In this article:

Production crumb rubber– quite a promising industry. In the CIS there are relatively few competitors in this market; they do not even have a relative monopoly position, and in some regions they are also highly dispersed. In addition, the demand for crumbs is steadily growing, and the scope of its application is constantly expanding.

It is impossible not to mention sales. In the production of crumb rubber as in any production sector distribution channels are of central importance. Demand for this type goods are growing, and the market is not oversaturated with competition, which means the right approach to the sales organization, sell a similar product in required volumes quite real.

Such an enterprise is not knowledge-intensive and does not require the development of complex production technology.

Depending on the volume of investment, the payback period is 6-24 months. All these factors reduce the potential risks of this type of business and increase its attractiveness from an investor’s point of view.

Crumb rubber production volume

What is the optimal production volume? There is no definite answer to this question, because the scale of a business depends on many conditions. However, there are two key factors that often predetermine the choice:

Factor #1: Finance

You should always start from your own financial potential (personal savings + the ability to obtain the necessary borrowed funds or attract investors). The fact is that the production of crumb rubber allows you to choose almost any desired production volume:

  • You can start with small-scale production, which will require a minimum of investment;
  • Construct a plant for the production of crumb rubber with a total area of ​​several thousand square meters. meters and total cost 15-50 million dollars;
  • Choose some intermediate option.

In this case, of course, not only your own financial potential is taken into account, because the market in your region can also dictate its own conditions (see Factor No. 2).

Factor #2: Market

Of course, if you are able to invest $100,000 in production, then there is no question of choice before you. All you need to do is rent a storage space of 60 square meters. m, several warehouses, buy the simplest line for the production of crumb rubber and start with the production of 800-2400 kg of products per day.

If you are thinking about a larger-scale business, you are unlikely to succeed without assessing market conditions in your region.

What is the demand for these products and the availability of distribution channels? What competitors are there in the market, and what market share do they occupy?

All these factors must be taken into account, and, of course, taken into account own plans for expansion over the next 1-3 years. Naturally, the numbers will be quite approximate, but you will have a certain guideline, and this is always better than working on a whim.

Crumb rubber production technology

The crumb is made from rubber tires and tires that have completely exhausted their service life. There is no need to talk about the difficulties of finding raw materials for the production of crumbs or its high cost. On the contrary, used tires and waste from tire production are in abundance. You can buy them for next to nothing, and in some cases you get them for free (you only have to pay transportation costs).

Almost any tires (car, truck, bus, etc.) are suitable for such production. The following types of raw materials are divided:

  • Used pneumatic tubes and tires;
  • Used tires (including those with metal and fabric cords).

Today (December 2012) there are two main technologies for producing crumbs from tire production waste:

  • Mechanical grinding;
  • Shock wave grinding.

Shock-ox new technology grinding appeared relatively recently, so it is mechanical method processing is most widespread in the world.

Installation of equipment for the production of crumb rubber using the shock wave grinding method requires special re-equipment of the production premises and the installation of expensive refrigeration units. However, the placement of such equipment is possible in a much smaller production area, and its energy consumption is significantly lower than its analogues.

Such equipment is ideal for large and medium-sized production, however, the use of a mechanical method for producing crumbs can also be economically feasible.


It is indeed possible to start the production of crumbs with small volumes and with relatively small investments. The simplest lines for the production of crumb rubber require only 60 m 2 of production space, an electrical network with industrial voltage (380 V) and two operators per shift.

Of course, working in 3 shifts (non-stop) 7 days a week is most profitable, so the production staff should consist of 8 people.

You should also take into account the need to have at least two storage facilities: one for raw materials (tires) and the other for finished products. The warehouse for raw materials should be 4-5 times larger than the warehouse for finished products, for example, 400 sq. m and 100 sq. m, respectively.

Fixed costs:

  • The cost of the equipment is $70,000-$150,000.
  • It is also worth investing small sums for certification and examination (up to $2,000).

Total fixed costs:$72.000-$152.000

Variable costs for line maintenance:

  • Monthly rental of warehouse space $3,000-$6,000;
  • Monthly salary production staff $3.000-$7.000;
  • Monthly salary for non-production personnel (sales department) $1,500-$2,500.

Total variable costs:$8.000-$16.000.


Total costs for the first month of production will be $80,000 - $170,000.

After the first month, variable costs should ideally be fully covered by revenue from sales.

If a line with a higher productivity is installed, for example, 500 kg/hour, the cost of equipment can be up to $1,000,000-$1,500,000. Variable costs will increase in proportion to production volumes. If it is planned to install two or more lines, then costs increase in proportion to the increased output.


Provided a productivity of 100 kg of crumb rubber per hour in three shifts, the monthly output will be:

  • 100 kg/hour *24 hours *30 days = 72,000 kg or 72 tons of crumbs per month.
  • At average price$500 per ton revenue from the sale of crumb rubber will be $36,000.

In addition, do not forget that the share of metal in tire production waste is 15-25%, or:

  • 25 kg of metal cord per hour * 24 hours * 30 days = 18,000 kg or 18 tons of metal per month.
  • At an average price of $200 per ton revenue from the sale of scrap metal will be $3,600.

Total revenue :

Total: $36,000.

This amount is significantly higher variable expenses for doing business.


The main areas of use of crumb rubber are:

  • Rubber-asphalt and road concrete fencing with added rubber;
  • Coverings for football fields, tennis courts and other sports and children's playgrounds;
  • Production of waterproofing materials.
  • Products for the construction industry (pallets, anti-slip coatings, etc.).
  • Rubber paving slabs;
  • Production of sorbents, waterproofing and thermal insulation materials etc.

Already at the business planning stage, it is necessary to identify manufacturers of similar products in your region and begin to establish contacts with them.

Production of tiles from rubber crumbs

Business risks can be diversified by setting up the production of coatings from rubber crumbs or, for example, tiles. The fact is that the demand for tiles or coatings does not directly depend on the demand for raw materials (crumbs), which means that these are essentially two different areas of activity under one roof.

In addition, such a business will ensure steady demand for your rubber crumb production plant. Do not forget that finished crumb products have a higher margin than the raw materials themselves used in their production. Due to this, profits will increase.

The cost of such diversification would be approximately equal to the amount necessary to start the production of crumb rubber. The ideal option would be to locate both enterprises on the same territory, so as not to spend money on transporting raw materials.

Over time, if the business turns out to be successful, it is worth thinking about expanding production capacity and product range.

Fractional crumb rubber is the basic raw material for the manufacture of tiles and rubber coatings. This raw material is actually taken from waste; more precisely, it is extracted by recycling old worn-out car tires. Car tires are made from fairly expensive high quality components ( various oils, synthetic rubber, fillers), since these products must withstand enormous loads very long period time.

Of all existing species Tire rubber, by its structure, is distinguished by its high strength and durability. Such rubber easily withstands acidic and alkaline solutions on its surface, is very elastic, does not stretch, does not bend and can withstand temperatures from -45 to + 60 degrees.

raw materials:
Automotive crumbs (or crushed rubber - RD) - are obtained by processing worn-out tires of other rubber goods. Its price depends on such indicators as: quality, manufacturing method, dimensions, place of manufacture and sale. In Russia, the retail price for crumbs ranges from 6-15 rubles per kilogram.

Places where crumb rubber is produced:
- factories that process car tires into crumbs as the main raw material;
- for by-product production at rubber goods factories
- factories that retread tires by roughening them (tread treatment), as a production waste.

Crumb rubber fractions used:
Fractions of crumb rubber vary from 0.1 mm to 10 mm and directly depend on their purpose. Thus, small fractions (0.1 - 4 mm) are mainly used in the production of colorless (black) or colored single-layer products. In the manufacture of lower colored layers, mainly larger fractions (2-10 mm) are used. Most often, they are cheaper in comparison with smaller fractions, so they may contain textile or metal inclusions. The production of tiles with two layers (an upper thin colored layer, a lower dark layer with larger fractions of crumbs) is acceptable and relevant when the initial thickness of the product exceeds 1.5 cm.

Layering allows you to reduce the cost of the product due to the following points:
. Inclusion of crumbs into the cheap coarse fraction. Such crumbs may contain textile or other inclusions.
. Save on paint - the bottom layer remains black.
. Larger crumb fractions require a smaller amount of binder for crosslinking, which is carried out by enveloping the surface of the crumb particle
. The absence of a dye allows you to use less binder to crosslink the particles, since the mixture dries out in the colored crumbs.

Equipment and raw materials (prices)

The line that produces rubber coatings has the following set of equipment:

Volcanic press with a capacity of up to 100 m² per day. Price - approximately 350 thousand rubles;

Pressing forms. Cost - 30 thousand rubles apiece;

Drying chamber (for a mini business, it is possible to make it yourself), price from 100,000 rubles.

Raw materials:

Crumb rubber - black (17 thousand rubles per ton), colored (from 23 to 35 thousand);
. polyurethane glue - 140 rub/kg;
. dyes - 7 rubles per kg;

Electricity consumption by the line is 15 15 kW/h.

Coatings can be made:
- both soft and hard in density;
- waterproof, or with water passage (drainage);
- thin and thick;
- as colorless (black), colored, or black with inclusions different colors;
- with good grip and more slippery;
- with or without a pattern;
- single-layer or with several layers;
- for laying on soft base(soil) or solid;
- with or without connections (sleeve, lock).

Rubber paving slabs are often laid parallel to regular ones. paving slabs. It is for this combination that rubber coatings of similar sizes and shapes are created as regular tiles for the sidewalk.

Premises for a mini tile production workshop.
The criteria by which rubber coatings are produced (provided that the equipment is optimal and has an average level of productivity):

1. The area occupied by the technical line is 70-100 m² (not counting the warehouse);
2. Shift of workers, which consists of 4-5 employees (1 senior per shift);
3. Power consumption:
- standard - 52 kW;
- average - 13 kW/hour (explained by the cyclical operation of the equipment);
4. Average level of productivity (taking into account possible stoppages and defects).

Equipment and materials are located by sectors:
§ Raw materials warehouse for storing crumb rubber, its dyes and glue;
§ Preparation sector, where the material is used for dosing, mixing, weighing processes
§ Molding sector, with installed pressing equipment and tables;
§ Warehouse with finished products, where manufactured tire crumb products are stored.
The presses begin to operate prematurely, 30-50 minutes before start-up, in order to warm up the press mechanisms.

General axioms:

1. Glue consumption.
§ The amount of binder is in inverse relationship from the crumb fraction. The smaller the crumb, the more binder is needed for crosslinking. The larger, the smaller.
§ Dyes dry out the glue. Because of this, its amount in the black coating is smaller.
§ The higher the density of the product, the less glue is needed.
2. Average glue consumption for manufacturing various coatings from 4 to 12% depending on the presence/absence of dye, density of materials, quality of glue, and size of tire chips used.

For example, to make a colored coating Mat 500*500*16mm (from fine crumbs) you need 6% dye and 5% glue from the amount of rubber crumbs.
a) Black coating (crumb size - 4-10mm) - 4% glue.
b) Black coating (crumb size - 2-3 mm) - 5% glue.
c) Black coating (crumb size - 1.2-1.8 mm) - 6% glue.
d) Color coating (crumb size - 1.2-1.8 mm) - 7-9% glue.
3. Water resistance increases, the smaller the fraction of rubber crumb and the higher the pressure.
4. The larger the crumb, the faster the color of the product will be lost due to abrasion.
5. The larger the crumb, the stronger coating, but must be consistent with the thickness of the coating
6. Thick coatings (2 cm or more) are best made in two layers. For the upper part, use fine-fraction crumbs; for the lower part, use cheaper coarse-fraction crumbs (5-12 mm) with possible foreign inclusions. Each layer has its own proportions of glue. Each layer is mixed in different containers.
7. It is recommended to produce products of the same thickness on one pressing mechanism, regardless of the configuration, since thickness affects the operating time of the press (the thinner the product, the faster its formation).

Additional accessories for production.

Trolley for transporting raw materials (crumbs, dye).
- A trolley with a special tripod to transport containers with glue.
- Scales to weigh components (50 kg electronic scales are best).
- Trowels for uniform laying of coatings.
- Special mugs and scoops for measuring, depending on the standard of the product.
- Mixing glue and dye drill with attachments.

Price for selling rubber plates:

One set
100 tiles - 57 thousand rubles.

Cost of 1 m² - 1,584 rubles.
Price of 1 slab - 570 rub.
The minimum quantity is 100 slabs (25 m²).

Sales of products.

For coating on production lines, warehouses, or as rubber coating for garages;
- used in areas near skating rinks, locker rooms, playgrounds;
- in combination with paving slabs;
- as a covering for various sports complexes or children's playgrounds;
- on farms, livestock production facilities;
- on roofs, terraces
- in baths and other places.

As we can see, the production of such products is part of the ecosystem, producing high-quality safety products - rubber tiles or crumb coating.

Production of tiles from rubber crumbs:

The production of crumb rubber is a very promising and, more importantly, environmentally friendly industry. This is a relatively new word in industrial technologies, not all post-Soviet republics have enterprises for the production of crumb rubber. The production of coatings from crumb rubber can become a monopoly enterprise, and the big plus is that the demand for products made from crumb rubber is steadily growing, and the range of areas in which the products are used is constantly expanding.
Products made from crumb rubber are not only used in great demand, absence large number competitors allows you to quickly sell products in the right quantity. An enterprise for the production of products from rubber crumbs is not particularly knowledge-intensive; the production technology does not require very much mastery complex technologies. Therefore, this is not only a useful, but also a very profitable technology.
Before you start making tiles from crumb rubber, you need to take into account two main factors that determine the success of the intended business - financial capabilities and the sales market.

How is crumb rubber made?

Finance is the factor from which you should start; you need to know your financial potential, which includes both personal savings and the possibility of receiving funds from credit institutions and investors. If it is not possible to create immediately large enterprise for the production of crumb rubber, you can limit yourself to a small workshop that requires a minimum of financial investments. Of course, if there are no restrictions on funds, you can build a plant for the production of products from crumb rubber, with a large area and a cost of several tens of thousands of millions of dollars.
The sales market is the main factor that determines how much money is worth investing in a business. If $100,000 is invested in the business and simplest line on the release of crumbs. It will be able to produce about 2000 kg of products. Then you can limit yourself to local buyers, but if you have a large enterprise, you will have to look for a buyer outside your region.

What's the best way to make crumb rubber?

To produce crumb rubber, the most common tires from any equipment are used. Raw materials are very cheap, since tires have served their useful life and are, in fact, garbage. In some cases, they are offered for free, and the cost includes only pickup.
On at the moment There are two methods for obtaining crumbs: a method in which mechanical grinding and more modern method shock wave. Since not every enterprise can make crumb rubber using the shock wave method, the new technology requires new investments, the more common one is mechanical method processing.

Crumb rubber and products made from crumb rubber, photos, which are presented on the site, are used in a wide variety of areas:

  • road surfaces with added rubber;
  • coverings for sports and children's playgrounds;
  • paving slabs and paths;
  • construction industry;
  • waterproofing materials;
  • sorbents for cleaning natural reservoirs from oil products.

Photos of the entire line of products and products made from crumb rubber

Making tiles from crumb rubber can allow a business to flourish much faster. Since the demand for crumb rubber products is much higher than for raw materials, a production line for making coatings from crumb rubber or other products will bring greater profits to the overall business.
The production of products from crumb rubber, photographs of which are published on the website, is the last link in the production chain, starting from the recycling of rubber tires to the creation of modern rubber coatings.

Name Up to 20 tons, rub/t 20 tons - 200 tons, rub/t more than 200 tons, rub/t
Tire crumb
KRSH 0.5 20001 19600 18900
KRSH 0.63 20001 16900 18900
RD 1.0-2.0 14000 13500 13000
RD 1.0-3.0 13000 12500 12000
RD 2.0-4.0 12000 11500 11000
RD 25 8000 7500 7000

A promising business in 2015 is the production of coatings from crumb rubber. There is little competition here and there are no monopolies. And the demand for coatings made from crumb rubber is growing every year, because new areas for its application are emerging.

What is so attractive about this business idea?

What is crumb rubber coating?
Rubber coating like modern material has a lot of winning characteristics:
a) high-quality appearance;
b) different color, thickness and size;
c) not susceptible to damage from impacts;
d) non-slippery surface;
e) does not fade;
e) does not retain moisture;
g) heat resistant.

Service life is at least 40 years.

Rubber coating is made from crumb rubber by mixing it with glue and dyes and by exposing it to certain temperatures.

Sales markets and technology for the production of crumb rubber coatings

Before deciding to launch any business related to production, it is necessary to decide on the distribution channels for finished products.

Purpose of rubber coating: for children's playgrounds, areas near houses, blind areas, areas near swimming pools and skating rinks, floor coverings on farms, in bathhouses, in industrial premises of various enterprises to reduce injuries.

The production technology does not require special knowledge. Rubber crumbs for the manufacture of coatings are obtained by processing worn-out car tires and tires.

Production of crumb rubber and rubber plates – different directions, but are interconnected. If you choose the production of crumb rubber, you will need considerable investment. However, capital investments in both these areas are almost identical.

Crumb rubber makes up 85% of the composition rubber tiles or rubber coating.

Other components of the crumb rubber coating are polyurethane adhesive (10%), dyes in powder form (5%). If desired, to expand the range of products, you can use colored rubber granules to apply a variety of patterns to the surface of the tile.

The technology for making slabs from crumb rubber consists of mixing the raw materials in a hopper and then vulcanizing them. Ready mixture molded into tiles various forms, size and thickness using molds. Depending on the size of the tile, a certain vulcanization temperature is set on the equipment. This production method is called pressing.

Another method is vibration casting. The finished mixture is poured into molds and kept on a vibrating table for two days.

How to start implementing a working business idea

If it is possible to invest about 1.7 million rubles at the first stage, then it will be enough to select a suitable warehouse and purchase the simplest equipment.

One production set allows you to produce up to 2400 kg of rubber crumbs per day. The cost of one kilogram of crumbs in Russia is on average 12 rubles. But even if you have good start-up capital, you won’t be able to work at random.

It is necessary to meticulously work out a business plan and provide for the development of production for the next 3 years. In addition, it is important to analyze demand and the sales market.

The payback period for a business, depending on production volumes and financial capabilities, ranges from six months to two years.

To organize a workshop for the production of coatings from crumb rubber, you will need the following basic equipment:
— press – 300 thousand rubles;
— press molds — 30 thousand rubles per unit;
— mixers for raw materials up to 200 thousand rubles;
— chamber for drying products (independent production is possible).

You will need to purchase and consumables- crumbs, dyes, glue. The smaller the crumb fraction, the more glue will be required. In a black coating the share of glue will be from 4 to 6%, and in a colored coating – from 7 to 9.

To improve the performance qualities of rubber tiles, two-layer production technology is used. At the same time top layer the tiles are made from a small fraction of rubber crumbs, and the bottom layer is made from a cheaper coarse fraction. Cost of 1 sq. meter of finished tiles - up to 1,500 rubles.

Rubber coating made from free raw materials

Crumb rubber is produced from old car tires. Therefore, finding raw materials for processing will not be difficult.

Essentially, this is waste that can be purchased for next to nothing or taken for free.

The advantage of business is that in Russia, recycling of tires is still free for the population, and most car owners throw them away as trash. In Europe, tires that have become unusable must be taken to special points for recycling, having paid for this service.

However, in Russia, the majority of motorists are ready to give away their used tires, but on the condition that someone takes them from them. This means that it is necessary to take into account that in order to organize production for processing tires, it is necessary to provide for additional transportation costs for collecting tires from the population or enter into agreements with large transport companies, which will ensure an uninterrupted supply of raw materials.

Raw materials are crushed mechanically or using advanced shock wave technology. However, it has a higher cost. Its advantages include lower energy consumption and no need for large production areas.

But shock wave technology will require the installation of special refrigeration equipment. At a temperature of -90 degrees, the tire breaks into pieces as it becomes brittle.

For the workshop you will need to rent or purchase production premises with an area of ​​60 square meters and an electrical network with a voltage of 380 kW (the amount of electricity consumed by one installation is 15 kW per hour), hire two operators for one shift. You'll need two more warehouse premises: one for raw materials, the other for finished products. In this case, the raw material warehouse should be four times larger.

For good production profitability, it is optimal to operate the workshop around the clock in three shifts, 7 days a week. In this case, a minimum of 8 personnel is required.

With a line productivity of 100 kg per hour, production costs are as follows:

— equipment – ​​approximately 30 thousand dollars (depending on modification);
— registration of certificates, etc. – 2 thousand dollars;
— rent of premises (cost per month – about 3 thousand dollars);
wages production personnel and sales department - from 5 thousand dollars.

But with proper marketing, most of the costs will be covered in the first month by selling finished products. The operation of one installation for the production of crumb rubber with a productivity of 100 kg per hour will allow producing 72 tons of finished products per month.

A ton of crumbs costs an average of $500. Thus, income will be 36 thousand dollars.

A by-product from the processing of old tires and tires is metal, the share of which is 25% of the total volume of raw materials. Selling metal will bring additional profit.

Income from the sale of rubber tiles is disproportionately greater than the costs of producing raw materials for its manufacture. If you combine the production of crumb rubber and rubber coatings and place them on the same territory, you can exclude the costs of transporting raw materials from the calculations.

Industrial production of crumb rubber and coatings from it is not only a profitable business idea, but also an excellent modern production, which makes it possible to make the environment cleaner.

In addition, technologies for the production of mixtures are already being used to produce road surfaces, to which crumb rubber is added. Due to this, it is possible to reduce construction costs highways. Road construction- This is another market for crumb rubber.

By the way, in order to start producing coatings from crumb rubber, it is possible to use a franchise. Good luck to you in implementing your small production ideas!

With the increasing number vehicles The issue of tire recycling has become very pressing. Since this material is not subject to rotting and does not decompose over time, when buried in landfills along with other garbage it will clog environment.

To avoid this, a decision was made to recycle the tires. Today, many enterprises have established the production of crumb rubber and its use for the manufacture of various building materials.

The most popular are the special floor coverings made from it. We will tell you what they are and where they are used in this article.

Scope of use of crumb rubber

Products made from recycled tires have become a worthy replacement for the usual ones. flooring materials. They successfully replace concrete tiles and even asphalt. At the same time, the main advantage of such coatings is their long service life, which significantly exceeds the capabilities of classical products, which is explained by the specifics of the production of crumb rubber.

Possessing high strength and ease of installation, they are wide application in various spheres of human life and activity. Crumb rubber flooring can be found in the following facilities:

And these are not all the places where the material can be used. This distribution is explained by high performance qualities product and its long service life.

Production specifics

One of the most wear-resistant materials is considered to be obtained during the recycling of tires. The technology for manufacturing crumb rubber and coatings from it consists of three stages:

  1. Preparatory;
  2. Making the mixture;
  3. Baking.

To produce such material, special raw materials are used - crumb rubber. It can be made from finished semi-finished products or recycled materials. The second option for producing crumb rubber is cheaper. In order to obtain crumbs from tires, they are cleaned of metal threads and crushed using special equipment. If you intend to produce a small amount of flooring, you can order the component from a processing plant.

Watch the video, production stages:

After acquiring all the components of the mixture, they begin to manufacture it. During production, strict adherence to proportions is assumed. The main components of the mixture are:

  • Polyurethane;
  • Pigments.

The preparation of the composition is carried out on special industrial mixers, where the components are uniformly combined. Typically this process takes no more than 20 minutes.

The last stage in the production of crumb rubber coatings is its baking. To do this, the mixture is laid out in molds and sent to a vulcanizing press. A cold or hot process can be used.

Various types products

When producing crumb rubber from car tires, the first method produces tiles with good resistance to temperature fluctuations. However, the products produced in this way will have a high cost, since they require the purchase of additional equipment.

Hot production technology involves vulcanization of the composition at a temperature of 140°C. In this case, it takes about half an hour to make tiles, while with cold process takes several hours. Therefore, manufactured according to hot technology coverage has more low price. However, such tiles are less resistant to low temperatures.

Advantages and disadvantages of coatings

The popularity of this material is fully justified by its high performance characteristics. Unlike analogues, it has undeniable advantages, including:

  1. Resistance to aggressive environments;
  2. Safety is achieved due to the springy properties of rubber and the ability to make its surface non-slippery;
  3. The durability and decomposition period of this material is quite long, so it is used as a covering for playgrounds and sports facilities;
  4. Environmentally friendly, tiles made from crumb rubber do not emit harmful substances into the environment and can even be used for rooms and areas where small children play;
  5. Good aesthetic qualities added to the material by dyes allow you to create wide range drawings;
  6. Excellent hygienic properties, since crumb tiles are not subject to rotting and are not affected by fungus and insects.

Thanks to the listed qualities, this flooring can be used on almost any site. It is very easy to care for, just vacuum or rinse the surface with water.

Let's watch the video, a little about this coating:

Moisture does not accumulate on a floor made from such a coating, as it has excellent water permeability. It does not fade in the sun and does not require special tool for styling.

Despite the mass positive qualities The tiles still have some disadvantages. First of all, this is high price, in terms of cost it is one of the most expensive. Secondly, there is a fire hazard. Rubber is highly flammable, so it should not be used near open flames.

Review of popular manufacturers

Choosing tiles for garden path, terraces and other objects draw attention to her brand. Based on this parameter, you can select quality material. Among the products presented at Russian markets, most in demand The following brands of floor coverings are used:

  • EcoStep;
  • Unistep;
  • Gangart.

Rubber tiles from the first manufacturer are considered one of the best among analogues. It has excellent shock-absorbing properties and does not slip. These properties allow the tiles to be used as an outdoor covering that is resistant to temperature changes, precipitation and exposure to UV rays.

Unistep rubber flooring

The advantages of the material include high wear resistance. She ideal option for objects with high traffic. Caring for this coating is extremely simple. It involves rinsing with water. The material's immunity to fungi and mold makes it possible to use it on children's and sports grounds. Products are produced in a wide range color scheme and can be with or without a pattern. IN model range includes product lines in which the top layer is made of bright rubber chips.

Rubber crumb coating under the Unistep brand also demonstrates good performance properties. This material is chosen by buyers who value quality and reliability. Besides the mass various advantages Tiles made from crumbs are the most injury-proof, so they are allowed to be laid on playgrounds and sports facilities.

Unistep's modern equipment for the production of crumb rubber allows it to constantly improve the quality of its floor coverings and expand its product range. Usage innovative technologies during the production process made it possible to create reasonable prices for tiles and make them accessible to a wide range of customers.

Gangart rubber coating is no less popular among domestic buyers. It is produced in a joint Russian-German production and differs from analogues in the presence of two layers. The first is from primary granulate and the second is from crumbs obtained from recycling truck tires.

Watch the video of laying this coating:

When making the material, a UV-resistant dye is used, so the tile can be used for a long time without losing color. The company's production facilities are equipped with European equipment for the production of crumb rubber. This guarantees high quality products and their full compliance with foreign standards.

Is it possible to make coating at home?

The answer to this question interests many. Due to the difficult financial situation, people have to think about the profitability of purchasing a particular product. And then the idea of ​​making the material on your own appears. Of course, nothing is impossible. But is it worth saving at the expense of quality?

At home, create a floor covering from rubber crumbs that would be different long periods service and excellent performance properties is almost impossible.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):