Published worldwide annually. And 2017 also turned out to be incredibly rich in new book releases. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to devote time to all of them. We studied the top sales of Belarusian online bookstores and compiled a list for you “ most popular books."

Paula Hawkins "Into the Still Waters"

This is already the second novel Paula Hawkins in a row, which becomes a global bestseller. Her The Girl on the Train became a global phenomenon, spending 20 weeks at number one in the UK's best-selling books.

The author characterizes his new novel as psychological thriller about "difficult" women. The main character Jules comes to the provincial town of Bedford to pick up her niece, orphaned after her mother’s suicide. And the more Jules tries to understand the circumstances of her sister’s death, the less she believes in her suicide. After all, this story involves the mystical Deadly Pool, in whose waters many women died. You can find out the price.

Victor Pelevin “iPhuck 10”

The action of the new novel by one of the most famous Russian writers of our time takes place at the end of the 21st century. The main character is a literary police algorithm Porfiry Petrovich. He investigates crimes, and in his spare time writes detective novels about them. The usual way of his existence changes when Porfiry Petrovich is rented out to the art critic Maruha Cho.

"iPhuck 10"- rather non-fiction: a collection of essays united by the main characters. Pelevin discusses the difference between artificial and natural intelligence, gender and sexuality, and contemporary art. And his philosophical speculations do not go unnoticed: critics have already called “iPhuck 10” the author’s best text in recent years.

Elchin Safarli “When I return, be at home”

The new book by the famous oriental writer Elfin Safarli is a reflection on love and death, on the simple joys of life and the severity of losses. These are letters that an elderly single father writes to his lost daughter in the hope that someday they will certainly reach her. In his letters, he tells her stories from his past, comfortably describes his daily life, gives important advice, shares parental wisdom and even the smell of the ocean. You can buy the book.

Marta Chernova and Maria Cheryakova “Brave Dzyauchynka”

A new book from the creators of the Belarusian project “Geta, dzetka”. In 2015, the girls have already released one bestseller - a book of the same name, about how foreigners see Belarus.

“The Brave Dzyauchynka” is a children's fairy tale with original illustrations. Its plot is based on a Belarusian folk tale « Not strength, but courage», redesigned to be relatable to modern children. Like the first book of the girls, the story “Dare to Dzyauchynki” is told in two languages: Belarusian and English.

Leigh Bardugo "Six of Crows"

Six of Crows was written in 2015, but received an official translation only this year. And of course, the loudest new product in the young adult segment could not help but become a bestseller.

IN Katterdam- the main secret international black market - young criminal genius Kaz assembles a team of six completely different people. Together they will have to commit the theft of the century, which will make the heroes rich if successful. Of course, if they finish the job before they kill each other. The book is on sale.

Yael Adler "What the Skin Conceals" 2 square meters that dictate how we live"

This year's main popular science book is dedicated to the largest part of the human body - the skin. If you are looking for cosmetic recipes, then pass by; if you want to understand what the skin is made of and why it is needed, then this is the place for you. The book was written by a dermatologist.

Katherine Banner "The House at the Edge of Night"

At the very beginning of the 20th century, the island Castellamar off the coast of Italy, where residents know each other by name, a doctor arrives Amadeo Esposito. He buys an abandoned bar called The House on the Edge of Night and reopens it. The reader will have to spend almost a century in this place, living through all the dramas, trials, love affairs and life stories of four generations of the Esposito family. “The House on the Edge of Night” is a wonderful family saga that combines facts from the history of the 20th century with the legends of the island, which will delight all lovers of atmospheric stories. How much does the book cost?

Max Fry “Give me my heart”

The sixth book of the series “Dreams of Echo” tells of new adventures Sir Max, who found himself in the world of his dreams, dreams, magic and decided to stay there forever. And the new story begins very simply: caring friends lock the main character in prison so that he can finally get some sleep. And while Sir Max is resting, a wizard appears in his world who knows a special spell that can only be performed by giving someone your heart. The hero of the book is ready to introduce the reader to this spell, as well as give instructions on how to deal with other people's hearts. Price.

Mark Manson “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. A paradoxical way to live happily.”

No bestseller list is complete without a self-development book, and ours has one. Popular blogger Mark Manson opposed the ubiquitous cult of success and positivity. The author's recipe for a happy life is healthy indifference, and the way to achieve it is to analyze your own and other people's failures in life. This book will tell you in a witty manner how to master the art of not giving a damn, why you need to be a little less self-confident and why “do something” is an example of true motivation.

Stephenie Meyer "The Chemist"

The official translation of the detective novel “The Chemist” from the author of the famous vampire saga became a top seller as soon as it reached the warehouses of online stores. The main character, nicknamed the Chemist, works on a scientific project for the American intelligence services. At one point, the employers realize that the Chemist knows too much and decide to eliminate her, but the girl is not ready to give up so easily. You can buy the book.

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In this selection you will find only the best books that the entire Runet has been talking about!

1. “Givers. Gift of Fire" Ekaterina Sobol

The Rosman publishing house has been delighting fantasy fans all year. And not only with interesting stories, but also with luxurious design of the covers of their books. But, perhaps, the first book in the “Givers” series received the most enthusiastic responses.

The book describes a very interesting world: three hundred years ago, everyone living had magical talent at their own level, but over time, knowledge was lost and skills were forgotten. But suddenly magic awakens, and the main character finds himself in a whirlpool of events and adventures, who is not ready for this. It’s better to see for yourself whether he can overcome his fears and prejudices.

2. “Do no harm. Stories of Life, Death and Neurosurgery" Henry Marsh

An honest and largely personal book by Henry Marsh, which provides a glimpse into the sterile and dangerous world of medicine. In the minds of the majority, it is customary to treat doctors in two ways: either it is extreme adoration, or panic fear. From this book you will learn what it means to be a neurosurgeon and what responsibility lies with such a person. You will understand why doctors are overwhelmingly cynics, but at the same time they are the same people as their patients.

The book will be of interest to a variety of readers. It will appeal to those who need real action, because in the stories they tell, it is not always clear at first whether a person will survive or not. And it will become a guide to the world of neurosurgery for those interested in this topic.

3. “When Marnie Was Here” by Joan Robinson

It was this book that the legendary storyteller and animator Hayao Miyazaki included in his top children's works. The book collected many prestigious awards and nominations, and became a successful debut for the writer in the field of teenage literature. Despite the narrow focus of the book, it will be of interest to readers of all ages.

In the center of the story is a girl, Anna, who does not have good relationships with her relatives or peers. She is completely alone, gloomy and unsociable, unable to reveal her soul and feelings. But one day she meets Marnie, and the girls become best friends. Anna sometimes notices that Marnie behaves strangely and often thoughts flash through her mind: is her friend real?..

4. “Quazi” Sergei Lukyanenko

The long-awaited book from the legendary domestic science fiction writer received different reviews. There were more positive ones, but there were also fair comments in the negative ones. Therefore, this book is a must read!

Lukyanenko, with a light hand, unfolds post-apocalyptic Moscow before the reader’s mind’s eye. The creatures inhabiting the city are divided into three types: people, zombies and quasi. Quasi is an intelligent life form that stopped the destructive war between the living and the dead. The main character Denis Smirnov and his partner, a representative of the quasi, must investigate a dark case, which contains chilling crimes and intrigues of the powers that be.

5. Mrs Sinclair's Suitcase by Louise Walters

If you like intricate stories about family secrets and mysteries of the past, then this book is for you! This is a successful debut for Louise Walters in the world of literature, and her second book will be published in 2017. Fans of this story and melodramatic narratives in general are eagerly awaiting it.

Roberta finds a long-lost letter from her grandmother. After reading it, she realizes that the life of her close relative is not as simple as it seemed. Behind the first letter are more letters, and Roberta finds herself drawn into a knot of secrets from the past that only she can unravel.

6. “The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins” by Irvine Welsh

A new book by the Scottish classic, the author of the sensational work “Trainspotting” in its time, which haunts many today. The author went beyond his style and chose hot Florida as the setting for his story. And this surprised both critics and his fans a lot.

Two heroines are drawn into a series of exciting events. One of them is a fitness trainer and a woman obsessed with her appearance and health. And the second is a self-effacing, but no less talented artist and sculptor. Welsh brings these women together and wildly twists the narrative, masterfully revealing the conflict and the characters of the chosen types. Be prepared for obscene language on almost every page; the author is famous for his pronounced alternativeness.

7. “The Lamp of Methuselah, or the Ultimate Battle of the Chekists with the Freemasons” Victor Pelevin

One can have different attitudes towards Pelevin, but it is difficult to disagree with the fact that he is a phenomenon of enormous proportions in modern Russian literature. And his new book is worth reading, even with the hipster-looking bearded man on the cover.

And what awaits under the cover? The plot is in the best Peleven traditions: before our eyes, a battle will unfold between the security officers and the Freemasons, which will last for more than one generation. But there is always a double bottom in the writer’s works, and this book is no exception, since behind the crazy plot lies a sharp surreal satire on the current state of affairs in society.

8. “PP for TP. Proper nutrition for the training process" Vasily Smolny

Here is a book by the ideological inspirer and organizer of the “Mad Drying” project. The author advocates a healthy lifestyle and physical beauty. And in his book, he explains in simple and figurative language why certain processes occur in the body, what they depend on and what to do with them.

If you have been looking for a long time and unsuccessfully for a book that, without embellishment and simply telling you the basics of proper nutrition and training, then this is in front of you. It will be an excellent guide for beginners, because it contains practical information that is conveniently structured.

9. “If one day life takes you away from me...” Thierry Cohen

This story will appeal to those who have not yet lost faith in love, but have already left the need for sugary and sugary heroes in the past. A touching story of relationships between people from different circles who are forced to fight for their feelings under the pressure of condemnation from people close to them.

Before us is a man and a woman. He is the heir to a successful business, she is a poor dancer. Their relationship is misunderstood and doomed. But one day something happens that radically changes their situation: a car accident, due to which the young people end up in the hospital. He has only 8 days to prove his courage and the strength of his feelings.

10. “Tell me about the sea” Elchin Safarli

Safarli's prose is distinguished by sensuality and sincerity. When reading, you get the feeling that the author puts a piece of his soul into the text, which makes it come to life and what you read literally rises before your eyes. He is always open, frank and filled with melancholy, which is why his fans love him.

This book continues the tone of the story set by the writer. Before us is a kaleidoscope of sparkling childhood, with its discoveries and problems. Metaphorical images, pictures of the past that are close to everyone, familiar rustles and smells... We can say with confidence that this book will be quoted and will become a good friend for its reader.

11. “I’ll go live in “Sweater”” Anna Nikolskaya

Anna Nikolskaya’s book was published in the “Lines of the Soul” series, in which domestic writers write about the reality of life for teenagers with its problems and questions. But despite this, the touching stories appealed to female audiences of all ages, as evidenced by the success of this series.

The main character of this book, the girl Julia, lives an ordinary life and everything is fine with her. But overnight this idyll collapses when her parents let their friend’s daughter stay temporarily. Yulia is at a loss and doesn’t know how to get along with her strange neighbor, and is thinking of moving to her favorite cafe “Sweater”. But circumstances require determination and decision-making, and the girl will have to gain different experiences on her way to growing up.

12. "Shardik" Richard Adams

Adams’s masterpiece novel was written back in 1974, but hit Russian book shelves for the first time in 2016. The book has a truly epic scope and complex structure, but a dashingly twisted plot, a well-developed world and detailed mythology will appeal to all fans of the fantasy genre.

The book tells the story of the hunter Kelderek and his encounter with a huge bear, in whom he sees a god. The fact is that people in this world believe that God has the appearance of a bear and his name is Shardik. They hope that one day a giant bear will come down to them and save them from all their troubles. And when a young hunter meets the animal embodiment of his faith, he has no doubts. What we have here is a metaphor for the meeting of the divine and the human, a conversation about faith, becoming and redemption.

13. Circus Mirandus by Cassie Beasley

If in your life you have lost faith in miracles, then you urgently need this book. This is a book that you need to read and reread, and later recommend to your children and your friends' children. Under the magnificent atmospheric cover lies a magical story and it will not leave anyone indifferent!

The boy Mick has no parents and is taken care of by his grandfather. He tells his grandson wonderful stories about the magical Mirandus circus. Mika knows that his grandfather is sick, and one day he decides to find this circus in order to restore his health with the help of a magician from the circus. He sets out on a journey full of adventures and unexpected discoveries.

14. “My Name is Fox” by Lee Vixen

A series of books by AST publishing house called “Online-Bestseller” has gained wide popularity both on the Internet and among readers. The works included in the series are well selected and do not leave you indifferent. And the inscription on the cover “The most sensational books of the Runet” is even more intriguing.

Here is one of the most highly rated books in this series. The story centers on a warlike girl, Lys, who runs from her past and enlists in the legion as a boy soldier. Breathtaking adventures and fascinating stories around the campfire await you.

15. The Gospel of Loki by Joan Harris

The most intriguing book for Joan Harris that no one expected to see in her bibliography. After all, she is known for her bestsellers “Blackberry Wine” and “Chocolate,” which touch on the themes of relationships between men and women. It seemed that the theme of Scandinavian myths was not at all close to her, but the writer brilliantly proves the opposite.

The story of the god of cunning and deception Loki turned out to be extremely reliable and lively. The narration comes from his face, and willy-nilly you become imbued with sympathy and friendliness towards the rogue. He will tell his story, full of ups, downs and betrayals, which will not let you get bored.

If you have not yet read any book from this list, then quickly make your choice and go on an exciting journey!

This Agreement is concluded between IP Smygin Konstantin Igorevich, hereinafter referred to as the “Service Administration” and any person who becomes a user upon registration on the Service website http://site/ (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”), hereinafter referred to as the “User”, together in the text of the Agreement referred to as the “Parties”, and individually as a “Party”.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Agreement in accordance with Art. 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is a public offer. By accessing the materials of the Service, the User is deemed to have acceded to this Agreement and accepts the terms of this offer and the provisions of the Agreement (acceptance).

1.2. Unconditional acceptance of the terms of this offer is carried out by registering on the Service website.

1.3. This Agreement, concluded by accepting this offer, does not require bilateral signing and is valid in electronic form.

1.4. The use of materials and functions of the Service is governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Subject of the Agreement

2.1. The subject of this Agreement is the transfer by the Service Administration of non-exclusive rights to use the Service by providing access to the Service on a server owned by the Service Administration.

2.2. The terms of this Agreement apply to all subsequent updates and new versions of the Service. By agreeing to use the new version of the Service, the User accepts the terms of this Agreement for the corresponding updates, new versions of the Service, unless the update and/or new version of the Service is accompanied by another agreement.

2.3. The Service is the result of the intellectual activity of the Service Administration and is protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual property and international law; all exclusive rights to the Service, accompanying materials and any copies thereof belong to the Service Administration. The right to use the Service is granted to the User solely on the terms and to the extent specified in this Agreement.

3. Terms of use of the Service

3.1. To start working with the Service, the User must go through the registration procedure by assigning a unique name (Login) and password. Upon completion of the registration process, the User becomes the account holder. From the moment you log into your account, the User is solely responsible for the security of the entered data, as well as the Login and password.

3.2. Upon completion of work with the Service, the User independently completes work under his account by clicking the “Log Out” button.

3.3. From the moment of registration in the Service, the User is assigned a personal account to which the User has the right to deposit a sum of money. The amount of money in the personal account is used to pay for a subscription for a certain calendar period (6 months, 12 months and 24 months) for paid services of the Service. Payment for paid services is carried out by wire transfer of funds in the form of 100% prepayment and debited from the User’s personal account.

3.4. Free services are provided to the User without any guarantees, in the quality, volume and functionality that these services have as part of the Service. This means that the User does not have the right to make claims regarding the availability, volume, quality or functionality of the free services received and uses them, accepting all risks and responsibilities associated with the use of such free services.

3.5. Paid services are considered to be provided properly and accepted by the User in full if, within 5 (Five) business days of providing the corresponding paid service, the Service Administration has not received motivated written claims from the User.

3.6. The Administration of the Service provides technical support to the User, including on issues related to the functionality of the Service and the services provided, as well as the peculiarities of operating the Service.

4. Rights and obligations of the parties

4.1. Rights and obligations of the User

4.1.1. The User undertakes not to take actions that may be considered as violating Russian legislation or international law, including in the field of intellectual property, copyright and/or related rights, as well as any actions that lead or may lead to disruption of the normal operation of the Service.

4.1.2. The User undertakes not to provide (transfer) in whole or in part to third parties the rights received by him under this Agreement, not to sell, not to replicate, not to copy the materials of the Service in whole or in part, not to alienate in any other way, including free of charge, without obtaining prior permission for all of the above actions. written consent of the Service Administration.

4.1.3. The User undertakes not to transfer passwords and logins used to access the Service to third parties and to ensure the confidentiality of their storage. In the event of unauthorized access to the login and password and/or user account, the User is obliged to immediately notify the Service Administration.

4.1.4. The User undertakes not to use software that automatically downloads and processes (disassembles) the Service’s web pages in order to obtain the necessary data.

4.1.5. The User is responsible for the content and accuracy of the data provided when registering on the Service. The User agrees to the storage and processing of the User’s personal data by the Service Administration.

4.1.6. The User has the right to access the Service at any time, except during maintenance.

4.1.7. The User has the right to use the Service within the limits of its functionality and under the conditions established by this Agreement.

4.1.8. The user has the right to deposit an amount of money equal to the subscription amount for a particular calendar period for the subsequent use of Paid services of the Service. The user can view the tariffs for Paid services of the Service at: http://site/subscription/

4.1.9. The user has the right to independently change the password without notifying the Service Administration.

4.1.10. The User has the right at any time to apply to delete the User’s account and information stored in the Service. Deletion of the User's account and information stored on the Service is carried out within 7 days from the date of receipt of the application. When deleting an account, the funds that the user spent on a subscription to Paid Services of the Service are not subject to partial or full refund.

4.1.11. Funds transferred as payment for a subscription to the Service's services are non-refundable and can be used to pay for paid services of the Service.

4.2. Rights and obligations of the Service Administration

4.2.1. The Administration of the Service is obliged to provide the User with access to the Service no later than 5 (Five) business days from the moment the User completes the registration procedure on the Service.

4.2.2. The Administration of the Service undertakes to ensure the operation of the Service, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, around the clock, 7 (Seven) days a week, including weekends and holidays, with the exception of the time of maintenance.

4.2.3. The Administration of the Service undertakes to ensure the safety of the User’s data posted in the Service for 90 (Ninety) calendar days from the date of the User’s last use of any of the paid services of the Service.

4.2.4. The Service Administration undertakes not to transfer the User’s personal data to third parties.

4.2.5 The Service Administration has the right to suspend the operation of the Service to carry out the necessary scheduled preventive and repair work on the technical resources of the Service Administration, as well as unscheduled work in emergency situations, notifying the User about this, if technically possible, by posting relevant information on the website.

4.2.6. The Service Administration has the right to interrupt the operation of the Service if this is due to the impossibility of using information and transport channels that are not the Service Administration’s own resources, or the action and/or inaction of third parties, if this directly affects the operation of the Service, including in an emergency.

4.2.7. The Administration of the Service has the right to update the content, functionality and user interface of the Service at any time at its sole discretion.

4.2.8. The Service Administration has the right to change the cost of paid services unilaterally.

4.2.9. The Service Administration has the right to block and/or delete the User's account, including all information content of the User, without notifying the User or explaining the reasons if the User violates the terms of this Agreement.

5. Responsibility of the parties and dispute resolution procedure

5.1. The Service is provided to the User “as is” in accordance with the generally accepted principles in international practice. This means that the Service Administration is not responsible for problems arising during the process of updating, supporting and operating the Service (including compatibility problems with other software products, as well as inconsistency of the results of using the Service with the User’s expectations, etc.).

5.2. For violation of obligations under the Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In this case, the liability of the Service Administration to the User in the event of a claim for damages is limited to the amount of the cost of the Paid services paid by the User.

5.3. Neither Party shall be liable for complete or partial failure to fulfill any of its obligations if the failure is a consequence of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement and beyond the control of the Parties. In the event of force majeure circumstances lasting more than 3 (Three) months, any Party has the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement (terminate the Agreement).

5.4. Since the Service is an object of intellectual property of the Service Administration, liability for copyright infringement occurs in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. The Administration of the Service is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, as well as for direct and indirect losses of the User, including lost profits and possible damage, including as a result of unlawful actions of Internet users aimed at violating information security or normal functioning of the Service; lack of Internet connections between the User’s computer and the Service Administration server; conduct by state and municipal bodies, as well as other organizations of actions within the framework of operational investigative activities; establishment of state regulation (or regulation by other organizations) of the economic activities of commercial organizations on the Internet and/or establishment by these entities of one-time restrictions that complicate or make impossible the execution of this Agreement; and other cases related to the actions (inaction) of Internet users and/or other entities aimed at worsening the general situation with the use of the Internet and/or computer equipment that existed at the time of concluding this Agreement.

5.6. If disputes or disagreements arise between the Parties arising from or related to this Agreement, the Parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations between themselves.

5.7. If it is not possible to resolve disputes and/or disagreements between the Parties through negotiations, then such disputes are resolved in the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

6. Other conditions

6.1. This Agreement comes into force from the date of acceptance and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.

6.2. This Agreement may be terminated early by mutual agreement of the Parties, as well as on the initiative of the Service Administration in the event of a violation by the User of the terms of this Agreement without returning any funds to the latter.

6.3. Since this Agreement is an offer, and by virtue of the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation, the Service Administration has the right to revoke the offer in accordance with Art. 436 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If this Agreement is revoked during its validity period, this Agreement is deemed terminated from the moment of revocation. The review is carried out by posting relevant information on the website.

6.4. The Parties have agreed that when executing this Agreement, it is permitted to use the signatures of representatives of the Parties, as well as their seals using means of fax, mechanical or other copying, electronic digital signature or other analogue of the handwritten signature of the heads and seals of organizations.

6.5. The Administration of the Service has the right to unilaterally make changes to the terms of service of the Service by posting information about this on the website in public access and making changes to this Agreement.

6.6. These changes to the terms of this Agreement come into force on the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication. Continued use of the Service by the User after changes and/or additions to the Agreement means the User’s acceptance and consent to such changes and/or additions.

7. Warranties

7.1. With the exception of the guarantees expressly stated in the text of this agreement, the Service Administration does not provide any other guarantees.

7.2. By agreeing to the terms and accepting the terms of this offer by accepting it, the User assures the Administration of the Service and guarantees that he:

  • enters into this agreement voluntarily;
  • have read all the terms and conditions of this agreement;
  • fully understands and confirms the subject of the offer and contract;
  • has all the rights and powers necessary to enter into and execute this agreement.

Especially for those who follow modern Russian literature, book reviewer Sergei Shpakovsky has chosen new items that are worth paying attention to this year.


Prilepin's new book is an unusual look at the biographies of Russian writers who served in the military at different periods of Russian history. The heroes of “Platoon” were Pyotr Chaadaev and Gavriil Derzhavin, Konstantin Batyushkov and Peter Vyazemsky , Vladimir Raevsky And Denis Davydov. Each of them has a military rank in the past.

Bestuzhev-Marlinsky was a staff captain, Fyodor Glinka was a colonel, Alexander Shishkov was an admiral. In a collection of military-literary portraits, Prilepin reveals the connection between each writer’s work and military service.


Boris Akunin has released the second book of his new series of historical miniatures. His last year’s collection “The Non-Chekhov Intelligentsia” was sold out in a matter of days, and in January Akunin’s new work, “The Life of Remarkable People and Animals,” arrived in stores.

Short stories from the lives of ordinary people and their pets convey the atmosphere of past years, evoke a variety of emotions and make you think about human destiny and history in general.


Mikhail Gigolashvili is familiar to readers from the novels “The Capture of Muscovy” (shortlist for the “NOS” award), “Ferris Wheel” (readers’ choice, “Big Book”), as well as “Interpreter” and “Judea”. Gigolashvili’s new novel is also competing for the country’s main literary awards: critics and editors have already become acquainted with The Secret Year, which appeared in stores in January.

The book is dedicated to the era of the reign of Ivan IV. The writer examines in detail several weeks of the king's life, trying to understand why he is so cruel and what is the meaning of power as such. This immersion in the topic turns The Secret Year into a real psychological drama.


Elena Chizhova, author of the novel “The Time of Women” and winner of the Russian Booker Prize, has released a new book, “The Sinologist.” This time Chizhova turns to the past, during the Second World War. She writes an alternative history in which the Land of the Soviets is divided into two parts: socialism reigns in the territory from the Urals to Vladivostok, and the western part of Russia is occupied by the Nazis. The main characters of the book are two young people who grew up on opposite sides of the border of a divided country.


One of the most discussed Russian books of last year was Alexey Ivanov’s work “Tobol. There are many invited.” This was the first part of a two-volume series, and a continuation of the story will be released in the fall.

“Tobol” is a historical novel about the times of Peter the Great, “Young Russia” and the Russian Middle Ages. The clash of traditions and innovative reforms, riots, the mixing of different peoples and many original characters are combined in a large-scale narrative. It seems that Ivanov wanted to create a domestic version of “Game of Thrones,” and critics note that the writer largely succeeded.


Last fall, a collection of short prose “Moscow: Meeting Place” arrived in stores. “The editors of Elena Shubina” decided to continue the series and are preparing the next book - “To Live in St. Petersburg.” It will include stories and essays Evgenia Vodolazkina , Andrey Astvatsaturov , Ksenia Rappoport, Liza Boyarskaya and other famous residents of the city on the Neva.

Following the Muscovites, St. Petersburg residents will share personal memories and feelings associated with the streets and avenues, embankments and alleys of St. Petersburg, and will introduce readers to places of worship, true stories and urban legends of the Northern capital.


To date, essayist and literary historian Alexander Genis has published more than fifteen books. Last year the collection “Return Address” was published, and “Pictures at an Exhibition” is expected in 2017.

No connection to piano pieces Modest Mussorgsky there is no. “Pictures at an Exhibition” is the name of Genis’s monthly column on Radio Liberty - in it he talks about painting and other forms of fine art, and travels to museums.

The book will include notes, columns and essays in which the author will reveal the secret of his intimate relationship with visual culture. Thus, Pictures at an Exhibition will be Genis's first book not about literature.


1902, Austria. Russian student Lisa Dyakonova goes for a walk in the mountains and does not return home. A month later, a local shepherd will find the body of a poor girl, and in her travel chest they will find the manuscript “The Diary of a Russian Woman.” Some time later Vasily Rozanov will call this work the best that has ever been written by a woman in Russian literature.

Pavel Basinsky based his “non-fictional novel” on this story, which will be published this year. The author is famous for a series of books about Lev Tolstoy(“Escape from Paradise”, “The Lion in the Shadow of the Lion” and others). In addition, he is the author of books on the history of Russian literature and the winner of the “Big Book” for 2010. His new work also claims a high place in the lists of literary awards.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.