With the onset of cold weather it is very difficult to maintain optimal temperature in a room where entrance doors are constantly opening and closing. Heating alone is not enough in these situations, because strong drafts occur when cold air enters the space. In order to prevent such situations, we use thermal curtains, which belong to the groupclimate control technology. Basically, such equipment is found in frequently visited public institutions (administrative offices, catering establishments, public reception areas, etc.) at the entrances to the building. Thermal curtains capable of solving two problems simultaneously:protection from cold entering the room and heating. The principle of operation is to create an invisibleobstacles that arise due to the powerful air jet released by the device, cutting off the air from outside the room. It's worth remembering that thermal curtain - not the main source of heat, but an additional one.

Types of thermal curtains by type of heating element

IN all models existing on the market today thermal curtains divided into water and electric. This division is carried out on the basistype of heating component.

Water thermal curtainswork on the basis hot water, which enters the device from the main heating. That is why the installation of this type of curtain is quite long and labor-intensive. The main advantages are efficiency and high power, which are the primary reason for their use in large areas (warehouses, production workshops etc.).Electric thermal curtainsdiffer more simple installation and use. But along with this plus there is a significant minus - large cash costs during operation.

Important characteristics of thermal curtains

Air volume , used to create a barrier, is the most important characteristic any kind thermal curtain. In order to ensure complete protection, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and carry out accurate calculations when using such equipment. For example, a very high power curtain creates uncomfortable conditions for a person and also expels warm air from the room. On the other hand, too low a power will not be able to produce a strong air jet that can cut off the cold from the floor. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all parameters and technical specifications curtains, as well as the features of the room itself. Thus, devices up to 1 meter long are installed on doorways of standard sizes. If the doors are wide, two curtains are mounted close to each other. You need to know that when installing several devices side by side, you need to eliminate as much as possible the possibility of cold penetration through the resulting holes.

Performance of thermal curtains– one of the most important properties of this device. It is this parameter that characterizes the speed of the air stream produced, as well as the height at which the curtain should be installed. The most commonly used devices are characterized by the size 700-900 m 3 /h . In the case where there is a vestibule in front of the room, the performance parameter may be slightly lower. Installation height thermal curtain must in mandatory indicated in the equipment passport.

Thermal curtains as an additional heat source

Z and by creating a barrier with heated air, the curtain servesadditional space heating device. Approximately for heating an area of ​​up to ten square meters with a ceiling height of three meters, one kilowatt of power is enough. This indicator corresponds permanent buildings, which are characterized by good thermal protection, and not temporary metal structures (stalls, hangars, kiosks, etc.). You need to know that the temperature of the exhaust air is not the main parameter. More important in this situation jet speed , on which the protective properties depend.

Heat curtain management

Two switches are the main ways to control the device. One of them turns on the fan, and the other activates the heating components. Some models are additionally equipped with a power control function and a fan speed switch. There are two types of control panels: remote (on large thermal curtains in industrial premises) and stationary (small units for standard doorways). IN lately Most thermal curtains are equipped with a thermostat, which turns off the device when a specified maximum is reached temperature regime.

Installation methods

Exists two installation methods thermal curtains: horizontal and vertical . The most popular is horizontal installation above the doorway. But there are situations when such installation is impossible, then they resort to a vertical arrangement of the device. In this case, it is imperative to remember that the length of the curtain should not be less than the length of the doorway itself.

Trading network "Planet Electric"I am pleased to present to my customers a range of products, including thermal curtains, which can be found in more detail in .

Operating principle of a thermal curtain It’s simple – a powerful jet of air acting along the entire height of the door creates an invisible barrier and prevents cold air from outside from penetrating inside. In most cases, the air stream first passes through heating elements and, although they are not intended for heating rooms, the curtains fully function as additional heat sources and with their help it is possible to reduce heat loss by 75-90%.

Thermal curtains
– these are directional fan heaters installed on top or side of doorway and forming a protective thermal shield that does not allow air masses outside and inside the room to mix with each other. In addition to the heating function, thermal curtains also protect the room from dust, drafts and insects.

It should be remembered that the air curtain must cover the entire surface of the doorway and be located on minimum distance from him. It is better if the length of the curtain is several centimeters longer than doorway. If the opening is very large, then it is worth picking up several curtains and installing them close to each other, thus creating one continuous curtain. The speed of air flow released by the curtain must correspond to the height of the doorway. The higher the opening, the higher the speed should be.

But not only speed, but also width and stability air flow affect the performance of the thermal curtain. If you take two thermal curtains , having the same thermal power, but giving different air flow rates, it is obvious that the effect from them will also be different. A curtain with a small air flow will be less effective and will heat the room less. And the pumping force is not enough to distribute warm air throughout the room, but will only be enough to create a warm air curtain at the door, which will evaporate the first time it is opened.

Thermal curtain with a large air flow will warm up and distribute the air throughout the room evenly, the air curtain at the door will be dense and provide the best protection from heat loss. Manufacturers prefer to install regulators on control panels that allow setting the air intake mode, so that the consumer can decide for himself whether he needs quick heating of the room or a stable thermal curtain.

How to choose a thermal curtain. One of current problems open construction sites, garages, production premises, auto repair shops - their heating. It is quite unprofitable to heat such objects constantly. In this situation on...

Thermal air curtain found wide application as an additional heat source for various administrative and industrial buildings, premises of cafes and restaurants, etc. These devices are sometimes mounted even in residential buildings. In the article you will read in more detail why a thermal curtain is needed, what advantages and disadvantages it has, how to install it, etc.

Thermal curtain over the entrance door

Features of the thermal curtain

The thermal curtain is a long fan that creates a flat and powerful flow of warm air. Its main function is to create an invisible barrier to the penetration of cold air masses into the room. An air thermal curtain is like a closed door in those buildings where there is always a large flow of people and the door is constantly opening and closing.

Thermal curtains are especially important in restaurants, shops, passageways, lobbies of business centers, and subways. You can install a thermal curtain for your home, cottage, or garage.

As for the installation location - above the door or above the window. The curtain does not allow heat to disappear from the room when constantly open front door a long period of time.

Design and operating principle

The main element in the design of this device is the air duct. It is he who evenly distributes the air flow. The air is directed at a specific angle of 40° in the inlet plane due to special guide plates that are installed on the air duct.

In addition, the design necessarily includes a heating element, fans and filters.

There is nothing difficult to understand in the functioning of a thermal curtain. The high-power fan installed in the structure creates a strong flow of warm air.

This flow creates a curtain that prevents internal and external air masses from mixing. Thus, the room temperature remains stable.

It is worth saying that the price of the design in question is relatively high when compared with the cost of classic radiators and air conditioners, however, the power characteristics and efficiency of maintaining a stable temperature are well worth the investment.

Operating principle of the NeoClima TZT-1820 thermal curtain

Pros and cons

Description positive characteristics thermal curtains can be made in the following points:

  1. They protect buildings from the penetration of cold air masses, insects, and dust from outside.
  2. Maintains a favorable indoor microclimate.
  3. Quiet operation.

Automatic adjustment is an absolute advantage and distinctive feature thermal curtain, regardless of design features and the breadth of its capabilities.

Setting up the heat curtain can be done quite simply. You can adjust the time it takes for the fan motor to start running and stop, set the heating intensity, etc.

As you can see, a silent thermal curtain has many advantages, but it is worth mentioning its disadvantages:

  • the device is relatively difficult to install;
  • for the water type, connection to the central heating network is required;
  • significant energy consumption.


Thermal curtains are distinguished depending on the type of energy source and the type of heating element.

Based on the energy source, the following types of devices under consideration are distinguished:

  1. Electrical. In this design, air passes through an electric heater. The advantage of an electric thermal curtain is its versatility for any type of premises and ease of installation. This is a compact air thermal installation with the main disadvantage - high electricity consumption.
  2. In these devices, the heating function was taken over by water heaters, which are the most economical devices. At the same time, water curtains are relatively expensive, as are the labor required to install them. Typically, such devices are installed in industrial buildings.
  3. Gas. Devices gas type are new and were created as an alternative equipment. If it is impossible to install an electric or water curtain, a gas curtain comes to the rescue. A significant advantage of the device is its high energy efficiency, as well as the density and stability of air flow. The disadvantage lies in the possibility of an emergency in case of improper installation or operation.

Depending on the built-in heating element, the following thermal curtains are distinguished:

  1. Spiral. Devices with a spiral are inexpensive, and at the same time, this option has a short service life and is not popular.
  2. Heating elements. Such thermal curtains are safe and have a long service life. The devices are heated large area and have an average price range.
  3. With stitch elements. These devices are the newest on the heating equipment market. Two-thirds of modern air curtains already have stitch elements. This type It heats up and releases air very quickly, but the cost of such thermal curtains is several times higher than spiral devices and devices with a tubular electric heater.

Vertical thermal curtain near the entrance door

The thermal curtain can be installed in different ways. Thus, they highlight following types these devices:

  1. Horizontal. These are practical devices. Most of the innovative developments occur in this direction. Installation of such devices is carried out directly above the door or above the window opening.
  2. Vertical. The production of thermal curtains of this type initially began to solve complex problems. Vertical devices are installed when it is not possible to install horizontal thermal curtains. Installation is carried out on the side of the openings. Such side devices may be useful if:
    – installed indoors suspended ceilings;
    – there is a small gap between the ceiling and the top line of the opening.

To ensure that the installation is carried out efficiently and the vertical device functions rationally, take the measurements of the opening responsibly. Remember that the length of the device must be at least ¾ of the height of the opening.

Installation of a thermal curtain

Installation of this equipment It is better to entrust this to professional workers. Only they are able to carry out the installation efficiently and make the connection of the thermal curtain reliable. Typically, companies that manufacture these devices also offer installation services.

The master will always initially carry out testing work, will inspect the curtain for integrity and compliance with the package (the kit should include brackets that allow air flow to be directed). Devices can be installed in two ways - horizontally and vertically.

The device is available with a flexible cable and also has a grounding plug. When making a permanent connection (without using a plug), you must work through a central switch with an air gap of more than three millimeters. The connection of this heat curtain can only be carried out by a professional electrician, subject to all necessary rules.

During installation, special wires are used. At the area where the cable enters the device, special sealing rings are used, which are necessary for good protection.

Before connecting the device, you need to install correct process ventilation operation in the room, because various pressure differences can affect the functioning of the air curtain.

Heat curtains need to be attached closer to the openings, but do not forget that the width of the flow must correspond to the size of the door opening.

Installation of the device is carried out only from inside the room. The thermal curtain can only be installed externally if protection is required freezer from overheating. The speed of the air flow and its direction are adjusted at the time of installation, and the flow should be directed towards the exit to the street.

How to choose

Control panel for electric thermal Ballu curtains BHC-M10-T09

In order to choose the right model of a thermal curtain, and for the device to function with full efficiency and effectiveness, you need to approach the purchase with full responsibility and, at the planning stage, carry out calculations of air thermal curtains. The calculation is carried out taking into account the following parameters:

  1. Device length.
  2. Calculation of heating power.
  3. Air flow speed.
  4. Installation type.
  5. Management principle.
  6. Heat source.

Also, before purchasing thermal curtains, you should find out about the existing types of these devices and the main selection criteria. This way, you will quickly make a decision and buy quality equipment.

The selection of a thermal curtain begins with a general inspection of the room where the installation will be carried out. It is necessary to measure the installation site:

  1. Width. The first parameter is the width; you need to measure the door or window (in case of installing a horizontal structure). Remember that the length of the device should be the same or slightly greater than the width of the opening. If the width is greater than two meters (meaning maximum length curtains), then it would be logical to install several devices.
  2. Length. This parameter is measured on windows or doors if the curtain is located in vertical position. Often a device of this type is installed when the room has suspended ceilings. Heat curtain length in in this case must be at least ¾ of the length of the door opening.
  3. Volume of the room. Accordingly, the larger the volume of the room, the more power the curtain should have. In general, the calculation is carried out by a specialist, but it will not be difficult to calculate the required power level yourself.
  4. Room type. Will it be an apartment or a house or public building type of supermarket. It would be logical to install high-power devices in voluminous rooms with a high traffic volume of people. Devices with lower power may be for residential use. It is desirable that there is a thermostat for the thermal curtain, which will be connected to the system and adjust the temperature.

When choosing a device model, pay attention to the models of such famous manufacturers curtains like Ballu, Frico, Neoklima, Tropic, Teplomash, Zilon, Timberk.

When purchasing a thermal curtain, pay attention to models with a temperature sensor, control panel, thermostat and other useful equipment.

Now you know about the types of thermal air curtains, their correct installation, about their pros and cons and how to choose a quality device.

According to reviews, a thermal curtain is a highly functional and reliable equipment, which is able to create a favorable microclimate even in large rooms.

A thermal curtain is a long fan heater that creates a flat and powerful flow of hot air. It is designed to create an invisible barrier to the penetration of cold masses of outside air into the room. Such a curtain performs the function closed door in those rooms where there is a constant large flow of people and the door regularly opens and closes. Installed above a doorway or above a window. Provides the ability to keep the main door open long time without loss of heat indoors.

Before purchasing a thermal curtain, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with existing species and selection criteria. With this approach, the result will be a quick selection of ideally suited equipment.

Basic structural element such equipment - an air duct that provides uniform distribution flow. The direction of the jet at a certain angle of 35-40 degrees to the entrance plane is possible thanks to special guide plates mounted on the air duct.

In addition, the following must be present:

Operating principle of thermal curtains

The operating principle of thermal curtains is extremely simple. A high-power fan installed in the curtain creates a high-speed flow warm air. This flow forms a curtain that prevents indoor and outdoor air masses from mixing, lowering the temperature inside the room. Most often, thermal curtains direct air downward.

Important! It is noteworthy that although the price of a thermal curtain is more expensive than conventional radiators and air conditioners, the power and efficiency of maintaining the required temperature in the room completely pays for the costs. Watch the video, which clearly shows the principle of operation of thermal curtains.


There is an urgent need for the use of such devices in rooms where a large flow of people constantly open and close doors, creating drafts.

Such premises include:

Advantages of installing a thermal curtain

The main advantages of thermal curtains are as follows:

The principle of classification of thermal curtains

Thermal curtains are divided into types according to the following technical criteria:

Types of thermal curtains by type of energy source

Depending on the type of energy carrier, thermal curtains are divided into:

Advantages and disadvantages of electric thermal curtains

Electric thermal curtains are devices in which air passes through electric heater. Used for a wide variety of premises.

They have a number of advantages:

Despite positive aspects, do not forget about the following disadvantages:

Pros and cons of water thermal curtains

A water thermal curtain is an excellent tool for reducing energy costs for heat conservation. Such devices make it possible to cover a large perimeter of openings and passages in industrial premises. At the same time, they consume a very small amount of electricity. The price for such energy savings is high price on equipment and its installation, as well as the need to connect the water thermal curtain to the central hot water supply.

The heating function is performed by a water heater, which does not freeze or burst due to critical temperature changes in the cold season, due to a complex automatic system.

The main advantages of this type of curtains are:

Important! Such equipment is most widely used in industrial and commercial facilities:

Despite huge amount advantages, water thermal curtains also have disadvantages:

Advantages and disadvantages of gas thermal curtains

Gas thermal curtains are new on the market. A similar system is used on at the moment only if it is not possible to arrange a water or electric one. At the same time, a gas heat curtain, the characteristics of which meet fairly high performance indicators, is an excellent alternative to installing other devices.

Among the advantages gas units The following are distinguished:

Classification of thermal curtains according to installation principle

Types of curtains according to the type of heating element

Modern manufacturers supply the market with thermal curtains with the following types of heating elements:

Additional criteria for distinction

In addition to the basic principles of difference indicated above, such equipment has several modifications, the classification of which is carried out according to additional criteria. Basically, they are an indicator of the breadth of capabilities of the thermal curtain and the ease of use of the equipment. Therefore, they also become criteria for selecting suitable equipment with an accurate preliminary determination of the purpose.

Among these characteristics we note the following:


The decision to install a thermal curtain is indeed the right one. You will be able to evaluate all the benefits of your choice literally immediately after all installation work. The main condition for this is a competent approach when purchasing equipment with a calculation of all the nuances, care when consulting with specialists and entrusting the installation of a thermal curtain to qualified specialists.

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