Everyone knows how mysterious and difficult our Russian language is to learn. It is home to a huge number of parts of speech and their various forms. Short and full participles are particularly complex. Let's look at the distinctive features of these verb forms in more detail.


Linguists still have not yet decided what place to give participles in morphology. The authors of textbooks on the Russian language have completely different attitudes to this issue. Some argue that it is only a verb form that expresses not only an action, but also its attribute. Others say that it is completely independent and classify it as a part of speech. But one thing is known: short and full participles are simply irreplaceable for our speech. Without them, we will endlessly use the word “which.” For example:

A singing person is a person who sings.

A sick child is a child who is sick.

A job done is a job that has been done.

Having various dependent words with it, the participle is part of the participial phrase that decorates our speech.

For example: The wind blowing from the sea refreshed my face.

Full form

One of the features of this part of speech is the ability to form forms. Apart from adjectives, it is not subject to any part of speech.

The full and short forms of participles differ both grammatically and syntactically. How not to confuse them? The full form is called passive participles, which usually answer the question “which”. They are called passive because in their meaning they imply an action performed by someone.

It is impossible to form short ones.

Example: Acquired - acquired, resolved - resolved.

Short and long ones perform different syntactic functions. This is because they have different goals. The full form, answering the question "which", is a definition. This is its main similarity with an adjective.

Therefore, a participle that is part of a phrase is usually called a separate definition.

Don't forget about punctuation marks. If only full forms are included and it comes after the word being defined, then in this case commas must be placed on both sides.

The forest, shrouded in haze, is very beautiful.

If the phrase comes after the main word, then in this situation commas are not placed under any circumstances: Work done on time was approved.

Short form

As we found out, short and full participles are similar in many ways, but they play different roles in sentences.

This form is formed by cutting off the endings from the complete one and adding other endings: carried out - carried out(removed -aya and part of the suffix, adding -a).

Let's consider the proposal: The trip was paid for. The short form of the full participle “paid” is no longer a characteristic of the attribute by action. Now she herself shows the process, being part of the predicate. Thus, the short form serves as the main member of the sentence.

The main feature is that short and full participles can change according to gender. Written - written, put - put, lost - lost.

It's not that difficult to distinguish them. A correctly asked participle question will help you easily distinguish the short form from the full form.

In Russian lessons we all studied the participle. However, linguists still do not have a common opinion on what a participle is. Some consider it a special form of the verb, others define the participle as an independent part of speech. Let's try to figure out what a participle is: the Russian language and its answers.

Definition of participle

Conventionally, a participle is a special form of a verb that denotes the attribute of an object or object by action, and answers the questions: which?, which?, which?, which?. In addition, the participle combines the characteristics of both a verb and an adjective.

Participle and adjective

Participles have many similarities with adjectives. Participles are inflected - agree with the noun in gender, number, case. The initial form of the participle has the same characteristics - masculine, singular, nominative case. For example, reflective, coloring, flying. Participles, like adjectives, can have a short form.

Short Communion

What is a short participle is another question that linguists ask when arguing whether it is an adjective or a special part of speech. One way or another, the modern Russian language distinguishes two forms of participle - short and full. The short participle answers the questions: what has been done?, what has been done?, what has been done?, what have been done?.

For example, spilled - spilled, lost - lost. In a sentence, short participles are always a predicate: “the shop has been closed for several hours.”

Short participles are formed from the full form by adding a zero ending, as well as the endings “a”, “o” and “s”. For example, built – built; beveled - beveled.

Participle and verb

The participle has common morphological properties with verbs - reflexivity, transitivity, aspect and tense. Moreover, unlike the verb, the participle does not have future tense forms. But only participles that are formed from imperfective verbs have present tense forms. For example, sit – sitting.

The most difficult moments are associated with the question of what a past participle is, namely with their formation. The following rules must be remembered:

  • Active past participles are formed from the infinitive with the addition of the suffixes “vsh” or “sh”, as well as the endings of adjectives. For example, hide - hidden; endure - endured.
  • Passive past participles are formed from the infinitive with the addition of the suffixes “nn”, “enn” and “t”, as well as the endings of adjectives. For example, do - done; contribute – introduced; shoe - shod.

Participle in a sentence

In a sentence, participles are a definition, less often part of a compound nominal predicate. Participles with dependent words: nouns, adverbs or adjectives form a participial phrase. In a sentence, it is usually separated by commas: “a dog running along the road”

It is customary to distinguish two types of participles: active and passive.

What is a passive participle

Passive participles denote a feature that is present in an object after the influence of another object or object. For example, a problem solved by a student is a problem that the student solved; lost fight by a boxer - a fight that a boxer lost.

What is a real participle

Active participles denote a characteristic that is created by the actions of the object or object itself. For example, a suffering man is a man who suffers; a running horse is a horse that runs.

It is worth remembering that a participle can be translated into an adjective or verb with dependent words. For example, a lying boy is a boy who was lying; a proven friend is a true friend. Sometimes you can form a short adjective from participles: a charming smile - a smile is charming.

What is communion in church

The word “communion” can mean not only a part of speech, but also the church rite of communion or the Eucharist.

During this rite, the believer must taste wine and bread, which symbolizes the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Communion or communion is done to come into close contact with God, which brings blessing.

At different times they received communion different numbers of times. In the Middle Ages, Christians observed the Eucharist every day, and since the 19th century this rite was performed twice in a lifetime - after birth and before death.

A participle is a special part of speech, which is a verbal form and denotes a characteristic by action. It should be noted that, being a verbal form, pr-ie has some morphological characteristics of a verb: the aspect and tense of each verbal form, transitivity and reflexivity can be distinguished in some verbal forms.

Part of speech features

The participle answers the question:

  • Which?
  • What is he doing?
  • What did he do?
  • What did he do?

Here are some examples: melting snow (what did he do?), melted snow (what did he do), melted snow (what did he do?), a sown field (what?). It should be noted that the question “which?” can be asked for all of the above.

Since this part of speech answers the question “which?” And denotes a sign by action, it has several morphological features of an adjective: number, gender, case.

This part of speech has its own special morphemic features - suffixes:

  • ushch (yushch) - ashch (box)
  • vsh (sh)
  • eat-im (ohm)
  • enn (yonn)

These suffixes can be used to distinguish it from other parts of speech.

In a sentence it plays the role of an agreed definition or predicate.

For example:

  • There's a melting snowflake in my palm. In this sentence, "melting" is an agreed adjective and is emphasized by a wavy line.
  • Snowflake melting. In this sentence, “melting” is part of a compound nominal predicate with an omitted linking verb (present tense modality).

About half of all participles have a short form. The short form is formed from the full form by truncation of the morphemic suffix. It is important not to confuse the form of a short adjective with the form of a short participle.

In Russian, this part of speech is of two types: active and passive.

Active participle

The active participle denotes the object or person who himself performs the action.

For example: A running person (the person performs the action independently), melting snow (the snow performs the action independently).

  • Present tense suffixes: ush-yush, ush-yush.
  • Past tense suffixes: wsh (w).

These suffixes will help determine the tense and type of participle. All active present participles are formed from the stem of verbs of the same form.

It should be noted that the suffixes ush (yush) form this part of speech from the verb of the first conjugation, and the suffixes asch-yashch are from the verb of the second conjugation. For example: “sowing” is formed from the verb “to sow” of the first conjugation of the present tense using the suffix "yushch".

Passive participle

The passive form denotes a sign based on the action of an object that does not itself perform this action (experiences this action on the part of another object or person).

For example: a reed shaken by the wind (a reed that shakes the wind, the reed itself did not perform this action), a sown field (a field that someone sowed, the field did not perform the action itself).

  • Present passive suffixes: um-em-im
  • Passive past tense suffixes: nn, t.

Passive present participle is formed similarly to the real one, only other suffixes are used. When forming the past participle using suffixes nn, t the basis of the infinitive from which this part of speech was formed is preserved.

Exception! When forming a passive participle from a verb ending in “it”, the base of the infinitive will be cut off and a suffix will be added to it enn.

The passive participle can be formed from a single intransitive verb. For example: The words managed and driven are formed from the verbs manage and lead, which are intransitive.

The past passive form is formed from complete perfective and imperfective verbs. However, there are very few participles formed from imperfective verbs in the Russian language.

It is impossible to form such forms from verbs: search, take, love, write, sew, revenge, beat. The verb “to give” has the singular form “given”.

It should be noted that there are several verbs in -sti- and -st-, the forms of which are formed from the stem of the future tense.

  • Example: Bring - brought, spin - spun

A reflexive postfix can be added to the passive tenses of the present and past tenses "Xia"

  • Example: Selling (books, buns), arrogant (children, athletes).

Participial phrase

Before you find out the role of these parts of speech in a turnover, you need to understand what a turnover is. So, a participle phrase is the creation of a phrase with dependent words. In both complex and simple sentences, the participial phrase can be found:

  • Before the defined word;
  • After the defined word.

Please note that the participial phrase is always a single member of the sentence, namely by an agreed upon common definition.

For example:

Painting, , hangs in the hall of our museum. In this sentence the participial phrase “ painted by a famous artist" comes before the word being defined, "picture," and is the agreed upon common definition.

We hope that our article helped you improve your knowledge of the Russian language and understand what the full passive participle is.

A participle is a part of speech that has the properties of a verb and an adjective. For example: a running river, a squad formed, an abandoned field. Properties inherited by the participle from the verb:

  • Time, and only the present and past (without the future). For example: a talking starling (present tense), a talking man (past tense), a singing artist (present tense), a singing nightingale (past tense).
  • Reflexivity and irrevocability (reflexive verbs end in a particle - Xia or - sya). For example: leader of a provocation (return), presenter of a concert (non-return).
  • Transitivity and intransitivity (if after the verb a noun form without a preposition is required or a construction with a preposition is assumed). For example: raising children (transitive), getting a job (intransitive).

In our article we will look at the types of this part of speech, in particular what the passive participle is.

Some more useful information...

From the adjective, the participle gets the meaning of the attribute of an object or phenomenon (question Which? and its forms), as well as changes characteristic of this part of speech (case, number, gender - exclusively in the singular). For example: across an overgrown field, children running, a flowering bush, a flowering plant. Participles are divided into active and passive. Unlike real ones, which carry a semantic connotation of the action’s own production, the passive participle, or more precisely, its forms, indicate that they have become the object of influence. For example: a resting athlete (act.), a built house (sufferer), an arriving bus (act.), a sentence passed (sufferer). It is important to learn how to ask questions correctly and distinguish the described grammatical forms from each other.

Passive participle: spelling rules

  • If the form is in the present tense, then it is formed with the participation of suffixes - eat- And - them-(as with their corresponding verbs of the 1st or 2nd conjugation). For example: narrated, scattered, highly respected, compatible.
  • If the form is in the past tense, suffixes are involved in its formation - NN-, enne-,-T- (suffix - l- falls out), consider: sowed - sown, forbidden - forbidden, ground - ground.
  • Before the suffix - NN- you need to write the vowel that came in the past tense before - l- (oh, I or e). For example: mixed - mixed, winnowed - winnowed, overripe - overripe.

In words with the suffix - enne- consonant alternation often occurs. For example: throw - abandoned, cool - cooled. The passive participle can be used in both full and short forms, but this appears only in the past tense, and it can be changed by gender and in the plural. For an example, look at the spelling of words: narrowed - narrowed, narrowed - narrowed, narrowed - narrowed, narrowed - narrowed.

Rules to remember

The short passive participle must be distinguished from short adjectives, also formed from verbs. The first forms have only one thing - n-, and short adjectives are written with so many - n- how many of them are in full form. To determine the part of speech, semantic nuances are taken into account. For example: classes are limited in time (cr. sufferer); his views were very limited (cr. adjective, denoting property). Please note that the short passive past participle can only take the nominative case form. They differ from full participles in that they have only one suffix - n-. For example: the story is completed, the task is completed, the exercise is done.

We hope that our article helped you understand a fairly complex grammatical topic, and you will no longer have doubts about how to correctly use passive participles in writing.

Schoolchildren and students of linguistic specialties should be able to determine the type of each part of speech. Communion is no exception. To avoid mistakes, use our tips. A simple algorithm will help you quickly determine the correct type.

It is important to know that a participle consists of elements of several parts of speech - a verb and an adjective. It comes from a verb, but answers the questions of an adjective. For example, take the verb “read”. The participle in this case will answer the questions: “which one?”, “what is he doing?”, “what did he do?” etc. - “reading”. There are several ways to determine the main types of participles: standard, by word form and by suffix. To avoid confusion, let's look at each of them separately. At the end, we will take a closer look at other types of this part of speech (perfect and imperfect). Standard method. The main types of participles are passive (SP) and active (DP). An object can do something, but an action can also happen to itself. DP will answer the question - “what did he do?”, “What is he doing?”, passive - “what is he doing?”. Examples:
  • DP: solver - a person who solves a problem;
  • SP: solvable - the problem is solved by a person.
According to the form. The SP can get two forms of the word - full and abbreviated, for example, “readable - readable”. DP can only have a full form, such as "running". This word cannot be abbreviated due to violation of language rules. It simply does not exist in the Russian language.

By suffix. DP and SP are endowed with specific suffixes. These examples will help you understand which suffixes correspond to which species:
  • DP of the present tense - ush, yush, ash, yash (walking, influencing, building, trembling);
  • DP past tense – vsh, sh (wrote, came, came);
  • SP of the present tense - eat, om, im (studied, moved, carried);
  • Past tense SP – n, t (busy, educated).
Other types of communion. In addition to the main types, this part of speech can be perfect and imperfect. The perfect participle denotes a complete and complete act, regardless of the time in which it occurs. Answers the question “having done what?” An imperfect participle denotes repeated, subsequent, or preceding unfinished actions. Answers the questions “what are you doing?”, “what are you doing?”. You can identify these types of participles by verbs. Separate the verb from the participle. If he answers the question “what should I do?” – this is an imperfect form, but if you answer “what to do?” – perfect. Please note that in the first case there is no letter “c” at the beginning of the question, in the second case it is present.
  • Perfect form: read – a person who has read a book;
  • Imperfect view: reader - a person who read a book.

Addition. To test yourself, use the simplest method. First, identify the verb from which the participle comes and write it down. Then come up with any suitable phrase with this verb. Now think about it, is the object performing an action or is someone performing an action on it? When you find the correct answer, write down the correct participle. You can use the entire algorithm if you prefer.

To quickly remember the rules, create a table with ways to determine the participle. Find your own examples and write them in the table. Then it will be much easier for you to navigate. In addition, while writing down the rules, good memorization occurs. Later, you will learn to identify the correct participle form automatically.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):