This is the destruction of vegetative forms of pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms on various equipment, equipment, utensils, in the indoor air, and on the hands of personnel.

EQUIPMENT: oilcloth apron, rubber gloves, sealed goggles, four-layer gauze bandage or respirator, additional gown, scarf, containers for disinfection, dry bleach or chloramine, scales or measuring container, water, soap, towel, hand cream.


The preparation of disinfectant solutions is carried out by a specially trained person - a disinfector. Preparation is carried out in a well-ventilated area using special clothing, rubber gloves, sealed goggles and a four-layer gauze bandage. Store disinfectants in places inaccessible to children and persons not involved in disinfection. Containers with disinfectants must have tight-fitting lids and be labeled. Each container must have a label indicating the name, concentration, as well as the date of preparation, expiration date, and the name of the person who prepared the solution. The supply of disinfectants is stored in a dry, dark place, a cool room under lock and key. If disinfectants come into contact with eyes or mucous membranes, rinse running water. After using the solution, wash your hands with soap and apply any cream.


EQUIPMENT: containers or enamel containers (glass) with tightly sealed lids, wooden sticks, measuring spoons, water, measuring cup, disinfectant

SUBSEQUENCE preparing a working disinfectant:

1. Pour into measuring cup required amount water.

2. Pour 1/3 of water into the container (container) to the specified amount.

3. Pour (pour) the required amount of disinfectant.

4. Stir the solution.

5. Add the rest of the water and mix the solution again. Close the lid tightly.

6. Label the container, indicate on the tag: date of preparation, expiration date, name of the disinfectant, its %, signature of the preparer.

1. Prepare a stock solution of bleach: dilute 1 kg of dry bleach in 9 liters cold water(bucket), (bleach is crushed with a wooden spatula). Label the dishes.

2. Leave the mixture for 24 hours, stir 2-3 times.

3. Pour the resulting solution into a dark bottle, closed with a stopper (this is a 10% clarified bleach solution, which can be stored for 5-7 days in a dark place). The dishes are marked accordingly.

4.If necessary, prepare a working solution of bleach of the required concentration:

0.1% - 100 ml of 10% bleach solution per 9.9 l H 2 O

0.2% - 200 ml of 10% bleach solution per 9.8 l H 2 O

0.5% - 500 ml of 10% bleach solution per 9.5 l of H 2 O

1% - 1 liter of 10% bleach solution per 9.0 l H 2 O

2% - 2 l of 10% bleach solution per 8 l of H 2 O

Chloramine solutions:

The working solution is prepared immediately before use:

1% - 10 g chloramine + 990 ml water

3% - 30 g chloramine + 970 ml water

5% - 50 g chloramine + 950 ml water

0.5% - 5 g of chloramine + 995 ml of water.

Make a record of the manipulation performed. Carry out infection safety measures.

Most frequently asked question, which customers ask in the support chat of our online store - how to properly prepare a working solution of a disinfectant. This question is usually addressed by ordinary consumers, so it would be appropriate to collect all the information on this issue in one review.

To begin with, I would like to draw your attention to the following: Always strictly follow the instructions for the disinfectant!

The instructions indicate the requirements for the preparation of working solutions disinfectants, which the manufacturer considered important for a particular disinfectant.

Manufacturers of disinfectants adhere to some general rules, which are valid for preparing working solutions of almost all disinfectants. For example:

  • The dishes must be chemically neutral, clean, without traces of rust. Usually this enamel cookware(without damaging the enamel), glass or plastic containers
  • For cooking, clean, cold water is usually used. drinking water. If the manufacturer requires distilled water, this will be indicated in the instructions for the disinfection solution.
  • Some drugs can be used not only in the form aqueous solution, but in the form of aqueous-alcoholic. To prepare such disinfectants, not 2 components are used, but 3.
  • Persons under 18 years of age and not suffering from allergic diseases and increased sensitivity to chemicals.
  • When working with the product, the skin of your hands must be protected with rubber gloves.
  • Measuring containers must be clean, dry and chemically neutral. It is highly advisable to use separate containers for each component of the working solution.
  • During all work, avoid contact of the product with eyes and skin.

The key concept for preparing a working solution of a disinfectant is concentration, which implies the share of the disinfectant in the total volume of the working solution. Please note that usually the concentration of the disinfectant for different modes treatments and different treated surfaces differ, sometimes significantly. Concentration is a relative concept and therefore is true for any disinfectant, that is, a 1% working solution of the drug Alphadez, or any other means that the composition contains 1/100 part of the disinfectant and 99/100 parts of water.

Below is a universal table for preparing working solutions for disinfection in the range of 0.1% - 4%. Other concentrations can be calculated from the table data using the rules of ordinary proportion.

Concentration of working solutions of disinfectants

Concentration of working solution (%) for the preparation

Amount of product concentrate and water (ml) required for preparation:

1 liter of solution

10 l of solution



After preparing the working solution of the disinfectant, it is recommended to check the concentration of the disinfectant using appropriate indicator strips. The indicator strips themselves are not included in the delivery set of the disinfectant; they can be purchased separately in our online store.

Carefully read and follow the instructions when preparing a working disinfectant solution!

You can ask any questions you are interested in, as well as buy disinfectants in Moscow with delivery, in our online store by phone or via online chat.

Preparation of a 10% basic clarified solution

bleach (10 l).

Target: Use for preparing working solutions of various concentrations for the purpose of disinfecting premises, dishes, toilets, patient secretions, etc.


Overalls – long robe, cap, oilcloth apron, gloves

medical, respirator, safety glasses, replacement shoes;

Dry bleach in standard packaging indicating the name, date of preparation, expiration date, activity according to CL - (chlorine);

Containers for disinfecting solutions (enamel, plastic, dark glass) with appropriate markings;

Documentation: log of preparation of 10% bleach solution, log of control of dry preparation for active chlorine;

Wooden spatula for stirring the solution;

Personal hygiene products: soap, personal towel.

Required conditions:

Preparation should be carried out in a room with supply and exhaust ventilation, special equipment and equipment, in the absence of strangers.


Preparation for the procedure

1. Put on overalls.

Maintaining nurse safety in the workplace, preventing exposure to toxic substances on the nurse’s body.

2. Prepare equipment.

3. Mark the start time of the procedure.

Compliance with the method of preparing the solution.

4. Pour a small amount of water into the container.

Prevention of spraying of bleach powder.

5. Pour in 1 kg of dry bleach, stirring with a wooden spatula and kneading the lumps.

Compliance with the methodology for preparing solutions (order No. 916).

6. Add water to 10 liters, stirring until smooth.

7. Close the container with a lid.

Note: When exposed to light, bleach loses its bactericidal properties.

8. Make a mark on the cooking time tag and sign it.

Maintaining continuity in work and ensuring personal responsibility.

9. Take off overalls.

10. Wash your hands and face with soap and wipe dry.

11. Lock the room.

Compliance with labor safety rules when working with disinfectants.

Compliance with the rules for storing disinfectants.

12. Stir the solution several times during the day.

Ensuring complete dissolution of dry matter in water.

1. Put on overalls.

Completing the procedure

Maintaining sister's safety in the workplace.

2. After 24 hours, pour the settled solution into another container marked: 10% basic clarified bleach solution (master solution), enter the date of preparation, note it in the log book, and sign it.

Compliance with the method of preparing the solution. Ensuring personal responsibility and continuity in work.

3. Take off overalls.

4. Wash your hands and wipe dry.

Maintain personal hygiene.

5. Lock the room.

Compliance with labor safety rules. Compliance with the rules for storing chlorine-containing preparations.

Preparation of a 1% working solution of bleach (10 l) Target:


Overalls: long robe, cap, oilcloth apron, medical gloves, spare shoes, respirator, safety glasses;

Containers for disinfectants with appropriate markings;

10% clarified bleach solution (masterbatch);

Measuring containers with markings with a capacity of 1 l and 10 l (bucket);

Water, 9 liters;

Wooden spatula.

Required conditions:



Preparation for the procedure

1. Put on overalls.

Maintaining sister safety in the workplace, preventing exposure to toxic substances on the body.

2. Prepare equipment.

Ensuring clarity in work.

3. Check the markings of the mother solution and the bucket for the working solution.

Personal responsibility.

Executing the procedure

1. Take a 1L measuring vessel, pour 10% basic clarified bleach solution (master solution) into a 1L container.

2. Pour into a container for a 1% working solution (bucket).

3. Add water to 10 liters.

4. Stir the solution with a wooden spatula.

5. Close the lid, check the labeling, put the date of preparation of the solution and signature.

Personal responsibility. Ensuring continuity in work.

Completing the procedure

1. Use for disinfection immediately after preparation.

Note: the content of active chlorine decreases during long-term storage.

Compliance with orders No. 408, 916.

Maintaining personal hygiene of the nurse.

Preparation of a 1% chloramine solution (1 l)

Preparation of a 1% working solution of bleach (10 l) use for disinfection in accordance with orders to comply with the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime.



A weighed portion of dry chloramine powder 10 g;

Water containers with markings up to 1 l;

Container for disinfectant solution;

Wooden spatula.

Required conditions:

The solution is used once.



Preparation for the procedure

1. Put on overalls.

Ensuring safety in the workplace.

2. Prepare the equipment, check the markings.

Maintaining clarity in work. Ensuring personal responsibility.

Executing the procedure

1. Pour a small amount of water into the container.

Prevention of powder spraying.

2. Place a sample of dry chloramine powder (10 g) into a container.

Compliance with the methodology for preparing solutions of percentage concentration.

3. Add water to 10 liters.

4. Mix the solution with a wooden spatula.

5. Close the lid.

6. Check container markings and tags.

7. Put the date of preparation of the solution and sign it.

Ensuring continuity in work with disinfectants, personal responsibility.

Completing the procedure

1. Use the freshly prepared solution once.

Compliance with Order No. 408.

2. Take off overalls, wash your hands, and wipe dry.

Maintaining personal hygiene of a medical worker.

Sanitary and epidemiological regime of the treatment room.


SanPiN " Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities" dated May 18, 2010

№ 288 dated March 23, 1976 “On approval of the instructions on the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime of hospitals and on the procedure for the implementation by bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service of state sanitary supervision over sanitary conditions therapeutic and preventive institutions."

№ 408 dated July 12, 1989 “On measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis in the country.”

OST 42-21-2-85“Sterilization and disinfection of products medical purposes. Methods, means and modes."

Disinfection– destruction in surrounding a person environment of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

Types of disinfection:

1. Preventive – prevention of nosocomial infections;

2. Focal – carried out at the source of infection, which is divided into current (in the source of infection, at the bedside of an infected patient) and final (one-time after discharge or isolation).

1 Mechanical




Mechanicalwet cleaning premises, beating clothes and bedding, clearing the room of dust, whitewashing, painting, washing hands.

Physical(thermal) – exposure to various physical factors.

Usage sun rays, UV emitters.

Ironing with a hot iron, burning, calcination.

Burning garbage.

Treatment with boiling water, heating to boiling, pasteurization, tindialization (fractional pasteurization for 6-7 days at 60 degrees, exposure time - 1 hour),

Boil in distilled water for 30 minutes, boil with the addition of baking soda 15 minutes.

Air disinfection method (without packaging, in a dry-heat oven at a temperature of 120 degrees, exposure for 45 minutes from the moment the set temperature is reached) is used for products made of glass, metal, rubber, latex.

Steam method - autoclaving, uses water steam at a temperature of 110 degrees under a pressure of 0.5 atmospheres.

The physical method is the most reliable and harmless!

Chemical- use of disinfectants (disinfectants) authorized by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Department of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, registered in the drug registration bureau, having a certificate of state registration. Must have a GOST certificate of conformity and guidelines by application.

Methods: full immersion, wiping, irrigation and spraying.

Groups of disinfectants:

3. Aldehyde-containing: formaldehyde, sidex, septodor, gigasept. Recommended for products made of glass, metal, rubber, plastic.

5. Surface-active agents (surfactants) - alaminol, dulbak, veltosept.

6. Alcohols - ethyl 70% or propyl - sagrosept, octiesept.

7. Guanidines – polysept, fugocide, teflex and others.

Combined– steam-formalin chamber.

Occupational safety when working with disinfectants.

Compliance with storage rules chemicals disinfection (in a dark, dry, cool and well-ventilated room on racks in tightly closed containers).

Containers for preparing disinfectant. products must have lids and be labeled.

The packaging must have a passport indicating the name, purpose, date of preparation and expiration date.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene when preparing disinfectants (special robe, headscarf, respirator, safety glasses, gloves, spare shoes).

Preparation of disinfectants and packaging are carried out in special rooms with supply and exhaust ventilation.

Periodically check the suitability of the disinfectant. means (visual, bacteriological, chemical - determination of the active substance).

If disinfectants come into contact with the skin, rinse immediately with running water.

In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.

For irritation respiratory tract immediately go to another ventilated room, take warm milk with soda, if necessary, cardiac, sedative or antitussive medications.

Preparation of disinfectant solutions in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for use of the manufacturer's disinfectant used

General information. Disinfection of medical products chemical method(on surfaces, as well as in their channels and cavities) are carried out with the aim of destroying pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms: viruses (including pathogens of parenteral viral hepatitis, HIV infection), vegetative bacteria (including mycobacterium tuberculosis), fungi (including fungi genus Candida). All products must be disinfected after use on patients. After disinfection, the products are washed tap water, dried and used as intended or (if indicated) subjected to pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization. For disinfection, drugs are used that are approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and if there are approved instructions for their use.

Indications: disinfection of medical instruments, care items, equipment, surfaces, etc.

Workplace equipment:

- facilities personal protection: a) waterproof apron; b) gloves; c) mask; d) safety glasses;

Manipulation table; - container with lid; - disinfectant;

Wooden stick; - measuring containers for bulk substances and solutions;

Running water; - tag;

Instructions for use of disinfectant, pen

Preparatory stage performing the manipulation.

1.Remove all jewelry from your hands (rings, watches).

2. Carry out hygienic hand antiseptics, wear:

Apron, gloves, mask, safety glasses.

The main stage of the manipulation.

3. Measure out the required amount of disinfectant in a measuring cup.

4. Preparation of solutions is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Preparation of solutions (per 1 liter)

5. Pour (pour) the disinfectant into a marked container and add water to 1 liter.

6. Stir the solution.

7. Close the lid.

8. Fill out the label: indicate the name of the disinfectant solution, concentration, exposure, date and time of preparation, and sign.

9. Remove personal protective equipment, wash your hands, perform hygienic hand antiseptics.

Note: Working solutions of disinfectants with a cleaning effect are prepared by adding concentrate to water (to avoid the formation of excessive foam).

Disinfection of used medical instruments (single and multiple use), medical devices (hereinafter referred to as medical devices), dressings, care items, surfaces according to regimes taking into account exposure time

The wiping method is recommended for products and their parts that are not in direct contact with the patient. The method of wiping twice with a calico napkin or gauze soaked in a disinfectant solution can be used. It is not recommended to use products containing aldehydes or formaldehyde using the wiping method to avoid toxic side effects for personnel. The disadvantage of many products from these groups is their ability to fix organic contaminants on the surface and in the channels of products. To avoid this, the product must first be washed from contamination in compliance with anti-epidemic measures, and then disinfected.

At the end of the disinfection period, the products are washed with running water and used for their intended purpose or subjected to further pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization.

In order to prevent the development of resistance of microorganisms circulating in healthcare facilities to disinfectants, it is recommended to periodically (at least once a quarter) alternate preparations, which should contain different active ingredients.

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