
1. Be sure to carefully examine the appearance of the device. Even minor mechanical damage can greatly darken your joy from purchasing and using the equipment. Especially if they are present in visible places. In addition, some such damage resulting from an impact may affect the quality and serviceability of the equipment. Therefore, take your time when accepting. Request that the delivery representative allow you to carefully examine the item from all angles and good lighting. If the purchased equipment is in the original or other packaging, then it must be removed for a thorough inspection of the product itself (presence of moisture in water-related appliances: washing, dishwashers POSSIBLE SINCE THEY ARE ALL TESTED AT THE FACTORY).

2. Currently in almost every form household appliances There are models that differ from each other by one single letter or number and, despite this, may have significant differences in characteristics and functionality. For example, the LG WD -80199 N and WD -80199 S washing machines differ in model by only one letter, and in terms of characteristics, the first allows you to load 5 kg of dry laundry, and the second only 3.3 kg.
Do not forget to carefully check the model when accepting equipment from the seller!

3. In addition to a careful inspection of the equipment itself, it is also necessary to pay close attention to the documents that are present with it. Make sure you have a warranty card and operating instructions for Russian language.

  • How to check a refrigerator when purchasing.

    A refrigerator is a rather expensive piece of equipment that is purchased for more than one year, and you need to take the purchase of a refrigerator seriously.

    And the refrigerator also belongs to this type of household appliance, the performance of which is simply impossible to fully check at the time of purchase. But! You can still check some things.

    It is necessary to inspect the external walls of the refrigerator in good lighting, preferably daylight.

    Be sure to carefully inspect the handles on the refrigerator and freezer doors, especially at the fastening points.

    Be sure to carefully inspect the refrigerator and freezer compartments inside. (Open the freezer compartment and take out all the drawers, if there are any. We inspect the internal plastic walls for damage or cracks. Be sure to inspect the drawers themselves, especially in the places where the main box with the front decorative panel is attached.)

    And, of course, don’t forget to inspect the refrigerator itself for damage or cracks in the plastic.

    * Operating instructions in Russian,

    * Branded warranty card,

    * Cash receipt,

    * Contract of sale.

  • Turning on the refrigerator for the first time.

    First What needs to be done is to remove all items unnecessary for operation from the refrigerator and freezer compartments of the appliance. They are all kinds of packaging materials: foam spacers, gaskets made of some type of film, etc.

    Second This stage can be called bathing. That is, you just need to wash everything internal surfaces refrigerator. Let me make a reservation right away that bathing as such does not apply to the operation of the refrigerator and it will work just fine without this procedure. But you are buying a refrigerator for yourself, and not for your “uncle,” and therefore concern for hygiene will definitely not be superfluous. In addition, the specific smell of plastic in the chambers of the new refrigerator will undoubtedly permeate all non-hermetically packaged products. Open yours new refrigerator, smell it! By the way, it is best to wash it with water with a small addition of acetic acid, which kills extraneous odors.

    Stage third– installation of a refrigerator. The installation of the refrigerator consists in the fact that it must be correctly positioned in the right place. Correctly means so that it stands firmly, monolithically, and does not wobble in general. For this purpose, each refrigerator has adjustable legs. As a rule, there are two front legs. They are regulated using threaded connection, using a key, and sometimes even manually.

    Stage fourth- connecting the refrigerator to the electrical network. If you connect your new refrigerator through a high-quality extension cord (surge protector), then nothing bad will happen to it. Will serve faithfully long years. And if we talk specifically about the surge protector, it will also protect against large voltage surges.

    Attention! A new refrigerator that has just been delivered to your apartment cannot be immediately plugged into the network. It should sit for at least 2 hours. And if the temperature outside is negative, then at least 4 hours. However, if you, as expected, “bathe” him first, then time will pass.

    Stage last– loading products. This is where the main mistake of most buyers lies. Never fill the refrigerator with food immediately after turning it on! Wait! Give the refrigerator time to dial operating temperature. U different refrigerators this time is also different. One will gain temperature in 5 hours, while another may need 8-10 hours for this process. And only after that you can start loading products. Again, not right away! There is no need to try to fill the freezer to capacity with warm meat. This can put excessive load on the compressor, which is not good. Fill the refrigerator gradually, in portions, so to speak.

    That's all, actually. simple rules that must be followed for correct operation when you turn on your new refrigerator for the first time.

    How to check a washing machine upon purchase or delivery.

    Washing machines are another type of equipment whose performance cannot be verified at the time of purchase. The main method of checking a washing machine when purchasing is: look, feel, smell, etc. Although the method is simple, it must be taken seriously and responsibly. Because it is this method that allows you to identify such shortcomings of the washing machine, which may subsequently be classified as not covered by warranty. You and I know that all mechanical damage is a defect that is not subject to warranty.

    Where to start inspecting a new washing machine?

    Yes, of course, from the appearance. You need to carefully inspect all the walls of the washing machine for damage: dents, scratches, etc. If there are none, then it is necessary to pay more detailed attention to certain places:

    Transport bolts. Must have! All bolts must be in place. Not one, not two, but as many as required by the design of the washing machine. Information on the number of transport bolts, their location and removal can be found in the operating instructions for any washing machine.

    Washing machine legs. Every front-load washing machine (except some top-loaders) has four adjustable feet with lock nuts. Look at them all, don’t be too lazy to bend over.

    Loading tray detergents. There is such a tray in any washing machine. Powder is poured into it, conditioner is poured in, which are washed off into the tank with water pressure during the washing process. The tray for detergents must be removable. Filmed differently different models. In some places you need to push and pull, in others you just need to pull hard.

    Hoses. Carefully inspect the washing machine hoses. Especially the drain hose, which is already attached to the body and connected to the pump to pump water out of the tank. Drain hose corrugated and very thin, which makes it not resistant to damage. The inlet hose is included in the kit and usually lies in the drum of the washing machine. It is made of thick rubber and usually nothing is done to it.

    Washing machine drum. This is where the main washing process takes place. Our things are spinning and dangling there. The drum is made of of stainless steel and has many holes for water circulation.

    That's all. We tried to check as much as possible washing machine and identify all possible mechanical damage and deficiencies.

    You can turn on a new washing machine and partially test its performance without connecting it to water or sewerage. The only limitation is that when your machine is delivered in the cold season, you cannot immediately turn it on in a warm room.

    How to check a hob or freestanding electric stove before purchasing.

    Hobs sold on this moment in household appliance stores, as a rule, are the fruits of imported production. Almost 90% of all imported surfaces, as well as complete electric stoves, are not equipped with a wire for connecting to electricity. There are certain models in which such a wire is present, but there is still no connection plug at its end.

    Is it possible to connect a hob without a specialist?

    If we open any warranty card to hob or to electric stove, then without a doubt we will find the following lines there:

    “The warranty does not apply to devices with malfunctions resulting from significant violations technical requirements specified in the operating instructions, incorrect connection of the device to the electrical network...”

    What follows from this?

    Firstly, if the buyer independently connects the hob incorrectly and this causes a malfunction, the warranty for the device will be considered invalid.

    Secondly, engaging a third-party specialist with a license and permission is not prerequisite, but recommended. Thus, if the buyer has the appropriate skills and is able to connect the hob himself, then let him connect the flag.

A used refrigerator may become great buy, if you listen to the advice of specialists who understand the repair of household appliances, or buyers who took a risk and made such a purchase. After all, buying used equipment is always a risk. How to minimize it?!

Buy simpler equipment
Experts say that the more functions a refrigerator has and additional features, the greater the chance of buying it with a defect. The buyer will not be able to check all of them, but he will have to pay for them. In addition, repairing premium refrigerators is a fairly large financial expense.

Where to buy a used refrigerator
You can find a used refrigerator on forums, websites, and in newspaper advertisements. Sometimes you come across very tempting and profitable options. Most often - if sellers leave the country and they urgently need to get rid of equipment. There are usually no guarantees when purchasing household appliances that are not new, although there are cases when you can buy the same refrigerator with all necessary documents, and has not yet expired, which guarantees free repairs in service center. Ask the sellers if they have such documents, when the warranty expired, whether it was repaired, and the reason for the repair.
There are specialized stores that sell used equipment. A refrigerator there will cost more, but such a purchase has several advantages:
- Possibility of delivery
- Availability of a receipt.
- Installment plan.
- Minimum guarantee.

Refrigerator Inspection
Never buy equipment without inspection, even if it is already beautifully packaged and the seller is ready to deliver it to you as a bonus. An unpleasant surprise may await you at home. Make an appointment with the seller in advance, ask to turn it on a day or a few hours before your arrival. Otherwise, you will practically not be able to check its performance or the presence of defects.
Check if freon is leaking. To do this, wet your hands and touch them to the walls. freezer. If they stick to it slightly, it means there is most likely no leakage, and everything is fine with this indicator. If the walls are not completely covered with frost and your fingers do not stick to them, it means that there are some defects in the operation of the freezer.
After checking the operation of the freezer, turn off the refrigerator. After about five minutes, turn it back on and be sure to notice how its engine starts. If it is almost silent, you can be calm and make a purchase.

- It is best to buy used equipment from people you know, or from stores that provide at least a minimum warranty.
- If you ordered home delivery of appliances, make sure that they bring you exactly the refrigerator you were looking at. There are cases of substitution.

If you don’t risk buying used equipment, or have already become a victim of such a purchase, pay attention to discounted goods in stores. Usually, these are either old models without additional functions, or they have certain cosmetic defects - scratches on the body, etc. If the coolant generator is faulty, definitely refuse such an offer. Such a refrigerator will work no more than six months to a year and will break down completely, although consultants may claim that this is a minor breakdown.
It is not possible to return a discounted refrigerator. In this case, stores usually do not provide a guarantee, so the buyer takes upon himself all subsequent problems with the operation of such equipment.
The refrigerator may be used excellent option for the dacha. Pay attention to options that are energy efficient.

IN Today, anything can be bought on the Internet, and refrigeration equipment is no exception, since purchasing equipment in online stores is very convenient and practical. However, when purchasing a refrigerator online, many consumers do not always carefully study the technical characteristics of the unit and end up with a device that is not the one they would like to see in their home.

It is always a shame when some little thing is not taken into account, but it is precisely this that becomes critical when operating equipment. It is, of course, possible to return a working unit back, but this will entail unforeseen financial and time expenses. What are the most common mistakes when buying a refrigerator online?

Do not calculate noise level

Almost half of all negative reviews about refrigeration devices are related to their noisy operation. Many complain that technology even interferes with sleep and gives them headaches. This is often a consequence of buying a “pig in a poke”. For most buyers, it is quite difficult to assess the actual noise level without hearing it.

However, there are refrigerator noise parameters that you need to pay attention to. Although this information is not always included in technical specifications equipment on the websites of online stores, you can find it on the official website of the manufacturer. The comfortable maximum noise level of a refrigerator is 38 dB. In addition, you can pay attention to this indirect pattern - units with more high class energy efficient ones are quieter, and equipment with a conventional compressor is noisier than with an inverter compressor.

The noise from the refrigerator is an important aspect when choosing it

"Fall in love" with design

Manufacturers are trying to fully take into account all the requirements of modern users, producing equipment that is not only as functional and quiet as possible, but also attractive from a design point of view. Today you can purchase a device for any kitchen interior. A wide range of refrigeration equipment allows you to select a model unusual shape and a wide variety of, sometimes unpredictable, color solutions.

Aesthetes often fall into this trap, literally “falling in love” with the design of a refrigerator. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, and a stylish unit will only emphasize the refined taste of its owner. However, you definitely shouldn’t “lose your head” when choosing, focusing solely on the appearance of the model. Other criteria should also be taken into account, such as volume, dimensions, noise level, etc., because no matter how beautiful the refrigerator is, if it is not able to meet your target needs, it will be of little use.

Do not calculate dimensions

This is a fairly common problem when purchasing equipment online. As a rule, a certain place is allocated for the installation of equipment, where it should fit organically. Incorrect measurements of the niche, errors when indicating dimensions in the product card on the website, as well as simple carelessness can lead to the fact that the refrigerator will not fit where it was planned to be placed.

There are often cases when, when a unit is delivered, it cannot fit into the doorway because the dimensions of the equipment were specified without taking into account the handles. Often no attention is paid to this important aspect, as the ability to re-hang the doors in the refrigerator. Having purchased a device without such an option, the user may encounter a lack of space to open the door.

Don't study energy consumption

And although electricity in our country is not as expensive as in Europe, a significant part of its consumption is accounted for by refrigeration devices, since the devices are not turned off from the socket. Without paying attention to this factor, you can purchase equipment that can significantly increase the numbers in your monthly energy bills.

Today almost everything famous manufacturers switched to producing economical equipment. For example, in Europe for several years it has been prohibited to sell devices with energy efficiency lower than A+, and preference is given to models of classes A++ and A+++.

The online store lb-market.ru offers a wide selection of Liebherr refrigerators with a high energy efficiency class. Units from a well-known brand are also distinguished by excellent functionality and durability.

Do not take into account the future needs of the family

It is necessary to buy a refrigerator taking into account the expected filling, which in turn depends on the culinary preferences of each household member. If there are small children in the family, it is necessary to make an impressive supply of dairy products - for this purpose, there must be enough space in the refrigerator to store this type of product.

Appropriate boxes must also be provided for meat and fish. Special attention should be given to the volume of the freezer compartment, which is very important when long-term storage meat and fresh frozen fruit. To completely eliminate errors when choosing household devices, it is best to select several models online, and then find time and look “live” at the units in a store in your city.

Leave your tips and comments below. Subscribe to the newsletter. Good luck to you and good luck to your family!

We continue the topic of checking household appliances. Today we will talk about how to check a refrigerator when purchasing or upon delivery.

A refrigerator is a rather expensive piece of equipment that is purchased for more than one year, and you need to take the purchase of a refrigerator seriously. Now I will not develop the topic of how to choose the best and most suitable refrigerator for you. We will assume that you have already decided on the model and all that remains is to pay the seller and take your new assistant home. And before you take this important step, you must check your new acquisition.

A refrigerator is a type of household appliance whose performance simply cannot be fully verified at the time of purchase. Why, I hope, is clear. And the sellers will convince you of the same. But! You can still check some things.

Let me start with the fact that most often it is not possible to check the refrigerator at the time of purchase due to the fact that you will only see a sample on the display window, and your refrigerator will be delivered from the warehouse. Thus, you will only see it at the time of delivery. This is fine. The main thing is not to rush to sign the form that store representatives will intrusively push on you, rudely hinting that they are in a hurry. Don't believe what they say you have 15 days to check your refrigerator. Of course, they exist - these are 15 days, according to the law, but you can return or exchange the refrigerator within this period only if you discover a defect that arose through the fault of the manufacturer. That is, any mechanical damage will not be considered such a defect. Therefore, before you confirm with your signature that you have no complaints about the product, you must carefully and without haste inspect your new item.

But let's talk in more detail about how to inspect the refrigerator.

First: inspect the external walls of the refrigerator.

It is necessary to inspect the external walls of the refrigerator in good lighting. Under no circumstances do this in the dim darkness of the entrance or in the corridor, where the lighting often leaves much to be desired. Only in good, preferably daylight, lighting.

Why? – you may ask.

Yes, because not all flaws can be seen in poor lighting. Moreover, on the front wall, that is, on the doors of the refrigerator, there may be small dents that are noticeable only at a certain angle and with a certain incidence of light rays.

So first check carefully side walls refrigerator. After this, if the goods were delivered to your home, place it in the place where it will be used in the future and look at it from the outside. different points rooms. If you are picking up a refrigerator from the store yourself, then find a brightly lit place in the sales area, place the refrigerator there and also carefully look at all the walls from different angles.

Be sure to carefully inspect the handles on the refrigerator and freezer doors, especially at the fastening points.

There should not be any cracks, otherwise the handle will not last long, and a new one will be expensive.

Second: inspection of the compressor unit.

I would like to clarify right away that many modern refrigerators The compressor installation location is hidden by the manufacturer behind a special decorative grille. Of course, you can remove it, but whether to do it or not is up to you. The grille is usually attached to several self-tapping screws.

I understand perfectly well that for the vast majority of buyers, inspecting the compressor block will not yield anything. Clearly, we are not experts. Yes, and a specialist appearance is unlikely to be able to determine the functionality of the refrigerator cooling system. So why bother looking then? Yes, then, to identify mechanical damage, if any.

For example, after an impact during transportation, a compressor may fly off its mounts or become warped. This can lead either to its failure or to more noisy operation during operation. Do you need it?

For clarity, I would like to show a photo taken in our sales area on a BOSCH refrigerator.

Pay attention to the circled area. With a quick and inattentive inspection, you most likely will not notice anything.

But let's take a closer look.

Now the torn tube is clearly visible. The cooling circuit is broken and the first time you turn it on you will hear freon whistling out. Therefore, the refrigerator will not perform its functions. And the saddest thing is that this defect is mechanical damage, and, therefore, is not covered under warranty. Repairs will cost you a tidy sum, at least 1000 rubles.

Believe me, such mechanical damage is not an exceptional case or even a rarity. You just haven’t had to watch how new refrigerators are loaded, unloaded and transported...

Third: internal inspection of the refrigerator.

So. Just because we haven't found any flaws on the outside of our new refrigerator doesn't mean there aren't any. Be sure to carefully inspect the refrigerator and freezer compartments inside.

Open the freezer compartment and take out all the drawers, if there are any, of course. We inspect the internal plastic walls for damage or cracks. Be sure to inspect the boxes themselves, especially in the places where the main box with the front decorative panel is attached. These very fasteners can be broken. Pay attention to the photo, see how flimsy they are.

And here's another one.

Of course, I don’t want to scare you, but I’m almost sure that most manufacturers deliberately make such unreliable fasteners so that they break as often as possible. For what? Then, in order to sell spare parts later. This is an amazing profit! This decorative front panel for a freezer drawer costs from 500 to 1000 rubles.

By the way, the same fasteners may be on the front panels of drawers inside refrigeration chamber. Let's also look at the photo.

I would like to make a reservation right away that not all refrigerator models have such shortcomings. On many, the fastenings are made strong, and on many similar ones decorative panels no at all. But you, as a buyer, must be ready for anything. That's why I'm focusing on this fact.

I specifically marked the place on the end of the groove for the shelf that you need to pay attention to. It is in these places that plastic damage often occurs. It is almost impossible to eliminate such a defect, and it is mechanical damage, which means it is not covered under warranty. Of course, this will not affect the main operation of the refrigerator, but you must agree that it is very unpleasant.

And, of course, don’t forget to inspect the refrigerator itself for damage or cracks in the plastic.

By the way, when you examine the inside of the refrigerator, take a sniff. It should smell like plastic and not any other foreign odors. Suddenly your new refrigerator is no longer new, and it has already been sold to someone once. Then they returned it and repaired it, but they hide this fact. I can say from experience that it is very difficult to remove the smell of food once it has already been in the refrigerator. If it succeeds in any way chemicals, then these same products will leave their smell, which is unusual for a new refrigerator. Be carefull!

At this point, the inspection of the refrigerator can be considered complete. Yes this process may take certain time. Yes, the seller’s representatives can express their indignation at the loss of this time. But it’s “purple” for you! The main thing for you is that your new refrigerator is NEW and without flaws.

All that remains is to check that all the necessary documents are available:

  • Operating instructions in Russian,
  • Branded warranty card,
  • Cashier's check.

Please note that if the company warranty card contains serial number, then it must match the number on a special tag that is attached to the inner wall refrigerator compartment, usually for drawer. But maybe you’ll find it somewhere else.

Yes, here’s another moment! If you purchase a refrigerator from a display case, that is, one that is on the sales floor of a store, then you can try to check its performance. In the rules of sale individual species The product has the following item:

"At the buyer's request, he must be familiar with the structure and operation of the goods, which must be demonstrated assembled, technically in good condition. Products that do not require special equipment for connection are shown in working condition."

This means you can demand or ask that your refrigerator be connected to an outlet. After that, walk around the store for about twenty minutes and check if it has started to freeze. Of course, for so much short term The refrigerator will not reach operating temperature, but you will definitely be able to see whether it is freezing or not. If the refrigerator operates on the no-frost system, then it will be noticeably colder inside than outside. If according to drip system, then on back wall Frost will begin to form in the refrigerator compartment, and the same will happen in the freezer compartment. If you don’t notice any changes after 20 minutes, the “Danger” button should work. Something is wrong! Wait another 20 minutes, and after that, if there are no noticeable signs of operation, then feel free to abandon such a refrigerator.

Now you know how to check a refrigerator upon purchase or delivery.

Good luck with your testing!

Good luck with your inspection.

A refrigerator is a type of household appliance whose performance simply cannot be fully verified at the time of purchase. But you can still check something.

Let me start with the fact that most often it is not possible to check the refrigerator at the time of purchase due to the fact that you will only see a sample on the display window, and your refrigerator will be delivered from the warehouse. Thus, you will only see it at the time of delivery. This is fine. The main thing is not to rush to sign the form that store representatives will intrusively push on you, rudely hinting that they are in a hurry. Don't believe what they say you have 15 days to check your refrigerator. Of course, they exist - these are 15 days, according to the law, but you can return or exchange the refrigerator within this period only if you discover a defect that arose through the fault of the manufacturer. That is, any mechanical damage will not be considered such a defect. Therefore, before you confirm with your signature that you have no complaints about the product, you must carefully and without haste inspect your new item.

But let's talk in more detail about how to inspect the refrigerator.

First: inspect the external walls of the refrigerator

It is necessary to inspect the external walls of the refrigerator in good lighting. Under no circumstances do this in the dim darkness of the entrance or in the corridor, where the lighting often leaves much to be desired. Only in good, preferably daylight, lighting.

Why? - you may ask.

Yes, because not all flaws can be seen in poor lighting. Moreover, on the front wall, that is, on the doors of the refrigerator, there may be small dents that are noticeable only at a certain angle and with a certain incidence of light rays.

Therefore, first carefully inspect the side walls of the refrigerator. After this, if the product was delivered to your home, place it in the place where it will be used in the future and look at it from different points in the room. If you are picking up a refrigerator from the store yourself, then find a brightly lit place in the sales area, place the refrigerator there and also carefully look at all the walls from different angles.

Be sure to carefully inspect the handles on the refrigerator and freezer doors, especially at the fastening points.

There should not be any cracks, otherwise the handle will not last long, and a new one will be expensive.

Second: inspection of the compressor block

I would like to clarify right away that in many modern refrigerators the compressor installation location is hidden by the manufacturer behind a special decorative grille. Of course, you can remove it, but whether to do it or not is up to you. The grille is usually attached to several self-tapping screws.

I understand perfectly well that for the vast majority of buyers, inspecting the compressor block will not yield anything. Clearly, we are not experts. And a specialist in appearance is unlikely to be able to determine the functionality of the refrigerator cooling system. So why bother looking then? Yes, then, to identify mechanical damage, if any.

For example, after an impact during transportation, a compressor may fly off its mounts or become warped. This can lead either to its failure or to more noisy operation during operation. Do you need it?

For clarity, I would like to show a photo taken in our sales area on a BOSCH refrigerator.

Pay attention to the circled area. With a quick and inattentive inspection, you most likely will not notice anything.

But let's take a closer look.

Now the torn tube is clearly visible. The cooling circuit is broken and the first time you turn it on you will hear freon whistling out. Therefore, the refrigerator will not perform its functions. And the saddest thing is that this defect is mechanical damage, and, therefore, is not covered under warranty. Repairs will cost you a pretty penny.

Believe me, such mechanical damage is not an exceptional case or even a rarity. You just haven’t had to watch how new refrigerators are loaded, unloaded and transported...

Third: internal inspection of the refrigerator

So. Just because we haven't found any flaws on the outside of our new refrigerator doesn't mean there aren't any. Be sure to carefully inspect the refrigerator and freezer compartments inside.

Open the freezer compartment and take out all the drawers, if there are any, of course. We inspect the internal plastic walls for damage or cracks. Be sure to inspect the boxes themselves, especially in the places where the main box with the front decorative panel is attached. These very fasteners can be broken. Pay attention to the photo, see how flimsy they are.

And here's another one.

Of course, I don’t want to scare you, but I’m almost sure that most manufacturers deliberately make such unreliable fasteners so that they break as often as possible. For what? Then, in order to sell spare parts later. This is an amazing profit! This decorative front panel for a freezer drawer costs from 500 to 1000 rubles.

By the way, the same fasteners may be on the front panels of drawers inside the refrigerator compartment. Let's also look at the photo.

I would like to make a reservation right away that not all refrigerator models have such shortcomings. On many, the fastenings are made strong, and many such decorative panels do not exist at all. But you, as a buyer, must be ready for anything. That's why I'm focusing on this fact.

I specifically marked the place on the end of the groove for the shelf that you need to pay attention to. It is in these places that plastic damage often occurs. It is almost impossible to eliminate such a defect, and it is mechanical damage, which means it is not covered under warranty. Of course, this will not affect the main operation of the refrigerator, but you must agree that it is very unpleasant.

And, of course, don’t forget to inspect the refrigerator itself for damage or cracks in the plastic.

By the way, when you examine the inside of the refrigerator, take a sniff. It should smell like plastic and not any other foreign odors. Suddenly your new refrigerator is no longer new, and it has already been sold to someone once. Then they returned it and repaired it, but they hide this fact. I can say from experience that it is very difficult to remove the smell of food once it has already been in the refrigerator. Even if it is possible to use any chemical means, these same means will leave an odor that is unusual for a new refrigerator. Be carefull!

At this point, the inspection of the refrigerator can be considered complete. Yes, this process may take some time. Yes, the seller’s representatives can express their indignation at the loss of this time. But it’s “purple” for you! The main thing for you is that your new refrigerator is NEW and without flaws.

All that remains is to check that all the necessary documents are available:

  • Operating instructions in Russian
  • Branded warranty card
  • Cash receipt

Please note that if there is a serial number on the branded warranty card, it must match the number on a special tag that is attached to the inner wall of the refrigerator compartment, usually behind the drawer. But maybe you’ll find it somewhere else.

Yes, here’s another moment! If you purchase a refrigerator from a display case, that is, one that is on the sales floor of a store, then you can try to check its performance. The rules for selling certain types of goods include the following clause:

“At the buyer’s request, he must be familiar with the structure and operation of the goods, which must be demonstrated in assembled, technically sound condition. Products that do not require special equipment for connection are shown in working condition.”

This means you can demand or ask that your refrigerator be connected to an outlet. After that, walk around the store for about twenty minutes and check if it has started to freeze. Of course, in such a short period of time the refrigerator will not reach operating temperature, but you will definitely be able to see whether it is freezing or not. If the refrigerator operates on the no-frost system, then it will be noticeably colder inside than outside. If the drip system is used, frost will begin to form on the back wall of the refrigerator compartment, and the same will happen in the freezer compartment. If you don’t notice any changes after 20 minutes, the “Danger” button should work. Something is wrong! Wait another 20 minutes, and after that, if there are no noticeable signs of operation, then feel free to abandon such a refrigerator.

Now you know how to check a refrigerator upon purchase or delivery.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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