What to do if bulges appear on the stretch ceiling? Lately, this question has come up more and more often on numerous forums and websites. At first glance, everything is simple, but in practice, not everyone can identify the cause and eliminate it. Below we will look at why bulges may appear and how to act in such a situation.

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Smooth and rounded bulges appeared on the stretch ceiling

If the sagging acquires rounded edges and outlines, we are talking about the appearance of water from above. If you have any doubts, just touch the bulge (it is unlikely to be confused with anything). If a lamp is installed in the suspended ceiling, you can transport the bubble to the hole and carefully drain the accumulated water.

If there is too much liquid, you should use a thin hose and an empty container. Be sure to turn off the power before performing any work to avoid electric shock. At the same time, do not worry about the integrity of the ceiling structure, because a stretch ceiling can withstand up to 150 kg per square meter of film. If draining is done correctly, the bulge will go away and become almost invisible.

The bulge has clear outlines: what are the reasons?

One day another defect may appear on the stretch ceiling - a bulge with clear (“sharp”) outlines. The reason may be crumbling plaster or poor fixation of the wiring behind the tension fabric. The defect can be “floating” - it can disappear or appear again. This feature is explained by changes in pressure in the room, due to which the canvas sags or rises.

A suspended ceiling can “jump” during the process of ventilating the room due to the opening of window openings or the inclusion of devices for ventilating the space. A decrease in the level is possible when doors are suddenly opened or closed or when a powerful hood is turned on.

Notice the bulge. If the canvas rests on an object that does not have sharp edges, there is nothing wrong with that. It’s another matter if the suspended ceiling touches something sharp. In such a situation, touching the surface with your hands and probing it manually is dangerous due to the risk of damage.

Bulge due to technology violation

Other situations are also possible when installers made gross mistakes and incorrectly secured the canvas. For example, the product may be poorly tensioned or have an incorrect cut. In such a situation, the appearance of a bulge is often accompanied by an increase in room temperature. Here we can conclude that there is an installation defect. Pay attention to the quality of the connection of the profile to the surface, as well as the correct fastening of the profile. If such a ceiling defect appears, it may be necessary to dismantle the canvas and reupholster it.

What's the result?

Thus, there may be several reasons for the deformation of the canvas:

  • Flooding from above. In this case, it is easiest to recognize a bulge in a stretch ceiling.
  • Errors during the installation process.
  • Falling putty.
  • Sagging of communication elements located between the canvas and the base ceiling.

Contact the Diart studio. We guarantee high-quality installation of suspended ceilings and emergency service in case of sagging, flooding and other problems. The main task is to detect bulging in a timely manner and take the necessary measures.

Mos Siling specialists have installed a flawless ceiling for you, even, smooth with uniform white/beige/blue or any other color that you like so much. And suddenly everything was ruined: a stain appeared on the stretch ceiling!

Don't be upset - it's absolutely not scary! Returning the ceiling to its former beautiful appearance is not a problem, but an ordinary task. To solve it, you first need to know the cause. Depending on what the ceiling canvas is stained with, different tools and means are used.

Let's look at what causes them most often and how to remove stains on a suspended ceiling:

Water. In bathrooms, dust never settles on the ceiling (tension materials are antistatic), condensation also does not fall on them (the film is so thin that there is no temperature difference), however, splashes from the shower during bathing can fall on the ceiling even for very careful people.

Given the complex chemistry of the water flowing from our taps (instead of the desired H2O), when the drops dry, they leave whitish spots on the ceiling. There are two ways to remove them: wipe them with a dry cloth immediately after bathing; Wipe with a damp cloth or slightly dampened lint-free cloth.

It's just as easy to remove any other water-based liquids. For example, a cherry compote exploded, while canning, tomato or apple juice splashed onto the ceiling, a mosquito was swatted away and traces of blood remained on the ceiling.

In all these and many other similar situations, you can remove a stain on a stretch ceiling with a regular damp cloth.

Fat. Typically, splashes of grease and soot deposits are a problem with kitchen ceilings. To remove these stains, you need fat-dissolving soap compositions (which ones we will look at later, but now we’ll look at the technology).

To wash off frozen dirt and grease, you need to take warm water (from 40°C) and completely dissolve the soap in it, whisking until a thick foam forms. Using a soft tool dipped in warm foam, using non-circular movements in the direction away from the seam (if there is one), you can wash the film.

But before you wash the ceiling, make sure that you do not have sharp rings or bracelets on your hands that could damage the ceiling. Clean from a stepladder or stool, but not from the floor with a mop (it is difficult to calculate the pressure and you can scratch the film on the concrete floor slab). Once you are sure the ceiling is clean, wipe it dry.

Construction dust. When drilling walls during repairs, a lot of dust is generated, especially from brick and concrete walls. It settles everywhere, including on the ceiling. Ideally, if you have a vacuum cleaner, you should use a vacuum cleaner for subsequent repairs.

This is exactly what the installers of the Mos Siling company do if the walls are already finished, so as not to spoil their coating. If dust does settle on the ceiling, it is best to remove it with a vacuum cleaner using a long-pile attachment (you should not rub it with a cloth or washcloth - the dust may contain large scratching particles).

Dye. If the pipes going into the ceiling are metal, they need to be painted from time to time. In this case, splashes from the brush can leave stains on the stretch ceiling. In this case, efficiency is important.

If you immediately notice such a problem, use a cloth (prepare it in advance, and then you won’t have to look for something in a hurry) - and the stain will immediately disappear. The problem will arise if you let oil or enamel paint harden (water-based emulsions can be washed off after hardening).

Under no circumstances use solvents (acetone, turpentine, white spirit, etc.) and especially do not try to pick off the stain with sharp objects - in addition you will get scratches or a hole. If the stain cannot be washed off with soapy water, it is best to decorate it with a sticker that matches the color and style of the room.

How to clean a stain on a suspended ceiling

Now let's look at the tools that will help you get rid of blots on the ceiling. Napkins from:

  • bamboo;
  • microfiber;
  • nonwoven materials: thermobond and spunbond, chemicalbond and spunlace, as well as airlaid, made from cellulose and synthetic fibers (polyester, viscose, polyester or polypropylene);
  • lint-free fabric such as flannel;

as well as sponges for washing cars or dishes. But you should not use piercing or cutting tools, including metal and plastic brushes and sponges.

In order to wash a stain on a stretch ceiling, you can use any soapy substance:

  • laundry liquid soap and soap;
  • “Myth” and “Fairy”, “Frosch” and “Eared Nanny”, “Pemolux” and “Pril”, “AOS” and “Sorti”, “Biolan” and “Dosia”, “Morning Fresh” and “Lazurit” – in general, any non-abrasive gel or dishwashing liquid;
  • Any washing powder will work in the same way, but dissolved so that no solid particles remain.

There are also special products for cleaning stretch fabrics; they are available in the form of sprays, gels and liquids. These compounds are naturally more expensive. In addition to surfactants, they contain alcohols, for example isopylene alcohol (harmless for tension materials and good at dissolving fat).

Do not use abrasive cleaning pastes, powders, bleaches or other aggressive compounds such as acids.

Stains on a glossy stretch ceiling

When you want to clean a varnished canvas, everything said about abrasives applies to them in particular. You should know this nuance: frequent washing of glossy film will turn it matte over the years.

But there are also economical ways to remove stains from varnish canvas and restore shine. These are compositions for washing mirrors and glass based on ammonia or a homemade 10% ammonia solution. Even if you washed with soap, wipe it with ammonia at the end - and the film will shine like new.

Conclusion - about cleaning fabric

Stains on a stretch fabric ceiling can be removed using all of the above methods, depending on the nature of the dirt. But the fabric has two features:

  1. She doesn't like water, so you don't need to fill it, just a damp cloth is enough.
  2. If the stains cannot be washed off (due to the high porosity, it is more difficult to wash fabric than films), the ceiling can be painted with water-based emulsion. This process can be repeated up to 10 times.

→ How to drain water from a stretch ceiling?


What to do with them?

There are defects in production, storage and fabrication.

Typically, such defects are visible immediately after installing the stretch ceiling. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully accept the work done - carefully inspect the finished ceiling.

The most common storage defect is creases in a glossy stretch ceiling.

Creases on a glossy stretch ceiling

These are traces from the collapsed state of the stretch ceiling. Usually they disappear on their own within a week to a month - verified. To avoid this, the suspended ceiling is manufactured as close as possible to the installation date.

Defects on a glossy stretch ceiling

On a note:

Since the ceiling material is new, and even gets very hot during installation, a natural characteristic odor appears from it, which disappears within 2-3 days. During this period, you can ventilate the room more often. The smell does not mean that the ceiling material is of poor quality. For example, any non-water-soluble paint has a much stronger and harmful odor, which completely disappears after a few days. The same smell can occur, for example, from new plastic wall panels and silicone sealant.

Manufacturing defects:

Defect on a satin white stretch ceiling (stripes, folds)

Solution: replacing the canvas. Of course, different options were tried - heating with a hairdryer, washing with soap and powder, rubbing with a damp cloth.

The effect is zero. This deficiency arose during the production of the material at the manufacturer.

Another irreparable defect is abrasions:

Stretch ceiling defect - abrasions

Solution: replacing the canvas. It may be difficult to see in the photo, but there are such matte spots that are visible in the reflection of light objects.

In my practice, they were found only on varnish colored ceilings and on glossy “sky”. The defect occurs when transporting such a fabric without a pad (light translucent fabric). During the shaking process, rubbing occurs in the bend areas.

And here is another drawback that occurs when the profile and material of the stretch ceiling overheat. If the material shrinks significantly (the suspended ceiling is much smaller than the size of the room - this also happens), the tucked part of the canvas pulls back the profile. And since you have to heat it up a lot, the profile is slightly deformed, and this kind of unevenness appears. As you can see, even a plug cannot hide such a defect.

Stretch ceilings have a number of advantages over other room finishing options, which forces many clients to focus on this option. Currently, they are the optimal solution that will perfectly complement a room made in any style. The assortment of companies that sell and install materials offers a large selection of products, which allows you to create the ideal interior that exactly matches the wishes of customers. Given the demand for products, there are products of varying quality on the market, as a result of which some ceilings lose their attractive appearance after some time after installation. What is this due to: poor quality of the canvas, improper installation, or perhaps inadequate care of the surface? This material will help you understand this, because further we will talk about the current problems that some owners face after installing decorative canvas.

Frequently asked questions to experts

Every customer wants to get a product that is excellent in quality and performance for the money they spend. But our expectations do not always correspond to reality. And here we are talking not only about low-quality material or other mistakes from manufacturers and specialists who installed the ceiling. Absolutely every buyer may encounter the defects that will be discussed below.

Many clients want to hear answers to these questions:

  1. Why do pimples and other marks appear on a stretch ceiling? This may be an error made during installation. During the installation process, the pimply backing could stick to the canvas. This is easy to check. When you touch the problem area with your fingers, you can feel a characteristic compaction.
  2. Why do stripes appear on a stretch ceiling? This is also a mistake made by the craftsmen when performing installation. The appearance of stripes on the canvas indicates overheating or underheating. The installation technology may also be violated, because matte fabric and satin need to be tucked in a circle. Only by creating tension can you get rid of the waves, which subsequently turn into characteristic stripes.
  3. Why does the stretch ceiling under the chandelier sag? This can happen in large areas. In such rooms, experts advise buying not just one whole canvas, but choosing several parts of the finishing material.

By choosing a responsible company that produces and installs decorative canvases, premises owners can avoid such problems.

No less pressing problem

Are you wondering why a stretch ceiling is cracking? The cause of the appearance of characteristic sounds can be determined depending on their frequency. If cracking appears rarely, this is an indication of improper surface care. If sounds are heard regularly, most likely an error was made during the installation process. But only a specialist can give an accurate conclusion after inspecting the object.

In fact, there can be many reasons for the appearance of such sounds. This is why the suspended ceiling clicks:

  • there are violations when installing the profile;
  • poor-quality installation of the canvas;
  • temperature changes are observed. This is often observed in the hallway when the door to the street opens in winter;
  • there is a change in humidity in the room, this is typical for the kitchen or bathroom;
  • it is possible for air to get into the opening between the concrete floor and the canvas, which is quite likely when cracks form;
  • cockroaches and rodents appeared.

In addition, the cause of the cracking sound may not only be in the fastening elements or in the canvas itself. Sometimes similar sounds are made by the walls to which the profiles are attached. This often happens in old houses.

Everyone understands that a properly installed structure should not make any sounds, so to get rid of the problem, you will need to make a lot of effort. If this occurs due to a violation of the installation technology, you must contact the company that performed the work, or another organization that specializes in this issue. But in the second case, you should understand that the work will need to be paid in full. Please note that it is unlikely that a non-professional will cope with such a problem, so it is better not to experiment.

If the reason for the appearance of such sounds is a sharp change in room temperature or humidity level, owners should familiarize themselves with the features of the care and operation of such ceilings.

Another problem is the canvas sagging or sticking to the ceiling

This often happens both in apartments and in private houses, and the reason for this phenomenon is in most cases the same. Why does a stretch ceiling stick to the ceiling or swell? Many premises owners who are faced with a similar problem believe that in this case the fault lies with the company that performed the installation. This is a wrong opinion.

Absolutely every canvas can be subject to such deformations. Moreover, this happens not only with PVC film, but also with the fabric version, which is usually stretched more tightly and can allow air masses to pass through it.

Why did the suspended ceiling sag? It is a soft canvas that can change its appearance when influenced by various phenomena, for example, hand pressure, a blow of wind or the flow of water.

When the problem is the wind, the suspended ceiling shows where the air masses are directed in a particular room. Here the question immediately arises of where they come from in the room. When opening the doors to the balcony or landing, air flows into the room. That's why the suspended ceiling either sags or tightens.

This problem can occur indoors. How? This often happens in houses where the construction of the house is done poorly, including where there is poor sealing of the floors between floors. The wind gets into the gaps between the boards and panels.

A similar problem can be solved by sealing the gaps, but this is usually done before installing the ceiling. If the canvas is already installed, you can use special ventilation grilles. Wind flow is one of the main reasons why a suspended ceiling swells.

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