Workers, costs of current repairs and depreciation. injection wells and workshops, etc. Energy costs in oil refining include wages for electricity supply workers, depreciation of workshop fixed assets, cost of water and fuel, etc.  

Industrial (occupational) hazards are factors of the production process and the external environment, which can be a direct or indirect cause of deterioration in human health, working ability and performance. Their appearance is determined by the physical and chemical properties of objects of labor, the natural conditions in which raw materials are mined or work is carried out outdoors with constructive features or modes of operation of the main production equipment, technology for obtaining a product or semi-finished product, design and procedure for using tools, auxiliary mechanisms and devices. Their complete list and classification are provided by GOST 12.0.003-74 Hazardous and harmful production factors. Classification (system of occupational safety standards).  

The existing classification by Soviet statistics is based on the technological purpose of a working machine. With such a classification, statistics have the opportunity to answer the most important questions: what is the fleet of production equipment, what is its capacity, what is the condition of the equipment serving a certain technological process? It is also possible to build a classification according to other criteria, for example, according to a very important industry characteristic (equipment for the coal industry, for black metallurgy, for the textile industry, etc.). But the first classification plays a big role. The fact is that any branch of industry, along with machines characteristic only of this branch of production, has a large number of machines used in other industries. For example, there is no industry in which there would be no metal-cutting equipment, since in all industries there is equipment repair, which is carried out by repair shops. Consequently, constructing a classification based on industry, although it would answer the question of whether industries are equipped with production equipment, would, however, lead to the creation of a basically general classification for all industries. In this case, the classification of equipment in one industry would differ from the classification of another only due to the addition of types or groups of equipment specific to this industry. In the classification based on technological characteristics, there is no repeatability of names.  

The study and analysis of factors influencing the duration of the production process makes it possible to identify and distinguish between technically and organizationally necessary and unnecessary components of working time, as well as to identify the causes of detected losses and outline measures to eliminate them. To determine the duration of individual operations of the production process, the worker’s working time is classified. This classification makes it possible to study the state of the organization of labor and the use of working time, identify losses of working time and their causes, assess the feasibility and necessity of individual time expenditures when performing this work, identify irrational expenditures of working time and their reasons, build differentiated balances of the working day, determine standardized time for study the operation and analyze the time of use of the equipment in relation to the working time of the performer.  

Thus, in a complex automated system of standards, the following main blocks of consumption standards for raw materials and materials can be distinguished; consumption standards for fuel and energy resources; standards for the use of equipment and determining the need for it; standards; duration of development of production capacity; standards for capital construction; standards for labor costs and wages; standards for financial resources; standards non-production sphere of quality standards. Each block is formed from separate groups of norms with a more detailed classification of them according to the nature of use and scope of application.  

Service businesses and many non-profit organizations are engaged in a variety of activities. The difference between these organizations and manufacturing enterprises is that their services are consumed immediately after they are produced, while manufacturing products may be stored in a warehouse. Businesses such as hotels, banks, hairdressers, and car repair shops are involved in the service industry. Although to a lesser extent, the same cost classifications as for manufacturing firms can be applied to them. For example, hotel services are servicing the clients living in them. Direct materials costs include the cost of utilities. Direct wage costs are the wages of maids and housekeeping staff. Overhead costs consist of depreciation of the hotel building and equipment, wages of administration employees, and costs of maintaining security.  

One of the most important organizational aspects that determine the correctness and accuracy of accounting for fixed assets is the use of a clear and justified classification. In accordance with the standard classification, the grouping of fixed assets is based on the role and purpose of individual items in the labor process. On this basis, they are divided into production and non-production. The former are directly involved in the production process or serve the technological process. Production includes buildings, structures, transmission devices, machinery and equipment, vehicles, adult working and productive livestock, perennial plantings and other means of labor operating in the sphere of material production.  

Classification of procurement shops of machine-building enterprises and the most important areas of analysis of their activities. The production process for manufacturing mechanical engineering products is very complex. It consists of three, as a rule, strictly sequential stages of procurement, processing and assembly, each of which is important in the overall process of manufacturing machines, equipment, instruments and other types of mechanical engineering products.  

As an economic entity, fixed capital is the monetary value of fixed assets of material assets that have a long period of operation. Therefore, the funds transfer their value to the produced product in parts. In accordance with the current classification, fixed assets include objects of production (machinery, equipment, etc.) and non-production purposes, used to serve the needs of housing and communal services, culture, etc.  

The site represents a relatively isolated group of workplaces. Separation occurs according to organizational and production characteristics, among which the leading role is played by the form of specialization. A workplace is a part of the production area, equipped with everything necessary to perform individual operations of the production process by one or a group of workers. The classification of jobs is shown in Fig. 11.1. Workplace equipment includes technological equipment, mechanization and automation equipment, technological and organizational equipment. All elements of workplace equipment are divided into constants, i.e., independent of the operation being performed, and variables, specific to each individual operation or group of operations. Equipment items and available production areas are the objects of workplace planning. The layout must provide an optimal combination of the material elements of the labor process and its direct human performer. In this case, it is necessary to ensure  

Production O. f. classified by type depending on their role in production, taking into account technical and economic. features of the national economy sectors. For industrial enterprises, a following classification has been established: 1) buildings, 2) structures, 3) transmission devices, 4) power machines and equipment, 5) working machines and equipment,  

CLASSIFICATION OF PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT - division of a set of machines, machine tools, mechanisms, units and other equipment into similar groups according to certain characteristics. The main symptom of K. p.o. is the method of influence of equipment on the object of labor. On this basis, all production equipment is divided into 3 groups: 1) mechanical equipment that provides mechanical impact on the subject of labor, for example, metalworking machines, drilling rigs, machines for sorting objects, weaving machines, etc. 2) thermal equipment affecting the subject of labor through thermal conditions, for example, blast furnaces, open hearths, heating furnaces, etc. 3) chemical equipment that affects the object of labor through chemical chemicals. reactions, for example, electrolytic. baths, autoclaves, all kinds of reactors, etc. Each of the 3 groups is divided into detailed positions according to a number of characteristics. Based on technological characteristics. purpose, very close to the division of equipment according to production, a large number of groups of machines and mechanisms are formed. For example, in the mechanical group. equipment, there are machines for extracting minerals from the subsoil, machines for shaping, printing machines, sorting machines, etc. Further, production equipment is divided according to the nature of production operations (pressure, stamping, grinding, dissolving, etc.) according to the type of material being processed (equipment for processing metal, wood, textile materials, food products, etc.) based on the structure of the working body (lathes, milling machines, planers, etc.). The classification is completed by dividing equipment according to the degree of specialization and automation. Based on the first feature, there is a distinction between special and universal equipment. According to the degree of automation in modern conditions. machine production, we can identify 3 groups of machines without forced connection or with partial forced connection of the working body with the subject of labor; machines with forced connection of the working body with the subject of labor, i.e. automatic machines  

All production costs are grouped by economics. elements and but the sheet. Classification of production costs by economics. elements is used when establishing production cost estimates, calculated for the entire volume of production without distribution among individual types of products. Production cost plan, drawn up according to economics. elements (materials, fuel, electricity, depreciation, wages), is of great importance for linking the cost plan with other sections of the technical industrial financial plan through the wage fund, a connection is made between the cost plan and the labor plan through material costs, a connection is made between the planning of production costs -in and material balances. The cost estimate for production, combining all costs of raw materials, materials, fuel, is the basis for calculating the need for working capital. However, for proper management and control of industrial households. You don't need to know the activities of the enterprise. only the composition of costs but economical. elements, but also but for the intended purpose. For example, metal can be used for the production of machinery, equipment, or as repair and packaging material. It is necessary to take a differentiated approach to determining the reduction in product costs due to the metal used for the production of these products and for repair and other needs. In the calculation sheet, all costs are grouped depending on the purpose and production site. This classification is used to calculate the cost of individual products and all commercial products of an industrial enterprise. At the same time, some of the articles have economically homogeneous content, while the other part covers a complex of various expenses. For example, the article General plant expenses includes salaries of employees and technical equipment, depreciation of general plant buildings and structures, materials and general-purpose fuel, etc.  

In accordance with the classification, all the variety of details of the type of bodies. rotation (shafts, bushings, disks) can be distributed in a certain range according to different classification criteria. By combining the geometric shape, dimensional parameters and machined surfaces, parts are classified and grouped; the general scheme for grouping parts based on the similarity of surfaces does not yet allow us to completely solve the problem. The fact is that in one case it is advisable to process the same part or group of technologically similar parts on universal lathes, and in another - on automatic lathes. Here, along with the design and technological parameters of the parts, it is necessary to take into account such production characteristics as the production program and the average size of the processing batch.  

Production equipment (working machines) is the most active part of fixed assets. The possibilities of increasing volumes and increasing the growth rate of production in all sectors of the economy depend on the amount of production equipment, its composition, condition and degree of use. A huge role in this is played by improving the use, as well as the reconstruction and modernization of production equipment, first of all, comprehensive mechanization, which contributes to the elimination of manual labor, and comprehensive automation of production, which involves the transition to automated workshops and enterprises.

The purpose of production equipment is to change the shape or physical and chemical properties of objects of labor. The variety of types of production equipment, its differences in purpose, design, operating principles, and the like, necessitate the classification of working machines.

Depending on the method of influence on the subject of labor machines are divided into two main groups:

Mechanical processing machines;

Machines (devices) for chemical and thermal (thermal) processing of objects of labor.

The first group includes a variety of machines for cutting metal and wood, metal forming, drilling and crushing devices and other machines that perform mechanical processing of material.

All of the listed machines change only the shape of objects of labor, while maintaining their physical and chemical properties.

Production equipment for thermal and chemical processing of materials includes blast furnaces, open-hearth furnaces, melting and electric melting furnaces, coke furnaces, electric ferroalloy furnaces, sulfuric acid towers and other chemical apparatuses.

One of the important tasks of production equipment statistics is to study the degree of its technical perfection. The solution to this problem is helped by classification (grouping) of equipment based on the principle of operation, drive and degree of automation.

Grouping by operating principles divides machines into those that operate on the principle of rectilinear-return motion, and those that operate on the principle of rotational (rotational) motion. The development of technology is aimed at the ever wider use of machines, in particular metalworking machines, based on the principle of rotational motion.

It is important to characterize the degree of perfection of production equipment grouping machines by degree of automation. The highest degree of automation is machines that operate without direct human intervention. The employee’s participation in this case comes down to supervision of the equipment and its regulation.

In addition to machines that operate manually or on every occasion and are serviced by one or more workers (zero degree of automation), there are machines that operate from an engine, but require manual feeding of material (for example, a sewing machine with an electric motor). Here, the operating time of the machine and the worker who maintains it coincide. There are also semi-automatic machines, that is, machines with a rigid (forced) connection of the working body with the object of labor, which ensures the processing of parts without the direct participation of a worker, whose role is reduced to installing and removing parts and troubleshooting. An example of a semi-automatic machine is a regular loom.

The next degree of automation is automatic machines, that is, machines with a forced connection of the working body with the object of labor and with automatic supply of material and unloading of the processed product. In this case, a worker simultaneously services several machines.

The highest degree of automation is achieved at automatic production and transport plants, that is, comprehensively automated enterprises.

Without special equipment it is impossible to build a house, pave a road, or build a bridge. All devices used by humans to facilitate work are divided into two large groups. Firstly, these are inexpensive instruments that are simple in design, and secondly, the equipment itself, which can be main and auxiliary. The latter type of device is used almost as widely as the first. In this article we will look in detail at exactly what auxiliary equipment is.

Possible areas of application

This type of equipment can be used during both construction and various types of installation work. Sometimes it is used during repairs, along with the main one. Auxiliary equipment can be any structure, machine or installation. This term is often used to refer to additional units of various complex mechanisms.

Simple examples

There are actually just a huge number of types of auxiliary equipment. For example, this class of devices includes diesel generator sets, without which construction machines using electricity will not be able to operate in remote areas. A compressor used in conjunction with a jackhammer is also an auxiliary equipment. Another example of such a device is a dust collector used when grinding stone. Next, we will consider the types and examples of such tools used in a variety of areas of economics and everyday life.

Auxiliary equipment for house construction

In this case, a variety of devices can be used. When building houses, they use, for example:

    Cars. Such equipment may have two wheels or one. The bowl itself of a modern construction wheelbarrow is usually made of thick galvanized sheet. This type of auxiliary equipment is used to move mainly various types of bulk construction materials or earth.

    Buckets for concrete. This type of additional equipment can have different shapes and sizes. The most common types of tubs are trough-shaped and cone-shaped on stands.

House equipment

Of course, you can live comfortably in any building only if it has such communications as water supply, sewerage and electricity. In the first case, for example, auxiliary equipment such as:

    Filters. This type of additional equipment, in turn, may have a different design. There are mesh filters, magnetic filters, reverse osmosis filters, etc. In any case, such auxiliary equipment is designed to purify water from various types of impurities.

    Compensators. This type of equipment is used to equalize temperature changes along the length of the pipeline.

Electrical networks may use additional equipment such as:

    Surge Protectors. This type of device is used to compensate for voltage surges in the household network. Most often, stabilizers are installed in country houses or in high-rise apartments if the line is worn out.

    Uninterruptible power supplies. Such devices are most often used in those homes that have a lot of office equipment. If there is a power outage, for example, the computer may run on the UPS for some time. After all, a sudden shutdown of electronics, as we know, is very harmful.

Quite often, various types of portable electrical receivers are used in everyday life. Auxiliary equipment for them can be used, for example, such as pipe cutters (for welding machines), noise suppressors (for pumps), etc.

When installing sewer systems, the following can be used:

    Devices designed for disinfection and neutralization of wastewater.

    Machines designed for cleaning storm sewer pipes, etc.

Repair of auxiliary equipment in the event of its breakdown, as well as the main elements and components of communication networks, must be carried out on time. After all, not only the convenience of living in the house, but also the safety of various types of household appliances, structural elements of the building, etc. depend on how effectively such devices operate.

Types of additional boiler room equipment

There are many different kinds of devices and tools that increase the efficiency of the plumbing, electrical networks and sewerage systems. But even more such devices can be used in water heating systems of private homes and businesses. Boiler auxiliary equipment is classified into the following types:

  • draft mechanisms;

    ash removal and fuel supply systems;

    chimneys and flues;

    ash catchers;

    various kinds of measuring instruments;

    water treatment devices.

What pumping accessories can be used

Boilers in homes and businesses are used to heat water. The latter can be supplied inside these devices using piston or centrifugal pumps. In forced-type heating systems, at least two such network units are usually used. One of the pumps is considered a backup auxiliary equipment of the boiler room.

What are draft mechanisms

In order for the boiler to operate smoothly, air must be continuously supplied to the firebox, burning coal, briquettes or firewood. Also, draft devices are used to ensure a constant speed of movement in the gas outlets and chimneys of the heating unit emissions.

Fuel supply systems

Most often, such auxiliary technological equipment is used in solid fuel boilers. Fuel supply systems ensure uninterrupted operation of these units. Such equipment can be classified into auger and hydraulic.

Pipes and flues

When wood or coal is burned in solid fuel boilers or diesel fuel in liquid boilers, smoke is generated. Pipes are used to drain them. When installing chimneys, certain standards must be observed. The operation of this type of auxiliary equipment allows you to preserve the health, and sometimes even the lives, of enterprise employees or people living in the house. Gas ducts are used to remove combustion products of blue fuel in gas boilers.

Ash catchers

Not only the actual gaseous products of fuel combustion can be released into the atmosphere through chimneys. Often a large amount of ash comes out into the street through pipes, which leads to environmental pollution. To prevent this from happening, auxiliary equipment such as ash catchers is used.

Boiler room measuring instruments

This type of auxiliary technical equipment is designed to control and regulate water temperature in heating systems, its pressure and level. The main purpose of using measuring instruments in boiler rooms is to ensure the safe operation of heat generators and heat and power units.

What are water treatment devices

Equipment of this type includes various types of filters, iron removers, and softeners. The use of coolant with a high content of various types of impurities significantly reduces the service life of the boiler and other elements of the system design. Water treatment units designed for its purification often have a very complex design. Installation, as well as repair of auxiliary equipment of this type, in most cases is carried out only by specialists.

Additional equipment for chemical production: main types

Of course, various kinds of additional devices can be used in industrial enterprises. Next, as an example, we will look at what auxiliary equipment can be used in chemical production. Enterprises of this specialization often use:

    capacitive equipment;

    heat exchangers;

  • crushers.

Types of capacitive equipment

This group of auxiliary equipment for chemical production includes:

    various types of vertical, spherical and horizontal containers;

    low and high pressure separators;

    cylindrical and spherical tanks;

    measuring sticks, etc.

In turn, the capacitive equipment can accommodate, for example, pressure gauges, thermocouples, sight glasses, breathing valves, etc.

Types of heat exchangers

Auxiliary equipment of this type is classified into:





Based on their design and operating principle, heat exchangers are also divided into recuperators and regenerators. The first type of equipment is distinguished by the fact that in it two coolant flows alternately pass through the same space. In regenerators, heat is selected and accumulated from one stream and transferred to another.

Types and principle of operation of filters

This type of auxiliary equipment is designed to separate heterogeneous systems using porous partitions. The latter can be fabrics, polymer or wire mesh, ceramic plates, etc. In chemical plants, filters can be used as auxiliary devices:

    frame type (with periodic action);

    chamber filter presses;

    continuous vacuum filters.

and crushers

Equipment of this type, like filters, is used for mechanical separation of heterogeneous media. However, such devices operate on a completely different principle. In this case, separation occurs due to the action of centrifugal forces. There are mainly two types of centrifuges that can be used in chemical production: filtering and sedimentation.

Crushers are designed in such enterprises to crush pieces of solid materials, open grains of pure inclusions or increase the surface of particles.

Auxiliary equipment: tests

Despite the fact that such devices are used mainly as additional ones, the serviceability of the entire system as a whole or the efficient operation of the workshop often depends on their uninterrupted functioning. Therefore, when producing such equipment, at the final stage in many cases it is tested. At the same time, specialists performing such a procedure are usually guided by GOST standards.

Engine support and diagnostics

Auxiliary equipment can be used not only in construction, in boiler rooms, in homes or enterprises. Such devices are often used in the operation of various complex mechanisms, for example, engines. It can be:

    various types of supporting devices;

    test stands for various systems;

  • equipment designed to detect leaks, etc.

Also, engines can use all kinds of attached auxiliary equipment: power steering, air conditioners. Such additions, among other things, take away horsepower from the engine. But the benefits of their use, of course, are difficult to overestimate.

Various kinds of engine accessories are driven, often using a belt. Ancillary equipment usually works most efficiently when the latter provides a tight transmission. Installation of the hinged belt itself can be carried out using hydraulic or mechanical systems.

What equipment is used in additional production

Not only the actual tools and devices can be auxiliary. Often entire enterprises perform a similar function. For example, auxiliary productions include:

    container shops;

    production of non-metallic materials (sand, gravel);

    factories specializing in the production of various types of tools.

Enterprises of this type also use all kinds of complex and simple auxiliary and main equipment. For example, in packaging shops such devices as automated and mechanized lines, dryers, and molding devices are used. Sand and gravel mining enterprises use crushers, bulldozers, excavators, loaders, etc.

Accounting for auxiliary production and equipment

Any such workshops play an important organizational and technical role. Their costs have a strong impact on the cost of the enterprise's main products. To determine the company's possible profit and various types of necessary costs, therefore, it is imperative to account for auxiliary production. The analysis of such enterprise structures is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • type of products manufactured;
  • expenses;
  • cost structure;
  • degree of unprofitability or level of profitability.

Based on the data obtained, among other things, ways to reduce the costs of such production are determined without compromising the quality of the enterprise’s final product. All costs of such workshops are divided into simple and indirect. To account for them, a special active calculation account is allocated. The debit reflects the costs incurred, and the credit reflects the output of services or products.

Accounting for auxiliary equipment used in enterprises or boiler houses is carried out according to the same principle as the main one. It is accepted onto the balance sheet at its original purchase price.

Features of operation of auxiliary equipment

The design of this type of device can be complex or simple. In any case, their operation must be carried out in strict compliance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer and various GOST standards. For example, when using fuel supply systems, approximately the following conditions must be met:

  • peat must first be passed through crushers, and its final fraction should not exceed 50x50x5 mm;
  • The angle of inclination of the bunker when using peat as fuel should not be less than 60 degrees;
  • Fire safety rules must be observed at all stages (fuel supply, loading).

In the event of a breakdown of auxiliary equipment, as well as the main one, it must be repaired in a timely manner. Only specialists who have undergone appropriate training and have the necessary skills are trusted to carry out such work in enterprises and boiler houses.

Classification of membrane modules and devices. Apparatuses for reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration are available in batch and continuous mode.

According to the method of membrane arrangement, devices are divided into “filter press” type devices with flat-chamber filter elements, devices with cylindrical and roll elements, and devices with membranes in the form of hollow fibers.

The listed devices consist of separate sections or modules, which makes it possible to assemble devices with different separation surface areas.

Depending on the shape of the membrane and the type of its installation, membrane devices are divided into four groups.

1. Devices composed of filter-press type modules with plane-parallel filter elements (Fig.).

Rice. Diagram of a membrane module of the filter press type

The module consists of frames and support drainage plates, through the pores of which the filtrate is discharged. The width of the channel through which the source liquid moves depends on the thickness of the gasket (frame) and is usually 0.8... 1.0 mm. The modules are installed on a common frame, and the separated liquid can flow sequentially from one module to another or be supplied to each module independently. Within one module, liquid moves through channels in parallel.

The devices, made up of filter-press type modules, are simple in design, easy to install and maintain. The disadvantages of devices of this type are the low speed of fluid movement in the channel, the need for manual assembly and disassembly, and a relatively small specific filtering surface.

2. Devices with tubular filter elements. Two types of tubular elements are made: membrane 1 is applied to the inner surface of the porous carrier tube 2 (Fig. a) or to the outer surface (Fig. b) and covered with casing 3.

Rice. Diagram of a tubular filter element with a membrane: a - on the inner surface; b- on the outer surface

It is advantageous to use elements with an internal membrane in open-frame devices, when the filtrate flows freely through the surface of the tubes and is collected in trays installed below. When the initial solution moves through tubes along the membrane, the best hydrodynamic conditions for the process are ensured.

Tubular filter elements also include cylindrical cartridges, consisting of a cylindrical porous frame covered with a membrane. The cartridges are equipped with sealing devices that allow pipes of a given length to be assembled from them.

Tubular modules are characterized by a relatively small specific filtration surface.

3. Devices with roll or spiral modules. The spiral module resembles a spiral heat exchanger. The module spiral consists of a tape of elastic drainage material 3, covered on both sides with tape membranes 2. Separator mesh 1 is laid on top of the membranes. Such a multilayer tape is rolled into a roll (Fig.) and placed in a cylindrical housing.

Rice. Diagram of a roll filter module

The initial solution from the end of the roll enters all channels of the spiral at once, passes through them and is discharged in the form of a concentrate from the opposite end. The filtrate moves along the drainage layer from the periphery to the center of the spiral and is removed from the apparatus through the central tube.

There are known modules with auxiliary tubes for filtrate drainage installed in several places on the roll, modules with end filtrate drainage and a whole range of designs that differ in the way the roll is laid.

The disadvantages of devices of this type are the need to replace the entire module in case of local damage to the membrane, as well as the difficulty of sealing at high operating pressure.

The advantages of roll-type modules are high membrane packing density and low metal consumption. The advantages of this design are indicated by the fact that installations with modules of this type for water desalination with a capacity of up to 10,000 m 3 per day are already operating in the world.

4. Modules with hollow fiber type membranes. These modules are structurally similar to modules with tubular membranes. The fibers are fastened at the ends of the module by filling the ends with glue based on epoxy resins. Hollow fibers, which are sufficiently resistant to external and internal pressure, do not require a supporting frame, so they can be densely laid in the form of strands inside the module. Such modules are characterized by the largest specific filtration surface. The disadvantages of modules with filter fibers are the ability to ensure mixing of the solution outside the fiber, especially inside it, as well as the need for preliminary thorough cleaning of the solution from foreign particles. Hollow fiber modules are mainly used in reverse osmosis processes.

Membrane devices have a large specific separation surface area, are easy to assemble and install, and are reliable in operation. The pressure drop in the devices is small.

The disadvantage of reverse osmosis devices is the high operating pressure, which leads to the need to use special pipeline seals and fittings designed for high pressure.

A general classification of centrifuges can be given depending on the main characteristics of the machines (Fig.).

Rice. Classification of centrifuges for sugar production

First of all, centrifuges are classified according to their separation factor. Depending on this characteristic, normal ones are distinguished, in which F r<3000, и сверхцентрифуги, у которых Ф р >3000. According to the implementation of the work process, centrifuges are divided into continuously and periodically operating.

In the sugar industry, normal and filter centrifuges are used.

Based on the method of removing sediment from the rotor, centrifuges with manual, gravity, knife, pulsating, screw and inertial unloading are distinguished.

Based on the location of the shaft on which the rotor is mounted, centrifuges with a vertical and horizontal shaft arrangement are distinguished. Centrifuges with a vertical shaft, depending on the location of the shaft support, can be suspended, when the support is located above the center of gravity of the rotor, and the rotor is fixed at the bottom of the shaft, and centrifuges, the rotor of which is located at the upper end of the shaft.

Separators can be classified according to the following characteristics (Fig.): technological purpose of separators; type of separators based on drum design; method of unloading sediment (sludge); principle and nature of sediment unloading; design of the device for unloading sediment; a method for supplying the initial heterogeneous system and removing separation products; scope of application (industry); type of separator drive.

Rice. Classification of separators

According to their technological purpose, separators are divided into three main classes:

1) separators-separators used to separate mixtures of liquids that are insoluble in one another, and to concentrate suspensions and emulsions;

2) separators-clarifiers, designed to separate solid particles from a liquid;

3) combined separators, used to perform two or more operations of processing a liquid mixture.

Combined separators are called universal, which emphasizes their multifaceted purpose. The combined class includes separators in which the separation process is combined with some other process. Thus, separators-extractors and separators-reactors are known.

The class of separator-clarifiers can include two more groups: separators designed for further dispersion (homogenization) of the dispersed phase of emulsions and their purification from impurities (these separators are called tariffifiers, sometimes they are classified as combined), and separators for removing microorganisms from the liquid system , accumulated in the sludge space along with other mechanical impurities.

Based on the drum design, types of separators are divided into two groups: disc and chamber. The rotor of disc separators is equipped with a package of conical inserts (plates), which divide the flow of the processed liquid into parallel thin layers; The rotor of chamber separators has a rib insert (with one chamber) or a set of concentric cylindrical inserts that divide its volume into annular chambers through which the liquid being processed flows sequentially.

Disc separators, regardless of the industry of their application and purpose, can be divided into two main types. The first type of separators has plates that supply liquid to the inter-plate spaces through holes in the trays themselves. Such separators are often called separators with a central liquid supply to the plates. This type also includes separators in which liquid flows to the top of the plates from slots in the plate holders. The second type of separators is characterized by the fact that liquid enters the inter-plate spaces from the periphery and moves to the center of the drum. Most of the plates in these separators do not have holes.

Based on the method of supplying the initial heterogeneous system and removing separation products, three types of separators are distinguished: open, semi-closed and hermetic.

In open separators, the liquid mixture is supplied to the rotor and the resulting liquid fractions are removed using an open flow. The separation process is not isolated from air access.

In semi-closed separators, liquid is supplied to the rotor through an open or closed flow, and one or both liquid fractions are removed under pressure through closed pipelines. The separation process is not isolated from air access.

Semi-closed type rotors differ from open type rotors by the presence of a device for removing separation products under pressure.

In hermetic separators, the feed liquid is supplied to the rotor and the liquid fractions are removed under pressure through closed pipelines hermetically connected to the outlet pipes; the separation process in them is isolated from air access. The rotors of hermetic separators differ from the rotors of open and semi-closed separators in the design of the inlet and outlet devices.

Based on the type of drive, separators are divided into three groups: with manual, combined and electromechanical drive.

Filters are classified depending on the characteristic into the following types:

According to the type of pressure created for the movement of the filtered medium - on vacuum filters and filter presses;

By type of filter partitions - frame, sheet, disk, cartridge, tubular;

According to the cleaning method - manual, mechanized and regenerative cleaning;

According to the mode of action - periodic and continuous action.

In the food industry, presses are used to separate the liquid phase from the solid (for example, preliminary or final pressing of food plant raw materials in the production of juices), for briquetting, granulating, etc.

By design, presses can be screw, belt, roller, piston, etc.

No industry can do without special equipment, which is necessary for the production of products and goods, spare parts and other products, as well as for carrying out many other technological operations.

The implementation of basic processes in any production and in every industry is carried out using industrial equipment. It is a set of various machines and devices designed to perform various technological operations, in particular: finishing, procurement, paint and varnish processing, thermal and so on, necessary to obtain products of the required quality and accuracy.

Classification of industrial equipment

Can be divided into four main types according to functional purpose:

  1. Transport vehicles are vehicles that transport goods. These include, for example, truck cranes, conveyors, transporters, loaders and stackers.
  2. Engine units. These devices are used to convert electrical or other energy into mechanical work. The list includes electric motors, hydraulic turbines, etc.
  3. Machine tools or processing machines. These machines are designed to perform processing operations, or processing of various materials, to produce a variety of products, as well as machine components. These include turning, planing, milling and other machines, automatic lines, forging presses and much more.
  4. Technological. This equipment is designed to perform several operations, it is fully automated and programmable, controlled via a remote control. An example of such a machine is a robotic arm.

Where to buy quality industrial equipment

Every consumer, regardless of what kind of production he represents - large or small - is looking for where sale of industrial equipment carried out on the most favorable terms for the client. These conditions mean:

  1. High-quality equipment at low prices. Possibility of payment in all possible ways.
  2. Availability of a pleasant discount system for regular and wholesale customers.
  3. Providing transport services (delivery, international transportation).
  4. Reduced purchasing costs.
  5. Possibility of ordering products of a certain brand and manufacturer.
  6. Opportunity to purchase the necessary components, spare parts, and consumables for the purchased equipment.

And there is such a company that is ready to provide all the above conditions for its clients. She is DMLieferant. It is a leader in the market for the supply of imported and domestic industrial equipment. The company is constantly developing, but even today its list of official suppliers includes more than 2,300 foreign companies.

The advantages of DMLieferant aresupply of industrial equipment and spare parts in the shortest possible time from any foreign manufacturers, as well as comprehensive services. For regular customers, free import/export of necessary product samples, favorable terms of cooperation and payment are provided.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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