Almost every adult uses Windows, and they are rarely faced with the fact that there is little or no space on the C drive. In the article I will tell you the main reasons and options for how to clear space on drive C.

Temporary files, recycle bin and other system junk

First of all, we will use the built-in Windows garbage disposal function. To do this, right-click on drive C, select Properties.

Select Disk Cleanup

In the window you will be able to select categories for garbage removal. You can tick everything. Your personal files will not be affected. Click OK.

You can also use the additional feature Clean system files. The program will scan your computer, identify system junk and offer to remove it.

User files on drive C

The user most often does not even suspect that personal files take up a lot of space. These are not necessarily family photos, videos and documents. This could be files downloaded from the Internet or other irrelevant data: movies, pictures, music and other files.

Most often, user garbage is located in the “Desktop”, “Downloads”, “My Documents” folder in Windows 7, 8, 10 and is located in the following paths:

  • C:\Users\User_name\Downloads or C:\Users\User_name\Downloads
  • C:\Users\User_name\Desktop or C:\Users\User_name\Desktop
  • C:\Users\User_name\Documents or C:\Users\User_name\Documents

Instead of User_name and Username, you will have your username. Go through each of these folders and delete unnecessary files.

Unnecessary programs on the system disk

Over the years, there are more and more programs on the computer, and the user does not even notice it until one day he sees the message “Not enough space on the windows disk.” Following the message, the question pops up in the user’s head: “How to free up space on the Windows C drive?”

Now I’ll show you how to free up space in Windows 7, 8, 10 by deleting unnecessary programs. Open, click on Programs and components or Uninstalling a program. Select an unnecessary program and click remove, wait for the process to complete. And so with every program.

Windows Backups

If you are losing space on drive C, make sure that the Windows backup process is not running in the operating system. This can be either a built-in program or a third-party one, for example, from a laptop or computer manufacturer. The built-in program only works in manual mode, and you would know that you created a backup file for backup.

But third-party backup programs, as a rule, work according to the created schedule. That is, if the settings are set to create a backup copy once a week, then in less than a year, drive C may become full. Disable the automatically configured backup, find and delete the backup image.

Recovery checkpoint

You may have the option to create recovery checkpoints enabled on your computer. The thing is undoubtedly useful, but it is better to see how much memory is allocated for this procedure. To do this, open Explorer, right-click in the left column This computer (), select Properties.

Choose System protection.

Let's see if the function is enabled. If yes, click Configure

In this window you see how much space is currently being used and how much is allocated for maximum use. If in use now there is a lot of space, then click the Delete button to delete all recovery points on this disk. To reduce the maximum memory usage, drag the slider to the left; 5 GB will be enough to create checkpoints. Click OK.

There is another program about which I wrote a separate article - it knows how to clean up space on drive C, I recommend reading it. Using it, you can remove all system junk and programs, but you will still have to delete user files manually, as described above.

Now you know how to free up space if drive C is full and easily clean your computer of unnecessary junk.

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Ten years ago, when the Windows XP operating system appeared and instantly became popular (official support for which is ending very soon), no one was particularly worried about the size of the system disk. 20-30 GB on disk "C" was enough to install both the system itself and the software. With the advent of Windows 7, PC owners for the first time were massively faced with the problem of lack of space on the system disk - this operating system itself occupied about 10 GB, and programs absorbed approximately the same amount, registering and constantly updating. The 20-25 GB system disk filled up very quickly. And many even had to resort to repartitioning their computer disks in order to increase the system disk at the expense of another disk.

To ensure that there is always enough free space on the system partition, it must be kept clean and tidy and periodically monitored to see if it is cluttered. If Windows reports that there is not enough free space on the system disk - usually on drive C - it's time to clean it up. Let's look at 7 ways to clean the system disk with Windows 8 installed below.

Before you start cleaning up your disk, you need to remember how much free space is currently available on it. In the future, this will allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of the work done by comparing the initial and final figures.

1. Removing unnecessary files from the system disk

First, you need to check whether files are stored on the system disk that, in principle, may not be stored there - these are media files, folders with documents, disk images, program installation files, etc. All this can be transferred to a non-system drive; moreover, it is even recommended that all important files be stored on a non-system drive (D, E, etc.), so that if an unexpected system failure occurs and it has to be reinstalled, this data were not destroyed during formatting of the system disk.

As a rule, all files downloaded from the Internet are stored in download folders assigned by default by browsers on the system drive. To prevent the system drive from becoming cluttered with downloaded files in the future, you need to assign a different folder for downloads in the browser settings, but on a non-system drive.

Under no circumstances should you transfer system files to another drive, which means that you better avoid the Windows folder on the tenth route.

To search for media files and documents, you can use Windows Search and set search criteria for the desired file types within the system drive.

Check the found files further, cut out the necessary ones and paste them on a non-system drive using the context menu, and simply delete the unnecessary ones.

Remove all those programs and games that you do not use. As a rule, after removing large resource-intensive games, quite a lot of space is freed up. To correctly remove software and clean the system from remaining traces, use special software - uninstallers.

Here are some popular uninstallers:

  • Your Uninstaller;
  • Revo Uninstaller.

3. Windows Disk Cleanup service

The Windows operating system is equipped with a standard service that analyzes the space on the system disk and identifies files that can be deleted to free up space without causing harm to the system.

In Windows 8 Explorer, open “My Computer” and open the context menu on the system drive. At the end of the list, click “Properties”, and in the window that appears, click the “Disk Cleanup” command. In the “Disk Cleanup” window, check the boxes next to the files that you want to delete - Recycle Bin files, temporary files in Temp folders, temporary Internet files, etc.

Then click “Clean up system files.”

4. Manually cleaning Temp folders

If the system disk is not periodically cleaned, up to 5-6 GB can accumulate in the Temp folders over a long period of time. And the Windows Disk Cleanup service, as a rule, deletes only some of the files from these folders. Temp folders can be cleaned manually by completely deleting their contents.

What is the “Temp” folder for in general? Temporary files are stored there that Windows and various programs installed on the computer create for their work. Most of these files become unnecessary over time because they are not used in work.

Temp folders are hidden, and the easiest way to get to one of them is using standard Windows Explorer, or the popular Total Commander file manager, since most builds of this program have a pre-installed “Hidden Items” button in the toolbar. It displays all hidden files and folders on the system. Click this button and open the root folder of the system in Total Commander and find the “Temp” folder there:

You can open the “Temp” folder in the same path in standard Windows Explorer, but before that you also need to configure the display of hidden folders.

In Windows 7, click the Start button, then Control Panel, then Appearance and Personalization, then Folder Options. In Windows 8, you can get to the “Folder Options” section directly from the “Control Panel”.

In the “Folder Options” window that opens, immediately go to the “View” tab and check the “Show hidden folders, files and drives” option in the additional settings.

Then click "Apply" and "OK".

In the “Temp” folder, select all existing files and press “Shift + Delete” so that the files are completely deleted from the computer, bypassing the “Trash”.

But there is more than one “Temp” folder on the computer: in addition to the one located in the Windows root folder, another “Temp” folder can also be found in user files on the system drive:

C:\Users\Windows Account Name\AppData\Local\Temp.

You can follow this path in a file manager or Windows Explorer, but it is much easier to enter the command %TEMP% in the address bar of Explorer and press the Enter key.

Select all the files that are there and delete them.

Not all files from this “Temp” folder will be deleted, some of them may be currently used for the operation of the system and programs, so just skip them.

Due to the large amount of garbage in the system, the computer begins to slow down, folders and programs do not open as quickly as before, and the space on the hard drive runs out. All these factors together negatively affect the operation of the computer.

Why clean your hard drive?

All temporary files take up space on your hard drive. And at any moment a situation may arise when there is simply not enough memory to install new programs and updates, although the user will be sure that his files weigh very little.

In any system, unnecessary files accumulate over time; deleted programs leave “tails” in the registry, duplicates and other garbage, which creates a significant load on memory and slows down the computer. All this interferes with the normal functioning of the system and creates crashes in programs and applications.

Cleaning your computer manually

To quickly and effectively clean your computer, it is best to use special software, but if necessary, you can optimize and get rid of garbage manually using system tools.

Uninstalling programs

You should start cleaning by removing unnecessary programs:

Which programs are best to remove:

  • utilities that are most often installed in addition to those downloaded from an unreliable source. For example, “Yandex.Bar”, “Sputnik@Mail” and similar useless programs that take up space;
  • programs that are identical in functionality. For example, you listen to music in only one player, but there are several of them installed in the system;
  • programs that are not used.

However, you should not delete all programs you are unfamiliar with in a row. If the purpose of the application is unknown to you, then it is better to leave it so as not to accidentally delete an important system utility.

Temp folders

The Temp folder stores temporary system files. They do not affect the performance of the computer in any way and they can all be deleted. To do this:

Another Temp folder can be found by following the path: “C:” - “Users” - “User Name” - “AppData” - “Local” - “Temp”. It also needs to be cleaned.

Video: how to remove unnecessary files from the Temp folder

Disk Cleanup utility

After deleting temporary files and unnecessary programs, you need to use the system utility to clean up your hard drive.

To open it:

Video: How to use Disk Cleanup

Disk Defragmenter

To increase performance after cleaning, you need to defragment the disks. This process organizes all the files on your computer so that the system can find, open, and write them faster.

To run defragmentation:

Defragmentation may take several hours. It is better not to use a computer during the process. Many users run defragmentation overnight. If you use a laptop, be sure to charge it.

Video: how to defragment a disk


CCleaner is a free utility for cleaning and optimizing the operating system. It is the most popular program for cleaning the system from garbage. To start working with it, download the program from the official website of the developers. You should not put your computer at risk by downloading utilities from unverified sources.

The main advantages of CCleaner are that it does not litter the registry, unlike similar programs, and is small in size. The functionality of the program is divided into several parts:

Video: how to use CCleaner

Auslogics BoostSpeed

Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​is a universal program for optimizing and cleaning the system. Although the utility is free, to use some functions you will have to purchase an advanced version.

The Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​program contains the following sections:

  • "Home". Immediately on the main page, the program allows you to run a full scan of your computer, which includes:
  • "Diagnostics". For each of the categories in this section you can find flexible settings:
  • "Personal data". In addition to standard system cleaning functions, the program allows you to check the protection of personal data. It looks for files that, if in the wrong hands, can harm your computer: passwords, browser history and cache, system records, and the like;
    Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​prevents your personal data from falling into the wrong hands
  • "Advisor." Once cleaned, Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​can provide recommendations on how to keep your system in order. The program starts automatically (unless the user has specified otherwise in the settings) and when problems arise, it immediately reports their occurrence;
    If necessary, you can disable some items of the “Advisor” by moving the slider to the “OFF” position
  • "Browser Cleanup" In this section you can remove unnecessary extensions and add-ons. Due to their large number, the browser may be unstable: slow down, take a long time to load pages, and generate errors;
    For each browser, Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​will show a list of extensions separately
  • "Utilities". If desired, you can purchase additional utilities:

Video: how to use Auslogics BoostSpeed

TuneUp Utilities

Among optimization programs, TuneUp Utilities is considered one of the best, as it combines a huge number of functions to keep the OS in working order. The only disadvantage of TuneUp Utilities is its commercial distribution.

TuneUp Utilities includes:

All utilities first perform an analysis and then show a list of problems that they can fix. If necessary, you can remove items from the list and not correct them.

Video: How to use TuneUp Utilities

Revo Uninstaller

Revo Uninstaller is a utility for removing and cleaning your computer from junk. It can erase the program even if there are problems with uninstallation. Its advantage over the “Uninstall and Install Programs” system utility is that Revo immediately searches for all program files and does not allow garbage to accumulate:

In addition to uninstallation, Revo Uninstaller has a very convenient feature - “Hunter Mode”. It allows you to uninstall programs, remove them from startup, and stop running processes (without opening the Task Manager) with one click.

“Hunter Mode” provides the user with a number of special features

To enable “Hunter Mode”, click on “View” and select the appropriate item. Revo Uninstaller will automatically minimize and a target will appear on your desktop. If you move it with the mouse to any program shortcut, a context menu will open in which you can select the desired action.

Revo Uninstaller has several more useful functions, which are located in the “Tools” section:

Video: how to use Revo Uninstaller


SlimComputer is designed to eliminate unwanted programs that are usually installed secretly: advertising utilities and shortcuts, browser add-ons and others.

One of the features of SlimComputer is the use of cloud technologies, on the basis of which recommendations are given for cleaning and optimizing the system. The program collects user data, transfers it to a cloud server, and, based on real-time computer scanning and community data, selects the best settings for system performance.

SlimComputer has the following sections:

  • "Main". To start scanning the system, click the “Run Scan” button. The program will display a list of unnecessary and optional elements in the system: programs, toolbars (toolbars in the browser), startup applications;
    On the main page of SlimComputer, click the “Run Scan” button to start scanning the system
  • "Restore". Stores all changes that were made using the program. If necessary, they can be canceled and the system state returned before using SlimComputer;
  • "Optimize". Autorun programs are located here. The larger the list, the slower the system loads. SlimComputer analyzes each one and determines how much the utility slows down the computer;
    The indicator next to the program shows the degree of load on the system
  • "Uninstaller" displays installed programs. Near each of them there is an indicator showing the impact on the system;
    To remove an unnecessary utility, click the “Uninstall” button
  • "Browsers" shows the settings of all browsers installed on the computer. Next to each of them there is also a “usefulness” indicator. Often, most settings are not even used, but still consume resources. Because of them, the browser begins to work slowly, takes a long time to load pages, and produces errors. Therefore, it is advisable to delete or disable the settings marked in red. To do this, check the boxes and click “Remove Selected”;
    The program contains popular browsers, but there is no browser from Yandex here, since the utility is not adapted for the Russian market
  • "Windows Tools". All the tools for managing the system are collected here:

Despite the convenience of the program and more than detailed recommendations for optimizing the system, SlimComputer is not very popular, since it has not been translated into Russian. The interface and purpose of the functions will be clear to an advanced user, but for those who are just starting to master the computer, it is better to choose a similar utility that supports the Russian language.

Video: how to use SlimComputer

Other cleaning utilities

In addition to the above utilities, you can use less popular, but still effective programs. Some of them are designed to solve a specific problem.

Advanced System Care

The program cleans the disk and optimizes the system. Suitable for novice users, as it does not require any special knowledge and makes all the necessary settings itself. It is also distributed free of charge and is Russified.

Advanced SystemCare has a simple and intuitive interface

What you can do with Advanced SystemCare:

  • clean your computer of debris;
  • configure and speed up the system;
  • identify and remove unnecessary (malicious) scripts and programs;
  • eliminate system vulnerabilities;
  • defragment, compress and clean the registry.

Video: How to use Advanced SystemCare

WinUtilities Free

The program consists of several utilities with which you can put your system in order. Its functionality is very similar to Auslogics BoostSpeed, but is distributed free of charge.

WinUtilities Free consists of several utilities, each of which has specific functionality

What the program does:

  • removes garbage;
  • cleans the registry and hard drive;
  • deletes browser cache, history and cookies;
  • corrects shortcuts;
  • removes programs;
  • finds duplicate files.

Separately, I would like to highlight the utility that deals with security. With its help, you can protect programs from being used by other users, delete files permanently (if you don’t want anyone to see them), and also set a password for a specific folder or file.

Video: how to use WinUtilities Free


AdwCleaner is a small utility that cleans your computer of adware. Most often, it gets into the computer due to the user’s inattention when installing applications.

AdwCleaner does not require installation. After downloading, simply click on the program icon. A small window will appear in which you first click “Scan” so that the utility finds all advertising files, and then the “Clean” button to erase them from the system.
If you encounter difficulties while removing adware, AdwCleaner will help you deal with them

Video: how to use AdwCleaner

How to prevent disk clutter

To ensure that your computer always works stably and quickly, regularly clean it of debris:

  • download files to a specific folder so that, if necessary, you can delete all its contents. For example, you are unlikely to ever need torrent files, program installers, saved documents from mail again;
  • When installing free programs, always select "custom installation". When installing many utilities, useless or advertising applications are installed;
  • regularly clean the registry using specialized software;
  • After each “spring cleaning”, create a system restore point to return Windows to the most optimized state, if necessary.

Cleaning a disk of debris takes very little time. And if you do it regularly, the computer will work quickly and without errors.

Any operating system, during its operation, saves some temporary files in a specially designated area of ​​disk space. Thus, a fairly substantial amount of information, especially unnecessary information, gradually accumulates. This is why it is important to periodically clean the C drive. There are 10 ways to free up space on the C drive that will seem simple even to a beginner.

Navigator by methods

1 way. Using the Windows utility.

10 ways to clean up a disk include the main and not the most effective way to clear the system disk of files that are not needed. This is a built-in Windows utility. Thanks to it, you can delete data that does not affect the operation and is unnecessary for the system, and it only takes a couple of minutes. To do this, you need to launch the tool by opening the “My Computer” window and selecting the properties of drive C. In the menu that appears, select the “General” tab, which most often opens by default. Next you will have to click on the clear button. After a certain period of time, the utility can display a list of temporary files, information about the operation of the operating system, and even data located in the Recycle Bin.

3 way. Empty the cart.

It is important to remember that all deleted files are most often sent to the Recycle Bin. A folder called "Trash" acts as temporary storage for everything that is deleted. In reality, this folder takes up a lot of space on your PC. In order to finally get rid of data from the recycle bin, you should right-click on it, and then select the appropriate “Empty Recycle Bin” item.

4 way. Clear folders Temp.

Windows has 2 Temp folders where various temporary files are stored. For example, files that are necessary when installing drivers, programs, updating antivirus or Windows. After these files become useless, you can simply delete them, thereby freeing up some space on the C drive. To do this, you will have to open “Computer – drive C – Windows folder”, find the Temp folder there and delete all contents.

Interesting: 6 ways to encode information

5 way. Restore the system.

Another way to free up space on the C drive is to delete recovery checkpoints. They also take up a certain number of megabytes. To see them, go to “Start – All Programs – Accessories – System Tools – System Restore”.

6 way. Clean your desktop.

If you want to clean up drive C, the first thing you need to do is clean your desktop. All files that are on the computer desktop are physically located on the “C” drive. In this regard, moving files from your desktop to another drive, for example, drive D, will instantly help free up a large amount of occupied system space.

7 way. Use CCleaner.

An excellent program called CCleaner can help clean up drive C. It is the most popular utility among garbage cleaners.

8 way. Remove duplicates.

Duplicate files are a more serious problem. And almost everyone has it. In fact, the same folders with photos, music and videos are always on the disk. They are real disk space eaters. You can find them without using a special program, especially if you have a good memory. If your memory is bad, you can use special software, for example, the Duplicate Killer program.

Interesting: 4 ways to protect yourself from malware

9 way. Remove unused programs.

Removing unused programs will help free up space on the C drive the fastest, but some programs take up very little space and deleting them will hardly change the overall picture. Therefore, in the Programs and Features section, programs can be sorted by size. To do this, press Win+X and select “Programs and Features.” You should click on the name of the “Size” field with the mouse so that the applications are sorted by size. Next, you can select the necessary programs and click the “Delete” button.

10th way. Disable sleep mode.

When the computer is in sleep mode, the system saves the contents of RAM on the hard drive. This allows the user, during the process of waking up the computer, to continue using it from where they left off. Windows stores the contents of RAM in the Hiberfil.sys file on drive C. To save space on your hard drive, you should disable sleep mode and delete the Hiberfil.sys file.

Last time we looked at it, but this time I’ll tell you how delete computer junk manually, by using Windows tools and programs.

1. First, let's look at where garbage is stored in operating systems.

In Windows XP

We go in and delete everything in the folders: Windows temporary files:

  • C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\History
  • C:\Windows\Temp
  • C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp
  • C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Local Settings\History

For Windows 7 and 8

Windows temporary files:

  • C:\Windows\Temp
  • C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp
  • C:\Users\All Users\TEMP
  • C:\Users\All Users\TEMP
  • C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Temp

Browser cache

Opera cache:

  • C:\users\username\AppData\Local\Opera\Opera\cache\

Mozilla cache:

  • C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ folder\Cache

Google Chrome cache:

  • C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Bromium\User Data\Default\Cache
  • C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache

Or enter it in the address chrome://version/ and see the path to the profile. There will be a folder there Cache

Temporary Internet files:

  • C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\

Recent documents:

  • C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\

Some folders may be hidden from prying eyes. To show them you need.

2. Cleaning the disk from temporary and unused files using

Standard Disk Cleanup tool

1. Go to “Start” -> “All Programs” -> “Accessories” -> “System Tools” and run the “Disk Cleanup” program.

2. Select the disk to clean:

The disk scanning process will begin...

3. A window will open with information about the amount of space occupied by temporary files:

Check the boxes next to the partitions you want to clear and click OK.

4. But this not all. If you installed Windows 7 not on a blank disk, but on top of a previously installed operating system, you probably have space-consuming folders such as Windows.old or $WINDOWS.~Q.

Additionally, it may make sense to delete system restore checkpoints (except the last one). To perform this operation, repeat steps 1-3, but this time click “Clean up system files”:

5. After the procedure described in step 2, the same window will open, but the “Advanced” tab will appear at the top. Go to it.

Under System Restore and Shadow Copies, click Clean.

3. Files pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys

The files are located at the root of the system disk and take up quite a lot of space.

1. The pagefile.sys file is system swap file(virtual memory). You cannot delete it (it is not recommended to reduce it either), but you can and even need to move it to another disk.

This is done very simply, open “Control Panel - System and Security - System”, select “Advanced system settings” in the “Performance” section, click “Options”, switch to the “Advanced” tab (or press the win + R key combination, the command “execute” will open and there type SystemPropertiesAdvanced) and in the “Virtual Memory” section click “Change”. There you can select the location of the paging file and its size (I recommend leaving “Size as selected by the system”).

4. Removing unnecessary programs from the disk

A good way to free up disk space (and as an added bonus, increase system performance) is to remove programs you don't use.

Go to Control Panel and select “Uninstall Programs”. A list will appear in which you can select the program you want to remove and click “Delete”.

5. Defragmentation

Defragmentation of a hard disk, carried out by a defragmenter program, allows you to organize the contents of clusters, that is, move them on the disk so that clusters with the same file are placed sequentially, and empty clusters are combined. This leads to increase speed access to files, and therefore to some increase in computer performance, which at high level fragmentation the disk may turn out to be quite noticeable. The standard disk defragmenter program is located at: start>all programs>standard>utilities>disk defragmenter

This is what the program looks like. In which you can analyze disk, where the program will show a diagram of disk fragmentation and tell you whether or not you need to defragment. You can also set a schedule for when the disk will be defragmented. This is a program built into Windows; there are also separate disk defragmentation programs, for example which you can download here:

Its interface is also quite simple.

Here are its advantages over the standard program:

  1. Analysis before disk defragmentation Do a disk analysis before defragmenting. After the analysis, a dialog box is displayed with a diagram showing the percentage of fragmented files and folders on the disk and a recommendation for action. It is recommended to carry out analysis regularly, and defragmentation only after appropriate recommendations from a disk defragmentation program. It is recommended to perform disk analysis at least once a week. If the need for defragmentation occurs rarely, the disk analysis interval can be increased to one month.
  2. Analysis after adding a large number of files After adding a large number of files or folders, the disks may become excessively fragmented, so in such cases it is recommended to analyze them.
  3. Checking that you have at least 15% free disk space To defragment completely and correctly using Disk Defragmenter, the disk must have at least 15% free space. Disk Defragmenter uses this volume as an area to sort file fragments. If the amount is less than 15% of free space, Disk Defragmenter will only perform a partial defragmentation. To free up more disk space, delete unnecessary files or move them to another disk.
  4. Defragmentation after installing software or installing Windows Defragment drives after installing software or after performing an update or clean install of Windows. Disks often become fragmented after installing software, so running Disk Defragmenter can help ensure peak file system performance.
  5. Save time on disk defragmentation You can save a little time required for defragmentation if you remove junk files from your computer before starting the operation, and also exclude from consideration the system files pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys, which are used by the system as temporary, buffer files and are recreated at the beginning of each Windows session .

6. Remove unnecessary things from startup

7. Remove everything unnecessary from

Well, I think you know for yourself what you don’t need on your desktop. And you can read how to use it. , a very important procedure, so don’t forget about it!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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