We spend quite a lot of time in the bedroom: about a third of our lives. Therefore, it becomes clear that it is the design of this room that needs to be worked on.

A sleeping room should not only be comfortable, but also have a pleasant appearance.

So let's take a look at the bedroom design options.

Decorating a small bedroom

A small room is ideal for creating a cozy interior. The bedroom is not a place where noise and fuss can be present.

And making a comfortable and pleasant design is not such a difficult task.

However, small space worries many people around the planet. Decoration professionals have come up with innovative bedroom designs that don't have room for large furniture.

Bedroom Decoration Styles

Small rooms are great for country style. Naturally, there is no need to use uncomfortable, outdated furniture.

However, things made from natural materials will create a unique atmosphere of simplicity and comfort.

If you absolutely do not want to see a rustic style in your home, then a high-tech or classic bedroom style will do.

Lofts and chalets are some of the main trends in design, but they are strictly contraindicated for a small bedroom.

These styles look great in spacious spaces, but they will look awkward in a small room. However, if desired, some of the ideas can be taken for decoration in other styles.

Modern style

An important design quality is durability. Modern will be able to serve its owner for quite a long time.

There are no complex, elaborate elements in it. The style is characterized by simplicity and purity. In addition, for a small room, a modern bedroom design will be very useful because of its lightness.

It contains as few decorative elements as possible, so there will be enough space in the room.

The main advantages of modern style:

  • easy lighting design;
  • convenience;
  • use of the latest technical advances;
  • flexibility in the choice of materials;
  • opportunity for creative realization.

In addition, modern style is suitable for absolutely any room, regardless of size, lighting and other factors.

This direction serves to create a rich, royal atmosphere in the room. The main element in this direction is the bed.

It should have a very high headboard. If you are attracted to luxurious, rich rooms filled with textiles, then classic style is what you need in the soft bedroom of your home.

However, in a small bedroom, this style can create a feeling of cramping. Therefore, it is very important to carefully consider all the design details.


Provence is a destination that gives an atmosphere of romance more than others. This is exactly the feeling that is perfect for the bedroom.

The pastel colors of Provence look a little retro, but this does not exclude the unprecedented lightness and romance that such a design gives.

Japanese style

Here Japan appears to us not as a country, but as a philosophy and culture. This style was developed based on Japanese ideology.

It is characterized by naturalness, self-knowledge and simplicity. Wood is preferably used for finishing.

And modern materials are extremely rare to find in this direction. Also, silk is often used, which was available to the Japanese people in the 18th century.


This direction has similarities with the Japanese style. The fact is that both design options provide for simplicity and avoidance of frills.

Those who are attracted to a luxurious classic style are very unlikely to like minimalism. Because it lacks any unnecessary manifestations of beauty and wealth.

This factor makes minimalism a great bedroom design idea.

We offer you a photo of a bedroom design. In them you can familiarize yourself with existing design options.

Photo of modern bedroom design

Modern trends in room design, including bedroom design, are the absence of unnecessary things. The atmosphere is created thoughtfully and concisely, after placing all the furniture and accessories there is free space. This is not bad - there is no feeling that something is pressing on you, which contributes to proper rest. If the bedroom design is developed taking into account this trend, the result should be good in any case. If over time you feel that you are really missing something, you can always add the missing element.

DIY bedroom design - the main thing is to choose the style and color scheme

In order for the bedroom interior to look good, it is necessary to adhere to one style in the design. This makes it easier to decide on a color palette, choose furniture, textiles and accessories. The actual design of the bedroom can be anything, it’s just that the most popular at the moment are more laconic: modern style or modern, minimalism, hi-tech and oriental or Japanese. Young people choose to decorate their bedrooms in one of these keys. All of them are characterized by clear lines, the color design is often expressive, built on contrasting colors. Respectable people gravitate towards calmer and more comfortable interiors. This atmosphere is created using classic style, as well as Provence or Scandinavian. Creative people prefer more extravagant ones - art deco.

Modern style bedroom

The basic rule of Art Nouveau is simple forms repeated in different objects. Due to variations of this form in furniture, wall decoration, and accessories, a dynamic and, at the same time, laconic design is created. The second rule is that the lines are clean and smooth, without curls or excessive decorations. Furniture is only necessary, everything that is possible is removed from view. Built-in or .

The decoration of the walls in a modern-style bedroom is mostly monochromatic or with a faint graphic design. In general, the rule is the same: brevity. One dominant color, one or two, maximum three for emphasis. Moreover, the dominant colors are chosen to be light and dim. This “fading” is diluted with bright accents.

One of the latest trends is a wall with a brighter color, sometimes a contrasting color, sometimes the same color but a brighter shade. In the bedroom, the accent is usually either on the wall next to which the bed is located, or on the opposite wall. It depends on what you want to pay attention to.

Accentuating one of the walls is one of the latest trends in creating interiors

Another direction is vertical stripes of a different companion color. Sometimes, instead of accentuating the wall with color, some kind of graphic image is applied, often photo printing. The subjects chosen are also modern; photographs of the city at night, or some others, are especially popular. Then all other items are chosen in the same range as the photo wallpaper.

Art Nouveau style is not necessarily cold, with a masculine “character”. There are variations of very soft bedroom interiors

A modern style may have some kind of idea that reflects the worldview of the owner, his habits and interests. For example, some touches of some ethnic trends - oriental, Scandinavian or any other, a marine theme, forests... or anything that is in tune with your current state. But then the color scheme must be selected from their inherent range, or made neutral.

In this interior there is a clear hint of the owners’ interest in oriental cultures - a sakura branch

Modern style bedrooms are often more masculine. The absence of “decorations” and unnecessary details is what the stronger half likes, and also the fact that it is easier to maintain order in such a room.

A bedroom design in a modern style can be implemented even in small areas: the absence of unnecessary details and simple lines create a feeling of additional volume, which is good news.

Minimalist interior

This direction in design is characterized by an even stricter approach to the amount of furniture. There are very few details, just what is necessary.

There is also a more strict approach to the choice of colors: almost all furnishings and accessories are made in one color, and so that the design is not boring, the monotony is broken up with various textures and textures. For example, walls - alternating glossy and matte stripes of the same color, textiles with an interesting texture, etc.

One gamma. The exception is photo wallpaper

To prevent the interior from being too orderly and strict, you can add a few touches to break up the monotony. In the photo above there are photo wallpapers, an unusually shaped chair, textured textiles - a carpet and a bedspread. In the photo below, variety is brought by graphic images on the wall, interesting bedside tables and plants with unusually shaped trunks.

As you can see, here, just like in modernity, some idea may be present. It is she who brings individual features into the rather cold “clean” style. For example, in the photo below, thanks to the characteristic binding on the wardrobe doors, a hint of Eastern cultures appears in the bedroom design.

Decorating a bedroom in a minimalist style - no unnecessary details: a purely masculine option

Another style where it is easy to decorate a room for men and somewhat more difficult for girls, but it works well in small bedrooms, because in addition to the bed, there may only be a wardrobe and a couple of bedside tables. Everything else is hidden or moved to other rooms. As a result, even a small room looks spacious.

High-tech in the bedroom

This style is considered not very suitable for the bedroom: it involves the presence of bright colors, shiny surfaces, and metallic details. Agree, this is really not the most suitable environment for relaxation. But when did young people stop before such arguments: the interior turns out to be very dynamic, which appeals to the active part of society.

Bedroom design in a classic style

Do you want a chic interior in your bedroom? You need to pay attention to the classic style. For young people it is too pompous, but mature people like it because of the atmosphere of comfort and coziness. Here they already use luxurious fabrics, draperies, furniture with gilding and curls. All the attributes of the classics have their place.

A characteristic feature of the furniture are high headboards with rich decoration. They can be wooden or upholstered in fabrics or leather. At the foot there can be a banquette or a small sofa made in the same style.

The gamma when decorating a bedroom in a classic style also remains mostly restrained: only golden tones and traditional patterns on the walls are added. In this case, plant motifs are more appropriate, but highly stylized. For example, like in the photo above.

There may be stucco on the ceiling and walls: various columns, frames, pilasters. All these elements look good in spacious rooms with high ceilings, as does the abundance of draperies on the windows.

One of the signs of the classical style is stucco


This style is more typical for women's bedrooms. In Provence, floral patterns and frills are often used in textiles and on walls. All this is typical for the fair half of humanity. Colors - blue, pink, lilac, sometimes green shades. This style is for romantic people: it is very soft and exciting.

Romantic decoration - Provence

But in the same vein, you can make a more austere interior, although it undoubtedly belongs to the same style.

More discreet option

The same style can be more rustic: it’s not only in cities that people live there. It fits perfectly into: beams are welcome in this design, wooden walls are tinted in light shades.

Japanese interior in the bedroom

One of the most distinctive cultures is attractive Japan. Everyone has heard about the cramped conditions on the islands, which is why all traditional items are laconic. Colors - gray, brown, white, red. The dominant colors are usually light shades of gray, white, sometimes beige, all others are used for accentuation in small quantities.

Very often you can see imitation of traditional partitions made of rice fabric and bamboo - few people can build a house out of wood: not only is it not cheap, such partitions take up a lot of space. Therefore, light partitions delimit the space into rooms. In our realities, they turn into a decorative element: this is how cabinet doors, ceilings and decorative panels are decorated.

Pay attention to the shape of the beds. They are usually very low and made of wood. The base is usually painted in a dark color; it is considerably wider and longer in size than the mattress laid on it. Another characteristic feature is the absence of a headboard. But this option is not suitable for everyone. The photo below shows an idea: how to get out of this situation, make a headboard and not greatly disrupt the style.

Bedroom interior of different styles in photos

To decorate your bedroom yourself, you need to find one or more images that best suit your desires. Then everything is simple: either transfer one of the options you like without changes (as far as possible), or do a mix: combine the ideas you like, creating your own unique bedroom. Below are photos of bedroom interiors that contain interesting ideas. There are different styles, so there will be plenty to choose from.

The highlight of this interior is well-chosen colors and living plants.

Black and white bedroom - for the stylish and bold. The main thing is an abundance of light and not to overdo it with black...

New in bedroom design - “quilted” wall

It’s good to have a large area... Beautiful interior

An unusual bed is the dominant feature of this interior.

Green bedroom - care is required not to overdo it with greenery

An interesting option for small spaces: a sleeping place on a high podium, which is used as a closet. This is a real interior in the "Khrushchev"

To make the interior “sound,” you need well-chosen lighting

Stylish decoration, cozy bedroom, you guessed it - modern style

Organizing a bedroom space is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, therefore, when arranging the interior, many make mistakes that in the future affect not only the image of the room, but also your personal comfort.

Let's look at the most common mistakes made when decorating a bedroom and find out how they can be avoided.

1. The chandelier is too large

Unless you are the owner of a one-room apartment, and the bedroom in it also serves as a living room and kitchen, installing a large lamp under the ceiling may be unnecessary.

Intense flood light is most often not justified in a bedroom interior; moreover, it makes the room look like a reception hall, but not a relaxation room.


In the bedroom, the main light is not overhead light at all, but additional light in the form of floor lamps, sconces and table lamps. It is these devices that should illuminate the room, but under the ceiling it is better to hang a neat lamp - a pendant, or a ceiling-type chandelier with two or three medium-power lamps.


2. Library near the lodge

A passion for reading will always distinguish you as an intelligent, culturally developed and well-read person. And your own library is a current trend at all times. And yet, it is not recommended to place a large number of printed publications in the bedroom, especially in the bedside area.

Due to the dust that constantly settles on books, a sleeping person may have difficulty breathing and develop allergic reactions.



If possible, minimize the number of books in the bedroom; however, they should be placed away from the bed, for example, on a rack or shelves on the opposite wall.


3. Mirror along the bed

One of the obvious mistakes in bedroom design is a mirror installed in close proximity to the bed. Your reflection, at first, will amuse and interest, but soon you will feel that it instills anxiety and prevents you from falling asleep peacefully.

Such mirrors include those installed in wardrobes, the structures of which are placed parallel along the bed, or large floor mirrors installed opposite.


The mirror in the bedroom interior should be positioned in such a way that you, lying on the bed, cannot see your reflection in it. For example, place a floor mirror against the wall at the foot of the bed, place two identical ones above the bedside tables, or use a mobile mirror in a frame on wheels that can be turned in any direction.


4. Empty walls

Even though the bedroom is a room for relaxation, it would be a mistake to make it a space intended solely for sleeping. An ascetic environment, undecorated walls, boring furniture and bed linen - all this does not improve the mood at all, but on the contrary, creates a gloomy mood.


The walls in the bedroom are a blank slate that you can transform into something original, beautiful and unique to your own taste. Even just painting one wall a contrasting color and decorating the other with a few photos from the internet, printed and framed, can really transform the atmosphere of the room as a whole.


5. Too dark interior

You should not be deluded by the beauty of the thick dark tones of interior paint, because the rich color of the walls may not take root in the bedroom. It has long been known that it is better not to use dark blue, burgundy, blueberry, chocolate and black in large quantities for the bedroom, since such an environment will have a noticeable impact and interfere with a vigorous awakening in the morning.


If you like a rich palette, try choosing derived shades that are several tones lighter, for example, instead of black or graphite, choose taupe or gray for the walls, and blue can be replaced with cornflower blue or azure.

Don't forget to combine dark tones with lots of white and cream, complementing with shimmering accessories and bright decor.


6. Massive structure above the headboard

When planning a system for storing things in the bedroom, it is important to correctly distribute the load, including the visual one. For example, if you install part of the wardrobe cabinets above the bed, it will be uneasy for the person under them to fall asleep or just lie down.


If there is no better area in the room for installing a storage system, you should still leave the area above the head of the bed free. It is better to install the main part of the cabinets on the sides of the bed, and one or two light shelves can be hung above it, but nothing more.


7. Incorrect bed position

The center of the composition in any bedroom is the bed, around which the rest of the furnishings are installed. But it happens that so little attention is paid to the sleeping place that they do not take care of its proper organization at all, caring, first of all, about the wardrobe, curtain textiles or wall decoration.

In particular, experts in the field of planning call it a mistake to place the bed incorrectly: at the entrance to the bedroom, with the headboard towards the window, in the corner, etc.


Regardless of the size and shape of the room in plan, you can find the optimal area for placing the bed in it, ideally this is a wall perpendicular to the window, or a partition between the windows.

Also, it is better to install the sleeping place as far as possible from the doors, so that while lying on the bed, you feel comfortable, and sounds from the outside do not interfere with your full rest.


8. Cold floor

In pursuit of the beauty of the floor, we often neglect some of its characteristics, such as practicality and durability. In addition, installing a floor made of tiles, cheap laminated boards, or self-leveling mixture is contraindicated for the bedroom.

Unless such materials are equipped with a “warm floor” system, other types of coatings should be used.


The ideal option, practical, durable, aesthetic and warm, is, of course, a covering made of natural wood. But due to its high cost, not many people can use it. As an alternative, it is recommended to lay parquet boards, cork, or soft and warm carpet on the floor.


9. Monotonous design

Several years ago, the use of a single fabric for sewing curtains, bedspreads and upholstery of upholstered furniture for the bedroom became fashionable. Today, design using the same type of textures is considered bad manners, and the interior of the bedroom is tasteless and insipid.


Don’t be afraid to mix materials, shades and textures of fabrics and accessories. Just remember that the most stylish and expensive look is the combination of natural materials in one interior: velvet and silk, wool and cotton, knitted and jacquard products. In addition, decorative items in the color of precious metals will add a unique charm to the design of the bedroom.


10. Lack of proper storage system

For small bedrooms, it can be simple to choose a good closet that would not only accommodate your entire wardrobe, but also would not take up extra space, hiding the usable area of ​​the room.

But besides a poorly organized wardrobe area, there can only be its absence, which at the same time affects the cleanliness and functionality of the bedroom.


A simple design consisting of shelves with brackets, rods and drawers that slide out on guides will help organize the space of a small bedroom. We recommend, however, that you focus on hanging sections that will ensure the excellent appearance of your clothes.


Scientists have calculated that we spend approximately 25 years of our lives sleeping.

The body needs complete recovery after hard work, stress, physical activity, etc.

That’s why it’s so important to design a bedroom that’s not only comfortable for quick relaxation, but also beautiful, so that it’s a pleasure to be in.

Beauty is a different concept for everyone; there are different styles and colors for this: from high-tech to antiquity. But most prefer classic bedrooms in pastel colors.

How to beautifully decorate walls?

First you need to choose the material. Nowadays there is a huge selection of coatings: paint, decorative colored plasters, several types of wallpaper...

Psychologists believe that the color red is not suitable for relaxation. It can cause irritation and even internal aggression; it will be difficult to sleep in such a bedroom.

The ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui has a different opinion. For spouses, a certain amount of red shades are needed to maintain a passionate relationship. You can take not bright red, but burgundy, raspberry, cherry, etc. Therefore, the age of the partners is important, focusing on their desires.

What should be the ceiling in a beautiful bedroom?

Let's look at the most beautiful ceilings in the bedroom. Almost any ceiling option is suitable for the bedroom.

Mirrored will reflect everything in the room. Although according to Feng Shui all mirror surfaces are strictly prohibited, a person should not be reflected, this takes away his vital energy.

Stylish multi-level ceilings of different colors and shapes. Instead of a traditional central large chandelier, you can create diffused light using spotlights, this will effectively create an intimate romantic atmosphere.

A beautiful bedroom design can be created even in small apartments. An easy way to visually expand the space if you decorate the ceiling with light shades. Even for stucco lovers, you can choose a small but elegant one.

The chandelier should also be small so that it does not seem too bulky in a small room. There are a lot of ideas for different lighting here. Placing light sources along the edges of the room will add aesthetics and originality. You can hang several sconces or unusually shaped lamps on the walls.

How to choose fashionable furniture for the bedroom?

The most important thing, according to designers, is the choice of bed and suitable curtains. The interior style is selected according to the tastes of the owners of the house (apartment).

There are techniques that are sure to become a luxurious decoration for any bedroom, no matter what style you choose.

Great importance is attached to beautiful beds in the bedroom, although you can also choose a comfortable transforming sofa. A stylish podium will become the highlight of your bedroom, highlighting the sleeping area.

Modern beds come in a huge range; their main characteristics remain comfort and convenience, because quality rest is a vital necessity for every person.

Mattresses also amaze with their shapes and materials: orthopedic, seasonal, with different fillings. Quality is the most important factor influencing choice; health is the most important thing a person has. Good rest affects your well-being, level of performance, etc.

The next criterion is the “correct” bed frame. What the bed is made of is also important; it is better to choose natural, environmentally friendly materials. For example, a tree of any species, depending on the level of finances.

Furniture items needed: a wardrobe, bedside tables, preferably a dressing table with a large mirror. All this should be in the same style; for convenience it is better to make it to order.

How to make your bedroom beautiful?

Even with the simplest design you can create a beautiful bedroom interior. To do this, the decor must be made of the same material: beds and curtains. This is often used in hotels.

It's easy to change the bedspread and curtains - and the new design is ready, quickly and inexpensively. Beautiful curtains in the bedroom immediately transform the interior.

Ideas for creating an original bedroom

But how to make a beautiful bedroom? Let's look at the designers' techniques with which you can achieve aesthetics:

  • Basic 3 colors in the bedroom, 2 of them are neutral (pastel), and 1 is contrasting.
  • The same or similar materials for curtains and bed linen, bedspreads.
  • A single textile style, curtain design should be combined with the bedspread, i.e. have common elements.
  • The interior should not be oversaturated with details; everything should be organic. There is a small, eye-catching detail in the opposite color that completes the whole look.
  • At least 1 detail in the decor of your bed should match the color of the curtains. For example, the head of the bed, pillows and bedspreads, etc.
  • Similar textures (all matte, light or shiny).
  • The most beautiful bedrooms always play on the effects of contrast. Dense fabrics (synthetics, linen or satin) will give greater expressiveness.
  • If you choose a game of contrasts, they should be bright and immediately attract attention.
  • To create a beautiful small bedroom, it is especially important to consider the lighting of the room. More light and gentle tones, then it will seem larger.
  • You should not clutter your bedroom with home theaters, stereo systems, etc. This will not only not add beauty, but also the negativity from TV has a bad effect on the quality of sleep.
  • Everything should be in moderation, even there are few plants in the bedroom.
  • Minimalism is the best way to make your bedroom comfortable and laconic.

Photos of beautiful bedrooms

If you need a push to inspire you, get ready to see lots of witty and original ideas. This amazing publication will turn your idea of ​​organizing your bedroom space upside down.

All the achievements of modern design are at your service. Do you want a Swedish-style bedroom or a relaxing room with an ocean view? There are suitable solutions for any home, even the smallest one.

We have selected for you 30 photographs of the interiors of small bedrooms with very interesting and reasonable discoveries from designers.

So, sit back and get ready to look closely at each photo, paying attention to the details and imagining the bedroom of your dreams. Remember that light colors and shades make the room feel more spacious.

The large bed of immense size that you have always dreamed of will take up too much of your precious space. Maybe you should put a smaller bed, but add other furnishings. And more mirrors! They visually enlarge the room.

As already mentioned, we invite you to a feast of design ideas, a fireworks display of colors and textures. Enjoy planning changes to your bedroom and make it as cozy and comfortable as possible. And be sure to visit us after a while and tell us what you did.

Transparent cabinet doors and the white color that reigns in the room make the room feel noticeably more spacious.

And here built-in cabinet furniture is used very well. The illuminated headboard is located in a recess. And again white color dominates.

The non-standard shape of the room allows you to place the bed diagonally towards the window and play with volumes. The painting with the image of a feather enhances the impression of lightness and airiness.

The color scheme of the room is based on the contrast of white and black. Strict lines and original details.

Here is an example of an attic room decorated in country style.

Pop art reigns here. Bright details attract the eye, making you forget about the small size of the bedroom.

A bit like a kaleidoscope, don't you think? An awkward space with many corners becomes very livable. Pay attention to the laconic color scheme in natural tones.

Covered with floral wallpaper, the wall looks like a window onto a garden at sunset. The bedroom becomes cozier and warmer. A ball-shaped ceiling lamp supports this illusion.

A classic “grandmother’s” option with a charming handmade bedspread. An excellent choice for romantic couples.

And here the height of the ceiling made it possible to place a sleeping place on the mezzanine, significantly freeing up space. Notice the almost invisible staircase.

Another attic. Here we managed to arrange not only a bedroom, but also an office. A workspace by the window and convenient shelves for books.

Mirrors placed opposite the window double the space. Elegant black and white color scheme adds chic.

The rough texture of the walls is in harmony with thick curtains made from natural fabrics. Subtle colors do not distract attention from details.

A little eclecticism. The room is decorated with bright accessories - a carpet with an unusual print, figurines in glass cubes. A shelf above the headboard saves space.

The storage problem is solved here in an interesting way. The usual wardrobe and drawers under the bed allow you to place a lot of necessary things.

Cozy bedroom for one person. It’s immediately clear what the owner’s hobbies are. A whole collection of ceramics is housed in a small area.

An interesting color scheme distracts from the cramped space, although only the essentials are present in the bedroom.

Emphasis on red. Like a fire in the snow. Pay attention to convenient cabinets and shelves.

Classic interior. A mirrored wall expands the space.

A cozy mini-bedroom for lovers of ecological style.

And here is a curtsy for connoisseurs of palace interiors. You can feel a little like a princess in a small room.

Minimalism in action. A comfortable bed-mattress stretches from wall to wall.

The built-in bed allows you to free up some space for hobbies. The niche accommodated shelves and a desk.

The influence of the east is obvious. A collage on the wall and translucent curtains enhance the impression.

Cozy bedroom in the attic. A built-in sectional cabinet serves as the only storage space.

Lots of pillows, a canopy and shabby chic furniture. The far wall, painted pink, makes the space appear larger.

The open attic windows let the garden into the bedroom. To enhance the impression - wallpaper with a floral pattern above the head of the bed. Original shelves allow you to use the space under the window.

Industrial motifs in the decoration of a bachelor's bedroom. Photo wallpapers create an interesting perspective, leading the eye into the distance.

Original lamps do not take up space on the bedside table.

The roof slope is emphasized by decorative beams made of dark wood, which stand out effectively against the background of white walls.

Mirrors and draperies visually expand the space.

The designers did not hide the large window behind curtains. This makes a tiny bedroom seem a little more spacious.

An original detail - a chair that looks like a clover leaf - enlivens the restrained interior.

Ethnic motifs in the decoration of the room. Mirrors are always appropriate.

A very elegant and romantic bedroom for a young dreamer.

An unusual solution. The cabinets become stairs leading to the second tier of beds.

Exquisite interior in French style. Harmonious combination of colors.

Attention to detail. A floral ornament on the wall, a hanger in the shape of a tree silhouette, an original floor lamp—everything seems to take us to a magical forest.

I hope we have awakened your imagination and given you food for thought. Go for it! You will succeed.

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