So that in the spring your garden will glow bright colors, already in the fall you need to take care of planting. One of the most beautiful primroses are tulip flowers: by planting the bulbs in the fall, you can enjoy their lush bloom in April. Caring for tulips is not difficult, especially if you have selected a good one planting material and pre-processed it.

Homeland of tulips and description of flowers

Kazakhstan is considered the birthplace of the flower. Tulips are widespread in the area middle zone Russia.

Check out the photo and description of tulips - one of the most beautiful early flowers:

They reach a height of 5 to 100 cm. The stem of the flower is straight, with a round cross-section. The leaves are elongated, lanceolate with arched veins, covered with a waxy coating. They are sessile and arranged alternately on the stem. The description of the colors of tulip flowers is striking in their diversity: they can be white, yellow, red. There are orange, purple, black, etc.

As you can see in the photo, tulip flowers are usually single; it is extremely rare for two flower stalks to ripen.

Planting and flowering dates: The plant is planted from mid-September to the first week of October; flowering occurs mainly in spring (from late April to early June).

Frost resistance: tolerates winter well.

Names of tulip varieties and their photos

Many different varieties of tulips have been bred, which are divided into groups according to their appearance and flowering time. At correct selection early and late varieties flowering plants will delight you for 1.5 months.

Below are varieties of tulips with names and photos of plants that are among the first to fill the area with bright colors.

Variety name Brief description

Simple late:

Shirley(White flowers with lilac strokes.)

Toronto(Yellow-orange with pink flowers, petals with burgundy veins.)

Terry early:

Miranda(Red large double flowers with shiny petals.)

Dante(Purple-red double flowers.)

Triumph tulips:

Aviator(Lilac-raspberry flowers.)

Alba(Dark red flowers with a white border.)

Terry late:

Ice Cream(Light pink flowers with green streaks.)

Abigail(Purple-violet, densely double flower.)

Hybrid Darwins:

Parade(Red flowers.)

Khdozhnik(Yellow-red flowers.)


Louvre(Lilac flowers with light fringe.)

Fabio(Red flowers with yellow fringe.)

Caring for tulips: watering and fertilizing flowers

Drained neutral or slightly alkaline soil with a high content of nutrients is suitable for growing tulip flowers. The plant prefers sunny and sheltered places from the wind. It grows well in one place without transplantation for 3-4 years, but it is recommended to plant it in a new place every year.

Before planting, tulip bulbs should be inspected and damaged planting material should be discarded. The fact is that the risk of disease in scratched bulbs is too great to plant them next to healthy ones. The planting material remaining after the inspection should be soaked in a 0.1% decis solution for about 15-20 minutes.

Watering tulips should be done regularly and abundantly, provided that the weather is warm. 3 weeks after flowering ends, watering is stopped. The soil between the plants is loosened and weeded.

The first feeding of tulips is carried out after the emergence of shoots (1 tablespoon of urea per 1 m2. The second time the soil is fertilized before the appearance of buds. The third feeding of tulips is necessary during the period of active formation of buds. The fourth occurs at the beginning of flowering. When caring for tulip flowers, fertilizers are used superphosphate, potassium sulfate and special fertilizers for flower plants.

Another tip for growing tulips: In the winter, the area is mulched, and in the spring the mulch is removed. You can also dig up the bulbs and store them in a cool, dark room.

Tulips are propagated by bulbs. They are planted in autumn in holes to a depth 3 times greater than the height of the bulbs. The distance between them is 15-20 cm. They are sprinkled with earth on top and lightly trampled down. The soil is dug up and leveled 10 days before work, and when planting it is added to it. wood ash, humus, nitrophoska.

Tulips are affected by penicillosis, fusarium, bulbous and tulip sclerotinia, bacterial rot, gray mold, variegation. Greatest danger One of the pests for them is the bulb mite.

When digging and planting, it is important to feel the tulip bulbs, trying to lightly squeeze them in your palm. Soft ones that bend under finger pressure should be discarded and destroyed, as they may be affected by disease.

Decorating flower beds with tulips

Tulips are used in the design of flower beds and ridges; they are planted in groups on, in alpine roller coaster. They are beautiful in combination with lilies of the valley, daffodils, and chionodoxes.

Tulips can be planted on the lawn or under trees. In this case, select small tulips with increased endurance that will not be drowned out by grass.

To highlight the beauty of tulips, characterized by elongated lines, low-growing flowering plants can be planted in the foreground. Their flowers differ from tulips in color and shape of petals. Pansies and jaundice emphasize the slenderness of the tulips and cover them from below. At the same time, they themselves do not lose their attractiveness.

Tulips are perhaps the most favorite bulbous crop among gardeners. They are already planted and bred in our country for many years. And therefore, many summer residents have accumulated truly enormous experience in caring for tulips. This flower is quite unpretentious. However, of course, you will still have to pay attention to him during the season. Tulips, the cultivation and care of which are truly pleasant procedures, require periodic loosening, watering and fertilizing

Features of the plant

Tulip is a typical representative of bulbous plants. At the moment there are more than 3,500 varieties of this beautiful flower. However, there are only about 150 popular and frequently grown ones. Tulips can have different peduncle heights, petals different shapes. You can grow parrot, peony, lily and other varieties of these flowers. Tulips bloom from early spring until the beginning of summer. However, modern methods of agricultural technology make it possible to obtain beautiful buds almost all year round. The color of tulips may vary. However, the most commonly seen varieties in vegetable gardens and orchards are red, yellow, pink and striped.

What should the planting material be?

Tulip flowers grow from bulbs, which should be dug up in the summer, after the plants have flowered and the leaves have partially yellowed. First, you should dig up the soil a little and inspect the top of one of the bulbs. If it is covered with brown scales, then it is time to dig up the planting material. If it is white, you need to wait a little longer. To prevent faded, yellowed tulips from spoiling the appearance of the site, they are usually planted in plastic lattice vegetable boxes or in plastic nets. In this case, you can simply dig them up along with the container and put them in a secluded place to ripen, and plant the bed with other flowers.

Tulips whose cultivation and care ends around the end of June will be easier to dig up when using boxes. The fact is that the baby bulb often goes very deep underground, while the mother one dies. The only inconvenience of such a planting is that the boxes with soil weigh quite a lot. It takes two people to dig them out.

Bulb storage

So, how to grow beautiful tulips? Now you know when to dig up their bulbs. Next, let's see how they should be stored. Planting material is carefully inspected for damage or rot and sorted by size. You can put the bulbs in the same boxes in which they grew. Sometimes they are also hung in nets. This prevents them from being damaged by mice and rats. Beforehand (for a month), the bulbs are kept at a temperature of +22 degrees. At this time, a sprout develops inside. After this, the planting material is transferred to a cooler room (+17 degrees) and stored in this way until autumn.

How to choose a place for tulips

Tulips, care for which begins with the right choice landing sites, love sunny, well-protected from the wind places. If they don’t have enough ultraviolet light, the flower stalks will begin to bend, and the bulbs will not be able to accumulate enough nutrients.

As for the soil, it should be loose and oily. Sandy soils for tulips are too poor in nutrients. Therefore, before planting, the bed should be thoroughly fertilized with humus. Clayey heavy soils pre-mixed with sand or peat. In the latter case, since tulips love neutral soils, the acidity should be reduced by additional liming.

How and when to plant tulips

Tulips are planted in autumn, in the second half of September or early October. They begin to prepare a bed for them in the summer. The soil is dug up to a depth of about 35 cm, and organic fertilizers. Their number depends on the type of soil. A month before planting the tulips, the bed is dug up again to a depth of 25 cm. mineral fertilizers(double superphosphate 30 g/m2, potassium salt 40 g/m2).

Tulip bulbs are planted to a depth of three times their height and at a distance of two diameters from each other. Do not deepen the planting material too much. Otherwise, the bulbs are simply chopped and will not yield much beautiful flowers. Planting is carried out no earlier than the moment when the soil at a depth of 15 cm cools to +9 degrees. In this case, it is worth adding to the soil nitrogen fertilizers(ammonium nitrate - 10 g/m2). If autumn is dry, the bulbs need to be watered from time to time. After top layer The soil in the garden bed will freeze, it needs to be mulched with peat or covered with spruce branches to prevent mice. You should be prepared for the fact that the flowers next year after planting, only bulbs with a diameter greater than 6 cm will be produced.

Thus, we found out when to plant tulips. If it was not possible to carry out this event in September or early October, you can try planting the bulbs at the end of October. However, in this case, you should mulch them better.

Caring for tulips

In spring, the mulch is removed. Actively growing tulips consume a lot of nitrogen during this period. Therefore, it must be added to the soil. Especially if this was not done in the fall. Tulips are fertilized at the rate of 40 g/m2. Ten days later, nitrogen fertilizing is applied again. At the same time, 20 g/m2 of potassium sulfate is mixed into it. After two weeks, this component is added separately in an amount of also 20 g/m2.

Tulips, the cultivation and care of which require proper feeding, also need to be loosened periodically. This is very important, especially if the soil on the site is heavy. Of course, tulips need to be weeded as needed. Water the flowers 3-4 times per season. The soil under the plants should be moistened abundantly. The roots of these flowers can go down to a depth of half a meter. Therefore, at least 35 cm of soil must get wet. Faded buds should be removed along with the peduncle.

Do I need to dig up the bulbs?

Experienced amateur flower growers advise be sure to dig up the bulbs every year after flowering. In any case, this must be done at least once every three years. Otherwise, the bulbs will go too deep into the ground or begin to rot.

Diseases of tulips and how to treat them

Most often, these flowers are affected by diseases such as:

  1. Gray rot. The infection spreads very quickly. All parts of the plant are covered with a brown coating. Then the leaves acquire a grayish tint. In order to avoid this trouble, be sure to treat the bulbs with 0.2% baseazole or a dark solution of potassium permanganate before planting (keep for half an hour). When the first signs of the disease appear, flowers should be treated with a 0.5% solution of copper oxychloride. The treatment is repeated after 10 days.
  2. Sclerotial rot. In case of infection, a white and then felt coating appears on the plants, after which they rot. Diseased tulips should be removed, and the soil around healthy ones should be dug up, adding tiazone to it.
  3. Fusarium rot. Flowers on diseased plants are pale in color and wither immediately after cutting. The roots of infected tulips die. In order to prevent disease, planting material should be carefully inspected. In addition, it needs to be treated by soaking it in a 0.2% benlate solution.


Sometimes tulips are affected by insects. This could be, for example, an onion mite. In order to prevent its appearance, the bulbs are treated with a three percent rogor solution before storing. Orange aphids also sometimes appear on tulips. To prevent this from happening, it is worth planting tagetes or pyrethrum next to the flowers.

The most popular varieties of tulips

From low-growing varieties The unpretentious early flowering varieties Greig, Kaufman and Foster are very popular among summer residents. These varieties can not be replanted for about 5 years. They look especially good on alpine slides and curbs.

Often in gardens and vegetable gardens you can see original terry varieties of tulips. Their peduncle is usually 30 cm long. They bloom, just like ordinary low-growing forms, very early.

Slightly taller (up to 40 cm) Mendel tulips, as well as varieties from the Triumph group (up to 50 cm), are also very popular. The latter can have a variety of colors. Their distinctive feature is the presence of a light border along the edges. Tall tulips from the Darwin group also look beautiful in flower beds. The length of their peduncle reaches 70 cm. This variety is distinguished by very large bright flowers.

What varieties are suitable for forcing?

Tulips, the cultivation and care of which in the summer consist mainly of watering and fertilizing, bloom in a warm room in the winter. Beautiful buds can be obtained both by the New Year and by March 8th. In this case, it is important to choose the right variety. So, for obtaining tulips in December-January, the varieties Brilliant, Dixis, Star, Marvel, Olga and others are perfect. By February-March, Darwinian hybrids may bloom: London, Diplomat, Parade. By April, varieties such as America, Vivex, Oxford, and London are driven out. By May 1st you can receive flowers from Parade, Oxford, Hibernia.

Stages of forcing

Forcing tulips is divided into several important stages:

  1. Preparing bulbs during growth in open ground.
  2. Storing bulbs before planting.
  3. Rooting of planting material.
  4. Growing in a warm room.

How to prepare bulbs for forcing

Plants from which bulbs will be taken for forcing should be given the most careful care. Planting material must accumulate a sufficient amount of nutrients. In this case, it is necessary to cut off the flower stalks.

Bulb storage

As for landing in open ground, tulip bulbs in this case are stored indoors for a month at a temperature of +22 degrees. At the same time, new flowers will begin to form in them. In August the temperature drops to +20, and in September - to +17 degrees. Since the air in these months warms up to approximately the same parameters, there is no need to use special equipment during storage. Small deviations from the indicated temperatures are quite acceptable. However, if they differ greatly, the process of flower formation will slow down. In this case, the appearance of “blind” buds is also possible.

Forcing tulips

Just like in the fall in open ground, we’ve sorted it out for you. How to grow them in room conditions? Bulbs are planted in soil mixture, consisting of two parts garden soil, 1 part river sand and 1 part rotted manure. You can also add a little ash. Fill the boxes 2/3 full with this soil and compact it slightly. The bulbs are pressed into the mixture with the root part down at a distance of one and a half centimeters from each other and covered either with the same substrate or with clean sand. Next, they are watered abundantly. Experts advise adding calcium nitrate (20 g/10 l) to the water. The tops of the bulbs should not be allowed to appear above the surface of the ground. If they come out, they should be sprinkled. Next, the box is transferred to the cellar and left to be stored at a temperature from 0 to +10 degrees. Water the bulbs weekly until mid-December. To prevent the flower stalks from stretching out too much, in December the boxes are moved to a cooler room (+2-4 degrees).

IN warm room planting material is brought in three weeks before flowering begins. During this period, the sprouts should reach approximately 5 cm in height. First, they are transferred to a room with an air temperature of +15 degrees. In this case, daylight should not be too intense. After five days, the temperature is raised to +18 degrees. The lighting must be full. In the future, the tulips will need to be illuminated additionally (about 5 hours a day), otherwise they may become very stretched. During this period, plants need to be watered daily. You can sometimes feed them with potassium nitrate.

As you can see, with a little effort, it is not so difficult to grow very beautiful tulips; planting and caring for them are quite simple procedures. Moreover, this can be done not only in spring or summer, but also in winter. If you comply certain rules, This wonderful plant will definitely thank you by becoming an excellent decoration summer cottage or apartments.

Who doesn't like flowers? There are no such people, you must admit, because without them it is simply impossible to imagine any holiday, anniversary, or official event. What to say about Women's Day or a gift for your beloved. Yes, not everyone likes pompous roses, but tulips always evoke only positive emotions. There is a huge variety of them, and you can create the perfect gift with your own hands. Don't know how? So read on to learn how to make a simple bouquet of tulips, and how to preserve it without having the experience of a florist.

The splendor of red

The right varieties are the key to success

Look at the photo below, adorable isn't it? To create a beautiful and the right bouquet you need to choose varieties that will look aesthetically pleasing, highly decorative, have a dense stem, long term maintaining freshness. In general, now florists prefer to choose tulips Dutch selection than those that were bred in our country. They last longer, do not fall apart and do not bend. Therefore, if you are looking for flowers for a future gift, flower shop Just ask the Dutch varieties.

Goblet buds are ideal for a bouquet

If we talk about names, then to compile beautiful bouquets Also suitable for tulips are “Albatross”, “Beauty Trend”, “Eugenia”, “Canberra”, “Kasia”, “Veranda”.

Variety "Albatross"

You can grow these varieties yourself. If suddenly you cannot find certain tulips in the store, then simply select flowers, guided by the following points:

  • the buds must be closed, otherwise your future bouquet will not last long;
  • look at the tulips that have already fully opened for a particular variety; they can stand in the same vase or separately in the store, so you know what the bouquet will look like after opening;
  • always buy only fresh flowers;
  • there should be no signs of wilting on the petals, no insects, no deformation on the leaves;
  • Here in the flower shop you can also choose decoration for the bouquet - plain or colored paper, craft, felt, decorative mesh, jewelry.

Decoration different materials

This important nuances, which you need to pay attention to. It is also worth noting that you can make a bouquet not only with tulips, but also complement them with greenery, twigs, and other flowers. For example, florists often use chrysanthemums, gypsophila, roses, eustomas, astilbe, bells, muscari, hydrangea, anemones, antirrhinum, and freesia as additions. You can see such mixed bouquets of tulips in the photo below. The combination of peony-shaped varieties with varieties where the bud looks like a wine glass also looks very beautiful.

Tulips and chrysanthemums
With eustomas pink color
With freesias

Advice! If you understand absolutely nothing about floristry, then it’s better not to experiment with different flowers for the first time. A monobouquet even in one shade in combination with craft paper will look perfect.

Ideal choice

A few words about shades

This small section is very important. After all, a lot depends on the color of the tulips in the bouquet. Beginners often make a mistake when composing - they buy different shades that they like. Yes, such tulips can be luxurious when they are alone. The bouquet creates a tacky variety, and the result may turn out to be tasteless.

Too much color - not suitable for everyone

Advice! Before you start making bouquets, study the information on shades and their combinations. For example, a lavender-white bouquet looks gentle, while an orange-green bouquet is catchy and bold. Examples perfect combination shown below.

Lavender bouquet
The option when many shades are not harmful
Delicate combination

We create a festive bouquet with our own hands

Tulips in craft paper

Simple and stylish bouquets

This is one of the most advantageous options; moreover, it is accessible to everyone, and you don’t need to be a floristry guru. You already know how to choose the right tulips and what varieties, all you have to do is buy paper. This can be done in a stationery store, in bookstores, or on the Internet. By the way, craft paper is now at the peak of popularity, with such a gift bouquet you definitely can’t go wrong, being known as a knowledgeable person in fashion trends. It can be either plain brown or with a pattern. Here it is important, again, to choose an option that is not flashy, stylish, and suitable for the given date.

Colored paper for decoration

So, to make a bouquet like in the photo, you need:

  • remove some of the excess leaves, as their excess looks untidy, leaving only 2-3 on one stem;
  • fold the first layer of tulips parallel and tightly to each other;
  • further, the second and third layers, depending on the number of colors;
  • tie the bouquet with twine at the bottom - one more indispensable assistant for various gifts. But do not overtighten the stems so that they are not cut;
  • you cut the paper to approximately the same length on both sides;
  • unfold the craft into a diamond shape;
  • place the bouquet on it, carefully arrange the flowers;
  • the top part of the paper should not be wrinkled, but at the bottom you squeeze it or simply secure it with tape or the same twine;
  • To make the bouquet stronger, you can fasten the frame with a stapler.

And now you already know how to wrap a bouquet in paper that will look laconic, stylish and tasteful. Such a gift can be given to both your beloved and your boss for an anniversary. It is also worth noting that paper can be folded not only into a rhombus, but into different shapes. For example, take two squares and roll them into triangles so that they are slightly sloppy. Wrap the first layer first, followed by the second. You can additionally use different colors. See examples of bouquets below.

Charm in simple things
Option for a colleague
Great bouquet for a friend

Separately, it is necessary to say about the shades of tulips. Kraft paper can both complement a bouquet and make it look cheap. For example, scarlet tones, crimson, and lilac go well with it, but delicate white and pink ones look a little dull. The solution is a combination of different textures of paper and fabrics.

Light tulips and craft look a little simple

Advice! If you want to not only please, but even surprise with a bouquet of tulips, then you can choose shades that match the zodiac sign or color type of a given person.

With organza

Stylish combination

This is one of the frequently used options for weddings and anniversaries. There is an opinion that organza is not the material that will decorate a bouquet with tulips. But this is a mistake; the main thing here is, again, to combine the tone of the colors and the fabric. The photo clearly shows how luxurious such bouquets can look. You can make them yourself without any problems.

For the bride
Shades of lilac

The technique is as follows:

  • take an armful of tulips, the bouquet looks great when there are a lot of flowers;
  • prepare a piece of organza of a suitable tone;
  • flowers need to be rolled using a spiral technique - first we take one flower, place a second one on it at an angle, a third on it at an angle, and so on, turning in a circle. It is also better to remove excess leaves;
  • when you have twisted a spiral of flowers, you must immediately tie it, otherwise all your energy will be wasted;
  • complement the bouquet of tulips with leaves, twigs, if you need it, and wrap the organza so that it seems to envelop the flowers. Try it a couple of times and you will soon understand how you like it;
  • tie the bouquet with a ribbon of a suitable shade, you can also decorate it with beads.


And you don't need to spend a lot of money

No many words are required here. Burlap creates the same effect as kraft paper - laconic and tasteful. You can wrap the bouquet either in a spiral or laying it out in parallel. This material will make a winning gift, even if it contains very few flowers due to lack of funds. The burlap can be tied either with twine so that nothing distracts the eye, or with lace cotton fabric-ribbon.

It's easy to create beauty

Advice! Another method of arranging bouquets is to use a spacious vase, and place flowers on it, circle by circle. You can create layers of different tones.

In general, if you want to get into floristry, then collect home piggy bank various pieces of fabric, scraps, ribbons, paper, beads, beads. Even before making bouquets of tulips, or any other flowers, you can choose excellent combinations. Taste can be cultivated in yourself. Apply these fabrics and papers to plants to visually understand what goes together and what doesn’t. You don't have to know how to make pompous bouquets to be considered a pro. We showed you simple examples, but how much charm, style, taste they have. Let’s also reveal a secret - such laconic options look perfect in photographs, which is very popular now.

Eat different methods what flowers preserve

It doesn’t matter whether you make a bouquet for yourself to decorate the interior, which is also a sign of taste, or for a gift, it should please you for a long time. Otherwise there is no point. Below we will give you some tips on how to extend the life of charming bouquets with tulips.

  • The water needs to be changed daily.
  • If you are leaving and you feel sorry for your beautiful flowers, you can preserve them in damp newspaper on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  • If the bouquet wilted under the hot sun, then put it completely in ice water overnight. In the morning the flowers look like they were cut.
  • You can throw an aspirin tablet or activated carbon into the water in the vase.
  • Trim the stems lightly on a bias every day.
  • The dense stem can be cut with a cross and a match placed inside. This way, the water will be better absorbed.
  • The sections are sprinkled charcoal, which will help disinfect them.

Well, you still don’t know how to pack a bouquet, how to choose shades, and preserve all the beauty? We think not. It’s scary to start any business for the first time, but once you understand the principle, you yourself, without understanding how, acquire a hobby or a new skill for work.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Perhaps creating bouquets will become your life’s work.

The tulip is a very popular flower. He is already an inveterate inhabitant of Russian gardens. People have always written about tulips huge amount legends and stories.

Homemade tulips were brought to Russia from Holland by Emperor Peter I. However, if we talk about wild flowers, they were still known in the 12th century. Wild tulips grew in the east of the country.

Today there are a huge number of varieties of tulips.

On this page you will see a small selection of photos of tulips. These flowers have struck a huge number of hearts of flower growers.

Tulips: photos of varieties with names.

Abigail has a very interesting color. The height of the plant is 45-55 centimeters. The diameter of the flower is 8-10 centimeters. The variety blooms, like all tulips, in May.

The height of the plant is 45-50 centimeters. Blooms in May-June. A very interesting color of the buds - red-lilac with a yellow border. The diameter of the flowers is 8-10 centimeters.

A very interesting variety. Flower bud colors can range from bright yellow to red with bright yellow streaks.

Louvre tulips are 45-50 centimeters long. The diameter of the flower is small - up to 8 centimeters. The variety blooms at the end of May. A very interesting rich lilac color. Petals with a very peculiar fringe.

Miranda tulips have deep red flowers. The height of the plant is 40-45 centimeters. Blooms in May-June.

Tulips Parade are the most common variety in Russia. It has a rich red bud color.

Toronto tulips have a very interesting shape buds, can be seen in the photo. The petals are oblong and directed towards different sides. A very beautiful variety.

Triumph Shirley tulips have a very interesting white-lilac bud color. The plants are not very tall.

Tall tulips: photo.

Tall tulips are especially valued by summer residents. Tall tulips are good for forming many types of flower beds. We have provided a small selection of photos high grades tulips.

Red tulips: photo.

Red tulips are theirs classic color. What garden doesn't have red tulips? See photos of beautiful red tulips:

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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