough to confidently demand that the management company carry out this procedure with the proper quality. As you can see, flushing should be carried out at least annually, and in the case of repair work or non-compliance with heating radiator heating standards - even more often, until the system is brought back to normal.

But to carry out high-quality flushing, the management company has the right to enter into contracts with a specialized organization that has a staff of qualified specialists, “armed” with the equipment necessary for these purposes. Naturally, taking into account the rating of such companies and the cost of the services they provide.

You may find it useful for organizing flushing of your heating system.

Flushing an autonomous system in a private house

But the responsibility for flushing the heating system in a private house, of course, lies entirely with its owner. And the frequency of such an operation is also determined only by himself.

And, by the way, it would be appropriate to make one remark right away. If you “take a walk” through construction forums on the Internet, you can see that the prevailing opinion on this matter is: it is not advisable to get carried away with flushing if the system is working well and no symptoms of clogging of pipes, radiators or boiler heat exchanger are observed. Some forum users express themselves figuratively, as the people say: “you shouldn’t scratch where it doesn’t itch,” you can make things worse.

And in fact, if there are no signs of blockages, and the heat transfer of the radiators is normal, why “disturb” the system and change the coolant? The water poured into the circuit has long been freed from the air dissolved in it; everything that could react with the metal in it has long since reacted. Dirt or chemical impurities from outside, as happens in central systems, cannot be entered.

Some owners say that the water is unclean and dark. Sorry, but this is not an argument. Do not drink water from heating, and darkening is usually a phenomenon if, for example, steel heating pipes are laid and “classic” cast-iron radiators are used. But it has not lost its heat capacity, and quite copes with its main task - transferring heat from the boiler to the batteries.

But a “fresh portion” of water will bring with it a high concentration of oxygen, dissolved salts or even other chemicals. active substances, which can have a negative impact on the overall condition of the system. According to the personal experience of the author of these lines, the water in the system has not been changed for at least five years (with metal pipes, an AOGV-11.6 gas boiler, cast iron radiators and an open expansion tank). And so far there are no visible prerequisites for the need to flush and replace the coolant. The only periodic action is checking the fill level and, if necessary, replenishing, but even then it is extremely small.

Judging by the recommendations on the forums, even if there is a need to flush the system (or a separate section of it), you should not part with the drained coolant. Water can be collected in a container, filtered if necessary, and then, after washing, used again to fill the circuits. In any case, there will be no outbreak of corrosion activity or other negative chemical processes.

Certain features, of course, may exist in heating systems in which electrode boilers are installed. For correct operation of these devices, a balanced chemical composition coolant capable of creating the required ionic environment for heating. It is even recommended to check the quality of the coolant annually and, if necessary, replace it. Naturally, before replacing, flushing will suggest itself. But these are particular ones that somewhat “fall out” from the overall picture.

But if flushing is necessary autonomous system obvious, then to carry out this operation it is still better to invite specialists with appropriate professional equipment. There are, of course, some techniques that can be applied independently, but they are not always effective if the system is clogged too far.

Existing methods for flushing heating systems.

Depending on the degree of contamination, heating systems can be used various ways washing it. Most of them require special qualifications of workers and the use of special equipment. Some are also available for self-execution, if the system contamination has not gone too far.

Conventional mechanical flushing of the system

One of the simplest and most accessible ways. True, its effectiveness manifests itself only with minor contamination - it is unlikely to cope with hard, old deposits on the walls of pipes or radiators. Such flushing will not help if the boiler heat exchanger becomes overgrown.

The idea is to connect hoses to the system (or a certain area temporarily disconnected from the general circuit), water pressure is supplied through one of the ready-made hoses, and through the second this wash water is drained while simultaneously monitoring its cleanliness. To create pressure, a pump is connected, and when carrying out flushing on their own, many owners even use the pressure of the water supply system.

Various points in the system can be used to connect hose fittings. These can be welded pipes with drain and subscription valves, pipes for installing control and measuring instruments, and other technological plugged holes. Including radiator manifolds, after removing the plugs from them and screwing in the through plugs with fittings.

Very often, with this technique, heating radiators are generally dismantled beforehand and washed individually. And the shut-off valves remaining on the supply pipes are very well suited for connecting hoses for supplying pressure. In this case, the system can be divided into sections - the quality of washing will only benefit from this.

Hydropneumatic flushing

Hydropneumatic flushing in general outline similar to purely hydraulic, but shows much more noticeable results. The fundamental difference is that along with the water pressure, a flow of compressed air is supplied using a connected compressor.

A mixture of water and air, a kind of emulsion, passing under high pressure through the pipes, very effectively washes away even quite serious build-ups and contaminants. Radiators are also well cleaned, including cast iron ones, in which there is often an accumulation of caked dirt in the lower collector.

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Hydropneumopulse washing

This cleaning is usually used in areas of severe local contamination of circuits or in the most vulnerable areas prone to complete overgrowing. The point of flushing is that with the help of special equipment - a pneumatic gun - powerful shock pulses are created with a high speed of propagation, up to 1300 m/s. This “shock wave” very effectively removes even old corrosion deposits, breaks through plugs, etc.

Subsequently, the area treated in this way is subjected to normal rinsing until the desired purity of the rinsing water passing through it is achieved. After this, the section can be reconnected to the general circuit and put into operation.

One of the conveniences of this approach is the ability to flush only individual sections of the system, without completely emptying it and, if necessary, without even taking it out of service.

The disadvantages include the need for special equipment and the availability of skills to work with it (with an unskilled approach, the circuit can be seriously damaged). Length of area that can be cleaned in a similar way, is usually small, and depends on the specific model of the air gun, on the type and diameter of the pipes.

Chemical washing

Owners of private houses resort to this technology quite often. The use of chemical components that can dissolve or soften layers on the walls of pipes and radiators allows you to do without complex equipment. Chemical washing is the most suitable for boiler heat exchangers.

In any case, chemical treatment of the system requires subsequent regular rinsing with clean water.

Chemical washing can be performed in different ways. For example, a chemical reagent in the required quantity is simply added to the coolant of the circuit, after which it circulates there during normal heating operation (that is, when the boiler is running). Later certain time(this also depends on the volume of the system, on the type and degree of contamination of the circuit, on the reagent used) the coolant is drained, while capturing a significant part of the deposits. A subsequent rinse with water completes the cycle.

Another option requires a set of special equipment - a pump with a set of hoses and containers for supplying a chemical reagent, for draining the waste and for the possibility of organizing a small circulation circle.

Thus, it is possible to close the flushing circuit at any individual section of the system that requires treatment. A very valuable quality, especially for regular maintenance of boiler heat exchangers.

There are many compositions for chemical cleaning of boilers on sale - the choice is made in accordance with the characteristics of the system and the degree of its contamination. For example, reagents from the “Sillit” line, a special reagent designed to remove rust and lime deposits BWT CP 508, a liquid for gentle and effective cleaning of heat exchangers AQUAMAX ERP1 and other compounds are widely popular.

Many of this composition have the properties of not only dissolving contaminants, but also, to a certain extent, restoring metal surface walls of pipes and other parts of the system, giving them additional anti-corrosion qualities.

However, owners of private houses often find cheaper options for flushing their systems. So, citric acid solution, caustic soda, vinegar, and other available acids, for example, orthophosphoric or phosphoric, are used as reagents. IN progress is underway even whey. It is clear that such flushing will be effective only if there are no severe blockages and only preventive intervention is required.

The chemical washing method has many advantages. But it also has quite significant shortcomings.

  • An incorrectly selected or diluted reagent in violation of the instructions can sometimes do more harm than good. So, after chemical flushes, the system may leak in several places at once. Therefore, the recommendations of the manufacturer of the formulations should never be neglected.
  • Chemical flushing is not allowed in systems with aluminum radiators, due to the high chemical activity of this metal. There are, however, special reagents designed for such systems - special attention should be paid to this when purchasing the composition.
  • The question of disposal of spent reagents almost always arises. Many of them are strictly prohibited from being dumped into general sewerage or into the drainage system.

Video: example of chemical flushing of a heating system

Professionals use several other methods of flushing systems. For example, and the use of hydrodynamic heads, which provide an accentuated effect of water jets with high pressure on the pipe walls. Moving a hose with such a head in the pipe cavity allows you to almost completely clean it of any contaminants.

There is also a modern electro-hydropulse washing technology that perfectly fuses with fossilized limescale. It is clear that it also requires special equipment.

By the way, when a team of professionals is engaged in servicing a heating system, usually not just one is used, but a whole range of possible and necessary technologies washing. For example, hydropneumatic or hydrodynamic cleaning may be preceded chemical treatment contour. Many sets of equipment are immediately designed to allow the use of several approaches, depending on specific conditions.

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How to flush cast iron radiators MC140

Cast iron radiators especially often suffer from blockages. The reason has already been explained - due to their large volume, the flow of liquid slows down sharply and insoluble suspensions settle to the bottom and walls, initially forming a silty coating, which over time hardens and creates dense plugs.

Sometimes apartment residents, tired of demanding from the management company high-quality cleaning, including radiators (and this is included in the list of services), almost agree to replace the batteries. but they can be put in order even on your own.

Naturally, it is better to dismantle the radiators for this purpose, having first closed the taps on the supply pipes. It is better to carry out the flushing work on the street or in a utility building, where it is possible to create water pressure for flushing (this can even be a simple street tap). In extreme cases, you can also wash home conditions, for example, in the bathroom, but for this you will have to take steps to protect yourself, firstly, sewer drain from clogging - you need to install a grate on the bathroom drain hole. And secondly, to prevent accidental damage. enamel coating baths, that is, it will need to be covered with a rather thick layer of unnecessary rags.

IllustrationBrief description of the operations performed

A group of old cast iron radiators MC140 was dismantled. The reason is clearly reduced heat transfer.
The solution is to perform a flush to restore them to their former performance.

The case, by the way, is quite advanced, as evidenced by the condition of the supply pipes to the radiators. The pipe opening is more than half overgrown.
The picture is no better in radiators.
The owners simply decided to change the circuit completely, installing new pipes, and restore the radiators to working condition.

Since it was decided to give cast iron batteries new life, it makes sense to do a little pre-washing work before washing them. mechanical cleaning. All the plugs are removed from the radiators. The cavities under the plugs, if they are heavily clogged with dirt, can be cleaned mechanically with a piece of fittings - it is still necessary to “break a path” for the flushing solution.
And thoroughly clean the necks themselves—the holes for the plugs—with a metal brush with brass bristles.

This operation cleans the threads of these sockets well from dirt, traces of corrosion, and the remnants of old sealing windings.

It even makes sense to install a brush attachment with metal bristles on a grinder or drill and clean the end areas on the flange ledges at the inlet necks. This will ensure a good fit of the gasket later when the plugs are installed in place.

The next step is to plug both the upper and lower collectors on one side of the radiator with non-passing plugs.
The plugs must be sealed properly to prevent leakage during the flushing period. Once the threads of the sockets have been cleaned, this will be easy to do.
After this, the radiator is placed so that both open entrance the collectors were at the top. Since there is a washing stage ahead, this should be a suitable place for such purposes.

A caustic soda solution will be used for washing. It copes well with the vast majority of possible contamination of cast iron batteries. In addition, the solution does not require any special disposal - it is not prohibited to pour it into a regular sewer.
The recommended consumption of soda is 200 grams per 10 liters of water. The measured amount is poured into a container...

...and then filled with the required amount of hot water. Stir until the crystalline soda is completely dissolved.
You can reproach the master demonstrating the process for neglecting personal protective equipment. Caustic soda is quite capable of leaving quite sensitive chemical burns on the skin. So it’s better to work with gloves, and you can’t protect your eyes from accidental splashes with glasses.

Now you need to fill the standing radiator to capacity with the resulting solution. You can use a plastic bottle with a cut bottom as a funnel - its neck fits perfectly into the neck of the radiator.

The caustic solution is poured into the battery without much haste, so that no air bubbles remain and the liquid completely fills the entire cavity.

The filling is literally to capacity. It is clear that the same picture should be on the second neck of the radiator.
In this form, the battery is left so that the caustic agent does its job - softens all the contaminants as much as possible.
The period may vary. Some argue that one or two hours is quite enough. But if the pollution is serious, and even more so - there is nowhere to rush, then it is better to leave it for a day - it definitely won’t make it worse.

Having endured the “chemistry” for the intended time, you can proceed to the final rinsing.
To do this, they often use a regular hose connected to water tap– even this kind of pressure is usually enough. When batteries are washed in apartment conditions, sometimes they don’t cost at all flexible hose shower, having previously twisted the watering can from it.
But the best result will be obtained, of course, if the water is supplied under more high pressure. For example, the radiator can be cleaned perfectly if you find the possibility of using a high-pressure mini washer.
The spent caustic solution is drained, the radiator is rotated to its “standard” position. Water is supplied under pressure into the open neck of the upper collector.

When you start washing, whole pieces of dirt may come out of the lower neck.
But gradually all this “swamp” will be washed away, and the water will begin to brighten.
Flushing is carried out until clean water begins to flow from the neck.
To ensure a guaranteed result, it is recommended to turn the radiator over and also flush in the opposite direction.

Flushed radiators, after the required packing of all plugs, in accordance with the connection diagram, can be installed back into the circuit, filled, tested and put into operation. And they will serve for a very long time.

What kind of water should I fill the system with after flushing?

So, the system has been flushed and is about to be filled. What coolant is best to use for this?

It is clear that such a problem will not face the owners of apartments connected to central heating - nothing depends on them there. But home owners may think about this question. And there are different recommendations on this matter.

  • There are supporters of using exclusively distilled water. Yes, it does not contain hardness salts, and indeed no other impurities. The downside is that you have to pay for it, although the cost does not seem completely unaffordable. In addition, there is still no escape from oxygen dissolved in water, that is, at first it will still exhibit corrosive activity.

  • As mentioned above, there are many who advocate that after draining the water from the system, collect it in a container, let it settle further, filter it from small debris, and then reuse it. The water has almost lost all its chemical activity and will be harmless to pipes, radiators, and heat exchangers.
  • If you have to use tap or well (well) water, then it is advisable to prepare it first. And the volume of such preparation largely depends on the chemical composition of the water.

Water with a high content of hardness salts should be passed through a softening filter or ion exchange column. The entire volume of water must be allowed to settle - many dissolved gases will come out of it (including chlorine and hydrogen sulfide), and oxidation processes of dissolved iron will take place. In any case, after settling, the water will become “healthier” for the heating system.

  • There is a lot of advice to collect rainwater, as it is the softest and does not produce limescale. Barrels installed under drainpipes can solve this problem. True, in such water all sorts of pathogenic microflora can already actively develop, so it is advisable to disinfect it just in case.

Some owners solve the issue of the purity of the water being poured by simply boiling it.

  • Finally, no one bothers you to use a special coolant - antifreeze, which is especially important if winter time the house is often left unattended. Included in similar antifreeze liquids special additives are often included that protect metal parts anti-corrosion systems.

True, the cost of such antifreeze is quite high. In addition, the thermal performance is significantly worse than that of ordinary water.

You might be interested in information about what types of

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If water will not be poured directly from the water supply, then the owners must prepare required quantity It is advisable to know the volume of your heating system in advance.

And you can find out in several ways. For example, during a test filling from the water supply, take readings from the water meter. Or, conversely, when emptying the system, drain the water from some measuring containers.

You can also carry out a mathematical calculation taking into account all the instruments, devices, pipes included in the system. This is not as difficult to do as it might seem - the calculator below will help. The only remark is that it is not taken into account in the calculator expansion tank. Simply because the tank is usually selected based on the total volume of the system. So it won’t be difficult to add the capacity of the tank to the result obtained.

During operation of a water heating system, limescale deposits form on the inner surface of the walls of pipes and radiators, and a layer of rust forms. Over time this will hinder normal operation heat supply. Therefore, periodic flushing of the heating system of a private house and apartment is necessary, reports and samples of which are an integral part of the procedure.

Relevance of heating flushing

First of all, it is necessary to determine that the time has come to clean the heating supply from deposits. High-quality flushing of boilers and heating systems is necessary if malfunctions are clearly observed, the heat transfer of radiators and radiators has significantly decreased.

During heating operation, a coating forms on pipes and radiators, which includes rust (25%), calcareous deposits(60%) and components from copper and zinc oxides (15%). To remove them, timely flushing of the heating system in a private home is necessary. According to current regulations The frequency of this procedure is determined. It depends on the material of manufacture of the heat supply and its service life. On average, the frequency of flushing the heating system using the hydraulic method is once a year. Chemical cleaning is performed less frequently - once every 5-7 years.

There are certain signs in the heating operation that indicate the need for flushing:

  • Reducing the estimated coolant volume. This is due to a decrease in the cross-section of the pipes due to the formed plaque;
  • Heat transfer has become lower. If the heating radiators in the apartment have not been flushed for a long time, lime deposits will reduce the heat transfer rate of the battery;
  • Frequent filter clogging and breakdowns circulation pump . Once a certain thickness is reached, the scale will begin to break down. Its particles in the coolant will clog the filters and may cause pump failure.

If at least one of the above symptoms is present, it is necessary to flush the heating system yourself or with the help of the services of specialized companies. But even if deviations in the operation of the heat supply are not observed, this procedure should still be carried out. The recommended frequency of flushing the heating system was discussed above.

If you want to clean your heating system yourself, you will need a heating system flushing unit. It is best to rent it, as the purchase price will be high.

Hydraulic flushing of heating

One of the simplest and effective ways cleaning the inner surface of pipes and radiators is a hydraulic action on limescale. To do this, you need a compressor to flush the heating system with a filtration system.

The essence of this method is to create, using special equipment, a high pressure of water, which destroys plaque on pipes and radiators. For this purpose, no special heating flushing liquid is used. The peculiarity of the technology is the use of hoses with nozzles. They have small nozzles that create the required water pressure.

This method cannot remove scale from the entire system at once. First, heat supply areas are identified where you need to flush the heating system yourself. Then the inlet and outlet pipes from the pump are connected, forming closed loop. The degree of cleaning is controlled by filter clogging, which must be included with the compressor for flushing the heating system. Also, when choosing this cleaning method, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • Pressure value. It must be at least 0.6 MPa. Otherwise, the plaque will not be destroyed, which will affect the effectiveness of the procedure;
  • Pipe material. In the process of flushing boilers and heating systems, other heating components should not be damaged. This can happen when the maximum pressure for metal-plastic and polypropylene lines is exceeded;
  • Removal air jams . Before flushing the heating radiators in the apartment, you need to open the Mayevsky tap and wait for the air to leave the system. Only then can cleaning be carried out.

Although this method is effective, it is not used often. This is due to the labor intensity and strict rules of the procedure. Therefore, it is most often used special solutions for flushing the heating system.

In order to avoid creating emergency situations, before connecting the compressor to flush the heating system, it is necessary to perform calculations of the main indicators - maximum pressure, pressure speed, etc.

Chemical flushing of the heating system

Almost all types of deposits on pipes and radiators can be dissolved using special chemicals. Chemical flushing of the heating system is less labor-intensive than hydraulic flushing and does not require complex equipment.

The principle of this method is to destroy the layer of sediment. Losing its homogeneity, it is divided into many fine particles, which are then removed from the heating system.

To do this, you need to use a special liquid for flushing heating, which will not have a destructive effect on pipes and radiators. Therefore, before performing cleaning, it is necessary to select the correct chemical solution.

There are two ways to chemically flush a heating system:

  • With connection to the system. It is similar to hydraulic, except for the working medium. Instead of a descaling hose, a radiator cleaner is used. Radiators and heating pipes are cleaned in this way;
  • Dismantling heating elements. In this case, there is no need to rent or purchase a unit for flushing heating systems. It is important to choose the right liquid. After dismantling a complex heat exchanger design gas boiler it is placed in a container into which a solution for flushing the heating system is poured. After a certain period of time, the heat exchanger is washed with water and reinserted into the boiler.

In most cases it is used special chemistry for flushing heating. Its composition is not disclosed by the manufacturer. But it is known that sedum is most effectively obtained by using inorganic acids in various proportions - hydrochloric, sulfuric and orthophosphoric. To improve the result, special additives and inhibitors are added to the heating flushing chemistry. They form an additional layer on the inner surface of steel pipes and radiators, protecting them from oxidation. At the end of the procedure, a heating system flushing report must be drawn up, which indicates these means.

To neutralize the chemical effect on pipes and radiators, in some cases, before flushing boilers and heating systems, calcined or baking soda. But this should only be determined by a specialist.

Rules for flushing heating in an apartment building

Compliance with the frequency of flushing the heating system in an apartment building is an important stage in heating maintenance. However, not every resident knows who should be responsible for this procedure and the procedure for its implementation.

It should be noted that the entire heating system in an apartment building is divided according to ownership rights. Everything located in the apartment must be maintained by its owner. The Management Company is obliged to maintain the working condition of all other highways and elements, using special installations for flushing heating systems. In case of non-compliance with maintenance rules, she bears full responsibility for emergencies or heating failures.

To clean the heating supply, it is best to use chemicals for flushing heating radiators and pipes. This can be done independently or with the help of the services of specialized companies. They will be able to select the right solutions for flushing heating and will carry out this procedure according to established standards. After cleaning is completed, you must request a document. A sample heating system flushing report can be taken in advance to familiarize yourself with it.

For the apartment owner, it is essentially not needed. This document may be required if, during a heat supply accident, the Management Company tries to blame the tenant for improperly flushing the radiators and heating pipes in the apartment. The presence of an act will indicate compliance with compliance standards. In other cases, filling out a heating system flushing report is done only when ordering cleaning of the general heating system.

The sample heating system flushing report must contain the following items:

  • The chosen cleaning method is chemical or hydraulic;
  • The means used for flushing pipes and heating radiators are pumps, compressors, chemical components;
  • The effect of cleaning is an increase in heat transfer, improvement in the quality of system operation, saving thermal energy;
  • The responsible organization and its representatives carrying out hydraulic or chemical flushing of the heating system.

All these nuances must be displayed in the document. Residents of the house have the right to demand from Management Company the act of flushing a heating system to ensure that it performs its intended functions.

The heating system cleaning procedure is carried out before the start of the heating season, but before the pipes are filled with coolant. This must be taken into account when independently flushing the heating system in the apartment.

The procedure for flushing in autonomous heating

The autonomous heating system of a private home is most susceptible to the appearance of limescale on pipes and radiators. Timely cleaning of the system will preserve its original parameters and prevent the occurrence of emergency situations.

This procedure can be performed using chemical reagents or using a hydraulic cleaning method. If obvious and indirect signs indicate the need to flush the heating system in a private home - it is best to plan activities outside of the heating season. According to the technology, after cleaning the heating, it is pressurized and filled with coolant. Therefore, flushing is done before starting the heating supply.

There are two ways to remove blockages from pipes and radiators - with their dismantling and non-dismountable. The first is used when there is a significant concentration of scale. The second method is easier and takes much less time.

Stages of flushing the heating system in a private house without dismantling:

  1. Drain coolant from the system. His reuse prohibited due to heavy pollution.
  2. Connecting washing equipment– pump or compressor.
  3. Filling the tank with liquid. When using chemical cleaning, you must first read the instructions from the manufacturer. Restrictions on use must be taken into account.
  4. Turning on the equipment and performing several flushing cycles.
  5. Monitoring the condition of the filter. If necessary, replace the cleaning fluid with a new one.
  6. For chemical cleaning– mandatory flushing of the system with distilled water, if such a procedure is specified by the manufacturer of the composition.

Correct execution of these steps ensures normal operation of the system and the absence of blockages in pipes and radiators.

Chemical cleaning using compounds based on inorganic acids is prohibited for polymer pipes and aluminum radiators. In this case, it is recommended to use the hydraulic flushing method.

Preventing blockages in heating

Often the reasons for the formation of a large amount of scale are failure to comply with basic heating protection measures. There are a number of factors that directly influence these processes. Knowing the causes of their occurrence and measures to prevent them can reduce the likelihood of blockages in the heating supply.

The main factor in the appearance of limescale in pipes and radiators is the poor quality of the coolant composition. This is due to the large amount of salts and metals in the water. Therefore, experts recommend using only distilled water as a coolant. But over time, foreign elements will also appear in it - rust particles, polymer decomposition products. Therefore, before each heating season it is necessary to change the coolant to a new one.

Another reason for the appearance of plaque is the high oxygen content in the water. This is especially true for open heating systems. Its presence increases the corrosion of metal elements, which subsequently form the bulk of the pollution. To remove air from the heating supply of a private home, it is necessary to install a special filter.

Cleaning the heating system is the most important stage her service. The performance of all components depends on the quality of this procedure. Therefore, before choosing a specific cleaning method, you should analyze whether it is suitable for a particular heating supply or not. In case of difficulties, it is recommended to consult with specialists.

The video shows an example of flushing a heating system in a public building:

Everyone, sooner or later, faces the problem of interruptions in the operation of heating systems. The reason, most often, is that deposits, dirt, silt and scale accumulate in radiators and pipes and water cannot move freely through the system. This problem is absolutely solvable, and at home. There are various techniques. However, let's take a closer look at the most common ones.

If you notice that it is getting colder in your home, this may be the first signal that you need to flush your heating system. This can be easily checked without the help of a specialist - just touch the batteries. If it is heated unevenly, or part of it is generally cold, wash it. There are several other indicators that it’s time to clean the pipes: uncharacteristic noise in the radiators; when the heating is started, the system takes a very long time to warm up.

Most often, the horizontal parts of the pipe are exposed to the main contamination. According to the standard arrangement of radiators in the house, these are usually small areas and cleaning them will not be difficult.

If the battery heats unevenly, it means it is dirty.

The primary source of problems in heating systems is hot water, the main coolant.

  1. Firstly, hot water, when interacting with the materials from which the system is made, can provoke a chemical reaction. The consequences are scale.
  2. Secondly, the properties of water themselves. It can contain a great variety of different impurities, which can provoke not only banal corrosion, but also contribute to precipitation and plaque on the pipes.

It is the occurrence of deposits from all of the above that can affect the quality of operation of the system’s heat elements.

An interesting fact is that even the layer of deposits is only seven to nine millimeters, the efficiency of the heating system drops by more than 42%.

And, of course, all this affects the service life of the heating elements as a whole; they quickly become unusable.

Types of flushing heating systems

Chemical flushing of heating

This method is based on dissolving various substances deposited on pipes in chemical compounds. This is one of the most effective, used and proven ways to clean the heating system of excess.

The chemicals liquefy all components of deposits and scale, which are then naturally washed out of the heating system. As a rule, such substances contain an element that protects pipes from the appearance of signs of rust and extends the service life.

In order to clean pipes using this method, you must have special equipment.

Typically, specialists use pumps in such cases. It is needed so that after injecting a chemical solution into heating devices, the pump gives direction to its movement through the system. The time spent on cleaning depends on each material in the heating system, the strength of the contaminants and the selected substance. In addition, the process of enveloping pipes from the inside with an oxide film also has its own time frame.

This method has several significant advantages:

  • Firstly, this is the cheapest and most proven method of cleaning the heating system;
  • Secondly, the speed of manifestation of results is very high;
  • Thirdly, flushing can be carried out without stopping the heating, which allows you to use it at different times of the year.

The disadvantages of the method are that, first and most importantly, it cannot be used for washing aluminum pipes (as this can destroy their integrity), secondly, like any chemical, the solution is toxic.

Sequence of actions when using this method of flushing the heating system

  1. First, try to consider the existing heating system in as much detail as possible in order to select the right chemical solution
  2. Pay attention to the instructions for the composition. The products may have different consistencies and the chemical must be diluted as described in the recommendations for it.
  3. Connect the pump to the system, first filling the designated reservoir with the composition.
  4. Make sure the chemical is circulating in the system. We repeat that the time depends on the strength and composition of the pollution
  5. Remove the chemical from the system, flush it with water pressure and fill it.

Dispersed heating flushing

Let's call this method the “second” generation of chemical. Its action is as follows: the chemical composition does not react with the metal and only affects the contaminant composition (silt, dirt, scale) and its interaction with the heating system. A pump is also needed.

The advantages of this method include:

  1. Firstly, this method is suitable for any heating system, no matter what material it is made of, and for any time of year.
  2. Secondly, the reagents are non-toxic.
  3. Thirdly, as in the case of the first method, all pollutants are removed already in the decay stage and cannot re-form a blockage. And, of course, in the future, our heating system will be protected during further operation.


  1. Determine the required amount of solution, selected specifically for your heating system.
  2. Connect the pump to the system by filling the required container with reagent.
  3. After cleaning, flush the system and discard the composition.
  4. If you are cleaning during the heating season, you must connect a device that will close the heating system.

This method is based on descaling by pumping water under high pressure through certain nozzles. This is an environmentally friendly method, which, by the way, copes well with stains on cast iron. Due to the properties of this metal, chemical method may not be very effective. However, it is relatively more expensive (since you need special equipment capable of producing a stream of water under pressure of several hundred atmospheres) and high-quality cleaning will not be possible without the help of third parties. The fact is that before you start cleaning, you need to treat the stains with a solution that can soften them.

Pneumopulse method of flushing the heating system

This method is based on generating small explosions of air bubbles that are able to tear away contaminants from the inside. For this purpose, the following are used: a pneumatic gun, a switch, equipment for supplying air with an accumulation system (for example, a compressor), transition (connecting) hoses.

How does the installation work?

First, the air gun is connected to heating pipes through the hose and commutator, then comes the compressed air transmitter. Next, liquid is passed through this entire system, which sets the piston in motion and, in fact, starts the installation.

If you decide to use a compressor to supply air, then when water is introduced and the position of the piston changes under its pressure, the empty container begins to fill with air. After the cylinder is full, some of the air will move into the piston, which, directing it into the heating system, will create a shock wave.

It takes two to five hits to completely clear the system. The process itself will take a few minutes, and is completely independent of electricity - the installation operates autonomously.

Of the minuses this method You can call it a limited range of action, due to the characteristics of the pistol.

The easiest way to implement, and which does not require any investments other than labor costs.

This is normal mechanical cleaning, which is possible in any apartment or house.


  1. First of all, you need to disconnect the radiator from the system and drain all the liquid from it. Be sure to cover all surfaces with unnecessary rags so as not to spoil or damage the coating. If you have a special tap on your batteries, this will make the task much easier. If there are cast iron batteries in the house, a heating element may be needed to remove them (to make it easier to unscrew the connection).
  2. Next, the radiator needs to be flushed. The easiest way to do this is in the bathroom, directing water from shower hose under maximum pressure into the pipes. You need to do this for as long as it takes to run rusty water. If there is too large and noticeable a layer of deposits inside the pipes, use a metal device. As soon as dirt stops being washed out of the battery, the cleaning is complete.
  3. We wash the pipes in the same way, cleaning individual sections.
  4. Be sure to clean the threads from corrosion before assembling the system.

Buying tips

  • Please note that aluminum bimetallic radiators, convectors have a relatively small volume in which the coolant circulation rate does not allow sediment to be released.
  • Choose closed systems. Since in such systems the volume of water does not change, the amount of new pollution that appears remains the same.
  • Connect batteries from below. As already mentioned, deposits accumulate on horizontal lines, which means that the bulk will flow away with the flow of coolant.
  • Install the dirt filter. This is a relatively cheap device that will make cleaning easier for you. It is much easier to remove scale from one part than to clean the entire riser.

Video - how to clean a heating radiator with your own hands

Widely used for cleaning heating systems in apartment buildings. Hydropneumatic flushing technology is based on cleaning sludge and deposits on the inner surface of pipes and heating radiators with a stream of water mixed with air supplied under pressure.

Hydropneumatic flushing of heating systems - instructions

  • Flushing of the heating system is carried out in the presence of a representative of the energy supply organization.
  • The foreman of the district's heating unit is invited to begin flushing, and in his presence, flushing work begins.
  • During flushing, the heating system is disconnected from the district heating network by valves 1, 2, 3, 4. If the valves have insufficient closing density, additional blinds (plugs) made of 3mm sheet steel must be installed.
  • By the beginning of the new heating season, these valves must undergo an inspection.

Preparatory work

Rubber hoses are connected to the fittings used for flushing. Hoses (rubber sleeves) are connected using half-nuts “ROT” (according to GOST 2217-76). It is necessary to install check valves on the air and water inlets that will be used for flushing.

Before washing, remove the nozzle from the elevator.

  • The system is filled with cold water through valve 19 with open valve 21 of the air collector and open valves 22 and 24, as well as closed valves 1; 2; 3; 4; 18; 20 and 23. After water appears in valve 21, this valve and valve 19 must be closed.
  • Blow air through each riser of the heating system.
  • To do this, close all taps 24 on the risers. Open air valve 18. By sequentially opening valves 22 on the heating risers, the risers are purged with air from bottom to top.
  • To drain waste water after sewer system storm drain, a flexible rubber hose must be put on fitting 20.
  • Starting from the far riser, hydropneumatic flushing of all risers is carried out sequentially.
  • To do this, you need to open sequentially valves 22 and 24 on the risers with air valve 21 open. Next, open water valve 19 and air valve 18.

Then to perform the flushing

  • consistently fill the risers with water;
  • close taps 21 and 23;
  • open the water drainage through the 20th valve.

Turn on the air with valve 18. With valves 19 and 20 open, turn on the risers in series, opening valves 24, starting from the farthest riser.

Hydropneumatic flushing of heating systems with bottom wiring

In heating systems with a lower heating distribution circuit, flushing is carried out in a similar way. The system is filled with water through valves 19; 24 and 22, while valve 21 is open.

To divert the air-water mixture from several risers at once, the mixture is discharged into the storm drain through drainage 20 (see Fig. 2).

Hydropneumatic flushing of heating systems is carried out until the discharged water is completely clarified.

  • After finishing washing, you need to dump the residual water.
  • Fill the heating system and perform a one-time reset.
  • Next, fill the system with water and take a sample for analysis.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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