Apricot is one of the most popular garden crops, which produces tasty and aromatic fruits. At the same time, this plant requires ongoing care, and entering mineral fertilizers is one of the necessary factors for tree growth and production good harvest.

What is this for?

Any fruit trees After a long winter they need feeding, and apricot is no exception. At this moment the trees awaken from hibernation, go into the stage of active growth development and feel the need for minerals that will help it grow, bloom and bear fruit throughout the whole season. Spring is optimal time for the introduction of fertilizers, since root system during this period it responds quite well to all types of fertilizing.

Mineral or organic substances obtained in the spring provide adequate nutrition for the plant, promote the formation of ovaries and the ripening of fruits. During the spring it is necessary to carry out several feedings: early spring, after the snow melts, at the very beginning of flowering and immediately after it.

If you neglect the application of fertilizers at this time, the growth of new shoots and resistance to various fruit diseases will be reduced. trees will fall, and the number of ovaries formed will be minimal.


Mature fruit trees should be fed throughout the growing season. Suitable for this different types fertilizers

  • Phosphorus– they contribute to timely flowering and formation large quantity ovaries, which directly affects the harvest. It should be kept in mind that phosphorus compounds They do not completely dissolve in the soil, so they are usually applied in large quantities.
  • Potash– are responsible for the plant’s resistance to frost and all kinds of fungal infections, and in addition, they increase the ability to absorb micro- and micronutrients from the soil. It is usually recommended to apply them twice per season.
  • Nitrogen– this type of fertilizing has a positive effect on the formation of green mass of the plant and ensures the formation of the crown. Such fertilizers are applied in the first half of spring.

In addition, you should fertilize the soil under apricots organic compounds(manure). If the plant is just being planted, then the organic matter is plowed into the prepared hole, and if the plant is already mature, then cow or bird droppings are dissolved in water and watered at the root.

The first feeding is carried out quite early - in the spring, immediately after the snow melts, even before the buds swell, approximately this corresponds to the beginning of April. At this moment, plants need nitrogen, since it is actively involved in the growth of shoots and green mass. Therefore, you can use the following compositions per bucket of water:

  • urea – 50 g;
  • urea – 2-3 tbsp. l;
  • ammonium nitrate – 5-9 g.

Apricots respond very well to complex fertilizer: dissolve 8 g of ammonium nitrate, 5 g of potassium salt and 20 g of superphosphate in 10 liters of water.

Foliar feeding. The resulting solution must be sprayed onto trees at the rate of 30 liters per tree in three stages of 10 liters each. Usually fertilize in the morning and evening. In the future, such processing must be repeated several more times.

The second and third stages of fertilization provide for the enrichment of soil nutrients. Most often, a mixture of ammonium nitrate (50-60 g), superphosphate (100 g) and potassium chloride (40 g) is used for this. Some gardeners use a mixture of urea and potassium sulfate. This proportion is taken for young apricots, and when the trees reach the age of 5 years, the amount of required substrate is increased by a third.

The granules are scattered near the trunk and covered a little with soil, then the ground is moistened; it is best to carry out such manipulations early in the morning or after sunset.

But you can also dilute fertilizers with water and water exactly at the root so that at least 10-15 liters of solution are used for each tree.

In addition to the basic nutrients, apricot requires other microelements that ensure the full development of the tree. For example, calcium chloride is used for gum production at the rate of 10 ml per bucket of water. It is applied 3-4 days after the main feeding directly under the root.

When fertilizing plants, it is very important to follow the indicated dosages; if there is an excess of minerals, the roots of the tree can get seriously burned, and the branches can lose their ovaries.

Many gardeners prefer natural remedies, which are considered not so aggressive, and their excessive concentration will not harm fruit trees.

Another advantage traditional methods feeding is due to the fact that they do not include nitrates and other components hazardous to human health.

As a rule, they use different compositions. Herbal fertilizers are often used:

  • algae - they should be crushed and dug up with soil around the trunk;
  • sawdust is optimal for clay soils, into which they are added mixed with sand.
  • leaves;
  • weeds;
  • young shoots;
  • duckweed and other aquatic plants.

To prepare fertilizer from grass, you need to chop it up and add water at the rate of 1 kg of greenery per 10 liters of liquid. The prepared composition should be infused for 7-10 days in a warm place with regular stirring to remove excess oxygen. The infusion must ferment, at which point it is converted into a nitrogen-containing fertilizer, which also contains potassium, magnesium and many other nutrients.

Before use, dilute the infusion with water at a ratio of 1:10 and apply along the perimeter of the crown (not on trunk circle) - this allows you to provide the young roots of the plant with the macroelements necessary for development.

Of course, mullein and bird droppings are an irreplaceable source of nitrogen and other useful substances - these fertilizers are often used for spring nutritious feeding apricots

Before flowering begins, in this case, it is necessary to prepare a solution consisting of 1 part mullein or bird droppings and 20 parts water, and you can also add 1 part compost or peat.

The prepared composition is poured under the root at the rate of 6-7 liters for any tree under 4 years old; for older plants, the volume of fertilizer is increased.

The same feeding should be repeated directly during flowering and ovary formation. As a rule, this happens in the last ten days of April - early May (depending on the weather and regional climatic features) and lasts for 10-14 days.

Organic matter has a positive effect on the plant. However, we should not forget that its excessive use can lead to acidification of the soil, and this, in turn, causes gum formation, in which yellow-brown thick deposits (the so-called resin) form on the trunk and branches. That is why, a week after adding organic matter, you should feed the plants with ash or dolomite flour– they effectively deoxidize the soil, and in addition, serve as an invaluable source of magnesium, potassium and calcium.

Ash is also considered a natural fertilizer; the one obtained by burning young shoots of trees and shrubs is especially useful. It is rich in potassium, magnesium, sodium and other substances. However, it should be borne in mind that it does not contain nitrogen, so it can only be used as an additional, but not the main feeding.

In addition, many gardeners note that trees take egg shells well - they fight very well against soil acidification, usually they prepare a fermented infusion from it or burn it and fertilize the tree in half with ash.

Rules of care

Apricots, like any fruit trees, must be fed on time and correctly. In order for the fertilizers used to achieve the desired effect, you should follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners.

When selecting the type and timing of fertilizer, it is necessary to take into account the age and condition of the tree:

  • nitrogen-containing compounds must be used at the very beginning of the growing season;
  • During the period of active flowering, the application of fertilizers for plants is extremely necessary, as well as during the period of fruit formation, otherwise the harvest will be less scarce and of poor quality.

Fertilizers should be applied along with watering or immediately after it. During the first 5 years of plant life, fertilizing should be applied strictly under the crown. As the age of the plant increases, the trunk circle and the radius of application of minerals should be increased:

  • for plants 2-5 years old, the trunk circle should be 50 cm;
  • for trees aged 6-10 years – 100 cm;
  • for plants older than 10 years – 150-200 cm.

It is necessary to use different types of fertilizers so that the plant receives balanced nutrition.

Fruit trees should be fertilized starting from the second year of life. Immediately after transplantation, the application of fertilizers is contraindicated, since during this period many roots are damaged and the addition of minerals can cause them to burn.

A lack of phosphorus gives the leaves a dark, even purple-red tint, and spots often appear on the edges. The leaves become small and fall off, the shoots quickly become bent, flowering stops, and the root system weakens. To ensure that the plant gains strength and the foliage does not fall off, superphosphate will help, which should be mixed with peat and embedded in the tree trunk.

If the leaves turn yellow and their edges dry out, this most often indicates a lack of potassium. In this case, flowering practically stops, and the process of death of the ovary begins. In this situation, it is necessary to add potassium sulfate or any complex fertilizer.

With a lack of calcium, the stems become weakened, the leaves bend upward, the trees begin to hurt, and starting from the top, the branches die. When these signs appear, it is necessary to feed the apricot with calcium nitrate or superphosphate.

Timely and competent feeding of apricots in spring period is the main guarantee of obtaining an abundant and high-quality harvest, you should not neglect it - the tree responds well to fertilizer and thanks its owners with juicy and appetizing fruits.

For tips on feeding apricots, see the video below.

The apricot tree is an easy crop to grow, provided proper care behind her. And today I will tell you in detail about one of the important components of care - proper feeding apricots during the season.

Apricot feeding in spring

Growing on permanent place, the apricot tree over time begins to experience a lack of nutrients due to depletion of the soil - substances introduced during planting provide it with nutrition only in the first year.

Nutritional deficiency negatively affects apricot - its growth slows down, the leaves become pale and smaller, the crop is more actively affected by pests and diseases, flowering (as well as fruiting) is weak or does not occur.

For full development, apricot requires:

Complex fertilizers containing all the necessary substances are available in two versions:

  • in liquid form - they are used for root and foliar applications and require additional dilution in water according to the instructions;
  • in dry form - granular fertilizers applied to the tree trunk in prescribed dosages.

Outside root dressings(by leaves) are quickly absorbed by apricots, but have a short shelf life.

Organic supplements containing mainly the nitrogen component in a form accessible to the plant will also be useful. Among them:

  • peat;
  • compost;
  • wood ash;
  • chicken droppings;
  • humus;
  • manure.

Let's look at what fertilizers are best applied and when to get the maximum effect.

Table of Deficiency Symptoms

Below is a summary table that summarizes the symptoms of “starvation” fruit trees, in particular apricot. If you find the listed signs in the trees in your garden, you can quickly diagnose what they are missing.

Fertilizing before flowers bloom to increase yield

The first spring feeding of apricots is carried out after the snow melts, or immediately after it melts in March-April. Spreading mineral fertilizers over melting snow allows you to evenly distribute nutrients over the surface and bring them to the root system along with melt water.

The second spring fertilizing is carried out after positive temperatures have established (and the snow has completely melted), when mineral fertilizers are shallowly embedded in the soil. To do this, soil is removed with a shovel along the perimeter of the crown to a depth of one bayonet, fertilizer is poured into the resulting groove, then the selected soil is returned to its place.

The main nutrient element when feeding apricots in early spring is nitrogen - it helps the tree to awaken and begin to vegetate.

A suitable option would be to apply urea or any complex mineral fertilizer with a predominant nitrogen component. The application rates for each composition are individual and must be indicated on the packaging.

Fertilizer during flowering

When swelling flower buds and the appearance of buds, it is time to introduce new fertilizers. Depending on the region of growth, this period occurs in April-May. Apricots need phosphorus and potassium during flowering.

An excellent option for application is potassium monophosphate - it contains potassium and phosphorus in correct proportion, due to which it stimulates flowering and reduces the effect of return frosts on the buds.

The tree responds well to a mixture of urea (4 tbsp) and potassium salt (2 tbsp). Feeding apricots in the spring means ensuring a good harvest in the fall.

How to feed an apricot after flowering to prevent the ovary from falling off

Adding elements before flowering is often not enough for a good harvest, and it is important to support the plant during ovary formation. With a lack of nutrition, most of the already set fruits may fall off.

You should not fertilize the stone fruit plant during this period with nitrogen-containing fertilizers - they can stimulate the death of the ovaries.

Repeated treatment with potassium monophosphate or a homemade mixture will help prevent shedding:

  • 3 tbsp. urea;
  • 2 tbsp. potassium sulfate;
  • 2 tbsp. superphosphate.

It is most effective to dilute the mixture in 10 liters of water, but you can evenly distribute the mixture around the tree trunk and pour plenty of water. After 7-10 days, it is recommended to add ash.

Feeding a tree in summer

Fertilizing twice in the spring will provide the apricot tree with nutrients to start the growing season and flowering. Is it necessary to fertilize in the summer?

When fruits set during the season, when ripe, they take a lot of strength and nutrition from the tree. But the plant needs vegetation to ensure annual growth. For these purposes in summer period carry out 2 fertilizing with nitrogen and potassium fertilizers.

In summer, it is preferable to apply foliar feeding to ensure rapid absorption of elements.

How to feed apricots during fruiting

During fruiting, the apricot tree must be fed for another reason: with a lack of micro- and macroelements, the taste of the fruit and its suitability for storage and transportation will deteriorate.

During this period, complex fertilizers (containing the entire set of elements) are used. A solution of 2 tbsp has proven itself. potassium sulfate or nitrophoska and 3 tbsp. urea, diluted in 10 liters of water. It can be used for watering and spraying apricots.

Support in the autumn – is it necessary and how to fertilize?

Many gardeners are wary of using fertilizers in the fall for fear of triggering tree regrowth. However, these fears are groundless - feeding apricots in autumn period allows not only to replenish tree losses during summer season, but also to ensure high-quality wintering of the crop.

Differences in feeding depending on the age of the tree

On different stages During the life of a plant, it needs different substances and amounts of fertilizing.

  1. The seedlings are not fed in the first year, because their growth is ensured by the substances contained in the planting pit. Feeding should be done starting from the second year.
  2. Young trees respond well to the application of organic fertilizers (a solution of bird droppings, for example) to cover the need for nitrogen. Until 3-5 years, apricots do not bear fruit, which means they require less potassium and phosphorus.
  3. Apricots older than 3-4 years are ready to bear fruit. Nitrogen fertilizing is done in doses to prevent strong tree growth and failure to flower. It is recommended to alternate mineral complex fertilizers with organic ones when watering and spraying.
  4. At the age of 5-10 years, the tree requires the application of 30-50 kg of organic matter annually, as well as complex fertilizers to maintain immunity and the ability to bear fruit. Lack of potassium and phosphorus causes weakening of trees, up to the cessation of fruiting.

As a bonus, here’s a useful video on how to fertilize yourself and apply it correctly:

Let's summarize the above. Apricot yield depends on several factors - correct pruning, sufficient watering, and characteristics of the variety. Another main reason for a small harvest is a lack of nutrients. By feeding apricots in a timely manner, you can get significantly more large and tasty fruits.

As always, I am ready to discuss details and nuances with you in the comments to the article.

It's nice to harvest a rich harvest of apricots in the summer. Enjoy their juicy pulp, make aromatic jam, and roll up jars of apricot compote. Only for good fruiting trees require special attention. In particular, this applies to fertilizing. When they need to be carried out, how to feed apricots in the fall, what fertilizers are best, let’s try to figure it out.

Even experienced gardeners sometimes doubt which elements the plant is missing. So talk about newcomers to this business. It turns out that it is enough to take a good look at the fruit trees to understand what elements need to be added.

  • If the leaves become faded and have decreased in size, we can confidently talk about a lack of nitrogen.
  • And if the leaves turn white and curl upward, the tree is fed with calcium.
  • If, in addition to the obvious fading of the leaves, brown spots, the plant urgently needs magnesium, and if yellow streaks appear, then bromine.
  • Apricot will indicate low iron levels by slow growth of shoots, as well as rapid yellowing of leaves.
  • If in summer the leaves turn purple, bronze or red instead of green, phosphorus starvation begins.
  • With a lack of zinc, small leaves begin to wrinkle.
  • General drooping appearance apricot tree indicates the need for potassium.

Autumn feeding: main types

Apricot feeding is carried out in two ways: foliar and root.

The name alone makes it clear how they differ. At foliar feeding Fertilizers are applied in liquid form and sprayed on the leaves. Root feeding involves applying fertilizer (dry or diluted) to the soil around the tree for further absorption by the roots.

Which fertilizer is better? Most often, gardeners use root feeding, applying fertilizer twice in the fall. If you need the plant long time consumed nutrients from the soil, it is better to use granular fertilizer. The liquid nutrient composition must be applied in close proximity to the trunk. It is better to carry out any fertilizing in the late evening or at dawn to avoid exposure to sunlight.

How to feed apricots in the fall: folk remedies

It is not necessary to spend money on expensive fertilizers; for apricots, those fertilizers that you always have on hand are also suitable.

Yeast. To increase the number of fruits and improve tree growth, bread sourdough is used. You can use ordinary baker's yeast (in briquettes). A kilogram of yeast is needed for one bucket of water. Be sure to let the composition ferment for about a day. The trees are watered by diluting the resulting mixture with water 1:5.

Egg shells. Experienced gardeners never throw away eggshells, because this is an excellent source nutrients. It is ideal for overly acidic soils, not only reducing acidity, but also adding silicon, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium to the soil. To obtain fertilizer, the shells are diluted with water to make a starter. You can burn the shells and then add them to the ashes to apply them to the soil.

Sawdust. To reduce soil moisture and looseness, it is added to clay soils, first mixed with sand.

Urea. Apricots are most often treated with a urea solution in the spring. If there are a lot of pests in the garden, this can be done in the fall to prevent their proliferation. 50 g of product is enough to prepare 10 liters of solution.

Manure or compost. When applying organic fertilizers, it is worth remembering that apricot does not like fresh chicken droppings. You need to wait for the manure to rot. Manure can be diluted with water and watered on trees. Having received such feeding, the apricot will begin to prepare for winter and will easily survive it.

Fertilizing to improve yield

At the end of September we feed apricot trees complex feeding. For this purpose we are preparing special composition, for 4 kilograms of humus you will need:

  • 35 grams of superphosphate;
  • 65 grams of fertilizer with potassium.

The mixture is mixed and applied under deep digging into the trunk circles of each tree. Proportions are given for one square meter garden

Apricot feeding and tree age

Quantity autumn fertilizing and their composition largely depends on the age of the apricot trees. To understand how to apply fertilizers, use the table below.

Apricot feeding: do no harm!

Feeding apricots in the fall with fertilizers is useful and necessary, but an excess of nutrients will not lead to anything good. The plant may simply die. To prevent this, you need to adhere to the proportions indicated on the packaging of any chemical product.

On the packaging mineral supplements, sold in stores, have instructions on the preparation and use of fertilizer. You can contact the seller for clarification.

You need to be careful when applying organic fertilizers. Fresh manure or droppings can burn the roots of the plant, killing it. Only rotted manure can be added, and chicken manure must be diluted with water.

Why is fertilizing so important?

The most delicious and healthy products those that are grown with their own hands on their own garden plot. Therefore, every summer resident tries to have as many different fruit trees as possible growing at his dacha. The most popular is apricot: in the spring months it pleases the eye beautiful flowering, and in the middle of summer he treats with bright yellow juicy aromatic fruits, which adults and children love to feast on.

But what to do if the tree has stopped bearing fruit or its productivity has decreased significantly, despite favorable conditions? weather conditions? One of the reasons for such troubles may be improper care for apricot, in particular its disadvantage. In addition to regular watering and annual pruning, the plant needs to be fed with fertilizers.

The availability and quality of the future harvest depends on the correct feeding of the tree. Due to a lack of mineral fertilizers, the ovary may fall off. At the same time, exceeding the nitrogen content in the soil can lead to lower quality fruits.

In order for the yield to be high enough, it is necessary to meet the plant’s needs for specific elements. During the growing season, for normal fruiting, a tree absorbs about 10 grams of nitrogen, 3 grams of phosphorus and 10 grams of potassium from 1 square meter of land. So it is very important to fertilize correctly and in a timely manner. It is important to take into account not only the age of the plant, but also the time of year. Let's look at this in more detail.

Feeding methods

There are two main methods for feeding garden trees:

  1. Root - when fertilizers are applied to special circles around the trunk. With this method, beneficial substances are absorbed by the soil, gradually being absorbed by the roots of the fruit tree.
  2. Foliar is a method in which liquid fertilizers are sprayed over the crown of a tree and absorbed by its leaves. All beneficial substances are absorbed over several days.

We feed according to the season

Each season of the year is especially special for fruit trees: spring is the time of flowering, summer is the time of harvest, autumn is preparation for wintering. Naturally, in each of these periods it is important for the plant to receive exactly those minerals that are needed for the normal functioning of the corresponding processes.

Let's take a closer look at exactly what substances need to be fertilized with apricots depending on the time of year.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


How to feed apricots at different ages?

When refueled correctly landing pit fertilizer during the first year additional fertilizing there will be no need.

It is recommended to prepare a hole for planting an apricot tree in October-November. To do this, its bottom is filled with a layer of crushed stone or coarse sand about 0.1 m thick for the purpose of drainage. Next, humus is placed mixed with soil in equal parts, add mullein (10 to 15 kg), potassium sulphate (0.4 kg), granulated superphosphate (0.7 kg) and 1 cup of wood ash. This layer should have a thickness of about 0.3 m. After planting the seedling, the soil around it should be mulched using a loose organic mixture.

When the apricot tree is 2 or 3 years old, in the spring you can make liquid fertilizer, which includes the following ingredients: chicken manure and compost (or peat). The calculation of such fertilizer is 0.3 kg per 1 square meter. It is applied into special grooves.

Before the tree begins to bloom, it can be soaked with a mixture of ammonium nitrate (2-3 tablespoons) and potassium sulfate (1-1.5 tablespoons) in a bucket of water. One “portion” of such liquid is 2-3 buckets. It is applied along the perimeter of the apricot crown into the furrows. This mixture can also be made when the apricot blooms or when the ovaries begin to fall off en masse.

In the autumn, it can be applied by digging up the soil, organic fertilizers(12-15 kg), superphosphate (0.13-0.15 kg), potassium chloride (up to 0.05 kg).

In case of iron deficiency, at the beginning of summer, the leaves of the tree are sprayed several times with a complex fertilizer containing this element. This should be done once every 1-1.5 weeks.

If there is a deficiency of manganese, the foliar method is used after the tree has covered with leaves. After 1-1.5 months, the procedure must be repeated.

The fruits will benefit from a mixture of mineral fertilizers: (ammonium nitrate - 3 tablespoons, superphosphate and potassium sulfate - 2 tablespoons each) per bucket of water. This solution should be applied three times: before and after flowering, and also when the ovary is sprinkled. They fill the furrows around the perimeter. For one apricot, take up to 5 buckets of liquid.

In the fall, after the leaves fall, the soil near the trees is dug up with organic matter. Manure or compost in an amount of about 25 kg is suitable.

An apricot that is between 6 and 8 years old needs organic matter more than in its younger years. Dose organic matter it is recommended to increase by 10 or even 20 kg; fertilizers containing phosphate and saltpeter - by 0.1 kg; and potassium needs 0.15 kg more.

If your tree is more than 9 years old, then the norm of organic substances increases to 70-80 kg, fertilizers with saltpeter - up to 0.4 kg, with phosphate - up to 0.9 kg, with potassium - up to 0.3 kg.

How and with what to fertilize fruit trees

And a little about the author’s secrets

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