Every experienced gardener knows the Epin fertilizer, which is very common today. It is used to treat seeds before planting in the soil, and is sprinkled on indoor flowers, seedlings, and plants as a growth stimulant. But not everyone knows how to use Epin Extra correctly.

Soaking seeds in epin affects germination, awakens active growth and provides protection from the negative influence of the environment. Let's try to figure out together what epin is for plants and how to use epin.

Did you know?Epin was developed by Russian scientists, but is not produced in Europe.

Epin extra: what is the drug

Since epin extra has become widely used among farmers and summer residents, it is necessary to understand in more detail what it is made from and how beneficial it is for plants. The instructions for the substance Epin do not disclose the composition of the drug, but only tell how it affects plants.

Everyone knows that spraying with epin helps to activate the protective functions of the plant, stimulates an increase in immunity, affects the increase in yield and earlier ripening of fruits, and effectively restores injured plants.

But we do not know the main thing, what exactly stimulates these processes in the plant.

The biological product is based on a phytohormone that is classified as a steroid – epibrassinolide. Epibrassinolide – This is an artificially bred similarity to the phytohormone brassinolide. The phytohormone activates plant cell division. Plants themselves are capable of producing this phytohormone, but the dose of the produced steroid is too small to accelerate the development of seedlings.

Epibrassinolide, penetrating into the plant, provokes inhibition of the production of hormones (ethylene, abscisic acid), which slow down the growth of the seedling. The use of epin does not provoke distortion of stems, leaves and fruits, but only promotes the activation of ontogenesis.

Important!Epin can be used to spray plants or soak seeds. Watering is not recommended, since the drug is absorbed through the leaves and stems.

Using Epin, how to properly prepare the solution (dosage)

Advertising for a biological product assures us that it not only affects seed germination, seedling survival and increases disease resistance, but also reduces the level of toxic substances and nitrates in plant cells.
The use of epin during the growing season helps to increase the ovary, it crumbles less, and the fruits ripen ahead of schedule. When using Epin extra, you need to know how to soak the seeds correctly so as not to harm the future plant.

It is also important to know how to dilute Epin Extra. An acidic environment is required to completely dissolve the active substance epin. Most often, the water we use is alkaline. Before diluting epin, add a pinch of citric acid to the water.

Before planting, epin treats not only the seeds, but also the tubers with bulbs and cuttings. Before planting, bulbs and cuttings are disinfected for 12 hours with a ready-made solution prepared from one milliliter of epin and two liters of water. Potato tubers are irrigated before planting in the ground. For 5 kg of tubers, use 1 ml of the drug dissolved in 250 ml of water.

Did you know?In China, grain crops are sprayed with phytohormone, which allows them to obtain 15-20% more yield than without its use.

Soaking seeds with Epin Extra stimulates germination and further rooting of cuttings. Epin for seeds is prepared as follows: Two drops of the biological product are dissolved in one hundred milliliters of water. The seeds are dipped into the solution and kept for 24 hours at room temperature.

Epin is used as a preparation for rooting seedlings and forming additional roots. Seedlings are sprayed with a solution of six drops of epin and half a liter of water when the seedling has two or three leaves and immediately before planting in open ground.

Epin extra can also be used for tomato seedlings before budding; it stimulates the formation of more ovaries. During the growing season, not only seedlings are sprayed. You can process all vegetables, fruits and flowers growing in the garden.

In order to relieve the stress received during planting or transplanting all crops without exception, spray with a biological product by dissolving 1 ml of epin in 5 liters of water.

In case of return of frosts, a day before and after them, the plants are also sprinkled with epin in the following proportions: - vegetables, strawberries and fruit trees during the flowering period, dissolve 1 ml of epin in 5 liters of water.
Epin is also used as a fertilizer to feed indoor plants. The biological product is used in spring or winter, when indoor flowers lack sunlight. Epin, according to the instructions for use for indoor plants, is diluted in a ratio of 1 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water.

Strawberries are sprayed after winter (dilute 1 ml of epin with five liters of water). The grapes are processed during the period of bud swelling in a ratio of 5 liters of water per 1 ml of epin. Oyster mushrooms and champignons are treated during fruit formation by dissolving 3 drops of epin in 5 liters of water.

Epin, according to the instructions for use, is used to restore coniferous plants after sunburn received in winter. Dissolve the drug as indicated in the instructions, and spray not only damaged, but also healthy needles.

Important!It is necessary to use the epin solution immediately after preparation, otherwise the substance loses its properties.

Features of plant treatment with epin

When using Epin Extra to stimulate the growth of seedlings and other plants, we must understand what effect it has on plants. Unlike root or heteroauxin, epin does not force plants to grow vigorously, but simply promotes survival in stressful situations (frost, violation of the integrity of shoots, disease, replanting), affecting the course of physiological processes.
If the plant has entered a dormant phase, epin will not force it to actively develop, because it is designed to restore and support immunity. Epin must be used according to the instructions and the plant must be sprayed again no earlier than two weeks later, since an overdose of the drug threatens to cause the opposite effect. The active substance Epin will begin to accumulate in the plant cells as a pesticide.

During sprinkling, the leaves should be evenly moistened with the solution. Practice has shown that it is most effective to use epin before and after plant budding. Spraying should be done in the morning or evening, in the absence of wind and precipitation. When exposed to sunlight, epin evaporates so quickly that the plant does not have time to absorb it.

It is necessary to spray only the growing parts of the plant - leaves and shoots. Epin absorption occurs within three days, so the next treatment is performed no less than two weeks later. If the plant has not been exposed to stress and is not sick, it is recommended to treat it three times over the entire season.

Did you know?Phytohormones that stimulate plant growth are isolated from pollen.

Compatibility of Epin Extra with other drugs

Often, in order not to treat the same plant twice with different drugs, we resort to mixing them. Scientists have found that combination of epin with drugs such as Vitalizer NV-101, Zircon, Tsitovit will not harm the plant, the components of the substances included in the preparations do not inhibit each other’s action.
To disinfect seeds and protect seedlings from diseases, the use of epin allows you to reduce the dosage of pesticides by half. Epine is dissolved together with agro- and pesticides. The disadvantage of the biological product is the destruction of epibrassinolide under the influence of lighting.

"Epin-Extra"(0.025 g/l 24-epibrassinolide) is a broad-spectrum regulator and adaptogen, has a strong anti-stress effect, a reproduced analogue of a natural substance. The drug is from NEST M.

- accelerated seed germination
- rooting seedlings and relieving stress when picking and transplantation
- acceleration of ripening and increase in yield
- protection of plants from frost, excess humidity and other unfavorable conditions
- increasing resistance to late blight, peronospora, scab, bacteriosis and fusarium, etc.
- reduction in the plant of residual amounts of pesticides, heavy metals, radionuclides, excess nitrates.

Usage Epin-Extra (instructions for use).

1 ml (1 graduated ampoule made of polypropylene, reusable) Epin-Extra for 5 liters of water.
One ampoule contains 40 drops of the drug. 0.025ml = 1 drop.

Preparation of working solution:

1 ml of Epin-Extra is dissolved in 5 liters of water and mixed thoroughly. Spraying is carried out by evenly wetting the leaves. The working solution is used only on the day of preparation.

Spraying is carried out in the morning or evening in dry, windless, but not rainy weather.

It should be remembered that d.v. drug Epin-Extra is absorbed by the plant within 2-4 days. Therefore, repeated treatments with Epin-Extra should be carried out no earlier than after a week.

Pre-sowing and pre-planting treatment:

- Vegetable seeds soak for 2-4 hours in a solution of Epin-Extra 1-2 drops + 2 drops of Cytovit nutrient solution per 100 ml of water.

- Potato tubers before planting in the soil, treat with Epin-Extra 1 ml + 1.5 ml (one ampoule) of the Cytovit nutrient solution per 250 ml of water.

- Relieving stress on all crops (including seedlings) during planting and transplanting into the ground- spray the plant before planting with a solution at the rate of: 1 ml Epin-Extra+ 4.5-5 ml of Cytovit nutrient solution per 5 liters of water.

Spraying vegetative plants.

- Seedling - sprinkle solution Epin-Extra 4 drops +15 drops of Cytovit nutrient solution per 0.5 liter of water in the phase of 2-3 true leaves one day before transplanting.

From overgrowing seedlings: - sprinkle Ferovit nutrient solution 40 drops per 1 liter of water.

- Vegetables - at recurrent frosts Tsitovita per 5 liters of water.

- Fruits and berries - at recurrent frosts in the budding phase, spray 1 day before frost and after the end of Epin-Extra 1 ml + 4.5-5 ml Cytovit per 5 liters of water.

- Strawberry(strawberry)- after the snow melts - treatment with Epin-Extra 1 ml per 5 liters of water.

At recurrent frosts in the budding phase, spray 1 day before frost and after the end of Epin-Extra with 1 ml + 5 ml of Cytovit nutrient solution per 5 liters of water.

-Grape- sprayed in early spring when buds open with Epin-Extra + 4.5-5 ml of Cytovit nutrient solution per 5 liters of water.

At stressful conditions growing(lack of light, frost, onset of diseases, etc.) spraying is carried out every 7-10 days alternating ( Epin-Extra 1 ml + nutrient solution Ferovit 4.5-5 ml) per 5 liters of water or ( Epin-Extra+ nutrient solution Cytovit 4.5-5 ml) until the plants are completely restored.

The drug is not dangerous for humans, warm-blooded animals, fish, bees and other beneficial insects. Does not pollute the environment.

Storage conditions: from -5 to +25 °C

Provides: acceleration of seed germination; rooting of seedlings during picking and transplanting; acceleration of ripening and increase in yield; stimulation of fruit and root formation; protection of plants from frost, salinity and other stressful conditions; resistance to peronospora, scab, bacteriosis and fusarium; revival of weakened and rejuvenation of old plants, due to stimulation of shoot formation; reduction in the content of nitrates, heavy metals, radionuclides, pesticides.

Avoid alkaline reaction!

Preparation Epin-Extra (0.025 g/l a.i. 24-epibrassinolide), patented and registered by NNPP

"NEST M" (RF Patent No. 2272044 dated 09/13/04), is a regulator of plant growth and development with a pronounced anti-stress and adaptogenic effect.

For several years the company produced and used in agriculture. production of the drug Epin. Since 2003, production of improved EPIN®-EXTRA, containing as current highly purified substances 24-epibrassinolide, synthesized according to an original method using nanotechnology.

Mechanism of action.

Epibrassinolide, acting indirectly through the hormonal system, affects the activity and biosynthesis enzymes of the oxidative cycle (PO, PPO, catalase, SOD), hydroxylytic enzymes (proteases), MDH, has a diverse effect on the plant: enhances seed germination and plant growth, increases resistance to biotic and abiotic factors, increases yield and improves its quality.

Epibrassinolide regulates the flow of ions into the plant cell, which affects the reduction in the accumulation of heavy metals and radionuclides when growing crops in contaminated areas. Epin-Extra increases plant resistance to phytopathogens and viral infections, which makes it possible to use them as a means of reducing pesticide loads or even as a safe alternative to chemical pesticides.

Efficiency of action and features of application on various crops.

Cereals. Pre-sowing treatment of winter wheat and spring barley seeds with the drug Epin-Extra (200 ml/t) and then a single spraying of plants in the tillering phase - the beginning of the emergence into the tube (50 ml/ha) raise winter wheat harvest by 3.6 c/ha (10.8%) and spring barley for 3.9 c/ha (15.6%). The effect of the drug is expressed as an increase by 18% the number of grains in an ear, and the mass of 1000 seeds, in the phase of waxy ripeness by 16.5%, full ripeness - 14,9% compared to control. Treatments with the drug Epin-Extra improve the quality of grain and its baking properties. Protein content in lake grain. wheat increases by 3.66%, gluten – 9.4%. The protein content in barley grain increases by 4.43%, starch – by 8.3%.

It has been established that under the influence of epibrassinolide, synthetic processes in ripening grain are activated, the content of reserve proteins, which are important as the structural basis of gluten, which determines the baking qualities of flour as a whole, increases.

Epin-Extra increases the productivity of spring wheat when grown under conditions of moisture deficiency. The use of Epin-Extra for pre-sowing treatment of seeds and spraying during the flowering phase in combination with microfertilizer Tsitovit And growth regulator Zircon in Tunisian conditions provides maximum yield increase of 20%. The additional yield is formed by increasing productive stems by 3-4%, the number of grains per ear by 8%, and their weight by 21%.

Pre-sowing treatment of rice with the drug Epin-Extra (200 ml/t) increases the field germination of seeds by 25.2% compared to the control. Spraying during the tillering phase helps to enhance growth processes and intensive growth of leaves; during the sweeping phase it affects the processes of flowering, fertilization, formation and filling of grains. During the tillering phase, the leaf surface of plants in the variant with the preparation Epin-Extra, exceeds the control by 8.4 cm2, in the spawning phase - by 14.7 cm2, in the milky-wax ripeness phase - by 15.6 cm2. When using Epin-Extra, the synthesis of chlorophyll and carotenoids is enhanced, which inhibits the aging process of leaves.

Epin-Extra, acting as a growth regulator, activates growth processes to a greater extent during the tillering phase, increasing plant height by 7.3 cm compared to the control. During the period from the tillering phase to heading, the rate of linear growth of the stem slows down, which does not lead to an excessive increase in plant height and the risk of crop lodging. Thus, the difference in plant height between the experimental and control variants is 4.1 cm in the spawning phase, and 4.2 cm in the milky-wax ripeness phase. Treatments with the drug Epin-Extra reduce the degree of rice damage by helminthosporium blight by 1.6 times, blast blight by 1.7 times, and fusarium panicle blight by 2.6 times. Depending on the conditions of the growing season, rice grain yield increases by 7% - 18.7%. The dry matter content increases by 8% – 14%.

Sunflower. Epin-Extra stimulates the active growth of sunflower plants, helps to increase the area of ​​the leaf blade, and accordingly, the assimilating surface of the leaves, increases the height of the plants and the diameter of the basket. Spraying with a growth regulator (40 ml/ha) in the phase of 2-3 true leaves increases disease resistance. There is a decrease in the number of plants affected by ash rot by 3.5%, and by Phoma - by 4%. Seed yield increases by 0.5 t/ha or 17.2%. With double treatment with Epin-Extra (50 ml/ha) in the budding phase and (80 ml/ha) in the flowering phase, sunflower yield increased by 0.43 t/ha (33.6%), oil yield increased by 0. 24 t/ha (34.8%).

Perennial herbs. When spraying alfalfa under the influence of epibrassinolide, the length of the inflorescences, the number of flowers increases, and the number of set beans on the plants increases by 4-8%. The yield of alfalfa seeds increases by 6-26%. Treatment of meadow timothy crops increased the yield of green mass by 5.6 c/ha.

Use of Epin-Extra in contaminated areas.

Epin-Extra reduces the accumulation of nitrates, heavy metals, radionuclides when grown under conditions of increased content of these elements in the soil (RF Patent No. 2119285), stimulates the growth and development of plants, increases their productivity and improves product quality. Processing barley during the tillering phase 24-epibrassinolide reduces the accumulation of cesium and strontium in grain by 1.3 – 1.4 times. Usage Epin-Extra in the conditions of the Minsk region with a background radiation of 9.1 and 13.8 curies/km2 (cesium), it increased the yield of green mass of timothy grass by 5.6 c/ha and improved the nutritional quality of hay. At the same time, the intake of cesium into plants decreased by 19.3 Bq/kg or 53%.

Processing potatoes during the budding phase in the contaminated areas of the Gomel region contributed reducing the content of radionuclides in potato tubers to an acceptable level. Potato yield increased by 3.2 t/ha (15.3%). Plant treatment Arcerides reduced the starch content in potato tubers by 0.7%, while the tank mixture of Arcerid with Epin-Extra increased its content by 2.2 - 2.5%.

Inlaying barley seeds with a preparation EPIN-EXTRA when grown on soils with background and increased content heavy metals (HM) contributed to a faster passage of phenophases in plants. The effect of the drug was to delay the entry of cadmium ions. The cadmium content in 30-day-old plants decreased by 1.6 times. The use of Epin-Extra on soils contaminated with cobalt leads to a decrease in the transport of the metal from the soil to the plant stems. Epin-Extra regulates the supply of potassium to plants, as a result of which the content of this element in the green mass, grain and straw of barley exceeds the control by 1.5-3 times.

The use of the drug Epin-Extra in ecologized agricultural protection systems. crops

Application Epin-Extra (50 ml/ha) together with a 20% reduced herbicide consumption rate Fusilade forte (0.8 l/ha) in the early budding phase and again only with Epin-Extra in the flowering phase of the crop, it is not inferior to the action of the recommended herbicide rate (1 l/ha). At the same time, the effect of the herbicide in reducing the number of annual dicotyledonous weeds increases by 6%.

Epin-Extra has a growth-regulating effect on sunflower plants, accelerating the development phases. There is a higher percentage of plants with opened heads of 25% (versus 3%-5% in the control) and 100% flowering of sunflowers (versus 70-75% in the control) at an earlier date. The diameter of the baskets increases by 14.5%. The use of Epin-Extra in a tank mixture with Fusilade forte increases seed collection by 53% and oil yield by 0.44 t/ha.

The use of Epin-Extra (20 ml/ha) in a mixture with a consumption rate of the biofungicide Gamair (3 g/ha) reduced by 40% provides the best protection against Phoma - the prevalence of the disease is 30%, the degree of development is 0.6%. Whereas when treated with Gamair alone, 55% and 6%, respectively. Compared to treatment with Gamair alone, seed yield increases by 27.3%, oil content - by 7.6%, oil collection - by 35.8%.

A 50% reduction in the consumption rate of the herbicides Lenok and Targa Super in a tank mixture with the drug EPIN®-EXTRA does not reduce the herbicidal activity of the mixture and allows reducing the pesticide load in the agrocenosis.

Epin serves as a kind of lifesaver for gardeners and gardeners in the risky farming zone, which includes more than half of the territory of Russia. When used correctly, this drug activates the protective functions of plants, thereby improving their adaptation to unfavorable conditions and diseases. The most famous form of release of the drug is “Epin-extra”. This is an alcohol solution of the active substance in a proportion of 0.025 g/l. Now on sale you can find seeds painted in bright colors. Such seeds are more expensive, but the manufacturer guarantees that they have passed all stages of pre-sowing preparation. This article is not about them. But if you collected the seeds yourself or bought them, but the manufacturer does not mention that he prepared them for planting, then do not use the recommendations given below. In our article we will tell you how to properly soak seeds in an epin solution.

Preparing seeds for planting

Humidity is one of the most important factors that affects the shelf life of seeds. You need to make sure that they are stored in a cool and dry place, it is best to store tomato seeds in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed jar. Dry storage at less than 18 degrees will give you good germination results.

To speed up the emergence of seedlings, increase the yield, and reduce the incidence of plant diseases, before sowing, the seeds are heated, disinfected, treated with microelements, soaked, germinated, hardened, cooled, and plated.

The sequence of seed preparation techniques varies depending on the crop. Many diseases of vegetable crops, especially bacterial, fungal and viral, are transmitted through seeds. To protect plants from diseases, seeds are disinfected before sowing.

First, we need to select high-quality seeds, then warm them up, disinfect them and treat them with nutrients, then soak them, germinate them and harden them. Let's now take a closer look at each stage of preparing tomato seeds for planting.

Epin extra: what is the drug

Since epin extra has become widely used among farmers and summer residents, it is necessary to understand in more detail what it is made from and how beneficial it is for plants. The instructions for the substance Epin do not disclose the composition of the drug, but only tell how it affects plants. Everyone knows that spraying with epin helps to activate the protective functions of the plant, stimulates an increase in immunity, affects the increase in yield and earlier ripening of fruits, and effectively restores injured plants. But we do not know the main thing, what exactly stimulates these processes in the plant. The biological product is based on a phytohormone, which is classified as a steroid – epibrassinolide. Epibrassinolide is an artificially bred version of the phytohormone brassinolide. The phytohormone activates plant cell division. Plants themselves are capable of producing this phytohormone, but the dose of the produced steroid is too small to accelerate the development of seedlings. Epibrassinolide, penetrating into the plant, provokes inhibition of the production of hormones (ethylene, abscisic acid), which slow down the growth of the seedling. The use of epin does not provoke distortion of stems, leaves and fruits, but only promotes the activation of ontogenesis.

Important! Epin can be used to spray plants or soak seeds. Watering is not recommended, since the drug is absorbed through the leaves and stems.

Soaking seeds in epin solution

A solution of the drug "Epin-Extra" for soaking seeds is prepared at the rate: 3-6 drops of "Epin" are needed per hundred grams of water.

Here it should be clarified that to prepare such a solution, only clean filtered or boiled water is used.

In general, Epin serves to adapt plants to various unfavorable conditions and stimulates their protective functions.

Specifically by crop:

To soak melon seeds in the Epina-Extra solution, add 4-6 drops of the drug to the water. Seeds should be in the solution for 18 hours to 24 hours.

To soak carrot, beet, and celery seeds, just add three drops of Epin to the solution. Soaking time - 24 hours.

To soak flower seeds you need 4 drops of Epin. Aging period: 18-20 hours.

"Epin-Extra" can be used not only for preparing seeds. Soak the cuttings well in a solution (one ampoule per 2 liters of water). The same solution (one ampoule per 5 liters of water) is sprayed on seedlings or plants after frost.

Spraying vegetative plants with epin

1 ml of Epin-extra is dissolved in 5 liters of water and mixed thoroughly. Spraying is carried out by evenly wetting the leaves. The working solution is used on the day of preparation. DO NOT allow an alkaline environment!

Seedlings - spraying with Epin-extra solution (5-6 drops per 0.5 liters of water) in the phase of 2-3 true leaves and on the eve of transplantation;

Plant processing is carried out in the following phases:

  • potatoes, tomatoes - budding - beginning of flowering;
  • root crops - by seedlings;
  • cucumbers - 2-3 true leaves, repeated in the budding phase;
  • peppers - at the beginning of budding with repetition in the flowering phase;
  • tulips - when buds appear;
  • fruit and berry - in the budding phase, repeated after 20 days; (Consumption is 2-5 liters of solution per young tree and 5-8 liters of solution per adult tree);
  • under stressful growing conditions (lack of light, frost, onset of diseases, etc.), spraying is carried out every 7-10 days until the plants recover.

The drug is practically not dangerous for humans, warm-blooded animals, fish, bees and other beneficial insects. Does not pollute the environment. Hazard class - III (technical ethyl alcohol with the addition of shampoo is used as a solvent for better wetting of the leaf surface).

There are many biostimulants that differ in their effect on seedlings, as well as in their application characteristics. Epin Extra has earned a lot of flattering reviews. The label contains detailed instructions for soaking the seeds and some other uses.

What is Epin extra used for?

Many factors influence the plant. Some of them can cause metabolic disorders, i.e. slow down or negatively affect development and maturation.

To reduce the harmful effects, various stimulants or regulators are used. Epin Extra allows plants to adapt after planting and reduce stress caused by diseases or negative external factors. The spectrum of action of the drug is very wide:

  • seeds germinate faster;
  • adaptation and development of the root system when picking and planting seedlings;
  • impact on fruit growth;
  • increase in harvest volume;
  • stimulating root growth;
  • protection from the effects of adverse and stressful situations (frost, salinity);
  • increasing immunity to diseases such as scab, late blight, fusarium, downy mildew, bacteriosis, etc.;
  • rejuvenation of old plants by stimulating the growth of lateral shoots;
  • restoration of damaged stems and leaves;
  • reduction in the level of heavy metals, radionuclides, nitrates, pesticides.

The drug can be used in several ways: soaking seeds and bulbs, surface application or watering the soil.

Attention! Due to the ability to reduce the level of pesticides, it is recommended to treat with these drugs together with Epin extra. It can also be diluted in water along with any type of fertilizer.

Preparation of the solution

Epin Extra is sold in a 1 ml ampoule. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute it in 5 liters and stir thoroughly. It is recommended to use only boiled water so that the alkaline environment does not destroy the active substance of the drug.

Epin Extra - instructions for use

If you need to treat the seeds, you need a more concentrated solution: 2 liters. The procedure does not differ from the generally accepted one:

  1. Wrap the seeds in a piece of cloth (non-synthetic).
  2. Pour the solution into the container.
  3. Dip the bag of seeds into the liquid until it slightly covers it.
  4. Leave for at least 6 hours (flowers - for 8-10 hours), it is permissible to increase the time to a day.
  5. Drop off.

Inside the package there is an ampoule with a clear liquid (a yellowish tint is allowed)

Bulbs of plants or indoor flowers should be soaked in an even more concentrated solution. It is enough to dilute the ampoule in a liter of water. The time for keeping the bulbs in the concentrate is slightly longer - up to 24 hours. Flower cuttings must be kept for up to 12 hours.

Potato tubers should be sprayed with a solution (5 liters per 1 ml) several hours before planting. This method helps to increase productivity and increases resistance to diseases and pests.

And to spray directly the leaves and stems of any crops, you will need a regular “working” solution. All liquid must be used on the same day. It is not advisable to leave it for a day or more.

Advice. The solution has an odor similar to alcohol. When stirred in water, it produces foam. These are the main signs that allow you to identify a fake.

If a decision is made to process crops for the purpose of prevention, general strengthening and increasing disease resistance, a frequency of once a month should be observed. This will be enough if the plants develop normally and there are no pests or diseases. If the crop has been attacked by pests or signs of disease have appeared, the treatment regimen should be strengthened: once a week. Spraying is carried out until all signs disappear completely.

Processing Features

For each crop, the most optimal timing of external treatment is prescribed, which should be taken into account:

  • potatoes: just before flowering;
  • cucumbers: immediately after the appearance of two leaves and before flowering;
  • tomatoes: before the development of buds and when the first cluster of fruits blooms;
  • eggplants, peppers: before flowering and immediately during;
  • beets, carrots, root vegetables: after germination;
  • onion set: if there are four leaves;
  • cabbage: when forming a head of cabbage;
  • watermelon, melon: at the moment when the third to fifth leaf appears and at the beginning of the flowers blooming.

Treatment of grapes is prescribed at the moment the tassel appears and immediately before flowering. Fruit and berry crops need to be sprayed when buds form, and the procedure must be repeated after 20 days.

Epin Extra 50 ml, for farms where it is necessary to cultivate large areas

Epin extra is very popular among those who grow champignons and oyster mushrooms. In this case, the drug must be applied at the time of fruit development. Re-process champignons before each wave of fruiting. The solution is standard, but for oyster mushrooms it is 4 times more concentrated.

Fruit trees are also sprayed with a standard solution. At the same time, 5 liters will be enough for a young one, and double the norm for an adult, spreading one.

Epin is not dangerous for beneficial insects such as bees, as well as for humans. Therefore, no protective equipment is required. But if it gets on your skin, it is better to wash it with soap and water. If it gets into your eyes, you will need a large amount of clean water to rinse them thoroughly. If, when spraying, liquid gets into the oral cavity, you need to rinse it and drink activated carbon. If necessary, it is permissible to induce vomiting to protect the body from exposure.

The packaging can be disposed of with normal household waste. Store the drug as standard: in a poorly lit, cool place. The temperature should not be higher than optimal (25 °C). The drug can be stored for up to 3 years, which allows you to purchase it with a reserve.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):