For now, there may be little that is clear. Don't worry. Soon everything will become much easier.

    Let's talk about all the above principles in detail.

    Progressive load

    Load progression is the basic rule of bodybuilding.

    Our muscles and the body as a whole constantly strive for balance.(homeostasis).

    An increase in muscles (the size of motor units) leads to an increase in energy expenditure, which is extremely disadvantageous for the body.

    Just imagine, the body lives calmly in balance, and you are trying to force it:

    1. To grow motor units (muscles), which requires a HUGE expenditure of building materials (proteins) and energy (carbohydrates).
    2. Spending more energy due to an increase in consumers (muscles), which the body considers a serious threat to life. Muscles are very voracious things that spend enormous amounts of energy.

    Over THOUSANDS OF YEARS of evolution, our ancestors were forced to save energy to survive, because... I had to move a lot, and there was very little food.

    Our body was forced to adapt to this.

    To force our body to do something that is not profitable for it (grow muscles), we need to show that it is BENEFITABLE and necessary for survival.

    In fact, this is all very approximate and exaggerated. I hope you understand this, but it reflects the essence.

    Okay, how do you show your body that it needs to grow muscles?

    YOU NEED TO CONSTANTLY INCREASE THE LOAD IN YOUR TRAINING! This will give the body a signal that it needs to increase muscle size in order to insure against increasing stress in the future.

    The easiest way to progress the load is to increase the working weights. This is the simplest, but not the only way.

    There are relatively safe and unsafe ways to increase the load. I will write below why they are called that.

    Load progression methods:

  • Increasing working weights (on barbells, dumbbells, machines) = safe way.
  • Increasing the number of repetitions in an exercise = safe way.
  • Increasing the total volume of load per workout (number of approaches per exercise, number of exercises themselves, reducing rest between approaches) = unsafe way.
  • Super moves (supersets, dropsets, forced reps, negative reps, cheating, etc.) = unsafe way.

These are the main ways to progress the load, but for most people, increasing the working weights and number of repetitions will be enough.

Increasing weights and repetitions are two safe ways to progress, especially for beginners, because we have natural guardrails for these methods.

The body has a reserve supply of energy, which it always leaves to insure our health and life.

When you increase the load through working weights or repetitions, then at the moment when we experience muscle failure, the body maintains this reserve reserve.

The muscles grow, but there is no risk to health.

If we increase the load by increasing the total volume of the load during a workout or by using super techniques, then the body depletes energy reserves MUCH DEEPER than the reserve energy reserve, i.e. there is a risk of overtraining.

If you just came to the gym, then I advise you to increase the load only through repetitions and working weights.

But this is only after 1-2 months of training, because from the first days you will need to go through a period of preparing your body for stress, which we will talk about below.

1 Conclusion: A beginner (no matter whether a man or a woman) must, from the very beginning, go through a period of preparing the body for physical activity (1-3 months).

Don't worry, I have a whole cool blog post about this period with a student's review. I'll give a link to it below.

2 Conclusion: Progression of loads at the initial stage (1-2 years) should occur by increasing working weights and increasing the number of repetitions.

So, articles on the topic of load progression for beginners, which I definitely advise you to read:

From the above articles you will learn how to properly increase the load.

High-quality restoration

Many people think that bodybuilding is just training in the gym.

How wrong they are...

Bodybuilding is not just hard training, it is a WAY OF LIFE.

You work on building a beautiful body around the clock, because... muscle growth processes do not occur during training, but after it during rest.

So when you eat or sleep, you are also doing bodybuilding because your muscles are repairing and growing.

3 Conclusion: Muscles grow not during training, but after it.

The process of resting after a workout is called post-workout recovery.

It often happens that a person trains well, is disciplined, does not miss training, but does not grow, or generally becomes smaller and feels worse.

What could be the problem? 99% IN POOR RECOVERY!

With proper, balanced nutrition, the body receives all the necessary materials for the construction of new protein structures.

This process is called ANABOLISM (from the Greek ἀναβολή, “rise”)

The fact is that our body can be in several states:

  • Catabolism(not enough nutrition, protein and other structures are destroyed). This can also happen during heavy training.
  • Homeostasis(there is enough nutrition and sleep, enough recovery abilities to stop damage during training, the body remains unchanged).
  • Anabolism(enough nutrition and sleep + growth of protein and other structures occurs).

It is IMPOSSIBLE to achieve anabolism and catabolism at the same time.

First of all, we must get a little more calories than we spend! Many people wonder why they are not growing, although most of them do not take into account their limited diet (eating little) and their fast metabolism.

In order to start growing (enter a state of anabolism), one of the most important conditions is to take into account the quantity and quality of your nutrition.

There is a very simple way to control your nutrition.

Just start eating almost the same foods in the same quantities every day. This way you will be sure that you ate no less food needed for growth than yesterday.

Recovery also includes the quality and quantity of sleep!

During sleep, amazing metamorphoses occur in the body (especially during adolescence). The entire system is recharged.

The hormones necessary for growth and recovery (testosterone, growth hormone, etc.) are released.

Try to go to bed no later than 22-23 hours and sleep at least 8-10 hours a day.

Useful articles on the topic:

Be sure to read the articles above. I’m sure the picture about recovery and nutrition will become clearer.

Developed muscle sense

Many people have been practicing all their lives and do not know this concept.

Hence the severe limitation of their progress.

It seems like they’ve been pumping for years, but there’s almost no progress. How so?

In response they say that: “Genetics are bad”, “I work out for myself”, “I don’t work out much yet”, etc.

Surprisingly, this is not the problem, of course.

The problem is that they don't feel their target muscle during the movement and perform the exercises incorrectly.

In the first 1-3 months of training, forget about your working weights!

Reduce the load by at least half and work on the correct technique for doing the exercises.

The fact is that when you start to progress weights with incorrect technique, the risk of injury due to “crooked” technique increases greatly. Stay safe.

4 Conclusion: In the first 1-3 months of training (no matter a girl or a man), we deliberately reduce the working weights in the exercises by 50% and practice the technique of performing the exercises. We try to feel our muscles at every point in the amplitude of movement of the projectile.

Training diary

Now you know that in order to pump up muscles you need:

  1. Progress the load.
  2. Eat and sleep well (post-workout recovery).
  3. Feel the muscles you are training.

There are a number of very important things that every person who comes to the gym should know about.

From the very beginning of training, it is VERY IMPORTANT to keep a training diary.

It can be an ordinary checkered notebook or a beautiful diary, it doesn’t matter.

It is important that you make it a habit to CONSTANTLY RECORD your performance in a notebook.

The stricter your discipline in this regard, the faster your progress will be.

I'm serious.

Let me explain why.

When you write down your indicators in a notebook, namely:

  • What do you train (legs, chest, back, etc.).
  • Exercise (squats, vertical pull-downs, etc.).
  • Working and warm-up weight (20 kg warm-up, for example).
  • Approach number.
  • Number of repetitions per set.
  • Rest between sets.

This will be more than enough to get started, and not only that.

Here's what it looks like in my diary:

See, nothing special. I don’t even try very hard to write in calligraphic handwriting.

The main thing is that you can understand these records yourself.

Why is all this needed:

  1. For ever-increasing progression of loads.
  2. For further analysis of the results.
  3. For mental attitude before each approach.

That's the minimum.

For ever-increasing progression of loads. In bodybuilding, as we have already said, a prerequisite is a constantly growing load in the form of weight on the bar, the number of repetitions, exercises, or in the form of super moves. To keep track of your working weight, as well as to know how many reps you did last workout on a particular set, it is important to record your performance. Do you remember how many reps you did on the third exercise in the fourth set with a certain weight last week? What about two weeks ago, or a month? Well, well. And I mean the same thing.

For further analysis of the results. When you train for a long time, it begins to seem like you are standing in one place. But when you look at the diary, you see how tiny weight gains, but regularly, lead to huge progress. Also, you can track your indicators from six months or a month ago to get an idea of ​​your working weight. This helps a lot.

For mental attitude before each approach. If you don’t know how much you did in a particular set with a certain weight in the last workout, then it’s very easy to make a mistake and do less. The body does not have a goal to overcome the weight that you lifted earlier; it will give up sooner. Conversely, when you know that last time you did 8 repetitions in this set and you should do 9 anyway, then, believe me, you will do 9, with rare exceptions.

5 Conclusion: To progress in your training, a training diary is a MUST.

How to pump up muscles for a girl. Differences from men's training

Despite the fact that we are one biological species, our approach to the training process should be somewhat different for the following reasons:

  1. Girls have much less testosterone (the main anabolic hormone) by about 10 times.
  2. The depth of immersion in a state of muscle failure is different for men and girls.
  3. The nutrient accumulation system in girls works more intensively.
  4. Women's muscle size is smaller than men's.
  5. Women have less muscle in their upper body than in their lower body.
  6. The difference is in the one rep max.
  7. Monthly cycle.

I will not consider the above reasons in detail now. Below I will provide links to articles that girls will definitely need to read, where all the intricacies of women's training are described in detail.

The main thing to understand is that girls and boys cannot train according to the same training schemes.

Very often I see how guys, and even worse, coaches, train their girls or wards using the same type of programs.

The girls have been plowing for months, but there is practically no progress. All such training in men's programs for an unprepared girl, as a rule, is accompanied by severe overtraining and very weak progress.

6 Conclusion: The training process for girls and men should be different due to structural features and differences.

Required (!) reading:

Where to start training

You have already studied part of the theory about the training process and are already beginning to understand what's what.

Below, we will begin to understand training issues more subtly. I hope you are alive there and the length of the article did not scare you)) But it will be to your benefit, friends.

You have already done a lot, you have read up to this point. Many can't even do that.

So, let's take it in order.

What to take with you to the gym

Once you begin to understand that you want to change your body, a person wonders what to take with him to the gym.

This is a very good and common question.

In fact, you and I can start training at home (more on this a little later), but the list of necessary things is unlikely to be significantly different.

Here is the list:

Don't exercise in slippers! This is very dangerous from a safety point of view (your foot may slip at the most inopportune moment or something may fall on your foot), firstly.

And secondly, if you are a man, then you don’t need to torment gym goers with the smell of your feet. Be respectful to others.

I wrote more about what you need in this article:

How to build muscles at home

By and large, the muscles don’t care where you train them.

Even if you lift weights in the gym, even if you climb a palm tree on an island to get a banana, your body doesn’t care.

If you follow just a few rules of muscle growth, which we discussed above, then your muscles will respond to the load with growth.

The rules, as we remember, are simple:

  1. Load progression.
  2. We are recovering.
  3. We feel the muscles.

The most important problem at home is the progression of the load.

7 Conclusion: If you can ensure the progression of the load, then you can start your training at home. The muscles don't care where they are loaded.

I wrote a separate cool article about how to pump up at home, which will answer many questions:

How to overcome fear and go to the gym

It is very difficult to change your lifestyle and start incorporating exercise and proper nutrition into your life.

Most people give up at the very rudimentary, initial stage...

At the stage when you still need to go to the gym.

The question is very important, and I don’t understand why I have hardly seen any information on this topic.

I think it’s time to introduce you to my “” section.

By the way, many of my subscribers and readers come to my blog just to read something new from this section.

There are even subscribers who are not involved in bodybuilding, but only read this section! This is, of course, surprising. So, there really are some interesting thoughts there.

In this section, I wrote a detailed article on how to overcome fear and go to the gym.

Or do 6-12 reps on the calves, which will be great for increasing their strength, because... Their contraction amplitude is very small.

More attention should be paid to the TIME OF OCCASION OF MUSCLE FAILURE!

I wrote about this in more detail there.

As a rule, the number of repetitions in bodybuilding varies in the range of 6-12 repetitions, and you will find out why this is so in the link above.

Be sure to read, the information is very important.

Number of approaches

The number of approaches can be very different.

For example, if you train slow muscle fibers, then from 6 to 12 or more in one exercise.

If you are an elderly person, then the number of your approaches will be slightly lower than that of young, trained people.

Here we will talk about the most common case, namely, the number of approaches for beginners.

For beginners, it is better to start with 2-3 working approaches and then NOT WITH WORKING WEIGHTS (you already know why we reduce the working weight by 50% in the first 1-3 months).

Using my system for choosing an individual training program, you can choose the optimal number of approaches.

Muscle failure

Muscle failure is the inability of a muscle to perform another repetition while using proper technique.

If you have ever worked out in a gym, then you are familiar with the feeling that I will tell you about now.

For example, you lift the barbell for biceps, now 7.8...9, you barely lift the barbell for the 10th time and on the 11th lift, in the middle of the movement it’s as if you “ran out of gas”, and you, having struggled , for some time, with the weight, you throw the barbell down out of exhaustion.

I can congratulate you! You have reached muscle failure.

Muscle failure means that you are guaranteed to have received enough exercise for muscle growth.

There are three types of muscle failure:

  1. Positive
  2. Static
  3. Negative

Now about these types in more detail.

  • Positive failure is when you are unable to lift a weight without assistance, i.e. when, for example, in barbell curls you cannot lift the barbell/dumbbells to the top point with proper technique or without using cheating.
  • Negative failure is when you cannot even control the lowering of the implement with proper technique or assistance. Such a refusal is often called an absolute or complete refusal.
  • Static failure is a state of the body during an approach when positive failure is already on the way, but the body is still struggling with the weight with shaking arms or legs, and the projectile hangs at one point for a while, then begins to crush you or fall.

I told you everything you need to know about muscle failure in the article below:


Nutrition is 60, or even 70% of success in bodybuilding.

This topic is simply huge, so I have a separate section - “” on the blog, which I highly recommend reading.

To know where to start, check out the articles below:

8 Conclusion: Your nutrition must be under strict control at all times in order to achieve excellent results.

Sports supplements

This is a very broad and interesting topic, to which I devoted an entire section on the “” blog.

Be sure to check it out.

Those people who say that dietary supplements are useless have no idea about effective supplements, and nutrition in general.

Thanks to dietary supplements, we can achieve slightly greater results in bodybuilding.

If they provide at least some advantage, then why not use it?

In fairness, it must be said that there are also useless additives that have only one goal - to extract more money from the fragile minds of gullible people.

But there are also super workers, confirmed by many authoritative experiments, for example,.

On my blog I write about many cool supplements that I definitely try myself. In each article, I personally tell my experience, my feelings, and also give recommendations on where you can buy them cheaper.

Here are the articles you should read first:

Read these articles first! You will gain an understanding of the effective use of sports nutrition.

Remember that in the name “Sports Supplements” the key word is ADDITIVES.

9 Conclusion: Sports supplements and dietary supplements are only an addition to the basic diet, and not a replacement for it.

Student results

Before I finish the article for new visitors to my blog, I would like to introduce you to those who, like you, once visited my blog for the first time.

They, like you, also doubted, were afraid to try something new, were afraid of visiting the gym, but, nevertheless, through all the doubts, they decided to START.

In any business, the most difficult thing is to take the first step. Start doing things that are unusual for yourself in order to become what you want.

This is very difficult, and I understand you, but only you can make yourself strong, purposeful and beautiful.

10 Conclusion: All these people were also once unhappy with their bodies, but one day they told themselves that they could change it. Believe that you can do it, and you will be right.

The interesting thing is, if you say that you CANNOT, you will also be right.

Your whole life depends on your attitude. Only we set boundaries and boundaries for ourselves.

My results

The easiest way to test a person's knowledge is HIS OWN RESULT!

I have been involved in bodybuilding on a regular basis for more than 8 years, and have done a lot of experiments, both in training and in nutrition.

Tried hundreds of different supplements, which allowed me to draw my own conclusions about their effectiveness.

I cut and gained muscle mass many times.

Here are my results:

I truly love what I do.

For more than 4 years I have been running this blog, into which I invest a lot of effort, time and money to create a resource that will help thousands of people become much more beautiful and self-confident.

I won't write much about myself here.

If you want to get to know me, you can read the “” page. There I talked about my studies at two Universities, the Academy of Bodybuilding and Fitness Professionals, the army, snowboarding (my second passion), my family and my life.

My free materials

There are free products on my blog that you can download and explore.

The most popular of them is “,” which I already introduced you to.

The system is very popular among blog readers and new visitors, because... explains in a simple and understandable, step-by-step manner all the intricacies of the first training program.

There are two more great books:

These books help you start training and learn all the most basic aspects of training.

The book “The Other Side of a Beautiful Body” talks about what changes in a person’s life when he or she starts bodybuilding.

I advise you to study my free materials. Even though they are free, this does not affect their quality in any way.

I am very meticulous in the release of my articles, materials and products, so I am constantly working to improve them and provide feedback to readers.

My PAID materials

If you want to get results as quickly as possible, then the blog also has VERY COOL paid products that cover this or that topic in detail.

If you purchased a paid product, then be sure that you will get results. The courses contain all the necessary information and my personal practical experience.

So far, two products are available: “How to pump up your PRESS AT HOME” and “Extreme fat burning”.

Hundreds of people have already become my clients who have changed their bodies for the better. You saw their results above.

From time to time I release new and new products. From the very beginning they are sold at good discounts, then they become more expensive, this is a common practice.

When purchasing any paid material, you receive detailed feedback and answers to questions.

We work with each client until the result is achieved.

What should I do now?

I understand that there is a ton of information coming at you right now, and you could get confused.

I tried to give you everything very structured, step by step, so that you solve problems as they arise.

The most important thing you need to do at this moment is START.

Don’t put off all the knowledge you’ve acquired.

Start using them. This is the main idea of ​​my blog.

I have always believed that information has no value unless we can put it into practice or become better people as a result of learning it.

Therefore, at the end of almost every article I draw the main conclusions, which is what readers and subscribers of my blog really like.

The next thing I advise you to do is.

It’s very easy to get lost in the flurry of information in the Internet era. Therefore, I will be very glad if you decide to become my subscriber and periodically receive valuable letters, articles and materials from me.

Most of all, I sit in

Many people are interested in how to build muscles at home. Proper training helps you achieve good results. If you are just starting to swing, decide on the main goal of the training. Beginning athletes make many mistakes. They strive to develop strength and build muscles, but training does not bring results.

A typical mistake is a huge number of exercises, while training involves small weights. The essence of the mistake is that this approach does not pump up muscles. Growth is determined not by the amount of exercise, but by increasing weights.

  • Constantly lifting heavy loads forces the body to build muscle mass, which allows it to cope with increasing loads.
  • You can use light weights and do a variety of exercises. This approach develops endurance. Muscles increase in volume insignificantly.
  • Increase the working weight correctly. Do not change your exercise technique or train without first warming up.
  • To properly grow muscle mass per muscle group, perform several exercises. Perform the first basic exercise with a barbell, doing several sets of 5 repetitions.
  • The second exercise is focused on versatile and deep development of muscle fibers and training muscle energy resources. Perform with dumbbells, no more than 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

The right amount of exercise along with increasing the working weight, maintaining technique and a good warm-up will help make your body beautiful.

List of exercises for training at home

Beginner athletes pump up their muscles at home. Those who have achieved good results realize that they cannot stop and go to the gym, since home exercise is not enough.

  1. Chest exercises. Push-ups are the best exercise for the pectoral muscles. Perform with arms spread wide. If you do fifteen repetitions in one approach, increase the load. You can put a backpack filled with heavy things on your back.
  2. Bars are great for your chest muscles. If your strength indicators deserve better, do push-ups on stools with your legs forward. This will help you lose weight and get some pre-training done.
  3. Exercises for the back and shoulders. You will need a horizontal bar. Pull up with a wide and reverse grip. Pull-ups work the deltoids and biceps.
  4. You can train your shoulders at home using two 20-liter water bottles. Raise them in front of you or spread your arms to the sides. The main advantage of such sports equipment is changing the load level by adding or decreasing water.
  5. Such bottles will also help in pumping your biceps. While standing or sitting, bend your arms to imitate an exercise using dumbbells.
  6. Exercises for triceps and abs. Train triceps with regular push-ups with a narrow grip. If the number of repetitions reaches 15, be sure to increase the load.
  7. The press is easy. Lie on your back and in a supine position raise your legs up. Perform the exercise until a burning sensation appears in the abdominal area.
  8. It is more difficult to pump up your legs at home. I offer exercises from the school curriculum - squats and a pistol.

Do heavy training twice a month. Increase the load with each subsequent workout.

Exercises for back muscles

A pumped-up back looks amazing, protects the spine, makes everyday life easier, and maintains correct posture.

  • It is better to train your back separately from your chest. As a result, all the energy will be spent on working the back muscles. This type of training is more effective.
  • The biceps are actively involved in back-focused exercises. They should be pumped after the back. You can also include your forearms in the workout. The forearms are characterized by enviable endurance and are involved in all exercises. Therefore, subject them to rigorous treatment no more than once a week.
  • Learn to feel the effect of your workout. Before going to the gym, make sure your muscles have recovered.
  • If you want to increase your strength, pay attention to special sports supplements - arginine, creatine and amino acids. It is enough to include sports nutrition in your diet.

Before the training season begins, be sure to set a goal. It plays the role of a kind of lighthouse, to which you are getting closer every day.

Video tips

The human arm consists of the forearms, biceps, triceps and many small muscles, each of which is actively involved in the work of the arm.

  1. By doing exercises that involve curling your arms, you train your biceps. We are talking about curls with dumbbells or a barbell, pull-ups on the horizontal bar and rows focused on the back muscles.
  2. If your arms are extended during training, your triceps are trained. This effect is achieved by bench press, parallel bars, and push-ups.
  3. Exercises that require you to hold sports equipment with your hands are aimed at the forearms.

Important Rules

  • I have never seen an athlete weighing 70 kg whose arm circumference exceeds 37 cm. Only big people can boast of large and powerful arms. Therefore, it is necessary to pump the whole body, paying special attention to the legs.
  • Pull-ups, rows and presses put a titanic load on the arms. Do not overdo it with the number of approaches and the weight of sports equipment. Otherwise, the ligaments will be damaged, which take a very long time to heal.
  • If your goal is to make your arms bigger, achieve decent results in basic exercises. We are talking about push-ups, pull-ups, barbell rows and deadlifts.
  • Large hands are an attribute of people with strong forearms.
  • A punching bag will help strengthen and strengthen your arms. By striking this heavy sports equipment, you will make your hands confident, strong, and dexterous. Working with this projectile involves the use of elastic bandages and projectile gloves. Otherwise, you may damage your joints or dislocate your fingers.
  • When pumping your arms, be guided by muscle physiology. The triceps differ from the biceps in the large number of white fibers. Therefore, he is trained with heavy weights that develop strength.
  • When working with a barbell or other apparatus, mentally imagine how your biceps increases in size. Thanks to this training secret, some athletes are able to go beyond average performance.
  • If during training you experience discomfort in the area of ​​the wrist joints, it should be stopped.
  • Perform the exercises clearly and accurately. If you work with a barbell, your arms should receive the main load. You can't help them with your body.

Create a program and train according to it. Develop the habit of keeping a journal to record your results and track your achievements.

Exercises for leg muscles

The strongest and largest muscles in the body are the leg muscles. Regardless of where you train, you need to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Otherwise, all exercises will be ineffective and meaningless.

  1. Daily squats will help make your legs muscular. At first, squat on two legs; after a month or more, switch to more complex exercises.
  2. While performing the exercise, keep your back straight and do not lift your heels off the floor. To maintain balance, it is recommended to hold onto a support with your hand.
  3. After squats, switch to the jump rope. This simple exercise develops leg muscles and increases endurance.
  4. The leg press will help pump up the inner muscles of the legs. Sit in the machine, place your feet shoulder-width apart and point your toes slightly apart. During the exercise, your back should be completely adjacent to the back of the seat.
  5. A good exercise is provided to train the posterior muscles. Place a barbell on your shoulders and stand with your toes on the bar. To begin, pull yourself up onto your toes, then return to the starting position.
  6. Running develops muscles.
  7. The upper muscles will be worked by the hack machine and other exercise machines aimed at leg extension.

Video workout for legs

How to shake your neck

Everyone needs a strong and pumped neck. First of all, such a neck will improve the appearance of the owner. She is able to protect the spine from damage.

If you sign up for a gym, an experienced trainer will suggest proper neck exercises, offer a wide range of exercise equipment and many effective techniques.

According to experts, constant exercises with a small load are much more effective than non-systematic exercises with full training. Working with light weights does not exempt you from the mandatory warm-up before the main workout.

Eliminate jerking from classes, and the desire to speed up is not welcome. Perform each exercise accurately and smoothly. The complex consists of 5 exercises, 15 approaches each. Calculate the load so that you have enough strength to do everything. Be prepared that the first workouts will seem difficult.

2 groups of exercises for the neck

  • First group: exercises to use force resistance. Sports equipment and attributes are not needed. A simple exercise: clasp your fingers and clasp the back of your head. Pull your head towards the ground, and create resistance with your neck muscles.
  • Second group: exercises using sports equipment. Expanders, weights, pancakes. A special device for placing cargo will be required.


I will describe several popular exercises. You can choose several of the most convenient options.

  1. Tilt your head against the resistance created by your palms. Bend forward and backward.
  2. Place your hands on your jaw and create resistance to the turns made by your head.
  3. Perform the exercise in a lying position with a device made of belts and weights. Put it on and make head movements. Select the optimal load by changing the load.
  4. Place a string bag with a load on your head and sit on a chair or armchair with a backrest. Fasten the belt to your forehead. Throw your head back and swing it up and down.

The neck is a fragile part of the body. Train the muscles in this area extremely carefully.

What a Scott bench is for and what a barbell is is already known. Let's start training like adults, and consider the training process of forming muscle volume correctly.

This is not your first time in the gym and you know what pronation and supination are, but this is not enough - we will continue to learn how to correctly and efficiently gain muscle mass for an accomplished adult man.

You will be provided with the entire training process, program, by a professional in this field. Learn to understand loads, dosage, volumes, understand how to optimally choose one or another weight for yourself, how much and what type of rest you should have, and much more, which will lead you to maximum success.

Nowadays, there are enough ways that are not always correct in everything, and therefore we will approach this issue using only proven and effective methods. It is necessary to understand how training of different intensity ultimately leads to a beautiful, sculpted body.

It is very important to understand the importance of increasing the intensity of the load, but for some reason this is not taken into account and, accordingly, is not used even by experienced bodybuilders who participate in various competitions, and simply experienced athletes. And in this matter, qualifications or the number of hours spent in the gym do not matter at all - the main thing is to increase the intensity of training!

For more than 6 months, or even a year, you have been doing a certain number of approaches to an exercise with the same number of repetitions, with the same weight, without changing anything in this program - in this case, we can say with confidence that you are “treading water” place, and you are unlikely to “sculpt” a beautiful, sculpted body. The reason is that with this training regimen, the body is “accustomed” to a certain load, and it does not need to work particularly hard to change something, in this case, muscle mass.

After training, usually, muscle size increases, this is how it should be, but there is no stimulation of their growth. In order to dramatically increase mass and build large muscles, in the case of certain training sessions that have been going on for a long time, this is especially important for professionals participating in competitions, special measures must be taken.

Term "intensity" takes on special meaning and significance when the moment of preparation comes. When composing a training complex, it is very important to increase or decrease the intensity in everything, in order to exclude when working with heavy weights. With sufficient knowledge of the body's reactions to different types of loads, you will be able to competently use a variety of techniques for building muscle mass, receiving both physical and mental satisfaction from the process.

Proper muscle building

As a rule, when you decide to go to the gym, you are driven by the desire to look attractive, that is, to “pump up.” But after some time, such a desire should develop into an understanding of the need to “swing” correctly. Here it is important to study the biomechanics of the body, this will help you learn the correct technique of execution, load dosing - that is, adequate weight, the number of exercises performed, approaches, as well as proper rest and much more.

There are two very important concepts in creating a quality training program for experienced athletes that determine the level of intensity -.

In order to make the most of your natural potential and capabilities, it is necessary to use different weights of the projectile and a different number of approaches during your work in the gym. This type of training will also help avoid overtraining. Also apply this to different parts of the body, based on your knowledge of your weak points.

What are these methods for pumping up muscles?

It is generally accepted that increasing muscle mass is achieved by using heavy weights with short repetitions per set. This is not entirely true - muscle strength increases, but you are unlikely to achieve the desired growth using this method.

You can work differently - take a light weight (about 50% of your maximum), but do a lot of repetitions per set. Thus, muscle strength remains at the same level, and trophism increases.

It is a big misconception to work in one familiar mode without diversifying the load. A high-quality complex, especially for experienced athletes, necessarily includes various loads - heavy, medium and light.

To achieve progress in bodybuilding, having been training for quite a long time, there is a method of progression. That is, constantly increasing your maximum weight of the equipment used and alternating the number of repetitions in the approach (few - many), this is one of the main methods of building large muscle mass.


This is all that you do during training plus the weight of the equipment used, and is usually called volume. If you want to create a large, ripped body, then work as hard as possible during training, and use a fairly high intensity - then you can significantly increase your muscle mass. With such work, another mechanism of our body is activated - hyperplasia. Surely everyone knows such a concept as hypertrophy is a reduction in muscle cells in the human body. So hyperplasia, on the contrary, increases their number.

But still, with a frequent and sharp increase in repetitions and approaches, even understanding their effectiveness, it is quite possible to achieve a state of overtraining.

The best way to work this way is to maximize muscle growth with high volume training, alternating with low volume training from time to time. This will make it clear that your body is responding adequately to the load and working in the right direction.

Muscle failure

Here, when training to increase muscle mass, both large and small weights of equipment are used. The specificity of this method is that the approach must be continued until you feel that you cannot do it any more without the help of a partner.

The use of this method allows you to achieve a greater training effect, in contrast to the method of early termination of the exercise. But even in the case of premature stopping of the approach, before muscle failure, it can also help in increasing volumes. The mechanism is as follows: the main factor in muscle growth in this case is overload. By regularly working with heavy weights, but with different numbers of repetitions, you overload the muscles, and thus adaptation occurs faster.

And yet, how to train?

Increasing muscle strength does not occur in one mode; this process occurs in different ways - sometimes it accelerates, sometimes it slows down. Knowing this, training complexes for athletes who are seriously involved in this must necessarily have different types of loads - exercises to muscle failure, close to failure, and classical approaches. When training to failure, you can also use a couple of approaches, finishing the exercise close to muscle failure. For example, there are one or two repetitions left before the critical moment, and you stop, thereby maintaining the training effect, but the nervous system does not suffer.

Proper rest

Usually bodybuilders rest as standard, as they prefer, without leaving their comfort zone. But you should take into account and understand that properly selected rest between approaches and exercises is another method that can increase the intensity of the training process and thereby help build more muscle mass.

How much time will be needed to rest depends on the amount of available energy sufficient for the muscles to complete the next approach. With a sufficiently long rest in 3 minutes, your muscles return to normal 100 percent, thereby giving you the opportunity to work with the largest possible weights for you. This is the reason why many experienced bodybuilders use this rest interval. The use of long rest intervals between approaches and the use of maximum weight is mandatory for complexes of highly qualified athletes, since these methods help the muscles to adequately perceive overloads and achieve proper mass growth.

When using shorter rest intervals - 60 to 90 seconds, you thereby recover by 85-90 percent, and in this case there is a greater impact on the level of growth hormone, in contrast to a 3-minute rest. Short rest intervals are suitable for muscle hypertrophy, that is, with moderate to low load, with many repetitions per set and maximum volume. Practice has proven that a large hormonal surge occurs if you use it to build muscle mass. 10 repetitions per set and rest between them lasts from 45 seconds to a minute.

Based on all of the above, in order for the process of muscle mass growth to occur constantly and steadily, it is necessary to know and apply all these important training methods - volume, muscle failure and rest, adjusting them from time to time.

All these three points are interdependent, so when adjusting one, you need to pay attention and change the other two accordingly. If you have decided to become a highly qualified bodybuilder, then you simply must know and apply all these methods during training.

In fact, the most difficult thing to write a correct and effective training program is to gain muscle mass and form a beautiful, ripped body. With the human body’s high ability to adapt, if you stop and stop changing conditions, it will simply stop changing. Create a program that will “shake” your body properly with a good and correct load, and you will achieve the desired result from it!

How to increase muscle mass or simply pump up muscles? This question worries both beginners and experienced bodybuilders. Actually, this is the main goal of bodybuilding - to build muscle in a short time and harmoniously model your own body. Let's look at the main points in building muscle mass and their practical application. Valuable information will help you set your main priorities, and knowledge will become an excellent basis for subsequent training in the gym.

Working out is a great way to build muscle

According to the basic laws of nature, the human body strives for peace and balance. In scientific terms - to a state of homeostasis. This allows you to preserve energy as much as possible, which is the basis of all life. A healthy body means harmony between internal processes and external environmental influences.

What happens if this balance is disturbed? When the external environment influences the body, the latter receives great physical stress and tries to adapt to it in order to maintain that same harmony. And this is true for any organs and internal processes, including muscle tissue. Such an adaptation is the adaptation of the body to the existing external conditions.

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During regular training, the peace of the internal environment is disturbed, and muscle fibers begin to break down. To withstand this regular breakdown, muscles have to adapt. That is, in response to external stimuli, they begin to actively grow, thus restoring harmony. Theoretically, if a person easily lifts a weight of 50 kg, and after active training just as easily lifts a weight of 100 kg, then we can say that the muscles have become stronger, and their volume has approximately doubled. However, this statement should not be taken literally, because in reality there are large discrepancies with the theory. If you want to build muscle quickly, then consistent adaptation to loads is necessary. A person in any sport can very quickly achieve high results if he quickly gets used to increasing demands. So how to properly build muscles? It is necessary to practice physical training that will promote the best adaptation of muscles in a short time.

Basic principles of training aimed at muscle growth

As already mentioned, muscle tissue cells begin to break down during training. And during the recovery period, the body’s physical endurance drops somewhat. Therefore, while you rest and eat after training, it is actively working, healing damaged cells and trying to restore balance. This process usually takes about several days. Then the muscles and strength return to their normal state. This is where the most unusual things begin. To withstand similar stress in the future, the body restores muscle tissue, but does so with some reserve. This process is usually called, and its duration can approximately extend to several weeks. It is quite difficult to say more precisely about the timing of its onset and completion; each organism has its own framework. If the load turns out to be one-time, then for some time the muscles restore their original state. In fact, the body tries to expend energy only in exceptional cases. In general, there are two fundamental principles in bodybuilding:

  • progressive loads.

Supercompensation is a good phenomenon, of course, but it cannot last forever. And if the body does not regularly experience stress, the body will regain its balance and calm down. The muscles, even having received some reserve, will one day return to their natural volume. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to constantly increase the load precisely during the period of supercompensation, no later and no earlier. Supercompensation will help you feel more powerful and give you the confidence that you can overcome even more. However, it is important to understand two rules:

  1. You should go to training at the moment when you feel a surge of strength.
  2. During training, you need to slightly increase the weight lifted and loads.

All further training should occur during the supercompensation period. Then progress in the growth of muscle tissue will be clearly noticeable.

Ideal time to workout

Ideally, the next workout should begin at the peak of your strength. However, in reality it is quite difficult to determine the moment of onset of supercompensation, so you have to focus solely on personal feelings. Be sure to have a good rest before training so that you have a strong desire and strength to lift iron.

We have already talked in detail about what time of day is best to train in this article. Read and you will find out when it is more effective to exercise with weights, and when it is better to run.

To build muscle, you need to add plates weighing between 2.5-5 kg ​​to the barbell in each workout, increase the number of basic physical exercises and always try to complete all the approaches that were planned. Approximately 2-3 weeks are allotted for adaptation. The next weight can be added only after the new weight with a certain number of repetitions is given to you easily and naturally. If training according to the proposed scheme brings success, then you have found your ideal regime.

What is the difference between training that will occur later or earlier than the moment of supercompensation? There is only one answer - no changes for the better will simply happen. If the body is not at its peak strength, you will not be able to benefit from the principle of progression. Without feeling strong, you will train as before with your usual weight. And since the body has already adapted to the conditions, it will not receive stress aimed at muscle growth.

Particular attention should be paid to the training regimen OK. Excessive training will clearly deprive you of strength, since the body will not have time to recover. At this pace, you can only achieve a negative result and the growth of muscle mass will stop. In the sports environment, this phenomenon is simply called - overtraining.

At the same time, very infrequent training (no more than once every 2-3 weeks) will also not give the desired result. It is not surprising that you will mark time, because the training time falls on the decline of supercompensation. That is, the body receives another load at the moment when it has already returned to its original state. This means that there can be no talk of implementing the principle of progression.

Such a detailed description will help to understand the very essence of the processes taking place, and therefore reveal the main secret of muscle tissue growth. Each subsequent workout should be done with a slight increase in load so that the muscles receive a little more stress. This approach will allow you to get visible results quite quickly.

It has been noticed that the muscles of beginners with any strength program grow more actively and faster. For them, any load is new. The already described adaptation process occurs, which is characterized by the growth of muscle tissue. However, time passes and the body adapts to the next load. Thus, experienced athletes with large masses no longer experience such noticeable progress. What to do in this case? To further build muscle, you should constantly increase the load in all available ways. This is achieved through various tricks and methods. This could be drop sets, supersets, more sets, increasing the total weight while reducing the number of repetitions, reducing rest time between sets, etc.

However, there is a method that works perfectly even in such cases. And it’s called load cycling. This principle has serious physical and scientific confirmation. It consists of alternating increasing and decreasing loads. That is, at a certain point it is necessary to remove or reduce a certain type of load. Without receiving enough stress, the muscles begin to return to their original state, and therefore react quite adequately to its increase. This is perceived by the body as new stress, which means the muscles begin to grow. If an athlete cannot increase physical activity for some reason, it is necessary to weaken the muscles in a forced mode. That is, this training scheme involves a cyclic pattern of decreasing and increasing loads. Simply put, you take one step back so you can take two steps forward.

How maximum adaptation is achieved

You have probably already learned that the main priority of the training process is the constant adaptation of the body to new stresses. It's time to learn about the main points that will help you achieve its maximum level.

Maximum adaptation can only be achieved by working in a certain direction. That is, it is impossible to effectively pump muscles and run long distances at the same time. Of course, you will be able to build muscle mass, but it will not be the same size that you could achieve by concentrating solely on bodybuilding. And you will be able to overcome the longest marathon, but you will definitely be the last of its participants. From this we can conclude: the body is able to achieve maximum adaptation only when certain requirements are met. If you add one, two or more to it, then the adaptation will be evenly distributed between them. What does this look like in practice? You should not do several different exercises for the same muscle group. This will definitely not make them grow any faster.

However, most people who go to gyms do just that, and as a result do not move forward in their development. And all because the muscles are surprised when they receive different loads, which ultimately leads to a very unexpected result. After all, it is very difficult for the body to simultaneously adapt to various stresses, and as a result, the muscles, even if they grow, do so very, very little.

The only thing required for muscle growth is concentration on specific strength work. In this case, you should increase the load in a specific exercise, which is aimed at the simultaneous action of a large number of muscles. The body will respond to this one exercise much more readily than to several. It is necessary to discard everything unnecessary and concentrate on a basic exercise that involves a certain muscle group, and achieve peak strength in it, repeating at least 5-10 times. This approach will help pump up muscles effectively and as quickly as possible.

To activate the process of muscle tissue growth, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. It is advisable to train in the evenings - it is during this period that the ideal ratio of testosterone and cortisol is observed.
  2. Be sure to warm up before your workout. Just 10 minutes will prepare the body and muscles for further stress.
  3. Spend more time on basic exercises that involve the maximum number of muscles. This helps speed up metabolic processes and stimulate growth. Basic exercises include, for example, regular squats. You just need to do them correctly. Push-ups have a good effect; to thoroughly work out the upper body, you should use dumbbells.
  4. Pay attention to nutrition. You will have to give up fatty foods, but proteins and carbohydrates are welcome. You will have to eat often, but in small portions. It is possible to use nutritional supplements that promote muscle growth.
  5. You need to train regularly, this will lead to regular stress, and hence muscle growth. But with long breaks, you can forget about the expected effect.
  6. You definitely need to rest. Muscles definitely need time to recover. That is, it is recommended to pump a certain muscle group no earlier than after 2-3 days.
  7. Each workout, slightly increase the weight of the equipment. However, there is no need to rush; too heavy a weight will not allow you to complete the required number of approaches.
  8. It is advisable to keep a diary, which will help you apply the principle of load progression, and, consequently, build up muscles quickly.

In conclusion, I would like to say that bodybuilding literally means building a body, which by its nature is a very malleable and plastic tool. You just need to follow the basic rules and principles and very soon your own body will become perfect.

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If you have a fast metabolism and a thin figure, building muscle can be very difficult. If you want to build muscle quickly, you'll have to make a few compromises, such as increasing fat mass in addition to muscle mass and giving up other forms of physical activity (such as running) so that your body can concentrate on gaining muscle mass. You will need to eat more, use the right strength training strategy, and perform exercises designed to increase muscle size. Keep reading and you will learn how to turn into a muscleman in a few weeks.


Strength exercises to build muscle

    Start with basic strength training. Most core body exercises should begin with basic, multi-joint strength training that will allow you to lift more total weight, including the bench press for the chest, overhead press for the deltoids, bent-over rows for the back, and squats for the legs. This will allow you to lift more weight when performing exercises, and still be fresh and have enough energy to better stimulate muscle growth.

    Give it your all. The key to building muscle is performing exercises at high intensity. Exercises performed at low intensity, even if performed over a long period of time, cannot come close to achieving the conditions under which muscles are broken down and then repaired. Plan 30-45 minute workouts 3-4 times a week (every other day). This may seem surprisingly doable, but remember that during each workout you should be working as hard as possible. Don't worry, you will definitely feel pain in your muscles and soon you will see the result and the pain will go away.

    • Each workout, lift as much weight as possible using proper form. Experiment to find out how much weight you need to lift by performing sets with different loads. You should be able to do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps without lowering the dumbbells or barbell. If you can't do it, then reduce the weight. Typically, sets of 6-12 reps will promote volumetric muscle growth, and lower reps will be endurance work at the expense of muscle volume.
    • If you can do more than 10 reps without feeling a burning sensation, add weight. You won't gain muscle unless you push yourself to the max.
  1. Do the exercises correctly. To develop precise technique, perform each repetition with correct form. Beginners, aim to keep your target reps within your strength limits. Find a rhythm for each exercise. Don't reinforce the wrong technique from the start.

    • You should complete each movement without feeling the need to bend over or change position. If you can't do it, then you need to use less weight.
    • In most cases, you start the exercise with your arms and legs extended.
    • Before performing the exercises on your own, practice with a trainer several times and learn the correct forms of various exercises.
  2. Alternate muscle groups. You don't want to train the same muscle groups every workout or you'll end up damaging your muscles. Alternate muscle groups so that you work on each group for an hour each workout. If you workout three times a week, try something like this:

    Avoid so-called plateau periods. If you do the same exercise for a long period of time, you will not notice progress. You need to add weight and when you reach a plateau with the new weight, switch to another exercise. Be aware of your progress and notice when your muscles seem to be stagnant for a while. This could be a sign that it's time for you to add more weight.

    Rest between workouts. For people with fast metabolisms, the rest period is almost as important as the workout itself. Your body needs time to build muscle tissue without burning tons of calories during other activities. Running and other aerobic exercise can slow muscle growth. Relax between workouts. Get a good night's sleep so you're refreshed for your next trip to the gym.

    Make a connection between your thoughts and your muscles. Research confirms that developing your mind-muscle connection helps improve your performance in the gym. Instead of thinking about your day or the blonde next to you, try to focus on building muscle to improve your performance. You can do it like this:

    • As you perform each repetition, visualize the muscle group you are pumping in front of you.
    • If you are performing sets with one arm, place your other hand on the muscle you want to improve. This will help you feel where exactly your muscle is tense and refocus your efforts.
    • Remember, it's not the weight you lift that matters, it's the effect that weight has on the muscle that results in increased size and strength. It has a lot to do with what you think about and what you focus on.

    Nutrition for gaining muscle mass

    1. Eat high-calorie natural foods. You should get your calories from whole and natural foods, which will provide the fuel your body needs to build muscle quickly. Foods rich in sugar, white flour, trans fats and additives are high in calories but lacking in nutrients - they promote fat growth rather than muscle growth. If you want your muscles to grow and look ripped, you need to eat foods from every food group.

      • Eat protein-rich foods such as steaks and roast beef, fried chicken (with skin and dark meat), trout, eggs and pork. Proteins are very important for muscle growth. Avoid bacon, sausages and other smoked meats, which contain additives that can be harmful if consumed in large quantities.
      • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits of all kinds. They supply your body with fiber and essential nutrients, as well as water.
      • Eat whole grains: oatmeal, wheat and buckwheat instead of white bread, cookies, muffins, pancakes, waffles, etc.
      • Eat legumes and nuts, such as black beans, kidney beans, lima beans, walnuts, peanuts and almonds.
    2. Eat more than you think you need. Do you eat when you're hungry and stop eating when you're full? This sounds quite normal, but not when your goal is to build muscle. In this case, you should eat much more than usual. Take a supplement to your regular portion, and even more if you can handle it. The idea is simple: to build muscle, your body needs fuel.

      • A good breakfast for muscle growth might include a bowl of oatmeal, 4 eggs, two or more pieces of grilled beef, an apple, an orange and a banana.
      • For lunch, you can eat a chicken sandwich with whole wheat bread, a few handfuls of nuts, 2 avocados, and coleslaw with tomatoes.
      • For dinner, cook a large steak or other protein, potatoes, vegetables, and feel free to add extra.
    3. Eat at least five times a day. Don't wait until your stomach craves food because when you are in the muscle-building phase, you need to constantly replenish your body's reserves. It won't last forever, so try to have fun! In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat two extra times a day.

    4. Take nutritional supplements, but don't rely on them entirely. Don't expect muscle building protein milkshakes to do all the work for you. To build muscle, you will need to get the lion's share of your calories from whole, high-calorie foods. As stated earlier, you can help speed up the process by taking certain nutritional supplements that will not harm your body.

      • Creatine is a protein supplement that helps build muscles. It is sold in powder form, mixed with water and drunk several times a day.
      • Protein milkshakes like Ensure are acceptable supplements to have on hand if you have trouble getting enough calories between meals.
    5. If you don't currently have dumbbells or a barbell and haven't done any strength training, start with push-ups or pull-ups. At first they will be quite effective.
    6. Do reverse push-ups: start at the top and slowly lower down. Get down as low as possible without your chest and stomach touching the floor. Then get back up and start again. This is a good option if you are not strong enough to do regular push-ups.
    7. Warnings

    • Exercising too intensely can be detrimental to your health. Monitor your health and limit your efforts to avoid injury.

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