Air procedures are necessary for the adaptation of newborns. Breasts are not capable of thermoregulation, and such procedures help protect them from overheating.

Under clothing, a child may develop diaper rash and skin irritation. Very often a small rash appears. Miliaria is not dangerous disease, as it occurs as a result of overheating, but causes itching and bothers the child. Air procedures will help to avoid such problems.

Read: How to deal with diaper rash

Leaving the baby undressed for a short time strengthens him.

Air baths are an integral part of aerotherapy (air treatment). They improve blood circulation, tone, promote healthy sleep. After the procedure, children's appetite improves,

It is important to know! Air procedures strengthen the child’s body, so they must be performed several times a day.

How and when to carry out the procedure

Air baths for newborns are carried out indoors and outdoors. They can be complete (when the child is undressed), or partial (an ordinary walk on the street).

How to carry out air procedures indoors

In the room, aerotherapy is carried out in a ventilated area. Every time you change your baby's diaper, it is advisable to leave him undressed for a while.

Since newborns have not yet developed the ability to thermoregulate, during the first days they are left naked for 1-2 minutes, gradually increasing the time. At three months, children can be left undressed for 30-40 minutes.

First weeks for air procedures sufficient time spent on changing the baby’s clothes and treating skin folds. In addition, newborns cannot be completely undressed. For 2-3 minutes, remove the cap from your head, after a while - the vest, and then the rompers. A one-month-old baby is left undressed for 10-15 minutes. At this time, you can put him on his tummy. This pose helps strengthen the back muscles and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

To prevent the baby from being capricious, you can do exercises with him during air procedures. There is a set of exercises that are mandatory for newborns. You can play with the baby; after taking an air bath, the baby’s skin must be lubricated with a special baby cream or oil.

It is important to know! A child should take an air bath at a temperature above 22 degrees; there should be no draft in the room.

Air procedures on the street

A regular walk in the fresh air is an element of aerotherapy if you follow certain rules. You can walk with your baby anywhere, in the park, forest belt, or in the yard. The main thing is that there are no industrial enterprises there, railway, a busy highway. You need to dress your baby for a walk according to the season, and under no circumstances allow him to overheat.

Many young mothers are afraid that their baby will freeze and dress too warmly. Although doctors recommend counting how many layers of clothing an adult is wearing and dressing a child by adding one layer.

During the walk, you need to make sure that the baby does not sweat, or, on the contrary, does not freeze. This can be done easily by checking that your underwear is not damp. If the child is sweating, he should be changed and reduce the number of things he is wearing. To find out if he is cold, you need to touch the baby's nose. If you are cold, immediately return home and dress warmly.

IN summer time air procedures can be carried out leaving the baby completely undressed. The main thing is that the child was not under direct influence sun rays . When the air temperature is above 25 degrees, it is advisable for the baby to be undressed most of the time. Only when sleeping, newborns must be covered with a thin diaper. At strong wind on the street, it is better to dress the child.

IN warm time year, you can walk outside with your newborn almost all day. If the temperature is below 15 degrees Celsius, then you can stay in the fresh air for no more than 1 hour. During mild frost, you can walk for 10 minutes.

It is necessary to gradually accustom newborns to walks in the fresh air, especially for children born in the cold season. Winter children are taken outside for 2-3 minutes. They take longer to put on, so many mothers prefer to take their children in a stroller to the balcony. Autumn and spring babies are taken outside first for 10 - 15 minutes, adding 5 minutes each day for a walk. For the first time, summer children are walked for half an hour, and each time the time is increased by 30 minutes.

After a walk in the fresh air, newborns' appetite improves and they sleep more soundly. Therefore, if it is not raining outside or severe frost It is necessary to go for a walk with the children.

The benefits of air hardening for the baby’s body

Hardening is not a treatment method, it is a preventive action, but if you adhere to this method of combating various colds, then parents can safely expect that their children will have high endurance and a strong immune system.

The specificity of the method of hardening a baby from the very beginning early age air procedures, leads to the development by the body of a stable protective factor in relation to various types harmful bacteria and infections.

Method of air procedures for newborns: how and for how long to harden?

Experts advise that before carrying out hardening procedures for infants, you should familiarize yourself with the basic principles of their effect on the child’s body. Before starting the course, doctors advise you to Special attention on the following factors:

  • Individual characteristics and approach.
  • Sequence of procedures.
  • Systematic implementation with a gradual increase in impact factors.
  • Mixing general principles hardening with local ones.
  • Gradual adaptation to new types of loads during hardening of newborns with air baths.

Airing the apartment

The beginning of the hardening course for newborns is the ventilation of the rooms in which they are located. If the baby has no individual prohibitions, regardless of the season, the room should be systematically ventilated. If it is too cold outside (from -100C), you only need to use the window, opening it for 15-20 minutes, monitoring the air temperature in the room. Experts advise ventilating rooms in the following format:

  • For newborns whose doctors have declared them absolutely healthy, ventilation of the premises should be carried out 3-4 times a day with an increase in procedures up to 7-9 times.
  • For children who have minor health problems, ventilation is performed 2-3 times a day. After the child’s health is fully restored, the number of procedures increases.
  • For infants who have colds that threaten to become chronic, hardening is carried out in a gentle manner: at the time of ventilation, the baby is taken out of the room, and returned when the window (window) is closed. In the future, the number of procedures is gradually increased and with obvious improvements, they are brought to the standards that apply to healthy children.

In all cases, initially, during ventilation, the temperature drop in the room where the newborn is located should not fall by more than 3-4 degrees. Later, if the baby responds well to the technique, the premises are ventilated for a longer period.

Babies who begin this type of hardening from birth have virtually no problems with hypothermia in the future. When entering nurseries, kindergartens, schools and other children's institutions, where special attention is paid to ventilation, hardened children suffer from colds much less often than the category of children who are usually called “greenhouse children”.

Indoor naked air baths

Gradually, moving on to other procedures with the help of which the child’s body is hardened, specialists pay special attention to air baths, when the baby is completely undressed and allowed to remain in this position for some time. What are the benefits of such procedures and why this particular method of hardening is recommended for infants from the very first days after birth:

  • The baby becomes less susceptible to infections and colds.
  • Thermoregulation in children who are hardened by the method of taking air baths naked, noticeably improved: children are not capricious when the temperature changes, their behavior is calm, after the procedures the child remains active, but at the same time his sleep is calm.
  • The baby's skin has better protection in relation to lesions of the dermis and diseases that bother babies during this period: prickly heat, diaper dermatitis and others.
  • Children are calm, nervous breakdowns are not noticeable in their behavior, and they are more active in their development.
  • Children have a good appetite.

Initially, naked hardening comes down to briefly undressing a newborn at the time of changing diapers. As a rule, 2-4 minutes is enough for the child to get used to such procedures within a week. Further, the child can be undressed more often, played with him, and performed gymnastic exercises to develop the muscular and skeletal system. After the first three months, the duration of procedures can be increased to 15 minutes, with the room temperature lowered to 18-200C.

Winter walks

Babies born in the summer are allowed to walk in the fresh air almost from the first days of birth. The main condition for mothers is the correct selection of clothes, ensuring that the newborn is not too hot, but at the same time, he is not exposed to drafts.

If not frosty winters When the temperature drop does not exceed -50C, already in the 2nd week of life, mothers can take the baby outside for short walks in the fresh air. The first winter walks should take place in places where there are no strong drafts, accumulations of dust and other aggressive factors, for a period of no more than 15 minutes. Gradually increasing the time spent outside, already in the first 3 months of life, the baby can be in the fresh air from 30 to 50 minutes.

Walks in the fresh air should gradually increase in length of stay: for 6-month-old infants, 2-3 outings per day from 1 to 1.5 hours is the norm. During walks, mothers should provide their children with a comfortable stay in the fresh air: choose the right clothes, if necessary, use a blanket and other things so that the child does not freeze, but at the same time he does not feel too hot.

How can you determine that a newborn has the right set of warm clothes and that he benefits from walks in the fresh air:

  • The child is not capricious and actively reacts to toys suspended in the stroller.
  • The baby quickly falls asleep, his breathing is even.
  • After returning from a walk, all the baby’s things are dry, the baby’s skin is not sweaty and at the same time pink.

The question: how long can you walk with a baby is quite difficult to answer. If during sleep a child develops a bluish color under the eyes and on the cheeks, the nose becomes cold, the child constantly tosses and turns - all the signs of hypothermia are on the face.

Sleeping in the fresh air

The most useful moment of walking in the fresh air for a baby is napping. That is why, for the first months of the baby’s life, parents are recommended to buy strollers of a format in which the baby can feel comfortable while sleeping during walks.

Young mothers often ask children's doctors the question: why does the child spin around indoors during sleep, often roll over, and during walks falls asleep almost instantly and at the same time, his breathing is even, his complexion is pink, and the newborn himself is active and cheerful after such rest. Fresh air, especially if walks are carried out in places where there is no dust, no loud noise, for example in a park, gardens, squares, it is very beneficial for the body. At the moment of sleep, the baby is fully rested: his breathing is even and at the same time the child practically does not react to extraneous sounds. If opportunities for walking are limited, experts recommend using balconies and loggias, putting the baby to bed for a nap, opening one of the windows completely, while making sure there are no drafts. In this case, the walking procedure should be regular and at approximately the same time.

Contraindications for taking air baths for infants

Despite all the advantages of air baths, there are a number of contraindications that temporarily or completely prohibit such procedures.

  • The presence of elevated temperature during the acute stage of colds.
  • Negative reaction of the baby.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Deterioration of the baby's health: loss of weight, loss of appetite.
  • The presence of genetic diseases that have become chronic.
  • Prematurity.

If positive changes occur in the baby’s body with age, then only after specialists give permission can you gradually accustom the baby to the change temperature regime by hardening method.

Diapers, clothes, socks, scratches (if you put them on your baby) - all this can lead to rotting of the baby's skin. Therefore, from time to time she needs a break from everything unnecessary. Also air baths help the baby quickly adapt to environment. In our article we will tell you how and how much the baby’s body should breathe. Therefore, sit back and read.

What are these “air procedures”?

During the 9 months of being in the mother's womb, the child never encountered environmental conditions. And only after giving birth did he feel what it was like: temperature changes, cool or warm air, and so on. And it is air baths that help the baby adapt to to the human world. Therefore, pediatricians advise leaving the baby for some time without clothes, diapers, socks, or a hat almost from birth.

Why are air baths needed?

The very first and most basic benefit of air procedures is the child’s easy and quick adaptation to the environment, that is, hardening. After birth, the baby needs this first and foremost.

Air baths also strengthen the immune system, making the baby’s body resistant to viral diseases, improve sleep, appetite and general condition of the child, normalize metabolism. Therefore, try to carry out air procedures every day, because the health of your baby depends on it.

How are air baths performed with a newborn?

Air baths should begin at 2 minutes. And every couple of days the procedure time can be gradually increased. If the baby is a year old, such baths can last up to an hour or more. If the baby was born in the cold season, baths also need to be done, but they take less time in duration.

Even such a process as changing a baby’s clothes is an airy procedure. The baby's body cools down a little and receives its dose of air.

When should you do air baths?

In the morning, afternoon or evening - air baths can be done at any time. That is, when you have a free minute, and the child is in good mood, you can start hardening.

Important! While performing air baths, the mother must be near the baby. The procedure can be combined with or. This will only be beneficial.

Room air temperature during air procedures for a newborn

Don’t forget the three basic rules that are needed for air baths:

  • room temperature + 22-23 °C (over time, you can gradually reduce it to 18 °C). To monitor this process, place a thermometer in the room;
  • It is not recommended to carry out air baths immediately after airing the room. Why? After ventilation, the temperature will drop and the baby may become cold. It is also important that the child is able to distinguish between fresh air on the street and air in the house or apartment.

Every mother dreams that her baby will grow up healthy, strong, and not know colds. The only way to achieve this is hardening. Of course, a newborn will not swim in an ice hole or get wet cold water. The most in a simple way hardening for a newborn can be considered air baths.

Photos from open sources

Air procedures for hardening

Typically, air baths refer to exposure of exposed skin to fresh air. Other options for hardening air procedures are airing and walking.

For the health of the child it is necessary ventilate the children's room daily 2-4 times a day. While the baby is being aired, they are taken out of the room. Wait until the room temperature drops by about 2 degrees. This is about 10-15 minutes. When entering the room, the baby does not put on additional clothing. Otherwise, the hardening effect will not work.

Every day baby needs to go for a walk on the street. Walks are carried out from 2 weeks of age at any time of the year. Dress for the weather without over-dressing. The first walks last 15 minutes. Gradually increase the time to 2 hours. It is optimal to walk one to three times a day. It is very useful to leave your baby outside while he sleeps. Such sleep is usually calm and long. The main thing is to avoid hypothermia and overheating.

Air baths are carried out indoors or outdoors at air temperature not lower than 20-22 degrees. The first procedures involve changing a diaper or swaddling. The baby is undressed, washed if necessary and left to lie for 2 minutes. At this time, you can talk to the baby, play, stroke, and do simple gymnastics.

While the child is lying on his back, his tummy is stroked clockwise, his arms are twisted, his knees are brought together and apart, and his knees are bent. They take you by the hand and hold you suspended for some time. The same is done on one hand, then on the other. You can hold the baby upside down by both legs, but no more than 4 seconds.

Air baths are an excellent prevention of diaper rash. Inflamed skin recovers faster outdoors.

The child must lie on your stomach. This is necessary to prevent intestinal colic, to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck. Regular placement on the stomach is necessary so that the baby learns to hold his head and then crawl. In the same position, the baby's knees are bent under the stomach and the legs are supported. A newborn has a reflex that imitates crawling. Let him push with his legs, it is useful for physical development.

Gradually, the duration of air baths for a newborn is increased, brought to 10-15 minutes. If the baby shows dissatisfaction, the procedure can be carried out skin-to-skin with the mother. For example, on mom’s lap or at her chest.

They carefully watch so that the child does not freeze. The procedure is stopped if the newborn trembles, goose bumps or marbling appear. Air baths should not be given to a newborn when he is in a bad mood.

Regular air baths and light gymnastics will provide excellent physical development crumbs according to age.

There are no parents who would not dream that their child grows up strong and suffers little illness. Everyone also knows that one of the steps to good health the child is hardening.

Most people associate hardening with swimming in an ice hole and being doused with cold water on the street, but hardening a newborn child is not possible. This is wrong. It is possible and necessary to harden a newborn. The simplest method of hardening newborns is air baths.

What are air baths and how are they useful for a baby?

Keeping a baby naked for any period of time in a room or outside is called air bathing.

Benefits of air baths:

  • air baths are a good prevention of inflammatory skin diseases;
  • The child’s body’s resistance to infections increases. This primarily concerns respiratory infections;
  • regular procedures help adequate development of thermoregulation processes in children;
  • after air baths, babies suck more willingly;
  • regular air baths help good sleep crumbs.
  • The child receives his first air baths in the maternity hospital during swaddling and changing clothes.
  • The air temperature in the room where the baby is located should be comfortable. It is approximately 20-22 0 C. If the apartment is very hot, you should try to ventilate the room more often. Read more about.
  • Newborn babies (0-28 days) are usually not left naked outside. The exception is hot summer days. In this case, the child should be in partial shade under trees at a temperature not lower than 22 0 C. In urban conditions, it is unlikely that a mother will carry a newborn baby naked for 2 minutes outside. You shouldn't strive for this.
  • It is advisable to carry out air baths for a newborn in the open air in a village or country house, that is, where it is possible to quickly return indoors with the child.
  • Try to give your child air baths when he is in a good mood.
  • It is more convenient to give air baths to a newborn, timed to coincide with other procedures. As a rule, this is swaddling, changing a diaper, changing clothes, gymnastics or massage.
  • Air baths begin with two minutes, 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Every week the duration of air baths should be increased by one to two minutes.
  • During the procedure, the child must be turned on his side, on his back and on his stomach.
  • Precautions must be taken. Due to its innate reflexes, a newborn easily pushes off the support with its legs, especially when lying on its stomach. Therefore, you should not leave the child unattended, as he may fall.
  • If the mother notices that the child is hypothermic (goose bumps, marbling), then the procedure should be completed.

How to perform air baths for a newborn?

A naked baby should be placed on his back on a changing table or in a crib and given the opportunity to simply lie naked. You need to talk kindly to the baby and sing songs to him. You can gently stroke the baby’s arms and legs and do simple gymnastics. Then turn the child over on his stomach and let him lie in this position for a while.

From about 2 weeks of age, you can distract your baby with a rattle or musical toy. It should be kept approximately 30 cm from the child's face. If your baby is lying naked in his crib, you can play a musical carousel above the crib, which most families have.

It happens that a newborn reacts very negatively when he is left lying naked. In this case, you can put the baby to the breast and combine the procedure of taking an air bath with feeding.

Another option for taking an air bath is to position the baby on the mother’s lap while the mother is sitting.

Natalya Volkova, neonatologist, website specially for the site

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