January 7th, 2014

The prickly pear cactus is native to Cyprus. This amazing flower Not only is it beautiful in bloom, but it is also... edible and incredibly tasty! What and how is it prepared from prickly pear? How to prepare it for cooking?

In this article you will find the history of the spread of this cactus, many useful tips, how to peel prickly pear, and how to make marmalade from it.

Prickly pear is a large genus of plants in the Cactaceae family, including about 300 species, varied in size and exotic-prickly appearance of plants.

The plant is one and a half meters tall. The branches are in the form of green cakes, thick and strong. They have yellow spikes. There are a lot of fruits. The fruits also have thorns. Rarely without thorns. Perhaps the “Indian fig”, which produces delicious purple fruits.

Meanwhile, the prickly pears march victoriously through to the globe, conquering more and more new areas. They spread especially quickly throughout Australia. This was started by A. Phillip, one of the Australian governors. He brought prickly pear from Brazil to grow cochineal on it - this aphid produced red paint. Soldiers' trousers were painted with it. Then gardeners from Argentina brought several prickly pears. Prickly pears have escaped from plantations and spread across farm lands. In 1920, they already controlled 60 million acres, forming impenetrable barriers 1.5 meters high.

The alarmed government created a prickly pear council, which was given instructions to stop the further advancement of cacti. We tried different things: chemistry, fire, plows, harrows. No use. Then 150 species of leaf-eating insects were brought from the New World. 149 of them found more delicious food farm vegetables. And only the cactoblastus moth from Argentina lived up to expectations. Its caterpillars soon cleared most of the farmers' fields.

Before World War II, prickly pears began to proliferate in farmers' fields in Texas. This time the culprit was a non-thorny pear - Opuntia macroroot. It creeps across the meadows, like a “caterpillar devil,” only rising slightly above the soil. Seeds have difficulty germinating. Shoots develop slowly. Afraid of competition meadow grass and even more grazing cattle. And yet in the meadows the cactus grew quickly and uncontrollably. There were rabbits. Those fruits were adored.

The rabbits started eating prickly pears in August. And they ate until the frost, until November. And since prickly pear seeds were found in droppings all year round, guessed that rabbits pick up fallen fruits, and sowing of cacti continues in winter. And although the rabbits were, of course, not the only sowers, they began to fight against them.

It remained to solve the second part of the problem. Why do prickly pears establish themselves so well in pastures if their seedlings are sensitive to all kinds of adversity and grow slowly? They found out that before the war there was a severe drought for four years. It retarded the growth of grasses. Fewer herbs grew. There were also fewer cattle grazing. Prickly pears, perfectly adapted to drought, grew no worse than before. They survived and won. There were now 300-400 bushes on each hectare.

Someone brought prickly pears to Madagascar, and they spread throughout the fields. And there they began to eradicate them. But some Madagascars are already thinking. After all, prickly pears are food. And not bad. And they don’t require any care. These plants are definitely created for our era, when more and more badlands are accumulating in the world - all kinds of wastelands, washed away and destroyed soils. On such lands, prickly pear has no competitors. After all, in nature they grow where there is less competition.

Fleeing competition, prickly pears found refuge not only in the desert, but also on the shores of the ocean. The idea of ​​cacti as children of dry, sun-scorched plains is not entirely accurate. Prickly pears do just as well in mangroves so close to the water that the tide rolls over them twice a day. Despite water procedures, bloom as usual and bear fruit. And their appearance does not change. Only in the thickest of mangroves do they become less thick and more lanky. Prickly pears go further than other cacti and to the north, reaching all the way to Canada.

Prickly pears are cacti with flat, succulent, jointed branches. Erect or creeping shrubs, less commonly trees. On the stems there are modified axillary buds - areoles - with spines and a bunch of easily breaking off thin spines - glochidia. The leaves are small, succulent, subulate, and fall off early. Flowers are solitary, bisexual. The fruits are berry-shaped, juicy, sweet, with a pleasant fruity aroma in many species, one of which is known as the “Indian fig” (Opuntia ficus-indica) - edible. Unlike other cacti, the seeds are flat with a hard skin. Prickly pear is a perennial cactus.

Its stem is fleshy, leaf-shaped, jointed, bluish-green in color and flat-oval in shape. On its surface there are areoles, depending on the species, containing large or small spines. Many prickly pears have glochidia - tufts of tiny, very fragile, hook-shaped hairs that painfully burrow into the skin. Like many cacti, prickly pears grow and develop slowly, starting to flower only in the 10th–12th year of life.

Prickly pear blooms beautifully from early April to September large flowers. The resulting green cones of the fruit quickly increase in size and, soon ripening, become red-burgundy. You cannot count on the formation of flowers in most tall prickly pears under indoor conditions. But if they grow in large tubs, which can be taken out into the garden in the summer, or are in greenhouse soil, then many round simple flowers with short yellow, orange or red (less often white) petals often appear on the flat lateral segments. The stamens of prickly pears are usually short, and even when touched lightly, they immediately curl. The fleshy berries contain light-colored seeds the size of a lentil grain; their ossified shell complicates the germination of prickly pears in the European climate. Opuntias are characterized by one feature, namely proliferation (the ability to develop new flowers and shoots from the fruits, but the fruits do not set seeds).
Flowers appear from spring to fall in bright red, orange or yellow. Fruits are produced very rarely on prickly pear in indoor conditions. These are pinkish, thorny berries, shaped like pears. The fruits of many prickly pear species are edible and are known as "Indian figs."

Prickly pears are of interest to gardeners not only because of the variety of growth forms, but also because of the complete unpredictability of development, because prickly pear shoots sometimes appear where you least expect them. It's hard to resist the temptation to spice up your cacti collection with such amazing plants, even though they sometimes grow too quickly and are very unpleasantly prickly. The fact is that all prickly pears have glochidia - tiny bristles, the curved tips of which can only be seen under a microscope. They sit precariously in the pubescent areolas and dig into the skin even with the most careful touch. It is best to remove glochidia with tweezers, soapy solution or under pressure running water.

Prickly pear also ancient plant Indians, depicted in state emblem Mexico. The stems contain starch, sugar, protein, and vitamin C. They can serve as animal feed. Plants are easily propagated vegetatively. In some parts of America, locals eat the fig-like prickly pear fruit, calling it fleshy berries“tuna” and distinguishing them by color (tuna amarilla, tuna blanca, tuna tinta, etc.). The fruits of wild prickly pears were also eaten in Spain, where the time of ripening of these berries was celebrated as a kind of folk holiday. Jams and jams are also made from the fruits of some types of prickly pear, and syrup, molasses and wine are made from the juice. Ripe fruits are dried, and unripe ones are boiled with meat. Italians eat prickly pear fruits as dessert, fresh or after heat treatment.

In cultivation, the most popular are low-growing species with segments flattened in the form of cakes, although they bloom reluctantly in indoor conditions. Prickly pears, with the rare exception of some types of cacti, are very easy to grow. You need to take care of prickly pears very carefully, as the glochodia easily separate and stick into your fingers.

The fruits of prickly pear, growing in Italy and other Mediterranean countries, are used as a healing agent (they have strengthening properties) and as a vitamin remedy, because berries, like leaves, contain large number vitamin C.

The fruits of prickly pear or teonochtli (or tuna), as the Aztecs called prickly pear, had sweet and sour taste and were widely used as food. Europeans who arrived here many centuries later began to call it prickly pear. Indeed, the shape of prickly pear fruits most closely resembles a small pear or lemon. These fruits can be consumed either fresh, dried or boiled, but you must first remove the thin spines from the skin of the fruit. The analysis showed that the fruits contain albumin, plant mucilage, and sugars. That is why syrups and jellies are made from the juice obtained from prickly pear fruits, and is also used as a red coloring agent in the confectionery industry. When the juice is fermented, the result of fermentation is the low-alcohol drink kolinke.

Mexicans still use prickly pear stems for food to this day. For this purpose, young shoots are used, which are first cleared of thorns, and then they serve as the basis for preparing a number of national dishes.

At the end of August, pale green, yellow and crimson “fingers” of exotic fruits appear on prickly pear trees - “ prickly pears», « barbarian figs” – as they are often called. Collecting exotic fruits must be done with caution, using special devices like wire cutters or, at least, wrapping your hands in thick cloth. Prickly pear spines are very small and penetrate the skin very easily, but are removed from it with great difficulty. You can separate the fruit from the peel in the following way: lower the fruit into water, hold it there for several minutes, and, holding it with your thumb and middle finger at both ends, cut the peel along the fruit with a knife and bend it (again, with a knife) to the side. The assistant must remove the watery pulp of the fruit from the peel. Otherwise, your hands will be mutilated by thorns.

Fruit prickly pear They have a cylindrical shape and are approximately 5-7 cm long. You can eat the wonders whole, despite the harsh skin. The “thorns” taste very sweet and juicy, even somewhat similar to persimmon, but with a pine flavor and an abundance of small seeds. The prickly pear is the fruit of the prickly pear cactus, or popularly the prickly pear, better known as nopal, from the genus Opuntia cactus. ). From such a strange fruit comes delicious jam, jams, as well as oriental sweets.

From the prickly pear flower, an oblong fruit resembling a kiwi in shape grows on the surface of the leaf. The prickly pear fruit is considered a fruit, and the stems of this cactus are also eaten and are considered...vegetables. This is such an amazing exotic plant.

What does prickly pear fruit look like? The ripe fruit is green with red and yellow specks. It is incredibly scratchy, and below we will tell you how to clean it. Prickly pear fruits can often be found in modern supermarkets, where special tongs are placed near them so that buyers do not prick themselves on the sharp needles of the fruit’s skin. How to prepare prickly pear fruits for eating?

Peeling prickly pear berries should be approached with special attention. Firstly, so that without special labor To clean the too prickly prickly pear fruits from small needles, you need to wear rubber gloves. Next you should pour the thorn berries cold water, or even better, rinse the prickly pear fruits with a strong stream of water, as a result of which the small fiber needles will be washed off on their own. Now we blot the cactus fruits paper towel. There is a line to cut the skin from each fruit.

To do this, holding it with a fork, first cut off the ends of the fruit, then make a cut along the entire fruit and remove the peel with a spoon. See the photo on how to clean the prickly pear correctly without pricking yourself:

1. Hold the prickly pear with a fork and cut off one end and then the other.

Make a longitudinal cut on the fruit with a knife.

Carefully insert a spoon and remove the pulp in a circular motion along the inner diameter of the prickly pear.

We very carefully throw away what is left, because prickly pear thorns are almost impossible to remove from the body.

We get a juicy, peeled fruit that tastes a little like our persimmon.

What can be prepared from prickly pear fruits? Prickly pear fruits taste juicy, sour, sometimes taste sweet, depending on the variety; some fruits are more aromatic, others are bland. The prickly pear pulp can be eaten with a spoon. And you can prepare various dishes from it, for example, bake it in the oven, add it to liqueurs and cocktails to enhance the taste, stew meat with it, add it to desserts, and even make marmalade from it, the recipe for which we will provide you with below.

Prickly pear fruits are multifaceted in taste, so they can be added to both sweet and savory dishes. Prickly pear leaves, as we said, are also edible. They are baked, marinated, stewed with poultry or meat, boiled, and added to salads. For culinary dishes, choose prickly pear leaves that are not too thick, clean them of needles with a knife, wash them and use them for food.

Prickly pear marmalade

You can make jam from prickly pear fruits in the usual home-made way, or you can spend a little more time and make tart, refreshing-tasting, slightly sour marmalade from them.

Prickly pear marmalade is prepared using fresh puree from its fruits. This puree is sold in supermarkets, or you can make it yourself.

You will need:

Prickly pear puree - 400 grams

Stevia -1/2 teaspoon

Any dry salad dressing - 1 teaspoon

Agar-agar - 1 teaspoon

Water - 50 grams

Sugar to taste.

Thaw (if purchased) the puree or take regular prickly pear pulp, rub it through a sieve or grind it in a blender, heat to a boil over very low heat, stirring constantly. Dissolve agar (gelatin) in 50 g of hot water (not boiling!), pour into the prickly pear puree, bring the mixture to a boil and boil for another minute, add the remaining ingredients and stir well. Let the mixture cool and pour it into silicone molds and refrigerate. Prickly pear marmalade is ready!

Not everyone knows that foods such as cactus fruits are eaten. For many, a cactus is just a prickly plant that stands near the computer. However, there are varieties of cacti that have not only edible, but also very tasty berry-like fruits.

These varieties include the following:

Prickly pear

The most common species with edible fruits. At the same time In Opuntia, not only the fruits are eaten, but even the stems. Initially they have green, becoming reddish-burgundy as they mature. The fruits are covered with spines, which are very small in size. In this regard, it is not recommended to pick berries with bare hands. The taste is sweet with a slight sourness.


In Russian and other stores you can often find such exotic fruit as Pitahaya or Pitaya. This product is also called Dragon Fruit. This is the fruit of a cactus called Hylocereus. This cactus comes from Vietnam. The pulp has a sour taste. Some compare the taste of pitaya to strawberry. They eat it raw, make jam, and also add it to dessert dishes.


The fruits of the Mammillaria cactus are also edible. They can grow on the plant throughout the year without falling off. These berries have a sour taste. Used raw and also for making jam.

Eating Opuntia fruits

The juicy pulp has a sweet taste with a slight sourness. Some compare the taste of Opuntia with strawberries, others with pears, and still others with kiwis..

The surface is hard, it is covered with small needles. Color ranges from pale green to red. At the same time Prickly pears not only have interesting taste qualities, but also healing properties.

IN lately Such exotica can be found on the shelves of foreign stores, less often - domestic ones. A grabber is specially placed in the tray with fruit, with which you can pick it up so as not to prick yourself.

On the island of Cyprus, one kilogram of fruit costs about 1.5 euros.

How to pull needles out of fruits?

Before eating fruit, you need to prepare it. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate all existing thorns.

Firstly, It is not recommended to take cactus fruits with bare hands so as not to remove the needles from skin. In this regard, it is worth using durable rubber gloves. And the fruit itself is best held with wide tongs. Despite the fact that the needles are very small, their contact with the skin causes pain.

If the needle does get into the skin of your hands, it needs to be removed using tweezers. It is advisable to do this over the sink, immediately washing off the needles. Otherwise, the needles will fall to the floor, as a result of which they will have to be removed from the skin of the legs.

Secondly, To remove thorns, it is recommended to rinse the prickly pears under strong water pressure. This will get rid of small needles. Large needles can be removed by wiping the surface of the fruit with a napkin. The napkin must be folded several times.

The fruits available for sale are already cleared of thorns, so to consume them you only need to rinse the fruits under water.

How to remove the peel?

Since the peel of the fruit is quite hard and dense, it is recommended to remove it. How to do this?

  1. Initially cut off the ends of the fruit;
  2. Made on fruit longitudinal cut;
  3. Skin gently pulls back and is removed.

Some people prefer to simply cut the fruit in half and eat the pulp with a spoon. At the same time, the bones are also eaten.

How to eat without pricking yourself?

To clean the berries from needles, it is recommended to wear strong rubber gloves. The berries are soaked in cold water or washed under a strong stream of running water.. This will rid the surface of the fruit of small thorns.

Then the fruit is wiped with a paper napkin, which is folded several times.

In addition, in some other countries it is customary to freeze the fruit initially. After freezing, the needles are either washed off or simply shaken off the fruit.

What does the prickly pear fruit taste like?

Prickly pears are juicy and have a slight pleasant sourness. However, depending on the variety, the taste may be sour or sweeter. The fruits of some varieties are incredibly different pleasant aroma, while others do not have it at all.

These fruits can perfectly quench thirst due to the juiciness and some wateriness of the fruit pulp. Therefore, some are surprised by the consumption of fruits in countries with cool climates.

The fruit contains small seeds. In this regard the fruit can be compared to a pomegranate or grape. Some people refuse to eat them, while others calmly chew them and consume them along with the pulp.

Benefits and harms

The fruits of this variety of cactus have numerous beneficial properties. They are used for a number of the following diseases:

  • Obesity;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Gastric ulcer;
  • Gastritis;
  • Constipation.

At the same time, they are used in folk medicine not only the fruits, but also other parts of the cactus: leaves, flowers and stems.

Since ancient times, the berries have been used to treat scurvy due to their high vitamin C content.

With the help of such an exotic fruit, some therapeutic diseases are also treated, for example, colds, and they are also used to lower body temperature.

Besides, fruit pulp can stop bleeding and has a wound healing effect. They also perfectly quench thirst due to their sour taste.

Berries are effectively used for weight loss. They help not only reduce weight, but also help in the fight against cellulite and swelling, which often accompany obesity. They contain a minimum of calories.

However, you should not abuse the product. Abuse can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences:

  1. Allergic reaction;
  2. Headache;
  3. Constipation;
  4. Vomit.

What is prepared from prickly pear fruits?

The fruit is used not only for raw consumption. Most often it is used to prepare all kinds of dessert treats.. These include fruit salads and fruit drinks. Jams, preserves, confitures and marmalade are also prepared. Also, the pulp of the berries is often added to liqueurs.

But that's not all. Fruits are often used in the preparation of meat dishes. It is actively used to create sweet and sour gravies and sauces.

Some people bake berries in the oven without peeling them. The peel is removed from already baked products.

It is worth noting several recipes that are actively used in folk medicine to treat certain diseases.

So, to prepare an anti-cold decoction you will need:

  • Fruit;
  • Marshmallow root.

You first need to prepare a syrup from marshmallow root, and then mix all the ingredients in a ratio of 2:2:1.

Also effective means against elevated temperature body is a recipe from:

  • Prickly pear fruit;
  • 3 liters of water.

Some varieties of cacti are edible and very tasty, which are widely eaten both raw and cooked. For example these exotic fruits added to hot dishes, desserts, and used to make jams and confitures. The fruits are distinguished not only by their good taste, but also by their beneficial properties. However, before consuming the fruit, they must be cleared of needles and peels.

What beneficial, healing and medicinal properties does prickly pear have?

The birthplace of prickly pear is Mexico. Represents large cactus, having dark green stems that look like cakes. The stem segments can be as large as the palm of your hand, they are thick, juicy, light green in color, and have an oblong or obovate shape. Needle-like large spines are formed on mature segments.

Popular belief says that myrtle makes a woman happy, so every woman is recommended to keep this plant at home. The smell of myrtle removes anger and envy from a person.

In industry and medicine, the entire prickly pear plant is used. In hot countries, prickly pear is used to make hedges and is also planted to protect the soil from erosion. The plant is used in cosmetology, and magical amulets are made from its thorns. Oil is extracted from the seeds or ground into flour. Prickly pear flowers are included in many tea infusions. Pectin, glue and food coloring are produced from the plant. It contains vitamins. From this type of cactus you can obtain raw materials for the production of soap, alcohol, deodorants and much more.

Due to its considerable healing properties, prickly pear is used in traditional and folk medicine. Preparations are prepared from prickly pear shoots to help with diarrhea and relieve abdominal pain. Prickly pear fruits are also used as a fixative for diarrhea.

For the treatment of diabetes, obesity, gastritis, liver diseases, arterial hypertension, and gastric ulcers, preparations from the stems and flowers of this cactus are recommended. They are also able to regulate blood sugar levels. Prickly pear leaves promote the production of insulin in the body.

Prickly pear is recommended to be eaten for obesity; it promotes weight loss, but at the same time provides the body with all nutrients. The fact is that cactus fibers absorb fat molecules, so it is not absorbed in the intestines. It also helps break down fats in tissues and quickly eliminate them from the body.

When eating prickly pear, the fibers swell and their volume in the stomach increases, resulting in a feeling of fullness that does not go away for a long time. Appetite and blood sugar and cholesterol levels decrease. As a result, they improve metabolic processes and the weight becomes less.

Opuntia – perennial, belonging to the cactus family. In nature, prickly pear occurs in the form of a branching shrub, simply creeping plants on the ground and a tree reaching 6 meters in height. Most often, the plant has a round, branched and succulent stem. The stem consists of flat oval-shaped segments, which are located separately from each other and come in different sizes. All segments are shrouded in hairs and spines.

Prickly pear has spines called glochidia. These spines are tufts of sharp, thin, but fragile bristles located in pubescent areoles. The flowers of this plant are very large, come in a variety of colors (yellow, red and orange), and are shiny. The flowers are solitary and have many short stamens and pistils.

The fruits of prickly pear are swollen leaves, juicy and fleshy. Inside the fruit contains seeds in an ossified shell. Opuntia – amazing plant, because it is capable of developing new flowers with shoots from the fruits, but there will be no seeds inside the fruits.

Prickly pear can be seen in the steppe zones of Canada, Southern Argentina, and Central America. It is grown in Turkmenistan, the Caucasus, and Crimea.

Prickly pear propagation

Prickly pear is propagated by cuttings and seeds. Cuttings are the easiest of these propagation methods. To do this, you need to cut the cuttings in the summer so that by autumn they take root and survive the winter well. The cut of the cutting is sprinkled with crushed crushed coal. Next, the sprinkled cuttings are left for 4 days to dry. To root the cuttings, prepare wet, calcined sand. The cuttings should not be exposed to direct sunlight. When the cuttings take root, they are planted in prepared soil.

For the seed propagation method, spring time is chosen. This method involves extracting seeds from freshly harvested fruits that appear after the plant has flowered. The collected seeds are left for 24 hours in warm water: This is necessary so that the seeds germinate better. For sowing seeds, greenhouses with a temperature of at least 25 degrees Celsius are best suited. In addition, fluorescent lamps need to be installed in the greenhouse. It will take a long time for the seeds to germinate, but it will be worth it because the seedlings will be very strong and large.

Prickly pear care

In order for prickly pear to grow and develop well throughout the year, it needs to be provided good lighting. If you decide to grow prickly pear in your apartment, then place the pots with this plant in the south or east window. But in summer period prickly pear is needed fresh air, so they take her out into the street.

Prickly pear tolerates heat well and is not demanding temperature conditions. Prickly pear should be watered sparingly and only if the soil in the pot is dry. You cannot water the prickly pear more than once a month, since it has not yet “absorbed” the previous water. If the pots with the plant are kept in a room where the temperature is 5 degrees Celsius, then in this case the prickly pear does not need to be watered at all. You should not water the plant too often, as this will cause its roots to rot.

Starting from April and until the beginning of autumn, fertilizers need to be applied to the soil once a month.

Prickly pear does not tolerate transplantation well, but if there is a need, then only spring is suitable for this process. In fact, prickly pear can be replanted once every 3–4 years. For replanting, you should purchase a pot of medium depth, but very wide. The soil for the pot should be prepared in advance: take red brick, crushed together with crushed charcoal, mix with turf soil - and now the soil is ready for replanting.

Prickly pear is often affected by root nematodes, which cause the plant to quickly die. This infection can be easily detected; to do this, you just need to look for spherical swellings on the roots of the plant. If they are present, it means that there are microscopic worms in the roots. To get rid of them, you need to lower the roots of the plant for 10 minutes in hot water(no more than 50 degrees Celsius). The root collar of the plant should not fall into water. Next, we take out the roots and treat them with crushed charcoal. To avoid infection of the roots by these worms, only sterile soil should be purchased for planting.

Useful properties of prickly pear

Prickly pear is a plant that has many beneficial properties. Its flowers and stems are used for obesity, diabetes, stomach ulcers, constipation and gastritis. The leaves contain calcium and potassium, which stimulate the body's production of insulin. The flowers of the plant have an astringent effect, in addition, they are used for bleeding as a means of stopping the blood.

Prickly pear is beneficial for older people as it has the ability to make muscles bladder stronger. The flowers of the plant are used for various inflammation processes. Prickly pear improves immunity and has a general strengthening effect on the entire human body. Prickly pear is the first remedy to combat thirst, radiation and dehydration. The plant is an excellent antibiotic.

Prickly pear oil

Prickly pear oil is obtained by using the method of macerating prickly pear flowers with vegetable oils. Prickly pear oil contains large quantities organic acids, sterols and tocopherols. Due to the content of fatty acids in this oil, it has beneficial properties. Prickly pear oil is a very valuable remedy that is used for hair and skin problems. It can be used both pure and diluted. They lubricate the breasts, making them firmer and increasing their tone. Wrinkles on the face can be removed by applying prickly pear oil mixed with avocado oil to the skin.

Uses of prickly pear

Preparations from the fruits, flowers, stems and roots of prickly pear have long been used in folk medicine. For example, a plant shoot is used as a poultice, which is brought to a boil and cut lengthwise. Prickly pear is used to treat scurvy. This plant has amazing antiseptic and bactericidal properties, thanks to which it is very useful for throat diseases, various inflammations of the genitourinary organs and intestines.

Prickly pear helps improve the functioning of the liver, kidneys and spleen, improves blood circulation in the brain and memory. Prickly pear also normalizes metabolic processes in the body. A tincture from this plant helps men fight impotence.

Prickly pear for weight loss. Prickly pear is used in the fight against overweight, and quite successfully. At the same time, prickly pear not only relieves excess weight, but also provides the body with all the substances it needs. Preparations from this plant prevent the formation of fats. Prickly pear breaks down existing fats and removes them from the body. Prickly pear contains plant proteins that eliminate cellulite and swelling. With the help of this plant, obese people quickly get rid of extra pounds, and this does not harm their body, but, on the contrary, brings it only one benefit.

Prickly pear tincture.
Take a leaf of this plant, then cut it into pieces and pour vodka so that it completely covers the leaves of the plant. Leave the composition to infuse for 2 weeks. Take this tincture 15 drops for aching legs. You also need to smear it on your feet.

Prickly pear for ulcers and wounds. In this case, you need to take the prickly pear, remove all the spines and remove the skin. The finished bare sheet is applied to the ulcer or wound, placing a bandage on top of it. This procedure is done no more than 5 times.

Prickly pear decoction for bronchitis. To prepare it, you need to take the prickly pear pulp and grind it, pour it into a glass, filling it 1/3 full, then pour in 200 ml of boiling water. Put everything on the fire for 15 minutes. After straining the broth, it must be brought immediately, without allowing it to cool, boiled water to the original volume. Take the prepared decoction, 2 teaspoons 4 times a day before meals.

Prickly pear tincture for cystitis. Take 1 glass of crushed fruits of the plant and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Leave for 7 days to infuse, remembering to shake periodically. After straining the tincture, take 2 teaspoons diluted in 50 ml of water before meals three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of prickly pear

From fresh juice prickly pear may appear red spots, headache, nausea or vomiting. That is why, before using drugs from of this plant you need to consult your doctor.

It consists of flat segments covered with tubercles (areoles) and spines. The peculiarity of Opuntias is their ability to develop shoots or flowers from any of the buds in their characteristic manner: in the most unexpected place. This flower cactus produces fruits that are used as food, and the body of the Opuntia itself can be fed to animals. The microelements and vitamins included in its composition, the structural features of the stems and fruits have made it possible to use Opuntia in folk and traditional medicine. Its extracts are also contained in personal hygiene products. The fruits and stems of Prickly Pear have many beneficial properties, you can read about them in the article below.

IN open ground in the Mediterranean region, Opuntia blooms in late spring, in which case the fruits can be collected by the end of summer. Local residents have noticed that if you shift the flowering for a couple of months to mid-summer, cutting off the flowers, then the November fruits become larger and reach 300 grams in weight (instead of 100 grams when flowering in spring) and the yield rises to 2 tons per hundred square meters. Here are a few more advantages of late fruiting: a small number of seeds, and improved taste.

To collect berries from tall plants They use a two- to three-meter stick with a sickle-shaped knife at the end, which is called JIA.

Inevitably, needles remain on the surface of the fruit, which can be easily removed with brooms. After cleaning they are ready for transport in closed wooden boxes with straw bedding between layers. The shelf life does not exceed half a year.

You can eat the fruits either raw or thermally processed. These are practically the same berries as cherries and currants, and the same recipes apply to them.

Prickly Pear Stems for Pets

WITH forage species Prickly pears are suitable for livestock food with segments (leaf-shaped shoots) with a diameter of 10-15 cm and a thickness of up to a centimeter. During the day their level changes nutrients: in the morning they are highly acidic, in the evening they are fresh (only 1/5 of the morning acid level), so the collection is carried out at dawn, it is better if there was fog that day and drops of dew remained on the cactus.

In order to remove thorns, the harvested crop is burned. Several stones are placed in an open area, and a metal grill, and a fire is formed below. The procedure is similar to barbecuing over a fire. After such treatment, the members soften, become sweeter, and chemical processes are activated. It happens that parts of the cactus are placed in large vats and pressed; over time, fermentation begins, which improves the taste.

The leaders in the production of fodder Opuntia invariably remain Mexico, the USA, and South Africa. There they achieved a yield of about 50 tons per hundred square meters of land in 4 months of cultivation.

People can eat the shoots too

Milk cladodes of some varieties of Opuntia with a diameter of up to 10 cm, up to a month old, can also be eaten by people. If you plan to eat the Opuntia stems in the first month after collection, then cut them in the morning are suitable, if for storage - in the evening. They are eaten and stored in different forms: raw, dried, dried, and they are also pickled, canned, and juiced.

Cladodia is a modified stem of some plants, the leaves of which turned into spines during evolution.

Prickly Pear Oil

Obtained from cactus flowers. Vegetable oils, in which flowers are placed, they are broken down, free substances are bound with fatty components, thereby obtaining Opuntia oil.

The process of breaking down parts of plants into smaller and more elementary ones in plant growing is called Maceration.

The resulting composition has beneficial properties used in cosmetology. Opuntia oil alone or when mixed with other extracts is used to care for the skin of the face, scalp, body, and for hair restoration.

Directly squeezing Opuntia seeds also produces oil rich in vitamin E. It is included in anti-aging creams.

Such oils can be purchased in the store, but most often they are brought in the form of “goodies” from Tunisia, Mexico or other resort cities.

What use has Opuntia found in medicine due to its medicinal properties?

Due to its coarse dietary fiber and high acidity, Opuntia, most often Fig (Indian), is used for digestive problems. It helps cope with diarrhea, dysentery, and has a strengthening effect. It is stated that preparations based on this cactus stabilize metabolic processes in the body.

The property that strengthens blood vessels is used in the treatment of the genitourinary system in older people, to improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and spleen.

Possessing an anti-inflammatory effect, Opuntia can be used to treat bronchitis. It has healing properties and binds free radicals in the body.

In combination with others medicines can regulate sugar levels and reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. For diabetic patients, it contains a lot of potassium and calcium, this stimulates the pancreas, insulin synthesis, and regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body.

Prickly pear is often prescribed by nutritionists for obesity. For weight loss, it has the ability to bind fat cells with coarse fibers at all stages of digestion. As a result, one kg of consumed Opuntia can retain up to 230-280 grams of fat without absorption. As a bonus, you get swollen cactus fibers, which make you feel full. Reducing the amount of digested fat lowers cholesterol and sugar levels in the body, and weight decreases. The pharmacological form of release of the cactus is the drug “Proactol”. In case of diseases such as obesity, ulcers or gastritis, you need to be careful and pay attention to the amount of acid in the composition of the prickly pear stems, and it is better to consult a doctor.

For women, the positive effect will be a reduction in swelling and cellulite.
Prickly pear vinegar has gone on sale. Its action is based on binding and removing fats and water from the body. It is produced in Tunisia. The manufacturer claims completely organic origin (without chemical additives), which is a positive marketing ploy for lovers of everything “natural”.

For men

The flowers and roots of Opuntia contain substances that stabilize the functioning of the prostate gland and genitourinary tract in men. Cactus extract is contained in various dietary supplements prescribed in parallel with the main treatment of male diseases.
In New Orleans, a group of scientists has developed a drug to combat hangover syndrome. It helps the body at times when the liver is in critical condition, Prickly Pear extract relieves the feeling of nausea, improves appetite, and relieves dry mouth.

In sports

Enzymes synthesized from the skin of Opuntia are included in preparations for athletes. This pharmacological agent increases the overall tone of the body and restores energy in the muscles after long workouts. These same substances have a positive effect on nervous system animals and people, causing calm and tranquility.

For sunburned skin

Opuntia's ability to withstand heat and low humidity is transferred to the skin of people using cosmetics with cactus extracts. Even with sunburn, various types rashes, dermatitis, lotions and tonics with Opuntia are prescribed.

Improves brain function

By improving blood supply and reducing swelling of blood vessels, Opuntia stimulates brain function. In addition to active blood supply, oxygen saturation of cells improves, which together improves memory and speeds up work. The frequency of headaches decreases.

In experiments

With the help of Prickly Pear ethyl acetate, attempts are being made to treat Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, and due to its positive effect on the cardiac system, they want to use it to prevent myocardial infarctions and strokes. Antibiotics are synthesized from the cactus, which in the future may be able to fight cancer.

In folk medicine

There are many known uses. Here is a small part of them:

With caution

Handle cactus spines following safety rules:

  • You can work in protective gloves made of fairly thick rubber;
  • If glochidia come into contact with the skin, do not scratch it under any circumstances;
  • moisten the substrate in the work area so that the spines stick to the base and do not fly apart.

U different types, glochidia have different influence on the skin, ranging from itching to swelling. Tweezers are used to remove them. cold water with soap or melted wax (applied in liquid form and removed frozen from the skin along with the thorns).

Chemical composition

Opuntia contains:

The fruits and stems contain many microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. Starch and glucose are synthesized from Opuntia. We list the vitamins in descending order of their volume in the composition of Opuntia per 100 g:

  • Vitamin C (14 mg), also called ascorbic acid, is needed to maintain immunity, removes cholesterol from the body, improves heart function, etc.
  • Vitamin PP, more precisely N-methylnicotinic acid betaine (0.46 mg), we will not go into details, but this vitamin is used as an antiallergic agent, reduces cholesterol levels, and improves blood permeability in blood vessels.
  • Vitamins B1 (0.014 mg), B2 (0.06 mg), B6 ​​(0.06 mg), the same vitamins are included in Pineapple, a little more is written about them.
  • Beta-carotene (0.026 mg) is a yellow vegetable dye that has immunostimulating properties, binds and removes harmful substances from the body.
  • Vitamin B9 (6 mcg) known as folic acid. Helps to form new cells, stimulates the development of fetal bone marrow early stages pregnancy. Its deficiency can cause cancer.
  • Vitamin A (2 mcg) is a good antioxidant; the body uses it for proper vision function; with the correct balance of vitamin A, immunity increases.

Acids and Cosmetology

In cosmetology, acids from Opuntia are used. Linoleic, oleic, stearic, arachidic, myristic, palmitic, and ascorbic acids are synthesized from the stems. The obtained substances are used in creams for mature skin, for women aged 50+. Smoothing out wrinkles and rejuvenating the skin is not all; hair care products strengthen them, and the scalp gets rid of dandruff.

In a duet with the fruits of Avocado, Opuntia enhances the effect of regeneration of skin cells; when mixed with Daisy oil, the décolleté area is tightened; with rosehip it turns out good remedy after sunbathing, with lavender Prickly pear has a restorative effect on mechanically damaged parts of the epidermis. For all these merits, Opuntia oil is sometimes called the “Elixir of Youth.”

In recipes and cooking

Opuntia is actively used not only in countries South America. In North America, it is most often prepared and eaten in Mexico. The Aztec tribes, the predecessors of the Mexicans, prepared salads from the fruits and stems of Opuntia, added them to soups, and made drinks. The Indians used crushed seeds as a seasoning in their stews. In Mexico, this cactus is revered and many dishes are still prepared from it. Every year, chefs gather in the city of Milpa Alta, presenting culinary innovations with Opuntia. IN industrial scale Opuntia pulp is added to jams, marmalade, juices, and confectionery. Yoghurts and others fermented milk products also came under attack. Among alcoholic drinks, Opuntia was noted in the composition of the Bajtra liqueur, which is recommended to be added to coffee. This is also the basis of a drink similar to mash, “Ko-linke” or “Kolinke”, its recipe has remained unchanged since the times of the Aztecs.
Prickly pear can be observed in confectionery products: candied fruits, pies, and in the form of dried fruits.

Candied fruits are slices of stems boiled in sugar.

Due to the malic acid in Opuntia, pies with it can be confused with the same charlotte.

The oil in the fruit is concentrated mainly in the seeds; it tastes very similar to pork fat; it is used for frying soup.

In the chemical industry

The red food coloring Carmine is made from female Cochineal aphids in Mexico. Before artificial dyes were developed in 1865, carmine was as expensive as gold, and was exported in volumes equal to those exported from Mexico.

The Cochineal aphid lives on the special Cochineal cactus Opuntia Napolea Cochenillifera.

Collecting Cochineal aphids to make carmine dye. Mexico 1800


Prickly pear can cause allergic reactions, irritation of the skin or mucous membranes. Appears headache, diarrhea, nausea.
Plants from window sills often contain large amounts harmful substances obtained with fertilizers applied to the soil.

Information from folk recipes on the website is offered for informational purposes only, medicinal purposes special varieties of Opuntia are used.
Before use, consult a specialist.

Signs and superstitions, magical properties

It is generally accepted that cacti, and in particular Opuntia, are able to neutralize harmful electromagnetic effects from electrical household appliances, computers and monitors. Perhaps this conclusion was formed due to the fact that many spines are mistaken for a large number of antennas that pick up signals and radio waves.

Prickly pear is perceived as a cactus that protects against negativity, such as robbers, thieves or “bug-catchers”. Everything is much simpler here: since ancient times, pots with thorny plants placed on window sills or near doors so that uninvited guests definitely ran into them. Later, this extended to signs that speak of Opuntia as a protector from sorcerers, witches, and a protector from the evil eye and damage.

Rumor has it that Opuntia survives from the family of men, leading to quarrels. The appearance of a cactus in the house promises the appearance of lovers, bringing the marriage to a break. Previously, this property was used to expel an unloved husband from the family.
The following follows from the previous one: it is prohibited to keep Opuntia cacti in bedrooms. Given to a young girl, it can become a symbol of celibacy.

To refute these signs, there are many happy and strong families with cacti in their homes that do not interfere with the family hearth.

According to another opinion, Opuntia cacti take root in residential premises, in those places where negative energy, for example, where they constantly quarrel, sort things out and quarrel. If your plant does not develop and is sick, perhaps the house or apartment is too calm and blissful.

Blooming Opuntia causes a craving for alcohol, leading to drunkenness in the male half of families. Allegedly, by the size of cactus flowers you can determine how strongly a man will be drawn to alcoholic beverages.

There are many signs and superstitions associated with keeping Prickly Pear at home; there are both positive and negative; it’s up to you to believe it or not. But the author still does not advise believing in them “crazyly”, but relying only on your own strength! I give you part of mine positive energy through this message! 🙂

In the process of evolution and human influence on nature, the classification of Opuntia cacti has undergone a change. Previously, 190 “pure” species were known...

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      • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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