Many amateur gardeners do not know why they need to replant. indoor plants. Everything is actually very simple, this procedure is carried out so that the plants feel good and can continue to grow healthy. This procedure should be carried out approximately once three times a year.

It all starts with the fact that the gardener needs to check all the plants in the house and determine which plants already have dough in a given pot or the soil no longer provides any benefits for of this plant. Once you decide on the plants and know which ones need new soil or pot. The question arises of how to do this correctly and how not to harm the flower during the process of replanting the plant.

You will find all the necessary answers and recommendations to this question in this article. So if you do not want to harm your flower or other plant, you just need to spend a few minutes reading and then nothing will threaten your plant.

Here are some of the main reasons why a flower needs to be transplanted into a different pot or soil.

  • Plants that have outgrown their pot are more susceptible to various diseases and attack by pests than other plants.
  • The root system can already be located normally in this pot, because of this the flower looks sick, faded and ugly.
  • The soil in the ground has become unsuitable, it has become dense, and over time the soil no longer has its former reserves of nutrients, they decrease significantly every year. Also, over time, the land becomes barren.
  • Due to the fact that the soil has settled down greatly from a large amount of water and a long stay in the pot, the air that the root system needs begins to flow into it poorly.
  • If the flower has already grown out of its pot, then it can easily fall and break.

These are the five main reasons why it is necessary to replant a flower in its new place of residence. There are also many other signs for replanting plants, but they happen much less frequently.

When is the best time to replant plants?

As a rule, all plants need to be replanted in the spring, since at this moment nature begins to come to life and gain the necessary amount of strength and substances in order to please the eyes of people. These rules also apply to indoor plants. Since the flower will need more space and strength to bloom again, and this will best happen in new soil or soil.

But this rule should not be followed unconditionally, since this procedure can be done at any time of the year when you gather your strength and have enough free time to do it. Many people wonder whether it is possible to replant indoor plants in the winter or spring seasons. We will answer this question a little below.

Undoubtedly, best time The period for plant transplantation is from March to September. If you replant plants in September, then it is better to choose the starting dates of the month. Since this month still remains warm weather, and the plants are not yet going into dormancy.

Of course, this can also be done at other times of the year, but the best thing for the flower will be if you have time to replant before the end of July. You can also try to replant the plant in winter, but this is the most worst time for transplantation. Because you can harm the flower. During this period, he is in hibernation, and as you know, no one likes to be disturbed during sleep.

Just some plants will like it winter transplant, such plants include, for example, calla lilies. Other plants are also transplanted into winter time. To find out when to replant a flower, you need to know its flowering period. On average, replanting must be done at least 3 months before flowering.

Also, not every plant needs an annual transplant; for some, once every two or three years is enough. In the case of large and old flowers, everything is even simpler. Since they have enough space, they will only need to update top layer soil.

When is the best day to repot your plants? If you are asking such a question, then you should not even look for an answer to it. Because such a day or week simply does not exist. For your flower, the main thing is good soil and a carefully carried out transplant procedure. So that he would not be harmed or otherwise maimed. You can choose such a day based on your free time.

But it is better to choose the phase of the moon, since plants develop best during the waxing moon. So before transplanting, you can check the lunar calendar and choose any day, starting with the new moon and ending with the full moon.

Which soil is better

During replanting, you need to change as much soil as possible, but try not to damage the roots, otherwise your plant may simply dry out. Since the roots will no longer be able to give required quantity substances. Best choice For your plant, it will be necessary to purchase a substrate that is perfect for many plants.

Also, before choosing a soil or substrate, you need to find out as much as possible about your plant. This is done in order to accurately select the most good land for him. Since many plants need different composition land.

During the transplantation procedure, the bottom layer in the pot must be covered with a few centimeters of gravel or expanded clay. This will allow the soil to drain more water and your plant will be protected from overwatering. Thus, the roots of the plant will not begin to rot, and your plant will last for a very long time.

You need to pour soil into the pot up to about the very edge of the pot; there should be at least 1-2 centimeters from the edge to the ground level. Expanded clay can be used as the topmost layer; it will save your soil from lime deposits.

As we said earlier, some plants require a certain soil composition, but most houseplants are not particularly picky about their soil choice. So almost any one will suit them. But below will be presented three of the most the best soil for your plant.

  • Peat, it suits almost every plant. Most of all, he is loved by such plants as: fern, dracaena and so on.
  • Heavy clay, this soil is very nutritious, but is not suitable for everyone. It is best suited for Tradescantia and Kalanchoe.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the acidity of the soil, since if you have plants such as gardenias or heather, they do very poorly if sodium carbonate is present in the soil.

In most cases, soil from the garden is used, but it must be thoroughly tested before using it. Since there is a very high risk of bringing weed seeds along with the soil, then the plant will not receive the required amount of nutrients.

In addition, such soil is not suitable for most roots, since it is much heavier than the soil sold in the store. If you decide to choose substrates, then there is nothing to worry about. Since such soil is pre-treated and collected from various necessary components. They will only help your plant develop. Also, roots grow in it much better than in any soil.

When transplanting, you can’t choose too much big pot. Because there will be too much space for the plant and it will not be able to grow normally. So you should take new pot two to three centimeters larger in diameter than previous place plants. Also, do not chase the beauty of the pot. Since it would be best to take a regular one plastic pot with holes for water drainage.

The gardener's lunar calendar for July 2018 for indoor plants will tell all flower gardeners which day is favorable or unfavorable for working with plants, what seedlings are allowed to be planted, what and on what day it is useful to do in the garden or summer cottage when to hill up, loosen, water and fertilize. He will also provide a large amount of information on conducting work in the garden, which touches on such issues as preparing seeds for sowing, growing seedlings, revealing the secrets of agricultural technology, how to combat pests and plant diseases, and the timing of harvesting crops from the garden. But most of all he will reveal the topic of house plants. The gardener's lunar calendar for indoor plants in July 2018 will give flower gardeners a hint on what and how best to feed the plants. plot of land or at home, how and with what help you can increase productivity by an order of magnitude, what fruit-bearing plants or flowers like and do not like. See our website for indoor plants.

How often to replant indoor flowers?

  1. Slow growing healthy plants replanted once every two to three years.
  2. Young, intense developing plants annually.
  3. Mature, sufficiently formed plants once every 2-3 years.
  4. Tree-like once every 4-5 years.
  5. It is advisable to replant conifers before the dormant period.
  6. Early flowering plants will better tolerate replanting after flowering.
  7. An unscheduled transplant is necessary if pests or signs of disease appear on the plant, as well as in cases where the flowerpot is damaged.

Sequence of actions when replanting house plants according to the lunar calendar

  • The day before transplanting, the plants are watered abundantly.
  • Prepare a new pot, thoroughly wash and disinfect it.
  • Drainage is placed in the pot, then a soil mixture prepared taking into account the requirements of the plant is poured in a heap.
  • The plant is removed from the old pot by turning it upside down. Hold the stem with your left hand.
  • The roots are shaken off the ground, then inspected root system to identify old and diseased roots, which are immediately removed.
  • The plant is placed in a pot, the roots are straightened and the container is filled with earthen mixture, without deepening root collar, then press down the substrate, leaving a space of 2-3 cm to the top of the flowerpot.
  • Plants are carefully watered along the edge of the pot. You can water through the tray.
  • Place the pots in light and warm place providing protection from direct sunlight.
  • Transplanted plants are regularly sprayed clean water within 6-8 days.
  • It should be remembered that it is not advisable to replant plants in a flowering state. Containers for transplantation should be larger than the old ones by 1.5-3 cm, and in the case of large plants (tubs) by 8-10 cm.

The influence of moon phases on house plants?

As you know, the Moon goes through several phases, each of which has its own specific effect on plants. This is exactly what we can now verify. Lunar calendar for April 2018 by a florist

  1. Firstly, the phase of the young or waxing Moon. This option is considered one of the most favorable for planting flowering plants in a garden flower bed or simply replanting. Ask why and what is it? The answer is very simple, since plants during the process of transplantation during this phase receive additional energy, which in turn has an important influence and significance on their growth. At the same time, astrologers strongly recommend paying attention to phases when the Moon is in the constellations Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus.
  2. Secondly, the waning phase of the moon. At this time, it is strictly forbidden to engage in any actions or manipulations with plants, or, more precisely, replanting. Why? The answer is obvious, since the energy of the Moon in this case will be concentrated directly in the roots.
  3. Thirdly, the second and fourth phases of the moon. At this time, it is also better not to replant plants and process them. For example, if you are growing outdoor flowers, then the best thing to do is prepare the seeds.

Astrology and house plants

The influence of each lunar phase is adjusted by the zodiac sign in which the satellite is located. If sowing took place during the period of a “dry” sign, then even the waxing Moon will not be able to give it the necessary strength and energy for productive growth. Lunar calendar for April 2018 by florist

  • Fertile (water) signs - Leo, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Libra, Pisces.
  • Infertile (dry) signs – Aries, Sagittarius.
  • Signs of average fertility - Capricorn, Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius.

In addition, there are “leaf days” – Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio and “root days” – Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, on which watering is especially recommended. On “flower days” – Volodya, Libra, Gemini – on the contrary, it is better to avoid watering .

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor flowers for July 2018 by day

July 1, 2018, 18-19 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius. It is better not to transplant flowers. Engage in prevention - treat disinfectants window sill and all surfaces where flowers are located, wash the trays.
July 2, 2018, 19-20 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius. Effective control of pests of indoor flowers. View leaves, flowers, top earthen lump in pots for the presence of pests and diseases. If problems are found, take action.
July 3, 2018, 20-21 lunar days, waning Moon in Pisces. Take care of watering and fertilizing indoor plants.
July 4, 2018, 21 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces. Nice day for water procedures– you can spray the leaves, arrange a “shower”, water and apply the necessary fertilizers.
July 5, 2018, 21-22 lunar day, waning Moon in Aries. You can’t do pinching, but you can introduce fertilizing, in particular, root feeding.
July 6, 2018, 22-23 lunar day, waning Moon in Aries. Unfavorable day for transplanting and transshipment of plants.
July 7, 2018, 23-24 lunar day, waning Moon in Aries. It is better not to replant plants on this day. You can do preparatory work– prepare the necessary soil mixtures, fertilizers, prepare flower pots, wipe the surfaces where the flowers are located with disinfectants.
July 8, 2018, 24-25 lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus. Sowing greens, planting onions and garlic. You can carry out transshipment (so as not to damage the roots, which are sensitive to the waning moon), watering, spraying, fertilizing and treating flowers from pests.
July 9, 2018, 25-26 lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus. An excellent day to transplant bulbous and tuberous flowers, such as cyclamen, gloxinia, lily, daffodils, etc. But be careful not to damage the roots when transplanting!
July 10, 2018, 26-27 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini. Transplantation of climbing plants, for others it is an unfavorable time, treatment against pests. You need to pay attention to the flowers located on fresh air, check for availability spider mite, loosen the soil.
July 11, 2018, 27-28 lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini. On this day, as on the previous one, you can only replant climbing plants. A good time to treat plants for pests.
July 12, 2018, 28-29 lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer. Fertilizing, sowing, transplanting and planting indoor plants are favorable. Can be watered and sprayed.
July 13, 2018, 29, 30-1 lunar day, Solar Eclipse, New Moon in Cancer. Plant care and planting are prohibited.
July 14, 2018, 1-2 lunar day, waxing Moon in Leo. Unfavorable day for replanting plants. On this day, you need to water and spray the plants with special care - only in the early morning or late evening, and never during the day.
July 15, 2018, 2-3 lunar day, waxing Moon in Leo. The day is similar to July 14th.
July 16, 2018, 3-4 lunar day, waxing Moon in Virgo. Watering and pruning are undesirable; plants can be sheltered from the bright sun.
July 17, 2018, 4-5 lunar day, waxing Moon in Virgo. Can be replanted indoor flowers, but it’s better to forget about fertilizing, watering and pruning.
July 18, 2018, 5-6 lunar day, waxing Moon in Libra. It is recommended to plant rooted cuttings, but do not water or fertilize the plants, or replant them. You can replace watering with spraying.
July 19, 2018, 6-7 lunar day, waxing Moon in Libra. You can replant plants, especially in open ground, and also take them out into the fresh air.
July 20, 2018, 7-8 lunar day, waxing Moon in Scorpio. Any manipulation with flowers, especially deciduous ones, is beneficial: replanting, watering, fertilizing, treating against pests.
July 21, 2018, 8-9 lunar day, waxing Moon in Scorpio. When the moon is growing in the sign of Scorpio, you can replant all plants, water and feed them.
July 22, 2018, 9-10 lunar day, waxing Moon in Scorpio. A favorable day for replanting all flowers that require it.
July 23, 2018, 10-11 lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Neutral day, you can’t water or spray plants during the day, or do any pruning.
July 24, 2018, 11-12 lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius. You can carry out any procedures, including planting, transplanting, moving to a new place, watering, pruning. Pest prevention will be especially effective.
July 25, 2018, 12-13 lunar day, waxing Moon in Capricorn. You can replant and plant any plants except bulbous ones. Can't be cut.
July 26, 2018, 13-14 lunar day, waxing Moon in Capricorn. Days favorable for caring for indoor flowers. Great time for a transplant. Plants transplanted during these days of July will be resistant to pests and diseases.
July 27, 2018, 14-15 lunar day, Lunar Eclipse, Full Moon in Capricorn. Full moon. An excellent time to feed and fertilize indoor plants. It’s better not to replant the flowers at all, let them rest a little. You need to pay attention to plants that have long stem, tie them up, and also remove dried leaves and buds of flowering plants.
July 28, 2018, 15-16 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius. A good day for pest control.
July 29, 2018, 16-17 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius. It is better to refrain from caring for plants; the day is unfavorable for this.
July 30, 2018, 17-18 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces. Water days, so watering and spraying indoor flowers is especially recommended on this day.
July 31, 2018, 18-19 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces. We spray and water the plants, and also apply the necessary fertilizing and fertilizers according to the schedule.

The plants that live in our home are also influenced by lunar rhythms, like all plants that grow in open ground. If you have indoor flowers at home, you are already own experience you know which of them take root better in your apartment, what care they require and how they behave, but if you feel that something is wrong with your plants, try caring for them in accordance with the lunar rhythms.

If you are a beginner florist, you will undoubtedly find our advice useful, following which you you can boast of a beautiful garden on your windowsill.

Indoor plants are not only pleasing to the eye and are the pride of any housewife. They bring a lot of benefits ventilating air indoors and even getting rid of harmful effects electrical appliances.

In the bedroom, for example, it is not recommended to place flowering plants. More suitable for this room leafy plants, For example, chlorophytum or Helxina, which will improve the microclimate and reduce harmful radiation. Suitable for living room beautiful flowering plants, For example, hippeastrum or orchid that you can show off to your guests.

It is important, of course, not to forget about the lighting capabilities of your apartment. For example, if your living room is very dark, flowers that love light will be in it. will not take root without additional lighting. Therefore, if you do not want to install additional lamps, it is better for you to place plants in such rooms that don't like light, for example, such as ferns, abelia chinensis, anthurium, begonias, aglaonema, poinsettia, myrtle, spotted dieffenbachia, alocasia and others.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants

Luna's tips: New plants should be planted or old plants should be replanted on the days when the Moon enters Virgo sign with waxing moon. Also on these days you can tear off shoots from plants for planting. This propagation of indoor flowers is very common, but not all shoots should be planted in the ground immediately. Some of them need to be in water for the shoot to take root.

The cuttings of the plant should not bloom, but should look healthy and full of energy. Sometimes a single sheet is enough. Plants such as gloxinia, violet, begonia, tradescantia, ivy, balsam, are easily propagated by leaves that are first placed in water. Chlorophytum propagated by “babies” that appear on the plant after flowering. This baby takes root even without pre-soaking.

Cacti and others succulents can also be propagated using cuttings, however, to prevent the plant from rotting, the torn cuttings should be dried for a couple of days.

Another way to propagate plants is bush division. In this way you can propagate plants such as cyperus, asparagus, spathiphyllum, pogonaterum. This method will allow you to immediately get several mature plant bushes. The procedure for dividing the bush should also be done in Virgo days on the waxing moon so that the plants quickly take root and grow well.

Successful days for planting and replanting plants this summer: June 14-16, July 12-14, August 8-10, 2013

Lunar calendar for watering indoor plants

Luna's tips: It is best to water indoor plants in days of water when the Moon is in the following signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Thus, about 7-9 days pass between waterings.

There are plants that require more frequent watering, so water them on other days, but it’s better to avoid days of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). These days, plants do not absorb nutrients well; water can stagnate in the pot and lead to rotting. It should also be remembered that plants should be watered frequently in summer and less often in winter. cacti For example, in winter you can generally water once a month, or even less often.

IN Fire days (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) Water the flowers carefully early in the morning (in winter and autumn) and in the evening after sunset (in summer and spring) so that the scorching sun does not lead to burns. The same applies to spraying flowers.

You need to spray flowers if the air in the room is very dry. Many modern indoor flowers came to us from the tropics, where air humidity is very high, so they may wither away in a room with dry air. Some flowers require moisture so much that they need to place a tray with wet expanded clay under the pot.

Flowers such as: cacti, succulents, orchids, arrowroot, ivy, tradescantia, ferns.

Plants such as: violet, begonia, cyclamen.

Plants should be watered until they have settled for several days. tap water , although some gardeners recommend watering flowers such as orchids, boiled water. IN tap water Bleach is added to clean it, which has a detrimental effect on the flowers. To allow the chlorine to evaporate, it is enough to leave the water in an open container. 12-14 hours.

If the plant is watered from above, water it at the edges of the pot, so as not to expose the roots. If you leafy plant There is a funnel made of leaves, you should pour a little water into the center of the funnel. If the plant is watered from below, like a violet, gloxinia or orchid, then the water should be poured into a tray or immerse the pot in water for 30-60 minutes if the plants are severely dehydrated. If there is still water in the tray a couple of hours after watering, it should be drained.

What to do if you are going on vacation, and there is no one to water the flowers in your absence? For example, to prevent flowers from drying out if you are forced to leave, use bucket of water and bandages. A bucket of water is placed in the middle of the room, and flower pots are placed around it. Then the bandages are cut long enough to reach from the bottom of the bucket to the pot. One end of the bandage is dipped into the water, the other is stuck into the ground. This method allows protect the soil from drying out.

If your flowers do wilt a little after your arrival, they will usually come back to life quickly if you start them again water correctly on Water or Earth days. If you are going to leave again, it is better to find someone who can come to your home and water your flowers. Create a watering schedule based on the lunar calendar and give it to the person who will take care of your plants. Also prepare in advance. settled water for irrigation and spraying.

Once a month in days of water plants can be bathed and washed. Plants that stand indoors become covered with dust, which clogs their pores, preventing them from breathing normally. Moreover, the sight of dusty plants will not decorate your home, even if the plants are more or less healthy.

Good days to water plants this summer: June 9-11, June 19-21, June 27-29, July 7-9, July 16-18, July 25-26, August 3-5, August 13-14, August 21-23, August 30-31, 2013

Bad days for watering plants this summer: June 7-8, June 17-18, June 25-26, July 4-6, July 14-15, July 22-24, August 1-2, August 10-12, August 19-20, August 28-29, 2013

Lunar calendar of plants: how to fertilize indoor plants?

All gardeners advise fertilizing indoor plants, since plants in cramped pots do not have the opportunity to receive essential minerals and vitamins, which they receive during natural growth in the ground. Fertilizers help prolong flowering and strengthen the plant’s immunity.

For some types of indoor flowers, for example, cacti or orchids, available individual fertilizers, which are not recommended for use for other types of flowers. Eat universal fertilizers that will suit almost everyone deciduous plants in the house.

Typically, such fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus And potassium. Nitrogen avoids the fragility of leaves and stems; phosphorus has a positive effect on flowering and helps the root system grow; Potassium supports the immune system, provides resistance to various diseases and unpleasant environmental influences. Plants also require microelements such as iron, copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum.

If you buy ready-made fertilizers for flowers, please note dosage and frequency of their use. Usually these fertilizers are quite concentrated and diluted in large quantities water.

Another important point These are contraindications when feeding plants. Typically fertilizers are used in spring and summer, during growth. In winter, when the flower is usually dormant, it is better not to fertilize it. If the plant is sick, you should not stuff it with fertilizers. Try to feed only healthy plants. You cannot make a very concentrated fertilizer solution, so as not to harm the plant.

Luna's tips: Indoor plants should be fertilized on the waning Moon and better in Water days (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). This can be done simultaneously with watering, dissolving fertilizers in correct proportions in the water. If the survival rate of plants is poor, they can be fertilized days of Capricorn and Taurus.

Good days to fertilize plants this summer: June 27-29, July 25-26, August 3-5, August 21-23, August 30-31, 2013

Days of Capricorn and Taurus (waning Moon): June 4-6, June 23-24, July 2-4, July 29-31, August 26-27, 2013

One of important aspects, which are worth considering when establishing an apartment garden are.

So, depending on the decade lunar month, there is an increase or decrease in certain properties plant organisms, which is important to consider in order for the landing to be as successful and efficient as possible.

  1. Favorable days for planting indoor flowers

The influence of lunar phases and astrology on indoor flowers

Any of the phases of the Moon has a certain effect on all plant organisms.

This influence varies depending on the phase.

On the growing, young Moon You can take the time to plant or simply replant into a new container. This is due to the fact that during this period representatives indoor garden receive a new influx of energy during transplantation. This has beneficial effect on growth processes and their activation.
On the waning moon There comes a period that is unsuitable for any active actions in relation to flowers, since during this phase the flow of energy stops at the root system. Thus, transplantation procedures can damage the root, thus disrupting energy circulation processes and even lead to death.
Second and fourth phase The optimal time for pruning and replanting plants. Flowers calmly tolerate all manipulations with minimal damage to themselves if the procedures are carried out correctly.

Thus, the presence of the earth’s satellite in a specific sign is reflected in the state of green pets:

  • Water signs of the zodiac are known for their fertility. Sowing carried out on the days when the Moon enters the symbols of the water element or Taurus, Libra, Leo will be effective and will lead to the activation of the first shoots and their active growth;
  • The symbols of the elements of air (Aquarius and Gemini) and earth (Capricorn and Virgo) are characterized by insignificant fertility indicators. This is not the most optimal time for disembarkation, but proper care shoots will not keep you waiting;
  • Dry signs of the earth elements (Aries and Sagittarius) are not favorable for planting seeds and seedlings. On dry signs, it is better not to undertake any activities involving replanting; the flowers simply do not have enough energy reserves for subsequent life activity and they may dry out.

Before planting, it is important to take into account what phase the Moon is in and the astrological symbol in which it resides. This can be determined by astrological calendars, which are compiled and released annually.

Let's learn more about the moon's influence on the life of indoor plants:

Favorable days for pruning indoor plants

Among other things, it is important to keep in mind the lunar calendar of indoor plants before you start pruning dry or excess branches.

It is important to consider that pruning:

  • Recommended during the period of the waning moon, in its third - fourth phase. This is due to the fact that the direction of the flow of juices changes, circulation occurs from the upper branches to the stem and root;
  • Prohibited during the full moon and new moon. It is also not recommended to start it on the 23rd lunar day, during the period of waning of Aquarius, Pisces and growth of Cancer.

If you follow this simple routine, pruning will bring maximum benefit. Otherwise, the risk of both harming and destroying your pet through incorrect and untimely measures increases significantly.

Lunar calendar for watering indoor plants

When growing any flowers, it is important to follow both all the rules of replanting and the rules of care, especially watering. So, many novice gardeners can damage their green pets precisely by improper watering.

To figure out when to water the soil, it is important not to lose sight of personal species features, indicators of humidity, lighting and temperature in the apartment and outside the window.

In addition, it is important to remember that the activation of watering should correspond not only lunar day, but also the general needs of a green pet.

  • Activation of growth processes;
  • The presence of working heating, when evaporation increases sharply;
  • The presence of narrow and fragile leaves of the crop that cannot contain a sufficient amount of moisture;
  • Small containers or ceramics as material for the pot.

The lunar calendar provides all the information needed for proper supervision. If you follow the routine, care will bring maximum effect and will require a minimum of effort and expense.

Favorable days for planting indoor flowers

One of the most important procedures In the care of an apartment garden, planting is rightly considered. To make this first step go smoothly, it is recommended to find a calendar for replanting indoor plants for 2018. It contains the basic numbers suitable for sowing and planting seedlings and seeds, and transferring adults to new containers.

Maximum efficiency for the gardener is ensured by following all the recommendations of the specialists who draw up the sowing calendar.

So, in 2018 it is worth taking into account this division of months with the corresponding care recommendations.

When planting indoor plants, guidance from the lunar calendar significantly increases the likelihood of acclimatization and increased growth as quickly as possible.

Besides, special attention It is worth paying attention to other procedures related to planting, moistening and pruning.

The lunar calendar is an important list of dates, with precise indications of the most effective activities for all ten days of the month.

Flower growth processes are influenced not only by a well-chosen container, timely watering and sufficient lighting, but also by the timeliness of these measures. It is precisely in order to reduce the likelihood of error to a minimum that the annual lunar calendar is compiled.

Look interesting video about replanting indoor plants, how to determine favorable days for this event:

Just planting a flower in a pot is far from the only condition for it successful cultivation. When and how to replant indoor flowers correctly is a question that interests not only beginners, but also experienced flower growers. The correct time for replanting will determine how quickly the plant adapts to its new location and begins to grow green mass.

In this article you will find useful tips and recommendations for replanting indoor plants, and also learn what replanting flowers is and how to carry it out correctly.

How to replant indoor flowers correctly

All crops, including indoor ones, are constantly developing. To prevent your favorite flowerpot from feeling cramped in an old pot, you need to know how to replant flowers at home correctly.

There are several reasons explaining the need for regular transplantation(Figure 1):

  • In cramped pots, crops are more susceptible to pests and diseases;
  • The roots become crowded, so the leaves and stems develop much more slowly;
  • Compacted soil in a pot contains much less nutrients and has poorer air permeability to the roots.

Figure 1. Signs that can help determine the need for a transplant

In addition, a grown specimen that is cramped in a pot can easily break. That is why you need to regularly change containers and the substrate in them.


To know how to properly transplant home crops, you need to decide on the main types of transplantation. It can be complete or incomplete. In case of a complete transplant, the flower is moved to a new pot, completely replacing the old substrate and cleaning it from the roots. In case of incomplete replanting, part of the soil remains on the roots, forming an earthen lump, and fresh substrate is partially added to the new pot.

Alternatively, you can simply replace the topsoil to provide more nutrients to your crop.

Transfer rules

In order for the flowers to feel comfortable in a new pot, you need to transplant them correctly. It is advisable to carry out the procedure quickly and with all crops at the same time. Moreover, the best time for transplantation is considered early spring, when most species, including exotic ones, have not yet entered the stage active growth, or are at rest.

The basic rules for transplantation are:(Figure 2):

  • The flower is gently removed from the pot so as not to accidentally damage its roots;
  • It is important that the flower is healthy, since specimens weakened after illness or intense flowering do not tolerate transplantation well and may even die;
  • If the crop has formed a dense earthen lump, it must be carefully cleared of part of the substrate and placed in a new container;
  • It is important to ensure that the roots do not protrude from drainage holes in the day. If this does happen, you need to pick up more large capacity or carefully trim off excess roots.

Figure 2. Rules for replanting plants

When the flower is placed in a new pot, it is sprinkled with a new layer of fertile substrate, watered and the soil is slightly compacted. This is necessary so that it quickly forms a new earthen ball and receives all the necessary nutrients (Figure 3).

These rules apply only to compact species. Large varieties It is difficult to completely transplant. If the pot can accommodate the root system normally, you can simply replace the top layer of soil. But, if the crop becomes crowded, you can carry out transshipment, which will be discussed below.

When is the best time to replant indoor flowers?

The most the right time It is considered spring for replanting, when all crops come to life.

Note: If you did not replant one or more specimens in the spring, the procedure can be carried out later, if there is an urgent need for it.

In fact, replanting cannot be done only in winter. Therefore, if you decide to move your pets into pots larger size, try to carry out this procedure from March to September. In March they are just beginning to emerge from the state of winter dormancy, and in early September they begin to prepare for winter and will tolerate transplantation normally.

Figure 3. Main stages of transplantation

It is important to consider that not all species require annual replanting. This condition is relevant only for young crops that are actively growing green mass and need nutrients. It is enough to replant adult specimens once every 2-3 years or as the roots outgrow.

Handling indoor plants

Transshipment of plants is carried out if they are too large and it is impossible to completely clear their roots from the ground. In addition, this procedure is necessary for species that have been in an old pot for too long, and their roots have formed a dense lump (Figure 4).

What is it

The main difference between transshipment and transplantation is that the earthen ball in which the roots are located is not disturbed. In fact, the flower is simply transferred to a new large pot and part of the substrate is replaced.

Figure 4. Stages of transshipment of home flowers

Transshipment - great way renew the soil in a pot with large specimens. For large specimens, conventional replanting is not suitable, since it is physically impossible to remove all the soil from the roots.

Why do you need to transship?

The main purpose of transshipment is to give crops the opportunity to grow, develop and bloom regularly.

Transshipment is carried out much faster than transplantation, so the flowers do not experience serious stress and practically do not suffer from the procedure. Let's consider what features transshipment has and what rules to follow when carrying it out.


A characteristic feature of transshipment is low trauma to the flower itself. As a rule, transshipment is carried out for large species, which simply cannot be lifted, cleared of soil and moved to a new pot.

In addition, the roots are not injured during transshipment. They are simply removed from the old container and moved to a new pot along with a lump of earth, and free space filled with new nutrient substrate.


To carry out transshipment correctly, you must strictly follow the rules of procedure. First, you need to try to carefully remove the plant from the old pot. To do this, you need to slightly loosen the soil around the edges of the container and carefully remove the plant. If transshipment is carried out for a very large crop, it is better to place the pot on its side, loosen the soil and simply remove the pot from the earthen clod.

Secondly, there is no need to clear the roots from the soil. Gently holding the plant by the lower part of the stem, it is moved into a new container so that the earthen ball is in the center. After this, the free space of the pot is filled with fresh nutrient substrate, slightly compacted and watered. It is important that the plant is firmly fixed in the ground. If this does not happen, it makes sense to choose a larger container or add another layer of soil.

When to replant indoor flowers in spring

Many gardeners are interested in the question of when is the best time to replant indoor flowers. Despite the fact that this procedure can be carried out almost all year round, except for winter, spring is considered the most suitable time.

In March, the plants had not yet fully awakened after hibernation, but have already accumulated enough strength to endure the transplant well. Therefore, it is recommended to plan the transplantation of young plants for March, and other crops can be transplanted later, when the need arises.

Transplanting indoor flowers in spring: video

If you have never replanted plants yourself, or you want to get more practical recommendations For this procedure, we recommend watching the video. In it, you'll find expert repotting tips and learn how to move flowers into new pots with minimal stress to your plants.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):