Hardening the body is useful at any age. Air baths- the simplest and affordable way hardening for a newborn. Any baby takes them when he is in an intermediate stage between a certain event and changing clothes - after a bath, when changing a diaper, during a massage or gymnastics.

It is important that the process of air bathing is not random, but purposeful and planned.

The benefits of air baths for infants

Often, parents are frightened by the very word “harden”, associating with it “inquisitorial torture”, which they cannot subject their newborn child to - dipping into an ice hole, walking barefoot on ice, contrast showers, etc. Compassionate mothers should remember that all these “terrible procedures” are the end point of a long-term program of hardening the body, and they are performed by those who for a long time prepared my body for stress and changes. By the way, air baths are the first point in the winter swimming program, which all experienced ice-hole divers have overcome.

In order not to be afraid, you need to understand the very essence of hardening - training the body to develop “physical” immunity from colds. Basic immunity consists of biological processes in the body that suppress (destroy) viruses that enter the body. Physical – does not allow viruses to take hold in the body. If we take an adult as an example, a “walrus” who has stood at a bus stop for an hour in the cold and has hypothermia in his feet will not get sick, unlike the average person. This is explained by the fact that the “walrus” body is accustomed to temperature changes and does not reduce the level of biological immunity in the fight against the restoration of natural temperature, opening the door to viruses.

Returning to children's hardening training, air baths have several positive aspects:

  1. Activation of the body's protective functions.

Hardening is, of course, a primary purpose, allowing you to get stronger, develop immunity and improve blood circulation. It is very important in as soon as possible create protective system body without holes and shortcomings. The ability to withstand external stress is very important for newborns.

A newborn often develops “Miliaria” - a skin disease caused by poor mobility and diaper rash in the folds of the skin. To treat it, it is not enough to use ointments; you need to eliminate the cause itself - ventilate the parts of the body that sweat and do not dry out. Air baths will help get rid of the problem and prevent the appearance of a new one.

Healthy: Prevent skin diseases in infants, caring for folds will help.

If the baby is naked more often, the umbilical wound will not get wet and will heal quickly

How to do air hardening

Any hardening should take place at a moderate pace, gradually increasing the duration and aggravation of conditions.

In cases with newborns, air hardening can be done in 3 options:

  • ventilation;
  • naked;
  • walk.

Air hardening is carried out gradually

Ventilation is a mandatory procedure in a home with a baby. Stale air with low oxygen content adversely affects his health. Ventilation is best done through a draft, taking the child out of the room through which the air flow will pass. It is necessary to ventilate the room in which the child lives at least 2 times a day, for half an hour. Ideally, leave all the windows and room doors open and go for a walk with the baby. In addition, ventilation helps normalize the temperature in the room to the required value of 20 degrees.

Basically, air baths are taken as follows: the baby is completely undressed and left naked for several minutes. At this time, the body will be blown with air currents, improving blood supply to the entire body, cooling the body, training thermoregulation, and the child will be able to feel the objects around him.

best done after taking a regular bath and combined with gymnastics and massage. Thanks to the openness of all the skin, the process will be more beneficial for the baby.

Walking with a child on the street - important part daily program. Sunlight and fresh air promote the development and health of the entire body. One-year-old babies sleep best during their daytime walk. The baby should be comfortable and calm, so you need to carefully select your wardrobe and place.

To be successful in your studies, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Regularity. Every day, if possible - at the same time, at any time of the year.
  2. Gradually reduce the temperature and increase the duration of the procedures.
  3. Good mood. Taking naked air baths is only possible if the child has a positive attitude. If the baby cries and screams, the body will not receive all the positive effects, in addition, a negative association with the process will arise, which will subsequently cause crying attacks.
  4. Do not overcool the newborn. Watch your child carefully, touch his arms, legs, nose and stop activities if his body becomes cold.

For the first six months, a child learns about the world through tactile sensations. The less clothing he wears that does not allow him to feel, the better he perceives the surrounding space.


Following precautions will help avoid unpleasant consequences:

  • Draft. Do not allow your child to be in a draft. Draft, unlike air baths very dangerous for a newborn;
  • Temperature outside. Weak immunity and incompletely formed organ systems make their own adjustments to walking outside. One month old baby can be taken outside at a temperature not lower than -5°C for a maximum of 5 minutes. After a week, you can increase the time to 10 minutes and so on up to 1.5 - 2 hours in a row. From 4 months, a baby can be outside at a temperature of -10°C, but not lower. Up to a year, in the presence of wind, you need to cover the child’s face from direct air flow using the sides on the stroller covers. During the first 12 months, the baby is not able to breathe through the mouth, and a strong gust will knock down and make breathing through the nose difficult; in addition, a large influx of cold air can cause a cold and runny nose in the baby;
  • Hypothermia. A serious threat to a tiny organism. For mothers whose child is their first, it is difficult to maintain the “golden mean” between hypothermia and steaming the baby. Excessively wrapping a child is harmful - natural thermoregulation and sweating will be disrupted, which will lead to reduced immunity and skin problems. Hypothermia is fraught with inflammation internal organs.

When packing your baby outside during the cold season, you need to remain calm and sane, because going too far in any direction will cause trouble. Although a newborn baby lies motionless, he is protected by the stroller and the “cocoon” in which he is located - it is best to get ready and stand outside without the child for 15 minutes. Thus, you can understand how the baby will feel and choose not only the right clothes, but also the place to walk.

The benefits of air hardening for the baby’s body

Hardening is not a treatment method, it is a preventive action, but if you adhere to this method of combating various colds, then parents can safely expect that their children will have high endurance and a strong immune system.

The specificity of the method of hardening a baby from the very beginning early age air procedures, leads to the development by the body of a stable protective factor in relation to various types harmful bacteria and infections.

Method of air procedures for newborns: how and for how long to harden?

Experts advise that before carrying out hardening procedures for infants, you should familiarize yourself with the basic principles of their effect on the child’s body. Before starting the course, doctors advise you to special attention on the following factors:

  • Individual characteristics and approach.
  • Sequence of procedures.
  • Systematic implementation with a gradual increase in impact factors.
  • Mixing general principles hardening with local ones.
  • Gradual adaptation to new types of loads during hardening of newborns with air baths.

Airing the apartment

The beginning of the hardening course for newborns is the ventilation of the rooms in which they are located. If the baby does not have individual prohibitions, regardless of the season, the room should be systematically ventilated. If it is too cold outside (from -100C), you only need to use the window, opening it for 15-20 minutes, monitoring the air temperature in the room. Experts advise ventilating rooms in the following format:

  • For newborns whose doctors have declared them absolutely healthy, ventilation of the premises should be carried out 3-4 times a day with an increase in procedures up to 7-9 times.
  • For children who have minor health problems, ventilation is performed 2-3 times a day. After the child’s health is fully restored, the number of procedures increases.
  • For infants who have colds that threaten to develop into chronic form, hardening is carried out in a gentle mode: at the time of ventilation, the baby is taken out of the room, and returned when the window (window) is closed. In the future, the number of procedures is gradually increased and with obvious improvements, they are brought to the standards that apply to healthy children.

In all cases, initially, during ventilation, the temperature drop in the room where the newborn is located should not fall more than 3-4 degrees. Later, if the baby responds well to the technique, the premises are ventilated for a longer period.

Babies who begin this type of hardening from birth have virtually no problems with hypothermia in the future. When entering nurseries, kindergartens, schools and other children's institutions, where special attention is paid to ventilation, hardened children suffer from colds much less often than the category of children who are usually called “greenhouse children”.

Indoor naked air baths

Gradually, moving on to other procedures with the help of which the child’s body is hardened, specialists pay special attention to air baths, when the baby is completely undressed and allowed to remain in this position for some time. What are the benefits of such procedures and why this particular method of hardening is recommended for infants from the very first days after birth:

  • The baby becomes less susceptible to infections and colds.
  • Thermoregulation in children who are hardened by taking naked air baths is noticeably improved: children are not capricious when the temperature changes, their behavior is calm, after the procedures the child remains active, but at the same time his sleep is calm.
  • The baby's skin has better protection in relation to lesions of the dermis and diseases that bother babies during this period: prickly heat, diaper dermatitis and others.
  • Children are calm, nervous breakdowns are not noticeable in their behavior, and they are more active in their development.
  • Children have a good appetite.

Initially, naked hardening comes down to briefly undressing a newborn at the time of changing diapers. As a rule, 2-4 minutes is enough for the child to get used to such procedures within a week. Further, the child can be undressed more often, played with him, and performed gymnastic exercises to develop the muscular and skeletal system. After the first three months, the duration of the procedures can be increased to 15 minutes, with the room temperature lowered to 18-200C.

Winter walks

Babies born in the summer are allowed to walk in the fresh air almost from the first days of birth. The main condition for mothers is the correct selection of clothes, ensuring that the newborn is not too hot, but at the same time, he is not exposed to drafts.

If not frosty winters When the temperature drop does not exceed -50C, already in the 2nd week of life, mothers can take the baby outside for short walks in the fresh air. The first winter walks should take place in places where there are no strong drafts, accumulations of dust and other aggressive factors, for a period of no more than 15 minutes. Gradually increasing the time spent outside, already in the first 3 months of life, the baby can be in the fresh air from 30 to 50 minutes.

Walks in the fresh air should gradually increase in length of stay: for 6-month-old infants, 2-3 outings per day from 1 to 1.5 hours is the norm. During walks, mothers should provide their children with a comfortable stay in the fresh air: choose the right clothes, if necessary, use a blanket and other things so that the child does not freeze, but at the same time he does not feel too hot.

How can you determine that a newborn has the right set of warm clothes and that he benefits from walks in the fresh air:

  • The child is not capricious and actively reacts to toys suspended in the stroller.
  • The baby quickly falls asleep, his breathing is even.
  • After returning from a walk, all the baby’s things are dry, the baby’s skin is not sweaty and at the same time pink.

The question: how long can you walk with a baby is quite difficult to answer. If during sleep a child develops a bluish color under the eyes and on the cheeks, the nose becomes cold, the child constantly tosses and turns - all the signs of hypothermia are on the face.

Sleeping in the fresh air

The most useful moment of walking in the fresh air for a baby is napping. That is why, for the first months of the baby’s life, parents are recommended to buy strollers of a format in which the baby can feel comfortable while sleeping during walks.

Young mothers often ask children's doctors the question: why does the child spin around indoors during sleep, often roll over, and during walks falls asleep almost instantly and at the same time, his breathing is even, his complexion is pink, and the newborn himself is active and cheerful after such a rest. Clean air, especially if walks are carried out in places where there is no dust, no loud noise, for example in a park, gardens, squares, it is very beneficial for the body. At the moment of sleep, the baby is fully rested: his breathing is even and at the same time the child practically does not react to extraneous sounds. If opportunities for walking are limited, experts recommend using balconies and loggias, putting the baby to bed for a nap, opening one of the windows completely, while making sure there are no drafts. In this case, the walking procedure should be regular and at approximately the same time.

Contraindications for taking air baths for infants

Despite all the advantages of air baths, there are a number of contraindications that temporarily or completely prohibit such procedures.

  • The presence of elevated temperature acute stage colds
  • Negative reaction of the baby.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Deterioration of the baby's health: loss of weight, loss of appetite.
  • The presence of genetic diseases that have become chronic.
  • Prematurity.

If positive changes occur in the baby’s body with age, then only after specialists give permission can the baby be gradually accustomed to changing the temperature regime by hardening.

From the moment of birth, the baby is not an absolutely helpless and defenseless creature. Nature has endowed the child’s body with all sorts of protective mechanisms, for example, thermoregulation, thanks to which he is able to avoid both overheating and hypothermia. All this is provided for in the baby’s physiology so that when he finds himself in a new environment with living conditions different from those in which he grew up while he was in his mother’s belly, he can exist and develop normally.

An important ability of a newborn baby is thermoregulation.

If you constantly create conditions for the child that resemble a greenhouse, then over time the innate protective functions will simply cease to function as unnecessary. Such excessive and irrational care can lead to the fact that any, even the most insignificant, draft becomes dangerous for the little one.

It is at an early age that the body’s endurance and resistance to regularly changing conditions is laid. environment. For these purposes, you should harden the baby using water procedures, air and sunbathing. This method will not only prevent defense mechanisms from atrophying, but will also strengthen them.

Basic principles of hardening

Before you start hardening your baby, you need to find out the basic principles of this process. This is important so that the hardening procedures give a lasting positive result, and not, on the contrary, have a negative impact on the health of the baby. Hardening will be effective if the following rules are followed:

  1. Systematicity and regularity. The child should be hardened constantly, regardless of seasonal conditions, without doing long breaks in progress. It is desirable that they become an integral part of the baby’s daily routine, along with sleeping, washing, walking and playing. When the baby gets used to them, and this does not take much time, they will take on the character of ordinary everyday activities.
  2. Consistency and continuity. It is necessary to gradually increase the duration of the procedures and consistently, not abruptly, lower the air temperature during the hardening process. This rule is paramount for young children and those whose bodies are weakened.
  3. Age and individual characteristics. When carrying out hardening, you should always take into account the physical condition and age of the child. Particular care should be taken when hardening weaker children, but such procedures should be carried out with them in mandatory. In case of illness, it is necessary to find out from the doctor which of the procedures can be continued, at least with less force. However, if it is necessary to stop hardening until complete recovery, after the end of the illness the procedures will have to start from the very beginning.
  4. Good mood for the little one and freedom to move. Hardening procedures will not bring the desired effect and will be rather useless if carried out with a crying and restless child. The baby should not be afraid of the hardening process.
  5. Monitoring the condition of the baby’s hands, feet and nose before and during hardening. They should be and remain warm. Severe hypothermia due to cool air can negatively affect a child's body.

Air baths must be done regularly, and the condition of the baby must be monitored.

Air hardening

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Procedures air hardening very simple and do not require special knowledge, skills or equipment. The only thing that is required from parents is their time and desire to invest good foundation in the health of your child. It will also be useful to know how to properly harden and how long and how often to carry out specific procedures. There are three main methods of air hardening. This:

  • ventilation;
  • walks in the fresh air;
  • air and sunbathing.

Ventilation of the room

The simplest method of air hardening, which does not require the participation of a newborn, is ventilation. The best effect is achieved by the end-to-end method. To do this, you need to open windows and doors in a ventilated room. Thus, the room will circulate air that enters it from the street. Naturally, the child should not be there during this period. Only after the room is filled with freshness and the air temperature in it has dropped by 1-2 degrees can you bring the baby back in after closing the windows. There is no need to change the baby into warmer clothes after airing.

Ventilation is a mandatory daily requirement for keeping a child in the house. This event will not only reduce the temperature in the room, but will also saturate the air with moisture, which is so necessary for the child to breathe.

When it’s cold outside, the ventilation procedure should be carried out every day 4-5 times for 10-15 minutes. IN summer season Windows in the house must be open at all times.

Pediatricians recommend maintaining the air temperature in the room where the newborn spends most of the time within 18-22 degrees Celsius. According to research results, higher room temperatures affect the rate of growth and development of the baby.

Walking in the fresh air

The more time you spend in the fresh air open air- so much the better. IN summer time year on the street you can sleep, feed, play, exercise, and so on. However, you need to walk not only in summer, but at any time of the year. It is important to dress your child according to the weather, but try not to bundle him up too much.

After being discharged from the hospital, all mothers are concerned about the issue related to walks, namely when can they go out for a walk with their newborn and how long should the walks last. If the air temperature outside does not drop below minus 5 degrees Celsius, then a baby at the age of 2-3 weeks can be safely taken for a walk. The first walk should not last more than 10-15 minutes. Gradually this time needs to be increased and brought to 1.5-2 hours. It is advisable to walk at least 2 times a day. When it's warm, the number of walks can be greater, and their duration can vary from 2 to 2.5 hours. You can walk between feedings both during the waking period and when your baby is sleeping. In principle, up to 1.5 years of age, it is preferable to spend the child’s daytime sleep in the fresh air.

As for properly dressing a newborn on the street, there are a number of signs by which it is easy to understand that the child is comfortable in the clothes that he is wearing. He:

  • sleeps soundly;
  • falls asleep easily and quickly;
  • breathes evenly;
  • does not sweat;
  • he has pink faces and warm limbs.

Walks with your child should be arranged as often as possible, and it is important to choose the necessary clothes that are comfortable for the baby.

In case of sudden hypothermia, restless sleep is observed, the nose and limbs become cold, and the face becomes blue tint. Overheating is similarly characterized by restless sleep, plus the baby's forehead sweats and the skin becomes damp. It is also important that during walks the baby is more in the shade and well protected from the wind.

Air baths are when a child stays naked indoors or outdoors for some time. Procedures of this kind are useful for the body in that they:

  • increase the child’s body’s resistance to infectious diseases, this is especially true for infections that affect the respiratory organs;
  • contribute to the normalization of thermoregulation in children;
  • prevent inflammatory diseases of the skin;
  • improve the condition nervous system, the baby becomes calmer;
  • increase the absorption and saturation of the body with oxygen;
  • cause good appetite and sound sleep.

Indoor air baths with a newborn should begin 2-3 weeks after birth. It is also important to comply certain rules, namely:

  1. In the first month of life, air baths consist of swaddling, that is, when changing diapers, you can leave the naked baby lying for 1-2 minutes. It is enough to do this 2-3 times daily.
  2. At 1.5 months, hardening can be combined with gymnastics and massage, while gradually lowering the temperature to 18-20 degrees.
  3. Over the course of 6 months, you should increase the time of procedures to 10 minutes, performing them 2 times a day. You can start with 3 minutes and add a minute every day.
  4. It is important not to overcool the baby during the process. When the first signs of hypothermia appear in the form of goose bumps, you need to immediately dress the baby and reduce the duration of procedures in the future (we recommend reading:). If sleep and appetite are disturbed, it is worth stopping air baths for some period.

Sunbathing is best done in the first half of the day, while the sun is not too hot

In summer time ideal option- This is a combination of air baths and sun baths. If the latter are carried out correctly, then they will have a very beneficial influence on the body. The benefits of exposure to ultraviolet rays include:

It is important to know when to use sunbathing in moderation so as not to harm your baby. The ideal age to begin such procedures is 1 year, although you can start doing them as early as six months.

Sun hardening should be done in the morning from 9.00 to 11.00 or after 16.00. During these hours, the child will receive the maximum amount of ultraviolet radiation with minimal thermal exposure. You can sunbathe when the thermometer shows more than 13-20 degrees in the shade. The first procedures should last about 1-2 minutes. It is necessary to increase the duration to 5-10 minutes, increasing it by 1 minute every two days.

When exposing your baby to the sun, it is important to protect him. To protect his eyes, he should wear a hat with large fields. Also, you need to start the procedures only half an hour after eating, and after they are finished, you can pour water on the baby with a temperature of 28-32 ° C. It is also worth considering the fact that children with red and blond hair are more sensitive to the sun and they overheat faster.

The hardening procedure using air baths has been known for a long time. It's lightweight and effective way increase your body's defenses and strengthen weakened immunity.

Fresh air helps everyone relieve fatigue, gives strength and energy, so taking air procedures is very beneficial for a person. Air baths help to harden not only children's but also adults' bodies. Short-term effects on bare skin sunlight and air has a beneficial effect on health. Today there is treatment with air baths using different methods. This method is so effective that it is recommended even for a newborn baby.

The air is saturated with oxygen, phytoncides and other substances, and the skin happily absorbs all these useful elements when we take baths. IN modern world There are always layers of clothing on the skin, between which a layer of air with a certain temperature is formed. When people accept air procedures on outdoors, then body temperature changes, which contributes to effective hardening.

Proper intake of air baths

They take air baths to harden and invigorate themselves, but during the procedures you must follow the basic rules:

  • create cozy place for taking them outdoors;
  • It is best to completely remove clothes;
  • you can take baths in the shade quiet place, for example, under a wide tree.

Air baths according to air temperature are divided into cold, cool, warm temperature and hot. For such procedures, the body is exposed gradually, and for the first time you need to take warm look baths, not lower than 20°C. If you perform a healthy ritual of taking a bath in the fresh air every morning, the results will not take long to arrive.

The first session should last no more than 10 minutes, and then the time is gradually increased, even up to two hours. After such an aeroprocedure it will be very effective regular bath, contrast shower, as well as swimming in a river or pool in warm time year. The time of the preventive or therapeutic measure is gradually increased to 30 minutes.

We take air baths while sitting, lying down or standing. You can start a useful session outside in warm weather, but no more than half an hour. It is best to gradually harden yourself at home, and when your body gets used to it, go out into the fresh street air.

It is recommended to lie quietly on a hard surface for 10 minutes after taking a bath. When the first appointments are completed and the body gets used to the new procedures, you can combine them with morning exercises. If we take baths constantly, our immunity will increase and we will have more strength for everyday worries.

It is best to take air baths in courses over three months. For effective treatment of some diseases, experts advise using health measures for one year. All hardening methods are calculated on average, so it is important not to forget about your inner feelings and emotions. If weakness suddenly appears, then you need to stop the hardening session.


  1. Air baths are prohibited during acute periods of illness, when high temperature body, weakened patients, with lung diseases.
  2. If it is foggy or raining outside, there is also no need to do aero procedures.
  3. Air prophylaxis is not recommended for women during menstruation.
  4. If a person feels unwell or becomes weak when exposed to fresh air, he should stop taking baths.

But if “goose bumps” or slight dizziness appear, you should not be alarmed, because the body usually reacts this way when we take air procedures for the first time.

The benefits of air baths for newborns

Simple and at the same time effective method is taking baths for newborns. From the first day a child is born, parents have the opportunity to carry out hardening using this method. The air temperature should be maintained at least 23°, but over time it can be lowered. At one year old, children can safely undress at 20°C. We take baths outside or in another convenient location, but it’s better to first harden the kids inside the living room.

Temperature readings should be carefully monitored, and if they increase, then ventilate the room where the baby sleeps.

When the newborn’s body gets stronger and the first hardening measures are completed, you can take a walk at the same time as taking air and sunbathing. The baby may be wearing clothes that will not interfere with the health procedure. You should start walking with a few minutes winter time, and in the summer, walk in the fresh air for about 30 minutes twice a day.

The weather should be warm, without wind and scorching summer sun. Long walks in the sun are prohibited for young children, and it is still better to take baths in shaded places. It is necessary to ensure that the babies stop crying and being capricious at this time, otherwise the procedures are stopped.

Such hardening of a newborn with air procedures is the easiest and most accessible action aimed at strengthening the immune system. Children take baths with pleasure and then sleep much more peacefully.

Benefits of taking healing baths

Fresh air affects the skin nerve endings by changing temperature, and through it, all systems of human internal organs, especially the respiratory and cardiac systems. The elasticity of the skin increases, and at the same time its functioning and thermoregulatory functions are improved.

Air baths are very relaxing after everyday life, as well as after tiring mental or physical labor. You need to take baths to instantly lift your mood and cheer up your spirit.

One of the main functions of the procedures is hardening, which increases resistance to various infectious diseases. For excellent prevention colds they are accepted by people of all ages. If you add rubdown to them cold water and regular physical exercise, then their efficiency will increase significantly.

Air baths for children are one of the procedures aimed at increasing the immunity of children. This is a type of hardening that can be used literally from birth. For many parents, the word “hardening” is associated with difficult tasks, such as pouring cold water on a child, so not everyone decides to start hardening their child, especially from birth. Air baths are a very effective way to establish a baby’s thermoregulation and strengthen the protective functions of his body; it is easy to do and does not involve much risk. So, let’s remember on this page “Popular about health” what are air baths for a newborn baby, how to do them correctly? What do they include?

The principle of the effect of air procedures on a newborn

How does air hardening actually happen? When the baby has not yet been born, he is completely protected by the placenta, nothing threatens him - neither drafts, nor viruses, he constantly remains in one temperature conditions. After birth, his thermoregulation system and immune system are not yet fully developed. Exposure to air will help awaken the body's defense mechanisms and improve the thermoregulation system. If you leave your baby undressed for a short time every day, his body will begin to develop the ability to respond correctly to changes in temperature. If a newborn is constantly wrapped warmly from the first days of life, then most defense mechanisms, laid down by nature, will simply atrophy and will not develop. Eventually it will grow.

Air baths for children - how to do them?

The concept of air procedures for newborns and older children includes not only keeping them naked for some time at room temperature. Air hardening also involves other methods of exposure:

Ventilate the room 3-4 times a day;
Daily walks at any time of the year (includes both sleep and wakefulness).

How to properly ventilate a room?

In order for the air in the room to completely change, it is necessary to create a draft, and, of course, the newborn is taken out of the room. In the cold season, ventilation duration should be at least 10 minutes. You need to open the window at least three times during the day. When the air in the room is renewed and the temperature drops by 1-2 degrees, the child is brought into the room, but is not insulated, but is left in the same clothes. Otherwise, the therapeutic effect will not be achieved.


Walking outside also refers to air hardening. It is allowed to walk with a newborn baby starting from the age of two weeks. It is correct to accustom your baby to walks gradually. First, the baby is taken outside for 15-20 minutes or 5-7 minutes in winter (if the thermometer has not dropped below -5 degrees and there is no wind). Every day, the time spent in the fresh air is gradually increased. Dress the baby according to the weather, do not wrap him too tightly so that he does not sweat, because overheating is dangerous for newborns.

In good weather, it is recommended to walk for at least 2-3 hours a day (in summer), in winter - 1 hour. Children sleep very well outdoors, especially if they feel comfortable. It is advisable to adjust the walking time so that the baby is outside both during sleep and while awake. In the summer it won’t be difficult to do this - you can go for a walk whenever you want.

Leaving a newborn without a diaper

An important part of hardening procedures is to leave the baby naked to take air baths. How to do this correctly? The room temperature should be within reasonable limits - not lower than 18 degrees. This procedure is not performed after bathing, otherwise the baby will catch a cold. It is important that the baby is healthy and in a good mood. First, the baby is undressed and allowed to lie naked for three minutes in the morning and evening. They do this for several days. Then the time is gradually increased to 5 minutes, and ultimately extended to 15 minutes. It’s great if during the procedure you do some gymnastics with your newborn to slightly increase blood circulation.

What happens to a baby when he is left naked for a while? His body absorbs more oxygen, the thermoregulation system improves, and the baby calms down. As pediatricians note, children fall asleep much better and sleep more soundly after taking air baths, their appetite and mood improve.

Regularity of procedures is the key to good health

The most important rule of hardening is regularity. If you try to accustom your newborn to coolness every day, the effect will be achieved. Second, no less important rule– gradual decrease in air temperature and increase in the duration of the procedure. And the third rule - be observant, check if the baby is cold. The first sign that he is cold is the appearance of goose bumps, the so-called “goose bumps”. If the skin has turned pale, then it’s definitely worth stopping air baths for newborns.


If you decide to harden your newborn baby, then start with air baths - it is not at all difficult, but effective. Gradually accustoming the child to cool fresh air will allow in the future

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):