In every home there is furniture that is of paramount importance in the interior of the room. Wherever she stands, whatever she is - a closet, a chair, a table, a soft corner, she stands in plain sight of everyone. In addition to its main purpose, furniture should have nice view, and it can serve as a decoration for the room.

Metamorphosis in White color- This is a great way to extend the life of old interior items.

Unfortunately, it does not happen that a favorite piece of furniture remains for a long time as if it had been brought from the store. Over time, any thing loses its former attractiveness and ages. It is necessary to regularly repair and reconstruct furniture. The chipboard cabinet has turned into junk; this cannot be an excuse to take it to the landfill. It can be easily updated, you just need to paint it. At good care old furniture will last for many, many years, because it is much stronger than modern furniture.

And the budget will not be affected, since the expenses will be insignificant if you were buying a new cabinet.

Anyone who decided to paint furniture themselves probably wondered how to do it correctly. Interior items made from chipboard absorb moisture to a lesser extent than wood. It will take a long time for them to dry.

Chipboard will need less primer than wood.

So how to paint the cabinet? What paint should I use? The best option would be to use water-based alkyd or acrylic paint. It has many advantages - it has a rich shade, is odorless, which is of great importance when you work indoors, and is easily diluted with water. It is easy enough to wash off to correct inaccuracies during painting. Working with her is a pleasure. Once the paint dries, it will become stronger. Keep this in mind as you layer. Regular wood paint or spray paint will also work.

There is a lot of variety acrylic paints with a metallic or pearlescent effect.

To thoroughly paint, use varnishes. They will give the furniture an antique effect. She will look great. The surface must be painted in several layers, first allowing each layer to dry. This is not their only property.

Varnishes help fix the color and protect against minor defects.

You can paint the cabinet in different colors, such as a light base and multi-colored details. For desired color V white paint add tone. When decorating a children's room, use all your imagination. Having decided what shade you need, apply paint to a small area of ​​the furniture, so you will understand what color paint you will need and what its brightness will be.

Each manufacturer produces the appropriate primer for their paint, and it is better to use this particular primer.

Required materials and tools

Before you start painting, you need to stock up necessary materials: construction tape; napkins or rags or sponges; sandpaper of various grains to remove the previous layer of paint; degreasing agent; primer; putty (car putty is quite suitable); solvent or white spirit - will remove remnants of the previous paint; glue; dye; varnish; gloves, for painting it is better to take rubber ones.

Materials and tools for work.

Tools you will need: stationery and carpenter's knives; a construction hair dryer to dry the painted surface; flat brush – it’s better not to skimp on brushes, buy high-quality ones so that no lint remains on the surface; roller; putty knife; screwdrivers; hammer; nails; drill.

You need to remove the fittings from the furniture, take out the shelves, remove the doors. Then get to work.

Seal the cracks

The appearance of cracks on pieces of furniture made of chipboard, as a rule, is facilitated by the ingress of moisture, and they are also formed due to exposure to heat or frequent opening and closing of doors without holding them, or slamming doors. You can remove this defect yourself without resorting to outside help.

To work you will need a syringe with a needle, clamps, and PVA glue.

Fill the syringe with PVA glue and put on the needle. Fill the entire crack gap with glue. We attach a clamp to the plane from the side where the crack appeared and tighten it. Remove excess glue with a napkin. Leave it for a day or two. After time has passed, we continue restoration work.

You can get rid of cracks using putty.

Apply the mixture to the surface with a spatula in two layers. We distribute the first layer equally evenly on the surface. We wait for it to dry, apply a second layer of putty, and also let it dry.

Create a rough surface

Before painting, you must remove old layer paints. We will do this using sandpaper, after wiping the surface with a rag or sponge. Sand with circular, wide movements. First, clean with coarse sandpaper. We carry out the work carefully, thoroughly removing the old coating. Be careful not to wear off the veneer layer.

After the procedure, remove the dust with a flat brush; the dust will not be completely removed from the rag and may get stuck in the surface or crevices. This may affect the paint job.

We clean it again, but this time with fine-grained sandpaper. We remove dust in the same way. Upon completion of this stage of restoration, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the room.

This is necessary to prevent dirt from getting onto the surface to be painted in the future.

Remove grease and dirt

Chipboard furniture must be cleaned of dirt and grease before painting. For this procedure, fat-dissolving agents are used.

Wash with a sponge or soft cloth, rinse, let dry, wipe with a napkin.

The primer is the main character

Primer – an important part in the process of furniture restoration, with its help you will paint the cabinet with high quality. It will also help the paint dry quickly, as it does not allow moisture to be absorbed into the surface. A positive point is that after priming, the color saturation of the paint will remain the same as when painting.

If you choose acrylic paint for painting, then you need to use an acrylic-based primer.

Coloring will be very good quality, because the elements of painting materials combine perfectly with each other. Before priming, it is important to read the instruction manual and find out how long it takes for the primer to dry, since you only need to paint a dry surface.

Apply it with a roller in a very thin layer, leave it for the time specified in the instructions.

Technology of applying paint and varnish to furniture

After the above preparations, we proceed directly to painting. There should be several layers, so the structure of the plane will not be visible. First, paint a tone lighter than the chosen color.

The paint needs to be diluted with water from time to time, otherwise it may thicken.

Then we work with the main color, moving the brush in one direction, so the paint applies evenly.

The number of layers is determined visually to achieve the desired effect.

If you are painting with multiple colors, use masking tape on the edges to prevent the colors from mixing. Need to certain time It takes about 2-3 days for the furniture to dry completely. After we cover the surface with transparent varnish, this will protect it from external influences.

When the work is completed, we assemble the cabinet elements.

Applying paint or varnish is necessary not only for beauty, but also to prevent discharge hazardous substances, in particular formaldehyde. If you have children at home and it is of great importance to you that the finishing materials are odorless, use water-based acrylic varnishes.

After painting, your furniture will not only change its appearance, it will become the highlight of the interior.

Another acceptable option is NC varnish. Dries instantly, dust deposits are not noticeable on it. It is better to apply it in two layers. If the furniture already has a certain coating, it would be ideal to use PF-283 oil varnish.

The cladding will become strong and durable and will last for a very long time.

If you want the coating to have a tint, use an alkyd varnish with a tint, especially since the color palette is quite varied. To add gloss, use yacht varnish; the furniture will look simply flawless.

A good way to protect and decorate wooden surfaces is yacht varnish.

Of course, preparing furniture for painting takes a lot of time. If you ignore them, the desired effect may not be achieved, and the coating applied to the furniture will quickly fall off. You need to do everything according to the rules. Updating outdated furniture is not as difficult as it may seem.

A little imagination and patience, and a luxurious piece of furniture will appear in your home.

How to artistically paint a closet and create color gradations

Painting is widespread nowadays. People want their apartment or house to be unique, without monotony. And many furniture manufacturers are trying to release products specifically without any embellishment, so that everyone can decorate it themselves. Many people approach this process differently - using the original style or decorating with copies of famous paintings.

You can add uniqueness to absolutely any furniture, be it a chest of drawers, a bedside table, a wardrobe, a table, a chair, an armchair, or change the appearance of the room so that no one recognizes the old furniture in the new interior.

Artistic painting is an exciting thing; furniture will sparkle in a new way. If you love and know how to draw, it won’t be difficult to make a real work of art out of an ordinary closet, using all your imagination. For creative work It is worth using acrylic paints. The image must be applied to the base. The main thing is that the theme of the drawing is in complete harmony with the interior. The flora and various patterns will look unique. Furniture painted using craquelure looks very unusual.

Cracks will give the piece of furniture a very old look.

If the cabinet has a lot of drawers, gradation is better. A transition is made between shades of the same color or you can use different colors. For example, you make a gradual transition from green to yellow, or from lilac to pink or blue. In order for the transition to be without sharp boundaries, you should add a colored pigment to the paint each time. You can draw a rainbow or anything else you like.

The gradation will look especially original in a children's room.

Now there are many ways to alternate colors, all of them are quite worthy of attention. You can use any of them you like. Don't be afraid, create! You just have to want it, and everything will work out.

VIDEO: Giving new life to an old closet.

Options for updating old cabinets - 50 photo ideas:

Inexpensive shelving and cabinets made of laminated chipboard and MDF were conceived as items that can be easily replaced with analogues of a different size, shape and color. But now home craftsmen can easily repaint such furniture

– and share their experience on the vast repair forums. We have collected the most common recommendations for updating color, carefully checked them, and are now ready to tell you: paint boldly, you will succeed!

1. Remove grease and dirt

3. Primer is the main character

Important: at this stage of work, carefully seal all accessories that have not been removed. masking tape!

4. Seal cracks

6. Varnish finish

If you have repainted the fronts of a wardrobe or kitchen cabinet - that is, furniture parts that are subject to a lot of wear and tear - it makes sense to coat the painted surface with a water-based varnish. It will protect the paint from external influences, scratches and abrasion. True, there is a danger that the varnish will turn yellow over the years - but you already know how to repaint your furniture again!

Any person sooner or later has an irresistible desire to change something in the ordinary interior of his house or apartment. Often the usual rearrangement of furniture does not bring satisfaction and does not achieve the desired effect. In such cases, it helps to radically change the appearance of interior items by painting them. Considering the fact that most modern furnishings are made from inexpensive and widely available materials, today we will learn how to paint MDF furniture at home without the help of specialists.

What can be useful for painting MDF furniture?

The fact is that changing the color of the entire piece of furniture or its individual parts allows you to transform and completely change not only their appearance, but also the entire room as a whole, giving it some new feature, zest. Another good thing is that painting MDF furniture does not require the performer to have any special skills or the presence of complex factory equipment. It is enough to prepare the necessary tools and buy suitable paints and varnishes.

What tools and materials are needed for the job?

To radically change the appearance of your favorite furniture, make sure that when you start work, you have all the necessary tools and materials in the required quantities at hand.

To finish furniture elements made from MDF, you will need:

  • Depending on your idea, one or more cans of paint in the desired colors.
  • Wood putty, which is used for sealing joints and partial repairs.
  • Container for diluting paint.
  • Masking tape of the required width.
  • Flat brush.
  • Roller with long fine pile.
  • Gloves to protect your hands.
  • A respirator to protect the respiratory tract from toxic paint emissions.
  • Protective glasses.

Important! A primer may be required to create a protective layer, but if you intend to paint a laminated surface, you will not need it. It is advisable to prepare a piece of sandpaper to clean the end surfaces and putty.

What paint is best to paint furniture?

Before you start working, you need to figure out how you can paint MDF furniture at home. First, you need to decide in advance what result you want to achieve. Depending on this, it is recommended to choose the appropriate coating. Paints and varnishes used for decorating furniture are divided into two types:

  • Transparent.
  • Opaque.

Important! Opaque compositions, due to the presence of special pigments in them, are used to create protective layer and enhance the natural shade of wood.

Opaque substances include:

  • Drying oil.
  • Azure.

Such coatings are much more expensive than pigment paints, in particular due to the fact that they are used when working with the most expensive furniture made from expensive wood. If you are painting regular MDF furniture, you can use by ordinary means based on latex, acrylic or polyurethane.

Important! If the furniture you want to update is quite old and has minor scratches, then it is better to paint it with oil- or water-based compounds. Interior items coated with water-based paint look incredibly beautiful and last a very long time.

Universal options:

  • In great demand in Lately Alkyd mixtures are used because they are easy to apply, dry quickly and last longer than water-based and oil-based paints.
  • Compositions with polyurethane are no less actively used, but it should be noted that during operation they emit substances harmful to health. Therefore, you need to constantly ventilate the room.

How to prepare a surface for painting?

Studying general information, many are interested in whether it is possible to paint MDF furniture without prior preparation. In principle, yes, but experts say that it is better not to neglect this point. You need to carefully prepare furniture for painting so that in the future there are no problems with it due to mechanical stress and temperature changes.

The surface preparation process includes the following steps:

  1. First, the products are processed with sandpaper to create a rough surface. If there are large scratches or cracks, they should be filled with wood putty, then sanded again to eliminate unevenness and differences. The main purpose of this treatment is to eliminate smoothness, which negatively affects adhesion.
  2. Then a primer is applied to the treated areas, which will provide them with additional adhesion and reduce the overall paint consumption. In addition, the primer allows you to create a barrier between the natural substances of the wood and the paint to prevent poor adhesion of the layers.

Features of painting MDF surfaces

We have already covered several important stages of work. All that remains is to figure out how to repaint MDF furniture with your own hands. This process is incredibly simple, but nevertheless has certain features:

  1. Surfaces should be painted in one direction only. There can be several layers of paint, preferably two.
  2. It is recommended to apply the last layer along the canvas to be painted.
  3. The second coat cannot be applied until the first is completely dry.
  4. All surfaces must be completely dry, without greasy stains and traces.
  5. Try not to cover furniture with more than two coats of paint.

So we found out the answer to the question of whether it is possible to repaint MDF furniture in a different color. The main thing is to stock up on the necessary equipment and materials necessary for the work, carefully prepare all surfaces, and during painting strictly adhere to the above recommendations.

Are you rearranging furniture from room to room - and are you worried about the color mismatch? Do you want to make your living room brighter, but don’t want to throw away the furniture? Cabinets and chairs can be repainted - we'll show you how

Inexpensive shelving and cabinets made of laminated chipboard and MDF were conceived as items that can be easily replaced with analogues of a different size, shape and color. But now home craftsmen can easily repaint such furniture - and share their experience on repair forums. We have collected the most common recommendations for updating color, carefully checked them, and are now ready to tell you: paint boldly, you will succeed!

1. Remove grease and dirt

All dirt must be washed off the surface of laminated furniture and degreased. Use grease dissolving agents detergents, thoroughly rinse and wipe the laminate flooring, dry it with a napkin.

Many home craftsmen recommend disassembling furniture. But here it all depends on the complexity of painting - if there are a lot of drawers and trim in a rack or cabinet, then, of course, it’s better to take it apart. If the shape of the furniture is very simple, and you want to paint, for example, only the facades, you can leave the cabinet “as is.”

2. Create a rough surface

The coating on modern laminated chipboard and MDF is made of PVC, and therefore, like any plastic, it is poorly wetted even with water, not to mention paint. For better adhesion (adhesion of the paint layer to the laminate layer), you need to treat the surface with the finest sandpaper (“zero”). It is best to work in a respirator - dust from the laminate layer is very harmful.

3. Primer is the main character

To ensure that the paint lays evenly, without rolling, and does not bubble in the near future, be sure to prime the surface of the furniture. Look for a primer that sticks to everything - even glass and tiles: almost all manufacturers of modern paints and varnishes already produce such primers (usually they are polyurethane-based). The cost of such a primer is quite high, but you shouldn’t skimp on it - its quality can even be more important than quality paints.

Motorists share a secret: you can use a primer for bumpers from a can. A respirator wouldn't hurt here either. In any case, the primer layer must be dried. And it’s good if you allocate at least 12 hours for this.

Important: At this stage of the work, carefully cover all un-removed fittings with masking tape!

4. Seal cracks

The item is optional, but many of those who have successfully repainted chipboard furniture regret that they did not use putty before painting. It is recommended to fill dents and scratches in two ways: either using latex putty or using compounds based on epoxy resin(there are even tips for using gelcoat).

In any case, after puttying, it is necessary to prime and dry the surfaces again.

5. Paint: which one to choose and how to apply it

Suitable for repainting over PVC film alkyd enamels and polyurethane paints - it is best to buy a special paint and varnish material marked “for furniture” so as not to disturb the overall ecology of the apartment. Epoxy enamels usually give good results, but take too long to dry and retain an odor. There are many reports about home repainting of MDF and laminated chipboard with acrylic latex compounds - provided that a special primer is used (sometimes even in two layers).

For painting work, craftsmen recommend a velor rather than a small foam roller - it will paint the surface evenly, neatly, without unnecessary air bubbles. If you decide to paint your shelves or fronts in two layers, let the first layer dry completely.

Treat corners and hard-to-reach nooks and crannies with a brush with a beveled edge.

Professional approach - painting using a spray gun with paint consumption from 60 to 200 grams per square meter. The nozzle diameter and pressure will have to be calculated independently, taking into account the type of paint.

How thick should the insulation be for the walls of a log house? Finishing materials for brick facades of private houses
Cover the base of a wooden house with asbestos cement under a round stone

Currently, in stores you can find an endless number of all kinds of cabinets, chests of drawers, racks, hanging shelves, multifunctional drawers for clothes and personal items. But if you decide not to plunge into a long search, but to follow the thread of your imagination, then with the help of the following master classes you will learn how to update an old cabinet with your own hands beyond recognition.

After reading the article, you should not have any questions about how to paint varnished, chipboard or wooden cabinet what paint to paint and make it suitable for your own style, and you will also learn some of the intricacies of this work.

  1. Painting- This is the most reliable and capital method.
  2. Wallpaper, self-adhesive film and decoupage- when choosing this method, remember that it is not durable!
  3. Covering with fabric and decorating with carnations - also

The best method for updating any chipboard or wooden cabinet, of course, is painting - it is not as expensive as it seems at first glance and is quite simple to do.

Painting a wooden cabinet made of chipboard

Paint selection

  • For processing wood and chipboard you can use alkyd or acrylic,
  • spray or regular wood paint,
  • for deeper coloring - varnishes, but most often preference is given acrylic paint m.

They are non-toxic and dry at room temperature, which is also the case when painting. home furniture very convenient, in stores they are presented in the widest range, they can colorful b, i.e. dilute with white paint to achieve the desired color. In addition, there is a choice of acrylic paints with a mother-of-pearl effect or, for example, metallic.

Aerosol acrylic paint adheres better to surfaces than regular paint, creating a smooth, evenly colored texture. It is easy to work with both a professional and a beginner.

  • Varnishes are used mainly to give furniture an antique look., but well-groomed, noble and rich. In this case, the surface is painted several times after each layer has completely dried.
  • Varnishes are also necessary to fix the color and protect the surface from scratches and minor damage.
  • You will need varnish even if you decide to paint the chest of drawers in an antique or Provence style.

Selecting Brushes and Rollers

After choosing the paint you should Special attention pay attention to brushes and rollers. Why shouldn't you save on painting supplies if you decide to update your chest of drawers yourself?

  • At the right technology processing old surfaces and good coloring there will be a closet maintain its appearance for several years.
  • If you use bad brushes, you will not protect freshly painted furniture from sticking hairs or lint, which is almost impossible to fix unnoticed.

If you have a task to paint a large smooth surface, then for work Both a roller and aerosols will do.

ATTENTION: During work, do not leave the brushes dry, it is better to put them in a jar of water, otherwise they will quickly become unusable

Technologies and painting techniques

Don't forget about other important painting tools and materials, such as sandpaper or sander, primer, putty, solvent and varnish. All this is necessary to comply with the correct dyeing technology.


  1. Sandpaper of different types grain size is needed for preliminary rubbing of the old paint layer and sanding the surface.
  2. Primer will be needed for sealing small cracks on the surface of wood or chipboard.
  3. Putty (you can use car putty) and a putty knife will come in handy if there are deep scratches or chips.
  4. Solvent or white spirit is needed to degrease the surface before painting for better impregnation.
  5. The varnish performs a protective function and gives the furniture shine.

In general, preparing a cabinet for painting consists of: 5 short but very important stages.

  1. To begin with, carefully remove old paint and use medium-grain sandpaper(or machines) level the working surface.
  2. All dust must be brushed off, but without using wet rags or sponges etc. Otherwise, the old paint will only be absorbed better, and the new paint will not adhere well.
  3. After processing with the finest grain degrease with white spirit(acetone) and apply a primer layer for better adhesion to the paint.
  4. If there are large chips, then first fill them with putty and rub them until smooth. Afterwards we apply one or two layers of primer.

When you know all the stages of preparation, it’s time to move on to the main stage and figure out how to paint a wooden chest of drawers and chipboard.

Master class No. 1. Stencil painting

Everything is mixed in this closet - romanticism, Chinese motifs, and even something from Gzhel. Everyone sees something different in him. Let's learn painting techniques.

Materials and tools

  • Prepared cabinet;
  • white paint;
  • solvent;
  • blue spray paint;
  • gold paint;
  • stencil;
  • brushes

Step by step guide

Step 1.

  • We remove all fittings, locks, handles, etc. from the cabinet. Using familiar technology, we will prepare a wooden cabinet for painting.
  • On work surface(on the floor) spread newspapers or a large piece of polyethylene so as not to spoil other furniture.

Step 2.

  1. Take white enamel and solvent. In a small plastic jar, dilute paint and solvent according to the instructions on the paint can.
  2. The paint consumption is also written on the can; it is better to use this information and immediately dilute the required amount. If you mix too little paint, you may end up with a different color the second time.
  3. Making the background of the picture - apply the first coat of paint. Leave until completely dry.

Step 3.

  1. If the color is saturated and you like it, then take the stencil and place it on the cabinet. Carefully glue it to the front side and side walls so that there are no bubbles.
  2. Shake the spray paint well and spray it over the stencil. For an even color, one layer of blue paint will be enough, so we do everything the first time.

Step 4.

While the blue paint dries, painting the fittings, taken from the cabinet, in gold leaf. After the parts have dried, screw them into place.

We remove the stencil from the cabinet and place it in the most visible place in the room - after all, it now deserves special attention!

You can decorate the closet with a stencil, for example, with flowers.

Master class No. 2. Updating a chipboard cabinet

This cabinet looked very cheap since it was made from chipboard. But we updated it with a beautiful ornament for a children’s room, now it can fit into even a high-tech or modern interior.

Materials and tools

  • Prepared cabinet;
  • white paint;
  • pencil;
  • building level;
  • sponge brush;
  • masking tape;
  • additionally: protective paint(enamel).

Decoration process

Step 1.

  1. Let's prepare the furniture by cleaning surfaces from roughness, chips, cracks using putty and primer.
  2. After use special means need to give allow surfaces to dry completely.
  3. Take masking tape and stick it on the front side of the chest of drawers according to your individual idea.
  4. We make combinations of triangles along the top and bottom edges, rhombuses in the middle, rectangles at the top and bottom. We cut off the strips and make shapes from them, as shown in the photo.

  • We make a rhombus by cutting strips of equal length and placing them perpendicular to each other.
  • To make rectangles, First, stick the tape evenly, parallel to the cut of the chest of drawers, and use a building level and a pencil to mark equal intervals. Cut through one.

TIP: Watch the placement relative to the fittings (handles, locks) and the gaps between the drawers - it’s better to be symmetrical than even.

Step 2.

Step 5.

The final stage is the application of protective enamel. It will extend the life of the chipboard cabinet and protect it from minor mechanical impacts such as moisture and dust.

And so stylish wardrobe ready for active use!

Color options can also be the same as in the photo below.

Master class No. 3. Painting a polished cabinet

Some people can’t believe that you can make such a piece of candy from an old polished cabinet. vintage style, and without loss of functionality. And then we'll tell you how to do it.

Materials and tools.

  • Old polished cabinet;
  • vintage paint (regular acrylic matte);
  • white spirit or acetone;
  • brushes;
  • sandpaper or sanding machine;
  • gold handles for drawers.

Painting process

Step 1.

Despite the fact that we are creating a vintage effect, there is no real need for the dresser to look shabby. Therefore, we carefully prepare it for painting.

  1. To do this, we remove all the old fittings and sand the entire surface of the chest of drawers. First we use coarse sandpaper, then fine-grained sandpaper.
  2. It is not necessary to putty and prime, except for serious chips on the surface. Degrease the surface with white spirit or acetone and let it dry.

TIP: Since the paint will be applied in several layers, it is very important that it is well absorbed into the wood.

Step 2.

  1. Cover with the first layer of paint. Very thin, you don’t have to try too hard and leave unpainted areas.
  2. Sand the first layer with fine-grained sandpaper. We clean off dust, but do not use wet rags, sponges, etc. in the process. Wash only with a dry cotton lint-free cloth.
  3. Next, apply a second layer of paint, also rubbing it in. Let it dry and rub it in a little again.
  4. We repeat this until the color becomes even, but a little rough. For this we used matte paint with vintage effect. After a few days, it will be completely absorbed and dry and begin to turn yellow (pay attention to the instructions on the can so that you don’t have to repaint everything again later). To avoid this, you can try this coloring method on a small and inconspicuous area. Proceed with full coloring when you are satisfied with the result.

If you bought new handles, check if they match your color and screw them into place. Golden brass matches the white antique chest of drawers carved handles with patterns.

Check the chest of drawers to see if it meets your requirements - it is still comfortable, beautiful, and, paradoxically, modern. Vintage is in fashion now!

Wallpaper or film

When using film or any other paper covering to update your cabinet, you should remember that we use the cabinet every day. And usually such a coating does not last long, but it is very simple to implement.

Fabric covering

This is the most painstaking way to update a cabinet, when fabric is stretched over the entire plane. The method is quite outdated. But maybe someone will like it.

Spot painting for polished cafe

Spot painting is perfect for a polished cabinet. In this case, there is no need to remove the varnish and sand the surface. The technique is simple:

  • Drawing using a marker
  • The marker is painted with paint using dots. Details - here.

Closet Update Ideas

Many people have old furniture at home, the surface of which has become dull, covered with cracks and chipped paint. What to do? If the wood is of good quality, and the furniture itself has an attractive shape, it is better not to throw it away, but to restore it with your own hands, giving it a second life. How to paint an old cabinet with high quality so that it looks aesthetically pleasing? You'll have to peel off the layer old paint, sand the surface of the wood, and then paint it in the chosen color.

To give the closet fresh look, you need to get rid of the old layer of paint, sand the surface and paint it again.

Surface preparation process

Before painting the cabinet, it must be properly prepared. To do this, remove all handles, hinges, doors from the body, and remove pull-out cabinets. After this, the surface is thoroughly cleaned and inspected for necessary minor repairs. You will have to completely remove the old layer of paint. To do this you will need sandpaper, solvents, and a blowtorch. The selection of additional tools depends on how well the paint adheres to the surface.

After removing the paint, you need to treat the wood with coarse sandpaper and sand it so that the surface becomes smooth and even.

After this, you need to brush the surface of the cabinet to remove all wood dust. You can use a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment for this purpose. You can’t take a damp cloth, as it will only drive all the wood dust into the surface, that is, it will make everything much worse. After the preparation is completed, it is necessary to remove everything around the cabinet, ventilate the room and begin further work.

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Materials and tools

For painting, it is best to use brushes with long and thick bristles - they do not leave streaks.

To paint a cabinet, you need to choose the right materials for this process. It is better to buy acrylic paint; it not only does not have an unpleasant odor, but also dries quickly, leaving behind a high-quality and attractive surface. This paint is easily diluted with water, allowing you to get exactly the shade you need. While the paint has not hardened, it can be easily washed off. This will allow you to correct possible errors in your work.

You don't have to worry that the door or side will get dirty. The paint can be easily removed with a regular cloth soaked in water. But it is precisely this property that forces you to be very careful while the paint is drying. If you move it carelessly, the layer can be easily smeared, and all restoration work will have to start all over again. When decorating, it is best not to use paint of the same color. You can take two different shades, for example, cream, beige, ivory as a base, and choose a darker or brighter paint to decorate individual elements.

This will highlight the desired elements and make the furniture more attractive and stylish. To obtain the desired shade, you can take paint of two colors. Before work, it is enough to mix them with each other and plain water until the desired shade is obtained. Before applying paint to the surface of the cabinet, it is advisable to pre-treat it with a primer. She will hide various defects

wood. This is not a categorical condition, but it is still recommended to use a special acrylic primer before painting, which will make the surface of the doors even and smooth, even out their color, and create an excellent basis for further restoration. This primer is applied in one layer, it should be thin and uniform. It is recommended to begin further painting only after the primer has completely dried. To paint a cabinet, you need to use tools that are no different at a high price

. It is best to apply primer and paint with a roller. The nozzle for it is selected based on the type of paint and the requirements for its use.

Usually these are rollers with short pile, which allow you to apply the composition in an even and beautiful layer, while paint consumption is reduced many times. With the help of small special rollers, you can quickly and efficiently paint even complex parts and corners. For varnish, it is best to take foam rollers and just pieces of this material. As a result, the surface will be reliably protected by a dense varnish layer. The cabinet will look attractive and stylish.

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Cabinet painting process

It is necessary to start painting the cabinet in a well-ventilated area, in which there should be no dust or debris left. The floor around the cabinet must be protected with film or old newspapers, and the same applies to the furniture around it. It is best to open the windows immediately so that the smell of paint does not disturb everyone in the apartment. The process of painting a cabinet with your own hands is as follows:

Options for painting the cabinet with a roller and brush.

  • first the surface must be covered with a thin layer of light paint; The paint should not be too thick or have dried pieces. It is recommended to dilute a composition that is too thick with water in the proportion specified by the manufacturer. Thin coat of paint light shade will allow you to view the tree structure. This condition suits the Provence style. To get this effect, the paint needs to be diluted as thinly as possible;
  • if you need to create a denser layer, then thinning the paint is not recommended, since the surface will be uniform, dense, and the structure of the wood will not show through; The next layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried;
  • when pre-painting in a light tone finished, you can start painting the main color; The areas that need to be protected from paint are first taped with masking tape, and the remaining areas are painted with a roller or brush using the same method as the previous ones. It doesn't take much time to paint an old cabinet;
  • drying time paint coating will depend on what kind of paint was used. The time frame for complete drying is indicated by the manufacturer; it usually takes a couple of days;
  • Afterwards, 2-3 layers of matte varnish must be applied to the surface, which allows you to perfectly protect the furniture.

The varnish is applied not with a brush, but with a foam sponge, using light blotting movements. The varnish must dry completely, only then can you begin assembling the cabinet, hanging the doors, and replacing all the bedside tables.

Painting an old cabinet doesn't require a lot of work, but you must first properly prepare the surface. This often takes much longer than subsequent restoration, since you will have to completely remove a layer of old paint or varnish, treat the surface, clean it, and sand it. After this, you need to apply several layers of fresh paint of the required shade, cover with a layer of transparent varnish.

In our houses and apartments, furniture is one of the most important elements situation. In addition to his direct functional purpose, it is an integral part of the interior and serves as a source of pride for its owners. Trying to add uniqueness and sophistication to our furniture ensembles, we spend a lot of effort on the selection and further maintenance of these furnishings.

Old furniture deserves special attention. No matter how careful the care is, over time it loses its former luster, and as the furnishings are updated, it becomes more and more dissonant with other elements of the interior. If this concerns small and not expensive items (chairs, tables, etc.), then we simply buy new ones. But when it comes to larger cabinets, for example, it makes sense to think about whether it’s worth spending money (and not little). Especially if we are talking about not just old cabinets, but furniture that has faithfully served several generations.

The video shows how the restoration of an old cabinet takes place:

If the cabinet material (wood) is in good condition, then you can return him to his second youth with my own hands. All you need to do is repaint the old cabinet. This relatively simple operation will allow you to add new colors to the interior and significantly increase the service life of the cabinet itself.

The algorithm for painting a cabinet, like any other product, includes three stages:

  • Preparation;
  • Selection of paint;
  • Paint application;
  • Applying varnish.

Let's look at these stages in more detail.

Preparing for painting

In order to prepare the cabinet for painting, you will need to remove all hardware and drawers and cabinets from the cabinet body. It is advisable to remove the doors, but first you need to evaluate the difficulties that may arise during the dismantling process, and most importantly during the installation process after painting.

The most important and most time-consuming thing at the stage of preparing surfaces for painting is removing old paint. To do this, it is best to use sandpaper and a wire brush with not very stiff bristles. From use special solutions and especially blowtorch, it's better to abstain. Despite the high efficiency of these “tools,” they can cause serious damage to wooden surfaces.

After removing the paint, you need to carefully treat the surface with fine sandpaper so that it becomes as even and smooth as possible. Wood dust is best removed using a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment. Under no circumstances should you use a damp cloth - under its influence, dust will clog into small pores, which will significantly deteriorate the characteristics of the surface.

Paint selection

The modern paint and varnish industry offers consumers a huge selection of different paints with different characteristics. When choosing paint to paint a cabinet, it is best to opt for acrylic paints.

These paints dry quickly and are environmentally friendly. Absence unpleasant odors allows you to use them even indoors. The acrylic paint base allows you to create a high-quality, reliable and beautiful coating.

The choice of paint color depends entirely on your preferences. In the color palette of acrylic paints, you will certainly be able to choose the color to paint the cabinet in exactly the shade (or several shades) that you like and will allow the updated cabinet to harmoniously fit into the interior of your home or apartment.

Applying paint

Before you start applying paint, it is recommended to treat the surface with a primer, which will hide minor surface defects, make it smooth and even and provide a good base for a coat of paint. Acrylic primers will cope perfectly with the listed tasks. It is advisable to use a roller to apply the primer. The primer is applied in a thin layer.

After the primer layer has dried, you can begin applying paint.

It is advisable to ventilate and clean the room in which painting will be done well (to avoid dust getting on the painted surface).

The video shows the process of applying paint and varnish to a wooden surface:

The painting process itself consists of the following operations:

  • Let's prepare the paint. To do this, we need a container, preferably with a wide bottom, and a device for stirring; a low-speed drill equipped with a special attachment will cope well with this task. The proportion of water and paint indicated on the packaging must be strictly observed. The paint should be mixed in two stages. First, stir until uniform, let the solution “rest” and mix thoroughly again.
  • Apply a thin layer of light paint. To obtain a thin layer that allows you to see the structure of the wood, the paint must be further diluted with water.
  • If, when choosing a style, you chose the “Provence” style, then the painting process is completed and, after waiting until the paint has dried, you can begin applying varnish;
  • After waiting for the preliminary layer to dry, you can begin applying the main layer. If it is necessary to leave areas on the surface free of paint, then they must be sealed with special masking tape.

Apply paint using unidirectional movements of a roller or brush. This will provide the coating with an even pattern.

The paint is applied in 2-3 layers. Each layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

Applying varnish

Coating the cabinet with varnish is not a mandatory procedure. Modern paints form enough durable coating. But if you want the cabinet into which you have invested so much effort and time to continue to please you with its appearance for as long as possible and, thereby, arouse the envy of your guests, it is recommended to protect the paint with two or three layers of matte varnish.

Matte varnish resists abrasion and ultraviolet rays much better.

You need a foam sponge. Light, blotting movements will allow you to form a beautiful and reliable varnish coating.

As already mentioned, the varnish is applied in 2-3 layers, each of which is applied only after the previous layer has completely dried.

When dry last layer varnish, you can start assembling the cabinet.

Many interior items, primarily furniture, can last for years. And sometimes the material from which they are made does not matter. And all marks of the past time - scratches, chips and other surface damage - can be easily restored. However, the furniture can be returned original appearance or, if desired, give it a completely different one. So how to paint a chipboard cabinet so that it fits harmoniously into the new interior?

In the production of modern furniture, chipboard and MDF are widely used. The raw materials for their production are wood processing waste - chips and sawdust, combined with a binder (for example, formaldehyde resins) into a single whole under high pressure. The appearance of such products is shown in the figure below. As a rule, they are produced in the form of slabs.

It is especially worth focusing on laminated chipboard (LDSP). A layer of melamine resins is applied to its surface, resulting in a smooth and shiny coating.

True, this creates certain difficulties when painting. However, they are overcome quality training surfaces. Before painting a cabinet made of laminated chipboard, it is necessary to sand it and use primer.

How to paint chipboard furniture?

Nowadays, solid wood furniture is quite rare. As already noted, chipboard is used in production in one form or another. But to give the material the necessary consumer properties, it is often painted or applied special coating, imitating valuable wood species, and protected with varnish. All this creates additional difficulties when restoring old furniture.

The decision on how to paint a chipboard cabinet with your own hands or take it to a workshop is made quite simply. You can do this kind of work yourself, the main thing is to follow the repair technology. However, it is worth considering that the procedure is quite labor-intensive. The order of work will be as follows:

  1. Remove all fittings: handles, hinges, holders, hooks and other elements. Only the cabinet itself should remain if you plan to paint it.
  2. Repair existing scratches, cracks, chips and other damage to the surface. They need to be puttied, and in two layers. The fact is that after applying the first one, shrinkage of the material is possible, and this is what needs to be compensated for.
  3. Over the entire surface, you need to remove the old coating: varnish, paint or, if it is chipboard, resin. For such purposes, it is best to use a grinder; it will reduce the time spent and make the work easier. If it is not there, then you will have to use sandpaper and remove the old coating manually. The sandpaper should be fine-grained; during the work, it is necessary to obtain a flat, smooth surface, including in putty areas.

    After finishing the treatment, remove dust with a dry cloth. If there are areas that should not be touched by paint, such as glass or mirrors, masking tape should be placed where they meet the areas to be painted.

  4. Now you can start applying primer. It will provide better paint adhesion, less paint consumption and will serve as the basis for the formation of a flat and smooth surface. The primer is applied in two layers using a brush or roller, the next one after the previous one has dried.
  5. Paint is applied to a dry, prepared surface in any convenient way. For such purposes, a spray gun or special cans of coloring material can be used, although at home a roller or brush is usually used. How this is done is shown in the video:

If you have to paint laminated chipboard, then special attention should be paid to the sanding stage. In this case, it is necessary to carefully remove the entire layer of protective melamine coating and only then proceed to the remaining stages of work. And don’t forget to apply a primer, otherwise the paint may simply not stick to the surface.

About paints

You don’t have to think too much about how to paint a chipboard cabinet. Any paint can be used for these purposes. Acrylic is usually used; it has a wide color palette and is easy to handle. Oil-based is also quite suitable. Which paint is best to use is determined by the operating conditions of the furniture. If it is installed in a kitchen where cabinets need to be washed frequently, then it makes sense to varnish their surface.

It is quite possible to use various stencils, which will give your cabinet unique look. For example, as shown in the photo below.

Even old furniture that seems to have served its purpose long ago can be successfully used for many years to come. To do this, sometimes it is enough to give it a renewed look, which can be achieved by painting. An ordinary old cabinet, with a creative approach to its restoration, can become an object of constant admiration, while maintaining its purely utilitarian properties.

You inherited your grandmother's old wardrobe, and you don't know how to paint the old wardrobe, how to fit it into the interior of your apartment? Don’t rush to throw it away or give it to a junk dealer, even though it’s worn out by time and doesn’t look at all presentable.

As a rule, all old furniture is made conscientiously and from the best natural materials. Yes, yes, and your old closet is made of whole pieces wood, which means that you won’t find one like this in any modern store. So wouldn't it be better to bring life back to an old wardrobe? Moreover, things in retro or even vintage style are now in fashion.

In this article we will tell you how to paint a cabinet with your own hands and give it a second life in your interior.

Preparation process

Like any other operation, painting and processing a cabinet requires certain preparation:

  • First you need to disassemble the cabinet as far as its design allows.
  • First of all, unscrew the handles, remove metal hinges and cabinet doors, remove all partitions, drawers, mirrors and hangers.
  • It is better to carry out the next stage in a well-ventilated area, and lay the floor covering to avoid damage.

To prepare the cabinet frame you will need:

  • sandpaper;
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • drill;
  • as well as a rag, brush and sponge.

What paint to paint the cabinet?

Acrylic-based paint is ideal for painting cabinets. It is non-toxic, easy to clean and mixes well, which is necessary when choosing the right color.

The ability of this paint to wash off will help you correct something in your work after painting the cabinet, since you need to be a great specialist to do everything perfectly the first time.

Repainting an old cabinet: preparation and painting technique

After drying, the paint becomes strong and durable.

When painting a wooden cabinet, you don't have to stick to just one color. You can combine compatible colors, highlighting, for example decorative elements cabinet in a different color. If you can't find suitable color, then you can use color. Gradually adding color to white acrylic paint, you will get the shade you need without much difficulty.

Is it necessary to prime?

Before painting, the cabinet must be primed. Before using a primer, you must read its instructions, which should indicate in what proportion to dilute it, if it is a dry primer, or how much to apply per unit of surface to be treated.
The primer should be applied to the surface of the cabinet in a thin layer using a special construction roller.

new life of retro cabinets

It should be remembered that the primer must dry thoroughly before painting.

Painting tools

Paint on a wooden cabinet can be applied either with a brush or a roller. But a more convenient way is to paint with a brush, since it is more convenient to paint the corners of the cabinet frame and small decorative details.

There are special brushes for applying acrylic paint.

It is better to choose high-quality brushes for painting, because cheap ones can ruin the whole job.

For example, if the bristles of the brush are poorly secured to the base and begin to come out while working.

When buying brushes, you should remember that it is better to buy several brushes of different sizes at once.

If the painting process takes a long time, you can rinse the brushes and put them in a jar of water so that they do not dry out, and after some time continue painting again.

Painting a wooden cabinet

Painting the cabinet is done in a well-ventilated area. First of all, it is necessary to apply paint in lighter colors, and then in darker colors. This rule is important if you combine several colors when painting.

The amount of paint applied depends on what effect you want to get as a result. If you want the texture of the wood to be preserved, it is enough to apply the paint once and in a thin layer. For a more saturated color, the paint is applied in several layers.

If you are combining colors or creating a color picture, then after painting with a light tone, those places that need to be left light are sealed with masking tape, and then paint of a darker color is applied. This is necessary to maintain clear boundaries between light and dark shades and eliminate the possibility of errors during the painting process.
After painting, the cabinet must dry thoroughly, usually this takes 2-3 days. At this time, small parts, drawers and cabinet doors are painted. When the cabinet frame and all its parts are dry, they are varnished and assembled.

Restoring old furniture or how to repaint a cabinet

In our houses and apartments, furniture is one of the most important furnishing elements. In addition to its direct functional purpose, it is an integral part of the interior and serves as a source of pride for its owners. Trying to add uniqueness and sophistication to our furniture ensembles, we spend a lot of effort on the selection and further maintenance of these furnishings.

Old furniture deserves special attention. No matter how careful the care is, over time it loses its former luster, and as the furnishings are updated, it becomes more and more dissonant with other elements of the interior. If this concerns small and not expensive items (chairs, tables, etc.), then we simply buy new ones. But when it comes to larger cabinets, for example, it makes sense to think about whether it’s worth spending money (and not little). Especially if we are talking about not just old cabinets, but furniture that has faithfully served several generations.

The video shows how the restoration of an old cabinet takes place:

If the cabinet material (wood) is in good condition, then you can return it to its second youth with your own hands. All you need to do is repaint the old cabinet. This relatively simple operation will allow you to add new colors to the interior and significantly increase the service life of the cabinet itself.

The algorithm for painting a cabinet, like any other product, includes three stages:

  • Preparation;
  • Selection of paint;
  • Paint application;
  • Applying varnish.

Let's look at these stages in more detail.

Preparing for painting

In order to prepare the cabinet for painting, you will need to remove all hardware and drawers and cabinets from the cabinet body. It is advisable to remove the doors, but first you need to evaluate the difficulties that may arise during the dismantling process, and most importantly during the installation process after painting.

The most important and most time-consuming thing at the stage of preparing surfaces for painting is removing old paint. To do this, it is best to use sandpaper and a wire brush with not very stiff bristles. It is better to refrain from using special solutions and, especially, a blowtorch. Despite the high efficiency of these “tools,” they can cause serious damage to wooden surfaces.

After removing the paint, you need to carefully treat the surface with fine sandpaper so that it becomes as even and smooth as possible. Wood dust is best removed using a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment. Under no circumstances should you use a damp cloth - under its influence, dust will clog into small pores, which will significantly deteriorate the characteristics of the surface.

Paint selection

The modern paint and varnish industry offers consumers a huge selection of different paints with different characteristics.

When choosing paint to paint a cabinet, it is best to opt for acrylic paints.

These paints dry quickly and are environmentally friendly. The absence of unpleasant odors allows them to be used even in enclosed spaces. The acrylic paint base allows you to create a high-quality, reliable and beautiful coating.

The choice of paint color depends entirely on your preferences. In the color palette of acrylic paints, you will certainly be able to choose the color to paint the cabinet in exactly the shade (or several shades) that you like and will allow the updated cabinet to harmoniously fit into the interior of your home or apartment.

Applying paint

Before you start applying paint, it is recommended to treat the surface with a primer, which will hide minor surface defects, make it smooth and even and provide a good base for a coat of paint. Acrylic primers will cope perfectly with the listed tasks. It is advisable to use a roller to apply the primer. The primer is applied in a thin layer.

After the primer layer has dried, you can begin applying paint.

It is advisable to ventilate and clean the room in which painting will be done well (to avoid dust getting on the painted surface).

The video shows the process of applying paint and varnish to a wooden surface:

The painting process itself consists of the following operations:

  • Let's prepare the paint.

    To do this, we need a container, preferably with a wide bottom, and a device for stirring; a low-speed drill equipped with a special attachment will cope well with this task. The proportion of water and paint indicated on the packaging must be strictly observed. The paint should be mixed in two stages. First, stir until uniform, let the solution “rest” and mix thoroughly again.

  • Apply a thin layer of light paint. To obtain a thin layer that allows you to see the structure of the wood, the paint must be further diluted with water.
  • If, when choosing a style, you chose the “Provence” style, then the painting process is completed and, after waiting until the paint has dried, you can begin applying varnish;
  • After waiting for the preliminary layer to dry, you can begin applying the main layer. If it is necessary to leave areas on the surface free of paint, then they must be sealed with special masking tape.

Apply paint using unidirectional movements of a roller or brush. This will provide the coating with an even pattern.

The paint is applied in 2-3 layers. Each layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

Applying varnish

Coating the cabinet with varnish is not a mandatory procedure. Modern paints form a fairly durable coating. But if you want the cabinet into which you have invested so much effort and time to continue to please you with its appearance for as long as possible and, thereby, arouse the envy of your guests, it is recommended to protect the paint with two or three layers of matte varnish.

Matte varnish resists abrasion and ultraviolet rays much better.

The varnish should be applied with a foam sponge.

Light, blotting movements will allow you to form a beautiful and reliable varnish coating.

As already mentioned, the varnish is applied in 2-3 layers, each of which is applied only after the previous layer has completely dried.

When the last layer of varnish has dried, you can begin assembling the cabinet.

How to paint veneer

Recently, furniture, windows and doors decorated with veneer have become increasingly common. These products look great, with the only caveat that they are still new and have not been used. However, if you are no longer satisfied with the appearance of your furniture, there is no need to immediately send your furniture to the landfill. You can update the coating yourself or contact a specialized workshop.

At you can find out information about euro-fireplaces. To paint veneer you will need paint or varnish, stain, fine sandpaper, a roller and brushes.

Prepare furniture for paint and varnish work. To do this, you need to remove all decorative elements from it where paint could get in.

10 ideas on how to update and paint an old cabinet

If it is not possible to unscrew them, cover them with cellophane film (you can use regular food film).

Remove the old coating using fine-grained sandpaper. If the paint layer is thick enough, use coarse sandpaper. This procedure is quite long and troublesome, but you should not use a grinding machine to make the work easier. It will lead to damage to the veneer, since at high speeds, depressions may appear in the material.

If unevenness or chips have formed in some places, they should be primed immediately, and only then begin leveling with wood putty. Wait for it to dry completely, then lightly sand it with sandpaper.

Mix the stain and apply two layers to obtain a more even and rich color. If you are using water-based or enamel paint, you should not give them a tint.

If you decide to stain the veneer using paint, apply it in several layers. With the use of varnish everything is much more complicated. You should apply the first coat and give it time to dry. If there are splinters in some places, they should be removed using sandpaper.

Apply a second coat of varnish to the veneer surface using a roller to make the coating more even. You need to make sure that there are no smudges; removing them later will be more difficult. To avoid this, you need to roll the roller well in a special container.

Make sure that during the drying process of the coating, dust and other contaminants do not form on its surface, otherwise you will need to paint the veneer first.

When several days have passed, you will need to screw the removed decorative elements back on. It is not advisable to do this earlier, as the varnish takes 48 hours to dry. There is no need to try to restore expensive veneer furniture yourself. It’s better to invite specialist furniture makers to your home or take the furniture to a workshop.

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Updating a kitchen set can be quite simple these days. To do this, you just need to paint the kitchen facades, after which the cabinets will acquire a second life and will delight the owner for many more years. You can change the appearance of the panels if their surface has become dull, faded and lost its aesthetics, or when the housewife wants to diversify the decor and reconsider the interior of the kitchen.

Wallpaper on the walls must be replaced after a few years, curtains can be alternated at least every month, depending on your mood, and furniture, as a rule, lasts quite a long time and its appearance, over the years, begins to get boring. But it turns out that in order to change the look of the kitchen, you don’t have to buy a new set. You just need to buy enamel of the color you like and repaint it furniture facades. Moreover, you can do this yourself.

What materials are used in the manufacture of facades?

First of all, you need to decide what stands behind the definition of “furniture facades”. They represent the front part of the cabinets, represented by the end part drawers, as well as doors:

  • swinging open;
  • sliding;
  • rising;
  • descending;
  • folding like an accordion.

Kitchen facades are made in one piece or prefabricated (panelled or framed) from:

  • natural wood;
  • laminated or painted MDF;
  • plastic;
  • impact resistant glass.

The aesthetic perception of the furniture as a whole depends on the appearance of the facades. They are able to decorate even the most unsightly frame. In addition to performing decorative function, panels must satisfy the basic operational requirements, such as:

  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • ease of care.

Natural wood

Kitchen furniture with wooden fronts fits harmoniously into the premises large sizes. The doors are made in solid or paneled versions, but often there are more affordable options for consumers - veneer panels, which are based on cheaper material.

The advantages of a furniture set with wooden doors are its environmental friendliness and aristocracy, durability and demand, regardless of fashion trends.

How to paint a chipboard cabinet according to all the rules

But, unfortunately, solid wood facades are too expensive; over time, their surface begins to darken and absorb odors and moisture.

It is difficult to create rounded and wavy panels from solid wood, as well as elements of non-standard sizes.


Laminated chipboard facades belong to the economy class, which is why they are found in many kitchens of our fellow citizens. But besides low cost and rich colors, they have no other advantages. But laminated chipboard has plenty of disadvantages:

  • simple appearance;
  • looseness of the internal structure;
  • swelling in case of moisture;
  • fragility;
  • impossibility of making curved and embossed surfaces.


Recently, MDF facades have become increasingly popular. They are aesthetic, can have various shapes and curves, and be covered with enamel or PVC film. This material is the most versatile and amenable to further restoration.

Painted and laminated MDF facades have:

  • rich color range;
  • glossy or matte surface;
  • high strength;
  • resistance to absorption of moisture and odors;
  • possibility of making facades of non-standard sizes.

Painted facades will cost more than laminated MDF panels, but they are more durable. The pattern on PVC film can imitate natural wood or marble, but often upper layer peels off from the base, which dramatically worsens the appearance of the kitchen furniture.

Both materials are resistant to direct sunlight, so the surface begins to fade over time.

Glass, stained glass or mirrors, rattan or decorative panels are inserted into MDF frame facades. Such doors are inexpensive and, if desired, can be easily updated even without painting. To do this, simply change the filling.


At the core plastic panels present MDF boards or chipboard, depending on which the cost of the facades is determined. Often the plastic is edged with an aluminum profile. These doors:

  • do not burn out;
  • are not afraid of temperature changes;
  • durable;
  • highly resistant to aggressive detergents;
  • have a maximum service life;
  • waterproof.

The negative characteristics of plastic include:

  • difficulty of painting (requires special compounds);
  • constant fight against fingerprints remaining on the surface;
  • the possible presence of depressed areas on products resulting from technological processes.


Facades made of transparent, colored, textured or frosted glass installed on hanging kitchen cabinets. It can be located in a frame made of MDF or aluminum profile, but often glass doors are installed without a frame. This gives them airiness and visually expands the room, but for the kitchen similar option not entirely acceptable.

Thanks to modern primers and paints, glass can be painted in any color, although the question arises: is it worth doing?

Painting MDF facades

First you need to decide on the coloring composition. There are a lot of types of paint on the market, but not all of them can be used on kitchen facades.

The best option for painting is considered to be auto enamel, which:

  • moisture and heat resistant;
  • durable;
  • practically not afraid of damage, except for direct impact from sharp objects;
  • has many shades.

The kitchen façade should be painted in a color that harmonizes with the interior and matches the style. Here you can show your imagination and combine two or three shades.

Materials and accessories

In addition to car enamel, to paint facades you will need:

  • wood primer;
  • sandpaper or hand sander;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • gloves;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • masking tape;
  • velor roller and soft brush;
  • Glizal for additional decor (optional).

Preparatory work

For ease of operation, the facades are removed from their hinges, after which they are freed from handles and inserts in the form of glass, stained glass or mirrors. The loops do not need to be removed, but in this case they are sealed with tape.

Laminated chipboard panels must be cleaned of PVC film, as it will interfere with application coloring composition. To do this, the front surface is heated using a hair dryer and the unnecessary layer is gradually removed. The film should be pulled off carefully so that no pieces remain on the facade.

Next, the surface is thawed from dust, after which they proceed to the next stage. It involves grinding the surface. It is made manually with fine sandpaper or a sanding machine is used to make the work easier. With its help, the restored layer is removed and painted MDF facades, although here you can use a special liquid for removing paints and varnishes.

At the end of the work, the panels are thoroughly wiped from dust and degreased, otherwise the new coating will be of poor quality.

At the last stage preparatory work A pre-shaken wood primer is applied to the facades. If available on doors plastic elements, they should be coated with a primer intended for plastic. After 24 hours of exposure, the actual painting of the panels begins.


Facades must be painted in one direction with a roller or brush. If you intend to use several shades, then before applying the first color it will be necessary to protect with tape the area of ​​the surface that will be decorated in a different tone. After the paint has completely dried, the remaining area is painted using the same technology.

Painting will look neater kitchen facades from a can or spray gun, but keep in mind that some of the paint will definitely be sprayed to the sides. This will lead to excessive consumption of the coloring composition.

To make the facades look more impressive, they are additionally coated with glisal. The composition is diluted with water in the proportion specified in the instructions, after which it is distributed over the painted facades with a clean brush.

A patterned textured design is obtained by glazing, using for this purpose a damp sponge, a brush with hard bristles, and even polyethylene. They are applied to the surface with glissal, moving from one area to another, resulting in a pattern of broken lines, chaotic strokes or bizarre bubbles. After the “witchcraft” is completed, the layer is allowed to dry, and after a week the surface is varnished.

Fittings are installed on the painted facades and the panels are hung on hinges.

Upgrading wood front panels

Painting wooden kitchen facades at home involves step-by-step surface treatment. It follows:

  • sand;
  • apply a layer of primer;
  • paint in a pre-selected color;
  • varnish.

Alternative Ways to Update Kitchen Cabinets

Some experts argue that painting kitchen facades with your own hands is unlikely to turn out to be of high quality and beautiful.

  • plain or with a pattern;
  • with imitation of natural wood, tile or stone;
  • with Khokhloma or Gzhel designs;
  • with a holographic or photographic image.

But it should be remembered that film can solve the problem of updating only for a while. At the first opportunity, it would be wiser to order or buy new facades.

If the kitchen interior is made in a vintage style, you can try using decoupage or craquelure techniques to update the facades. If you wish, mastering them will not be difficult, and the effect of the finished doors will be amazing. A transparent moisture-resistant varnish is applied to the surface as a protective layer, allowing the facades to be washed with a damp soft cloth or sponge without using abrasives.

Facades with glass inserts are decorated with fabric you like and suits the style, or stained glass film. In this case, there will be no need to display kitchen utensils and constantly monitor the order on the shelves. In addition, it will be possible to put it inside the cabinet large quantity items. At the same time, the kitchen will look neat and well-groomed.

Home craftsmen know many more ways to update the appearance of facades, each of which can become exclusive.

01/24/2015 at 03:01

To restore the surfaces of any veneered item, you must first determine what the furniture itself is made of. In pieces of furniture older than 50 years, this is usually solid cheap wood; in modern furniture, it is most likely plywood or chipboard. Veneer is almost always thin sheets of valuable wood, and it is their repair that we will talk about today.

Veneer restoration: correction of various types of damage

Blisters, which are not uncommon on old things, are carefully cleaned of old glue and fresh glue is injected with a syringe. The veneer is moistened and, if necessary, cut crosswise. Sometimes small swellings on old furniture can be removed with a hot iron. The veneer is heated through damp gauze, then glue is injected under the bubble with a syringe, the surface is gently rubbed and secured with a clamp. To remove such a defect in furniture made of chipboard, this place is simply heated with an iron and gently pressed down.
Sometimes veneer restoration is impossible without installing a patch. It will require a piece of veneer that matches the texture of the restored surface. First, the damaged area is carefully cut out, then a “patch” is cut out on the new veneer, choosing the direction of the fibers, along the contour of the old piece. It is fixed with double-sided paper tape and the joints are carefully smoothed, trying to make the transition unnoticeable.

A large crack can be repaired by inserting a wedge-shaped patch into it, cut from a piece of wood that most matches the color and texture. After processing, it should be slightly larger than the crack itself. The finished patch is driven into the gap by lightly tapping it with a hammer. It should protrude slightly above the surface so that it can be neatly leveled.
Minor damage (small chips, scratches, dents) on a polished surface can be repaired using furniture polish. If there are burnt areas, they must first be carefully cleaned and filled with wax or putty. Wax, by the way, can also be applied to treated wood; it combines well with any other coatings.


It is slightly heated and rubbed in small portions into the damaged area. At the end, this piece of veneer is wiped with turpentine.
It is good to repair deep scratches with shellac putty, choosing the desired tone. Shellac hardens quickly, and its remains are removed until this point.
Whitish spots on polish usually appear from hot objects such as dishes or irons. You can get rid of them using shellac varnish or by mixing turpentine with linseed oil.
There are three ways to complete veneer processing:

  • cover with wax
  • cover with polish
  • paint with furniture varnish.

The third method is often not suitable for antique furniture, since it was originally coated with varnish. Before applying the polish, you must first apply and sand the primer. Polishing is carried out without stopping, so that after each pass over the surface a thin layer of polish remains. When the surface is dry, it is sanded with a soft brush to creating a lung shine.

Restoring veneer is quite within the capabilities of a home craftsman, but it is important to take your time and do everything extremely carefully, trying to ensure that the new materials completely replicate the old ones.

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