Information sheet.

1. Topic of the presented work.

“Organization of research work for elementary school students. Project "Green World".

    Justification of the relevance of the problem.

Currently, environmental education in primary schools is becoming an increasingly priority area in pedagogical theory and practice. This is due to the difficult environmental situation on earth.

Pictures of nature are the strongest aesthetic means of influencing a child’s soul, and its importance cannot be overestimated.

Fostering an ecological culture is one of the main directions of the overall education strategy.

Creative teaching methods should play a leading role. In the arsenal of innovative pedagogical tools and methods, research creative activity occupies a special place. Having studied the materials on this topic, I came to the conclusion that the methodology is aimed more at high school students whose subject interests have already been formed. And the elementary school still remained a little on the sidelines, but it is in the elementary school that the foundation of the skills, knowledge and skills of active, creative, independent activity of students, methods of analysis, synthesis and evaluation of the results of their activities should be laid, and research work is one of the most important ways in solving this problem.

The specificity of research work in primary school lies in the systematic guiding, stimulating and corrective role of the teacher. The main thing for a teacher is to captivate and “infect” children, show them the significance of their activities and instill confidence in their abilities, as well as attract parents to participate in their child’s school affairs. This work becomes an interesting and exciting activity for many parents. Together with the children, they take photographs, carry out simple research to observe the growing of plants, weather phenomena, help select information for the theoretical substantiation of projects, and help the child prepare a defense of his work. The work turns out to be very interesting, because it is a common interest and joint work of the child and parents.

Research activities force and teach children to work with a book, newspaper, magazine, which is very important in our time, because from my own experience and based on the opinions of colleagues, I know that children, at best, only read textbooks. The child, feeling his importance, tries to help the teacher and gets involved in research work.

    Theoretical basis of experience.

Target: through the development of environmental literacy, teach children an environmentally appropriate way of life, promote the accumulation of environmental knowledge, their acquisition of skills and abilities to communicate with nature, and the expansion of individual ecological space.



    formation of knowledge about the unity of living and inanimate nature, the patterns of natural phenomena, the interaction of nature, society and humans;

    formation of research skills.


    development of environmental literacy of students;

    development of basic thinking processes (analysis, synthesis, comparison);

    development of creative imagination and cognitive abilities of children;

    developing the ability to establish cause-and-effect, probabilistic relationships, and analyze the consequences of environmental situations.


    formation of a high level of environmental culture among students;

    cultivate personal responsibility for one’s own actions and for what is happening around them;

    formation of a culture of behavior in nature;

    foster respect for the environment;

    instill a love for nature and a desire to take care of it;

    to cultivate the need to rationally treat the components of living and inanimate nature.

    Project implementation blocks:

    Informative: lessons, quizzes, competitions, etc. (perspective plan, work program).

    Practical: planting seeds, caring for plants (photo, presentation) Appendix 1. Appendix 2.

    Consulting: working with parents (topics of conversation).

    Analytical: analysis of the results obtained, correction of work (diagnostics, analytical reports).

    Technological diagram of the project.

    Informative (during a year):

Long-term plan for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Section name

Introduction to


1.Introductory lesson. Why do we often hear the word “Ecology”?

Conversation “Ecological situation in the city”

Game "Why"

2. A fun trip into nature

Excursion to the river bank Garbage removal.

3.Practical class. Creative workshop

Making crafts from natural materials.

4.Me and the world around

Conversation. Drawing competition “Me and Nature”

5. Our planet.

Conversation. Reading symbols on a map or globe. Presentation "Planet Earth"

6. Nature and art

Getting to know the work of artists and musicians

7. Man’s relationship to nature

A conversation about the rules of behavior in nature, the meaning of nature for humans. Campaign “Keep the city clean!”

8.Environmental safety.

Conversation about natural disasters. Drawing competition “Fire and Nature”

Silent neighbors

1. Observations of pets. Who lives in our house?

Conversation about pets. Drawing competition “Our little brothers.”

2 Dog breeds.

Getting to know different breeds of dogs. Collection of illustrations. Working with encyclopedic literature.

3. Cat breeds.

Getting to know different cat breeds. Educational and entertainment program “Visiting Aunt Cat.” Collection of illustrations. Working with encyclopedic literature.

4. What do pets eat?

Conversation “What Do Pets Eat?” Children's stories based on observations.

5. How to care for your pet?

Description story “My favorite”

Feathered friends

1. Walk to the park “We are friends of birds.”

Bird watching.

What are the trees whispering about?

2.Migratory birds.

Conversation “Why do birds fly away?” Ecological game “Find wintering birds”

3. Environmental campaign “Let's help the birds!”

Making feeders. Opening of the poultry canteen “Bread Crumbs”

4.Walk to the park.

"Operation Feed"

5.A literary word about birds

Learning poems and riddles about birds.

6. Holiday “Birds are our friends”

The holiday is held as part of the week of natural history.

1. Floors of the forest.

Conversation. Getting to know different types of plants.

2. Excursion “Let’s go along the path into the forest”

Tree watching

2. Seasonal changes in plants.

A conversation based on observations about autumn, winter, spring changes in nature. Quiz “Plant Experts” Solving crosswords, puzzles.

3.We are artists.

Drawing a tree in different seasons

4. Mysteries of the forest

Quiz about the forest.

Mysteries of the animal world

1. Excursion to the museum

Observations "Appearance of animals"

2. Excursion to the exhibition of exotic animals

Observations of the behavior of animals living in warm countries.

3. Curious facts about wildlife

Interesting information about the life of ants.

4.Nature is our common home

Conversation. Didactic game “The city in which I would like to live”

Secrets of inanimate nature


Conversation, riddles, proverbs, sayings about the seasons. Working with literature. Search for proverbs, riddles about the seasons. Design of a baby book “Each month has its own rules. Signs"

2. A cycle of observations of water, snow, ice. How to deal with ice.

Conversation. Conducting experiments with ice, snow, water. Environmental campaign "Ice"

Greenhouse on the window

1. Excursion to the school biology and botany classroom

Introduction to types of indoor plants. Plant care.

2. Lovers of light and shadow, moisture and warmth.

Conversation. Solving a crossword puzzle about house flowers. Practical work.

3. Vegetable garden on the window

Conversation. Introduction to healing plants. Practical work.

4. Research work “The influence of light, heat and water on the growth and development of vegetables”

Consultation. Selection of literature. Planting onions, dill, lettuce in the classroom. Caring for them.

Man is part of living nature

1. Different people are needed, all kinds of people are important.

Getting to know people's professions.

2. Growing onions at home.

3. Research work “The influence of storage conditions on the growth and development of onions”

Familiarity with the conditions of the study. Rules for formatting your research.

4. Man! Be nature's friend!

Brain ring. Learning poems, riddles, songs about nature. Exhibition of mini-posters about nature conservation.

5. Bad habits.

Selection of material and design of newspapers as part of the week of natural history.”

Protection of Nature.

1. Issue of thematic newspapers “Medicinal Plants”, “Migratory Birds”, “Butterflies”

Conversation, acquaintance with the Red Book. Plants and animals of our region listed in the Red Book. Excursion to the local history museum.

2. The Red Book is an important book. Protected animals and plants of our region.

Exhibition of drawings, posters, crafts.

Leisure activities

1. Campaign “World Bird Watching Days”

Quiz with environmental tasks.

2. Dedication to environmentalism.

Quiz with environmental tasks

3. “Winter Walk”

Game-travel through the stations “Visiting Fidgety”, “Eternal Forest”, “Snow ABC”, “Working in Winter”

4. Game “Think, answer”

Entertaining questions, riddles with collective and individual answers, composing your own riddle.

5. “Be healthy!”

Game-travel around the city of Zdoroveysk.

KVN “Bird Experts!” Exhibition of crafts made from plasticine and waste materials.

8. Festival of Friends of Nature

Poems, songs, riddles about nature. Exhibition of essays, drawings, and crafts made from natural materials.

9. Environmental project “I was born a gardener”

Planting flower seedlings in the school yard.

    Consulting ( 1 time per quarter):

    introducing parents to the project.

    diagnostic results, work prospects;

    first results, first successes;

    summing up the project, practical lesson “I was born a gardener.”

    Analytical (as the project progresses):



Tracking method

Create conditions for the development of the need to communicate with nature

Ability to observe the growth of plants, trees, shrubs, and care for indoor plants;

Ability to care for domestic animals;

Ideas about periods of environmental deterioration in real life.


Work assignments


Formation of a caring attitude towards the riches of nature

Knowledge of careful care of plants, trees, shrubs;

Practical lessons


Development of skills for environmentally correct behavior in nature

Knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature;


Development of reminders

Development of cognitive interests and creative abilities of pupils, their curiosity and inquisitiveness, introduction to reading additional literature

Manifestation of cognitive activity, curiosity, inquisitiveness;

Ideas about the surrounding nature;

The ability to evaluate the result of a person’s creative activity;

Ability to conduct research and conduct experiments Participation in research work

Practical lessons

Individual orders

Free activities for children

Formed need to care for indoor plants and pets, to help plants and animals in trouble.

Responsible attitude towards plants and pets

Ability to care for nature and its preservation;

The ability to create the conditions necessary for

plant life (light, heat, moisture)

Responsibility for your actions

Practical lessons

Y. Productivity. Diagnostic results confirming the effectiveness of the innovation.

    Attitude to business.

    Strong-willed quality

    Attitude towards yourself

Yiii.Project implementation stages.

Stage name

Stage tasks



    Planning activities and defining goals and objectives;

    Study of environmental and pedagogical literature;

    Drawing up a plan - a program of experimental work;

    Planning the stages of activities to create environmental work in the classroom;

    Preparation and carrying out primary diagnostics of the level of development of the studied parameters.

Aug. Sept

2. Main

    Ecological and pedagogical consultation with specialists;

    Determining the optimal arrangement of plants in the room, collecting the necessary material for organizing a “Vegetable Garden on the Window” (pots, soil, tools, etc.);

    Ecological and pedagogical work with parents of students;

    Transplanting parsley from beds;

    Making crafts from vegetables;

    Fair of vegetables grown in the garden;

    Making garlic amulets to prevent colds;

    Planting a bow on a feather;

    Sowing dill;

    Sowing lettuce.


    "Green Pharmacy" on the window;

    Planting hyacinth bulbs for a gift for mom;

    City literary competition “Hallowed be thy name”

    Replanting indoor plants (separate the “babies”, divide the overgrown rhizomes into parts);

    Sowing flower seeds: marigolds, asters, marigolds for growing seedlings;

    Conducting lessons, extracurricular activities, competitions on the topic of the project;

    baby books on the topic “Who are cats?”

    newspaper “If you want to be healthy”, “Health Diary”

    research on the topics “Where does garbage come from and where does it go”, “What does correct posture depend on”, “Vitamins”, “Heroes of my people”

    Carrying out a second diagnosis in order to obtain intermediate results and adjust further activities.


    Campaign “I was born a gardener”

    Planting seedlings in the ground;

    Conducting final diagnostics;

    Comparative analysis of the results obtained, summing up the project.

May June

    Planned results.

Pupils should know:

    Fundamentals of ecological culture.

    Some features of the nature of your region.

    The main signs of the seasons.

    The meaning of nature for humans.

    Groups of plants and animals.

    Some protected plants and animals of their region, country.

    Rules of behavior in nature.

    Features of the work of people in the most common professions .

Pupils must be able to:

    Distinguish between natural objects and non-natural objects.

    Follow the rules of personal hygiene.

    Distinguish between studied plants and animals.

    Conduct observations in nature under the guidance of the circle leader.

    Feed birds in simple feeders.

    Take care of indoor plants and pets.

    Conduct search and research activities under the guidance of the circle leader.


    Use of ICT(information and communication technologies) during the implementation of the project.

Name of ICT


Searching for material for conducting classes; acquaintance with methodological innovations; obtaining information about ongoing events; exchange of articles and other information.


Internet use; preparation of documentation, visual information in the group, printing of articles and speeches; preparation of presentations.

XIY. Informational resources:

For the teacher:

    Britvina L. Yu. Method of creative projects in technology lessons // Primary school. No. 6. – 2005.-P.44.

    M.V. Dubova Organization of project activities for junior schoolchildren. A practical guide for primary school teachers. - M. BALLAS, 2008

    Magazine "Primary School Head Teacher" 2005-2010

    Mikhailova G.N. Method of project-based learning in labor lessons. // Primary school. No. 4.- 2005.-C 68.

    Novolodskaya E. G., Yakovleva S. N. Implementation of creative projects in the study of natural history // Primary school of student learning motivation // Primary school. No. 9.- 2008 – P.34.. No. 1. -2008.-S. 94.

    Savenkov A.I. Methods of research teaching for junior schoolchildren. Publishing house "Educational Literature", house "Fedorov", 2008.

    Savenkov A.I. I am a researcher. Workbook for primary schoolchildren. Publishing house "Fedorov". 2008

    Tsyvareva M.A. Project method in extracurricular work in mathematics // Elementary school. No. 7. - 2004. – P. 45.

    Shlikene T. N. Project method as one of the conditions for increasing

For pupils:

    Bruce Jim, Angela Wilks, Claire Llewelyn “100 questions and answers” ​​Animals.-M.: JSC “Rosman”, 2006.

    Great encyclopedia of the animal world. M.: ZAO “ROSMAN-PRESS”, 2007.

    Everything about everything. Insects and spiders. – M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2001.

    I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: Plants./Compiled by L.A. Bagrova-M.: Tko “AST”, 2005.

    I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: Animals. / Compiled by P.R. Lyakhov - M.: Tko “AST”, 2009

    Relevance of the topic: Planet Earth is our common home, every person living in it must treat it with care and respect, preserving all its values ​​and wealth.
    Description of material: I bring to your attention a final lesson that completes the cycle of environmental conversations. In this lesson, children were given a choice: testing or an environmental project. It was proposed to work on an environmental project in groups, and the project topics were chosen by the children independently from the proposed options. Tests can be taken both on paper and online. The material was developed for students in grades 5-7, and can also be useful for teachers, parents and educators.
    Recommendations: The conversation is accompanied by a presentation (multimedia support), which allows you to more fully understand the degree of danger from the pollution of our Home-Earth and the pollution of water bodies. Environmental projects are defended in class and assessed by the children according to the proposed assessment table.
    Target: To consolidate and test children's knowledge about the types of environmental problems and ways to solve them.
    To arouse the desire of schoolchildren to protect nature, to give instructions to carry out some activities to protect nature.
    - develop and protect an environmental project
    - answer test questions. Description: children are asked to answer 4 tests on paper or online.

    Test No. 1. Topic: “Ecology. The first global problem"

    1.Ecology is:
    A) The science of human influence on the environment;
    B) Science that studies the structure, functions and development of living organisms in an ecosystem;
    C) The science of the influence of the environment on humans;
    D) Science of rational use of natural resources;
    D) The science that studies living organisms in nature.
    Give one correct answer.
    2.The word “ecology” comes from:
    A) Greek words b) German words
    C) English words d) Portuguese words
    Write down your answer options ov.
    3. What does the word “ecology” mean?
    4. What is the difference between modern packaging and what was used 10-15 years ago?
    5. Name the causes of garbage.
    6. What does the word “inert” mean?
    7. What is the amount of garbage per inhabitant of the planet per year.(average)
    8. How is garbage classified according to the degree of danger to the environment? Which class is the most dangerous?
    9. Name the main conventional categories into which garbage is divided.
    10. What are the ways of waste disposal?
    11. What are the pros and cons of one disposal method?(any of your choice).
    12. Which way is the most rational? Why?
    13. What is special waste? How are they destroyed?
    14. What are the periods of natural decomposition of garbage?
    15. Recycling options.

    Test No. 2. Topic: “Ecology. The second global problem"

    Give several correct answers.
    1.What about the main environmental problems:
    A) Atmospheric pollution;
    B) Pollution of the World Ocean;
    B) Soil pollution;
    D) Extermination of flora and fauna;
    D) Melting of ice.
    E) Creation of the “red book”
    Give one correct answer.
    2.River pollution leads to:
    A) Death of eggs
    B) Death of frogs, crayfish
    B) Death of algae
    D) Death of all living things
    Write down your answer.
    3. What classes of water quality are river pollution divided into?
    4. Water pollution is caused by (what)?
    5. Where do pesticides in water come from?
    6. Give an example of “heavy metals”
    7. Where are the 10 dirtiest rivers?
    8. What does thermal water pollution lead to?
    9. Causes of electromagnetic water pollution.
    10.What do you know about radioactive radiation?
    11. Write what we can do to conserve the Earth’s water resources.
    12. Give an example of the consequences of water pollution with oil and petroleum products.

    Test No. 3. Topic: “Ecology. The third global problem"

    Give several correct answers.
    1.Air pollution is:
    a. this is the introduction into the atmospheric air of substances foreign to its composition
    b. change in the ratio of gases in the air
    c.physical, chemical, biological substances
    g.dirty air
    2. Diseases caused by high levels of harmful substances in the air we breathe:
    b.nausea irritation
    e. joint sprain
    Give your answer.
    3.What types of air pollution do you know?
    4.Name the sources of natural air pollution.

    Give one correct answer.
    5.Causes of dust storms:
    A. drought
    b. deforestation
    river flood
    d. gravity of the moon
    Give your answer.
    6. Name artificial sources of air pollution.
    Give one correct answer.
    7. What gas is released into the atmosphere during fuel combustion?
    a. carbon monoxide (CO2)
    b.oxygen (O2)
    v.nitrogen (N2)
    g.nitric acid (HNO3)
    Give your answer.
    8. What is Smog. What is its harm for the residents of the metropolis?
    9. What causes the depletion of the ozone layer?
    10. What does radioactive contamination lead to?
    11. Why is the greenhouse effect dangerous?
    Give one correct answer.
    12. How many days can a person live without water?

    13.Ways to preserve the atmosphere.(At least 5)

    Test No. 4. Topic: “Ecology. Result"

    Final test.
    Give one correct answer.
    1. Environmental pollution means:
    a.introducing into the environment new, uncharacteristic physical, chemical and biological components
    b. introducing into the environment new, uncharacteristic physical, chemical and biological components, as well as exceeding the natural level of these components
    c.exceeding the natural level of natural and anthropogenic components of the environment
    d.increasing anthropogenic influence on natural ecosystems
    2. Air pollution in Russia is primarily caused by:
    a.chemical industry
    b.thermal power engineering
    oil production and petrochemistry
    3. The most dangerous soil pollution is caused by:
    a.household waste
    b.agricultural waste
    c. heavy metals
    4. The greatest pollution of land waters is caused by:
    a.washing fertilizers and pesticides from fields
    b.domestic and industrial wastewater
    c.pollution from solid household waste
    5. The greatest pollution of the waters of the World Ocean is caused by:
    b.acid rain
    c.agricultural waste
    oil and petroleum products
    6. Pollution found around industrial plants is called:
    g.sanitary protective
    7. Chemical pollution does not include:
    a.heavy metal pollution
    b. entry of pesticides into water bodies
    c. soil pollution with solid household waste
    d.increase in the concentration of freons in the atmosphere
    8. Environmental pollution from solid household waste can be attributed to:
    a. physical pollution
    b.biological pollution
    c.mechanical pollution
    d.physical and chemical pollution
    9. Deforestation leads to:
    A. increasing bird species diversity;
    b. increasing the species diversity of mammals;
    V. reduced evaporation;
    d. violation of the oxygen regime
    10.Lack of drinking water is caused primarily by:
    A. greenhouse effect;
    b. decrease in groundwater volume;
    V. pollution of water bodies;
    d. soil salinization.
    11.The greenhouse effect occurs as a result of accumulation in the atmosphere:
    A. carbon monoxide;
    b. carbon dioxide;
    V. nitrogen dioxide;
    g. sulfur oxides.
    12. Living organisms are protected from harsh ultraviolet radiation by:
    A. water vapor;
    b. clouds;
    V. ozone layer;
    g. nitrogen.
    13.The most common diseases that arise as a result of environmental deterioration are:
    A. diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
    b. infectious diseases;
    V. cardiovascular and oncological diseases;
    g. diseases of the digestive tract.
    14.What is the source of the emergence of new alleles called when the genetic structure of a population changes?
    A. mutation;
    b. migration;
    V. genetic drift;
    d. non-random crossing.
    15. How many minutes can a person live without air?
    A. thirty
    V. 5
    b. 1
    16. Main product of consumption?
    A. water
    b. food
    g. air
    V. bread

    Ecological project.

    You can start a conversation by showing a video. It is possible to launch the video to the song of the group Earthlings "Forgive the Earth!"

    The epigraph for the lesson can be taken from the words
    "Live in this green world
    good in winter and summer.
    Life flies like a moth
    a motley animal runs around
    Whirl like a bird in the clouds,
    runs quickly like a marten.
    Life is everywhere, life is all around.
    Man is nature's friend!"

    In the modern world, environmental problems come to the fore. We have only managed to examine a small fraction of environmental problems. At the end of our environmental conversations, I would like to invite you to develop an environmental product (let's call it a project), in which you will talk about one of the environmental problems and its solution.
    First, let's remember the problems with which we are already familiar.
    Children call.
    As an environmental product, you can publish a wall newspaper, draw a comic book, come up with an environmental fairy tale, a crossword puzzle, a calendar... The choice is yours, what your group finds interesting, that project is carried out by your group.
    Work on the project is underway according to plan:
    1. Identify the problem.
    2. Identify the cause.
    3. Put forward a solution to this problem.
    The plan can be supplemented with your own proposals.
    Projects will be assessed by a jury selected by you from among the class students based on the following: criteria:
    2.Compliance with the task
    3.Product protection
    4.Answers to the questions asked
    5.Work of all group members
    I wish you creative success.

    Options for project assignments:

    Project assignment 1
    Study the material about waste paper. Complete the task: create a poster for residents of Vakhtan about the dangers of burning paper and encouraging them to collect waste paper for recycling
    Waste paper
    Material: paper, sometimes impregnated with wax and coated with various colors.
    Damage to nature: The paper itself does not cause damage. Cellulose, which is part of paper, is a natural material. However, the ink that coats the paper can release toxic substances.
    Harm to humans: paint may release toxic substances when decomposed.
    Decomposition Routes: Used as food by some microorganisms.
    The final product of decomposition: humus, bodies of various organisms, carbon dioxide and water.
    Decomposition time: 2-3 years.

    Products formed during neutralization: carbon dioxide, water, ash.
    It is strictly forbidden to burn paper in the presence of food, as dioxins may be formed.

    Project assignment 2
    Read up on food waste. Complete the task: create a memo for residents of the village of Frequently about methods of neutralizing food waste.
    Food waste
    Damage to nature: practically no damage. Used to feed various organisms.
    Harm to humans: rotting food waste is a breeding ground for microbes. When rotting, they release foul-smelling and poisonous substances in high concentrations.
    Decomposition routes: used as food by various microorganisms.
    The final product of decomposition: the bodies of organisms, carbon dioxide and water.
    Decomposition time: 1-2 weeks.
    Recycling method (on any scale): composting.
    The least dangerous method of disposal (on a small scale): composting.
    Products forming during neutralization: humus.
    It is strictly forbidden to throw it into fire, as dioxins may be formed.

    Project assignment 3
    Study material about fabrics. Complete the task: design a poster for residents of the village. Frequent, calling to find new uses for unnecessary things.
    Fabric products
    Fabrics can be synthetic (they melt when heated) and natural (they become charred when heated). Everything written below applies to natural fabrics.
    Damage to nature: do not cause. Cellulose, which is part of paper, is a natural material.
    Decomposition Routes: Used as food by some organisms.
    The final product of decomposition: humus, bodies of organisms, carbon dioxide, water.
    Decomposition time: 2-3 years.
    Recycling method (on a large scale): recycling into wrapping paper.
    Recycling method (small scale): composting.
    The least dangerous method of neutralization (on a small scale): burning under conditions that ensure complete combustion.
    Products formed during neutralization: carbon dioxide, water, ash

    Project assignment 4
    Learn about plastics. Complete the task: create a memo for residents of the village of Frequently about the dangers of burning plastic products.
    Plastic products of unknown composition
    Damage to nature: interfere with gas exchange in soils and water bodies. Can be swallowed by animals, resulting in death. They can release substances that are toxic to many organisms.
    Damage to humans: may release toxic substances during decomposition.

    Decomposition time: depends on the plastic, usually about 100 years, maybe more.
    Recycling methods: depends on the plastic (usually remelting). For many plastics, there are no recycling options (due to the difficulty of identifying specific plastics).

    Products formed during neutralization: carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen, ammonia, hydrogen chloride, sulfuric acid, toxic organochlorine compounds.
    It is strictly forbidden to burn these materials, as this can produce huge amounts of dioxins.

    Project assignment 5
    Learn about packaging materials. Complete the task: design a poster for residents of the village. Frequent warnings not to throw away packaging material.
    Food packaging
    Material: paper and various types of plastics, including chlorine-containing ones. Sometimes - aluminum foil.
    Damage to nature: can be swallowed by large animals, which causes the death of the latter.
    Decomposition paths: slowly oxidized by atmospheric oxygen. It degrades very slowly when exposed to sunlight. Sometimes used as food by some microorganisms.
    Decomposition time: depends on the product. Usually – tens of years, maybe more.
    Method of recycling (on a large scale): generally non-existent (due to difficulties in separating components)
    The least dangerous method of neutralization (on any scale): burial.
    Products formed during disposal: depend on the plastic. Usually carbon dioxide, water, hydrogen chloride, toxic organochlorine substances.
    It is strictly forbidden to burn these materials, as this may produce dioxins.

    Project assignment 6
    Study the material about tin cans. Complete the task: create a memo for residents of the village of Chastye about the correct disposal of cans.
    Material: galvanized or tin plated iron.
    Damage to nature: compounds of zinc, tin and iron are poisonous to many organisms. The sharp edges of the cans injure animals.
    Harm to humans: they release toxic substances during decomposition.
    Decomposition routes: very slowly oxidized by oxygen. They degrade very slowly when exposed to sunlight.
    Final decomposition products: carbon dioxide, water and hydrogen chloride.
    Decomposition time: on land and in fresh water - several hundred years, in salt water - several decades.
    Methods for recycling (in large quantities): none (due to technological difficulties).
    The least dangerous method of neutralization (on any scale): disposal to a landfill.
    Products formed during neutralization: carbon dioxide, water, hydrogen chloride, toxic organochlorine compounds.
    It is strictly forbidden to burn these materials, as this produces huge amounts of dioxins.
    Children's projects.

    Municipal educational institution

    "Average secondary school No. 6"

    Ecological project

    We are for a clean city

    10th grade student

    Sheludyakova Anastasia

    Scientific adviser:

    teacher of biology and ecology

    Karyachkina T.A.

    g.o. Saransk

    I. Introduction………………………………………………………

    1. Relevance of the chosen topic
    2. Goals and objectives of the study
    3. Subject of research. Problematic question
    4. Hypothesis
    5. Research methods
    6. Stages of work on the project

    II. Main part. Theoretical aspect……………

      Waste classification.

      Waste management: collection, removal, use, disposal.

      Danger of waste.

    4. What does waste recycling provide for nature and people?

    III. Main part. Practical aspect………………

      Object of study.

      Research methodology: survey.

      Survey questions.

      Analysis of responses. Conclusions.

      What is the benefit of separate waste?

      Introduction of a waste separation system.

      Why is this needed in our village?

      Development of a project plan:

    a) Collection of data on waste recycling. Conclusion.
    b) Drawing up a plan.

    IV. Conclusion…………………………………………………….

    V. References……………………………………………………………


      Relevance of the chosen topic.

    Relevance of the topic It is indisputable: each of us throws out a huge amount of garbage. Thus, the average city dweller produces about 300 kg or 1.5 m 3 of waste per year. This is comparable in weight to an average moose, and in volume to three large refrigerators. Imagine how much waste is generated in an apartment building. How many houses are there in our city? According to official data, Russia throws out 40 million tons of household waste per year (i.e. waste from the residential sector). In total, more than 4.5 billion tons of waste go to landfills annually. Remember that the city's waste is made up of the waste of each resident. This does not include construction or industrial waste. Moreover, we throw away garbage both in an organized manner (in garbage cans, trash cans, etc.) and unorganized. Toxic substances that end up in landfills (in used batteries, accumulators, as well as in rotting and decomposing food products) penetrate into groundwater, which is often used as a source of drinking water, are dispersed by winds throughout the surrounding area and thereby cause damage to the environment. Some products rotting materials can spontaneously ignite, which is why fires regularly occur in landfills, releasing soot, phenol, and other toxic substances into the atmosphere.

    Of all the global environmental problems with which humanity entered the 21st century: population explosion, ozone layer, acid precipitation, growth of household waste, depletion of fossil natural resources, shortage of clean fresh water, etc., the problem of growth of household waste is considered urgent today.

    World experience in the disposal of solid household and industrial waste in landfills: Russia up to 90%, USA - 73%, Germany - 70%, Japan - 30%. The increasing accumulation of solid waste leads to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and groundwater pollution, which is one of the most pressing environmental problems.

    Goals and objectives.

    Target: prove the need for separate waste collection in the village.


      Compose a questionnaire and conduct a social survey among students of school No. 6

      Analyze the results of the survey.

      Study the “Separate Waste” program.

      Subject of study. Problematic question.

    Subject of study: garbage collection in the village of Pushkarskie settlements

    Problematic question: Will separate waste collection affect the environmental situation in the city?


    At the beginning of the research, I conducted a survey, as a result of which a hypothesis was formed: if we organize the collection of separate waste in the village, this will have a beneficial effect on the environmental situation of the city of Saransk.

      Research methods.

    1. Search method:

    Using Internet resources
    - Finding information about pollution and the implementation of the “Separation of Waste” project

    2. Monitoring method:
    - Questionnaire
    - Analysis of morbidity statistics

    6. Stages of work on the project.

    1. Definition of the area of ​​study.
    2. Gathering the necessary information.
    3. Conducting surveys and testing.
    4. Determining the structure of the research work.
    5. Summing up.
    6. Design of work.

    II . Main part. Theoretical aspect

      Waste classification.

    Garbage separation(separation waste collection, waste sorting, waste separation) and selective waste collection - actions to sort and collect waste depending on its origin. The separation of waste is done in order to avoid mixing of different types of waste and pollution of the environment. This process allows you to give waste a “second life”, in most cases through its reuse and recycling. Separating waste helps prevent it from decomposing, rotting and burning in landfills. Consequently, the harmful impact on the environment is reduced (Wikipedia).

    Today, garbage is becoming more dangerous and toxic; no microorganisms are able to decompose it. Today, there is an active search for microorganisms that are capable of decomposing plastic; it occupies a huge amount of space and simply does not decompose in nature.

    Classification of waste according to the degree of danger is carried out for various materials:

      Water pollutants

      Air pollutants

      Chemical substances

    All mining can be classified into the following classes:

      Extremely hazardous waste materials

      Highly hazardous materials

      Moderately hazardous waste materials

      Low-hazard waste materials

      Practically harmless substances

      Waste management: collection, removal, use, disposal.

      In any case, civilized countries have long come to the conclusion that garbage must be properly disposed of and recycled. In Russia, despite the vast expanses, garbage is also becoming a serious problem. The Russian Duma is discussing a bill according to which separate waste collection will be introduced, and the waste will have an owner - the one who should be responsible for it at every stage, from collection to processing. Indeed, many attractive suburban areas are currently occupied by landfills. Therefore, the authorities of large Russian cities are already puzzled by this problem, starting to accustom residents to sorting household waste. This is how a proposal is being considered to organize special sorting rooms on each floor in new buildings, where each resident could separate their garbage. At the same time, the construction of waste processing plants is underway, where it is planned to receive and recycle recyclable materials for industrial production: waste paper, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and much more. But, unfortunately, in society there is both a lack of environmental education among people and a shortage of separate waste collection bins on city streets.

      The strategy of the future should be considered, first of all, to educate the younger generation with respect for the natural environment, expand knowledge, skills and the vital need for managing technological processes, and search for new design solutions for the separate collection of waste and their processing, which will ensure the interests of current and future generations and preserve the nature of planet Earth. After all

      processing allows you to: 1) save valuable natural resources necessary for the production of any product; 2) save water and energy when producing goods from recycled materials; 3) reduce waste generated from resource extraction and goods production; 4) reduce the number of landfills and much more. But widespread recycling of waste is only possible as a result of its separation at the place of its generation, i.e. at home, at work, on the street, in an enterprise. This is called separate waste collection (SW).

      Waste use

      In the twentieth century, the amount of industrial and consumer waste grew so quickly that waste generation became an important problem in large cities and large industries. Along with the large amount of waste, the issue of lack of natural resources began to arise. Selective collection and beyond use of secondary resources partially helps reduce the burden on the environment and solve the issue of additional raw materials.

      Waste disposal

      Some waste requires neutralization before disposal in landfills, landfills or dumps.

      One of the most voluminous industrial wastes is carbon-containing waste. Modern scientific developments make it possible to neutralize most industrial waste, reduce its volume and ensure maximum safety. Today, hazardous waste can be neutralized using thermal, physico-chemical, chemical and other methods. Thus, with the help of redox reactions and substitution reactions, various toxic and dangerous compounds are converted into an insoluble form.

      Danger of waste.

      The danger of waste is determined by its physical and chemical properties, as well as the conditions of its storage or placement in the environment.

      For waste, it is necessary to draw up a waste passport, determine the hazard class and limits for the disposal of waste in the environment, limits for accumulation at the enterprise and other documents.

      The term “Hazardous Waste” is used in the following cases:

      Waste poses a danger to human health and/or to the normal state of the natural environment.

      Hazard class of harmful substances- a conditional value intended for a simplified classification of potentially hazardous substances. The hazard class is established in accordance with regulatory industry documents. For different objects - for chemicals, for waste, for air pollutants, etc. - different standards and indicators have been established.

      What does waste recycling provide for nature and people?

      When manufacturing products from recycled materials, the consumption of non-renewable resources, such as metals, oil, natural gas, wood, etc., is reduced.

      This helps protect natural areas and the diversity of life on Earth.

      Typically, manufacturing products from recycled materials requires much less energy than manufacturing from virgin materials. As a result of reducing the amount of energy expended, air and water pollution is reduced.

      Other types of pollution are also reduced, for example, from water runoff during mining, soil erosion and the ingress of chemical elements during the extraction of raw materials.

      Thanks to recycling, the amount of waste going to landfills is significantly reduced. This will extend the service life of landfills and reduce the area they occupy; for example, recycling one ton of PET bottles saves about 4 m 3 of the landfill area.

    1. III. Main part. Practical aspect research.

      At the beginning of the research, I conducted a survey among the younger generation, which will subsequently make up the main population of our village, since an important point in the plan is public opinion and readiness for selective waste collection. It was the survey that became the basis for my project.

      Students from MAOU Secondary School No. 3 (age 14-17 years) were selected to conduct the survey.

      Research methodology.

      a) Questionnaire

      To study the readiness of a teenager, students were offered a questionnaire, answering which students had to talk about their attitude towards separate waste collection.

      Survey questions.
      1. Do you often buy products in plastic packaging?
      2. Would you agree to hand over paper to a waste paper collection point?
      3. Do you have a positive attitude towards separate waste?
      4. Is it possible to implement “separate waste” in the village?
      5. In your opinion, would it be worth resuming the collection of glass bottles?
      6. Do you keep the streets, parks, forests, etc. clean?
      7. Would you agree to voluntarily clean your home?
      8. Are you ready to sort your family's household waste?
      9. What would motivate you to sort garbage?

      Survey results. Analysis of responses.

      General conclusion: It is obvious that 100% separate collection, that is, participation of the entire population in it, is impossible. Thus, in practice, an intermediate option can be implemented, providing for the processing of both separately collected and mixed waste. At the same time, the higher the proportion of citizens involved in sorting waste at the places of its generation, the lower the costs of waste processing will be.

      What is the benefit of separate waste collection?

      Firstly, it is caring for the environment. Pollution has a negative impact on human health, especially in the modern world. In Russia, waste is disposed of by burning, and all harmful emissions enter the atmosphere. But besides this, garbage takes a long time to decompose (especially plastic). If a person leaves it in forest areas, it will deteriorate the fertility of the soil. That is why it is important not only to collect separate garbage, but also to teach order in nature.

      Secondly, recycling. The more production uses recycled materials, the more natural resources we will save; the amount of emissions into the atmosphere from burning waste will be reduced; The ecological condition of populated areas will improve.

      Saransk, together with the settlements subordinate to its administration, has a health index of 35%, occupying the last 23rd place among the administrative regions of the Republic of Mordovia. In total, of the 19 parameters studied, 63% of the indicators in the territory of Saransk are the worst or exceed the average value for the republic.

      In the municipality of Saransk, where 346.4 thousand residents currently live, or 37% of the republic’s population, a difficult environmental situation has developed. The city's territory is located in an area of ​​intense aerosol, water, noise and thermal pollution.

      Thirdly, the reduction of diseases. Our health directly depends on the state of the environment. Selective waste collection and recycling is the key to a healthy generation.

      Fourth, cost reduction. When delivering waste, a lot of money is spent on its transportation and incineration. Separate waste collection will reduce costs, because Many recycling industries collect waste from waste containers themselves.

      Conclusion: selective waste collection has a beneficial effect on the environment and human health, and reduces costs, which is important for society.

      Introduction of a separate waste collection system.

      How will such a system work? The sociological study was preceded by an environmental campaign, which was carried out at the school from 2014–2016. The entire teaching staff and students of the school took part in it. During these years we have carried out research on the problem of waste and its recycling. As part of the environmental campaign, the following were carried out:

    1. Public hearings;

      Brochures, calendars, leaflets were distributed;

      Exhibitions of works were organized;

      Conclusion: This method of collecting garbage is profitable and convenient. But it is important to interest people who will support the new order.

      Why is this needed in our village?

      It would seem that the village is located next to the Botanical Garden, a forest belt, and a small industrial production. Why do we need separate garbage?

      Pushkar settlements are a growing settlement. Firstly, the village is located next to the airport. Many residents of the village visit the city quite often and, when returning, would like to breathe fresh air. Secondly, the population is growing, and with it, the amount of waste is growing. With a population of 1,300 people, the village produces approximately 1,950 kilograms daily. It is unimaginable to even imagine how much garbage is generated per year by our population (711,750 kg). Thirdly, parents want their children to grow up healthy. Fourthly, in addition to the fact that there are emissions from burning garbage, the number of cars is also increasing. Fifthly, the village is located near the highway, with bypass roads on both sides, from which exhaust gases also come.

      Conclusion: There is a need for selective waste collection. Having studied the “advantages” of the program, we see that it will help improve the environmental situation of the village, as the situation in the city will improve.

      “A million for separate collection.”

      I discovered this project while exploring the Greenpeace website. Its goal is to collect a million signatures on an appeal to city mayors and regional governors with a demand to make it mandatory to install bins for separate waste collection in every yard, to legislate this method of waste management and to approve rules for garbage removal and normal maintenance of sites where waste is collected.

      “When we talk about separate collection, we mean solving a specific problem that concerns each of us, our home, yard, city. After all, separate collection is primarily about the health of our children, who will not have to breathe air poisoned by waste incineration plants. This is our clean yard, these are the parks that will surround our city.” ("Greenpeace")

      The project started quite recently, but is already gaining momentum. We can take part in this and contribute to protecting the environment.

      Development of a project plan for the village of Pushkarskie settlements.

      To develop a project plan, I needed to find information about recyclable products. Also after each there is information about the reception points.

      Waste paper– waste from the production, processing and consumption of all types of paper and cardboard, suitable for further use as fibrous raw materials.

      There are 2 waste paper collection points in the republic on the street. Promyshlennaya-1 and JSC "Energia" - st. Proletarskaya 132, which accept various types of waste paper: paper, cardboard, books (with and without hardcover), printing waste paper, etc. Each company has self-pickup (minimum - from 200 kg). As the information on the websites indicates, the price depends on the quality of the paper. There are also organizations that post advertisements on social networks.

      Thus, there are waste paper collection points in our city and not far from our village, and, therefore, paper delivery can be implemented.
      Household waste– substances (or mixtures of substances) deemed unsuitable for further use after household use of the product end up in a landfill.

      Plastic– organic materials based on synthetic or natural high-molecular compounds (polymers). Plastics based on synthetic polymers are extremely widely used.

      A big flaw in the region is the negligible number of plastic collection points. As the results of an Internet search showed, there are companies in Saransk, MordovVtorResurs LLC, VtorPlastmas LLC, st. Proletarskaya, 130, which accepts plastic for recycling.

      Hazardous waste- waste that contains harmful substances with hazardous properties (toxicity, explosion hazard, fire hazard, high reactivity) or containing pathogens of infectious diseases, or which may pose an immediate or potential danger to the environment and human health independently or when coming into contact with other substances (law “On production and consumption waste”). One small battery, decomposing in a landfill, spoils 400 liters of water.

      Recycling collection points in Mordovia: Mordovian Procurement Company, st. Promyshlennaya1-aya, 41, LLC Mordovian Ecological Plant, Aleksandrovskoe Highway 30, MRK, recycling center, st. Construction, 1.

      Battery recycling – “RegionYugEko” st. Osipenko 8. LLC "Leading recycling company" st. Sovetskaya, 109

      Glass– a substance and material, one of the most ancient and, due to the diversity of its properties, universal in human practice. Reception of glass containers in Saransk can significantly affect the environmental situation in the city and improve the economic component. Rational recycling of glass containers and their reuse are beneficial to local enterprises. Among them are the beer manufacturer SUN InBev, the Saransky cannery and the Saransky dairy plant.

      Recycling of household appliances– Over time, household items begin to fail and break, and if it is possible to fix the problem, then they can still be used for some time. What if the breakdown is serious and the only thing left to do is throw the device away? Here everyone should remember that unauthorized release faces a serious fine, but most importantly, the toxic harmful compounds contained in the devices will cause enormous harm, which, under the influence of weather conditions, will fall into the soil and cause colossal damage to the environment. In Saransk, the recycling of household appliances and items is carried out by the companies Promekotekhnologiya LLC, Rusutilit LLC, GriKontrolUtilizatsiya LLC, which have special permits and licenses to carry out these actions. In addition to these enterprises, electronic equipment stores such as Eldorado and M.Video provide great assistance in collecting and recycling equipment from the population.

      Conclusion: Based on the material provided, the “Separate Waste” project can exist, since there are suitable conditions and the desire of people to take part in promoting the program.

      Project plan.

      Based on the collected material, I developed a project plan for the implementation of selective waste in the village.

      Preparatory stage.

      Communication with village residents. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a social survey to determine whether they are ready for such changes. It is important to attract young people who can hold propaganda teams in schools and on the streets, talking about the benefits of separate waste collection. In addition, it is these young people who make up half of the population of the village. Consequently, they will make selective littering habitual in their families.

      It is necessary to enlist the support of the village administration in sponsoring and assisting in the implementation of this project.

      Contact companies willing to accept waste. Find out if they can export it themselves.

      Equipment of sites and purchase of containers for waste collection.

      Implementation – project results.

      Conclusion: this plan is the basis for the future project.

    1. IV. Conclusion

      Thus, having studied a large amount of theoretical material and the results of the survey, we confirmed the hypothesis that if we organize the collection of separate waste in the village, this will have a beneficial effect on the entire city. Thanks to it, the environmental situation of both the city and the village will improve. The number of healthy children and adults will increase.

      Obviously, the entire population will not participate in the project. In practice, an intermediate option can be implemented, providing for the processing of both separately collected and mixed waste.

    2. V. References






    Ecological project

    Children age 6 years

    Number of children – 10

    Compiled by:

    Lopaeva Tatyana Yurievna

    Teacher 1 to k.

    Lobva village


    Ecological project «

    Lopaeva T.Yu.teacher, 1KK


    1. Relevance of the project

    2.Goals and objectives

    3.Implementation stages

    4.Expected results

    5. Application


    Project type:

    By content: child and nature conservation

    Project participants: children - teachers - parents

    By number of participants: collective




    1.Relevance of the problem

    Every day, during a walk, preschoolers take part in cleaning the territory of their site and every time they have questions: where does so much garbage come from? Where is the garbage taken? etc. To answer these childish questions and try to solve the “garbage problem”, we have developedproject “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!”

    2. Project goal:

    Project objectives:

    3. Project implementation stages

    Stage 1 – preparatory

    2. Drawing up a long-term plan for the project“We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!”on the formation of environmental education;

    Stage 2 - organizational

    5. 6.

    educational reading;

    publication of an environmental newspaper;

    Stage 4 – final

    4. Expected results


    Annex 1.

    Questionnaire for parents.

    Appendix 2.

    « We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage



    Excursions along the streets of the village. Familiarization with the properties of paper. Experimental activity “Making new paper”

    Teacher, children

    Teacher, children

    Teacher, children

    Teacher, children

    Parents, children, parents

    Teacher, children

    Teacher, children, parents

    Teacher, children

    Teacher, children

    Teacher, children


    Teacher, children


    "New life for unnecessary things"

    Teacher, children, parents


    Teacher, children


    Teacher, children, parents

    Appendix 3.




    Balloon experience


    Subject: « »


    9. Games.

    1. "What did I see?"

    2. "Tell me about the subject"

    3. "What's extra?"

    4. "Guess the material"

    5. "Good bad"

    6. "Find Friends"

    7 . "Vice versa"

    8. "What from what"

    Equipment. Ball.

    ‹ ›

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    • Other


    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the Novolyalinsky urban district “Kindergarten No. 15 “Beryozka”

    Ecological project

    Topic: “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!”

    Children age 6 years

    Number of children – 10

    Compiled by:

    Lopaeva Tatyana Yurievna

    Teacher 1 to k.

    Lobva village


    Environmental project “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!”

    Lopaeva T.Yu.teacher, 1KK


    1. Relevance of the project

    2.Goals and objectives

    3.Implementation stages

    4.Expected results

    5. Application


    Project type: information and research

    Project participants:children - teachers - parents

    By number of participants: collective

    By duration of the project: short

    Problem: nature conservation, an attempt to solve the “garbage problem”

    Hypothesis: If household waste is sorted into groups, then each of them can be recycled for reuse without harm to the environment. Or maybe garbage can be given a “second life”?

    1.Relevance of the problem

    Preschool age is an important stage in the development of an individual’s ecological culture. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, an emotional and value-based attitude towards the environment develops, and the foundations of the moral and environmental positions of the individual are formed.

    The ecological and social situation of today confronts preschool education specialists with the task of finding universal means of environmental education in modern conditions. One of such means, in our opinion, may be an environmental project, one of the few technologies that takes the teacher beyond the walls of the kindergarten into the world around us and social reality.

    Every day, during a walk, preschoolers take part in cleaning the territory of their site and every time they have questions: where does so much garbage come from? Where is the garbage taken? etc. To answer these childish questions and try to solve the “garbage problem,” we developed the project “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!”

    2. Project goal:

    to form in children knowledge about various types of activities to protect nature. (In the process of deepening and expanding children’s knowledge about household waste and their properties, to form an environmental culture and respect for nature)

    Project objectives:

    Give children an idea of ​​the types of household waste and their properties.

    To give children an idea of ​​the dangers of household waste in human life and living organisms.

    To clarify children’s ideas about the main sources of land, water, air pollution, its consequences, and measures to prevent pollution.

    Find ways to use recycled waste material resources.

    Develop an environmental culture.

    The motto of the “Young Nature Defenders” team:

    “The village is our home, don’t litter in it!”

    3. Project implementation stages

    Stage 1 – preparatory

    Objective of the stage: analysis of the situation; determination of its main goals: the formation of environmental consciousness, ecological culture, kindness and mercy as the basic qualities of a person.

    1. Collection of literary sources, studying the experience of other educational institutions, drawing up a theoretical concept;

    2. Drawing up a long-term activity plan for the project “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!” on the formation of environmental education;

    3. Systematization and design of didactic materials in accordance with the project plan;

    Stage 2 - organizational

    The task of the stage: creating an ecological environment in the group, involving parents in the upcoming creative work in an innovative mode;

    1. Conduct a block of environmentally oriented children’s activities to study the properties and qualities of materials: glass, plastic, metal, paper, rubber.

    2. Introduce children to the problem of environmental pollution from household waste;

    3. Develop skills in environmentally literate behavior of the younger generation. 4.Create a presentation: “The Complaint Book of Nature”; 5. Develop a consultation and newspaper for parents “Touch nature with your heart”; 6. Preparing parents for work;

    Stage 3 – practical activities

    Objectives of the stage: the formation of basic environmental knowledge and ideas of children and parents, as well as the beginning of the foundations of environmental education through the following forms of activity:

    parent survey (Appendix 1)

    observations and ecological excursions along the streets of the village, near the kindergarten;

    presentation, slide show;

    educational reading;

    children's activity “New life for unnecessary things”

    laboratory (tests and experiments);

    publication of an environmental newspaper;

    theme day “Magical ecology of the soul”;

    Ecological, outdoor, didactic games; holding the exhibition “Miracles for people from unnecessary things”

    Stage 4 – final

    Objectives of the stage: generalization of experience and determination of the result of the practical activities of teachers - round table “Our results”.

    4. Expected results

    Direct participation of parents and children in organizing various environmental events

    Increasing the level of knowledge among parents and children about the ecology of their hometown, region, and nature conservation

    Landscaping and decoration of a kindergarten site using “household waste”

    Creation of wall newspapers, leaflets and photo albums during the project

    Creation of the “Native Nature” card index

    Involving parents to participate as much as possible in the environmental education of children

    Awareness by children and adults of the importance of nature conservation, environmentally appropriate behavior in the environment, and not littering it.


    Annex 1.

    Questionnaire for parents.

    1. What waste accumulates the most in your family per week?

    2. Do you sort waste for recycling?

    3. How do you dispose of waste (incineration, trash cans, etc.)

    4. Do you use scrap materials for crafts with kids and designs for your yard?

    5. Do you know why household waste is dangerous?

    6. Do you talk to children about the dangers of household waste?

    7. How do you deal with waste from various nature walks?

    8. Do you use environmental literature in your family?

    9. Do you involve your children in cleaning the area around your home?

    10. Do you teach your children to pick up trash after themselves?

    11. What information would you like to know about household waste?

    12. Are you satisfied with the organization of household waste disposal in our village?

    Your suggestions for waste disposal in our village.

    Appendix 2.

    Long-term project implementation plan« We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbageExcursions along the streets of the village. 1. Familiarization with the properties of paper. Experimental activity “Making new paper” 2. Conversation "Help nature." Familiarize children with the properties of plastic.Teacher, children 3. Green patrol "Clean area of ​​the kindergarten." Familiarize children with the properties of metal objects.Teacher, children 4. Screening of the presentation “Nature’s Complaint Book”. Introducing children to the properties of rubber.Teacher, children 5. Thematic day “Magical Ecology of the Soul”. Eenvironmental campaign “My Clean Yard”. Photo newspaper “This shouldn’t happen!”Parents, children, parents 6. Introducing children to the properties of glass. Didactic games.Teacher, children 7. Experimental activity “Let's sort the garbage”, “Garbage in the ground”, “How the wind carries garbage”.Teacher, children, parents 8. GCD “Garbage – is it good or bad?”Teacher, children 9. Publication of an environmental newspaper for parents “Touch Nature with Your Heart”Teacher, children 10 NOD “It’s better to litter now, get out of the habit, kids!” Children making environmental signs.Teacher, children 11. Rules of behavior in nature. Release of the poster “Take care of nature!”Teacher, children 12. "New life for unnecessary things"- work in a creative workshop, making crafts from waste materialsTeacher, children, parents 13. Nature excursion to the Shkolnik springTeacher, children 14. Opening of the exhibition “Miracles for people from unnecessary things.” Ecological quiz “Nature around us” based on the knowledge gained from children and parents.Teacher, children, parents

    Appendix 3.

    1. Thematic games and observations.

    Observation. For several days, point out to your children that we throw out trash every day. Where does he go? Do children throw anything out of apartment buildings? What do their parents do with the garbage? How do you deal with waste in kindergarten? Is it possible to see trash in the vicinity of the kindergarten? Where does it come from? Are there trash cans and trash cans near the garden?

    While walking along an ecological trail or excursion, check if there is any garbage there. In what places is it most abundant and why? Draw the children's attention to how beautiful uncluttered areas are and how unpleasant it is to visit places where people have not cleaned up after themselves.

    2. Familiarization with the properties of paper.

    Goal: to experimentally establish the properties and quality of paper. Introduce children to types of paper.

    Consideration of different types of paper and its purpose (cardboard, tracing paper, corrugated, writing, wrapping, newspaper, for drawing);

    Study of the properties and qualities of paper (thin, thick, smooth, rough, opaque, translucent (tracing paper); wrinkles, tears, gets wet, bends, burns);

    D/i “Getting into character” (I am paper – a child’s description of the type of paper and its purpose).Experience. "Making new paper."

    1. Children tear the paper into small pieces and put it in a bowl of water.Cover the basin with oilcloth. Let the paper soak.

    2. On the second day, beat the paper pulp with a mixer, add white or colored paint, a little wallpaper glue and strain the resulting mixture through a metal mesh with small cells.

    3. The water will drain and spread the remaining paper mass evenly on a cloth napkin. Cover it with another napkin and place something heavy on top.

    4. After two or three days the paper will dry. Iron it with an iron and we will draw on it.

    3. “Introduction to the properties of plastics”

    Target: Introduce children to plastics. Teach children to draw conclusions.

    D/i “How are these objects similar” (all objects are made of plastic);

    Examination of objects of different shapes, colors, sizes made of plastic (conclusion - plastic is light, different objects can be cast from it);

    Experimental and practical activity: plastic is light, does not sink in water, bends. Not transparent, smooth and rough, thin and thick, has thermal conductivity - in the cold it cools, in the heat it heats up and melts;

    D/i “Tell about the object” (description of a plastic object).

    4. “Introduction to the properties of metal objects”

    Target: Introduce objects made of different metals and the properties of metal objects of their different types of metals (ferrous metal, aluminum, copper, non-ferrous metal - foil).

    Examination of metal objects;

    An adult's story about different types of metal;

    Experimental and practical activities:

    metal - durable, heavy, shiny, smooth, sinks (regardless of size), attracted by a magnet;

    5. “Introduction to the properties of rubber”

    Target: Introduce the properties of rubber.

    D/i “What is the object made of” (classification by material);

    Inspection of objects made of rubber (elastic, smooth, cold, cut, thin and thick (tires);

    Balloon experience

    Does not allow air and water to pass through, does not sink in water, and is pierced.

    D/i “Find rubber toys.”

    6. “Introduction to the properties of glass”

    Target: introduce children to the properties of glass:

    transparent, smooth, cold, fragile, ringing, thick, thin, waterproof.

    Experimentally and practically study the properties of glass:

    Introduce the history of glass creation.

    Consider glass products;

    Find glass objects in the group;

    Experimentally study the properties of glass.

    Tactile examinations (cold, smooth, rough, thin, thick, ridged).

    Experimental activity (waterproof, glass makes sound, fragile.)

    Children's discussion on the topic: “What can be made from waste glass products”

    7. Conducting a long experiment: “Garbage in the ground.”

    Bury objects made of glass, plastic, rubber, paper, metal, as well as food waste (potato peelings, orange peelings), leaves and small branches into the ground. Mark the burial site.

    After a certain period of time, check the condition of the materials. Note the result of exposure to sun, rain, soil.

    Record your observations with your children. At the end of the experiment, draw a conclusion about what material and waste has decomposed in the soil and what people need to do with solid waste to protect the environment.

    8. Direct educational activities

    Subject: " It's better to litter now, get out of the habit, kids!»

    Target: To develop skills in environmental education of children.

    The teacher's story about the rules of behavior in nature. Familiarization with environmental protection signs (you cannot throw garbage into the river, in the forest; pollute the soil; throw garbage in undesignated places). Summarize the experiment and observations of food waste.

    Children making environmental signs. In the future, if possible, place them near a river, pond, kindergarten (on an excursion);

    Establishing a rule: sort group waste (two trash bins: one to collect scrap toys, the other to collect paper scraps that need to be disposed of in compost pits).

    9. Games.

    1. “What did I see?”

    Purpose: to train children in recognizing objects made from different materials; develop memory, attention, observation.

    Move. The teacher offers to play a game and asks the question: “What metal (fabric, plastic, glass) did you see on the way to kindergarten?” The one who names the most items wins.

    2."Tell me about the subject"

    Goal: to consolidate the idea of ​​the materials from which objects are made.

    Equipment: a cube with images of types of materials on the sides.

    Move. Each child throws a cube and catches it; what material falls out, he talks about it. The remaining players control the correct determination of the properties and quality of the material.

    3. “What’s extra?”

    Goal: to teach to identify common features of objects; consolidate knowledge about types of materials; develop mindfulness.

    Equipment: cards with images of four objects, three of which are made from one material, and one from another.

    Move. The teacher hands out several cards. Children take turns identifying the extra object, the material of which does not correspond to the material of the other three, and explaining why.

    Complication. After the child has identified the extra object, ask the question: “What will happen if the vase is made of fabric?” and so on.

    4."Guess the material"

    Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the properties and qualities of materials and their names.

    Move. Dunno comes to visit, he forgot the name of the materials, but only knows their properties. He asks for help. For example, this material is easily wrinkled, torn, and soaked in water. What is it called?

    5. “Good and bad”

    Goal: to activate the ability to determine the properties and quality of materials, to establish cause-and-effect relationships between the characteristics of the material and its purpose.

    Move. The teacher names the material, the children identify its positive and negative features.

    6. "Find Friends"

    Goal: to consolidate the ability to select objects from a given material.

    Move. The teacher names the object, and the children draw objects made from the same material.

    7. "Vice versa"

    Goal: consolidate knowledge about the properties and qualities of materials, expand the child’s vocabulary.

    Move. Children stand in a circle. The teacher names the material and one property or quality. The child responds by naming another material and its opposite property (plastic is opaque, glass is transparent).

    8. “What from what”

    Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the materials from which objects are made.

    Equipment. Ball.

    Move. Children stand in a circle, the teacher stands in a circle, throws the ball to the child and says: “glass,” the child catches the ball and answers, “glass.”

    Research project "Let's protect our native nature!"

    Mukhina Svetlana Nikolaevna
    Description of work: I bring to your attention a project on environmental issues, city pollution from household waste.
    Subject:"Let's protect our native nature!"
    Target: To attract the attention of citizens to the problem of household pollution in the city and direct their actions to prevent this situation.
    Tasks: To study the opinions of citizens about the problem of household pollution.
    Collect and analyze information about the placement of trash cans and trash cans in the city.
    Conduct conversations and mini-lectures with children and adolescents aged 5-17 years in order to inform them about the problem of household pollution in the city.
    Conduct “Clean Coast”, “Clean Forest”, “Clean City” campaigns among teenagers.

    “It is the environmental component that should become the key leitmotif of human activity” V.V. Putin.
    Relevance: global scale of household pollution.
    Causes of urban pollution:
    1.quantitative shortage of ballot boxes on the city streets;
    2.bad manners, irresponsibility of the townspeople.
    Hypothesis: The fight against household waste on city streets will help preserve the cleanliness of the environment and the physical and moral health of people.
    -between the instillation of environmental culture in the younger generation and the immoral, irresponsible behavior of a number of adults;
    - between the growth in the production of high-tech materials and the lag in their processing.

    A survey was conducted: “My contribution to maintaining cleanliness and order in my hometown.”
    100 people were interviewed.
    Survey results:
    1. Do you agree with the statement that the citizens of our city maintain cleanliness and order on the streets? (Yes -42, No – 58)
    2. Do you always throw away household waste in designated areas? (Yes – 84, No –16)
    3. Have you ever left household garbage in the entrance of your house? (Yes –3, No – 97)
    4. Do you keep your entrance clean? (Yes –59, No –41)
    5. Do you always use street trash cans, or can you afford to throw a cigarette butt or piece of paper on the ground? (Yes –74, No –26)
    6. Do you think you are contributing to maintaining cleanliness and order on the city streets? (Yes –65, No – 35)
    7. Are you satisfied with the aesthetic appearance of the streets of our city? (Yes –45, No –55)

    Main characteristics of household waste:
    Food waste;
    Waste paper;
    Products made of plastics that do not contain chlorine;
    Products made of chlorine-containing plastics;

    Time for garbage to rot in landfills.
    Transport ticket 1 month
    Banana peel up to 6 months
    Wool sock 1 year
    Wooden stick 4 years
    Waxed glass 5 years
    Painted board 13 years
    Tin cans 100 years
    Aluminum jars up to 500 years
    Plastic bottles up to 500 years old
    Glass jars NEVER

    Together with teenagers studying in the associations, we held the “Clean Coast”, “Clean City”, “Clean Forest” campaigns; we created booklets about the dangers of household waste and distributed them among city residents. We believe that people who themselves took part in the improvement of the city will no longer litter themselves, and perhaps they will stop those who want to throw a candy wrapper or a lemonade bottle on the ground.
    Love and take care of your city!

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):