However, parents should pay attention to other characteristics of this piece of furniture, which are very important for a growing child.

How should a child sit correctly at the table?

Correct seating at the table, and therefore correct posture of a growing child depends on several factors.

The table must meet the following requirements:

  • The height of the product is determined individually in four ways:
  • the tabletop should be located at the level of the solar plexus with proper seating,
  • in a sitting position, the elbow bend of the straight arm should be located 5 cm below the level of the tabletop,
  • when the hands are on the tabletop, the child’s shoulders should be in a natural position,
  • The distance from the legs to the tabletop in a sitting position is from 10 to 15 cm.

The table is considered ideal if all parameters match.

  • length work surface the table should not be less than 100 cm - this is necessary so that when writing
  • the elbows were not in a completely expanded position;
  • the width of the worktop is about 60 - 80 cm, this is exactly enough for comfortable
  • location of the office and textbooks with notebooks.

Lighting should not be blocked by built-in shelves and racks. Any desk for schoolchildren with a shelf must additionally have artificial lighting lamps.

In addition to the table, it is very important to choose the right chair. This accessory should maintain the natural curve of the back.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the anatomical backrest and height adjustment.

For children desk The material is also important. Don't go for cheap Chipboard material, as over time it becomes toxic and can harm the child.

It is better to choose models made of natural wood or MDF. A plastic option is also possible, but only with a certificate High Quality on the product.

The photo of a desk for a schoolchild shows that the product should also be functional. It should contain additional systems storage, stands, niches for equipment and shelves.

In addition, a desk for a schoolchild with drawers will save parents from buying additional furniture items for storing things.

Types of tables

Table rectangular shape- reminds me of a desk at school. Additionally, such a table can have add-ons or shelves under the tabletop.

You can safely place a PC monitor on it, and there will be enough space for writing.

Computer desk type – this model is only suitable for use when working with a computer.

If the table is equipped with additional shelves and a retractable surface for writing, then it can be used for study.

A corner desk for a schoolchild will save space and use the corner of the room. This is a very roomy copy on which you can place a monitor, textbooks and other small items.

Transforming table - has height adjustment, is usually made of solid wood, very practical and durable. Its height will slowly grow along with the student’s body.

The “loft-bed” model allows you to save space in the room. IN in this case The workplace is located below, and the sleeping area is above.

Retractable or folding table design - you can easily design it yourself.

To do this, a folding board is screwed to the wall and the rack, and a support in the form of a cabinet or legs is selected. Is good option for small spaces.

Writing desk for two children. At small area rooms, a pair of rectangular tables are placed along one wall (they can be replaced with a single tabletop).

To divide it into two parts, you should install a cabinet underneath it for storing things. If the tabletop is wide enough, then you can place two children opposite each other.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember about high-quality lighting.

If it is impossible to choose a desk with shelves for a schoolchild, then you can place all the books on hanging shelves.

It would be correct and good if a children's desk for a schoolchild is placed near the window. This will provide the child with high-quality natural light.

And to work in evening time It is necessary to provide the workplace with good lamps.

Photo of desks for schoolchildren

To date school program is such that even the youngest students have to sit at home at the table, doing homework for several hours at a time. We are not able to change the education system, but we can help our child, arrange his work area so that his studies at the table are convenient, comfortable and interesting.

Working area by the window in the nursery: photos of design options

Very often, parents are enthusiastically engaged in arranging a children's room, while resorting to the implementation of the most variety of options. These options are not always correct in relation to the baby’s health, for example, if the choice working area for a child it falls in some dark place.

The work area by the window in the nursery, photos and videos of which you will see below, very often seduces parents. They are guided by the fact that natural light is much safer for vision.

Not a single light bulb will provide such high-quality lighting as natural light. sunlight. At the same time, one must also take into account the fact that natural light is useful not only for vision, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. And the disadvantage daylight Children feel it especially acutely.

The main advantages of natural light:

  • Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • Ensures the production of vitamin D in the body;
  • Maintains visual acuity;
  • Activates the body's internal, natural clock;
  • Charges with positive energy.

The location of a child's desk near the window also has a number of disadvantages that will have to be overcome. For example, the presence of radiators near the window, possible drafts, and simply the bustle of street life outside the window will distract your child from doing homework.

A desk by the window in a nursery for two children

If not one, but two schoolchildren are growing up in your home, this task is somewhat more difficult. Firstly, the question is how to arrange two desks in one room so that they look harmonious. Secondly, if this is one table, then what size should it be so that the two children can do homework together without interfering with each other.

A desk by the window in a children's room can be placed even if there are two schoolchildren in the family. Following the rules, make it at least 1.2 meters long.

In order to set up a workplace for two children by the window, you will have to do necessary calculations and seek help from a furniture company that will help bring it to life the right idea. Do not forget that along with the table, the children will need storage space school supplies. Immediately think about the presence of drawers, shelves or bedside tables at the table.

Rules that are worth considering when creating a student work area near the window:

  1. IN sunny weather you will have to use curtains or blinds to regulate the light intensity;
  2. It is better to replace the usual window sill with a tabletop, which will become a continuation of the table and expand the work area;
  3. The battery should not interfere with moving the table to the windowsill; this nuance should be taken into account when making calculations;
  4. If the table is wide enough, it will be difficult to open the window to ventilate the room.

If your children are too active and temperamental, then it is still better to organize separate work areas for them. This will avoid conflicts and improve learning productivity.

When choosing a table, chair and other accessories, in addition to the quality of these products, you simply need to take into account the age, gender, character and preferences of your child. Don't overlook the influence either color range surrounding space on the child's psyche.

The children's desk is equipped taking into account the age of the student. A corner for preschoolers, as a rule, is a short-lived phenomenon. But the design of the school zone opposite requires a careful approach.

First of all, when choosing furniture, consider the gender of the teenager. The school area for a girl and a boy will be strikingly different from the very first school years. Over time, as the child grows rapidly, replacement may be necessary. school furniture, so choose it in primary school from the middle price category.

Tips for organizing a student’s work area:

  1. Green color awakens a child's interest in learning. Therefore, when designing a work area, focus on soft shades exactly this color.
  2. Experts advise placing a desk in the north-eastern area of ​​the room. This is where the sector of wisdom and knowledge is located.
  3. While doing homework, the child’s face should not be against the wall. This will be the personification of a dull obstacle. It is better to place the table along the window.
  4. You can move away from the template rectangular tables and purchase a desk with an original shape, design and color.
  5. Angular school desk by the window - the most good option. This will help save space and rationally place shelves and all the necessary accessories, including computer accessories, next to the table.

A design approach to the design of a school work area will help stimulate the desire to acquire new knowledge.

Convenient workplace for a schoolchild: photo of arranging a nursery

The task of parents is to competently and correctly arrange working space schoolboy. Worth your time Special attention quality and environmental friendliness of the selected furniture for the children's office. This will help keep your child healthy.

Workplace the schoolboy, whose photo you will see below, is designed taking into account some rules. This approach to planning a nursery will help not to disturb the child’s posture and preserve the child’s vision.

When purchasing furniture for a child, give preference natural materials. Be careful not to let out unpleasant odors. If, nevertheless, you decide to buy a table made of plastic, it would not be superfluous to ask the seller for a certificate for this product to make sure that it is safe for children.

When choosing a desk for a schoolchild, pay attention to the correspondence of the height of the desk to the child’s height:

  • Up to 130 cm height of a child, table top height is 52 cm;
  • From 130 to 145 cm, a tabletop with a height of 58 cm will be correct;
  • If the child’s height is between 145-165 cm, the height of the table top should be 64 cm;
  • A height of 165-175 cm implies a table top height of 70 cm.

When buying a table for a younger child school age, during a period of intensive growth, the ability to adjust the height of the tabletop will be a big plus. The chair can be selected separately, but its height should also be able to change. When the child is sitting, his legs should be free on the floor.

Setting up a work area for a schoolchild near the window (video)

When a child becomes a schoolchild, childhood does not end. When designing the student’s work area and observing strict rules do not overdo it. Give him the opportunity to choose the design himself, the wallpaper of the work area, the mischievous design of the chair and small pleasant trifles for general education work. All this will help the child painlessly get involved in routine school duties and make the learning process bright and exciting.

In order to make homework more convenient, we think in advance about organizing the student’s workplace.

You need to pay attention to several things at once - correct landing, good lighting and organizing the storage of textbooks, notebooks, school writing supplies. This is what I propose to talk about today.

Correct fit

To avoid problems with posture, furniture should be selected according to the child’s height. The corner of the table should rest against the solar plexus 5 cm above the elbows, the back is straight, the knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and the feet are on the floor. In this case, the child should sit deep in the chair. How to achieve this?

1. Buy a table and chair whose height is adjustable.

2. Buy a chair with adjustable height and locking wheels, buy a footrest.

3. Buy a chair with adjustable height and a tabletop with wall mounts. Change the height of the tabletop as the child grows.

You can also change the table and chair as your child grows. The back of the chair should be rigid. If your child can lean comfortably on the back of a chair while working, this will reduce the load on the spine. Therefore, it is better to choose furniture for a schoolchild together with him.


This is the second very important factor. Children's eyes get tired while studying, so the more daylight the better. Ideal option will place the table by the window or sideways to the window.

If the child is right-handed, the light should fall from the left, for a left-handed person - from the right.
This rule should also be followed when installing table lamp.

Storage organization

To make it easier to keep your desk tidy, you should take care in advance of where your textbooks, notebooks, pens, pencils, paper and rulers will be.

1. The closer the book shelf is to the table, the easier it is to put the book in its place.

2. Keeping order in a closed nightstand is more difficult than keeping order on a shelf. However, if it is not possible to place shelves next to your desk, a bedside table would be great. extra space for storage.

3. If the shelves are located on the table itself, it will be easier to put textbooks. Please note that most textbooks junior schoolchildren today tall and thin. A good alternative to shelves for such textbooks and notebooks are folder mounts and folder stands.

4. A lot of ideas for organizing your workspace can be found among office products. Stands and trays for papers (they are convenient to use both for paper - colored, plain, cardboard, and for notebooks), stands for pens and pencils.

5. If it is possible to place a rail on the wall, the table surface can be cleared of small items.

An alternative to a bedside table can be a mobile table.

A desk for a schoolchild is very important detail in learning, and it is necessary for both first-graders and 11th-grade students. Therefore, you should approach the choice of table very responsibly.

Important! The price range in the cost of tables sometimes reaches very large numbers. The cost is influenced by the material of manufacture, the shape of the table, the availability additional functions, manufacturer's brand, etc. So, when choosing a desk, we advise you not to save money, because the right thing can serve you for a very long time.

There are a lot of materials from which desks are made. It can be wood, chipboard, plastic, glass and many others. What to choose for yourself is up to you. However, it should be taken into account that, for example, a children's desk can be plastic, painted in bright colors, with various stickers and even a high chair to boot. But such a table is unlikely to suit a student in grades 8-10. Here it would be much more appropriate to look good wooden table or a chipboard table with plenty of shelves and niches.

Important! Optimal sizes desk: width at least 1 m, depth more than 60 cm, space above the tabletop at least 50 x 50 cm.

IN modern conditions There are a wide variety of desk shapes for children. There are classic ones, L-shaped ones, rectangular ones, corner round ones, semicircular ones. The choice of shape in most cases depends on the location of the table, its specific purpose and the style of the room in which it will be located. If space is limited, then you can safely choose a corner desk. It will take place in the corner, and the space in the center of the room will remain free. You can buy a desk without any shelves or cabinets if you already have one in your room where you can place everything you need. If you don’t have any, then it’s better to buy a table with a bedside table or shelves for books and other small items.

And don't forget about the desk. It should be well lit either by natural light (positioning the table near the window) or artificial light using a table lamp or lamp.

When choosing a desk, remember that the road to your children’s life begins with it. Therefore, let it be cute and of high quality.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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