Opening a driving school is not difficult, but aspiring businessmen do not take into account important aspects and face problems that hinder the development of a startup.

Everything needs to be planned in advance. Let's look at what steps to take to make your business quickly profitable.

Analysis of the relevance of a driving school as a business

Despite the rise in prices for cars, components and obtaining a license, more and more citizens are striving to acquire a driver’s license. Data for 2015 in the average Russian city show: there are 365 cars per 1,000 people. Calculations show that in 2018-2019 the increase in the number of cars among the population may amount to 10% per year. Young people between the ages of 18 and 28 are eager to obtain their license, and the process has almost become part of basic higher education. Students are ready to attend driving courses during the training period, and they go to a driving school without having a vehicle.

Competition in this segment is growing, but this does not reduce the income of entrepreneurs due to the constant flow of customers - demand continues to exceed supply. Opening your own driving school from scratch is a profitable startup.

Creating a business plan, calculating investments

Step-by-step, detailed instructions for creating driving courses do not imply many points, but completing each one will take time and effort.

What you need to open a driving school:

  • register the organization with the authorities;
  • calculate the space for arranging training rooms and driving areas;
  • obtain a license;
  • equip offices and machines;
  • hire employees;
  • obtain permission to open from the traffic police, sanitary station and fire department;
  • start promotion;
  • start learning.

The first thing you need to figure out is financing, since opening a driving school is expensive. An approximate financial calculation looks like this:

  • lecture room equipment - 150,000 rub.;
  • buying three cars - 1,200,000 rub.;
  • car customization - 50,000 rub.;
  • obtaining a license and registering an NPO - 30,000 rub.;
  • advertising expenses - 200,000 rub.;
  • other expenses - 50,000 rub.;
  • reserve - 200,000 rub.

Important! A business plan for a driving school implies approximately the following expenses for its launch. But there are points on which you can save (for example, on the purchase of cars and equipment of the premises).

You need to invest monthly in marketing, office rental, salaries, car maintenance, and also allocate money for unexpected expenses.

Target audience analysis

Before opening, you should analyze your city for the number of driving schools, their popularity, and also figure out who the main consumers are. According to statistics, the vast majority of cadets are students. But there are cities where there are few of them, so the ratio and target audience may change. Typically these are men and women aged 18 to 28 years.

In large cities, the prospects for driving courses are high, but further research is recommended:

  • level of wages of the population;
  • number of potential clients;
  • number of competitors;
  • financial indicators.

Use these materials to get complete information about future clients and earning prospects.

Registration of a driving school with the Ministry of Justice

Important! The laws of the Russian Federation provide the opportunity to register a driving school as a NOUDO (Non-state educational institution of additional education) or LLC (Limited Liability Company).

If you choose the first option, you should contact your local Ministry of Justice (processing of the application takes up to 30 days), and in the second case - to the tax department (the review will take up to 10 days).

After receiving the registration certificate, go to the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund of Russia to register. Next, you need to open a current account in a state or private bank.

If you have an LLC, you can change its charter and register a new type of activity with the tax office using OKVED (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities) codes.

Coordination with the traffic police

Before this, you need to register a premises that meets all standards, with the necessary equipment. Otherwise, the traffic police officer may not register the apartment, and the driving school will not be allowed to operate. After you recruit students, submit their lists for verification to the traffic police.

Obtaining a license to conduct educational work

You need a document giving the right to open an establishment where the issuance of a certificate is provided. Without it, you will not be able to present this certificate, as it will be invalid.

To obtain a license, submit a list of documents:

  • statement;
  • a copy of a certificate from the tax office or the Ministry of Justice;
  • documents for rent or ownership of the premises where lectures will be held;
  • photocopies of constituent papers;
  • documents for the race track (if there is one);
  • list of equipment and materials for training;
  • employment contracts;
  • receipts for payment of duties to the state.

Important! It can take up to a year to obtain a license, so submit all paperwork early.

You can skip these steps if you decide to open an external driving school. It does not require permits, but the profit from the business will be low.

Choosing premises for a driving school

Lecture rooms must meet the following requirements:

  • compliance with sanitary standards;
  • large lecture hall area (accommodates from 15 to 30 people);
  • favorable location so that people can easily get there.

Economical option - university premises: it has everything you need. An additional plus is a large flow of students who benefit from listening to lectures on driving within the walls of their university.

If you can’t rent the required classroom from a university, then look for apartments with 2 m2 of space for each student. The optimal room area is up to 80 m2.

To obtain permission to conduct classes there, you will have to contact the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate.

List of documents for SES:

  • BTI plan;
  • constituent documents of a legal entity;
  • classroom documents;
  • contracts with public utilities and maintenance;
  • lease agreement;
  • production control program document.

List of documents for the fire inspection:

  • evidence of training of one of the employees in minimum fire safety skills;
  • acts of measuring insulation resistance;
  • fire alarm plan.

Important! Before going to the organization, call its employees to clarify the list of documents, as it may change.

After registration and obtaining permits, it’s time to move on to equipping the auditorium and cars.

Equipment and visual aids

The main thing you need to buy is manuals on the design of the car, as well as books with the latest sets of traffic rules, and instructions for providing first aid. The materials are publicly available, but you need to check that they are approved by the Ministry of Education.

If you are creating classrooms from scratch, you will need desks, chairs, hangers, a table for the teacher, a blackboard and clothes hangers.

Important! You should familiarize yourself with a complete and current list of equipment and materials on the website of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Should a driving school have its own fleet of vehicles?

There is no clear answer to this question. Having your own cars has a number of advantages, but there are also advantages to hiring instructors with a private car.

Advantages of own vehicle fleet:

  • the dependence on teachers and their personal cars disappears;
  • instructors will not spare the means of transport, so practical training will be complete and intensive.

The advantages of working with trainers in your cars:

  • no expenses for cars and their maintenance;
  • no need to pay for parking.

Important! A minimum of 3 cars is required (including domestic and imported ones). One rear-wheel drive vehicle is required (about 20% of cadets will prefer it).

If you decide to buy them, then pay attention to whether the warranty on the machine is not lost if it is converted into a training one. To install a second set of pedals and steering wheel you will need up to 50,000 rub.. Receive a certificate from the traffic police that confirms the customization of the car and its new status.

Does it make sense to build your own race track?

Building your own race track is a difficult task, because you will have to look for a large free area, and it is difficult to find it within the boundaries of a densely populated city. New standards require road markings to be applied to the site, traffic lights, railroad crossings, intersections to be installed - everything to do to bring it closer to the real road. These manipulations require high financial investments, and the payback will take several years.

It’s easier to rent ready-made training parks. It is inexpensive, and you will get rid of many problems. To begin with, this is a more acceptable option, and over time you will be able to build a race track for yourself if you feel the need for it.

Selection of qualified personnel

In order for the school to operate without interruption, to be able to support itself and provide high-quality services, it is necessary to hire:

  • traffic rules teacher;
  • from three driving instructors;
  • first aid teachers;
  • administrator;
  • lecturer on the technical design of vehicles;
  • mechanics.

At the start, you can reduce the number of staff and combine some positions. Often, teachers from universities related to driving education agree to work in a driving school. Interview friends who have taken courses, or create an ad on the Internet.

Give preference to experienced workers who understand their topic. They must present the material well, be able to select an approach to the audience or individual student, and communication with them should evoke positive emotions.

When planning your budget, prepare for the fact that you will have to allocate up to 40% of your income for employee salaries. You shouldn’t skimp on advertising, especially in the early stages. The responsibilities of a marketer can be taken on by an administrator (if he has the appropriate skills) or a freelancer.

Profitability of a driving school as a business

Three-month courses can cost from 12 to 15 thousand rubles. At first you will be able to take 6 groups and make money on them up to RUB 2,700,000. In the future, we should strive to gather 10 groups for evening-day training on weekdays and 4 groups on weekends. This is an indicator of successful driving schools. Calculations show that over the course of a year, work according to this schedule will approximately bring RUB 6,300,000.

At the beginning of the article it is written how much money it may take to open a driving school. Car purchases have been taken into account, but costs can be reduced to improve profitability.

After a while, you will be able to buy cars on your own and think about expanding your business. An example is an extreme driving school. The cost of training is high, so profitability will not be long in coming. If you want, you can organize branches in other cities and reach a new level, increasing profitability.

The article offers step-by-step instructions on the topic how to open a driving school from scratch according to the new rules, as well as a list of all the main points that need to be paid attention to when implementing a business idea of ​​this kind. Considering the constant increase in the number of vehicles and those who want to drive their own car, so as not to depend on public transport or taxis, opening a driving training school is becoming a very relevant business area. Moreover, in lately In families, almost every adult wants to drive a personal vehicle, so one family can have two or more cars.

Moreover, both young people who were recently schoolchildren and pensioners have a desire to drive, and among women, the demand for cars has simply skyrocketed in recent years. Even when hiring, many companies require future employees to be able to drive vehicles and have a driver’s license, and sometimes a personal car becomes a prerequisite. All these factors indicate a large number of people who want to learn the basics of driving a car. Consequently, novice entrepreneurs often wonder how to open a driving school from scratch, organizing a profitable business.

The work of any driving school is regulated by education laws. After all, in fact, driving school- the same educational institution in which citizens receive certain knowledge and skills. Therefore, in order to open a driving school, you will need to register a legal entity and obtain a license. If you analyze all the possible options for starting a business in this area, you can choose one of the following:

Registration of a non-profit educational institution that offers additional education;
Creation of a legal entity as a limited liability company;
Registration of the school on the basis of a previously created legal entity, taking into account all changes to the charter;
Registration of an individual enterprise, which will allow you to avoid licensing when choosing a form of business such as an external driving school.

What is needed to open a driving school in 2016-2017?

Step-by-step instructions for opening a driving school include several sequential steps. So, to open a driving school you should:

Register a government organization;
Get a license;
Select the premises where the school will operate;
Purchase all necessary equipment for the implementation of the educational process;
Recruit employees;
Obtain approval from the fire, sanitary and traffic police services.

Registration of a driving school in 2016-2017

Registration of a driving school begins after the entrepreneur finally decides on one of the forms of running this business. The application should be sent to the relevant authorities and certain documents should be attached to it. If this is a limited liability company or an individual enterprise, then the papers are sent to the tax service. They will consider no more than ten days. If this is a non-profit organization, then in order to open a driving school, it is necessary to send papers to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Justice. The registration period for a driving school lasts a little longer - up to one calendar month.

After the registration certificate is received, the organization must be registered with the social insurance fund, pension fund, and tax authorities. Each driving school must have its own bank account.

After this, registering a driving school includes the process of obtaining a license to provide training to clients. This license can be obtained from the territorial department of education, but the following papers must be submitted:

A copy of the registration certificate;
A copy of all constituent documents, certified by a notary;
Papers on the rights to own the premises;
Papers on the rights to use the race track;
A list of all educational benefits that the entrepreneur has and which will be used for training;
List of equipment that will be used during the training process;
Employment contracts with future employees;
Documents confirming the fact of payment of the state duty.

Licensing– one of the longest stages that includes registration of a driving school, but it is necessary. Sometimes it can take a whole year to obtain a license.

Equipment for opening a driving school and the process of choosing premises.

While the registration of the driving school is underway, you can start looking for a room for conducting classes. There are two options here - renting or buying. If an entrepreneur wants to save a little money, then you can look for a classroom at a school, college or university and rent it. Perhaps the rent will cost a little more, but such classes are already equipped with everything necessary. Each student is allocated two and a half square meters, according to established requirements. On average, about thirty people are recruited into a group, which means that the optimal room is at least forty meters and no more than eighty.

Of course, if the entrepreneur plans open a driving school from scratch, in which two or more groups will be trained together, then a larger class will be needed. When the training room is ready, you should contact the sanitary epidemiological service and the fire inspectorate to obtain a conclusion. To obtain permission to open a driving school, you will need all the constituent documents, as well as papers confirming permission to use the premises.

Representatives of the sanitary and epidemiological station will also request contracts with garbage collection and waste disposal services, and familiarize themselves with the plan and scheme from the BTI.

Representatives of the fire inspection will request an insulation resistance measurement report, a layout of all fire alarms and a certificate that the employee responsible for fire safety has undergone special training.

Equipment for opening a driving school involves the following elements:

Teaching aids;
Special models that demonstrate how the machine works and what parts it consists of;
Posters with traffic rules;
Rules for the provision of primary medical care.

Before opening a driving school from scratch, it is important to familiarize yourself with the regulatory documents approved by the Ministry of Education as a driver training program. There is a complete list of required elements of the lecture class. Traffic police officers strictly monitor the compliance of the premises and equipment of the driving school with all the requirements stipulated by regulatory documents. In addition, they must have a list of all students in the driving school.

Driving school staff.

Next, step-by-step instructions for opening a school involve recruiting employees. These are teachers of theoretical material and instructors in transport management. The main thing you should pay attention to is the qualifications and education of the future employee, which should be either higher or secondary specialized. In order for a person to teach driving, he must have an appropriate certificate issued at the time of completion of specialized training.

Driving school staff, which is just starting its work, is most often selected taking into account the availability of its own car, which is already equipped for driving lessons. The reason for this is the lack of our own vehicle fleet. To begin with, one theory teacher and three instructors will be enough. It is also necessary to have a physician on staff so that he can examine the driver before he leaves. Sometimes a mechanic is hired.

If an entrepreneur wants to open a driving school, which will be quite large, then you can hire a secretary, accountant, manager and administrator. Despite the fact that the employment contract is concluded with the employee in advance, he will be able to start work only after completing all stages of registering the school.

Autodrome and car park of the driving school.

The step-by-step instructions also include the development of a racing track, where students will learn practical driving. The car must also be specially equipped. Special vehicles have second pedals, rear-view mirrors, and are also registered with the traffic police as training vehicles.

Each training vehicle must have an insignia. Some driving schools rent such cars from instructors, others purchase them, and others simply re-equip them in accordance with established requirements.

If the machine is rented, then the technical maintenance is carried out by the instructor from whom it was rented and is also the responsible person. But having bought their own cars, an entrepreneur cannot do without a mechanic. After all, he must constantly inspect the car and monitor its condition. You will also need a place where the cars will be parked during non-working hours: a garage or parking lot, and a doctor checking the driver before the start of the lesson.

It’s easier to rent a race track, and sometimes several schools rent one site - this is much more economical. In principle, the driving school is ready to accept its first students after all the above steps.

How much does it cost to open a driving school in 2016-2017?

When roughly calculating costs, let's take into account the optimistic forecast for the business. So, you will have to spend money on:

Rent of a ready-made classroom, which already contains furniture and educational equipment, for example, an office at a university;
Recruitment of personnel, and instructors of those who already have a special vehicle;
Shared with some other schools, renting a racing track;

If the groups are fully filled, then such activities will pay off in one and a half, maximum two years. Additional costs that an entrepreneur may encounter:

Preparation of the class and purchase of equipment - 150,000 rubles.
Purchase and preparation of cars (minimum three) – from 1,000,000 rubles.

This will almost double costs. So the optimal starting capital is one and a half million, and the minimum is eight hundred thousand. In order to build your own race track, you will have to invest another million. But the more funds invested in the business initially, the greater the likelihood of increasing income and further development. For example, the larger the school premises, the car park and the wider the staff, the more groups can study, increasing the profitability of the enterprise.

Autodrome payback period- about two years, but the site can be rented to other schools, offer personal additional classes, and so on. Areas of activity can also be expanded:

Extreme driving;
Expansion of categories;
Personal lessons.

Every person, before choosing a driving school, studies its reputation, evaluates the quality of the simulators, classes, and is more likely to choose the one that is better equipped, even if the cost of training is slightly more expensive. Therefore, when opening a driving school from scratch, it is advisable not to save too much on the implementation of a business idea.

Not a single business in the educational sector can do without government control and regulation. Obtaining licenses and permits from a dozen authorities is an invariable attribute of opening a private school, kindergarten and... driving school. Due to the fact that the activities of a driving school are regulated by the Law “On Education”, anyone who wants to open their own driving school will have to take this into account.

Having decided to open a driving school in order to start making money on the desire to become the owner of a driver’s license, the first thing an entrepreneur will have to face is a list of requirements for a driving school from government agencies - the Ministry of Education, SES, traffic police and fire inspectors.

In addition, you will also have to look at your competitors, because the struggle to attract customers will become your main concern after the actual launch, which means you need to assess the potential of the market, demand, your capabilities and resources in advance.

Of course, the business of a driving school may well become a profitable and promising business: every year the number of people wishing to become full-fledged road users is growing. Today, attending a driving school and obtaining a license is considered mandatory for almost all young people, regardless of whether they intend to use them for their intended purpose in the near future or not. However, the process of opening your own driving school can take a lot of effort, time and money.

In order to be fully armed and have an idea in advance about upcoming actions, deadlines and required investments, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the step-by-step instructions for opening a driving school from scratch.

Investment volume

If you decide to open your own driving school, then you must immediately correctly calculate the budget. It is impossible to name a specific amount required to invest in a business. But, for example, 500 thousand rubles is unlikely to be enough for you. Rather, we will talk about the amount of starting capital from 3 to 5 million rubles. Again, you need to take into account the reaction and response time of the fire inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor, traffic police and the Ministry of Education.

  • The entire time you are waiting for your next permit or license, you will have to pay rent for your unused training space and practical training area.

You can, of course, rent some old classroom with poor repairs, but will it meet certain standards? And future clients are unlikely to want to spend time in a cold, uncomfortable semi-basement...

Next, you will have to invest in equipping the driving school premises. If we take average prices, then it will cost about 200 thousand rubles to equip a classroom, and 100-150 thousand rubles to purchase medical mannequins. You should also not forget about your own driving school website - its creation will cost from 10,000 rubles and more.

However, another, more capital-intensive point in starting a business will be providing the driving school with its own fleet of vehicles. At first, it is enough to have three cars for practice. Two are required and one is in reserve. At the same time, training cars must be of the middle class. Nobody wants to study at “sixes” and “nines” anymore.

However, today, most driving school owners are increasingly refusing to create their own fleet in favor of hiring driving instructors with their own cars. This fact is explained primarily by economy. Still, buying and maintaining a car, equipping it with dual control pedals (20,000 rubles) and an audio-video fixation complex (15,000-30,000 rubles) is quite expensive. In addition, an employee will never take care of equipment the way the owner does.

Step by step instructions

The first point of contact between the future owner of a driving school and government authorities will be the formalization and registration of the business with the Tax Inspectorate.

If most small business options can be created by obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur, then in the case of a driving school, such an opportunity is not available. To open a driving school, you need to establish an LLC or NOU DO (Non-state educational institution of additional education). It would be preferable to register an LLC.

However, you will not get away with communicating with the Tax Inspectorate. Next, it is mandatory to undergo an inspection of the premises by the fire inspectorate and the SES. We submit an application, wait for the commission, and then its conclusion.

  • The maximum time for consideration of applications in these authorities is 2 months.

This is provided that no instructions are issued to eliminate defects or, God forbid, the premises turn out to be unsuitable for use as an educational institution.

At the same time, you can submit an application to the traffic police to obtain a conclusion on the compliance of the educational and material base with the established requirements. Add another 1 month.

Next, having all the permits from the above authorities in hand, you can go to the Ministry of Education and write an application for a license and again wait about a month to finally receive the coveted work permit.

Only after the LLC receives a license will all authorities be passed.

As for the total time to complete all stages of registration, this can take from 6 months to 1.5-2 years. It all depends on how prepared the material base of the future driving school is (whether the lease agreement is ready, whether the premises are equipped with the materials necessary for training, etc.).

The search for workers also needs to be done in parallel.

To launch a driving school, it is enough to have one teacher-instructor, a medical worker (medicine lesson), a psychologist (psychology lesson) and a lawyer (knowledge of legal aspects).

It is also necessary to have at least three driving instructors, each of whom will have 3-4 students. That is, for the first time at a new driving school, you can enroll 10–12 students per month.

There is a special formula based on the class capacity of the driving school. If a driving school is designed to train, for example, 500 people, then instructors with cars should be designed for this number. It should be taken into account that an instructor can train no more than 35 people per year. The number of instructors and training vehicles in accordance with the declared number of driving school students is necessary to obtain a conclusion on the compliance of the material and technical base from the traffic police.

In addition, all driving school employees must be specialists in their field, since, again, failure to comply with a certain point can slow down the opening of a business.

  • For example, a teacher must have a higher education.

An instructor - at least an average professional, and it must be specialized - a lawyer with a higher education cannot teach you how to drive a car. And once every 3 years, all teaching staff will have to undergo advanced training courses.

In addition to the mandatory requirements, the owner of a driving school needs to listen to the students’ opinions about teachers and instructors. If a teacher gives lectures that are boring and uninteresting, it is better to part with him. The approach to the instructor is even stricter. You need to understand that it is unlikely to be possible to assemble an ideal team of teachers and instructors from scratch. Like everything else, this will take time.

The premises are of great importance for a driving school. Without a lease or ownership of the premises, you will not be able to start going through all the rounds of obtaining licenses and permits. Strict requirements are imposed on the premises.

  • For example, there is such a nuance: an area of ​​at least 2.4–2.5 m2 must be allocated per person.

The fire inspection also requires compliance with certain standards. And when concluding a lease agreement, it is better to immediately ask the landlord for fire hydrant testing reports, a fire alarm maintenance agreement, and make sure there is an emergency exit from the building and an evacuation plan. This is the required minimum.

  • Many driving schools are opened in educational institutions (schools, colleges), since they have definitely passed the compliance test.

When looking for premises, you need to remember that it is not enough to find an area suitable for all the parameters of the control and supervisory authorities for a driving school; you need to choose the right location. If the driving school is difficult to get to or is far from its potential clients, you will be left without students. Therefore, you need to choose a location either in close proximity to schools and universities, or look for premises in densely built-up residential areas where mainly young people live.

The basis is a well-chosen and equipped room

So, the key thing for a driving school is the premises. Before making a final decision, it is very important to study in detail the requirements from all supervisors for it and choose the most convenient location. Here is a short list of “vital” conditions:

The room must have an emergency exit if it is more than 90 square meters. and apart;

Fire extinguishers are required;

Availability of a PTM certificate (fire-technical minimum) from the manager.

On the issue of thoroughness. Before finding the ideal premises for our driving school that met all the criteria, we reviewed 11 options.

Price issue

If you don’t know some of the subtleties at the start, you can incur unnecessary costs. So we spent 1,000,000 rubles and 8 months of time on opening the first school - we bought unnecessary things, delayed the opening, and improved the premises for inspections. Of course, the first pancake may turn out to be lumpy and you shouldn’t be discouraged. But it’s better not to do as we do, but to immediately start investing money wisely.

You will probably be surprised, but we already spent only 185,000 rubles on the second branch, taking into account all the mistakes. We found a premises that did not need to be improved, agreed on a rental holiday for 2 months and immediately prepared for all inspections without delaying this procedure.

Thus, the total cost item, from the moment of opening and further work, is as follows:

4 thousand rubles (LLC registration)

30,000 rubles (room rental)

180,000 rubles (salary for driving instructors, on average 30% of the cost of training)

30,000 rubles (salary for administrator and traffic rules teacher)

20,000 rubles (site rental, for each cadet - 1000 rubles)

RUB 15,000 (other expenses)

15,000 (marketing)

Total: about 290,000 rubles.

Payback and income

A driving school is an eternal business that makes a profit even in a crisis. By the way, the driving school breaks even in the first month of operation. The arithmetic is simple.

Let's take Kazan's indicators and calculate:

Tuition fee - 27,000 rubles,

We conclude at least 20 contracts monthly.

In total we get:

27,000 x 20 = 540,000 revenue

We remember that our expenses came out to approximately 290,000 rubles: 540,000 (revenue) - 290,000 (expenses) = 250,000 (net profit). Let's make a reservation that this is profit from only one group, the room can serve up to 4. Thus, using the method of simple arithmetic calculations, we get: 250,000 x 4 = 1,000,000 rubles you can earn on 1 premises, recruiting 20 people every month.

The main difficulties that an entrepreneur may encounter, but can avoid them if he is aware in advance

1. Checks

Of course, the main pool of problems occurs at the level of inspection bodies. But this stage can be overcome as painlessly as possible if everything is taken care of in advance.

In fact, all checks are quite simple. Forget the myths about connections and huge bribes. In fact, it is enough to know all the requirements of supervision and prepare in advance the documentation that is looked at by one or another supervisory authority. The most interesting thing is that the premises can pass the SES inspection, but the GPN cannot. Therefore, it is important to take into account all the requirements at the stage of searching for premises so that it does not become a “stumbling block”. This will save you time and money.

2. Rental holidays

Before concluding a contract, it is necessary to achieve a minimum of 2 months of “rental holidays”. As a rule, this is done easily, because landlords are no less interested in renting out the premises for a long time than you are. And the driving school provides for a long rental period. So coming to a compromise will not be difficult.

3. Concept

Let us remember that the main audience of driving schools is young people between 18 and 35 years old. This is the age category that is spoiled by all sorts of proposals and unusual approaches to business concepts. That is why it is necessary to use all the latest marketing activities and not be limited to the classic methods of attracting cadets that all driving schools use. Create a USP (unique selling proposition) that will make the client choose YOU.

4. Honesty

What's the life hack? - you ask. The fact is that the gray market for driving schools is thriving. Many cadets in the process do not even suspect that they are receiving a low-quality set of services. We are determined to work honestly and professionally. At a minimum, so that word of mouth works exclusively positively and brings good results, and, at a maximum, so that there are no problems with supervisory authorities.


On the franchise market, we found only one franchise of a classic driving school with a modern concept. A new breakthrough business model in an old market. The franchise provides a full cycle of training - theory, practice, support in the traffic police.

A driving school that trains drivers of various categories has been in demand at all times. A serious approach to each stage of creating a business is a guarantee of successful and profitable work.

All stages and nuances of this activity will be discussed in this article.

First you need to go through the registration procedure. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” imposes a ban on the provision of educational services without. An individual entrepreneur can only open an external driving school, which does not have the right to issue a certificate. For full activity LLC or NOU DO required.

If a businessman already has, then he will need:

  • make some changes to the Charter;
  • register a new type of activity with the tax authority.

Then you need to contact the Ministry of Education of the region to obtain a license. The period for making a decision on granting licensing rights ranges from 4 to 12 months.

In order to obtain an opinion from Rospotrebnadzor, you must provide this service with the following documents:

  • the entire list of constituent documentation;
  • /certificate of ownership;
  • and disposal of devices containing mercury;
  • BTI plan;
  • production control program.

The fire inspectorate will require the following documents from the entrepreneur:

  • premises rental agreement/certificate of ownership;
  • insulation resistance measurement;
  • a project that marks the location of fire extinguishers and fire alarms;
  • a certificate guaranteeing the fact that the fire-technical minimum has been passed.

After all this, you can proceed to coordinating the opening of a driving school with the traffic police. In order for a traffic police officer to allow you to start activities, you need to provide him with a properly equipped room for inspection. In addition, lists of potential students should be submitted to this service for approval.

You can find out information about driver training rules from the following video:

Types of driving schools

The modern driving training market includes thousands of organizations. Small settlements cannot boast of such diversity; as a rule, there is not much choice - 2-3 schools for the entire city. Very often the student cannot figure out for himself which of them is most suitable for him.

So, a little more about each type:

  • “Small” driving school with only 1 office. Such an organization can be found in almost every area. Such a school is characterized by the following points: 1 classroom, a small staff and, most often, 1 training vehicle. The main advantage is an individual approach to teaching each student. But, unfortunately, there are many more negative aspects:
    • the student is deprived of the choice of place of study, training vehicle and instructor;
    • the study group is recruited over a long period of time;
    • training is carried out on the cheapest machines, which cannot always boast of proper technical condition.

    In general, such an institution will be attentive to its students, but is unlikely to be able to provide them with flexible and high-quality service.

  • Large network school with many branches. There are few such establishments, but they are known to everyone. There is a lot of advertising on the Internet and in the media, and many cars with their symbols drive around the city. The advantages here are obvious:
    • the client can choose the most convenient location of the branch;
    • such an organization has great financial capabilities, therefore, the training vehicle is always in good condition;
    • Thanks to the large flow of students, groups are launched regularly, without delay.

    There are also a lot of disadvantages:

    • the presence of a large staff and a continuous flow of clients prevents an individual approach to each individual student;
    • such a school often resorts to closing old branches and opening new ones, without having time to update the information on the website;
    • Placing aggressive advertising and maintaining numerous offices is not cheap, but the consumer ultimately pays for it.
  • District schools with several branches. This organization combines the advantages of the above options. Such institutions, as a rule, are attentive to students, offer reasonable prices, and have a decent fleet of vehicles.

Optimal vehicle fleet

An organization can either purchase a car on its own or hire an instructor with a personal car. The second option, of course, guarantees a more careful attitude towards the equipment, and if it is provided by a driving school, then the instructor is more dependent on the company.

If you have decided to purchase a new car, then you need to consider the following point: the purchase will require re-equipment in a special workshop that has the appropriate license. The optimal size of the vehicle fleet directly depends on the size of the school - the number of branches and the number of staff.

Equipment and furniture

Before purchasing equipment, the “Driver Training Program” must be studied. This document contains information about the features of the arrangement of such an educational institution.

Thus, a school must have a classroom that provides visual aids about all the main components of a car. To do this you will need several car parts and visual posters.

The most popular pieces of equipment include:

  • simulators that allow you to teach a person how to drive a vehicle;
  • computer programs that help you pass tests on your knowledge of traffic rules;
  • electronic manuals for training the future driver;
  • dummies and models representing traffic rules and the most common road situations.


The selection of staff should be based on the requirements of the educational program. It is normatively established that the full functioning of a driving school with 30 students requires the presence 3 instructors and 1 theory teacher.

The theory teacher must have a higher or secondary specialized (technical) education. The graduation of such specialists is carried out by automotive departments of higher educational institutions and colleges. The instructor must provide a certificate allowing driving instruction. If a school has received a license to operate, it can itself practice issuing such permits. The work of these specialists directly affects the popularity of the establishment and its profitability.

An employee may begin performing his or her job duties several months after the school license has been obtained.

The license validity period is 5 years. If the rental agreement for the premises is signed for a shorter period, then the businessman must have a document stating that the owner agrees to extend these obligations.

Advertising and promotion

The most effective way to advertise is to post advertisements on poles, bus stops and other places with large concentrations of pedestrians. An advertising sign should be placed near the school. A potential client choosing a driving school calls every convenient option, so it is recommended to post the coordinates in the media. In a small town, good results can be achieved through a ticker on a local TV channel.

Financial investments

The cost side of the issue includes the following expense items:

  • rental of premises – 200 thousand rubles. per year;
  • purchase of 3 cars – 1000 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of necessary equipment – ​​150 thousand rubles;
  • wages to employees - 40% of earned funds;
  • advertising campaign – 100 thousand rubles. per year.

Profit and payback period

As practice shows, a school gains good momentum no sooner than after six months of operation. It is after this time that groups of students begin to form stably and regularly. The average payback period is from 1 to 2 years.

For the services of an establishment to be popular, they must have an acceptable price - approximately 12-15 thousand rubles. That is, a group of 30 people will bring a profit of about 400 thousand rubles. in 2 months. You will have to spend approximately 160 thousand rubles in these 2 months. for wages and 40 thousand for rent. In total, the net profit for 2 months will be about 150-200 thousand rubles.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):