The position of “project manager” has now become quite popular. This is especially true for virtual ideas. That is, those that they plan to promote via the Internet. But here’s the main difficulty: few people know what such a manager should do. Plus, it is unknown what specific skills a given employee must have. Let's try to figure this out.

The (job description) “project manager” is extremely easy to understand. After all, absolutely any employee can become a kind of manager. Thus, it is worth taking a closer look at this vacancy. Maybe she will be the one who will help you achieve real career growth. In any case, it will definitely add work experience.

Who is this

But first, it’s worth understanding: who is the project manager (project manager) anyway? What is this position that everyone strives for? Maybe the word “leader” attracted everyone here?

Not at all. A project manager is an employee who must put forward his ideas regarding the creation and promotion of goods and services. That is, he promotes this or that project. It seems that everything is clear. But in reality a very interesting picture emerges.

The functions of a project manager are very diverse. And therefore, few people understand what kind of work they have to do. Often, responsibility for the emergence and development of a particular idea is shifted to such managers. But is this right?

Project development

Indeed, a project manager must support his own concept from start to finish. You just need to start with development. This process is extremely important.

Coming up with a worthwhile idea that will be interesting to the clientele is a task that a team of project managers must cope with! One person, of course, can also overcome this obstacle. Only it will take more time to develop. And sometimes it’s simply not there. After all, the competition for everyone is enormous now. Especially on the World Wide Web.

This is where the work instructions (job description) begin. A project manager who does not develop a concept is not a manager at all. And so, one name. Be prepared for the fact that you will often be required to promote and come up with new original ideas that will bring profit to the company.

Attributes and standards

The project management manager must also develop and create a variety of attributes and standards to promote his own ideas. That is, he is obliged to come up with something that will distinguish and set the project apart from the mass of others. And, of course, this will be remembered by users.

A modern Internet project manager develops a general concept, as well as the symbolism of the idea. A designer can help him here. And, of course, he develops various Internet project standards. For example, he thinks out to the smallest detail what the official website should look like, what will be on it, how to contact the head of the company, and so on.

Surveys are very helpful here. Only preferably anonymous. The functions of a project manager are very diverse, and often they can be fully realized only after conducting a specialized analysis of potential clients. After all, it is this step that helps to think through the project down to the smallest detail, which will certainly delight visitors and also force them to tell their friends about the idea they saw.


Of course, analytics is a very important point. The job description of a project manager implies that this is one of the most important tasks assigned to the manager. Without this skill, you will not be able to build a successful career in this direction.

What is usually analyzed? Firstly, the customer base. It will change depending on the project idea. And, in fact, you will have to redo the project over and over again so that it suits the majority of people. Secondly, competitors. Competition on the Internet is now simply enormous. After all, various interesting projects are now being created on the World Wide Web. And one is better than the other. Thus, you will have to observe competitors, and also refine and adjust your own ideas so that they look better (or on par) with the strongest Internet projects of a similar nature.

Thirdly, it will be necessary to constantly analyze the product market. Especially if you are entrusted with an online store. A good project manager will first analyze the situation, understand what will bring the best return, and then be able to implement the idea in a way that will get the most out of it in the future. And all this in a relatively short time.


The project manager's responsibilities also include maintaining contacts with sponsors and third-party companies in order to expand the range and services. In other words, a conscientious and responsible manager searches for third-party organizations that may be useful, and also enters into transactions with them.

In fact, maintaining contacts plays an important role. If you cope well with this task, then you can hope for a successful career. True, in practice, an Internet project manager usually hires several assistants who communicate with sponsors and enter into contracts with third-party organizations. Doing this is highly not recommended. Especially if you want all the laurels of success to go to you.

However, not every manager is able to properly build a dialogue and maintain connections with the right companies. But mistakes can cost you the success of the project. Therefore, you will still have to practice and do it yourself (at least over time). Sponsors are often able to attract many buyers and clients. And this, of course, will help you keep the project in working order.


Another extremely important point that a project manager must take into account is advertising his own idea. That is, a good leader is obliged to promote his product. And by all means attract new audiences to the resource.

In other words, carry out Internet marketing on the World Wide Web. Nowadays, this point is not very often included in the responsibilities of a project manager. As a rule, he attracts specially trained people for this idea. But this approach often does not bring maximum returns. As they say, “if you want something done well, do it yourself.” This is where this expression is relevant.

The main problem with advertising is motivation. As a manager, you are initially interested in the success of the project. But hired workers - not so much. Earnings are usually used as motivation. In turn, these are often large expenses. And many cannot afford to additionally reward PR managers for their efforts. Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to organize everything yourself.


In principle, we have already discussed the responsibilities of a project manager. Now it’s worth talking about what a real manager should be like. A project manager's resume is a very important point, so it's worth finding out what should be included in it.

For example, education plays an important role. If you are an individual entrepreneur, you can do without it. But in cases where you work “for someone else”, you will have to worry about the presence of a “tower”. It's good if you get a manager's degree. But an economics education will do, although it is not particularly popular among managers.

It would also be a good idea to have several completed courses in PR, advertising and management. If you have experience in this profession, great. No? Not as scary as it might seem. Lack of another skill is much worse.


It's about fantasy. Without this “option” it is impossible to imagine a good manager. Your skills may not be documented. They will be tested at an interview or during a probationary period.

The imagination of a project manager, especially on the Internet, should be limitless. You must be able to come up with various maneuvers that will attract the public, which will be distinguished by their originality and uniqueness. After all, only this will help promote the project.

In fact, it’s enough just to be able to emerge victorious from different life situations, as well as to lure the clientele.

Knowledge of the programms

No resume can be imagined without such an item as computer skills. Now they are extremely important for any employee - from an ordinary office clerk to a company director. So an Internet project manager must be able to handle a computer and the Internet.

What programs might he need? Of course, the standard set: "Office", browsers, "Corel Draw". In addition to them, it is also advisable to know Photoshop, 3Ds Max, Sony Vegas Pro. Plus, it would be nice to be able to record high-quality webinars or reviews that will help demonstrate all the advantages and best qualities of your project.

You also need to be able to work professionally on the Internet - process mail, send newsletters, post information and upload documents. The average PC user can handle all this. Thus, there are almost no problems when handling the computer.

Programming language

A true project manager usually knows how to create web pages and small applications on his own. That is, he has programming skills. If you know a specialized language, it will be very easy and simple for you to control your Internet project.

In fact, few people actually do programming and management at the same time. Typically, a web programmer is hired to maintain a website or official page. But if you are counting on a salary increase, and also want to amaze everyone with your usefulness, you need to learn web programming.

In practice

But in reality, little of what we have listed occurs today. Indeed, in most cases, project managers refer to the most ordinary users who decide to cooperate with a particular company. And they get the dirtiest work for little money.

What is it? In finding new clients, advertising the project with all our might, and also in selling goods. This trend is very clearly visible in online stores, which often receive income through social networks, where managers work.

A project manager (project manager or Project manager) is a specialist responsible for the successful implementation of a project:

  • within the timeframe specified by the customer;
  • with the required quality;
  • with a fixed budget and limited human resources;
  • upon necessary requirements from the customer.

As a result, the main result of this manager’s work is customer satisfaction.

The position of project manager imposes high responsibility on the specialist, because... It is he who manages all the processes of the project and the final result of the work depends on him. The career path of a project manager always leads to top management and towards larger budget projects.

Places of work

The project manager profession is in high demand in many industries:

  • information technologies (programming, automation, website creation);
  • construction;
  • finance;
  • insurance
  • pharmaceuticals;
  • organization of events;
  • sport.

The concept of Project Manager was born in the field of information technology, which is why there is the highest demand for managers there. At the same time, in every large business, the profession of a project manager is necessary and economically justified.

History of the profession

Leaders, commanders and leaders appeared many thousands of years ago. Some managed the state, some managed the army or ship, some managed construction. In modern language, each of their tasks was a project, and they were its leader.

The history of the project manager profession is associated with the emergence of the term “project” during the era of rapid economic development in the 20th century.

A project is a task that has a beginning and an end, a clearly defined deadline, resource limitations, criteria for quality and successful completion. First, Project Manager positions appeared in IT companies, then in construction and manufacturing, and later in other industries.

Project Manager Responsibilities

The job responsibilities of a project manager greatly depend on the company’s field of activity, but they have a common set of tasks:

  • project management (quality control, deadlines, budgets and risks);
  • communications with the customer (coordination of plans, deadlines, requirements, budgets);
  • project team management;
  • maintaining design and technical documentation:
    • calendar plans;
    • technical specifications;
    • functional requirements;
    • financial reports;
    • and so on.
  • participation in the sales process and conclusion of contracts (including participation in tenders);
  • post-project customer management and additional sales.

Sometimes the functions of a project manager include the tasks of a sales manager: active search for clients, preparation of commercial proposals, negotiations, conclusion of contracts, etc.

Requirements for a project manager

Requirements for project managers depend on the company’s field of activity. At a construction site you need one thing, in IT - another, in the banking industry - a third. The average set of requirements is:

  • Higher education (preferably in the company's field of work);
  • Work experience of at least 1 year (serious positions require more than 3 years);
  • Good knowledge of the field of activity and its market;
  • Ability to prepare documentation (technical and design);
  • Leadership experience (within project teams);
  • Excellent communication skills.

Sometimes among the requirements for project managers you can find:

  • knowledge of MS Project;
  • spoken and written English;
  • understanding of project management principles (eg PMI)
  • willingness to travel.

Project Manager Resume Sample

How to become a project manager

The required knowledge, skills and abilities of a project manager significantly depend on the profile of the company.

Let's take construction as an example. To become a project manager in construction, you must have a higher technical education and experience working in construction companies (usually more than three years and preferably in management positions).

You also need to be able to manage a team of more than three people, negotiate at a high level and be able to defend your point of view, have time management skills, and have a stable psyche.

Project manager salary

The salary of a project manager can vary from 20 to 150 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, the payment system always contains many bonuses, premiums, percentages of sales or completed stages. Therefore, the final income may be significantly higher than the stated salary. The average salary of a project manager is approximately 50 thousand rubles per month + bonuses based on work results.


1.1. The project manager belongs to the category of managers.

1.2. The main tasks of the Project Manager are:

  • conducting a strategic analysis of the company’s project progress,
  • determining priority and degree of importance when allocating resources,
  • monitoring the efficiency of use of resources aimed at project implementation,
  • analysis of workload of performers,
  • operational planning of activities for project implementation, taking into account risk minimization and express analysis of the progress of their implementation.

1.3. The project manager reports directly

1.4. In his activities, the Project Manager is guided by:

  • Legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Charter of the Company;
  • orders (instructions, instructions);
  • this job description.

1.5. Persons with higher education and work experience of at least 3 years or without experience, but subject to passing the test and successfully completing the task during the test, are appointed to the position of Project Manager.

1.6. The project manager must be knowledgeable about:

  • development prospects of the Company and the services/work it provides;
  • organizing work with documents, preparing documentation;
  • labor organization;
  • use of computer and organizational technology;
  • speech culture, psychology of communication and corporate ethics;
  • occupational health, safety and fire protection.

1.7. The objectives of the Project Manager are

  • no need to create and maintain the customer’s own service to perform project management functions;
  • professional formulation of project strategy and technical specifications;
  • ensuring control over project development and construction program;
  • ensuring control over optimization and minimization of the project budget;
  • maximum reduction of construction time;
  • ensuring control over compliance with construction quality:
  • achieving maximum financial efficiency of the project;
  • representing and protecting the interests of the investor before the contractor, designers, consultants and government agencies;
  • preventing a situation in which the contractor, taking advantage of the owner’s lack of professional experience, traditionally seeks to either increase the budget (through additional work) or (with a fixed budget) reduce its costs due to the low quality of materials and work.


2.1. The project manager is the representative of the Company at all levels. He acts on the basis of a special power of attorney and maintains contacts with his colleagues from other companies.

2.2. The project manager is responsible for the effective use of organizational, methodological, material and other means to effectively work on the task set by the General Manager.

For these purposes, the Project Manager:

  • provides automated processing of information coming from corporate information services.
  • uses the application software it needs to operate.
  • studies samples, diagrams, projects, layouts, work instructions and necessary explanations for them.
  • keeps records of the use of working time and the volume of work performed.

2.3. The project manager facilitates advertising campaigns.


The project manager must know:

3.1. Fundamentals of labor legislation, regulatory legal materials and local regulations of the Company.

3.2. Methodology and advanced domestic (primarily the experience of competing companies) and foreign experience in this field of work.

3.3. Modern methods of searching the local network and the Internet for answers to questions that provide the most complete disclosure of the topic and accessible perception.

3.4. Norms and rules of labor protection, safety and fire protection.


The project manager has the right:

4.1. Make proposals to improve the efficiency of your activities.

Require that performers modify documents (layouts, samples, projects, references, descriptions, etc.) prepared in violation of the established rules for their preparation and execution, and which do not give the user a clear and precise answer, do not establish a sequence of actions, and do not allow the user to independently understand the essence of the project.

4.2. Make decisions independently within your competence and bear responsibility for them.

4.3. Make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

4.4. Request personally from structural units and employees documents and any information necessary to perform his job duties.

4.5. Require the head of the Company to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of his rights.

4.6. Require the Company's management to ensure organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.


5.1. Project manager:

5.1.1. As part of resource planning and control, it implements the following capabilities:

  • project planning and resource leveling under time and resource constraints;
  • support for the use of resource qualifications (groups of resources with similar functionality);
  • assignment of resources from those available to the Company;
  • setting a resource assignment profile;
  • application of priority distribution rules when planning work.

When choosing a resource, the Project Manager must take into account their availability (taking into account workload on other projects) and proposals with possible alternatives.

5.1.2. In risk management, the Project Manager analyzes all possible risks (including simulation probabilistic methods), which makes it possible to assess the degree of impact of the risk and increase the accuracy of forecasts and project planning (information about risks is necessary to predict possible risk events, minimize their impact and effectively manage the project), while through which (if necessary) conducts tests before the start of the project.

The project manager has the following capabilities*:

  • input of probabilistic characteristics of the execution of individual works;
  • calculation of average deviations for early, late dates, time reserves;
  • calculation of optimistic, pessimistic and expected durations of work;
  • use of different probability distribution profiles;
  • graphical presentation of risk information.

* These tools are designed to provide the project manager with an adequate and effective response to potential changes in the situation.

5.1.3. The project manager is required to constantly obtain and analyze current data on the progress of the project, and assign them a certain degree of confidentiality. To this end, he can not only deny access to a certain function, but also make it invisible to the “casual” user.

5.2. The project manager, if necessary, can attract investments on different terms at various stages of the project. This may be raising money at interest, renting at an early stage of the project, selling a part/share in the project or the entire project with the mandatory approval and approval of such a decision by the General Manager of the Company.

The guarantor of return is the name, reputation, experience of the Project Manager and, of course, the project itself.


6.1. Education and work experience requirements:

  • Higher education (technical education is preferred)
  • Experience working in a design studio is preferred.
  • Advanced training (mandatory, regularly, at least once a year).
  • Knowledge of a foreign language (preferably English) is a plus.
  • Proficiency in another language(s) is encouraged.


7.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s official duties as provided for in these instructions, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2. For committing an offense in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.3. For causing material damage and damage to the business reputation of the Company - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.4 The project manager bears personal disciplinary and other responsibility provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for:

  • poor quality and untimely fulfillment of tasks and duties provided for in these Instructions;
  • non-use and/or misuse of the rights granted by these Instructions, as well as the company’s property;
  • non-compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, Instructions, orders, regulations, Rules and other documents regulating the work of the Project Manager;
  • non-compliance with internal labor regulations, safety regulations and fire safety;
  • damage or careless attitude to storage and use, theft of company property;
  • rude, tactless attitude (behavior) when communicating with staff and subscribers-clients and visitors of the company;
  • safety of documentation and non-compliance with the interests of the company, issuance of confidential information, documentation (trade secrets) about the company and its clients to third parties;
  • provision of false or distorted reporting and other documentation (information) to subscriber clients, immediate superiors and the General Manager.

8. NOTE:

  • Regardless of the position and length of service in the company, the Project Manager (like all company employees) must undergo annual retraining/advanced training in their specialization for at least 40 hours.
  • The Project Manager's workday is coordinated with in the interests of productive work. Due to the specifics of the work, the duties of the Project Manager can be carried out in a “sliding”/individual mode throughout the week in agreement with the General Manager and.

I have read and agree with this job description,

one copy was received in person.

"____" ___________ 20 _________________ ()


I. General provisions

1. The project department manager is an employee of the project department

2. A person with a higher education and at least one year of work experience is appointed to the position of project department manager.

3. Appointment to the position of project department manager and dismissal from it is made by order of the General Director in agreement with

4. The project department manager must know:

Fundamentals of publishing project activities;

Fundamentals of the editorial and publishing process.

5. The manager of the project department in his activities is guided by:

Current legislation of the Russian Federation;

Charter ____

Regulations on the project department and the department...

This job description;

6. The Project Department Manager reports directly to the Project Department Manager. Additional orders may be received from ____________

II. Job responsibilities

1. Based on the goals of the Project Department, the following goals and objectives are approved for this position:

1.1. Development and implementation of ……… projects.

1.2. Control of product release dates in accordance with the approved plan (schedule).

1.3. Sales forecast for …………. projects, monitoring and adjusting the forecast

2. Functions:

To ensure the goals of the position, the manager:

2.1. Develops and coordinates with the head of the department, project supervisors concepts, goals and main stages………. projects.

2.2. Prepares plans for expenses, income, cash flows…….. projects.

2.3. Maintains documentation on ………… projects.

2.4.Participates in managing cash expenditures for ………….. projects in accordance with cash flow budgets.

2.5. Organizes the implementation………. projects in accordance with the work plan.

2.6. Prepares and conducts presentations……. projects.

2.7. Prepares and makes changes to ……… projects.

2.8. Performs……. projects within the agreed time frame, within the allocated budget and with the required level of quality.

2.9. Coordinates the work of project team members.

2.10. Controls the quality of work performed on ………. projects.

2.11. Adjusts the schedule and budget of…….. projects and coordinates changes with project supervisors.

2.12. Initiates meetings and planning for the progress of ……….projects.

2.13. Generates and coordinates interim and final reports on ……..projects with the head of the department and submits interim and final reports to project curators.

III. Interaction with financial analysis departments

To perform his job duties, the project department manager has the right to:

1. Request and receive, within the required time frame, from managers and employees of the Company’s divisions the information necessary to perform job duties.

2. Involve specialists from the relevant company services to determine planned and actual costs for the project.

3. Make proposals for adjusting the schedule within the agreed stages of the project.

4. Initiate and participate in meetings on implementation issues……. projects.

5. Get acquainted with the orders and instructions regulating the activities of the Projects Department.

6. Require management to provide assistance in the performance of the duties provided for in this job description.

7. Other rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

V. Responsibility

The Project Manager is responsible for:

1. The quality and timeliness of fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by this job description, within the limits determined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

2. Timely completion of the planned stages of…….projects.

3. Correct management and execution of the budget………. projects.

4. Timely changes to ………… project plans in agreement with customers and Project Supervisors.

5. Timely provision of reports on the progress of the implementation of……..projects upon request of the Project Supervisors.

6. Compliance with the rules for working with confidential information.

7. Quality and completeness of project documentation.

I have read the instructions:

(Job Title)

________________________ /_____________________

"___" _____________200__g.

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A project manager is considered to be the administrative head of a project team, providing operational, functional leadership over its work, as well as monitoring all work within the framework of this project. Almost all companies nowadays exist in conditions of increased competition. Therefore, a competent project manager is obliged to analyze the market, make development plans and anticipate changes in this area. Moreover, he must manage these changes, keeping the company's projects and resources at the proper level.

Role in business

In the business world, working on a project can easily be considered a manifestation of art. It requires not only employee skills, but also time and effort. The profession that is most in demand is project manager in construction, both residential and industrial. These employees are also relevant for mechanical engineering, architecture and industrial production. Naturally, such leaders are needed in other areas, but in these areas their services are considered the most relevant.

If we take computer companies as an example, then representatives of this position should be responsible for the production of new products, the development of new level technologies and the coordination of strategic programs. Banking and insurance organizations may also show interest in the position of “project manager”. They use these specialists to introduce new technologies or standards into the company's system.

Job demand in modern times

Internet companies have been actively developing recently. For them, a specialist in this field plays the role of a controller for the launch of new websites of the organization or a manager for the development of new Internet applications. In general, in many business areas there is a high demand for employees for the position of “project manager”.
The responsibilities of such employees may vary depending on the company's area of ​​employment. Commercial and government projects require leadership every year, which is why the labor market attracts tens of thousands of managers. There is even a point that companies are now buying these specialists from each other, and spending huge resources on this.


The project manager must monitor the accuracy of the implementation of the original plan and the safety of budgetary waste. Moreover, it does not matter what exactly he is tasked with, launching a rocket or launching a new product on the market, these functions are common to all specialists in this position. Accordingly, it is he who the head of project managers will ask if a failure occurs or the work is disrupted. He is the one responsible for everything, because the income and position of the company in the industry depends on the results of the manager’s work. For example, if we are talking about a construction company, then for a delay in the delivery of a project, the company must pay penalties on a daily basis. And depending on how deplorable the situation is and the large gap in the manager’s performance of his duties, he may be deprived of his bonus or removed completely. Actually, these are the main functions of a project manager.


A specialist who wants to get this position requires good organizational skills, the ability not only to develop, but also to adhere to the original plan during the work, as well as the ability to simultaneously find solutions to many problems. A candidate for the position must be able to communicate correctly and confidently with people, have an analytical mind and high resistance to stress. The main trait of his character should be the ability to achieve results.

For different projects, a representative of this position must have relevant knowledge. In other words, for example, if you need a project manager whose responsibilities are to supervise housing construction, then he must have an engineering degree. It will also be a big plus for an employee if he has been trained in the basics of business. Managers with a bachelor's degree or higher in business administration or finance perform their duties best. Since the financial success of the entire organization depends on the responsibilities of this employee, he must be able to assess the future results of his work at the enterprise level.

Who is suitable for the position?

Project management is great for qualified professionals who are bored with routine work. Project implementation involves drawing up clear tasks; in most cases, the pace of work is very high and intense. In this regard, when compiling his resume, a project manager must certainly indicate such qualities as the ability to work within a limited time frame, the ability to solve problems when resources are limited. After all, only dedicated specialists will be able to carry out activities that lead to the expected results.

Where can you learn a profession?

You can obtain a certificate as a professional in this field from the Institute of Project Managers. To obtain this prestigious document, you need to have not only the appropriate education, but also experience and practice as a project manager. Training and obtaining occurs through passing an examination and testing for knowledge and compliance with the professional code. Many companies offer promotions or hiring based on certification alone. That is why a project manager applying for a position must indicate the presence of this document in his resume. After all, with it the applicant has a much greater chance of getting a vacant position.


The project manager must carry out his duties in strict accordance with his independently drawn up plan. For development, you need to use critical strategy methods. This is the principle of calculating successive iterations, derived from the company’s existing achievements. Also, when developing a plan, it is worth highlighting all the stages that are necessary to complete certain works.

Planning programs

Each manager must be able to work with at least one computer program that allows planning actions taking into account this method. Moreover, it is worth noting that most programs are designed to calculate a plan in a specific industry. Therefore, before planning to get a job, a manager must learn to work with exactly the program that takes into account the needs of the area related to the company’s activities.

Resource allocation is one of the important jobs that a project manager must perform. The job description assumes that he must accurately distribute the available materials for high-quality and productive project work that can bring the expected results. Most computer programs are aimed at electronically calculating this data. This means that if, for example, it is necessary to calculate when software will be developed, the manager must determine how many software engineers are needed for this and in what time they will be able to complete the project.
And in a situation where construction is coordinated and equipment for it is rented at an hourly rate, the designer’s responsibilities will include calculating data on how much and when the equipment should be on the construction site. Moreover, he must calculate everything so that rental costs are minimal, and the equipment brings maximum benefit for construction. That is, an experienced and qualified project manager is obliged to solve the tasks assigned to him using the minimum expenditure of all resources.


In terms of career, project management is most rewarding in the consulting business. The fact is that this direction allows a specialist not only to gain extensive work experience, but also opens up the opportunity to acquire knowledge in a wide variety of market segments. Most often, employers give their preference to candidates with a similar track record.

In such companies, the invited professional, after he successfully completes the project, can receive a higher position. But this does not always happen, so it is impossible to predict career growth. Thus, a top manager can be invited to a project in a serious company, but a middle manager can be hired in a small company where a small project needs to be completed for the company.

If we are talking about hiring in a non-consulting organization, then it is important which company the applicant wants to work for. There are differences between the responsibilities of the executor of the position of project manager; the job description in domestic and Western companies is different. For example, for ours, complete management of serious projects is more important, so they are looking for a specialist with extensive work experience and certain skills. But their Western competitors often hire young people to supervise small projects.

At the beginning of a career, assistant manager positions are usually offered. They must be responsible for a specific segment of the project work. Few people are able to start their career with such a position as a project manager. And only when a specialist gains sufficient experience for full project management is he entrusted with more serious responsibilities. Only when the company is confident that this specialist will be able to coordinate the work of people on the project from the first stages to the last can he receive a promotion.

Project coordinator

To get the position of project manager, you first need to work as a coordinator. This position involves assisting the manager in performing his duties. Basically, it consists of performing administrative functions, that is, processing documentation.

Project Planning Manager

The next position on the path to promotion to project manager is project planning manager. His responsibilities most often include monitoring the software and entering the necessary information into the system. This position is more technical, and there is little work in it as a manager.

Assistant Project Manager

This is the last position before promotion. The responsibilities of such a specialist include direct assistance to superiors. Basically, it involves performing specific tasks. Also, this employee must draw up reports regarding the work on the project and report to his superiors about everything that happens in production.

Project manager

Here a specialist can independently manage a project or lead a group of other managers who are his assistants. He is responsible for the project directly to customers and senior management. Such a specialist does not contribute his own funds, but at the same time is responsible for ensuring that the project is completed efficiently, successfully and on time.

General manager

If a company is simultaneously implementing several projects, then it needs a specialist for such a position. His responsibilities include monitoring the implementation of all company projects, coordinating the allocation of various resources, as well as calculating financial investments and making decisions about the priority of work performed.


Since each company has individual duties and responsibilities of a specialist in the position of project manager, the salary mainly depends on the result of the completed project. Most often, there is a specific rate (minimum 20 thousand rubles), but if the project can be completed earlier and costs reduced, then in the end, upon completion of the work, the employee can count on a very substantial bonus. As for the project manager, his average salary is approximately 50 thousand rubles per month + bonuses based on work results.

The profession of “project manager” appeared in the mid-20th century in the US military departments, where the first project management tools were created. At the turn of the century, it gained widespread recognition and was named the most in-demand profession of the decade. Undoubtedly, the success of any project largely depends on the professionalism of its leader, therefore the issue of appointing a project manager should be approached with special responsibility.

If the position of “project manager” is introduced into the structure of the organization, then we can definitely say that the company pays great attention to its development. This employee is usually assigned the following responsibilities: identifying the goals and objectives of the project, describing the requirements for the final product, creating it within the approved time frame and within a certain budget, managing the relevant processes in compliance with the corporate project management standard, etc.

The responsibilities of project managers in one company do not change if this function is formalized. Only the projects themselves, their scale and the composition of the teams working on them may differ. If an enterprise has a corporate standard for a project management system, then it should contain the entire list of manager functions. If there is no such standard, then the responsibilities may vary depending on the area of ​​activity of a particular specialist.

Project management and line management

Often, company managers do not clearly understand the difference between operational and project management, which can negatively affect the decision to appoint a project manager. The differences in this case relate to the following areas: the nature, period and conditions of work, the availability of necessary resources, the properties of the result obtained.

Thus, the main features of project management are as follows:

    A project always has a goal, stated in such a way that all stakeholders clearly interpret it and have an understanding of the outcome of the project before it begins.

    The project is always planned for a limited period (either short or very long) and does not involve resumption of work after its completion (otherwise, either there is a long operating cycle or the project was not properly planned).

    The result obtained at the end of the project has unique (previously non-existent) properties, or its creation takes place in conditions different from those in which the usual work of the company’s divisions is carried out.

    The resources required for the project (including time) are limited, and the degree of their availability can significantly affect not only the progress of the project, but also to a large extent its result.

If at least one of the listed conditions is not met, then the activity cannot be called a project.

The position of “project manager” is becoming fashionable not only for individual specialists, but also for companies. Having elevated time constraints to the rank of mandatory, project work began to be called any work to achieve a specific goal with an approved deadline. Accordingly, the performers (not even managers) of these tasks are called project managers. So, you can find a “questioning project manager”, “announcement project manager”.

For example, a bakery begins to produce a new consumer product - cookies. The foreman of the workshop in which it is baked is appointed project manager, but in reality he continues to carry out his normal operating activities. In fact, the position is renamed in order to show the significance of this area of ​​​​work.

However, as practice shows, an operations manager without experience in project management and special training is often not suitable for this activity. It is not aimed at the final result, but at maintaining the progress of work; He is required to have experience in administration, not team management.

Often, the head of a workshop or department adheres to an authoritarian leadership style: when giving orders, he does not assume that his subordinates will discuss it, and rejects their proposals for improvement. This approach is unacceptable for project activities, in which it is quite difficult to unambiguously describe all the processes and ways to achieve results and a significant element of creativity is required from employees. In order to create conditions for its manifestation, the manager needs to form a team of like-minded people; moreover, he must encourage the submission of proposals aimed at completing the task with the highest quality possible.

Employees in the project team are selected, as a rule, from among professionals in specific areas that are important for the successful implementation of the project. They will not tolerate a “nanny” in the team, just as they will not tolerate a despotic attitude towards themselves from the manager. In this case, the team gathers to work together for a limited period of time, and does not have much time to resolve conflicts. To form a cohesive team of like-minded people, the project manager should adhere to the style of a “democratic leader”, which helps to ensure that each participant demonstrates his knowledge and skills, while at the same time maintaining the movement of the entire group towards the goals of the project.

Features of project management

Any profession has a typical set of problems that have been sufficiently studied by HR specialists. If we talk about the difficulties in the work of a project manager, then they can be characterized by the following fact. About 80% of this employee’s time is spent on communications:

    communication with team members,

    correspondence with counterparties,

    coordination of various issues with heads of structural divisions,

    reporting to higher management,

    participation in meetings, conferences, internal corporate conferences,

    endless telephone conversations and much more.

The main difficulty in this case is to achieve a combination of appropriate personal and professional qualities. Successful completion of this part of the work is a guarantee that the remaining 20% ​​of the time will not be wasted.

Project Manager Competencies

Project manager is a universal position. The basis of his success is his experience and knowledge in areas such as personnel management, contract management, supply management, finance, risk, quality and much more. At the same time, even as a leader, he will not be able to lead his team to good results without using modern communication methods.

You cannot expect that without experience you can immediately implement a large project. However, small projects whose goals and objectives do not go beyond the boundaries of a particular specialization (for example, setting up software, scientific research in a specific area, building a house, etc.) can be carried out, gradually gaining experience in management. In this case, professional knowledge in the relevant field comes first.

One of the extremes in the idea of ​​​​the position of a project manager lies in the plane of education.

Consider, for example, the field of construction. On the one hand, a number of engineering and construction universities train these specialists, and at the same time, graduates have professional knowledge in project management. But this only applies to projects of the same type, while they can differ. And although the responsibilities of managers are almost the same, these universities provide knowledge exclusively in the construction field. There is no need to talk about the universality of this education. On the other hand, a variety of project management courses often distort the very idea of ​​this activity, since they are often conducted by professional trainers (specialists in psychology or personnel management), and not by project managers themselves. Only courses at training centers authorized by international associations in the field of project management can provide the necessary knowledge in this area.

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