Creating the interior of a personal room for a boy is a very exciting and at the same time responsible activity. The result should be not only a functional space, but also a unique world where its own laws and rules of the little owner will be observed. This article will discuss the question of how to competently plan and implement the design of a children's room for a boy: photos and tips will become a visual aid for implementing ideas.

When planning possible design options for a children's room, it is necessary to be based not only on personal preferences, but also take into account the desires of the child. For a boy, a personal room serves not only as a bedroom, but also as a place where he can retire and do personal business. It has its own special atmosphere, setting, rules and laws. The room should not be boring and ordinary. Here it is worth moving away from the usual patterns. The final design project must be interesting, harmonious, holistic and unique.

After reaching the age of five or six, games remain an integral part of the life of a little prodigy. But now activities are being added to his daily routine. For this purpose, it is necessary to equip a good desk with a comfortable chair. On the shelves, new neighbors are added to the toys - books.

Magnetic boards are ideal for creativity and at the same time for educational activities. It is convenient to draw on them and install various educational blocks on magnets. Such boards are very popular, because activities with them develop into a game that the child will be delighted with.

Helpful advice! For the convenience of teaching a little genius, it is better to place the desk near the window.

Photo of the interior of a children's room for a school-age boy

For children who have reached school age, a transition period begins in life. In addition to games and entertainment, the student has new responsibilities: lessons, assignments, reading, writing. It is very important to properly plan the room, which must have a play, work and functional area.

The functional area acts as a bedroom and a place to store clothes. The work area of ​​a children's room for a schoolboy should be equipped so that the child is not distracted by games during classes. This can be achieved by seating the child with his back to all toys. The design of the workplace should be restrained, neutral, without bright accents that distract the child’s attention.

Now most of the little man's time is spent studying. It would be appropriate to convert the shelves that previously housed toys into storage areas for books and useful literature.

Many children are interested in traveling and exploring different countries. In this case, you can place a geographical map of the world on one of the walls and complement the interior with a globe. This idea will be both interesting and useful for the child. You can clearly see this solution in the photo of the design of a children's room for a 10-year-old boy.

Do not overload the space with massive furniture. A sufficient minimum of furniture, as an option, would be a bed, a built-in wardrobe, light hanging shelving, and a comfortable desk.

Related article:

Interesting color schemes, correct zoning and practical furniture. Competent selection of decor and accessories for each child.

Room design options for a teenage boy

Adolescence is considered one of the most difficult periods in a child's life. When creating a room design for a growing man, you should take into account the boy’s interests and wishes. Parents should find a reasonable compromise that will suit both parties.

To decorate the walls of a children's room for a teenage boy, any theme that is close to the guy is suitable. A bright accent can be made on one wall, decorating it with decorative brickwork, pasting photo wallpaper with a panorama of your favorite city, artist, athlete, or movie character. Do not forget that a boy’s preferences at this age are constantly changing. Accent notes of the decor of a characteristic direction should be mobile, so that at any time you can replace one theme with another without significant harm to the overall design of the room.

Helpful advice! Wallpaper with black and white photo printing, which can be colored many times, will add originality to the room. Their surface is easy to clean.

If your son insists on dark shades in the design of the room, then bright, catchy textiles will be appropriate, with which the children's room for a teenage boy (photos clearly demonstrate this) will no longer be gloomy.

Particular attention should be paid to the zoning of the room. The play area can be intended not only for games, but also for creative activities, for example, music, sports.

This room should have a relaxation corner where the guy can receive friends, watch TV, and practice his hobbies. Various options and photos of children's room design for a teenage boy can be found on the Internet.

Room for two brothers

At first glance, arranging a room for two children is a double problem. But many design ideas can easily cope with this task.

One of the rational solutions for using space is a bunk bed. If the age difference between the boys is large, you can use a loft bed for the younger brother, and place a full-fledged sleeping place for the older child under it. This arrangement adds space for arranging a storage system or a creative and work area.

If the children's room for boys has sufficient dimensions, the ideal option would be to place separate beds. Near them, each child will create a personal, unique space for themselves using characteristic decorative elements.

For both boys it is worth taking care of organizing individual workplaces. They should be located in a well-lit area.

On the Internet and interior publications you can find a large number of photos of the design of children's rooms for 2 boys, which can satisfy the tastes and needs of future owners.

  • color spectrum. It should be a calm palette with possible bright elements. For contrast, you can choose partner wallpapers that can be combined;
  • safety. Finishing materials must be environmentally friendly, not contain harmful impurities, and made from certified raw materials;
  • boy's age. For small children, you should not decorate the room brightly. While for a schoolchild it can be combined with bright accents. For a teenager, neutral shades would be appropriate.

Properly selected wallpaper will not only provide good protection for the walls, but will also create a characteristic atmosphere in the room. They should contribute to the harmonious development and character formation of the little owner.

The structure of the wallpaper must be resistant to various external influences and wear-resistant, since the renovation of a boy’s room will not be carried out every year, and the wall covering will have to deal with children’s drawings and touches of the ball.

Helpful advice! From a practical point of view, to decorate a nursery, you can choose washable wallpaper, which can be restored to its original appearance at any time.

The color palette should be selected based on the chosen future theme of the room and the location of the room relative to the cardinal directions. A warm color scheme will help add an extra degree to north-facing rooms.

There are wallpapers with imitation of a wooden surface, brick or masonry. They can be used to decorate an accent wall.

The modern assortment allows you to buy wallpaper for a child’s room for a boy in various colors with a variety of designs.

Types of wallpaper

There are several types of wallpaper for decorating a room:

  • paper This is an environmentally friendly wall finishing material. It is suitable for placing a newborn baby. This wallpaper is not resistant to moisture, so after mechanical impact, painting, pasting with plasticine, it will be impossible to restore the previous appearance. This is a short-lived material;
  • vinyl. This wallpaper hides surface imperfections well. They are resistant to various influences and durable. Often used to decorate the walls of a teenager’s room;
  • non-woven. This is an environmentally friendly, safe, durable finishing material. This wallpaper is designed for 10 colors without losing its original properties. The main disadvantage is their high cost;

  • cork This is a pleasant to the touch, durable, environmentally friendly material. The main disadvantage is the small range of color variations;

Helpful advice! Cork wallpaper has good soundproofing properties.

  • . Convenient, practical, safe, modern type of wallpaper. This wallpaper is easy and quick to apply and repaint many times. The material is quite expensive;
  • photo wallpaper. A good option for zoning a room and creating a contrasting accent. From a wide selection, you can choose a composition for a specific topic, depicting your favorite fairy-tale or cartoon character, or an element of your child’s hobby.

Additional elements for decorating a nursery

The ceiling must fit into the overall interior. It should not only be aesthetically pleasing, but also functionally convenient for good lighting. Numerous photos of ceilings in a boy’s children’s room involve the use of ordinary chandeliers with several bulbs. As additional lighting, you can use wall sconces of various variations above the bed, and table lamps for the desk.

Before buying curtains for a child's room, it is worth determining their role in the room. They can be used as an element of window decoration, or as a bright accent in the overall style of the room. Despite this, curtains should be light, comfortable and safe. The child must be able to regulate the degree of daylight penetration without outside help.

When choosing curtains, you should also take into account the age and preferences of the child. From the proposed options for curtains for a boy’s nursery, photos of the models are located in the catalogs of design publications, you can choose the most suitable option. Here you can also choose options for mounting them.

Bright bedspreads and decorative pillows made from high-quality material, with a characteristic theme, will help add individuality to your sleeping area. With the help of such textiles you can add contrasting notes to the overall design of a small children's room.

To create additional comfort and warmth, you need to take care of the flooring. You can choose and buy a carpet for a child’s room in flooring stores, where they offer many different options designed to suit every taste and customer request. For a boy's nursery, you should only buy a carpet with short pile, which helps minimize the accumulation of dust.

When starting to renovate a children's room for a boy, photos of typical layouts of which can be found on the Internet, you should take into account the child's age, character, temperament, hobbies, his personal vision of the design of the room where he will be comfortable and comfortable to sleep, play, study, receive his friends and just relax.

The main thing is to create an overall warm atmosphere in which wall decoration, textile design, lighting options, flooring material and basic elements will be harmoniously combined. And most importantly, all components for decorating a children's room must be made from environmentally friendly materials.

The design of a children's room for a boy should correspond to the child's age, interests and temperament. In this article, we propose to consider several room design options, secrets of designers and general tips for arrangement.

- this is a combination of several zones, here the child sleeps, plays and learns.

The design of a children's room for a teenage boy will differ significantly from the room decor for younger tomboys.

General rules:

We've sorted out the general advice. Now let's look at the design according to the child's age. We divided the period from 0 to 18 years into eight parts.

Interior depending on age

From 0 to 1 year

Design for a child up to one year old

Some parents teach their baby to be independent from birth.

In the interior for a boy of the first year of life, give preference to light and calm, neutral tones. There should be enough light in the room; during daytime sleep, the windows should be closed with thick curtains.

There should be a cradle bed, a changing table and a small box or shelves for toys. When dividing a room into zones, try to place the play area closer to the window and the crib in the center. Never place the crib opposite the door, there will always be a draft.

The floor should be covered with a carpet made of natural materials. Ideally, it is better to have heated floors.

Place the changing table next to the crib. You can place large soft toys on the floor, lay out pillows and upholstered furniture in the form of toys (monkey chair, lion bed, bear chair).

The interior should not contain small objects that the baby could swallow.

From 1 to 3 years

Room design for a child 1-3 years old

  • At this age, the baby learns about the world and is attracted to bright colors and interesting pictures. But don’t cover the entire room with bright wallpaper with prints. In the sleep area, it is better to use calm, warm colors without patterns, otherwise the child will be distracted and take a long time to fall asleep.
  • The ceiling can be painted in light colors or covered with wallpaper with a light-absorbing pattern; when falling asleep, the baby will see the starry sky above him. In the play area, the wallpaper design should not only be bright, but also educational. The most suitable options are cartoon or fairy-tale characters and animals.
  • While reading fairy tales to your child, you can ask your child to show animals or heroes. When the baby is a little older, make up stories based on these pictures. You can hang drawings or illustrations from books on the walls.
  • At this age, we replace the playpen with a crib. A changing table is no longer needed. It is replaced by a low table and a chair for art activities. Place it near the window so that the baby has enough light.
  • In the play area we add a locker for toys. This way you can teach your child order by putting toys together in the evening or after playing.
  • Be sure to lay a carpet on the floor, since babies at this age play all their games there.
  • , give preference to bright colors with patterns.
  • When designing for a boy, do not forget about sufficient lighting in the room. Also provide a night light by the crib so that the baby is not scared.

3-5 years

Cartoon style design

This age is interesting because kids try to imitate their favorite heroes. They understand that they are fighting for good.

This means that when developing the interior design of a children’s room for a boy, you can decorate it in the style of your favorite hero.

For this we need:

  • matching wallpaper;
  • suitable decor (bedspread, toys, pictures on the walls, curtains);
  • accent lighting.

If funds allow, you can purchase a bed in the shape of a ship or car. It is also worth adding a wardrobe or chest of drawers, a chair for folding things. In the toy closet you need to make room for books.

If your child likes cars, you can install a motor track or a railroad track in the play area. It would also be a good idea to allocate some space for exercise. The Swedish ladder takes up little space and teaches the child to do morning exercises.

Advice! Kids gradually learn to keep order, and they should start with toys. If each of them has its own place, the child will easily remember it. It would be rational to divide the toy cabinet into several compartments, for example, for a construction set, a box for cars, a compartment for an album and plasticine.

6-7 years

Marine theme

At this age, toddlers become a little more serious, and it’s time to go to school. This means we need to equip a place for lessons. It is recommended to place a desk or desk near a window; the light on the table should fall in the center or to the left.

The chair should be comfortable and match the child's height. Also take care of the lighting of the study area in the evening.

If you are designing the interior of a children's room for boys and you do not have the opportunity to install two beds, use a bunk bed. Choose the most suitable option for your room.

With a child, suddenly he has already picked something up. If the child is active and cannot concentrate, give preference to calm, light colors.

Advice! Don’t rush to get rid of the toy cabinet; it can be remade or adapted for books.

8-9 years

Little boy design

When designing a children's room for an 8-year-old boy, pay attention to his hobbies and interests.

If he is interested in boxing or any other sport, set up a corner for practicing. If there is not much space, make removable structures.

When designing the interior of a children's room for a boy, choose wallpaper in more subdued colors. The same applies to the finishing of the ceiling and. The playing area gradually decreases; in this place you can install a bookcase or a computer.

10-12 years

Interior with 2 double beds

Usually at this age, children have already decided on a hobby; they have almost formed an opinion about what their room should look like.

When planning the design of a children's room for a 10-year-old boy, be sure to consult with him. Of course, some wishes may outrage you, but that’s why we are adults, which means we must find a compromise.

You can invite him to cover one wall with photo wallpaper that you choose together. Help him choose items to decorate the room.

13-14 years old

Boy's room 13 years old

At this age, idols begin to appear. They are eager to cover all available space with their posters. So why shouldn't they allow it?

When thinking about the interior of a room for a 13-14 year old boy, you can give preference to a cheaper version of wallpaper, because in a few years the child’s tastes will change.

If your boy is a music lover, allocate a place for a music system. Allow you to hang posters or other “very necessary” things on the walls.

Teen room

Teen room design

When planning a design for a teenage boy, you will have to sit down at the negotiating table with the owner of the premises. But at this age it is already easy to reach a compromise using logical arguments.

Teenagers are most attracted to the high-tech style. This style involves a minimum of furniture, simple lines and colors (white, gray, black in combination with brighter shades).

The walls are decorated with framed photographs. The main attention is paid to lighting, there should be a lot of it. The bed can be replaced with a folding sofa in a modern design, the color of which will be in harmony with the color scheme of the entire room.

We select curtains in accordance with the design of the room or replace them with vertical fabric blinds or Roman blinds. Everything is simple, strict and tasteful, the teenager will be satisfied.

As you can see, designing a children's room for a boy is not difficult. The main criteria are the child’s age, his preferences and character. The rest is your imagination and ability to find a solution in controversial situations.

Summing up

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Photo gallery

To arrange a children's bedroom for a boy, parents will have to make a lot of effort and imagination.

After all, not only should the room be comfortable and functional, but also its owner should like it, be stylish and modern.

You can easily combine all these qualities in one room if you know a few simple rules and recommendations.

Often, most parents believe that a bedroom for a boy under 10 years old is a rather simple and childishly cute room.

However, this is not entirely correct, because it is at a very early age that a child begins to develop taste and style.

That is why, if in childhood he is surrounded by an atmosphere of functionality and comfort, this will help him develop a sense of style that will be useful to him throughout his life.

Also important is the fact that from early childhood children begin to develop creative abilities, and it is parents who must support this.

Therefore, it is important to leave enough space in the baby’s room for creativity and the realization of their abilities.

Children's color scheme

Judging by numerous photos of a boy’s bedroom, it seems that the most optimal design color is blue, since this particular shade is considered to be purely masculine. This tone can indeed be used for decoration, but it is far from the only one.

So, taking into account the temperament and character of the boy, you can use the following shades and their combinations:

  • orange - stimulates active behavior; for a passive baby this will contribute to the development of potential, while for an active one it can become a provocateur of irritation;
  • light green tones – the child is guaranteed an optimistic and positive attitude;
  • yellow shades - sunny color will set the owner of the room in a positive and good mood;
  • lilac tones will bring harmony to the room and thoughts.

Room decoration

Decorating a boy's bedroom often comes down to covering the walls with wallpaper with boyish drawings - cars, airplanes, etc.

This is really convenient, since the wallpaper for the bedroom can be quickly and easily changed if necessary, and the design matches the baby’s preferences.

Another interesting creative solution would be to cover one wall with pure white wallpaper, on which the boy can draw and create as he pleases, without fear of being punished.

For the floor, the best option would be non-staining, practical linoleum. If the floor is cold, then you can add carpet, but it will have to be cleaned of dirt quite often.

Ceilings can be simply painted, suspended or suspended. If desired, they can be decorated with stars and other designs.

Children's furniture

Furniture filling in children's bedrooms for boys should be safe and functional, so it is better to purchase items without sharp corners.

The content should be as follows:

  • a bed that can have different shapes, for example, in the form of a typewriter, a house or a hut. The main thing is that it fits the baby in size and has protective sides. For the older generation, a sofa will be relevant,
  • a table with a chair is a workplace where the child will do homework and read. Create and collect your favorite construction set,
  • a closet in which various things will be stored,
  • baskets that are necessary to accommodate numerous toys,
  • chest of drawers for storing bedding, cosmetics and other personal items.

Lighting for a child’s room should be chosen to be comfortable for both play and work. In addition, it should not disturb the interior of the boy’s bedroom.

Styling a boy's bedroom

To design a boy's bedroom, you can use several design styles.

Avant-garde is a rather unusual style, in which bright shades and their combinations predominate. It is characterized by intricate furniture. Inexpensive but bright materials are suitable for finishing. But the decoration is very creative.

Sports style is suitable for an athlete boy. The furniture is very comfortable, the decor corresponds to a sports theme.

Loft is a rough style, the decoration of which is dominated by beige, brown and gray shades. The walls are usually plastered or brick, the ceiling is painted, and the floors are boarded. Posters, unusual instruments, and extravagant graffiti are used as decoration.

Minimalism in the bedroom and its stylization implies restraint and seriousness. Accessories and furniture items are practically absent.

High-tech is more suitable for a bedroom for a teenage boy who is interested in modern equipment and technology. Mirror surfaces, gloss, chrome and glass: all this is typical for high-tech. A mandatory addition is modern appliances and functional furniture.

Kitsch is suitable for bright and extraordinary personalities. The combination of tones and furniture is the most daring and unusual.

A boy’s children’s bedroom must be divided into functional areas: sleeping, play, work and wardrobe. To do this, you can use lighting, the use of various materials, and, if possible, use screens and partitions.

Photo of bedroom design for a boy

Arranging a children's room is as pleasant and interesting as it is responsible, complex and expensive. Obviously, the design of a room for a boy will depend on the size and shape of the room, the age of the child, his range of interests and preferences. At the same time, the decoration and furniture should be safe and environmentally friendly, and the colors should be bright and rich. But not so much as to irritate the little owner’s psyche. Confused yet? Our extensive selection of room design projects for boys has options for all occasions. We hope that among the presented interiors you will find an inspiring design that will help you create a children's room design that suits the child and does not ruin the family budget.

Choosing a design depending on the boy’s age

The first and most important aspect for creating a comfortable, convenient and functional interior for a children's room is the age of the child. Each stage of your baby's life has different priorities. At first, he does not have his own preferences and the design of the room should mainly please his parents, setting them in a calm, peaceful mood. If the parents are satisfied and happy, then the baby, feeling their mood, will enjoy life. As the child grows up, his favorite activities, preferences in games and creativity appear.
Cartoon and fairy tale characters become an integral part of a child’s life, and he wants to see them in the interior of his room. Further, games are gradually replaced by activities, the preschooler is already doing a lot and he needs storage systems not for toys, but for books and sports accessories. In the future, the school will completely displace toys from the children's room. Well, in a teenager’s room, parents generally have little to decide - the child has his own opinion not only about the layout of the room, the color of the wallpaper, but also the design of the bedspread, covers for decorative pillows and more.

1-3 years

  • Bright hues
  • Bright accents
  • Mandatory "field" for games
  • Feeling of comfort
  • Safe furniture

These are the points that should be observed and implemented when creating a room design for a baby. A child of this age does not yet have clearly formed interests and preferences, so the room should not be decorated in any specific theme. The main thing is that the child is comfortable in his room. To do this, it must contain your favorite toys, a comfortable crib, and a place to play (a thick soft rug). Particular attention should be paid to the safety of furniture. 

Rounded corners, avoidance of a high crib, table and chair proportionate to the child, shelves with toys at hand level - pay maximum attention to these points.

3-5 years

At this age, the child begins to develop individuality. And this age in pedagogy is called “the magic years from 3 to 5.” The child is active and inquisitive. He has a thousand interests and activities. It is worth taking this into account when decorating a boy’s room and thinking about its contents. If the space of the room allows, you can install any gymnastic equipment (wall bar, rope, rings).

At this age, children express themselves a lot creatively. Be sure to create conditions for drawing and modeling. 

The main thing is to remember that at this age the boy spends most of his time in play mode. This is exactly what you need to start from when designing a room for a 3-5 year old child.

7-8 years

This age can be called transitional. The child still willingly spends all his free time in games and other favorite activities, but at the same time he already has certain responsibilities. These include “doing homework” (doing homework received at school).
Therefore, an important point in the design of a room for a 7-8 year old boy should be zoning. You should not mix the games area with the training area together. Ideally, the playing part of the room should be clearly separated. This will help the child understand the saying “There is time for work, but time for fun.”  

10-12 years

At this age, almost every boy has his own hero (a character from a movie, an athlete, a cartoon character, etc.) You can successfully use this in the design of a room for a child. The main thing is not to “overdo it,” otherwise the room will be “overwhelming” with an obsessive theme and the child himself will quickly get tired of the once-favorite character.

Does the boy like Spider-Man? Place a thematic image on one wall (it can be printed on special wallpaper), add 2-3 objects stylized on this topic to the interior - and the job is done. If the boy’s interests change, it will be possible to “painlessly” adapt the general appearance of the room to suit his new hobby (simply by re-pasting, for example, the wall with the previous hero and changing the thematic attributes).

Room design for a teenage boy

The older the child, the more developed he is as a person. Quite clear views on life have already been formed, interests have been identified, and a circle of friends has been chosen. 

When choosing a room design for a teenage boy, be sure to take into account his own wishes! 

Perhaps most of the room will have to be equipped as a sports corner (many boys begin to show interest in sports in adolescence). Or dedicate part of the room to the boy’s specific hobby (drawing, modeling, music).

Don’t forget about the right furniture for sleeping and studying. 

Adolescence is a time of rapid growth and formation of the body. An ergonomic desk (and the right chair), a bed with a good mattress - you should pay close attention to the selection of this furniture.

11-12 The interior of the room depending on its areakv


The relatively small size of the room allows you to place only the most necessary furniture in it. If this room is intended for a preschool boy, you can abandon the desk in favor of preserving space for games. For the same purpose, you can use shallow cabinets for clothes and toys (great depth can visually “eat” the room).

 13-15 The interior of the room depending on its areakv

If the child is a schoolchild, you should think about such an option as transformable furniture. For example, a loft bed will appeal to almost any boy and will help save room space. 

 15 The interior of the room depending on its areaThis number of square meters allows you to take into account all the needs of the child according to his age. The area allows you to organize a special play area, separated from the sleeping area. Meanwhile, you shouldn’t get carried away with turning every meter into useful mode and leave a lot of free space in the room. 

m or more
A large room is an opportunity to make any fantasy of its resident come true. If a boy is interested in studying space, the room can be decorated in the appropriate style (which cannot be adequately implemented in a small room).

The same goes for any other hobby. For a lover of physical education, you can design a sports corner, or delight a young geographer with a large bookcase and a wall-sized world map. 

How to choose an interior style for a children's room


  • When choosing this style for the design of a children's room, you need to consider important points:
  • Boy's age
  • Child's passions and interests

Room area
As an option, you can consider a “roll call” of interior items, if they have a specific purpose for children. The combination of a pattern on a bedspread and curtains will look quite modern, even if it depicts bears or kittens.

It is important not to overload the room with an abundance of toys if you want to maintain the Art Nouveau style. It is worth considering the option of a closed cabinet for storing them. 


A good option if the baby is still small and cannot express his preferences. Furniture should be chosen simple and durable. Subsequently, the style of the room can be transformed into a different one by replacing some interior details. 

Be sure to change the look of the children's room from time to time. This helps develop the child’s creative inclinations and ability to fantasize.

It is better to choose “warm” colors for decorating a room in a classic style. Avoid blue and purple. Pale green, beige, muted orange - these are the most successful colors for “boy classics”. The room should be calm in design, conducive not only to games, but also to comfortable rest.

High tech

A high-tech children's room is ideal for boys, especially teenagers. And some girls might like a “high-tech” room. Well, parents may be attracted by the following advantages of this style:

  • It is perfect for decorating a nursery for growth and, thanks to the neutral finish, leaves the opportunity to easily change the interior of the room when the child wants a change.
  • High-tech is suitable not only for spacious, but also for small rooms, because it involves the use of only the necessary furniture and predominantly light colors.
  • Minimalism in the decor also greatly simplifies cleaning the room; at least there will be less dust in it.

Color scheme and main style features

The canons of high-tech style suggest the following features:

  • Minimalism both in the amount of furniture and decor, and in their design.
  • Geometry of furniture, decoration, decor.
  • Functionality in everything.
  • Good natural and artificial lighting.
  • Use of modern technologies.

  • Achromatic colors (white, gray, black) or cold (blue, cyan, dove, etc.). Characteristic color combinations are contrasting and monochrome. Also here you can’t do without silver, chrome and gold accents.
  • Using plastic, metal, glass, wood and even stone.

In our opinion, hi-tech in its pure form is acceptable only in the room of a teenage boy; in all other cases, deviations from the rules are acceptable. For example, a girl’s room can be decorated in pastel colors, provided that the other points are met.

Boy's room in high-tech style

It is best to simply paint the walls in a high-tech nursery, but if desired, one wall can be finished with structural wall panels, sheathed in wood, or decorated with photo wallpaper, say, with a black and white image. But it’s better to refuse traditional wallpapers, they are too unmodern. However, wallpaper with a geometric abstract pattern would be quite appropriate.

The photo below shows an example of the design of a children's room of two brothers, in which the accent wall is decorated with 3D panels made of foamed polymer. The resulting “bubbles” on the wall turned an ordinary room in a city apartment into a real futuristic home.


The name of the style speaks for itself. A minimum of details, only functional and laconic pieces of furniture, simplicity of design in general. 

This style is best suited for a teenage boy (after all, the time of toys, many cars and construction sets has passed, the time has come for other interests).

It is during adolescence that almost every boy has his own idol, some kind of example to follow. To express such interest, it is better to leave the walls of the room empty so that the child can decorate them with posters according to his hobby. 

The main principle in decorating a room in the minimalist style is the opportunity for its occupant to express himself independently. Think over and implement only the main aspects of the room’s design; the boy will figure out the rest himself if he wishes. After all, teenagers have a lot of hobbies! The room will quickly fill with items that embody the boy's interests (game console, music system, sports equipment - all this needs a lot of space).

This style also allows you to:

Further in the material, we will look at how to arrange a nursery in a minimalist style, avoiding the feeling of a hospital or non-residential office, what materials to use, what principles should be strictly adhered to, and what can be departed from the canons.

The decoration of the walls, floor and ceiling of a child's room in a minimalist style should be simple, but of high quality.

Color spectrum

The most typical are monochrome or contrasting color combinations (for example, white background + black accents).

Teen boys room in minimalist style

As contrasting accents, you can use any bright colors, as well as shades of metals from chrome to bronze. But accents of black and red will probably look most impressive in a minimalist nursery.


Furniture in the minimalist style is functional, with straight or streamlined lines, without any frills (no panels, carvings, rhinestones, etc.). It should be made of wood, plywood, metal, plastic, possibly with inserts of safety tempered glass or mirrors.
The key feature of the minimalist style is the feeling of free space, not crowded with furniture. Furniture of the “transformer” type, folding, folding, built-in and simply multifunctional, will help you comply with this principle. For example, you should choose a bed with drawers or a headboard with a cabinet.

Sea style

This is a very popular style for decorating a boy's room. You can use all colors reminiscent of the sea: beige, white, blue, yellow, golden, turquoise, azure, blue, red. These are very good colors for decorating a nursery. 

When deciding on the choice of colors, first determine the main one (which will be the most in the design), and select the rest to go with it. 

The main finishing material for a room in a marine style is wood. The floor can be covered with parquet boards (this will be associated with a deck). The walls can be covered with wooden panels (then the room will resemble a cabin).

The furniture for such a room needs to be selected appropriately. An ordinary table, bed and wardrobe can ruin the entire nautical theme of the room. 

The bed can be made to order (so that it resembles, for example, a boat). The table should not have a modern look; a plank, somewhat rough table made of natural wood is better suited.

Basic themes for decorating a nursery in a marine style Nautical or ship theme.

  This nursery is best suited for younger and teenage boys. Distinctive features: the use of classic polished dark wood, blue-white or red-white colors, nautical symbols and attributes (naval flags, steering wheel, anchor, etc.). If you wish, you can decorate the interior in a narrower theme of a cabin, yacht, ship deck, sailboat, coast guard or navy.  This style is more universal and is suitable for decorating a nursery not only for boys, but also for girls of any age. In addition, due to its light color scheme, it is perfect for decorating small and dark rooms. Distinctive features: the use of light painted or sun-bleached wood, neutral colors with blue or light blue accents, simple furniture of traditional shapes, a large amount of linen or cotton textiles, marine decorations (corals, stars, shells), wicker baskets, bamboo curtains.

Beach theme.  A children's room in a beach style is suitable for decorating a room for both boys and girls, but, perhaps, only up to the age of 10 - it is too bright and playful. Distinctive features: the use of beige and blue tones to create a beach atmosphere, bleached wood, natural materials in the form of bamboo curtains, rattan furniture or sisal carpet, as well as beach decorations such as palm trees, hammocks, bungalows, surfboards. By the way, the beach theme can be narrowed down to a surfing or Hawaiian resort theme.

The theme of a cartoon about sea life.  If your child loves cartoons about the Little Mermaid, SpongeBob, Popeye the Sailor Man or Nemo the Fish, then why not make it the starting point in the design of the nursery? Decorating a room based on a favorite cartoon will appeal to children under 10 years old. You can reproduce locations using wall painting to create scenery from a cartoon, or you can simply decorate the interior with a few recognizable details. Ideas for decorating a nautical nursery in the style of popular cartoons can be found in the following selection of photos.

To make a children's room in a marine style truly stylish, do not mix attributes of different areas of marine themes in the interior. For example, a collection of seashells and corals is unlikely to take root in a ship’s cabin, and the style of a coastal cottage will not tolerate furniture made of dark polished or varnished wood.

Decorate the interior in neutral colors

Whatever style of marine interior you choose, give preference to light colors for decorating walls, floors, ceilings and large furniture.

White and beige are ideal colors for a nautical-style nursery design. White goes well with white and blue stripes, enlarges the space and makes it lighter, and beige can neutralize the coldness of blue or light blue accents.

Neutral finishing will allow you to decorate the interior for growth and will give you the opportunity to change the decor of the nursery without extra costs when the child grows up, or you simply want a change.

Add warm colors to your interior

In order not to “freeze” the sea nursery with an abundance of blue, cyan or turquoise, add warm colors to the interior: red, orange, yellow, pink, brown or beige. In a room with poor lighting, warm colors should prevail.

Children's bedroom for two boys in a marine style

Use predominantly natural materials in decoration, furniture and decor

Not only because of the quality and sustainability of natural materials, but also because of their ability to create the atmosphere of a coastal cottage, beach house, cabin or ship deck, without feeling like a theatrical set.

So, for example, instead of vinyl, it is better to glue paper or non-woven wallpaper, instead of a bed made of chipboard, it is better to buy a bed made of inexpensive pine, and instead of a steering wheel made of MDF, you should choose a wooden steering wheel. A win-win way to use white-blue or white-red stripes - in accents and in combination with othersprints

White-blue or white-red stripes are very impressive and active, and therefore they should be used only as accents and diluted with other prints, for example, zigzag or check.

Curtains, bed linen or a rug are ideal places for nautical stripes. For examples of such decoration of children's and teenagers' interiors, see the following selection of photos.

For a marine nursery, classic and simple furniture is best suited.

In most cases, classic furniture in a children's room in a nautical style is appropriate, but with virtually no decorations. However, if the naval style involves the use of strict furniture made of dark wood, then for a cottage nursery, furniture made of bleached, light or painted wood in a vintage style is more suitable; upholstered furniture and wicker furniture will also fit perfectly. In general, almost any bed is suitable for a naval children's room; the main thing here is to choose and combine suitable bed linen, bedspread and pillows.

Try not to “overload” the interior with themed accessories and decorations

When designing a themed children's room, it is very important to keep the decor in moderation. You should not collect all the marine attributes in it, from a fishing net to a collection of sailboats. The decor may be small, but it will be of high quality and suitable in color, texture and concept.

Here are some accessories that can decorate a nautical nursery:

You can make some decorative items yourself

Many of the listed marine-style decorations can be made with your own hands. Here are a few ideas to consider.

Using a rope, you can decorate an ordinary car tire, then you will have a stylish ottoman. You can also wrap a lampshade or a tin can to create a glass for storing office supplies. And with the help of rope, you can make cute shelves for books and toys with your own hands. Here are photo ideas for creative inspiration.

Burlap, linen or canvas are materials with which you can create a variety of accessories in a marine style. For example, you can sew pillows, upholster a headboard, make an organizer board, or make a decorative sail.

Using a jigsaw and a stencil, you can cut out decorative decorations in the form of an anchor, steering wheel, lighthouse or sea creatures from plywood or wood, and then paint them with an aged effect or in bright colors.

Furniture in a boy's room

When choosing furniture for a boy’s room, you need to rely on the following factors:

  • Child's age
  • Room size

Intended functionality of the room (bedroom, bedroom-game room, bedroom/game room/room for study)

Having decided on the necessary set of furniture, you should try to choose the best option for each item.


The first thing you need to pay attention to is the comfort of the bed. It shouldn't be too high or too low.
It’s good when there is a spacious drawer at the bottom (you can put a pillow and blanket there in the morning, and put a blanket or blanket at night). The mattress must be of good quality (orthopedic as an option), because for a growing body it is important to maintain the correct position of the spine during sleep.


Convenience still comes first here. A low table will force the child to take an unnatural and uncomfortable body position, while a table that is too high will force him to struggle to climb up. Proportionality is the main rule when choosing a table.

For a little boy, you can choose a lightweight plastic set of a table and a chair, which can be easily rearranged to different places if desired. An older boy needs a more substantial table, convenient for completing school assignments. A teenager will probably want to have not just a desk, but a “hybrid” of a desk and a computer.


If we are talking about choosing a wardrobe for a child from 0 to 4 years old, then you can safely focus on your own convenience. At this age, the child does not yet dress completely independently; his parents supervise his daily toileting.

An older boy can already decide on his own what to wear. Accordingly, the older the child, the more convenient the closet should be for him. 

Curtains in the nursery: solution options

Decorating a window in a children's room is not a primary issue, but it is not unimportant. There should be curtains

  • Convenient
  • Lungs
  • Matching the overall style of the room
  • Safe by design

Remember - even when choosing curtains you need to think about the health of the child. The curtains should be light enough so as not to collect a lot of dust in the folds, but also thick enough to provide the boy with a restful sleep (this is especially true if night lights shine through the windows).

It is important that the curtains are easy to use for the child himself, and not just for adults. The boy must be able to manage them independently in order to be able to regulate the flow of light from the windows during the day or curtain the windows at night before bed.

How to choose a good ceiling design

Undoubtedly, the ceiling design should fit into the overall style of the room. Nevertheless, simplicity is the best solution when decorating a ceiling for a nursery. Complex multi-tiered structures or elaborate chandeliers are unlikely to be suitable for a boy’s room.

It's likely that the overall look of the room will have to change quite soon (the tastes of a growing child can change very quickly!), and redoing the ceiling can be a big concern. 

An important point in ceiling design is well-planned room lighting.

A separate topic if you decide to implement an individual nursery project for your boy. Then the ceiling can become one of the most striking elements in the design of the room. And you can imagine endlessly here.

The room must bring pleasant emotions, delighting the owner with its interior, regardless of its purpose: a nursery or a living room. Finishing materials in the nursery are used only that are environmentally friendly and do not cause health problems. Parents who decided to children's room renovation, as a rule, are captive of stereotypes that this room is recommended to be blue or light blue, photo room design projects for boy will dispel these stereotypes.

Children's room for a boy

After all, childhood is a passing time and the baby will carry the memories of it for the rest of his life. The choice of materials presented in stores is varied and every parent can create the interior that their son dreams of.

Interior of a children's room for a boy

Before starting renovation work, you need to figure out how much money you are willing to invest in this activity and, based on this, start working on the interior. After all, perhaps you will be updating the interior (changing wallpaper or flooring) or setting a goal to replace everything from furniture to wall clocks.

Boy's room in football style

A boy’s nursery is designed at the stage of preparation for the arrival of a child in the family. For these purposes, the walls are made neutral, because the baby needs peace and comfort. As the child grows up, bright accents are gradually introduced into the room: wallpaper with patterns and themed stickers, curtains in rich shades, and the cradle is replaced with a bed. This is the time when the interior is carefully thought out, complemented by photo wallpapers or vinyl stickers.

Spacious and bright children's room

Theme for design

At a conscious age, a child’s hobbies change, idols and heroes appear. Designers show with their projects many themes and styles for the interior of a boy’s nursery, but the more common ones are:

Bright children's room in a modern style

  • Car theme. In it, the bed occupies a central place and is designed as a car. It is not difficult to make a bed yourself, but if desired, parents can purchase it in stores. Nowadays cabinet furniture manufacturers specialize in themed furniture, so choosing such a bed for your child is not difficult. One of the subtypes of this style is racing: in it, the checkered flag used at the finish line of races is used as a decorative component for cabinet fronts, bedside tables, pillowcases, sofa blankets, sofa cushions, etc.

    Small and bright children's room

  • Marine theme. This is not a budget renovation option that includes a hanging bed in the shape of a ship. Recommended color scheme for the room: blue, blue shades and white. Decorative elements: ship anchor, lifebuoy, compass, maps, sea creatures. The doors of the linen closets should be turned into portholes, and a rope ladder should be hung on one of the walls. One of the subtypes of the marine theme will be the pirate style. It must have a spyglass, nautical charts, a cocked hat, and a pirate flag.

    Light colors in the design of a children's room

  • The next good theme for decorating a boy’s room is space.. To give the interior a cosmic touch, it is recommended to install a night sky projector or night light in the room. Mounted or suspended planets, shuttles, rockets, comets, stars, satellites will be useful.

    Children's room for a newborn boy

  • Sports theme. Decorating a room in this style gives a lot of room for imagination and motivates the child to play sports. The accent of such a nursery will be decorative cups and medals. Over time, the child himself will replace them with real ones. Frameless furniture is suitable here, for example, a chair (for example, in the shape of a soccer ball) on which it is comfortable to sit with friends and watch TV. One option for such a room is a stadium. To do this, a green covering similar to grass is laid on the floor.

    Spacious children's room with bright design

Sports theme for decorating a children's room

Interior depending on age

Tip: It is important that the chair and table are suitable for the baby’s height, and that the storage systems in bedside tables and cabinets are equipped with sliding mechanisms like a wardrobe. Furniture should not have swing doors.

Large children's room with bright decor

Children's room with bright decoration with photo wallpapers with cars

  • A room for a child over six years old should not only meet his play needs, but also have space for learning. A desk with a comfortable, adjustable chair is recommended. Despite the fact that your son is growing up, you should acquire convenient modern storage systems.

    Original layout for a children's room

    For creativity and development, it is worth equipping the children's room with magnetic blocks or fabric strips with Velcro. In the window area, in order to optimize the space, apartment owners often use the relocation of radiators, placing a workstation in this place where sunlight falls. These square meters are perfect for built-in storage systems.

    Children's room for car lovers

  • Children's room for a school-age son. As the son grows up, games are gradually replaced by hobbies, so storage systems are being repurposed as places to store sports paraphernalia and books. When renovating, it is important to zone the room, dividing it into an area for games, relaxation and study, then the space will be functionally and rationally used. If your schoolchild son is interested in geography or history, then geographical maps are used to decorate the nursery. They will add originality and brightness to the interior and will be interesting to the child.

    Photo of children's room design with bright accents

  • A child’s room for a young man is the most difficult task for parents, because he develops his own preferences and rigid preferences for the decor of his room, which are not always to the parents’ liking. The design project is developed depending on the size of the room, the abundance of light, the interests and hobbies of the son and the financial capabilities of the adults. Often in such rooms one wall is accented with wallpaper that resembles brickwork or wild stone. This accent brings brutality to the masculine interior and gives individuality to the room.

    Children's room design ideas

    It looks interesting to decorate the walls with wallpaper with photographs of extreme sports, graffiti, and comics. Typically, teenagers prefer cold, dark and gloomy colors; parents think that this is not the best option for the interior, but they can always be organically diluted with bright details (textiles, paintings, watches, original accessories).

Marine style for children's room design

Renovating the brothers' room

It seems that if children have different interests and ages, then it is simply impossible to solve the issue of repairs, but this is not so. It is enough to provide each of the boys with their own working and sleeping space, but what to do with the consumed square meters of space?

Stylish children's room for two boys

The optimal arrangement would be a bed with two tiers or a loft bed combined with a full-fledged sleeping place for the eldest son. If the sons are the same age, then having two beds and a table in the nursery where both sons can study will help solve the problem.

Original children's room with photo wallpaper

Bright colors for decorating a children's room

Design of a children's room for a boy

Renovation of a children's room for a boy 5 0 photo ideas:

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