Over the past 10 years, the Internet has rapidly entered our lives and into every home where there is a computer.
Nowadays, not a single user working at a computer can imagine it without an Internet connection. After all, you can find almost everything on the Internet. Watch movies, sports broadcasts, listen to music, play online games. Find the information you need on any topic and download it.

Order tickets for a train, plane, concert, sporting event, pay for communication services, utility bills, buy something you like in the online store.
In a word, the Internet is a very good and useful thing. That's why he's so popular.

To connect your computer to the Internet you must have:

- installed network card and drivers for it.
- Adsl Modem, router, access point, etc.
- Ethernet cable
- Cable for connecting to an RJ-45 telephone line.
- Splitter

And most importantly, the Internet access service must be provided by the provider.

Connect all cables to the computer and modem according to the instructions.

Let's get started setting up a network card AndInternet connection on Windows 7. To do this, follow these steps step by step. Step 1 . Click Start and go to Control Panel. Click on the link.

Step 2 . Next click on.

Step 3. In the left menu of the window, click.

Step 4 . Right click on the iconLAN connectionand select from the menu that appears Properties left mouse button.

Step 5 . In the window that appears, select the item with the left mouse buttonInternet Protocol version TCP/IPv4and click on the button Properties .

Step 6. Select an item Use the following IP address, and fill in the fields as shown in the picture. Addresses forPreferredand Alternative DNS servers you must take from the contract for the provision of Internet services. After that, click the button OK.

The network card setup is complete. Next, we proceed to create a new connection.

Execute Step 1 And Step 2 again.

Step 3. In the block Changing network settingsclick on the link.

Step 4. In a new window select connection optionInternet connections. This is a wireless, high-speed or telephone connection to the Internet. Click to continue Further .

Step 5. In the window Internet connection select High speed (with PPPoe). Connection via DSL or cable, requiring username and password.

Step 6 . In the next window you need to enterinformation received from your Internet service provider:

- Password.
- Connection name.

All this data should have been given to you when concluding the contract.

Check the boxRemember this password.

You can allow other users to use this connectionby checking the appropriate box.

After entering all the data correctly, click the button To plug .

Step 7 . The connection should be established after verifying the username and password. After this, a window will appear in which the system will notify you thatInternet connection ready to use. To exit, click on the button Close.

In order to connect to the internet, in the window on the right side of the window click on the link. Then double click on the iconHigh speed connection.

In order not to constantly go to the control panel to connect to the Internet, you can create a shortcut on the desktop. To do this, right-click on the connection icon and select from the context menu Create a shortcut.

The speed and stability of a wired connection often makes it preferable to wireless technologies. Connecting a laptop to the Internet via cable is sometimes more convenient than via Wi-Fi. For example, transferring a file over a home network from a computer to a laptop and back is much faster and more reliable than using a wireless connection.

There is nothing complicated about installing a cable connection. It is enough to insert the wire laid by the provider on the subscriber’s side into the appropriate connector of the PC, laptop or router.

Cable Internet setup may vary depending on the type of connection and, to a lesser extent, on the operating system. For Microsoft products, there are noticeable differences only in the interface of Windows XP compared to more modern versions.

Next, we will consider the main important points that need to be taken into account when connecting to wired Internet. Sequence of actions for setting up the most common types of cable connections in a Windows environment.

Choosing a provider

Before setting anything up, you need to have Internet access in the room. Communication service providers will help with this, the correct choice of which will determine the further comfort of your stay on the network. As you explore your options, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Possibility of laying a network cable on the subscriber side;
  • Cost of connection and services provided;
  • Terms of tariff plans;
  • Availability and responsiveness of the support service;
  • Promotions, bonuses, discounts provided by the provider.

Tariffs, promotions, connection availability - most operator companies post all this information on their websites. It is better to ask your friends who use the services of the provider you are interested in about the quality of communication and support.

Video tips for choosing an Internet provider:

Once you have made your choice, you must submit the appropriate application. This can be done by phone, on the company website or in person by visiting the office.

Types of wired connection

Cable network access methods vary depending on the equipment, cable, and software technologies used. To choose the most profitable and convenient option, you must first familiarize yourself with the existing types of wired Internet.

  • xDSL – connection via a telephone line using a splitter to separate voice and Internet data frequencies. Maximum speed (ADSL) 24 megabits.
  • FTTB – optics into the building. High speed method used in multi-storey buildings. From the provider's side, an optical cable is laid to the apartment building, connected to a switch, from which the Ethernet patch cord is routed to the subscribers' apartments.
  • xPON - a fiber optic cable is brought into the house, connected to a special router with an optical input, from which Ethernet wiring comes. The most promising and high-speed option (up to 1 Gbit/s).

Setting up a laptop to connect to the Internet via cable

System configuration depends on the hardware and network protocols used by the specific operator. When configuring client equipment, DHCP and PPPoE are the most common options.

Dynamic or Static IP (DHCP) - Settings for Windows

First you need to directly connect the Internet to the client device via the provider's cable. If the connection is not working properly, a yellow exclamation mark will appear on the network connections icon. This means that the cable is connected, but there is no connection to the Internet.

Editing the network connection options will help correct the situation. To do this, right-click on the corresponding icon in the notification area. In the menu that appears, click on the option to go to the Network and Sharing Center.

On the page that opens, look at the navigation on the left and go to the section for changing adapter parameters. We highlight the local network connection, which indicates the name of the network card, usually these are Realtek or Atheros models.

Right-click and click on “Properties” in the drop-down menu.

Connection options will open, in which we double-click on the “IP version 4” parameter or select it with one click of the right mouse button and click “Properties”.

Then you need to configure the TCP/IPv4 Internet protocol. Depending on the network construction technologies used by the provider, there are two options: dynamic or static IP.

Dynamic IP. If a DHCP server is running on the provider’s side or he specifically indicated that you need to use dynamic IP in the connection parameters, then in the protocol options we activate the switch “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically.” Confirm by clicking “Ok”.

Static IP. In this case, the operator must provide the following data: IP address, subnet mask, default gateway. In addition, DNS server addresses can be provided. To fill in the appropriate fields, you must enable the radio buttons “Use the following IP address” and “Use the following DNS server address”.

If all the necessary parameters have been specified correctly, the connection will be established automatically after connecting the cable.


In this case, the provider does not provide an IP address, but authorization data - a login/password pair. To connect a laptop to the Internet via a network cable using PPPoE technology, you need to add a new connection in the Network and Sharing Center.

If everything is done in accordance with the instructions above, and the correct user authentication data is entered, you can click “Connect” and enjoy the comfort and speed of cable Internet.

Video on connecting PPPoE on Windows 10:

There is no doubt that today wireless Internet connections based on the use of ADSL modems are becoming increasingly widespread. But sometimes (and very often) it is necessary to set up a connection bypassing such devices, using a direct connection from the computer to the provider via cable. Next we’ll talk about how to connect the Internet via cable to a computer. It’s worth immediately taking into account some nuances, as well as the occurrence of possible problems, errors or failures of the connection being created, which will be considered separately.

How to connect the Internet on a computer via cable: what is needed for this?

The main and mandatory condition, without which it will simply be impossible to implement your plan, is the presence of an installed network adapter on your computer or laptop, for which all the necessary drivers must be installed (sometimes it may be necessary to update them to the latest versions).

Of course, any of the latest Windows operating systems installs such drivers on their own (either during its initial installation or when a new connected device is detected), but if you have an original disk with a set of such control software, it is better to install the “native” device drivers exactly from this set.

Only in this case will the functionality of the network card be fully guaranteed. We'll look at issues related to updating drivers a little later, but looking ahead a little, it should be said that updating using system tools is not recommended (it will become clear why later).

The second point is related to the cable used, which will be connected directly to the corresponding port of the network card. These cables have RJ-45 connectors. Finally, the user must sign an agreement with the provider company, which not only provides access to the Internet, but also provides a preliminary list of all the basic settings and addresses that will need to be registered independently if the support specialist does not do this.

In general, by and large, if you understand how to connect the Internet on a computer via a cable from a router or modem, there is nothing particularly complicated here. If desired, any user who has even the slightest understanding of the basics of working with Windows systems can perform such operations independently. And this whole process will only take a few minutes. Why in this case was it mentioned that you can use a cable from a router? Yes, only because it is completely identical to standard power cords that are available for sale in any specialized store.

How to access network presets on different systems?

So, we seem to have decided on the equipment. Now let's look at some basic settings and ways to access them in different versions of Windows. If we talk about how to connect the Internet on a computer via a cable from a router in Windows XP, in this system you can access network parameters directly from the start menu, which has a corresponding item placed in a separate category. In later versions it is also there, but it is not in the main list, but in the utilities section. In Windows 10, the easiest way is to use RMB on the start button, where the desired section will be shown in the list. In general, for all systems without exception, you can use a universal tool in the form of the “Control Panel”, in which you need to go to the network and sharing management section, after which you will need to refer to the link to change the properties of the network adapter.

In this case, we are interested in the one for which Ethernet or “Local Area Network Connection” is indicated in the description.

Difference between dynamic and static IP addresses

Let’s leave aside for now questions regarding how to connect the Internet via a cable to a computer, and let’s look at one important nuance. Typically, providers offer to use two types of addresses to create a connection: static and dynamic. The difference between them is not as great as it might seem at first glance. A static address is assigned to each individual computer and does not change during Internet access, that is, it is permanent. The dynamic address changes with each session (its new value is set).

Some people mistakenly believe that this is akin to, Nothing like that! VPN clients or proxy servers simply change external addresses so that the user machine cannot be identified by territorial reference, and have nothing to do with internal addresses. The address is changed by selecting a currently unused IP from the available addresses of the provider itself, which in no way affects the change in regional location. But which one should you choose if the provider really suggests using one or the other? It is believed that the best communication quality is ensured only when setting a static address, so choose this option, although dynamic addresses look somewhat simpler to configure.

How to connect the Internet on a computer via cable in Windows 7 and other systems: standard method for setting up a connection

To establish an Internet connection, first of all, you need to use the RMB on the selected network adapter to call up the properties item, and then go to the IPv4 protocol settings. Address fields must be filled in according to the list issued by the provider.

However, if for some reason you don’t have it, or you’ve lost it, enter the combination, say, in the IP field for the static address, the subnet mask is almost always, and enter 192.168 in the gateway field. 1.1. For dynamic IPs, if provided, you can set to receive all addresses automatically.

Just below you should fill in the fields for the addresses of the primary and alternative DNS servers. They will have to be clarified with the provider. If this turns out to be impossible, no big deal. Set it to automatic, or use free combinations like the one from Google above, which work just as well. Next, just save the changes, reboot, just in case, and check your Internet access.

Note: when setting up, especially pay attention to the option to disable proxies for local addresses if the use of a server of this type is not provided by the provider, otherwise problems may arise with the connection.

Setting up a broadband connection

Now let’s briefly talk about how to connect the Internet via cable to your computer if you plan to set up a high-speed PPPoE connection. In this case, in the network management section, you first need to create a new connection and then specify its type.

This will be either PPPoE for direct communication with the provider without using network devices, or dial-up in the case of using modems, for example, 3G/4G standards. After this, you need to enter a username with a password and set a new name for the created connection. Upon completion of all procedures, you just need to press the connect button.

What to pay attention to when using a router?

As for routers, we won’t dwell on them much, since wireless connections are not discussed in this material.

However, it is worth noting that many modern models can be used as modems, so first, in the web interface of the device, after logging in through any web browser, the router must be switched to modem mode.

Questions about setting up the Internet when using the services of the Rostelecom operator

Finally, as an example, let’s look at how to set up the Internet on a computer via a Rostelecom cable, step by step.

In principle, the IPv4 protocol is not particularly different from everything described, and may look as shown in the image above, but taking into account the entry of addresses that are present in the service agreement and the activation of the IPv6 protocol. There shouldn't be any difficulties here.

Now briefly about how to set up the Internet on a computer via a Rostelecom cable in Windows 7 or any other system if you are using a router and a PPPoE connection. Go to the router’s web interface (, use admin/admin as the login and password, specify PPPoE in the connection type, enter the login and password from the contract (not to be confused with authorizing access to the router settings), and most importantly - in In the VPI/VCI parameters, set your region. After completing the operations, save the changes and reboot the modem/router.

Possible problems and troubleshooting

As for possible communication errors, it is impossible to foresee everything. But as a first step, use the following methods:

  • check that the IP address and gateway are entered correctly;
  • replace the standard values ​​for DNS with combinations from Google;
  • disable proxy use;
  • update your network card drivers (it’s best to use automated programs like Driver Booster);
  • temporarily disable your antivirus and firewall;
  • delete the existing connection and create it again.

If all else fails, call the Windows troubleshooter and follow the tips to fix the situation. If this does not help, contact your Internet service provider directly.

As a rule, most problems arise when connecting to the router via a wireless network. Connecting via a network cable should not cause any difficulties. But, I have already encountered similar questions several times, and I decided to write a short instruction with a photo, in which I will tell you how to connect a computer (or laptop) to a router using a LAN cable.

And what exactly is there to write about here? We took the cable, connected it to the router, then to the computer, and everything was ready. But still, maybe it will be useful to someone.

As a rule, modern routers have 4 LAN connectors. This means that you can connect 4 devices using a network cable. And they will all receive the Internet from the router, or work on the local network. By the way, read the article on setting up a local network.

We will need:

  • Router with a free LAN connector (yellow).
  • Network cable. A small cable is included with the router. But, if you need a longer cable, you can make it yourself. I wrote how to do this in the article. Or just go to a computer store and ask to crimp the network cable to the length you need.
  • Computer with network card (usually it is integrated into the motherboard). Well, or a laptop, netbook with an RJ-45 network connector.

Let's get started :)

Take our network cable, it looks like this (yours may be slightly different, I will enter a different length):

We connect one end of the cable to the yellow connector (LAN) of our router.

It doesn't matter which of the four connectors you connect the cable to.

Now we connect the other end of the cable to our computer or laptop.

This is what the network connector looks like on a computer:

After connecting the network cable, one of the four indicators on the router should light up, indicating a connection to the LAN connector.

Now look at the computer screen. If in the notification panel (bottom, right) you see this connection status (as in the screenshot below), then everything is fine. The Internet is already working.

But in such a seemingly simple method, problems can also arise. Now we will look at some of the most popular ones.

Problems connecting your computer to the router via a network cable

After connecting, the status on the notification panel may not change; you will see the computer crossed out with a red cross.

In this case, first of all you need to check the cable with which you connected the computer to the router. How to do it? You can, for example, take another cable, or a cable that carries the Internet directly to your computer. If this connection status changes (even if a yellow triangle appears), then the problem is in the cable. Perhaps something has come loose there. Just change it.

It is possible that the network card is simply disabled. Let's check. Go to and find there LAN connection. If there is a status next to it Disabled, then right-click on this connection and select Turn on.

If such a connection as There is no local network connection at all, then most likely the driver is simply not installed on your network card. Download and install the driver. If there was a disc included with your computer (laptop), then most likely it has this driver.

Connected the cable, but the connection does not have access to the Internet

And this can happen. The problem looks like this:

First, you need to determine what the problem is. This may occur due to problems on the router side. See the article on this issue.

But I'll tell you in a simple way. If other devices work normally from this router, and there is Internet on them, then most likely the problem is on the computer itself. It's clear:).

And as a rule, there is only one problem.

Go to again Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections and right-click on Local Area Connection. Select properties. Then highlight "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and press the button again Properties.

Set to receive IP and DNS automatically and click OK.

Updated: November 11, 2013 by: admin

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):