Microclimate adjustment

Smoke removal

Fire protection

Automatic systems window and hatch controls are designed to open and close window sashes without direct human intervention from signals from control elements (buttons, radio joystick, sensors, etc.) using automatic drives. These systems are used when manual access is inaccessible, high opening forces, indoor microclimate control, fire systems and smoke removal systems are used.

Types of automatic window control systems

To regulate the microclimate. Used in private homes, small buildings general purpose by opening and closing the sash (hatch) in the room and emergency closing of the sash in inclement weather. In these systems, control signals are generated by weather and internal climate sensors. These systems can be either low-current with a voltage of 24V or with a voltage of 220V;

For smoke removal. They are used in public and industrial buildings, on escape routes to remove smoke through open windows (hatches). In these systems, control signals are generated by smoke sensors. These systems are low-current with a voltage of 24V;

For fire protection systems. They are used in public and industrial buildings to prevent the penetration of oxygen by closing all windows (hatches). In these systems, control signals are generated by smoke and fire sensors. These systems are low-current with a voltage of 24V;

Any combination of such systems is also possible.

Elements of the automatic system

The automatic system consists of several elements. The main control unit is designed to collect incoming information (from sensors, buttons, additional units, drives) and supply an electrical signal to the drives. Additional block control (may not exist) - designed to collect incoming information (from sensors) and supply an electrical signal to the main unit. Peripheral sensors (weather, fire, microclimatic internal) - for measuring parameters environment and supplying control signals to control units. Elements manual control– designed to supply a signal directly manually, through control buttons, radio controls, etc. Drives – designed to directly open or close a window (hatch).

January 28, 2016 at 12:54 pm

Automation of room ventilation through a window and what came of it

  • Electronics for Beginners

It all started with the fact that the room became hot if the computer was running; due to my absence or laziness, the room was not often ventilated (although it would seem that I should just open the window). In short, I decided to make this “device”. Essentially, a temperature sensor was required, a mechanism that opens and closes the window and an automation system that controls it all.

At that time I was already a little tinkering with controllers, so I decided that I needed a controller and a very simple temperature sensor (also known as a thermistor) - great, said done, I bought these things at a local store, soldered them on a breadboard, tried the simplest automation like you heat the sensor breathing - the LED lights up, the sensor cools down - the LED goes out. It turned out something like this:

Great, it works! got up next question- breathing is all clear, but I would like specific temperature values, after a long time of calculating the voltage values ​​and converting them into temperature, I came up with more or less accurate temperature values ​​that I observed on the computer monitor taking values ​​from the COM port. I was also happy about this achievement (it would seem that this is what a person needs to be happy). Then the thought came to me, but it would be interesting to look at the temperature values ​​without a computer, and in general, a separate device that works on its own and, if necessary, communicates with a computer - this seems to be interesting. The option with seven-segment indicators was dismissed somehow very quickly - not interesting at all. I decided to draw conclusions on the LCD.

I used such an indicator, began to figure out what was there and what they were, what they needed there, tested it on a breadboard and came to the following conclusion - they require initial initialization and it depends on the specific indicator used, and when working, observing any delays, I thought that if I an analog temperature sensor with time conversion indicator also has all sorts of delays, and you also need to have a window opening mechanism, most likely on the engine, you will also have to calculate the time there.

In general, I decided to make a separate module that would deal with information output (later I called it the text information output module MVTI), and the main controller would think about the fact that there wouldn’t even be any delays, and besides, it saves memory. I decided to use the standard COM port interface (RS-232). The task was this: the module receives characters via RS-232 and displays them on the LCD; before starting, all required initialization is performed, all necessary delays are observed, all sorts of checks are made for the type of quantity to output 40 characters, transitions to a new line, and a table of correspondence between encoding characters of data coming from COM port and LCD, I really wanted the output to be in Russian.

I took up this issue - I created a circuit, laid out a board and needed to start manufacturing it, for some reason the LUT technology was not working well for me, and I decided to try to do it in China, read a whole article about it on Habré, and decided to order it there In their article it was written, the website of the board manufacturer. Their minimum order is 5 pieces and they add 1 additional piece for free (in general, the price is cheaper than ordering from us). I ordered these 5 pieces from them, I thought it would be useful if I make such modules again, they turn out to be universal, you can simply connect a modem cable to the computer and output something (you can also supply power from the unit). A month later they sent me the boards, soldered the elements there, wrote a program for the controller that was in the module, tested it, and to a first approximation I liked it, then little by little I fine-tuned it as I found something. The final version came out like this.

Now my temperature was displayed on the LCD in the form: Temperature 23 degrees, got up new problem she jumped at the slightest breath of breeze, such as opening a window door, I walked by - I did the averaging, it turned out to be normal. The temperature is, of course, good, but I also wanted to get there and have time. I tried to do this too, added the code, and discovered that there are shortcomings when turning off the power - it gets lost and needs to be reset every time. I didn’t have enough experience working with controllers and over time it didn’t work out very well, the seconds were different and errors quickly accumulated. Having tried this and that, I began to think about what to do, Arduino developed and cheap real-time modules appeared, and that’s what I decided on.

I took an Arduino Leonardo with 2 UART ports (one for a text output module, the second standard one for connecting to a computer), a real-time module. There were no problems with the libraries, there was enough code and examples on the Internet, I quickly wrote the code, tested it and enjoyed life - time passed and the date was there too, and when I turned it off, the time did not go wrong, a completely wonderful life. But even here I couldn’t sit still, I didn’t like that the small LCD screen showed the time very small, I had to come up with something, and I decided to make a time display module on seven-segment indicators. Seven-segment indicator with two dots good size I didn’t find it for myself. I used 2 double LEDs plus 2 LEDs for the dots, I decided to make the board the same way as the previous one, but not to make it a frequency one, but with memory chips that store the state of the hours and minutes, i.e. time is recorded there once per minute, then the pins are free for other tasks. The result is a module like this:

The next step is the window opening mechanism. I have a wooden window that opens on its side, a narrow and long window all the way to the top. Quite a lot of time was wasted here until I picked up more or less suitable option for a system that deals with opening and closing windows. At the last moment the mechanism looks like this:

Everything was assembled from improvised means, rods were taken from the bar cabinet door mechanism (still a Soviet design), a stepper motor from a printer (driver on an L293 chip), white plastic part- printed on a 3D printer. The design has been lightened and redesigned several times, but currently it serves its function, but I’m not entirely happy with it - so I’m planning to modernize it. For example, a program is written so that at a temperature of more than 27 degrees the window opens, below 24 degrees the window closes, but it is planned to ventilate in time based on the temperature: if the temperature during ventilation drops quickly, then the ventilation is short in time, while ventilation itself occurs more often and vice versa .

Technical progress is confidently moving forward in all branches of science and technology, including in the manufacturing industry, no matter whether they are plastic or wooden.

The windows that the market can offer us may differ both in shape and design. However, from all the variety presented window designs Today we can highlight one ultra-modern system, the operation of which involves automation. It's about about automatic windows.

These light-transmitting products were born just a few years ago and immediately began to gain popularity. They are mainly used in the commercial sector, in offices, secure premises, sports centers, etc. In residential buildings, the use of automatic windows in given time considered exotic. Due to their high cost, in most cases they are installed in elite apartments in Moscow and a number of other large cities, the owners of which can afford a significant overpayment for an innovative product.

Control functions.

Automated windows are controlled via a remote control remote control, and manipulation includes not only the operation of the window to open/close. Using the remote control, you can configure rather unusual functions that are not typical regular window. Let us tell you in order about some of them, which automatic windows can offer to their owner.

  1. Adjusting the opening angle of the sash. It is especially appropriate to use this function in summer period owners who, out of principle, are not in their home, preferring the usual ventilation.
  2. Darkening windows. Yes, yes, now the level of light transmission can be changed remotely using the control panel. With the advent of automatic windows, the need for or, as a means of hiding from prying eyes, almost completely disappears.
  3. Automatically bring the windows to the “closed” position in the event of precipitation. You never know exactly what the weather will be like outside during the day. Now, when leaving for work, you don’t have to worry that you left behind. open windows With automatic control may cause precipitation to enter the room. Special rain sensors installed on the outside of the window, at the first drops of rain, will signal this to the control mechanism, and it will automatically close the shutters.
  4. Automation helps extend the life of the window. This became possible thanks to mechanisms that ensure uniform load along the entire perimeter of the structure being opened/closed.

Using the control panel, you can set a specific response time required function. Ventilation of the room can be carried out without human intervention - opening a window and automatically closing it after a specified time is no longer a problem with windows equipped with automatic triggering mechanisms.

You know what:
Application of automation in window systems This is especially true in factory floors, spacious gyms and entertainment centers, since in addition to automatically opening windows located in hard to reach places ah, such designs can be used in conjunction with fire protection systems. When a signal about smoke is received from a sensor installed under the ceiling, in order to prevent oxygen from entering the burning room, such windows are automatically closed, thereby eliminating the prerequisites for further expansion of the fire.

By equipping your home with such “smart windows”, you can give its premises additional comfort, and intelligent control of automatic windows will make the process of using them a true pleasure.

Modern architectural and planning solutions place window openings in the most different places. In some cases, access to them is difficult due to the inconvenient height, so automatic windows that open using an electric drive are used. Remote opening frame allows you to ventilate the room, regulate the flow intensity fresh air. The automation operates smoothly, without jerking, which increases the service life of window fittings.

Advantages of windows with remote drive

simplicity and ease of use
the ability to open large and heavy windows without effort
possibility of adjusting the opening width of the sash from slot ventilation to full opening
ability to open windows that are high above floor level
extend the service life of the fittings, because closing and opening occurs smoothly without jerking or additional loads

Examples of automatic windows

Electric windows: main types of drives

The window frame opens electrically. Are used following types this equipment:

chain drives for automatic windows

Ideal for opening small transoms and windows. Has the most affordable price.

spindle drives for automatic windows

Ideal for silently opening windows and transoms of medium weight with high speed save space if necessary

rack and pinion drives for automatic windows

Ideal for opening transoms, windows and skylights heavy weight, so they find wide application V office buildings and in production. Have high class protection.

scissor drives for automatic windows


The technologies that are offered to consumers today have taught people to be picky and a little lazy. Take, for example, a TV: its existence is no longer conceivable without a remote control. What about windows? Modern PVC structures are very convenient, but perhaps they can also be set in motion with one press of a button, without leaving the sofa?

It really is possible. Today, automatic window opening is not so rarely used. Such widespread additional function I didn’t receive it only because it appeared relatively recently. Currently, ordering the installation of such a mechanism on your windows is not at all difficult.

Why do you need automatic window opening?

Remote window control

For those who are already accustomed to comfort in everything, such a question will not occur to them. Simply necessary! After all, it's convenient. But there are people who do not like such innovations at first. Like, why relax completely? You can do everything as before, without the remote control.

In many cases, you can actually do without it. But it will still be much more convenient with it. Sometimes it is completely necessary.

The benefits of automatic window drives

Controlling window shading from a distance

· Adjusting the “weather in the house” - the home climate - at any time of the day, quickly and easily. Not everyone has air conditioning in their apartment. But many are familiar with the situation when the temperature “jumps” several times during the day. This can happen due to uneven heating supply, on cold days when you have to use a heater, or in the summer heat. It is difficult to accurately guess the temperature at which to stop. Therefore, you have to open and close the windows several times a day and adjust the level of ventilation.

Automatic opening of windows in the attic

· If the room is on sunny side and there is a dimming function, the remote control will also help you adjust the lighting level. When blinds and windows automatically roll up - or rather, close and open - this can be done quickly and easily. For example, when you sleep during the day and excess lighting just gets in the way. After all, it’s much easier to press one button than to get up and walk somewhere, even just a few meters.

· An automatic window opening system is also indispensable for those who have children. Everyone who lives above the first floor does not want to let their child near the windowsill again, even if he is already 5-9 years old. But children at this age are already left alone at home, even if only for an hour. They may well need to open the window slightly. It's much calmer if they do it from a distance.

· Automation will be very useful in retirement homes. IN in this case It’s not even worth discussing the fact that it’s much easier for them to get by with a remote control.

Automatic windows are activated in case of fire

· Plastic structures are also installed in enterprises. Almost every gym, fitness center, store, entertainment complex and other similar premises are equipped with them. Modern mechanism automatic opening of windows is simply necessary there due to the huge size of the openings. Doing everything manually is difficult.

· Automation is appropriate in enterprises and in large buildings for use in fire protection systems. If the sensor is triggered fire alarm Windows in a burning room are blocked, while in others they are opened, which ensures smoke retention and fresh air access. Happening automatic switching between windows, allowing to minimize the consequences of a fire.

· Very convenient for hard-to-reach places - under the ceiling, in the attic, and so on.

· Also, automatic systems for windows help extend their service life. The mechanism always opens carefully, the load on it is calculated with absolute precision. This is not at all the case when employees or household members either slam the transom or pull it harder than it should. The structure will last longer - perhaps even several years.

Automatic closing of windows and additional functions

Roof windows can be conveniently opened using the remote control

Such mechanisms do not always have only one function - closing and opening by pressing a button. As is the case with fire protection systems, it is possible to install special sensors that will regulate the automatic closing of windows if necessary.

Each mechanical system– its own set of functions. It is selected directly upon purchase. It is better to contact those companies that offer a truly impressive range, since this does not limit the buyer’s choice. Managers will explain the purpose of all the items, and you will be able to determine which ones you need and which ones are definitely not useful.

Controlling blinds using the remote control

The most common use of an automatic window lock is to protect against moisture. To this end, at outside so-called rain sensors are installed in the structure, which will signal to close as soon as drops begin to fall on the profiles and glass. Getting the inside wet can damage the structure, and if there is hail and rain outside, the room will also suffer. Therefore, automatic closing of windows will be useful in this case.

Control with big amount functions can usually be programmed manually. This means that you can disable some of them, and not only leave the rest, but also install them on certain time. For example, turn on ventilation while you are away from home for a couple of hours. Then the automatic opening of windows and their subsequent closing will occur on time and without your participation.

Electric window drive

Many systems operate wirelessly, as they take energy from specially installed solar panels. Sometimes windows are automatically minimized in case of strong wind on the street.

When else might ventilation be necessary without your participation? Remember the transoms and frames that were there before. They always had to be glued for the winter, insulated, puttyed and the cracks painted over... And all because drafts bothered people. Modern technologies installations of PVC structures, and the structures themselves, eliminate blowing.

Electric drive

If you are away from home for a long time, for example, on business trips, automatically opening windows will ventilate as well as an air conditioner. This will prevent air stagnation indoors. There is no need to worry about safety - they will be in ventilation mode, and only at a certain time. Additionally, you can install burglary protection.

You can also purchase and install an automatic dimming window that will regulate the amount of light. Very useful feature for rooms with large openings and those located on the sunny side. There is nothing to say about automatic opening of windows in case of fire for ventilation and smoke escape - for organizations this is the best solution.

Automatic window openers: technological features

Why do windows minimize automatically, what mechanism controls them? They are opened and closed using electric drives. They can be various types depending on what the operating principle is and where you plan to use them.

Chain drives

often used in programmable systems, when the window closes automatically, without human intervention. Easy to manage. Compact system allows the use of such a mechanism in almost any type of transoms and profiles.

Rod actuators

Often used for attics. The main direction is large PVC structures that require force to open. The rod drive is capable of not only holding them, but also opening them to a greater width.

Rack drives

Automatic opening system for roof windows

Just like stock ones, they are convenient for attics and industrial buildings, for large rooms and large openings.

There are several more options. To decide which automatic window openers are needed in a particular case, a consultation with a manager, coupled with information about the premises for which they are purchased, usually helps. Today, “smart windows” are already a reality. So why not use it?

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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