So that later you won’t be “excruciatingly painful” for your carelessness.
Take all things apart. Think about whether everything “acquired by back-breaking labor” is worth taking with you to a new happy life. Usually, ¼ of all belongings can be safely thrown away or donated to those more in need.

Pack the items remaining after the audit into boxes. Number each one and make a register - a list of contents on paper or in Excel: box number - list of things. Do not write anything on the container itself other than the number. This is very inconvenient.

Start packing your things 3-4 days before the scheduled move. Pack them as tightly as possible. Clothes and shoes can be placed in suitcases and travel bags. Place everything else in boxes and pack it properly. Put the ones you'll need the least first, and the essentials last. These include - 2-3 pots, a frying pan, cutlery, towels, bed and underwear, toiletries.

Put the furniture and carpets in order - clean, vacuum, wash. Don't bring old dirt to a new place.

Prepare your new apartment for moving. Install locks (if required) on the front door, check the operation of plumbing, windows, ventilation, and electrical wiring. Think about how you will place furniture, boxes, where you will determine sleeping places for all family members. This is especially important if it is not possible to first put everything in order complete order, and only then move in.

There are a huge number of signs and superstitions regarding moving into a new home. People came up with certain rituals and beliefs for a reason. All actions and interpretations are aimed at ensuring that the energy in the new house or apartment is positive, and that life in the room is filled with joy and carefree happiness. Therefore, it is worth understanding what signs exist for housewarming in new home.

Housewarming important stage in people's lives, so it's important to do everything right

Folk rituals when entering a new home

For those who pay special attention According to folk signs and superstitions, it is important that the owners of the new house enter the apartment initially. However, some interpreters of omens think that this superstition should not be followed. And the most important person who should initially enter a newly built home is a pet belonging to the moving family. And it’s best if this animal is a cat. It is believed that a representative of the cat family is an animal that brings peace and prosperity to family and home life for every year. They bring peace and joy into your home with their positive aura. Therefore, apartment owners should not rush into the house before their pet.

Letting a cat be the first to enter a new apartment is considered a good omen.

Another superstition and good omen that you need to observe when entering a new apartment is scattering coins on the threshold of the house. It is believed that this action will bring prosperity and financial well-being residents of the house for a whole year. And it doesn’t matter whether the coins are gold, silver or copper. What is important is the fact that the coins will hit the threshold and thereby attract cash. Therefore, new owners definitely need to throw a handful of coins on the threshold when visiting their apartment for the first time. This action can be repeated every year and even on New Year's Eve.

If a young family moves not into a new building, but into a purchased apartment in which people have already lived, then the first step is to complete general cleaning. And it doesn’t matter that the apartment will be sold already in perfect order. Cleaning actions are not only hygienic, but also energetic. When cleaning this way, special attention should be paid to the corners of the house. It is there that negative energy can accumulate unknowingly from year to year. After all the steps to thoroughly wipe off the dust have been completed, you should invite your good friends and close relatives to the housewarming party. Then all the corners of the rooms will be filled with positive energy of love, laughter and joy for several years to come.

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Actions to attract wealth

In order for money to flow like a river into the wallets of the owners of a new home, it is believed that several important steps must be taken.

  1. As mentioned above, the cat should be the first to enter the house. Or another pet covered with fur.
  2. Also, you should hide it under the tablecloth on kitchen table small banknote. A similar action must be taken when covering festive table for friends and relatives invited to a housewarming party.
  3. In accordance with Christian and Slavic traditions, a new apartment must be consecrated. For these purposes, a priest is invited to walk around the room, sprinkle with holy water and read special prayers.
  4. Placing the icon above the door of the room. Usually, after the consecration of an apartment, the priest gives such an icon to the owners of the house. Such an icon will protect the house from leakage of financial flows, and will also prevent the occurrence of the evil eye and envy of the owners of the house.

Signs and superstitions about the brownie

Many people believe that brownies live in old houses. A family can live in the same apartment for many years and a brownie will definitely settle there. What should you do if, when moving to a new apartment, you want to take your brownie with you? After all, such a good spirit very well protects the family from the evil eye, quarrels and bad intentions. In order to attract a brownie to a new home, the first thing you should do is talk to him. You need to mentally call him with you and explain that life in the new house will not be worse for him, but on the contrary, it will be better. The brownie must feel faith and hope in his presence. If you put into this conversation positive energy, then the brownie will definitely hear the call and move to a new home.

Signs for housewarming

Knowledge and special signs that have long been present in the world are passed on from generation to generation. everyday life many, and which are known from our ancestors. For example, a sign that a new house must have a special broom or broom to protect against the evil eye, misfortunes, sorrows and misfortunes.

Everyone has seen horseshoes hanging at the entrance to apartments more than once. A horse's horseshoe is believed to bring good luck to its owner. In order for the sign to work at full power, the horseshoe must be removed from the horse. Also, a horseshoe will be an excellent protector against quarrels between household members and lack of financial wealth.

And when entering a room, bunches of dry herbs act as a good amulet. You can take pleasant herbs such as St. John's wort or chamomile. Herbs, like a broom, protect owners from the evil eye and envy of house guests.

These are all traditional Russian superstitions and rituals associated with moving into a new home. There are also Eastern superstitions, for example, the energy teachings of Feng Shui, which fully addresses the issue of the correct arrangement of furniture in a new home, as well as rules for moving in accordance with Eastern traditions. It won’t be a mistake to use Eastern traditions when moving to a new apartment. There is no difference in which version of superstition will be used by the new owners. The main thing is that all actions are positive.

Day to move

Many signs and traditions highlight the particular importance of the day on which the main move of the owners to a new home will take place.

The interpretation of popular signs and superstitions agrees that it is best not to move on Monday. On this day, all actions aimed at entering a new home will go awry. Many small and unpleasant obstacles will arise. Which will undoubtedly spoil the mood of the newly-made owners of the apartment. For moving purposes, it is better to wait until Tuesday. After all, this day will portend a lot of fun and good luck in your home life. The environment for moving purposes indicates that the owners will not stay in the new place and will soon, for some reason, have to change their place of residence. Therefore, the housewarming party should be moved to Thursday. This day is quite neutral for moving and does not carry any special energy messages. Friday is generally not considered a good day for starting any business, including organizing a move to a new apartment.

Additional help for those who are planning to move to a new apartment - signs and rules dictated by them. Currently, few people listen to them, but if you don’t, you can get yourself into trouble. Therefore, let’s look at the traditions associated with moving.

When moving to a new place, our ancestors always invited the brownie to their new home. If you don’t take the brownie with you, he will suffer, howl at night and disturb the new residents. You don’t want the suffering of the creature that helped you all the time, do you?

When part of the family remains at the old place of residence, the brownie is not taken away. If someone has lived in your new house before, there is most likely already a brownie there, and you should make friends with him. If the house is new and recently built, the good house spirit must be called.

The old broom was usually taken to the new home. There are two reasons for this. The first is that brownies live under brooms. The second reason is that an old broom can be seriously damaged.

When leaving the old place of residence, they left a few coins so that the new residents could live in abundance. Accordingly, prosperity awaited the new settlers, because what you wish for another, you will receive yourself. Before moving into a new apartment, they also throw coins on the floor for a rich life.

One of the relatives, not busy transporting things, kneaded dough in the old place. Bread was then baked from it in the new house.

In the past, it was believed that whoever entered the house first would die. New housing makes sacrifices for the well-being of new residents and long term services to them Therefore, it was customary for the older family members to enter first. Later they began to let the cat into the house first. Precisely a cat, not a cat. It is desirable that it be black. There will be no harm to the cat from this, and he will live as long as he is allotted. It was believed that the lamb was for the evil spirits - they would not harm you.

Watch where the cat lies down, what places he chooses to sleep and rest. Usually a bed or a cradle for a child was placed there. Cats always choose favorable places in the house and try to stay away from unfavorable ones. Nowadays, not everyone keeps cats, so figurines depicting black cats are often the first to “enter” new homes. Later they stand near the door and protect the house from evil spirits.

After the cat got comfortable in the new place, they did a general cleaning of the entire room. Salt was often added to the water for purification.

In villages, before moving to a new home, they still let a rooster in it at night. In the morning, with his crowing, the rooster drives out all evil spirits, which could live indoors. And after that, jellied meat is prepared from the poultry and served to guests for housewarming. The rooster is also considered a symbol of wealth and fertility, which it brings during its stay in the house.

The corners of the new home were smeared with honey to ensure a sweet life.

In the old days, it was customary to fumigate new housing with wormwood, juniper or other herbs with cleansing and non-digestive properties. The room was also cleaned with candles and special prayers. You can also read the “Our Father”; this is a universal prayer suitable for any situation.

Signs when moving to a new home - Feng Shui

Feng Shui experts believe that you should choose the right date for moving to a new home. To make this task easier, you can use the Feng Shui calendar. It is best to move in one day, transport all your things at once and no longer have to return to your old place. Don't start moving in the evening. Ideally, these chores begin in the morning and end in the evening.

Feng Shui teachings do not advise residents to remove things from an old house on their own. You can ask your relatives to do this or hire movers. If relatives ask why they should do the preparations while you are idle, answer so: Feng Shui orders.

But those who are going to live there should bring their acquired property into the new apartment. Of course, sometimes this is not feasible, but you should participate even if you have hired help.

People don’t go to a new home empty-handed - if you need to go on some business, bring a new thing or any item from the old apartment. This applies to the period from the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement to the complete move. You may be interested in the article: conspiracy to sell an apartment

First of all, you should bring the most valuable and expensive things into the house. This will bring wealth and prosperity.

You shouldn't leave your old home dirty. Be sure to put it in order before you move to your new home. This expresses gratitude to the old house for its warmth and comfort, which will allow you to start living in a pleasant atmosphere at a new address. Your old home can take care of you and make life better in your new one. Say goodbye to him, thank him for the years of care out loud or silently, take him with you pleasant memories, and let the bad ones go.

There is another reason for cleaning old apartment, but it has nothing to do with feng shui. Our ancestors believed that new residents could damage the garbage. And it doesn’t have to be on purpose, because negative words and emotions also matter. No one will be happy to see dirt in their new home, and certainly will not thank the previous owners for this. For the same reason, they fix minor problems like leaking taps.

Cleaning a new place to live is an important stage of moving. Open the windows to let in fresh air, and then briefly open all the taps in the bathroom and kitchen. Then you should turn on the lights in each room, turn on any pleasant music and put on the kettle to drink tea for the first time in your new home.

Signs about housewarming

Our ancestors held two housewarming holidays. The first was a festive dinner for all residents of the new house, and at the second, guests were already invited and gifts were accepted.

The first celebration is now celebrated quite simply - preparations are somewhat relatively simple dishes Champagne is opened in advance and immediately after moving into a new living space. Sometimes in this small festive dinner or dinner, other relatives and friends who helped with the move also participate. After the celebration is over, the brownie is usually treated to whatever was on the table. Don't forget that he doesn't like meat and eggs.

In a few days, when all the issues related to the arrangement of the new apartment have been resolved, you can already invite guests and arrange a feast in honor of the housewarming. Why is this necessary from the point of view of signs? The fact is that cheerful gatherings with friends and relatives attract positive energy into the house. It’s especially good if children’s laughter sounds in your house during a housewarming party.

If, during a housewarming celebration, guests sit at a rich and generous table, it means that the people in this house will always be in abundance. A beautifully decorated table with a clean tablecloth and “ceremonial” dishes foreshadows a long and happy life. At the table they talk only about pleasant things, they do not discuss things and phenomena of a negative nature.

In the center of the table they usually place a towel with embroidery of red and green flowers, and on it is a housewarming loaf. It is decorated with sprigs of rowan, viburnum or other berries that grow in your region.

Each guest must throw a coin over the threshold, inside the house. This rain of money attracts the energy of obtaining material wealth and career growth. It’s good if the owners of the house fall under it.

When the invitees go home, instead of saying goodbye, they need to say the following words:

Peace to your home!

Try not to turn the housewarming into a banal drinking party, this will not bring anything good. Take a tour of your new home, share experiences in renovating and buying furniture, have a dance and interesting competitions for your friends. Do not forget about kind words and the fact that the time should pass as pleasantly as possible for you and your guests.

What to give as a housewarming gift - signs

Guests usually come with gifts. Signs agree on what to give as a housewarming gift - almost everything except money. Of course, you might think that new residents need to make a lot of purchases for the home, spend money on repairs and other needs. But if you give money instead of a gift, you can bring need to the house.

Sharp objects are unwanted gifts. As in all other cases, for example, when receiving such a birthday gift, you should give the giver a few coins in return. It is also not customary to give watches and mirrors.

There are also items that are ideal for housewarming gifts. In the past, spoons, mugs and pots were given as gifts with wishes of satiety and prosperity. Now it would be more appropriate to have a set of glasses, pots or pans, or kitchen appliances- blender or food processor.

In the old days, tables were given with the same wishes. It is not necessary to give dining table, you can give a small coffee table or even a special table for breakfast in bed.

A good gift for new residents is a horseshoe. If you choose a stylishly designed one, it will become not only a talisman that attracts good luck, but also original decoration hallway

Our ancestors gave sheep's wool with wishes of wealth. Now you can give blankets, rugs and pillows - good analogues of natural sheep wool. But it is not advisable to give bed linen as a gift; it is believed that only those who will sleep on it should choose it. Fire symbolizes warmth and wealth, which makes heaters, electronic fireplaces, lamps and candles good options for gifting to new residents.

Are you interested in Chinese teachings? You can give a Feng Shui talisman as a gift, but then you will have to explain to its owners where it is advisable to place it and what meaning it carries. Neutral options such as money tree or decorative sailboat.

Be sure to pay attention to the preferences and worldview of those to whom you are giving a housewarming gift, because positive emotions from receiving a gift are no less important than signs. Don't hesitate to ask them what they would like to receive from you. IN modern world This is not considered impolite; many even make lists of desired gifts for any budget in order to avoid awkwardness and save their guests from the difficulty of choosing.

In general, knowing the traditions of our ancestors and the signs associated with moving will help you make your life in a new place much more comfortable and happy.

Moving to a new apartment - signs of our ancestors - all the secrets on the site

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Moving to a new apartment is always an exciting event, associated with both joy and troubles, with excitement and anticipation of a new life.

Of course, there are many things to consider when moving to a new home. important nuances, such as solving household, housing and utility issues. But, in addition, there is a mystical aspect that is no less important - and the signs associated with moving to a new home will help you make new life happy, comfortable and carefree.

These signs and traditions go back many centuries, and have passed down to us in modern times without changes. They are used, so it makes sense.

What do you need to know when moving?

When moving to a new home, do not be lazy to perform and observe a few very simple rituals and signs, and your life in the new place will be bright and joyful, and troubles will bypass your home and family.

1. First of all, you need to leave your old apartment in the right way. There are signs associated with saying goodbye to an old home in which you have lived for a long time.

Before leaving the apartment, you should clean it properly, wash the floors, throw out garbage and rubbish. Nothing should be left: take what you need, throw away or donate unnecessary things, dishes, bed linen, and so on.

Check that nothing is lying under the beds, behind cabinets, or inside dressers if you are leaving furniture. Ventilate the apartment and thank it for its comfort and protection. Mentally wish the new residents happy life- and then leave.

2. There are also signs associated with farewell - for example, a farewell cake. It must be prepared and eaten entirely in the old place, without taking it with you.

If life in the house was difficult, the pie should be salty. If, on the contrary, you had a good life, bake a sweet pie. Share with your household, and let this ritual farewell dinner and good omen become an important transition into a new life.

3. When moving to a new house, you need to take the brownie with you - the spirit of the house, protector and keeper hearth and home. There are different signs associated with this, the most common is one: you need to sweep the floors in the old apartment, and take the old broom to your new home. Then your new home will be protected by the brownie, and everything will be good and calm in it.

4. The first thing you need to do is to ceremoniously let the cat, cat or kitten into your new apartment. If you don't have cats, let your dog in - she's also a guard.

In general, it is very advisable to have a pet in your home. Families who don't have animals are usually not as happy. Even a hamster or a fish is already good.

5. When you enter your new home, light a church candle and slowly walk around all the rooms and corners, reading the “Our Father.” This way you will cleanse the space and sanctify it.

6. They clean the house very well. negative energies incense. Light it up incense sticks in every room - even in the toilet, let them raise the smoke. Their smoke attracts positive energy and drives away stagnant, bad energy.

7. Be sure to carry out general cleaning immediately when moving; this is the main ritual and sign for a good life in a new place. Open all the windows even in winter, at least for a short time, turn on the lights everywhere and turn on the water.

This, of course, is very contrary to the rules of saving, but at least for a few minutes, do it. Such a ritual will cleanse the house, bring new energy into it, and drive away evil forces.

8. Everyone knows the sign that when moving, it would be a good idea to hang a horseshoe over the threshold - a protective amulet that attracts good luck to the apartment. Of course, it must be hung with the ends up, and securely - so that it does not fall if the front door slams. The horseshoe must be periodically wiped from dust.

9. After you have brought a cat or dog into your new apartment, do not rush to enter - throw a few coins over the threshold into the room. Then in your new home you will always have prosperity, and poverty will disappear from your home.

10. It is important that the move takes place in the right time. Definitely in the morning, and the earlier, the better and more successful it is. Wake up at the crack of dawn on moving day so you can move in early.

11. The ideal day for moving, as the signs promise, is Saturday. If the move takes place on Saturday, then there will be no hassle, moving in will be calm, easy and pleasant, and life will be successful and prosperous.

12. It’s great if the move takes place in snow or rain! This great omen, blessing higher powers and a symbol that life will be happy in the new place.

13. After check-in, check your belongings. In no case should the new home contain cracked or broken dishes, torn bed linen, curtains or towels.

It’s better, of course, to update everything, or at least partially. And throw away cracked dishes - they will bring misfortune.

14. Be sure to buy something new for your home. A set of pots, a lamp, a rug - as long as it’s new thing. She will bring good luck.

15. Check doors and windows. If the windows are old, they need to be replaced – especially if they squeak. Squeaky doors need to be, if not replaced, then lubricated, if necessary, painted.

Be sure to install new locks on your front door. This is not only a sign, but also prudence.

16. Housewarming has become commonplace, but it turns out that this is also an important ritual. It is believed that the first housewarming party should be held on the very first weekend after moving in, even if you have not yet laid out all your things.

Only your closest and beloved people, preferably relatives, should be present at the holiday in your new home. The more children there are in the house, the better - their voices and laughter will charge your new home with happy and bright energy.

17. The second housewarming party should be held after all things are in their places, on the second weekend. Now you can invite your acquaintances, colleagues, friends.

18. Be sure to prepare more food for housewarming - the richer and more generous the table is, the richer and more satisfying your life in the future. At housewarmings, according to signs, it is customary to give things for the home, but you cannot give money - warn guests about this.

Moving is a joyful event, it is always a transition to a new life milestone, and the person himself changes and is renewed a little with a change of home. Take this event seriously, do everything slowly and wisely, do not miss important details.

And let simple ritual actions help you live harmoniously, happily and richly in a new place!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Moving to a new apartment or a new house - some people wait for this for many years, while others move quite quickly.

Everyone has their own reasons for changing their place of residence, but one rule is undeniable and unconditional: moving and changing housing is a new page in life, an expectation of positive changes and a generally joyful event. There is an opportunity to make the place where you live more comfortable and brighter. If there are children in the family, then expanding the area is often associated with the possibility of arranging a children’s room, etc.

Rules and traditions

Of course, moving to another apartment is a kind of magical ritual that is associated with certain folk signs and customs. When saying goodbye to your old home, you must follow some traditions (rules).

1. Clean the apartment and leave it clean. Wash the windows, tidy up the closets and pantry, throw away everything unnecessary and unnecessary. Be sure to wash the floors. This is necessary so that new residents remember you only with kind words. Be sure to bake a pie and eat it completely with the rest of your household: if life in the apartment was unsweetened, add salt, if on the contrary, add sugar.

2. Say goodbye to your neighbors: remember all the good things you experienced with them in past years. It’s even better if you arrange something like a farewell lunch (dinner) and invite your neighbors to visit. Good memory about you will help you settle down well in your new apartment.

Now let's talk a little about the rituals before the final move to a new home. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a new apartment (new building) or someone lived in it before you. First of all, before arriving in your new home, you need to tidy up and wash the floor. This is done not only for reasons of cleanliness, but also with the goal of removing and mentally “throwing away” everything alien and negative that was with the previous residents.

Let clean apartment will remain empty for at least one night. It is better to move early in the morning: the earlier, the better. An early bright and sunny morning - the same life will be in the new home.

Before moving, it is important to decide who will enter the house first. There are various legends and beliefs that prescribe that the eldest member of the family or the head of the family should be the first to enter the house. But most often she enters the house first. She senses positive and negative energy more keenly than people.

Where she lies down, you should place a bed - the sleep will be light and calm. If you don’t have a cat, you can entrust this important mission to a dog. By the way, in a private house, before arriving, the rooster was closed for the night. It was believed that by crowing, he expels all evil spirits from the home. Animals in the house - not only a cat or a dog, but also fish or a hamster - bring peace and tranquility to the home.

So, you have launched the animal, but do not rush to enter yourself. Each person who crosses the threshold must throw one or more coins onto the floor. of different denominations. This way you will attract happiness and prosperity to your home; there will always be prosperity in it - what is called “a full cup”. Keep in mind that everyone who comes to visit for the housewarming must also throw coins.

Housewarming No. 1 and No. 2

Not only possible, but also necessary. For the first time, housewarming is celebrated among family and very close friends. It is celebrated either on the day of moving or the next day. And it doesn’t matter that the apartment is a mess and things are not sorted. The meaning of the celebration is to bring good and warm emotions into your home. The second time, housewarming is celebrated after everything has been laid out and put in place, that is, much later. In this case, friends and colleagues are invited.

It is customary to give something for the home as gifts, but not money. It is believed that in this way happiness and warmth of the home are scared away, and their place is taken by banknotes. True, you can give a piggy bank, but there must be several coins of different denominations inside.

On the first day you need to walk around the entire apartment with church candle and read “Our Father...”, cleansing the home from evil spirits and the evil eye. If you brought an “old” brownie with you, be sure to place a saucer of sweets for him in a secluded place. If they disappear unnoticed, it means the brownie has taken root. The same must be done for the new brownie, so that he protects you and your home.

Pay attention to the ones that the previous owners left in the apartment. No matter how old and beautiful they are, they can harbor negativity. We cannot find out who looked at them and with what thoughts, so it is better to get rid of these interior items.

When moving to a new home, hang it on front door horseshoe, always with the ends up. This is how you create invisible protection from unwanted guests.

After moving I really want to new apartment became cozy. But remember important rule: you should not clutter it with an abundance of unnecessary, albeit beautiful, things. The apartment should have space, and therefore it is necessary to acquire only important and necessary things without purchasing anything extra.

In conclusion, it remains to wish you improvement living conditions, happiness and warmth in a new home. Moving to a new place of residence is always associated with troubles and chaos, but there are so many positive and useful things in it!

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