The cold weather is approaching and the question of when it is already possible to plant garlic before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region becomes relevant. Moreover, at times the weather is not pleasant due to its sudden change in heat, which is clearly not to be expected.

  • Varieties
  • Landing
  • Lunar calendar
  • Selection of site
  • Care after disembarkation


When planting garlic, you should take into account its variety, because the result in the harvest will depend on this. For example, winter garlic They are planted only in the fall, but the spring variety is preferable in the spring. And so that there is large harvest you need to know how to plant garlic before winter and after which it is better to carry out such work.

How to carry out planting work correctly

First of all, you need to prepare the seed material, which is divided into large and hard cloves. Such a garlic base is required, because if the seeds are small or soft, then the result will not be pleasing. When you go through the teeth, you need to check for the presence of various kinds damage that shouldn't happen.

It is better to plant pre-treated seeds in a weak manganese solution. To do this, pour water into a deep bowl, add a little potassium permanganate, mix and add the selected seed material. You don’t need to wait for a long time, five minutes is enough and after that you can plant garlic before winter.


Proper planting of the material makes it easy to process the crop and effectively affects the yield. Therefore, before growing one, you should pay attention to some care requirements for this plant and know how to properly plant garlic before winter.

Seed beds are laid out at a distance of 25 centimeters from each other. The distance between the cloves should be at least 15 centimeters, even if there is not enough space. The fact is that when garlic is planted at a closer distance, it will not be large in size, since it will not have enough nutrition.

IN winter cold The plant's cloves should feel good and comfortable in the ground, so the planting depth should be 10-15 centimeters. When they plant garlic before winter in the Moscow region, they adhere to exactly these rules, because, in fact, in this region there are no severe frosts, when compared with some other regions.

Lunar calendar

Garlic can be planted in 2017 according to the lunar calendar, which usually suggests the most appropriate time for planting which crop. Of course, first of all you should pay attention to the weather, because sometimes in September it’s hot weather, but judging by today’s forecast, then probably no heat is expected and the soil and seeds can be prepared. Although some gardeners are confident that the best time to plant this crop is mid-October.

Controversy over planting garlic in open ground are still ongoing today. The fact is that some experts are sure that if you plant such a crop at the end of September, then it will take root well and frosts will not be a problem. If garlic cloves are planted earlier, then they may germinate and frost will destroy the plant. Although there is no clear answer on this matter.

In the Moscow region (depending on weather conditions), planting most often begins in early October. And if you rely on the lunar calendar, then earthworks it is better to start from October 7 or even from November 1. Unfavorable days will be September 25, 27, 30. That is, the new moon is not considered favorable days plantings for this crop.

Favorable place for planting garlic

It's no secret that you need to follow many rules when planting plants. Garlic is no exception, so it is also necessary to adhere to some nuances and know after which crops it is better to plant cloves.

Garlic should not be planted after potatoes, because there is a risk of maximum infection various diseases. It is known that when a plant grows it takes a lot nutrients from the ground, so in any case it is necessary to fertilize and add fertilizers, which can be applied to the ground both in spring and autumn.

It is better to change the planting location every year, but you should also take into account that you can return to the previous place where this plant grew after 3-4 years. This is done because each plant from the earth takes the nutrition it needs and until the earth gains strength again, it needs such a period of time.

The planting site for garlic is usually prepared a month in advance. To do this, the soil is dug up and, for example, manure is added (only stale manure, otherwise the plant can be destroyed).

Selection of site

Garlic prefers a place where there is no shade or drafts. It is better to place the beds from east to west, which will ensure good lighting and will create favorable conditions for growth. It is also important to know that garlic loves the lungs. fertile soils. Experienced gardeners They note the fact that in the spring, after the snow has thawed, moisture accumulates in some places on the site, so it is precisely in this place that garlic cloves should not be planted.

This nuance is important; while trying in every possible way to grow large heads of crops, gardeners do not get the proper harvest and only because they make such seemingly elementary omissions. Successful places for planting garlic are considered to be those places where winter period More snow accumulation occurs. It goes without saying that this leads to the prevention of soil freezing.

The best places will be:
- where there is a lot of snow accumulation;
- where the first ice crusts form;
- where there is no large accumulation of water in spring period.

Some experts advise planting garlic cloves at the moment when the ground has time to acquire a thin ice crust at night, and during the day it thaws from the sun's rays. Thus, the crop can be grown in any region of the country. You just need to carefully monitor the weather conditions.

Care after disembarkation

After planting the garlic cloves, mulch the soil. You can spread a small layer of dry peat on top of the beds. Often the earth is mixed with sawdust, in this way it is possible to retain heat to the maximum and protect it from freezing during the cold period.

Experienced gardeners prefer to cover their beds with strips of roofing felt. And this is the final stage planting garlic. Further, care is carried out in the spring.

Popular varieties of garlic (winter)

Before planting the crop, it is important to understand which varieties of garlic are most suitable for planting before winter. After all, you want to get a decent harvest.


Is mid-season variety. Planted in autumn. In the Moscow region, mid-October is preferable. The heads of the plant have a flattened shape. The color of the formed head is white with dirty patches and purple stripes. Usually 8 cloves are formed, which have a pungent taste and a creamy color when cut.


It is a mid-season variety. The bulbs are round-flat and large in size. In the Moscow region, this variety is popular and is planted in clay soil. Loves bright lighting and does not require careful care. It is preferable to plant in the place where they grew before. legumes.


Counts the best variety for soils of the Moscow region. It is distinguished by the absence of an arrow and early ripening. Has 10-16 semi-sharp cloves to taste. Widely used in cooking. It has a special, favorable aroma, which is what attracted more attention. Keeps well in winter and lasts for a long time without special care. Typically the harvest is a little over a kilogram per square meter.

It is difficult to overestimate or underestimate the popularity of such a well-known crop as garlic. But each region has its own list of winter varieties of this plant. In the Moscow region, the soil has a different structure, so the varieties of garlic are selected individually for each site. But it is not enough to choose a variety that is successful for the region; it is necessary to take into account the structure of the soil in which it is planned to plant garlic, which, naturally, will affect a decent harvest.

And it’s delicious to eat with garlic, you can cook it.

Good day everyone! On my agenda today important question for gardeners and amateur gardeners. Tell me, have you already prepared the garlic for winter, I mean planted it in the ground in the fall, so that you can harvest it in the summer? Let's figure out when and how to do this work correctly. What you need to know and be able to do so that your favorite aromatic […]

It is also not recommended to press and screw the cloves into the ground - this can lead to the garlic coming out when it sprouts. The beds are insulated for the winter with peat, sawdust and spruce branches. If autumn turns out to be too dry (this happens, however, rarely), try to water the garlic at least once every 3-5 days.

Planting root crops according to the lunar calendar is very convenient, because it recommends days suitable for the plant. This year in September it is the 23rd-24th, planting garlic in October - 5, 6, 20, 22. For late gardeners, days in November are offered - 1, 2, 16, 17, 29, 30.

Places for planting garlic are chosen open, away from groundwater and moisture accumulation. The soil is preferably sandy loam. It’s good if berries, cereals, zucchini or squash grew in the selected area before. But if it is not possible to choose every year different places for garlic and other crops, it is recommended to plant green manure 1.5 months in advance. They will not only help enrich the soil, but also improve its structure. Mustard or phacelia are used as green manure.

One more note and condition that the garlic gives good harvest it must be planted at the correct phases of the moon. As usual, on the full moon and new moon there are no gardening work cannot be produced. And also on the waxing Moon.

Looking back at weather conditions in our area, many people think about when to plant garlic before winter in the Moscow region. How to properly carry out such an event so that in extreme cold the cloves do not freeze, do not die, and with the onset of spring do not get wet, and in the summer they grow excellent and large root vegetables. There is no big regional difference in this, the main thing is to know the time of arrival of real winter.

But I think I won’t write about the benefits of this vegetable crop in this note, because it seems to me that its benefits are obvious to all of us, and we know how? and where it can be used. Well, for those who are already unbearably interested, you can always find any information on the Internet.

If the first days of winter are snowy, then don’t do it. If winter begins with severe cold, then it is necessary to cover the plantings to protect the garlic from freezing. Many summer residents of the Moscow region plant garlic before the onset of Pokrov.

Garlic is actively grown on their plots by both novice gardeners and seasoned gardening veterans. When to plant garlic before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region is equally interesting for both, especially since the timing for this is the most suitable.

Read more about when to plant garlic before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region. News today 02.11.2017

Its predecessors are melons, cucumbers, and cabbage. It is better to prepare the site a month before planting: dig up and add fertilizer to the soil, but do not use fresh manure.

For your information! Previously it was believed that onions and garlic were plants different types. But recent studies, including the genetic material of these plants, have shown that this plants are most direct relatives. This is probably why in the specialized literature the names “garlic onion”, “onion” and “garlic” are used to refer to garlic.

After garlic, so-called green manures are grafted quite well ( annual plants, which are specially planted in the soil to restore the natural balance of substances and replenish nitrogen reserves). Such crops are rye, mustard, peas, rapeseed and phacelia.

Garlic, how garden culture not only useful for humans. He is a very positive neighbor to many vegetable crops, since its smell repels many pests - from slugs and all kinds of caterpillars to borers of various types and even moles. Turns out fungal diseases retreat under the onslaught of garlic influence.

The Dutch garlic variety Messidor is considered productive and winter-hardy. If you once try to plant it, it immediately becomes your favorite variety.
The Violet Kharkov variety of garlic is also well known; it is good because it does not cause diseases.
The Jubilee Gribovsky variety is spoken of as an old and successful variety, having a very pungent taste and high yield.

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Planting garlic before winter: how and when to plant garlic. New details.

The distance between the beds should be 20-25 centimeters to make it convenient to feed, loosen, and weed. If you are planting in grooves, pour sand or ash on the bottom, this is the bottom.

Caring for winter garlic is not difficult. This is a frost-resistant crop that correct landing And shelter is good takes root, withstands well severe frosts. In the spring, the shelter is removed and the mulch is lightly raked. At offensive warm weather The long-awaited greenery appears, in June the first arrows, which are necessarily removed before they reach ten centimeters in length.

Previously, it was believed that planting of this crop must be completed before Orthodox holiday Intercession Holy Mother of God, which is celebrated on October 14.

You should absolutely not plant garlic after root vegetables, as the soil will be too depleted. Moreover, you should not choose a place where onions previously grew. The principle of fruit rotation suggests that you will be able to grow garlic in the place where it grew this year no earlier than in three to four years.

When to plant garlic before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region, preparing garlic. News today 02.11.2017

This usually happens in mid-October, maximum - in early November. Exact date Of course not, so trust your gardener intuition. Moreover, in one year snow may fall at this time, and in another even in November the sun is still shining and relatively high temperatures.

Use the largest cloves, but periodically renew the garlic from the bulbs. It is preferable to use your own garlic rather than buy it in stores or supermarkets; then it’s better to buy it from your grandmother at the market, where at least it’s homemade.

An effective remedy for alcohol addiction. Based only on natural ingredients. According to the results of the study, 25% of the tested volunteers noted a significant decrease in cravings for alcohol and an improvement in the condition of the body, and 75% of the subjects stopped drinking completely! Find out more

Experienced gardeners recommend sprinkling the garlic beds with snow in winter - this will result in the richest harvest. You can grow garlic in one place no more than 2 times in a row, after which the place must be changed, otherwise the harvest will bear less and less fruit every year.

The good thing about this culture is that there are practically no costs associated with it. You get garlic seeds from your harvest. They plant it with cloves, of which 5-6 come out of one head. As a rule, a family of 4-5 people needs approximately 100 to 200 cloves when planting. It all depends on how actively you use garlic. If your storage conditions allow it, and you use a lot of garlic for preservation, then you can plant more. The only disadvantage of this crop is that it dries out during the winter. Part of the crop simply becomes unusable when stored in a warm room.

When to plant garlic before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region lucky days for landing. Summary for today.

For several thousand years, garlic has remained the most popular vegetable crop. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is the amazing ability to resist bacterial and viral microorganisms.

Therefore, every sick person must have at least a few cloves on their table. The role of this wonderful thing in cooking is no longer discussed. It is difficult to overestimate the taste that garlic gives to cooked dishes or preserves.

It is not surprising that modern summer residents and gardeners allocate land for this crop.

And today Dacha Plot will tell you about when to plant garlic before winter in 2017 and how to do it correctly.

Garlic is found in two states: bolting and non-bolting. Experts note that only spring garlic produces arrows (it is this that can be used under winter planting)

But garlic planted in the fall grows strong, with 4-12 large cloves, which are usually arranged in one row, and there is a stem in the center. Depending on the variety, the cloves are covered with a dark purple or pinkish shell.

Garlic begins to be planted a month before frost. It is during this time that it can grow the root up to 12 cm, but green leaves will not appear.

However, sowing of bulblets is carried out in April. And only by next autumn you can get a small bulb of garlic.

Special attention must be given to planting material. Large, healthy cloves will develop into powerful garlic bulbs. But something small won’t work big harvest, even if it removes all arrows.

It should be remembered that you cannot plant garlic after onions and various root vegetables, as they are dug up too late and the soil will not be able to recover in such a short period of time.

The best predecessors for planting garlic before winter - eggplants, zucchini, peppers, as well as berries and grain crops.

Beginning gardeners ask the question: “Is it possible to plant garlic in the same bed in which it grew last year?” Experts say that this should not be done. Crop rotation rules must always be followed.

How does garlic grow open before winter:

  • Sorting planting material, rejection of weak teeth;
  • Selection and preparation of a place for planting garlic;
  • Make 20 cm indentations in the garden bed at a distance of 25 cm between rows;
  • The bottom of the furrows is covered with sand;
  • It is necessary to maintain the distance between the claws: large – 15 cm, small – 10 cm;
  • I cover the top of the bed with a layer of mulch made of sawdust, peat or straw, at least 20 cm high. If the winter has little snow, then the plantings must be covered with polyethylene. However, when it snows, the shelter will need to be removed.
  • Varieties for planting before winter

    Before planting, be sure to choose a variety of garlic that is suitable for the particular area. The most popular varieties for planting garlic before winter:

    • Lyubasha is frost-resistant and not afraid of drought. Shelf life is at least 10 months while maintaining original quality. The stem grows more than 1 meter, the bulb contains up to 7 cloves, one clove weighs about 12 g.
    • Ukrainian white - grows without arrows, planted as both spring and winter crops. A garlic bulb can have 12 cloves and weigh about 150 g.
    • Spas - resistant to nematodes and fusarium. Distinctive feature is to obtain a rich harvest and long period storage The bulb of this variety has on average 8 cloves weighing 100 g.
    • Jubilee Gribovsky - this garlic is able to withstand frosts in some northern latitudes. Of all the varieties, it is one of the most productive. A garlic bulb weighs about 50 g, has a pungent taste and is not afraid of drought, low temperatures.
    • Bashkir garlic 85 is a variety that is used for preservation and preparation of various salads. It is frost-resistant and ripens in 85 days. Brings a big harvest.

    Favorable and unfavorable days for planting in autumn according to the lunar calendar

    The best time The waxing moon is for planting garlic. It is at this time that the plant takes root and grows more easily and quickly than on other days.

    The lunar calendar for planting garlic before winter 2017 offers us the following days:

    • In September, garlic can be planted on the 13th and 19th.
    • And in October, favorable days are 6,7,9.
    • In November it is the 5th, 6th, 7th.

    How to choose the right landing site

    Planting garlic begins with choosing a location. This is a very light-loving plant, so you need to choose the sunniest place on the site. It should be remembered that the longer the daylight hours for this crop, the larger and larger the harvest will be. Even a little shade can reduce the number and size of garlic bulbs.

    Like any other plant, garlic has some soil requirements. So, porous, well-drained soil filled with useful components is suitable for it.

    Excess moisture can harm the future harvest, especially in clay soils. Garlic prefers neutral soil, so peat soil will not produce the expected amount of yield.

    The first thing you need to pay attention to is how the water leaves the area. If it lingers on the surface for a very long time, then high ridges can be made. And if the area dries out too quickly, then it is necessary to raise the ridge by 20 cm.

    At least 14 days in advance, it is necessary to fertilize the soil by adding to it at the rate of 2 sq.m.:

    20 kg. humus,

    500 g chalk,

    1 kg. ash,

    60 g potassium sulfate,

    30 g superphosphate.

    Then distribute the mixture evenly and dig to a depth of 20 cm.

    By following all the recommendations, a person receives a large harvest, since planting garlic before winter in 2017 according to the lunar calendar makes it immune to various kinds diseases, saves time and helps the plant develop naturally.

    Garlic, how useful plant, which has the most beneficial effect on the human body, is known in many countries around the world.

    The last ten days of September is the time to plant garlic before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region. How and where to do this correctly, how to prepare the soil and garlic seed, how to care for winter plantings - this and other useful information collected in this material.

    When to plant garlic before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region in the fall. Garlic on your site

    Garlic, as a garden crop, is not only beneficial for humans. It is a very positive neighbor for many vegetable crops, since its smell repels many pests - from slugs and all kinds of caterpillars to various types of borers and even moles. It turns out that fungal diseases recede under the influence of garlic.

    In addition, many plants, both garden and garden, will be happy to be next to garlic. Among them:

    Bulbous plants such as crocuses, tulips, gladioli;
    - roses and berry bushes (any currant, as well as raspberries and gooseberries);
    - onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes;
    - strawberry.

    Important! In the garden where garlic grew this year, plant it again only after 3-4 years.

    When to plant garlic before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region

    Many years of experience in growing garlic suggests that it gives good yields when planted both in spring and before winter, that is, in autumn. Garlic planted in the spring will show its first shoots only after a couple of weeks, and it will be possible to cut greens from it for food no earlier than mid-summer.

    Garlic planted in the fall has time to develop before frost. root system and with the first warmth it will rush into growth. Already in June, garlic will begin to “throw out” arrows. They need to be trimmed as soon as their height exceeds 10 cm. This will allow the garlic to grow a larger bulb.

    The Jubilee Gribovsky variety is said to be an old and successful variety, having a very sharp taste and high yield. Optimal time When to plant garlic before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region is considered to be in the last ten days (that is, from the 20th day) of September, to the middle (until about the 15th day) of October.

    Cabbage, beans and other legumes will not be happy in such a neighborhood, due to the fact that the presence of garlic in close proximity to the beds with these plants suppresses their growth and development. But garlic planted after these crops will give a good harvest due to the specific substances that fill the soil during the growth of the above plants and pumpkin.

    How to prepare the ground for planting winter garlic?

    Garlic is a plant that loves good lighting, fairly light, non-acidic soils. The beds for this crop begin to be prepared in advance. After harvesting the plants that have finished bearing fruit, the garlic bed is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet. In this case, it is advisable to remove the roots of predecessor plants and weed, especially wheatgrass and stones.

    To fertilize the soil, apply 100-150 grams for each square meter of future garlic bed. ash, ½ bucket of two-year-old manure or compost. If these organic matter applied to the soil before planting the previous plant, apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers according to the instructions for use.

    Important! You need to dig up the bed and apply fertilizer no less than 1.5-2 weeks before planting winter garlic. The earth must stand and settle. If this is not done, the garlic cloves seem to be pulled into the ground. They end up at excessive depth, which makes it difficult for germination in the spring and the development of the entire plant in the future.

    How to care for winter garlic

    There is no special care for garlic planted in the fall. Gardening experts advise garlic beds Cover with roofing material or film before the first snow. As soon as the first snow falls, this covering is removed from the bed, and the snow is distributed evenly over its entire surface. In the future, do not forget to monitor the presence of snow in your garden bed - this is a reliable blanket for plants, under which they do not freeze.

    From spring until harvest, winter garlic is periodically loosened, weeds are removed from it, and watered if necessary. In mid-summer, garlic can be fed with some organic matter, for example, a solution of ash (0.2 kg per 10 liters of water). Read about why garlic arrows may turn yellow.

    In advance, before the time to plant garlic before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region, stock up seed material garlic that is suitable for growing in your region. Among the varieties especially revered by gardeners are: Spas, Yubileiny 07, Yubileiny Gribovsky, Messidor, Kharkovsky, etc.

    When to plant garlic before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region according to the lunar calendar?

    Onions and garlic are planted before winter from September to November, depending on the region - in the north earlier, in the south, respectively, later. But to increase the harvest, an important additional condition is to link the planting time to the phases of the moon - what grows “downwards” we plant on the waning moon, as well as the passage of the moon according to the signs of the zodiac.

    Comparing all these conditions, we choose:

    September - 19, 20, from 23 to 25 and 30;
    October - from 9 (evening) to 18, 21, 22 and from 27 (evening) to 30 (early morning);
    November - from 17th to 19th (morning) and from 24th to 28th.
    We avoid planting on days marked in red.

    To those who are engaged spring planting onions and garlic, it will be interesting to see here.

    According to the Lunar calendar for 2017, you can plant onions and garlic before winter. But the main thing is not to plant onion sets and garlic in warm earth, can germinate and die at the first frost.

    And if it’s too early to cover the bed with planted onions and garlic, then all the plantings will sprout.

    IN Central Russia we need to focus on the end of October, and in Siberia and Far East for mid-October.

    The favorable time for sowing winter vegetable crops is in October. The sowing calendar advises in 2017 to plant garlic and onions before winter on October 17, 18 and 20 and 26.

    If you don't have it at hand Lunar calendar, then knowing the basic rules for planting onions and garlic, you can get by with your observation of the moon. If the moon is waxing, you can plant; do not plant on a waning moon.

    Traditionally, winter garlic is planted in the garden in the fall before winter. There are two types of garlic - winter and spring. The winter variety usually has one row of teeth, and they are larger, while the spring variety has two rows of smaller teeth. Spring garlic is usually planted in the spring, as early as possible, and winter garlic in the fall.

    Planting garlic before winter 2018

    Best days for autumn planting garlic for winter in 2018:

    • in August – 14, 31;
    • in September – 2, 10, 11, 13, 19;
    • in October – 6-9, 11, 12;
    • garlic is planted in November warm regions and during a long warm autumn – 5, 6, 7;
    • in December, planting garlic before winter 2018 is possible only in the south of Russia - 11-14; 17.

    A bed for planting garlic before winter

    For each square meter of soil, add a bucket of well-rotted organic matter, half a bucket of sand (you don’t have to do this if your soil is sandy), add liter jar ash and carefully dig it onto the bayonet of a shovel. If it is dry autumn, then in the evening, pour it well with water. In the morning, make a mark for planting, using a peg to make indentations. Regular scheme planting garlic before winter 10 by 10 cm. If you prefer more large garlic, then the scheme for planting garlic before winter is 15 by 15 cm. Depth at early boarding garlic should be at least 12 cm.

    How to properly plant winter garlic in the North-West, in Siberia.

    Planting garlic in the fall before winter in Siberia and North-West garlic will occur very early. Around August 25 - 26 to a greater depth - about 12 - 15 cm. Make a mark on a stick and use it to poke holes according to a 15 x 15 cm pattern. Pour 1 tablespoon of sand into each hole and lower one granule of AVA fertilizer.

    After this, lower the garlic clove, sprinkle another 1 tablespoon of sand on top and loosen the soil. Sand is needed to create micro-drainage around the tooth and the future head. Doesn't like garlic acidic soil, so plant garlic before winter.

    With this planting, the garlic will have time to develop a powerful root system before the onset of cold weather, but it will not sprout. Early spring he will begin to grow. Garlic is a cold-resistant crop, so it is not afraid of late spring frosts.

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