Hydropneumatic flushing heating systems is a necessary step for high-quality heating. Ideally, it should be carried out once a year before heating season(before hydraulic tests), but in practice it will be very good if it is carried out at least once every three to four years.

During this event, the heat supply system is removed various elements, such as:

  • Rust;
  • Scale;
  • Various deposits.

Note that such flushing must be carried out by employees of housing offices and similar enterprises every year (this mandatory requirement in preparation for the heating season), but they do not do this. Since utility companies do not need this problem, residents of houses turn to specialized companies that provide such services.

In this article we will talk about the washing process itself, its intricacies, and we will also provide you with instructions for carrying out the work, so that everyone has complete concepts about such works.

Hydroflushing, how and why

Hydropneumatic flushing of a heating system is based on simultaneously supplying air under pressure in a certain amount and water to sections of pipelines. The water-air mixture that is formed in this case cleans the heating communications thanks to multiple pulses performed by the flushing compressor.

Pulses in pipeline water create small bubbles, which gradually destroy deposits on the walls of heating communication pipes.

In order for the washing process to be successful, it is necessary to perform the following calculations:

  • Length of pipelines that will be flushed;
  • Air flow and pressure determined based on pipe diameters;
  • Water speeds and flow rates.

Important! In order to obtain the required speeds of the water-air mixture, it is necessary to perform flushing in separate sections, that is, in groups of risers or individual risers.


For the hydroflushing process to be successful, you need to take an individual approach to each heating system and take into account its features.

Ideally, before the process, you need to perform preparatory activities:

  • Inspect all heating communications;
  • Determine sections of pipelines (risers, groups of risers) that will be washed separately and break them down into stages;
  • If necessary, you need to install shut-off valves to block sections of pipelines and remove washed deposits from the heating system;
  • Make calculations of air and water consumption to obtain the required result after washing;
  • Determine the need for hydraulic tests(pressure tests) of pipelines.

After all the preparatory measures have been carried out, the heating systems are hydroflushed until the water-air mixture becomes lighter. After washing, repeated pressure testing is performed.

The quality of the washing performed is assessed by a decrease hydraulic resistance heating system, which is determined after and before hydraulic tests.

Method for cleaning the heating system

A pipe with a diameter of twenty to forty millimeters is inserted into the supply. The pipe is equipped with shut-off elements and check valves. Next, you can begin to supply water and compressed air into the system.

If you had to deal with a small system, then it is possible to supply water and air through existing pipes. If there is excess water, it can be discharged through drain taps or a drain pipe can be specially installed for this purpose. If there is an elevator, then the cone and glass are removed before washing.

Compressed air is supplied to the heating pipelines thanks to a compressor, which you can see in the photos and videos in our gallery. The compressor produces air with a pressure of about 0.6 MPa. To prevent the flushing liquid from entering the compressor receiver, you need to install a check valve. To the server and return pipe Pressure gauges are installed, with a scale up to one megapascal.

Important. The price of the compressor is quite high, but if you have the desire and want to do the washing yourself, you can rent it from a specialized store. This way you will save your money because you are unlikely to need a compressor in your daily life.

The washing itself can be carried out using two methods:

  • Flow-through. The heat supply pipelines are first filled with water with the air collector valve open. After the pipes are filled, the valve is closed and the flow begins. compressed air. Both the air and water mixture are simultaneously supplied to the pipelines.

Flushing is stopped when water starts flowing through the pipe. pure water. After this, the water is drained into the drain. This method is used to clean heating and hot water systems;

  • Filling method. With this method there is some consistency in actions. To begin with, the pipelines are filled with water and the valve is closed. Compressed air is supplied to the second pipe for fifteen to twenty-five minutes, depending on the diameters of the pipes and contaminants.

After the air supply has stopped, close the valve and drain the water through the drain pipe. Upon completion, the system is rinsed several times with clean water.


Cleaning heating communications is a necessary requirement when preparing for the heating season. But, unfortunately, utility employees do not comply with these requirements.

It’s good that nowadays there are specialized companies that do such work. Of course, you will have to incur expenses to implement them, but in the end you will get high-quality heating and comfort in the house.

In order for the heating system to maintain its efficiency and performance for as long as possible, it must be flushed periodically. This simple-to-carry out event allows you to eliminate scale and various kinds garbage.

According to the rules, flushing the heating system must be carried out by specially trained people. But if you wish, you can do this yourself. Read the provided guide and get started.

Have you noticed that some of your friends or neighbors have much warmer radiators than yours at home? There may be several reasons for this, but the most common is the presence of blockages in the heating lines. It is to eliminate such troubles and prevent them further emergence and flushing is performed.

Heating efficiency is reduced due to two main factors, namely:

Most susceptible to siltation cast iron batteries, as well as radiators with big amount sections. The relationship is simple: the more sections and the larger they are, the slower the coolant moves through the system and the higher the likelihood of silting.

Instructions for flushing the heating system

There are 2 main methods for flushing the heating system, namely:

  • using special hydropneumatic equipment;
  • using chemical reagents.

Flushing using the hydropneumatic method

Hydropneumatic flushing of heating systems - instructions

This method is actively used by domestic housing offices and is quite effective. You just need to do everything in accordance with technology.

The principle is extremely simple: first, water is discharged from the system, then it is supplied back. A special pneumatic pump is used to “adjust” the water flow. As a result, under the influence of a fairly powerful pressure, scale and other deposits peel off, and when the water is drained, they are removed from the system.

To carry out this procedure yourself, you will need a pneumatic pump capable of pumping up a pressure of more than 6 kg/cm2.

The sequence of actions is as follows.

First step. We close the return valve.

Second step.

We connect the pneumatic pump to the valve installed after the valve.

Third step.

We reset the return line.

Fourth step.

  • Let the pneumatic pump build up pressure above 6 kg/cm2, and then open the valve to which it is connected.
  • Fifth step.
  • We close off all the risers one by one. We do this so that no more than 10 risers are blocked at one time. Compliance with this rule will make the washing procedure as effective as possible.

Sixth step.

We switch the system to reset in the opposite direction. To do this we do the following:

close the discharge and close the valve connected to the pump, and turn off the device;

close the open valve, and then open a similar one on the “return”;

Important! If the pipes are very old, with traces of corrosion and deformation damage, there may be no benefit from flushing positive result. Chemical reagents will simply dissolve the rust, causing the pipes to begin to leak. The only one effective solution In such a situation, it will be necessary to replace worn-out highways.

The principle of flushing is simple: instead of coolant, a special solution containing acid and alkali is poured into the system. Then the mixture is circulated for 2-3 hours (if it is not the natural circulation line that is being cleaned, you will need to connect a pneumatic pump for this), after which it is drained and the pipes are filled with standard coolant.

Important! According to the requirements of SNiP, such reagents are prohibited from being discharged into the sewer system. The best option– neutralization of the used mixture using special staff. You can buy it in the same place where you buy the washing solution.

Do not under any circumstances use such chemical mixtures for cleaning aluminum pipes. If the products remain intact after such washing, they will last much less.

Is it possible to wash a separate battery?

Now you know how to flush the heating system. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to clean a separate battery. There is a solution for this situation too.

Important! Engage in washing a separate heating radiator must be done strictly before the start of the heating season.

Buy a flushing faucet from a plumbing store. Additionally, you need to purchase a rubber hose and a fitting with a thread that matches the diameter of the purchased flushing valve. Install the fitting onto the hose.

Direct washing is carried out in the following sequence.

First step. We connect the flushing tap to the heating radiator.

Second step.

We connect a fitting with a hose to the flushing tap.

Third step.

Important! Although it is recommended to flush individual batteries strictly before the start of the heating season, in some situations the need for flushing arises when heating is in full swing. If this is your case, insert the hose deeper, directly into the riser. Otherwise, the hot coolant may destroy the toilet.

Video - Flushing a heating radiator

Pressure testing of the heating system

Before starting the system, you need to perform a pressure test. This procedure allows you to detect leaks and other weak points.

Pressure testing is carried out using a compressor or pump. The main thing is that the equipment can produce pressure exceeding the operating pressure for your system. Check with your local utility company for this figure.

The sequence of actions is as follows.

First step. Visually examine the heating circuit for visible defects. We remember suspicious places.

Second step.

We connect the pump to the heating system (connection instructions were given earlier) and apply a pressure that exceeds the operating pressure by 1-2 atm. First turn off the emergency pressure relief valve. Third step. We connect a pressure gauge to the pump. We record pressure readings within 1-2 hours. If they don't change, everything is fine with the system. If the pressure drops, leaks occur. Leaks are very easy to detect. It is enough to apply to the system elements

soap solution . Bubbles will appear in defective areas. (Detected damage is repaired in a suitable way

cold welding , astringent solution, etc.). After repairing the defects, the tests must be repeated. If the pressure remains at the same level, you have done everything. You can supply coolant to the circuit and turn on the heating system. Flushing the heating system allows you to remove blockages and scale, thereby increasing the efficiency of the line and extending its service life. Now you own everything

necessary information

to independently carry out the necessary activities.

Good luck!

Video - Hydropneumatic flushing of the heating system Video - Chemical flushing of the heating system In this article we will find out what and how to flush the heating system in a private house or apartment building. In it you will find a description of several washing methods that I have tested in

different time

personally and proven to be effective. Let's get started. Why is this necessary? bottling, risers and heating connections are mounted with steel pipes. Black steel has an unpleasant feature: the rough walls of pipes tend to collect dirt, gradually becoming overgrown with scale. The build-up is formed mainly from rust and calcium salts.

Rust is a product of corrosion of pipe walls. The source of calcium is sedimentary rocks, which water erodes on the way to the water intake.

Not only that: over time, spills, hoses and radiators become clogged with silt - suspended matter that settles in them, which enters the heating devices along with the coolant and settles in areas with a minimum speed of its movement.

The consequences of decreased pipe flow and the appearance of sludge deposits in radiators are very predictable:

  • Reduced circulation rate. It leads to a drop in the temperature of the return pipeline and, accordingly, to a decrease in the temperature in residential premises;
  • Cooling of the last sections sectional batteries. It is there that the water speed is minimal, so silt begins to accumulate in the lower collector of the outer sections and over time completely blocks the circulation in them;

  • In the most advanced cases - defrosting the heating system or its individual sections. If the coolant circulation stops in cold weather, the water in the batteries will freeze very quickly. Because when changing state of aggregation on a solid it increases in volume, pipelines and heating devices will be torn.

No flushing

Flushing the heating system in a private home is not necessary if three conditions are met:

  1. Autonomous system(i.e. it is not connected to the heating main, but has its own heat source);
  2. It refers to closed heat supply systems(without taking hot water from the heating circuit and, accordingly, without renewing the coolant);
  3. It is equipped with a membrane expansion tank . Open tank involves the evaporation of water and its periodic topping up.

If all conditions are met, the coolant, in the absence of leaks, circulates in a closed circuit indefinitely. After precipitation does not large quantity salts and suspended matter contained in water, contamination of pipes and radiators will completely stop.

Standard methods


Hydropneumatic heating flushing apartment building carried out annually, immediately after the end of the heating season.

The essence of the method is to supply pulp (a mixture of water and air) into a heating circuit that is working for discharge. Air bubbles gradually break up contaminants, and the flow of water carries them into the sewer through an open waste valve.

I emphasize: washing should be performed annually. Within a few years, deposits in radiators and pipes become so hard that the pulp cannot break them.

The person responsible for carrying out the work is the organization serving your home. For washing you need:

  • Free access to the basement- to the elevator units of the house and to shut-off valves on risers;
  • Air compressor, producing a pressure of at least 7 kgf/cm2;

  • Reinforced hose with fittings at the ends. You will need it to connect the compressor to the elevator.

To flush the heating system of a residential building in the elevator unit, you need to assemble the following configuration:

  • The compressor outlet is connected by a hose to a control valve in the supply after the water jet elevator. Threads are sealed sanitary flax or FUM tape;
  • The house return valve is closed, and the discharge on the heating return pipeline is open.

When flushing starts, the compressor turns on first. After the pressure on its pressure gauge obviously exceeds the pressure at the connection point (4-5 kgf/cm2), the control valve opens, and air, along with water, begins to flow into the heating circuit operating as a discharge.

Hydropneumatic flushing has one subtlety. Its effectiveness is ensured by two factors:

  1. Air quantity in the pulp;
  2. Movement speed pulp.

If a large number of heating risers are connected to the elevator unit, the pulp will be poor in air and will move slowly. The problem is solved by alternately flushing each small group of risers; the valves on the remaining risers are closed for this time (about an hour).

How do you know when supply flushing is complete? Based on the color of the water discharged: when it becomes clear, the compressor can be connected to the return heat supply line.

To do this, you need to assemble a new configuration in the elevator unit:

  • The compressor is connected to a control valve on the return line after the elevator;
  • The house valve (cutting off the heating circuit) on the return side is open, and on the supply side it is closed;
  • Supply reset is open.

After finishing the flushing, the maximum amount of air must be expelled from the heating circuit. To do this, the elevator unit operates to discharge until a smooth flow of water without air bubbles comes out of the discharge tank. After this, the reset and both house valves are closed.

At the end of flushing, the condition of the heating system must be inspected by a representative of the heat energy supplier - local heating networks. Usually the test consists of unscrewing one or two radiator caps in hallways or apartments. The norm is the absence of dense deposits inside the radiator.


Chemical washing is used in small volume heating systems ah heating (primarily private houses). In an apartment building, individual risers can be washed in this way.

The essence of the method is to fill the circuit with an acid or alkali solution instead of a coolant. In a few hours they dissolve sediment and silt.

The method is extremely effective against calcium salts and rust, but it has two significant drawbacks:

  • High price reagents;
  • The need for their disposal after use. Alkaline or acid agent To clean heating pipes, you cannot simply pour it down the drain.

For flushing, the compressor station and the container with the reagent solution are connected to any vent or control valve. The heating system is filled and, after a technological pause of 12 hours, is reset, and then washed with water and put into operation.

Non-standard methods

Elevator without nozzle

How and with what to flush the heating system of an apartment building in the absence of a compressor and a control campaign? Unfortunately, this also happens far from large cities.

In this case, work often helps elevator unit without a nozzle for two to three days. When the inlet, house and domestic hot water valves are turned off, the water-jet elevator is removed, the nozzle is removed from it, and the suction (the bottom flange of the elevator) is muffled with a steel pancake.

As a result:

  • Temperature rises coolant in the heating circuit;
  • Circulation accelerates. The nozzle no longer restricts the flow of water from the supply thread of the heating main. The difference between the beginning and end of the circuit is not the standard 0.2 kgf/cm2, but 2-3 atmospheres.

Why is this procedure abnormal? Because in this mode:

  1. Repeatedly heat consumption increases(that is, its supplier bears losses);
  2. Violated temperature regime heating main work. IN return pipeline hits excessively hot water. Due to the technological cycle of the CHP plant, before a new circulation cycle, it has to be cooled to the required temperature.

Flushing tap

How to wash the battery with your own hands, if the performance heating device Has it dropped noticeably over several years of use?

To begin with, in the summer, before the start of the heating season, it needs to be equipped with a flushing tap.

The best washer is ball valve with male-female threads (external and internal), screwed into the radiator cap.

After starting the heating, a normal one is connected to the flushing tap. garden hose, clamped with a clamp on a pipe with a short 1/2-inch thread. The hose is directed into the sewer - into the toilet or into the bathtub outlet. Once you open the tap, the sludge accumulated in the outer sections will fly out at the front of the water flow.

A few nuances:

  • Earthenware is afraid of temperature changes. Therefore, it is better to insert the hose into the toilet as deeply as possible, so that hot water flows directly into the riser;

  • Secure the hose. Otherwise, you risk conducting an unplanned experiment illustrating jet propulsion. Taking into account the fact that the role of the jet stream will be played by a hot and very dirty water, the result will not please you;
  • Wait for the water to clear. While dirt is being discharged, continue flushing.

Why did I classify this washing method as non-standard? You see, the rules of operation closed systems heating supplies prohibit the withdrawal of water from the heating system. IN open systems ah, a reset is possible in principle, but in our case it goes past the water meter and again leads to the consumption of hot water that has not been paid for by anyone.

Flushing is only necessary for radiators with lateral or diagonal connections. The more sections there are, the faster the last of them become clogged with dirt. With bilateral bottom connection continuous circulation through the lower corrector of the device prevents it from silting.

Radiator restoration

What to do if old cast iron radiators remain cold even after flushing?

A very primitive technology—battery annealing—will help you get rid of fossilized sludge deposits. They are dismantled and heated until red hot in a fire built in the yard. Then the radiator is disassembled into sections, and each of them is tapped with a wooden or rubber mallet.

After the sludge that has fallen away from the walls has poured out of the collector, all that remains is to reassemble the radiator with new intersection gaskets.

After priming and painting, the condition of a cast iron radiator is no different from the condition of a new heating radiator.


I hope that my experience will help the reader enjoy warmth in the house even in the coldest winters. You can learn more about flushing by watching the video in this article. I look forward to your additions to it. Good luck, comrades!

Flushing the home heating system is an important stage of repair and maintenance work on heat and power networks. It consists of removing pipelines and heating system equipment from the internal surfaces different ways sludge and scale – magnesium, calcium, sodium salts and other inorganic and organic products.

Deposits formed during the operation of heating network elements, including heating points, reduce the diameter of pipes, reduce the efficiency of equipment, lead to increased energy consumption, and can cause serious damage and accidents.

It is estimated that scale in the system central heating of an apartment building in Moscow with a thickness of only 1 mm reduces heat transfer by 10-15%, which inevitably leads to a decrease in temperature in heated rooms and, as a result, additional costs.

There are three main methods for flushing heating systems:

  1. chemical;
  2. hydraulic (hydrodynamic);
  3. hydropneumatic (pneumohydropulse).

The heating system of a residential building is flushed every 5-10 years. Work on cleaning pipelines and thermal power equipment from scale is carried out, as a rule, by the organization that maintains the ITP. After flushing and checking the system for operability, a report is drawn up confirming the completion of the work.

Flushing and pressure testing of heating systems

Pressure testing in heat power engineering is a set of test activities that allows a preliminary assessment of the performance of heating equipment and check its readiness for operation after carrying out certain types of work:

  • completion of equipment installation and commissioning;
  • performing planned, seasonal and other maintenance and repair work;
  • replacement of heating system elements.

Services for flushing and pressure testing of heating systems are provided by an organization that maintains heating networks. Pressure testing can be primary (before starting work) and secondary (after washing or other work). It is performed using special equipment that creates excess pressure in the system. During testing, the tightness of the system is checked using measuring instruments.

In fact, both measures are components of one process: flushing restores the efficiency of the heating system, and pressure testing makes it possible to verify the tightness of the system elements. In addition, sometimes when washing worn-out and old equipment (pipelines), there is a risk of damage.

In such cases, the initial pressure testing procedure makes it possible to prevent misunderstandings between the customer and the contractor, and to identify potentially dangerous places: suitable elements of the system will not suffer from the effects of excess pressure, and emergency components and areas will fail immediately during the test.

Flushing the heating system

The heating system flushing service consists of several stages:

  • preliminary examination with initial pressure testing, as a result of which the technical condition heating systems
  • drawing up an act on hidden work(if necessary);
  • choice of washing technology (method);
  • drawing up an estimate for the work;
  • drawing up a contract based on an estimate with the specified cost of work, deadlines and obligations of the parties;
  • flushing the heating system;
  • carrying out secondary pressure testing;
  • drawing up a certificate of work performed (Certificate of flushing the heating system).

The Certificate indicates the address of the customer, the performing organization, the method that was used for washing, the type and quantity of the reagent (for chemical washing), water temperature (for hydropneumatic washing), water consumption during the work (if there is a meter).

After flushing the heating system, the customer evaluates the quality of the work and signs the report. If the result is unsatisfactory, an additional period may be assigned and new order re-rinsing.

Hydropneumatic flushing

Hydropneumatic flushing of the heating system is carried out by adding air to the coolant using a special pulse apparatus or compressor. The bubbles formed in the water pipes move with the flow and cause cavitation vortices inside the system, which effectively wash away the silt and tear off some of the sediment.

Hydropneumatic flushing is one of the most common, safe and inexpensive methods of cleaning heating systems. It is performed both at facilities connected to the centralized heating network and for autonomous systems heating. The disadvantage of this method is the significant consumption of coolant (water).

Chemical washing

Chemical flushing of heating systems involves the use of special chemical compounds(reagents), which, when added to the coolant, dissolve most of the deposits inside the heating system. As active ingredients compositions based on alkalis, orthophosphoric acid, etc. can be used.

This is one of the most effective methods for in-place cleaning of heating systems. However, it has several significant disadvantages: the danger of the caustic and toxic chemicals used, the need for special disposal of a large amount of spent flushing solution, the inability to clean pipes made of aluminum and other materials that may be damaged by the reagent.

Hydraulic flushing

Hydraulic flushing heating system consists of cleaning pipelines and equipment with thin jets of water, which is supplied to the system through special nozzles under high pressure. Hydraulic flushing is most effective in cleaning cast iron radiators heating. The disadvantages of this method include its relative high cost and the need to dismantle system elements to clean them using special equipment, usually in a service center.

Cost of flushing the heating system

To determine the approximate cost of flushing a heating system, specialists must indicate the type and size heating network, the material from which it is built, the number and type of connected equipment. Just like the cost of ITP, a more accurate price can be determined only after preliminary work(examinations).

When preparing estimates and calculations total cost the cost of equipment depreciation, the cost of reagents and their neutralization, flushing + pressure testing of the heating system and other works (including hidden ones) at current prices, fuel consumption and other possible costs are taken into account. You can order a heating system flushing service from our company. To do this, use the form on the website.

While the water heating system is operating inner surface limescale deposits form on the walls of pipes and radiators, and a layer of rust forms. Over time this will hinder normal operation heat supply. Therefore, periodic flushing of the heating system of a private house and apartment is necessary, reports and samples of which are an integral part of the procedure.

Relevance of heating flushing

First of all, it is necessary to determine that the time has come to clean the heating supply from deposits. High-quality flushing of boilers and heating systems is necessary if malfunctions are clearly observed, the heat transfer of radiators and radiators has significantly decreased.

During heating operation, a coating forms on pipes and radiators, which includes rust (25%), calcareous deposits(60%) and components from copper and zinc oxides (15%). To remove them, timely flushing of the heating system in a private home is necessary. According to current regulations The frequency of this procedure is determined. It depends on the material of manufacture of the heat supply and its service life. On average, the frequency of flushing the heating system using the hydraulic method is once a year. Chemical cleaning is performed less frequently - once every 5-7 years.

There are certain signs in the heating operation that indicate the need for flushing:

  • Reducing the estimated coolant volume. This is due to a decrease in the cross-section of the pipes due to the formed plaque;
  • Heat transfer has become lower. If the heating radiators in the apartment have not been flushed long time– lime deposits will reduce the heat transfer rate of the battery;
  • Frequent filter clogging and breakdowns circulation pump . Once a certain thickness is reached, the scale will begin to break down. Its particles in the coolant will clog the filters and may cause pump failure.

If at least one of the above symptoms is present, it is necessary to flush the heating system yourself or with the help of the services of specialized companies. But even if deviations in the operation of the heat supply are not observed, this procedure should still be carried out. The recommended frequency of flushing the heating system was discussed above.

If you want to clean your heating system yourself, you will need a heating system flushing unit. It is best to rent it, as the purchase price will be high.

Hydraulic flushing of heating

One of the simplest and effective ways cleaning the inner surface of pipes and radiators is a hydraulic action on limescale. To do this, you need a compressor to flush the heating system with a filtration system.

The essence of this method is to create, using special equipment, a high pressure of water, which destroys plaque on pipes and radiators. For this purpose, no special heating flushing liquid is used. The peculiarity of the technology is the use of hoses with nozzles. They have small nozzles that create the required water pressure.

This method cannot remove scale from the entire system at once. First, heat supply areas are identified where you need to flush the heating system yourself. Then the inlet and outlet pipes from the pump are connected, forming closed loop. The degree of cleaning is controlled by the clogging of the filter, which mandatory must be included with the compressor for flushing the heating system. Also, when choosing this cleaning method, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • Pressure value. It must be at least 0.6 MPa. Otherwise, the plaque will not be destroyed, which will affect the effectiveness of the procedure;
  • Pipe material. During the process of flushing boilers and heating systems, other heating components should not be damaged. This can happen when the maximum pressure for metal-plastic and polypropylene lines is exceeded;
  • Removal air jams . Before flushing the heating radiators in the apartment, you need to open the Mayevsky tap and wait until the air leaves the system. Only then can cleaning be carried out.

Although this method is effective, it is not used often. This is due to labor intensity and strict rules performing the procedure. Therefore, it is most often used special solutions for flushing the heating system.

In order to avoid creating emergency situations, before connecting the compressor to flush the heating system, it is necessary to perform calculations of the main indicators - maximum pressure, pressure speed, etc.

Chemical flushing of the heating system

Almost all types of deposits on pipes and radiators can be dissolved using special chemicals. Chemical flushing of the heating system is less labor-intensive than hydraulic flushing and does not require complex equipment.

The principle of this method is to destroy the layer of sediment. Losing its homogeneity, it is divided into many fine particles, which are then removed from the heating system.

To do this, you need to use a special liquid for flushing heating, which will not have a destructive effect on pipes and radiators. Therefore, before performing cleaning, it is necessary to select the correct chemical solution.

There are two ways to chemically flush a heating system:

  • With connection to the system. It is similar to hydraulic, except for the working medium. Instead of a descaling hose, a radiator cleaner is used. Radiators and heating pipes are cleaned in this way;
  • Dismantling heating elements . In this case, there is no need to rent or purchase a unit for flushing heating systems. It is important to choose the right liquid. After dismantling a complex heat exchanger design gas boiler it is placed in a container into which a solution for flushing the heating system is poured. After a certain period of time, the heat exchanger is washed with water and reinserted into the boiler.

In most cases it is used special chemistry for flushing heating. Its composition is not disclosed by the manufacturer. But it is known that sedum is most effective when applied inorganic acids in varying proportions - hydrochloric, sulfuric and orthophosphoric. To improve the result, special additives and inhibitors are added to the heating flushing chemistry. They form an additional layer on the inner surface of steel pipes and radiators, protecting them from oxidation. At the end of the procedure, a heating system flushing report must be drawn up, where these products are indicated.

To neutralize the chemical effect on pipes and radiators, in some cases, before flushing boilers and heating systems, calcined or baking soda. But this should only be determined by a specialist.

Rules for flushing heating in an apartment building

Compliance with the frequency of flushing the heating system in apartment building is an important stage of heating maintenance. However, not every resident knows who should be responsible for this procedure and the procedure for its implementation.

It should be noted that the entire heating system in an apartment building is divided according to ownership rights. Everything located in the apartment must be maintained by its owner. The Management Company is obliged to maintain the working condition of all other highways and elements, using special installations for flushing heating systems. In case of non-compliance with maintenance rules, she bears full responsibility for emergencies or heating failures.

For cleaning heating supplies, it is best to use chemicals for flushing heating radiators and pipes. This can be done independently or with the help of the services of specialized companies. They will be able to select the right solutions for flushing heating and will carry out this procedure according to established standards. After cleaning is completed, you must request a document. A sample heating system flushing report can be taken in advance to familiarize yourself with it.

For the apartment owner, it is essentially not needed. This document may be required if, during a heat supply accident, the Management Company tries to blame the tenant for improperly flushing the radiators and heating pipes in the apartment. The presence of an act will indicate compliance with compliance standards. In other cases, filling out a heating system flushing report is done only when ordering cleaning of the general heating system.

The sample heating system flushing report must contain the following items:

  • The chosen cleaning method is chemical or hydraulic;
  • The means used for flushing pipes and heating radiators are pumps, compressors, chemical components;
  • The effect of cleaning is an increase in heat transfer, improvement in the quality of system operation, saving thermal energy;
  • The responsible organization and its representatives carrying out hydraulic or chemical washing heating system.

All these nuances must be displayed in the document. Residents of the house have the right to demand from Management Company the act of flushing a heating system to ensure that it performs its intended functions.

The heating system cleaning procedure is carried out before the start of the heating season, but before the pipes are filled with coolant. This must be taken into account when independently flushing the heating system in the apartment.

The procedure for flushing in autonomous heating

The autonomous heating system of a private house is most susceptible to the appearance of limescale on pipes and radiators. Timely cleaning of the system will preserve its original parameters and prevent the occurrence of emergency situations.

This procedure can be performed using chemical reagents or using a hydraulic cleaning method. If obvious and indirect signs indicate the need to flush the heating system in a private home - it is best to plan activities outside of the heating season. According to the technology, after cleaning the heating, it is pressurized and filled with coolant. Therefore, flushing is done before starting the heating supply.

There are two ways to remove blockages from pipes and radiators - with their dismantling and non-dismountable. The first is used when there is a significant concentration of scale. The second method is easier and takes much less time.

Stages of flushing the heating system in a private house without dismantling:

  1. Drain coolant from the system. His reuse prohibited due to heavy pollution.
  2. Connecting washing equipment– pump or compressor.
  3. Filling the tank with liquid. Using chemical cleaning You must first read the instructions from the manufacturer. Restrictions on use must be taken into account.
  4. Turning on the equipment and performing several flushing cycles.
  5. Monitoring the condition of the filter. If necessary, replace the cleaning fluid with a new one.
  6. For chemical cleaning– mandatory flushing of the system with distilled water, if such a procedure is specified by the manufacturer of the composition.

Correct execution of these steps ensures normal operation of the system and the absence of blockages in pipes and radiators.

Chemical cleaning using compounds based on inorganic acids is prohibited for polymer pipes and aluminum radiators. In this case, it is recommended to use the hydraulic flushing method.

Preventing blockages in heating

Often the reasons for the formation of a large amount of scale are failure to comply with basic heating protection measures. There are a number of factors that directly influence these processes. Knowing the causes of their occurrence and measures to prevent them can reduce the likelihood of blockages in the heating supply.

The main factor in the appearance of limescale in pipes and radiators is the poor quality of the coolant composition. This is due to the large amount of salts and metals in the water. Therefore, experts recommend using only distilled water as a coolant. But over time, foreign elements will also appear in it - rust particles, polymer decomposition products. Therefore, before each heating season it is necessary to change the coolant to a new one.

Another reason for the appearance of plaque is the high oxygen content in the water. This is especially true for open heating systems. Its presence increases corrosion metal elements, which subsequently form the main volume of pollution. To remove air from the heating supply of a private home, it is necessary to install a special filter.

Cleaning the heating system is the most important stage her service. The performance of all components depends on the quality of this procedure. Therefore, before choosing a certain way cleaning should be analyzed whether it is suitable for a particular heating supply or not. In case of difficulties, it is recommended to consult with specialists.

The video shows an example of flushing a heating system in a public building:

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