The fact that an employee is hired is recorded using an appropriate order, which is issued on the basis of a document signed between the employee and the employer.

The employment order is prepared and executed by an employee of the personnel or legal service, signed by the head of the organization and brought to the attention of the hired employee against signature. In the future, this order is already the basis for making appropriate entries in his work book, as well as for the accounting department to open a personal account for the employee.

To register and record persons hired, an organization can develop and use its own text form of an employment order. In this case, the content of the order must reflect the following data:

  • indication of administrative action,
  • surname, first name, patronymic of the hired employee,
  • the position (profession) for which the employee is hired,
  • name of the division or department,
  • wage level,
  • conditions of the probationary period (if necessary),
  • date of conclusion and number of the employment contract on the basis of which the employee is hired.
A hiring order can be issued to a group of employees. Then all the points listed above must be indicated in the order for each employee separately.

Also, to register persons hired under an employment contract, you can use a special unified form of an order (instruction) on the admission of an employee(s): form No. T-1 - used for the admission of one employee, form No. T-1a - for a group of employees.

Filling out the unified form No. T-1 and T-1a should not cause any difficulties, but there are still some features of their design that require explanation:

  1. If an employment contract is concluded with an employee (employees) for an indefinite period, then in the “Date” line of form No. T-1 (in the “Work period” column of form No. T-1a), the “to” column is not filled in.
  1. In form No. T-1, one of the forms of labor organization must be indicated as the conditions of employment and the nature of the work to be performed. For example, “part-time”, “permanently”, “as a transfer from another organization”, “to perform certain work”, “to replace a temporarily absent employee” and so on.
  2. The tariff rate, salary and allowances in the employment order are indicated in accordance with and must correspond (coincide) with the terms of remuneration specified in the employment contract.
The main advantage of unified employment order forms is their comparative simplicity, much less formalization compared to the text version, which is largely arbitrary. In the unified forms there is no need to make notes about the employee’s agreement with the working conditions, about the completion of the necessary training, medical examination, and so on. However, this entails the need to draw up approval sheets, a medical examination, a briefing sheet, etc.

According to the issued order, the employee must begin his professional duties on a certain day. If the employee does not go to work on the specified day without good reason, the order may be cancelled.

An order to hire an employee to perform a specific work activity is a document according to which the HR department creates its own card for the new employee who is being hired. Also, having agreed with the document, the accounting department begins to deal with it. The employee is assigned his own personnel number and an account is opened in his name. Such orders are issued according to the employment contract, by the person who is responsible for hiring.

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Orders on such personnel movements are formed by personnel department employees or other persons responsible for such personnel issues. After the order is issued, it must be signed by the manager and handed over to the employee for review.

The hiring order differs from a standard labor contract in that it can boast of having its own format, certified by laws: “By Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of January 2004 No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for the accounting of labor and its payment”, the appropriate forms were created No. T-1 and No. T-1a.”

The hirer's hiring order must be certified by the signature of the person being hired within three calendar days.

In fact, it would be nice to have several copies of the signed document after the employee has gone through the procedure of familiarizing himself with it: one copy (the original) - in the personnel order journal, another - in the personal file, the next one - must be sent to the company's accounting department, the latter is for the employee himself.

Accepted order forms

The sample order when issued for a group of people differs from the order for one person. There are two main forms of orders.

  • Form No. T-1– applies when registering one employee ().
  • Form No. T-1a– for a group of persons ().

The only difference is in the established form formats. However, an enterprise can draw up its own form of such an order. However, then it must contain certain points:

  • Business name;
  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the employee;
  • The expected future position of the person being hired;
  • The term for which the employment contract is concluded (in the case, only the date by which it was signed);
  • Name of the structural body of the enterprise;
  • Terms of employment;
  • Salary;
  • Data on the trial period;
  • Description of the type of work activity, which can be temporary, seasonal, part-time. An employee can be hired, for example, during the absence of the main employee, which should also be taken into account;
  • Date of signing of the TD, and the code assigned to it;
  • Manager's signature;
  • Sometimes you need to supplement the document with special details. For employees who were hired, you must indicate the total hours of work for the week (for this type of work they cannot be more than a four-hour working day). Indicate the number and date of signing the liability agreement.

The form also indicates the appropriate administrative action. When drawing up a document for more than one employee, all items must be filled out for each individual.
However, it is much more convenient to use standard forms. They are much easier to use.

Making an order

HR officers are well aware of the importance of creating a legally compliant employment document. Take, for example, the fact that its shelf life is seventy-five years, and accordingly they make entries in the work book. Of course, such a document is not prepared in any way.

According to the law, the hired employee must put his signature no later than three days from the moment he began performing his new duties. Based on this, the term for issuing an order should not be more than three days. The data entered into it must be identical to the same data in the employment contract.

Another subclause of the law states that the employer must talk with the new employee about the internal regulations and existing rules of the enterprise, immediately before he signs the contract.

When drawing up order forms, you must obey special rules:

  • Only if the employment contract was concluded for an indefinite period, the “Work period” item should be left blank.
  • In the subclause on hiring criteria, specific, defined expressions are used: “as a transfer from another organization,” “part-time,” “to perform work,” “permanently,” “to replace a missing employee.”
  • Items affecting the topic of salary must fully comply with those specified in the employment contract.

After the order is issued, it must be registered in the accounting journal where all the papers on personnel movements are recorded. The journal is considered a strict reporting document and must be kept for the entire existence of the enterprise. Its sheets must be numbered, connected with lacing and certified by the signature of each of them by the boss or employee who is responsible for the official movements of persons, and at the end - a stamp.

Order samples

Order in form No. T-1a must be drawn up when hiring two or more people. The form is considered appropriate for hiring an employee or several.

This form was approved in accordance with Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of January 2004 No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and its payment.” When hiring several employees at once, you need to use form No. T-1a.

Text order form

It is customary to use such forms when issuing a job order. Just as mentioned above, the head of the enterprise can himself draw up a sample with which it will be convenient for him to work, the main thing is to include certain points in it. Following these rules is extremely important and should be a priority when creating your own format.

The order of acceptance to work: .

One of the most important basic documents for a personnel specialist is an employment order. Read about the intricacies of its design, download a ready-made sample

From this article you will learn:

How to write a job application

An order for employment must be drawn up; on its basis, an entry will be made in the work book. You cannot get by with one job application; the absence of an order is an administrative violation (Part 1 of Article 5.27).

Commercial organizations, according to , have the right to create and use their own forms of personnel document flow. Thus, everything depends on the traditions of the enterprise: some use the usual unified form, others make the necessary changes to it, and others develop their own forms.

The basis for creating an order is an employment contract concluded between the employer and employee.

Design rules

At the beginning of the employment order, the mandatory details of the organization are indicated:

  • Name (exactly corresponding to the constituent documents). The abbreviated name of the organization is indicated only in cases where it is enshrined in its constituent documents. Please note that if your organization has an abbreviated name, it must be indicated (in parentheses) after the full name.
  • OKPO. The code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations consists of eight digits and is retained by the organization throughout its existence. Essentially, this is a unique number that cannot be repeated by any other organization.
  • OKUD. The order for hiring a position according to the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documents has code 0301001. It is this that must be indicated in the column “Form according to OKUD”. If you use forms printed in a printing house, then this code will already be printed in the column.
  • Document data: date of issue, place and number in the organization’s document flow. Traditionally, a log of orders for personnel is used, and the number code is double: a digital designation of the date in combination with a digital-alphabetic code: the order of the order for this year and the letter “k” (personnel) or LS (“personnel”).

Since the order is entered into the journal after the manager signs it, it is better to enter these details manually.

Next comes the basis of the document: the number and date of the employment contract. For example, you entered into an employment contract with an employee, in which you indicated that he is obliged to start work on March 15, 201. Accordingly, this date of the beginning of the performance of official duties in accordance with the employment contract is entered in the employment order.

The “by” column is filled in only in cases where the employment contract is concluded for a certain period. If the employment contract is signed for an indefinite period, the “to” column of the employment order remains blank. If the term of the employment contract is determined, then there are several options for filling out the “by” column. The end of the employment contract may be determined by a specific date. In this case, this date is indicated in the employment order.

If the contract has a limited validity period, its expiration date is entered into the order; if the validity period is not specified, then it does not need to be entered.

After this, the content is formulated. It is extremely important to accurately enter the terms of the employment contract, avoiding discrepancies (Part 1, Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • Employee working conditions. Be careful, especially if we are talking about harmful or dangerous working conditions according to the SOUTH.
  • Nature of work activity.
  • Position of the hired employee, structural unit.
  • Payment order.

In addition to the listed points, the order may include operating hours, information about the probationary period and other necessary information.

There is no need to put a stamp only if such a requirement is specified in the local regulations of the organization. But you need to sign. This is done by the head of the enterprise or an employee performing his duties (usually a deputy).

Familiarization with the order

You cannot delay placing an order. The employee must be familiarized with it no later than 3 days from the start of actual activity at the new location. Therefore, the HR department has these 3 days to prepare the document.

It is convenient to provide for this point in the design and add additional lines to the document for the employee to fill out: date of review, personal signature and transcript.

According to Article 62 of the Labor Code, employees have the right to receive copies of all personal documents. So if the HR department is contacted with such a request, it must be granted.

A copy (or an extract, if the order was drawn up simultaneously for a group of hired employees) is made according to the following rules:

  1. The employee must write a written request to provide a copy.
  2. The copy is certified.
  3. Time to fulfill the request is 3 working days.

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This period applies only to documents created after 2003; those published earlier are stored for 75 years.

For the first 5 years, the order is stored in the personnel department, in a folder with documents of the same year of similar nomenclature. Only after this time has passed it can be transferred to the archive. Then it must be destroyed.

  • Automatic filling of standard document forms
  • Printing documents with signature and seal image
  • Letterheads with your logo and details
  • Uploading documents in Excel, PDF, CSV formats
  • Sending documents by email directly from the system

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An order in form No. T-1a is drawn up when hiring several people at once. The form is also an order (administration order) to hire an employee or group of employees.

There are two types of forms that have a separate abbreviation: form T-1 and form T-1a.
The differences are that the T-1 form represents an order regarding the hiring of one employee, while the T-1a serves in the case when a group of employees is hired.

This unified form was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

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How to correctly fill out an order for hiring employees

Note! When concluding an employment contract for an indefinite period with several employees, the “to” column in the “Period of work” detail is not filled in.

Filling out the T-1a form is the responsibility of the person responsible for conducting personnel work, namely organizing the hiring of persons in accordance with the conditions set out in the employment contract. It should also be noted that the employee working with the document must be highly qualified, and his work must also be promptly monitored by higher authorities.

When issuing an order, it is mandatory to indicate the following information:

Full name of the site, department, any other structural unit in which newly hired employees will carry out activities in accordance with the employment contract;
- mandatory indication of professions, positions held, specialties for which employees are accepted upon registration;
- a probationary period for which each employee is accepted, provided that the existence of a period is stipulated by the collective agreement;
- the conditions for admission to the upcoming job, its nature are also indicated (this could be a part-time job, performing a certain type of task, long-term replacement for a full-time employee, or something else).

All data should be verified with passport information to avoid errors when filling out.

If the hiring of employees does not have a specific period, then filling in the corresponding “work period” field should not be completed. After the document is signed by the head (or a person authorized on his behalf) of the organization into which a group of workers is hired, appropriate entries are made in the work books, and data is also entered into personal cards in the personnel department. At the same time, the accounting department opens a personal account for the newly hired employee, and he is given a copy of the hiring form for signature.

The order is signed by the manager and the employee within three days from the date of signing the employment contract. Instead of the manager, an authorized person can sign the order on the basis of an order from the organization or a power of attorney.

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The appearance of a new employee is a fact of economic life, which is documented in primary accounting documents and by order of the manager. It serves as the basis for payment of wages. And although the sample recommended by Goskomstat is not strictly mandatory, it is better to use T-1 to avoid claims during the inspection.


Mandatory personnel documents when registering a new employee are a personal statement and an employment order. Their standard forms for organizations were approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee. Since 2013, the use of one’s own forms has been formally allowed, but they must take into account all the features established by the Labor Code and the Accounting Law. Otherwise, claims from inspection authorities that the organization’s documents do not comply with legal requirements cannot be ruled out.

With the development of automation tools, many programs for personnel records management have appeared, including various forms, including employment orders. You can use them, but you need to check them for compliance with the unified forms:

  • T-1 (for registration of one person),
  • T-1a (for group hiring).

All required information must be present in the document.

Picture 1.

The data included in the administrative documents must exactly correspond to the terms of the employment contract being concluded. It is especially important to provide for everything in the case of part-time employment, since this form of employment provides for a special procedure for dismissal. Based on the order (order), a work book and an employee’s personal card (T-2) are filled out, and a personal account is opened in the accounting department (T-54, T-54a).

Here is a sample of filling out the unified employment order form T-1.

Figure 2.

Within three days after the actual start of work, the employee must be familiarized with the document against signature. Upon request, he is given a copy certified by the signature of the personnel officer, manager and the seal of the enterprise. Since 2015, the form of an employment contract for foreign workers has become significantly more complicated, and these changes must be taken into account when issuing an order.

Are there any special features for individual entrepreneurs?

The registration procedure for individual entrepreneurs does not provide for any deviations from that established by Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In fact, individual entrepreneurs are not only required to comply with the external form of the documents, but it is more practical to use a standard employment order than to invent your own (download sample T-1 ) He is also obliged to maintain records of personnel, like other employers. This is confirmed by Letter No. 4414-6 of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment. Particular attention should be paid when hiring staff for catering, since special sanitary and health restrictions are established for such enterprises. If mass recruitment is being carried out, then it is more advisable to issue a hiring order, an example of which is given below (T-1a).

Combining data about a group of persons in an order does not change its main content. This form only lacks indications of special conditions for employment, for example, during the period of maternity leave for a permanent employee. If they exist, then it would be better for such a person to draw up an individual administrative document.

Attention! Never use standardized forms when concluding a work contract and do not include even individual provisions from them in the text: labor functions, place of work, start date of work or working hours. This entails his “retraining” as a labor worker without actual registration. Moreover, since 2014 - not only according to the court, but also according to the results of an inspection by the labor inspectorate. Administrative punishment for individual entrepreneurs: fine from 5 to 10 thousand rubles, for legal entities. persons - from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

It must be remembered that the basis of labor relations is a contract, its drafting precedes the issuance of an order, and there should be no discrepancies in them. You should not assume that changes can always be introduced into the order. This, for example, is evidenced by the decision of the Altai Regional Court. The employee was hired under a fixed-term contract with a specified period. Dismissed due to failure to complete the probationary period. She went to court and was reinstated with payment for forced absence. Reason: the order indicated the condition of acceptance with testing, but was not in the contract.

In order to avoid mistakes when drawing up personnel documents, we advise you to listen to the recommendations of the experts of the Internet accounting department “My Business”.

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