Without exception, all housewives and owners do not ignore the issue of kitchen utensils. There are a lot of appliances and appliances, but the best is the necessary set that will fully satisfy the need to cook and eat yourself, and to receive guests at home.

You can endlessly go to hardware stores and small shops.

They sell cutlery, cups, spoons and kitchen gadgets, collecting assorted items - a cup with a butterfly, a convenient fork, plates for canapés, and visiting these shops until all your needs in the home kitchen are satisfied.

Or you can buy all the kitchen utensils from IKEA at once - in a single color, selected according to your needs and style, for all occasions.

There are so many sets of kitchen utensils there that no one leaves without shopping.

You can satisfy the need for shopping as much as you like by driving around small hardware stores, spending time on the road and stops along the way for snacks (we’re talking about the kitchen) at gas stations and roadside cafes.

It’s better to just come to Ikea and immediately buy everything you need for the kitchen at home - from dishes to furniture and household appliances.

If you don’t have any experience yet, you can think about it, look at a photo of beautiful kitchen utensils and comprehend the kitchen life that everyone inevitably encounters in life.

What you must have in the kitchen

Preferably everything. But ideally – what is necessary.

The number of utensils is determined by the size of the family.

For a married couple without children, three enamel pots of different sizes, two frying pans and a cauldron will be enough to prepare intricate dishes.

About pots and pans

It is practical to take pots of different sizes - you can cook soup for a week, a portion of porridge for breakfast, or cook food for several guests.

It is convenient to have three pans made of different materials. And they are different in size and also save space in kitchen cabinets, since they can be stacked one on top of another.

The general rule for selecting pans is that they are needed for first courses, side dishes and heating food.

Accordingly, you need pans of 5-7, 3 and 1-2 liters. The first ones are for soup for the whole family, the second ones are for main meat dishes and side dishes, the third ones are for heating a portion or preparing food for one time - for a child or spouse.

Pots with transparent lids are good - you can watch the cooking process.

It’s a good idea to have a saucepan in your kitchen arsenal for preparing cereals and sauces.

It is better to have at least two frying pans - for stewing and frying, with a thick and thin bottom, preferably large in diameter and deep. Mushrooms, fish, vegetables, meat - all this is prepared not just once, but in reserve for dinner or tomorrow's lunch.

As for quality, everything is good: enameled, cast iron, Teflon. A skilled housewife will cook in any container.

The most important selection criterion is the volume of dishes

When selecting dishes, you should proceed from the number of members and composition of the family. During one meal, an adult eats, on average, 0.7 liters of soup, 0.4 liters of soup and drinks about 0.3 liters of drink - tea, compote, jelly, 0.2 cup of coffee.

Teenagers are treated the same as adults. If there are kids in the family, then compote and jelly.


In most families, in the age of speed, porcelain and ceramic teapots have become a thing of the past.

The trend is 1-1.5 liter ceramic teapots for brewing tea, not tea leaves.

It is both healthier and faster if the family does not have tea in the evenings, but simply drinks tea at lunch or dinner.

You can brew it in a thermos - you don’t need to put a kettle on, the tea will always be hot and aromatic.

And in a large family, baking utensils are always in demand.

Minimum arsenal of baking utensils

It is necessary to have a large baking tray for family pies, small pans for sweet children's cupcakes and small snack cakes with savory toppings for guests.

They come in metal, silicone and plastic.


Everyone calculates the number of cutlery themselves - based on the number of family members and visiting friends. The number of skimmers, ladle and spatulas for frying pans is determined accordingly.

There should be a couple more spoons, forks and table knives than there are eaters at home.

If there are no receptions in the house, a standard set of six items of each type is sufficient. If you buy sets for twelve people, you won’t have to think about cutlery at all.

A variety of spatulas for mixing and turning, special whisks for cream and egg whites, pastry syringes, rolling pins - all this can be dispensed with and replaced with improvised items, but special kitchen utensils are of help to a good housewife who cooks a lot and deliciously.

Cookware storage

Cupboards in the kitchen play no less a role than the kitchen itself. But it can be compiled compactly.

It is better to store pots and pans in closed cabinets - if there is a lot of delicious cooking in the house, these utensils look unsightly, but cups and cutlery can be placed on open shelves.

A wide variety of cabinets for dishes are produced in different designs.

In megamarkets, in one trip you can buy everything you need for furnishing: dishes, hanging devices, cabinets with drawers, modules with cells.

Nowadays, the sign of taste is not ordinary cabinets and tables with doors for storing dishes, but a variety of open modules.

The kitchen is a place where the family spends a lot of time eating delicious food and everyday conversations, making plans for life and relaxation.

This is a place in the house that creates a mood; it should be arranged comfortably and beautifully, and therefore it is worth imagination and material investments, like everything that concerns the comfortable life of a family.

Photos of kitchen utensils

The convenience of the kitchen space largely depends on the correctly selected kitchen utensils. Thanks to them, you can not only make the cooking process easier, but also keep your work surface in perfect order.

Railing systems

Recently, roof rails have become quite common. They help distribute kitchen utensils in the most ergonomic way, so that the housewife always has everything at hand while working. Purchasing and installing them is not a problem, just contact any specialized store that will offer you the services of a specialist installing roof rail systems. When using this method, almost all kitchen utensils will be hung, which will free up the work surface. However, you can use another option, for example, a stand for kitchen utensils. Thanks to its beautiful design, it will become a worthy decoration of the entire space and at the same time will delight you with functionality and ease of use.

Let's figure out what kitchen utensils are?

Any experienced housewife will immediately say that kitchen utensils are those items that are used for cooking. This also includes household appliances, such as a mixer, juicer, blender, etc. Kitchen accessories and utensils are designed to decorate the space and make the work process as easy as possible. Entering this room, can you imagine the absence of forks, spoons, knives, pots, pans? After all, without them it is impossible to make even the simplest dish, for example, boil or fry an egg, not to mention a more complex one. However, it is worth noting that not only these items are called kitchen utensils. Napkins, towels, potholders and even tablecloths also fall into this category.

What is needed for quick cooking?

In the modern world, there is very little time left for preparing complex dishes, so families often eat semi-finished products. However, if you properly equip your kitchen, you will not need to waste precious minutes on unnecessary movements. You also need to remember that you need to arrange kitchen utensils in such a way that everything is always at hand. So, let's look at exactly what items will help speed up the cooking process, allowing you to eat delicious home-cooked food.

  1. The most important is the meat grinder. Its presence will help you get rid of store-bought cutlets and dumplings. Modern manufacturers offer electric models with various attachments, with which you can not only grind meat, but also make juice.
  2. Also, do not underestimate the mixer, because various cakes and pastries can be prepared only thanks to thoroughly whipped cream or dough.
  3. Every housewife should have a grater in her kitchen. You need to purchase a universal option, with which you can plan, grate or chop vegetables.

First of all, when equipping your kitchen, you need to take care of the knives. It would be better if it was a set of different sizes. As a rule, for cutting meat you will need a steel and wide knife, for vegetables - a large, cutting and medium one (their blade length is from 10 cm to 16 cm). But for fruits a small one is ideal. Don’t forget about a special knife, which is very convenient for peeling potatoes. It is designed not only for peeling, but also for removing eyes.

A set of kitchen utensils may include scissors. They come in three types:

  • for cutting poultry carcasses - the largest ones, made of steel;
  • fish - medium in size, most often used for trimming fins and tails;
  • specially designed for the convenience of opening thermal bags.

When purchasing such cutting utensils for the kitchen, you should worry about a sharpening tool in advance, since the quality of cutting and slicing products will depend on the sharpness of the knives and scissors. The better the tool is sharpened, the less effort the owner will have to put in.

Wooden kitchen utensils: photos and characteristics

The highest quality cutting board is made of wood. It is convenient not only to cut meat, but also to cut vegetables and fruits. It can be either large (50 x 70) or medium (30 x 45). It is advisable to have several boards in the kitchen, separately intended for meat, fish and vegetables.

As funny as it may sound, a hammer is a must in the kitchen. It is used to cut steak from meat or liver. Thanks to such manipulations, the meat becomes thin and well-fried quickly.

At least once in her life, every housewife has cooked dumplings or dumplings. Their taste depends on properly prepared dough. However, just kneading it will not be enough; you will also need to roll it out thinly. And this process can only be done with a rolling pin. It can be one- or two-handed, and also has different lengths and widths.

Cooking utensils

Dishes and kitchen utensils are fully involved in preparing dishes. In order to be able to diversify your daily diet, you must have the following:

  1. Pots. Both enameled and aluminum ones are useful on the farm. It is also desirable that they be of different sizes - from 0.5 to 10 liters. First and second courses, as well as compotes, jelly and other drinks are cooked in saucepans.
  2. Kettle. The most optimal size is 3-5 liters, depending on the number of residents.
  3. A teapot also wouldn't hurt. It is most convenient to make tea in it.
  4. A frying pan is an essential item in the kitchen. As a rule, you can purchase 3 types: pancake, standard and with high sides.
  5. Sauté pans are useful for stewing or preparing various sauces and creams.
  6. Set of baking trays. This should include sheets for confectionery baking, as well as those specially adapted for meat dishes (with high sides). Trays with a groove are used for roasting poultry (chicken, duck).
  7. And, of course, spoons and forks. Their number should be sufficient. A prerequisite is the presence of dining rooms, dessert and tea rooms.

Modern kitchens are recommended to be equipped with special equipment. Such household appliances greatly facilitate the work process, but it is not necessary to install them, since ordinary kitchen utensils can replace them.

  1. A slow cooker is most often used by very busy people. Its advantage is that you just need to put in the products and select the program. The dish is prepared independently, without human control.
  2. Juicer. Fresh juice is always good.
  3. Electric grill or microwave. Using these household appliances, you can save a lot of time.
  4. A food processor is a universal device. Its presence will be a good help for the housewife.
  5. Vacuum containers. Products stored in such boxes last much longer and practically do not deteriorate.
  6. A coffee maker is the most important for gourmets.

For those housewives who love to spend hours cooking, you need to purchase the following set of kitchen utensils:

  • portioned pots for stewing in the oven;
  • pastry bag with different attachments;
  • molds for baking biscuits, curd desserts and Easter cakes;
  • a special copper basin in which jam and syrups are cooked;
  • the preparation of oriental sweets is possible only on a marble board;
  • cauldron for pilaf;
  • dumpling maker and varennitsa (such items are especially relevant in a large family);
  • bowls of different sizes.

This article, of course, does not describe all kitchen utensils. There are many more of them. Most importantly, when choosing, you must be guided by functionality. After all, in a cluttered kitchen with unnecessary and unhealthy items, housewives will feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, and this, in turn, will be reflected in the taste of the prepared dishes.

In order to equip your establishment with all the necessary utensils and equipment, you need to make simple calculations based on the number of seats and menu of your establishment, as well as the number of kitchen workers and how often you will use certain containers and various equipment.

If you are puzzled by this question, but do not have time for all the simple calculations, then we can help you:

Or... You can find all the necessary information for calculations by reading this article.

We offer an approximate list of tableware for a restaurant, indicating the coefficient by which the number of seats will need to be multiplied to obtain the required number of each item. This coefficient can be reduced if you purchase dishes that are less susceptible to damage, such as Rak Porcelain porcelain, which has a long warranty against chips and scratches. RAK Porcelain is a world famous brand of tableware, manufactured in the United Arab Emirates. The company for the production of tableware porcelain was founded by Sheikh Saud and began operating in 2005. The total area of ​​the enterprise is 60,000 sq. m. m. It is equipped with the most modern equipment in the world today

When specializing in banquet events, the coefficients can increase significantly, as the likelihood of damage to the dishes increases.

Calculation of porcelain dishes

If your restaurant operates in serving, then you definitely need a serving plate, which is also the main working plate in which hot dishes will be served (27-30 cm). The purchase of this position is made with coefficient K2, according to the number of your seats. Also, if you hold various banquets, celebrations and business lunches, then the seating in your hall will be full. Then you will need several basic working positions, for example, plates with a diameter of 25, 21, 16 cm are suitable. And also do not forget about tea cups and salad bowls, as a rule, the latter are purchased with a volume of 220 ml. All this must be purchased based on a coefficient of K 1.4 for the number of seats.

This is not a large coefficient for the tableware stock, but please note that this calculation is based on the quality of the brands. For example, an Arab factory Rak Porcelain makes extra-durable restaurant cookware, and backs it up with a five-year edge-chip guarantee! For inexpensive dishes (Chinese, Polish production), restaurateurs usually use K3-4 (due to the high probability of damage and chips). In practice, it turns out that it is still more profitable to initially purchase high-quality cookware with a higher cost and warranty than to decide in favor of cheap manufacturers.

In addition to the main plates and salad bowls listed above, we must not forget about the auxiliary elements. For example, a classic espresso cup is calculated with an approximate K factor of 0.3. This is due to the fact that in practice it is impossible to order coffee at the same time when the restaurant is fully loaded. The same applies to accessories - teapots, milk jugs, gravy boats... Salt shakers, pepper shakers, vases and sugar bowls are ordered according to the number of tables with a small margin - K 1.2.

But all this must be correlated with the establishment’s menu. If, for example, the menu plans to serve two different steaks on different plate shapes, the ratio of these plates is calculated in the proportions between these dishes. Also, if the menu contains fish dishes, it is recommended to purchase oval dishes 28-33 cm with a small K coefficient of 0.4-0.6.

Calculation of cutlery

Everything is much simpler here. As a rule, cutlery: table knives, table forks and table spoons are calculated in accordance with the number of “working” positions in the porcelain for the corresponding purpose. Fish, steak and coffee cutlery are required according to the menu.

An approximate list of necessary devices with an average coefficient:


  • tea room – 5
  • snack bar – 2
  • dining room – 0.25
  • coffee shop – 2
  • broth - 2


  • snack bar – 3
  • lunch – 2
  • salad – 0.5
  • cocktail – 1.5


  • lunch –2
  • snack bar – 2
  • for oil – 2
  • for steak – 0.5
  • for fish – 0.5

Bar glass

In this matter, it is also necessary to clearly take into account the menu map. In this case, the “working” positions are 300 ml water glasses. (highballs) and wine glasses. These items are purchased with an approximate K coefficient of 1.3-1.5. Champagne and cognac glasses and glasses for whiskey are calculated taking into account the wine list and the audience of the establishment. Hurricanes, Irish coffee glasses and other items are purchased in small quantities. This will help you understand the different types of bar glass.

  • for juice – 1.5
  • for water – 2.8
  • for a drink – 1.5
  • for sparkling wines – 1.4
  • for assorted wines – 1.4
  • Spice set 0.4

The secret of good food lies, among other ingredients, in the quality of the dishes. I came to this through a series of trial and errors. There were random purchases, gifts, girlfriends ignorant in this area, and a destructive attachment to shiny things. I remember how once, having received a bonus, I was going to buy new trousers, and on the way to the store, I looked into another one - a hardware store. Steel pots were displayed there... The next day my friends laughed at me: “Now wear pots instead of trousers!”

What do you need to have in the kitchen in order to finish cooking as quickly as possible and, of course, to have enough strength to eat it, at a minimum?

A modern kitchen should have at least about fifty different pieces of kitchen equipment, but the full list can amount to more than a hundred. This list includes both necessary tools and additional ones that make kitchen work easier. You can cook lunch in a tin can, prepare food with one knife, and eat everything with just one spoon. But how much labor and time will it take?

Required accessories


Pots are often sold in sets. If you do not immediately purchase a set, then over time you will determine the list of pots needed specifically for your kitchen. It is difficult to cook a pack of pasta in a liter ladle, and boiling one egg in a five-liter pan is simply not rational and takes a long time (wait until the water boils). What exactly and in what quantities (bowls, for example) you need to have in the kitchen becomes clear in the process of mastering the culinary art.

Moreover, the number of pots and pans does not depend on the size of the family. The larger the family, the larger the volume of the pots should be. Their number depends on the number of dishes on the hostess’s menu. The average kit contains:

  • 1 liter saucepan,
  • 2 two-liter,
  • 2 three-liter,
  • 1 five-liter, in very large families - seven-liter.

Frying pans

The pans should be of different sizes. Of course, the same egg can be fried in a frying pan with a diameter of 28 cm, it will fit, but frying cutlets or fish for a family of only three people in a frying pan with a diameter of 12 cm takes a very long time.


They can also be purchased as a set. But I prefer to buy one at a time (a good knife is expensive), as the need for it manifests itself. My mother, for example, had one favorite knife, which she preferred in all kitchen operations. Although the kit included:

  • Meat knife. It should be wide, of medium length, made of thin steel.
  • Paring knife. Or better yet, three: a large one (16 cm) for chopping, a medium one (10 cm) for cleaning fruits and vegetables, and a small one (6 cm) for removing eyes and small lesions.
  • Knife-saw for bread.


  • Small for cutting paper packaging.
  • Large and strong for cutting chicken or fish. When I got these scissors, then, as my husband put it, I forgot the anatomy of a chicken and began to cut it anywhere.
  • To maintain cutting tools in working (cutting) condition, it is good to have a sharpening device. True, when I got tired of waiting for help in sharpening knives and going on strike in the kitchen from time to time, I bought knives with files, but you also need to get used to them. Today I only use a medium knife for slicing soft vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, lemon). For root vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets), a small and smooth knife is better.

Cutting boards

It has always been believed that boards should be made of wood.

  • Indeed, most dough products are cut only on a wooden board. The optimal size of a cutting board for dough is 50x75 cm. The wood is soft, elastic and pliable, which helps to roll out the dough.
  • Wooden cutting boards were also traditionally used for cutting vegetables and meat.

But they have several disadvantages.

  • Over time, the part of the board that is most often cut (usually the middle) becomes concave.
  • At the same time, wood is not very hygienic; it absorbs the juice of vegetables and fruits (along with their color) and it is difficult to keep a wooden board, like other wooden kitchen utensils, clean. They must be scalded with boiling water before and after work, cleaned with a sharp knife, and it is not recommended to load any wooden objects into the dishwasher, since the detergents used in machines spoil the wood.
  • Therefore, cutting boards made of special glass are very good for cutting vegetables and, especially, meat. They wash very well (even in the dishwasher), do not break or break. You can even beat meat on them. Their only drawback is the sound that the knife makes when it comes into contact with them. But you can adapt to this too.
  • Plastic cutting boards are also good, but they, like wooden ones, wear out in the middle, where they cut more often. (But there is a reason to change them for new ones). Both glass and plastic cutting boards come in different colors, which makes the kitchen look elegant and allows you to avoid confusing a board for cutting raw meat with a board for vegetables.
  • For slicing bread, together with a special knife, they came up with a board with a tray into which crumbs are poured.

Rolling pins

Even a housewife who buys ready-made dough needs rolling pins in the kitchen (you still need to roll it out). And it’s good to have different rolling pins.

  • Monolithic with one or two handles.
  • The so-called Russian rolling pins, made from one piece of wood.
  • Western European, rotating around a rod. Unlike the first two, such rolling pins are easier to work with and do not form calluses on the palms.
  • A long thin rolling pin for rolling out dough for juicier (overhang). My neighbor in Tashkent used this rolling pin to roll out dough for manti. You could look at her work without stopping, it was so beautiful. But I didn’t even dare try to repeat her movements, realizing that without skill, you could only get confused in the dough.
  • A tiny, palm-sized and finger-thick rolling pin for rolling out small pieces of dough, for example, for dumplings.

Appliances and tools that save time and effort in the kitchen

  • Meat grinder with attachments and replaceable knives. It could be manual, or it could be electric.
  • Colanders, graters, a masher for mashed potatoes, paddles for stirring lactic acid dishes, wooden spoons for stirring jams, a hammer for beating meat.
  • In a good kitchen, it is recommended to have several mortars for grinding spices and crushing nuts. For those who are especially lazy or not very picky, all this can be replaced with modern devices like mills, manual and electric.
  • An unlimited number of different bowls for preparing salads, whipping and grinding creams, eggs, cream.
  • It is good to have various measuring devices such as scales, measuring cups, and funnels of different diameters.
  • An indispensable item in the kitchen is a bottle opener. It would be great if it was universal, for opening all types of cans and bottles. But it’s better to have a special corkscrew.
  • For garlic, a garlic press is useful. Moreover, in order to use it, there is no need to peel the dry skin of the garlic: it remains in the cell, and the garlic is squeezed out through the holes. (Here's a little trick.)
  • Peeling vegetables is much easier and more convenient with a special knife - a vegetable peeler.
  • Sheets and baking sheets, for those who like to bake and bake.
  • Sauté pans or clay pots for cooking stewed dishes in the oven. It is worth paying attention to this method of cooking, because it does not require constant presence in the kitchen and control over the process.
  • Cauldron for cooking pilaf, roast and deep frying.
  • Pressure cooker
  • Aluminium foil.
  • Special bags for baking.

The main positive quality of all kinds of kitchen appliances is their functionality.

Sometimes I buy a beautiful kitchen “thing” according to the principle: “I want it! I don’t know why, but I want it!”

Food processor- one of these “things”. Rarely does anyone use it for more than a week or two from the date of purchase. Then the new toy takes up a shelf in the kitchen cabinet (or on the mezzanine). And in order to use it (the food processor) regularly, you need a special place on the kitchen work surface. If you need to get the food processor out and assemble it for work, then if you’re lazy, you’ll end up chopping the salad by hand. And washing all its parts sometimes takes longer than cutting and rubbing.


Great article in my opinion! Everything is said correctly. You can’t cook delicious food using poor quality cookware! Here's an example! I had a frying pan, my grandmother’s cast-iron one, which everyone praised, and I howled like a wolf for cooking! Well, how can you cook with it? Maybe my hands are in the wrong place? I also purchased our domestic manufacturer Vari brand, a frying pan with a non-stick coating of the latest generation Nature, so this is not cooking, but pure pleasure! It doesn’t burn, I often fry it even without oil, it’s great to stew in it! Can be washed in the dishwasher. And grandma’s cast iron one went to the dacha...

I settled on glass cutting boards...

Absolutely useless article. In my opinion, any, even a novice housewife, can figure out what exactly and what size she needs to buy for her kitchen. And to argue with a smart face that it is irrational to boil an egg in a five-liter saucepan is, excuse me, for complete idiots. In addition, the style and punctuation leave much to be desired.

Comment on the article "Dishes and kitchen utensils"

I want new dishes. Dishes. Cooking. Cooking recipes, help and cooking tips I want new dishes. Housewives, praise your kitchen utensils. What exactly do you like? Kitchen arsenal. Kitchen utensils necessary in the kitchen for a novice housewife.

help me choose pans!. Dishes. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests Dear cooks! I want to update the dishes, namely a set of pans... so that they are beautiful, high quality and at a reasonable price... what...

"Utensils made of stainless steel (magnetic - there are also non-magnetic ones) and cast iron are also usually good. Zhu-zha, that an induction hob requires special metal utensils. However, the word “special” should not scare anyone.

In my kitchen, pots, ladles, frying pans and lids for all of the above are stored in two large drawers like this. Q Does the cover holder not work? I used to have one like this on my kitchen cabinet door. And now it’s the same type, but not hanging, but standing - standing on...

Crockery and kitchen utensils. The secret of good food lies, among other ingredients, in the quality of the dishes. Therefore, cutting boards made of special glass are very good for cutting vegetables and, especially, meat.

Dishes in modern dishwashers are placed in one of the internal baskets: tableware, glasses, cups, as well as lightly soiled ones are placed in the upper basket. Then wipe the tables, wash all the plates, spoons, cups, saucers, pots, kettle and tray. Kitchenware.

Tell me where to buy porcelain tableware - tea or tableware. I want a new set. Is there a place where there is a large selection and prices of tableware! Where to buy? don't listen to anyone! from 8 (9?) o'clock there is a store on Myasnitskaya (the same one from Savetsky times), it is the best there...

Crockery and kitchen utensils. A modern kitchen should have at least about fifty different kitchen items. Often pots. Did I understand correctly? Section: Nutrition (how many pots should be in the kitchen in kindergarten). Maybe, who knows (worked in the garden...

Dishes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips on housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and using household appliances, repairs, plumbing. Housekeeping: tips on housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and Stainless steel utensils need to be able to choose, something in Moscow...

Dishes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips on housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and using household appliances, repairs, plumbing. Yes, I’ve already read a lot about dishes. I realized that ours are no worse, I will watch ours. And these three-layer bottom types are not...

Section: -- gatherings (bright one-color dishes). Plain multi-colored dishes in Moscow - where? Interested in deep and shallow plates and cups and saucers. Additions in the form of small plates of different sizes, salad bowls, and mugs are welcome.

Dishes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips on housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and using household appliances, repairs, plumbing. Copper cookware is capricious and requires care and culinary skills. But it is ideal for cooking on low heat - copper is great...

Dishes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips on housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and using household appliances, repairs, plumbing. You need to know how to choose stainless steel cookware; you can find some good ones in Moscow.

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The kitchen is always a separate world for the housewife. It has its own rules, its own operating principles and, of course, its own kitchen appliances. If you are well oriented in this room, have arranged it for yourself and clearly know how to work in it quickly and efficiently, then you can save an incredible amount of time. And the cooking process itself will turn from a painful routine into something interesting and dynamic.

What will we talk about?

This article will tell you about what it takes to achieve such heights in working in an ordinary kitchen. To be more precise, we will talk about the most popular and necessary tools. We have all identified and even used kitchen appliances more than once, but let’s now organize and supplement our knowledge about them.

Devices you can't live without in the kitchen

First of all, there are four knives. The first is for meat, and the rest are for vegetables and similar textured products. A meat knife should be wide, but made of thin steel. Such characteristics will allow you to work with the product faster, more conveniently and safer. To cut food, use a large vegetable knife. A kitchen appliance for cutting vegetables and fruits in this category is a medium knife, and a small one is for small work, such as removing eyes and lesions from potatoes. All of these devices should be purchased with a metal handle, because a wooden one is not very reliable, easily absorbs odors and wears out quite quickly.

Secondly, you can’t do without scissors. There are many types of them, as well as knives, but the most necessary ones in the kitchen are the following: medium fish (for cutting fins and cutting the carcass itself), large (for cutting meat with bones), small (for cutting bags of sour cream and similar products ).

Thirdly, the above devices will very quickly become useless without a sharpener. For cutting tools to be truly effective, it is simply irreplaceable.

More about small but very important kitchen appliances

Now let's look at other hand-held kitchen appliances. The names and short descriptions are given below. These are small kitchen appliances, but their importance in the modern kitchen cannot be underestimated:

  1. Spoons (both regular table spoons and wooden ones). The latter are needed in order to handle jam and dairy dishes. Generally, three spoons is sufficient in the kitchen, but this number may vary depending on the situation.
  2. Cutting boards. Housewives usually make do with two: a large one for working with dough, a small one for meat, vegetables, fish and the like. Often, separate boards are used for the listed products. This is more hygienic and reduces the risk of off-flavors.
  3. Rolling pins. The most popular are two-handed, one-handed and rotating (it is also called European).
  4. A hammer, preferably made of wood.

Since electrical kitchen appliances often cost a lot of money to repair, using power and hand tools makes more financial sense. Most often, such devices do not require much attention or maintenance, which greatly simplifies working with them.

What inexpensive devices will help save time?

Now we bring to your attention kitchen appliances, photos and descriptions of which will show that they were created precisely in order to save your time as much as possible. Let's start listing and describing:

  1. Meat grinder. Truly a brilliant invention. Complete with attachments, you can use it for more complex tasks than simply chopping meat. It is even suitable for squeezing juice.
  2. Grater. If it is universal, it is simply an irreplaceable thing. Nothing more can be said.
  3. Beater. Electric, like manual, will quickly and efficiently stir everything - from creams and drinks to minced meat and sauces.
  4. Garlic press. It will save you from the need to painfully grind garlic by hand.
  5. Timer. A lifesaver for dishes and an assistant who will free your head from worries.
  6. Corkscrew opener. He will open almost any jar, bottle for you, and pull out the cap. Moreover, it will do it very quickly.

More complex, but no less effective devices

Now let's look at those products that are not at all necessary in the kitchen, but are incredibly useful and effective. Let's make a top 10, which will include only the best kitchen appliances.

Devices with many combined functions

Tenth place - food processor. It can replace the entire kitchen arsenal that we listed above. You just need to take it out, turn it on, select the desired function and wash the device after use. He will cut, and mix, and beat, and grind. For a large family - one of the most necessary things. But there is also a significant drawback - the combine requires scrupulous and complex maintenance.

Ninth place - multicooker. In general, a miracle of technology that can replace not only appliances in the kitchen, but also the housewife herself. Cooking in it is safe - no burnt baked goods or undercooked porridges. Among the advantages, it is important to note that multicookers are completely independent; the housewife needs to load the necessary products inside and press a button. But, of course, there are also disadvantages - it takes up a lot of space, also requires care, and is quite difficult to wash. It should be noted that the multicooker is still not omnipotent - complex dishes still cannot be handled by it.

Drinks and bread are what humanity needs

Eighth place - juicer. We think there is no need to explain its purpose. The popularity of this device at the moment is due to the fact that more and more people are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is worth saying that there are two types of juicers - for fresh juices (used every day) and for preparations (used seasonally). What is important for kitchen utensils is that juicers are easy to clean.

Seventh place - bread machines. Such a machine may hit your pocket a little, but housewives who use bread breads confidently say that it is worth it. It is important to know that such a device has more than one function. As a rule, bread machines knead dough very well, make preserves or jams, and sometimes even produce fermented milk products (yogurt). Well, who doesn’t like the opportunity to make bread according to their own recipe?

Universal assistants

Sixth place - microwave oven. It is thanks to her that you can really save a lot of time. First of all, let's mention the incredible ability to heat food almost instantly. But this is far from the only advantage of such a stove. Here you also need to add cooking various dishes and quick defrosting. If you buy a more advanced microwave oven, it will also have other interesting and useful functions that such kitchen appliances have.

Fifth place - mixer. There are really many types of such devices and even more attachments for them. For example, you can use a mixer with its own bowl or a submersible one. Attachments are needed to expand the functionality of the device. It is thanks to them that the mixer can both beat with a whisk and mix with a spatula, knead the dough with a dough hook, and chop with knives. Changing the speed mode helps achieve different effects, and expensive copies can also do this without noise or splashing.

The most useful inventions of man

The fourth place is an electric kettle. Not new, but very useful kitchen appliance. Modern models can boil water faster and faster, while improved ones maintain the temperature you want for a specified period of time, and can even turn on at the time you specify thanks to a timer.

Third place - meat grinder. It has already been discussed, but now we will consider the option not manual, but electric. It goes without saying that such devices are much faster and more multitasking. Like the electric one, there are many attachments for a variety of purposes. The more modern the model, the more effective and better the attachments. The same applies to knives, which in most cases sharpen themselves. Such meat grinders allow you not only to grind minced meat, but also to prepare sausages or nipples. As for the design, modern models are very compact and often disassemble automatically. It seems that washing an electric meat grinder is not difficult, but this process cannot be called very easy either.

Something without which a kitchen is not a kitchen

Second place is the stove. We don’t think there is a kitchen anywhere without it. Since this is an extremely common type of modern kitchen appliance, it is logical that there are many variations and models. For example, you can choose between a gas and electric stove or buy a double one; You can install only a stove or choose an option with a built-in oven. Much more interesting information can be told about this irreplaceable assistant to any housewife, but that’s a completely different story...

The first place is definitely taken by the refrigerator. It is he who allows us to keep food at hand, and not to run every time to the garden to pick a tomato, or to the field to milk a cow. It must be said that a modern refrigerator is not just a cabinet with cold. Smart systems and thoughtful engineering solutions help this device use individual settings, thereby significantly increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of refrigerators.

What is all this for?

All of the above useful kitchen appliances make our life much easier. That's why it's worth assessing your time costs and perhaps using the information from the article to reduce them as much as possible. In addition, such tools in the kitchen will make cooking not just easier, but also more enjoyable, more interesting, and even brighter. With our pace of life and constant rush, such factors play a very important role, and therefore we cannot simply discount the chance to simplify and at the same time decorate our life. Happy shopping!

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