This article will be useful to gardeners, since strawberries grow in almost all areas. Methods for saving strawberries from wilting are discussed here.

Strawberries and strawberries belong to the same species - green strawberries. These are very tasty, juicy and aromatic berries that have a positive effect on digestive system and on the work of the heart. It should also be noted that strawberries have a rejuvenating effect and act as an aphrodisiac, and also fight viral and various bactericidal infections. But such a plant is very capricious, so gardeners often encounter problems, for example, drying of the leaves and the seedling itself. It is this task that will be considered in this material.

Why strawberries, strawberries and berries dry out and die during the fruiting period: reasons

Strawberries are not only healthy, but also delicious. That’s why the children look forward to her harvest with such impatience. This heat-loving plant, but in northern regions it is also grown. Fruit ripening occurs at the end of May - beginning of June. Much depends on the type climatic conditions and care. Yes, it cannot be said that strawberries are so picky, but they love care and attention.

Interesting facts!The name “strawberry” has Russian and Old Slavonic roots. The berry was originally called “green strawberry” (that is, from the Latin “fragrant”). And only inXVIIIcentury, a new name was established. By the way, it comes from the word “club”, that is, “having a spherical shape” or “to wind threads”. But that's not all. In those days in European countries Muscat strawberries were popular, the name of which was replaced.

  • Strawberries love water. That's why, common reason drying of the bush during the fruiting period is lack of moisture. Especially if the summer was hot and rainless. During fruit set, watering should be increased as much as possible. But even after the first strawberries appear, do not forget about regular watering.
    • A distinctive feature of this problem is dry and cracked soil under the bushes, the leaves dry out, and the fruits themselves decrease in size and also dry out.
  • But it’s also not worth filling it up. Otherwise, they may develop fungal diseases or fruit rotting will occur. Get hurt from excessive watering maybe a root that will begin to rot, and this will lead to drying out of the above-ground part.
  • Lack of heat or incorrectly selected area. Remember - strawberries love warmth and sunlight, but they are afraid of cold wind and drafts. Therefore, do not plant it in the shade of trees or on open area where the cold wind blows.
  • Also, the reason may lie in thermal burn. You need to water strawberries early in the morning, when the dew has subsided, or late in the evening. Otherwise, the hot sun may cause a burn. Remember - the moisture must have time to be absorbed before the scorching rays appear.

IMPORTANT: You cannot pour water on the leaves or fruits; the water must flow strictly under the bush. Again, this can lead to burns or the bush will begin to rot.

  • If everything is in order with watering, the planting site is chosen correctly and you replant it periodically, then the reason for the drying out of the ground part lies or in pests, or in fungal diseases. These two reasons require special attention, so we will consider them in detail a little later.
  • Also, one of the reasons may be vitamin fasting. Do not forget that plants need a lot (but in moderation) of phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, if no one is harming your bushes and they are getting enough light and moisture, then it’s time to fertilize. The most famous and safe potassium fertilizer ash is considered, and in case of phosphorus deficiency, the most indicative is superphosphate and phosphate flour.

Why do the leaves, leaf edges, buds, and berries of recently planted strawberries, wild strawberries, and victoria in the garden turn yellow, blacken, and dry out: diseases, treatment

Unfortunately, fungal diseases are often found in the garden and in the garden. It is important to notice the true roots of the reason for the drying of strawberries and carry out necessary treatment or preventative measures for other bushes.

  • It is insidious and can appear on any other crops and flowers. It begins to appear as brown spots that quickly increase in size. The fruit becomes soft and loses its rich color. These strawberries are not suitable for food.
  • The fruits rot, but remain hanging on the bushes. Thus, drawing juices from the plant, which leads to drying of the leaves. Over time, rot on the fruit begins to become covered with gray fluff.
  • The insidiousness of such a disease is that it is impossible to recognize the disease at the initial stage. The bush may look absolutely healthy and juicy at the stage of fruit formation. The fungus, which lives in the ground, attacks ripe ovaries.
    • Cannot be treated! If such symptoms are detected, pull out the bush and burn it. The disease can spread to other seedlings, so you need to remove diseased strawberries as quickly as possible.
    • Very important - cultivate the land! For 3 years, disputes persist in it. Great option will become Bordeaux liquid. A weak, pale pink solution of potassium permanganate is also well used.
    • Let’s not forget about such an effective remedy as copper sulfate. You need to dilute no more than 20 g per 10 liters of water. And keep in mind that the harvest can only be harvested two weeks after spraying.

Powdery mildew

Another common disease that begins to affect the leaves first. And only then it attacks the stems, tendrils and fruits. If the disease begins to appear during the flowering period, then the fruits will come out clumsy and tasteless.

  • The disease is characterized by a white coating with drops of liquid. The leaves begin to curl, stop growing and dry out.

IMPORTANT: The risk of powdery mildew in the greenhouse is especially increased. Because they love controversy high humidity And warm air. Therefore, regularly ventilate greenhouses in the morning and evening. Make sure that the humidity does not exceed 50-60%.

  • For treatment bushes need to be sprayed and watered milk or whey. Diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. That is, for 1 liter of milk you need to take 3 parts of water. You can water and spray strawberries with this solution every 7 days.
  • Ash helps against many plant diseases. And its main advantage is environmental friendliness and harmlessness. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the berries, and you will be able to eat the harvest after a few days.
    • It takes 3-5 days to prepare a solution from ash, or rather, infuse it. For 1 kg of sifted ash, 10 liters of water are needed. Also, it won’t hurt if you rub some more timber before watering. laundry soap. Don't forget to stir well until it is completely dissolved.
  • Laundry soap can also be used as an independent medicine. For 10 liters of water you need to take 1 bar of soap. Powdery mildew fungus is afraid of copper, so 20 g copper sulfate will only enhance the effect of the soap solution.
  • Iodine. Another method that can be used both as prevention and treatment. To spray, you need to dilute 10 ml of iodine in 10 liters of water.

Verticillium wilt

This is a fungal disease that is considered the most dangerous. After all, its spores live in the ground for up to 15 years. Moreover, other seedlings can also be infected through gardening tools.

  • The main features of the disease are dried lower leaves. They usually have a reddish or brown tint. Then the bush begins to fade more and more and eventually dries out completely.
  • Another outstanding feature is the red color of the petioles and the dwarf size of the above-ground parts. By the way, in old seedlings the symptoms become noticeable only before fruit sets.
    • When the first signs appear, it is useless to save the bush. The fungus begins to act actively already in the process of ovary and ripening of fruits. If you use too poisonous, but effective chemicals, then this whole “periodic table” comes to your table.
    • Therefore, diseased seedlings are pulled out and burned. The soil should be treated with Bordeaux mixture or Fitospirin. Do not use them during harvest! It also doesn’t hurt, especially in a greenhouse, to remove the top layer of soil.
    • For prevention, we can only advise observing crop rotation. Every 3-5 years, strawberries are transplanted to a new place. On old site can be planted after at least 5 years.


  • At white spot Round red-brown dots begin to appear. Then they begin to increase in size, and in the center appears white spot. Over time, a hole may form in the sheet.
  • Brown spot characterized by black or brown dots, which begin to enlarge and eventually cover the entire ground part.
    • Bushes with such diseases cannot be treated. They are completely removed. The ground needs to be treated with Bordeaux mixture, and healthy bushes should be sprayed copper sulfate or another drug containing copper.
    • You can also add wood ash or laundry soap.
    • Be sure to remove dry leaves between seedlings and change the mulch every year.
    • Be sure to apply potassium and phosphate fertilizers, they are responsible for the plant’s immunity.

  • It first covers the leaves, on which brown spots appear, and then it dries out. In the end, the fruits themselves rot. Dark or light spots appear on them, which are hard to the touch. The berries themselves become bitter and tough.
    • Copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture and Fitospirin are also used for treatment. Among folk remedies ash, whey and laundry soap are released. Please note that chemicals must be used before fruit sets or at least 3 weeks before harvest.

Why do the leaves, leaf edges, buds, and berries of recently planted strawberries, strawberries, and victoria in the garden turn yellow, blacken, and dry out: pests, treatment

Pests cause no less harm than diseases. There are large number, but many have similar symptoms and treatments. Therefore, we will highlight only the main “attackers”.

Strawberry mite or transparent

  • A microscopic insect that feeds on plant sap. It is difficult to notice with the naked eye; it becomes visible only by the yellow and curled leaves, which dry out over time.
  • The plant grows and develops poorly. This insect also produces an oily coating. Favorable conditions include high, long-term humidity and warmth.
    • The fight against them consists of treating them with Karbofos solution. But this procedure can be carried out only before flowering (as a preventive measure) and after harvesting.
    • If the bushes are heavily damaged by pests, then they are mowed down and the remains are processed.
    • Be sure to weed the crop. This should be done at the very beginning and closely monitored after the first symptoms are detected.

IMPORTANT: Use only healthy seedlings and do not allow moisture to stagnate. Also thin out the seedlings so that there is enough space between them.

Strawberry weevil

The beetle is gray-black in color, with a characteristic downward curved trunk. The body of the beetle is covered with light hairs.

  • Karbofos is also used to combat it. Among traditional methods, a soda solution is effective. For 1 liter, 2 tbsp is enough. baking soda.
  • You can also use birch tar. For 10 liters of water, 3-4 caps are required. To enhance the effect, you can add soap shavings.
  • Laundry soap (1 bar) must be diluted in an ash solution. You can spray even after the fruit has set, but only in dry weather.


A shellfish without a shell also likes to eat juicy berry. Slugs are more active at night, so they can be collected and destroyed in the morning. To do this, place small pieces of slate between the beds.

  • For prevention, mulching with sawdust or pine needles is used.
  • Mustard solution helps well - 10 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. This can be used to water seedlings and spray diseased bushes.
  • Zelenka is another one folk method, which will not harm the set fruits. You should dilute 10 ml of brilliant green in 10 liters of water.


These are transparent, thin worms that have cylindrical shape. They feed on the sap of the plant, so the leaves crowd together, turn yellow and dry out.

  • For combat it is advisable to use preventive measures. In spring you need to sprinkle lime between the rows.
  • If strawberries are planted for the first time, then lime is poured directly into the hole. The seedlings themselves should be immersed in warm water, then in cold water, and only then sent to open ground.
  • You can also spray the crop with a 5% solution of copper sulfate.
  • Or use garlic infusion. To do this, chop 200 g of garlic and dilute it in 1 liter of water. You need to let it sit for a day, then water the bushes.
  • Also, a preventive measure would be to plant a garlic crop nearby or plant some bushes.


This is a major pest brown. It can overwinter at a depth of 30 cm in the ground, and in the spring it can ruin crops or even inflorescences. Due to its large paws, it is able to dig tunnels and move over a large area, eating other crops.

  • Most safe way- is to use bait. Bottles or jars are buried 10-15 cm into the ground, into which water or vegetable oil is poured. The beetles will fall with no way to get out.

  • Among the drugs are “Force”, “Zolon” ​​and “Marshall”.
  • They are afraid of noise. Therefore, install noise windmills. Can be used tin cans, nuts or metal bottle caps.
  • Can be sprayed on crops soap solution. 1 piece of laundry soap per 10 liters of water.

Why do the leaves, leaf edges, buds, and berries of recently planted strawberries, wild strawberries, and victoria in the garden turn yellow, blacken, and dry out: improper care, corrective measures

Not proper care consists either in using soil poor in minerals, or in improper watering.

  • To prevent the necessary moisture from evaporating, use mulching with straw or humus. This will also prevent the fruit from touching the ground. And this often leads to the fact that the fruits from below begin to rot.
  • Water only in the morning or evening when there is no scorching sun. This will prevent the formation of burns. You also need to water only at the root.
  • To regulate the desired percentage of moisture, place 1 liter or 1.5 liters on the area plastic bottles. First you need to make holes in them on the sides. Bury it in the ground, leaving only the neck. Water will be poured into it. This will help avoid stagnation of liquid, and the plant will use it rationally through root system.
  • Plant the bushes at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other. You can use a staggered arrangement of seedlings. If the strawberries are overgrown too thickly, remove the old bushes. You will not only protect the crop from drying out, but also from the formation of diseases. By the way, when planted densely, strawberries grow small.

  • Remove mustaches and weeds on time! This, by the way, will prevent the appearance of pests. And there will be more harvest.
  • Apply fertilizers. In addition to potassium and phosphorus, magnesium deficiency may appear with dried and yellow leaves. To restore it, add magnesium sulfate in a ratio of 15 g per 10 liters of water.
  • The nitrogen content must be kept normal. Its deficiency can also be characterized by dried leaves and bright yellow color. To restore the nitrogen balance in the soil, use 25 g of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water for irrigation.
  • It doesn’t hurt to regularly water the strawberry crop with mullein solution (1-2 handfuls per 10 liters) or ash infusion. These drugs are completely harmless, they nourish the bushes with the necessary substances and protect them from diseases and pests.

What to do with fading, drying strawberries, strawberries, Victoria, if the reasons are unknown: replanting

Diseases and insects cannot affect the entire crop at once. Although not quickly, they will attack gradually. If there is not enough moisture or fertilizer, then, yes, it will affect the entire area at once.

  • But sometimes the cause is dense planting or propagation by the tendrils of the strawberry itself. Keep an eye on this. They need to be either trimmed, or, if they have taken root, replanted.
  • Regularly replant strawberries to another location. This should be done once every 3-5 years. Do not plant next to the old site. After all, diseases and insects, if present, will quickly move to a new place.
  • Strawberries need to be replanted in the first months of autumn or spring. If you decide to replant it at the end of April - at the beginning of May, then be prepared for the fact that the crop will be very vulnerable to diseases and pests.
  • Do not transplant young seedlings. They must be at least two years old!

  • Strawberries need to be replanted only before flowering. Even before the ovary of inflorescences. Since the plant will take root (which is only 10%), the fruits will already be lost. By the way, the bushes themselves often die.
  • When you plant it in the ground, dip the seedling in a solution of clay and manure.
  • You can additionally disinfect the soil. Suitable for this purpose are vinegar essence (10 ml per 10 l), laundry soap, wood ash, copper sulfate and Bordeaux mixture.
  • Plants that are sick or have a wilted and dried out appearance cannot be transplanted! Only healthy seedlings are replanted!
  • Be sure to apply all necessary fertilizers before planting.

Preventive measures against diseases, pests, against drying out of strawberries, strawberries, Victoria: tips, recommendations

The only and main advice in the fight against pests and diseases is prevention. Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

  • Plant only strong seedlings and grow pure varieties. If you have several types of strawberries, plant them at such a distance that they do not pollinate. And, moreover, they did not have the opportunity to intertwine their mustaches.
  • Remember - the older the bush, the more diseases and pests it has. Ideally, it is considered to carry out a transplant every 2 years.
  • By the way, do not plant in the area where you grew before tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants or peppers. There must be a minimum of 3 years after the last crop was planted. After all, old diseases and insects can spread to strawberries.
  • Alternatively, always cultivate the land. Even ordinary boiling water will already destroy some larvae or spores.
  • Another effective method- This means first planting mustard or garlic in the old place.
  • Remove weeds on time! And do not put them side by side in the compost, but immediately send them to the designated place. This will only create favorable conditions for the development of bacteria and uninvited guests.
  • Keep an eye on watering. Strawberries have an underdeveloped root system, so they feel the lack of moisture very sensitively. And this will lead to her becoming vulnerable.

Video: How to treat strawberries from diseases and save them from pests?

Strawberries are a common berry in the areas. Gardeners can easily cope with different techniques for planting strawberries, but often they are engulfed by diseases and pests. In today's article we will understand why strawberry bushes wither?

Strawberry bushes are withering - the reason

Weather conditions and strawberries

The root system of strawberries is wide and shallow. In summer, the berries need to be watered frequently to prevent the roots from drying out. Fever air in the region and the lack of precipitation affect the development of strawberries. You can notice that the leaves have begun to become covered with yellow-brown spots and have generally become faded. More likely , the berry lacks moisture.

Strawberry restoration: water 12 liters per 1 m2. After waiting until the soil dries 1-2 cm, repeat moisturizing using 10 liters of water. Do not introduce too much water at once - you can cause the development of fungal diseases. It is better to apply water evenly using the sprinkling method, watering from a watering can. From time to time it is useful to clean the leaves of accumulated dust by spraying. It is better to add water in the morning or evening, since during the day this can lead to burning of leaves - the appearance of burns due to spot evaporation of moisture and exposure to sunlight.

Diseases on strawberries - why the bush withers

Diseases on strawberries manifest themselves in different ways: the bush can wither, rot, or dry out. Berry wilting is caused by diseases such as fusarium, verticillium, late blight. First of all, pay attention to the root system; if there is rot on it, then the reason is damage to the roots.

Insecticides for mole crickets:

  • "Rembek";
  • "Boverin";
  • "Medvecid";

↓ Write in the comments why your strawberry bushes withered. What products did you use to restore the berries?

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Growing strawberries in PVC pipes horizontally

Growing strawberries at home all year round

Strawberries growing and care in spring

Strawberry leaves are turning yellow! what to do?

What to feed remontant strawberries in July?

How to fertilize strawberries after flowering?

Who among us doesn't like strawberries or garden strawberries.

This berry, which ripens in May-June, is incredibly tasty and healthy. It is delicious fresh, excellent in preparations, preserves, compotes, jams, and for freezing.

In order to get a good harvest of strawberries, they need to be planted and cared for correctly. Often, when poor care, strawberries spoil, become sick and do not produce a harvest. Why strawberries dry out, what ails them and why and how to prevent this, you can find out by reading this article.

Planting and caring for strawberries

In order to enjoy excellent berries, you need to properly care for the plants. Care begins with proper planting.

First rule– choose the site wisely. Slightly acidic soils, sandy loam or loam are most suitable for strawberries; the surface should be flat, and the area should be well lit and protected from the winds. It is planted both in autumn and spring. On clay soils, add compost or peat, add sand, and dig up. If the soil is acidic, lime it.

When preparing for planting, remove weeds and roots. It is possible to plant strawberries in open ground, as well as under film or geotextiles, so that it covers the main area of ​​the bed. This will help retain moisture under the plants and prevent weeds from growing, and it’s also easier to pick berries.

Second rule– choosing good seedlings. It must be healthy and of high quality. It is better to take seedlings from nurseries or from those who grow them correctly.

Strawberries can be propagated both with seeds and with the help of mustaches and seedlings. If you plant in the spring, then take young seedlings, but if in the fall, then you can use the mustache of the current year, then already in next year they will bloom and produce berries. The roots of seedlings are treated with fungicides and insecticides before planting.

Why do strawberries dry out? We ask ourselves a question. And these are fungal diseases. Treating roots with fungicides before planting is an important disease prevention measure.

The bushes are not planted deep; the rosette should be at ground level.

There should be 20 cm between plants.

There are 40 cm between rows. They are planted in very damp soil, “in the mud.”

Young plants require watering: if planted in summer, water daily until the seedlings take root. And, further, as needed, without allowing the soil to dry out.

If the soil was fertilized before planting, then in the first year of life the plants do not need to be fed. If not, then add a composition of 15 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium salt per 1 square meter. The soil is loosened and weeds are removed.

Caring for strawberries in this way will help to avoid the strawberries from drying out as much as possible.

So why do strawberries dry out: pests and diseases

The leaves curl, turn yellow and dry, and the berries become small and the ovaries fall off. In order to decide what is the reason for the strawberries drying out, you need to examine them.

Plants can be damaged by moles or mole crickets. They gnaw roots and even push bushes out of the soil.

Fungal diseases of strawberries contribute to drying of leaves: spotting, powdery mildew, verticillium wilt, gray and late blight rot, anthracnose.

If upon examination strawberry beds If several affected plants are found, they should be pulled out and burned. When the damage is widespread, it is worth treating with fungicides. It is best if preventive spraying is carried out. In the early spring, fallen leaves should be burned and frozen plants should be removed.

Let's look at strawberry diseases and methods to combat them.

Spotting. Why do strawberries dry out - you wonder. And she may be affected by brown spotting. This is a fungal disease that causes leaves to die, plants to weaken and yields to decline. It is expressed externally in the form of brown spots that appear on leaves and tendrils. They increase in size and contribute to the death of leaves in the form of necrotic tissue. The fungus overwinters well on leaves and causes new infections in the spring. For prevention, you should spray the strawberry beds with Ordan in the fall. In spring you can use Falcon, Quadris, Ridomil, Metaxil. Bushes that are not in their first year of life are also sprayed after picking berries.

Powdery mildew. A sign of it is damage to leaf blades, tendrils, and berries. It starts from the underside of the leaves. It is a white coating. Affected leaves stop growing, become coarse and curl. The mustache also curls. Then the tissues die. Flowers during this period are not pollinated correctly, and the berries become ugly, underdeveloped and have a mushroom taste and smell. Powdery mildew develops in warm humid air. For prevention, plants are treated with Quadris during the period of leaf growth. And if the disease has already manifested itself, then after harvesting - with Fundazol, Switch.

Verticillium wilt can destroy about 50% of plantings in the second or third year from the onset of the disease. This mushroom affects vascular system plants, roots and rosettes. The bushes are losing their leaves. Deformed reddish leaves peek out from the central part. yellow. If you look at a section of the affected root, you can see brown vessels. They can then infect both leaves and runners. Prevention is proper care and choice of quality healthy planting material. When it appears, it is combated by spraying with the drugs Fundazol, Benorat or sprinkling with them. When the disease is detected at an early stage, and also as a preventive measure, trichoderma is used.

Gray rot can destroy up to 60% of berries. It develops well in heavily dense and unventilated areas, when grown for a long time in one place. Everything is affected aboveground part plants. It is most evident on berries, with the appearance of foci of rotting with spores. Visible dark gray or brown spots. For prevention, high-quality seedlings, high beds, and spraying with Euparen, Switch, Topsin M or Derozal are used. In rainy weather, spray again after flowering. Affected berries should be removed as the spores spread very quickly.

Late blight- the scourge of the majority garden crops, including strawberries. May affect roots and aerial parts. Especially in humid, warm weather. Pathogens are fungi. Brown-gray spots appear on the plants, bordered by mold or plaque. The bushes die off as the disease spreads. Control measures include proper care, quality seedlings, treatment with Ridomil, Metaxil, Quadris.

Anthracnose. The pathogen overwinters mainly on infected shoots. The disease develops especially quickly in those years when humidity is high in autumn and spring. The leaves and stems become covered with small gray-purple spots, the stems are ulcerated, and eventually the shoots die. For prevention purposes, planting on high ridges is used, with healthy seedlings. If a disease is detected, spray with Anthracol, Metaxyl, Quadris.

Strawberries are also affected by pests: nematodes, strawberry mites, weevils, and slugs.

Fight them - important stage in receiving good harvest. To get rid of all these pests, you can carry out a comprehensive treatment.

At the end of September, take a bucket of water and add 2 tbsp. spoons of ash, burnt vegetable oil, liquid soap, vinegar and this composition is sprayed on plants. Colloidal sulfur or karbofos is also used in early spring.

There are quite a few reasons why onions dry out, here are some of them:

  • Various diseases also cause onion feathers to dry out. The most common of them are bacterial rot, rust and rot of the bottom. Fungal diseases onions are very often affected, so the plantings should be constantly treated for preventive purposes;
  • Improper onion care is another factor in drying out onion feathers. Often, improper watering causes the spread of fungi and diseases, which leads to yellowing of onion feathers. Be careful with watering!;
  • Bad weather conditions also affect onion cultivation. Be aware that the tips of onion feathers turn yellow and dry out when the temperature drops sharply. Too much low temperature and even slight frosts can harm your plantings.

Depending on the reason for the onion drying out, you will have to start from this and solve the problem.

It is better to water onions in the morning or evening, when the sun is not so bright.

Strawberry leaves are drying why what to do video

Strawberries are affected by spots or rust.

With brown or corner spot, light brown spots appear along the edges of the leaves and grow along the longitudinal vein of the leaf. Leaves severely damaged by spotting dry out in August-September.

If there is a strong infection with white or brown spot, the leaves may also dry out. Leaves affected by spots dry out at the end of August-September - this process is similar to the usual autumn death of leaves.

Rust often affects weakened plants; yellow-brown pads with fungal spores, characteristic only for rust, appear on the leaves. Filling a larger surface of the leaf with rusty spots leads to its drying out and death.

Late blight wilt.

When the root system is affected by late blight, the diseased plant lags behind in development and bears fruit poorly. A characteristic feature Late blight is the reddening of the axial cylinder of the root. Wilting begins with the lower leaves - they dry out, and then the entire plant dies.

Insect pests.

Strawberry leaf beetle and whitefly are insects 1-3 mm in size that leave winding passages on the leaves, sucking the juices out of them. Damaged leaves dry out and die.

Strawberry leaves can dry out even if insufficient watering, especially on hot days.

What to do if strawberry leaves dry out

  • Plant strawberry varieties that are resistant to wilt and blight. Buy seedlings only from trusted places. Before planting in the ground, for the purpose of prevention, keep the seedlings in a manganese solution.
  • Do not plant strawberries after potatoes, tomatoes, or eggplants. Choose the beds where you grew: onions, garlic, beans, peas, parsley, carrots. The ideal place for planting strawberries is a bed that has not been planted for 1-2 years or one in which green manure was grown. The soil for strawberries is dug up in the fall, and rotted manure is applied to the beds.
  • Provide full watering throughout the summer. Strawberries do not tolerate stagnation of water in the soil. To prevent fungal diseases, water the strawberries with warm water, plant them in well-drained soil, and loosen the beds after watering.
  • When whiteflies appear and strawberry leaf beetle, treat strawberries with insecticidal preparations. Insects do not like strong odors, so for the purpose of prevention, plant marigolds, garlic, and mustard in the spaces between the rows.
  • To prevent spotting, strawberries must be treated with fungicides at least 3 times a season: as soon as the leaves appear from under the snow, after fruiting has ended, and in the fall. Affected and dried leaves must be removed and burned.
  • Video

    Why do strawberry leaves dry out? Plant magic

    It is no secret that many residents prefer berries collected from their own gardens to ordinary purchased strawberries. They stand out in taste, being juicy, incredibly sweet and having a simply divine aroma. However, wanting to grow in your garden bed fragrant strawberries, you should prepare for numerous difficulties. Constant watering, pruning, forming beds, fighting insects and weekly fertilizing with several types of fertilizers - this is what you have to do before at least one small berry appears on the bush. And one can already imagine what disappointment engulfs a caring owner when even such actions end with the drying up of the beloved bush. Today’s article is dedicated to this very topic and will tell you why sometimes strawberry leaves begin to dry out and how to get rid of it.

    Causes of strawberry bush wilting

    There are many different reasons why strawberries may begin to wilt. This plant itself is overly capricious, so any weather changes can have both a positive and extremely negative effect on its condition. We have identified several options due to which a recently healthy strawberry bush may begin to dry out:

    Although strawberries are very capricious, growing them is still quite easy if you know how to do it correctly. There are several simple tips on how to prevent the bushes from drying out and ultimately get a rich and aromatic harvest:

    Good luck with your growing!

    Strawberries are drying up, why what to do, find out the reason and possible

    Strawberries are not the best capricious plant, but requires attention, which usually consists of timely watering, removing weeds, and fertilizing the soil. Signs that not everything is all right with the plants can be the drying of leaves, flowers and berries. Therefore, when recently healthy leaves, flowers or berries suddenly begin to dry out, this is a reason to look for the causes of the changes and ways to eliminate them.

    To find the reason for the drying of strawberries, you need to inspect the beds and the plants themselves. If the soil has dried out deeply, then the plants should be watered more; insects found may turn out to be pests; cobwebs on the stems and leaves are also a sign of pests. Dry spots on flowers and berries may indicate diseases that lead to drying out. Moles and mole crickets, breaking through tunnels, damage the roots, which leads to drying out and death of plants. Dry air and soil, as well as overwatering or incorrectly chosen too cold and damp area in lowlands, will lead to damage to the root system and drying out of the plant. Only after determining the cause will it be possible to begin restoring or treating the plantings.

    Strawberries dry out: what to do - weather reasons

    Weather causes often affect the development of plants: heat, lack of rain, or, conversely, excessive dampness, which provokes the development of diseases. The root system of strawberries is located close to the surface and without watering can be seriously damaged. Hot summers without rain, especially when gardeners do not have the opportunity to water strawberries frequently, can affect the quality and quantity of the harvest. Most important for berry crops watering during fruiting period.

    With a lack of water, the leaves begin to wither without becoming stained or losing color. Plants can be restored if you water them regularly: per 1 sq. m. you will need 10-12 liters of water. It is important to consider how dry the top layer of soil is - overwatering can threaten the development of fungi and pathogenic bacteria. You can water from a bucket into the grooves between the bushes or from a watering can, irrigating the bushes - this is useful for plants, since water cleanses the leaves of dust, making it easier for them to absorb sunlight and oxygen, which is necessary for the growth and development of the plant. You need to water strawberries in the morning or evening so that the water has time to be absorbed into the ground and the drops of water on the leaves have time to dry, otherwise the plants will not avoid burns.

    When you have to leave plantings for a long time without care, you can install a system automatic watering, although this is not the most cheap option. Some gardeners make it simpler: 1.5-2 liter bottles with holes on the sides, they dig in near each plant and fill with water - there is enough water for several days. There are also many other ways to provide plants with water for a long time.

    Excessive evaporation of moisture can be prevented if, after irrigation, the soil in the beds is mulched with straw or humus. Another method is to cover the soil with a dark film, which will prevent it from drying out, and if it rains, the soil will not become waterlogged.

    Strawberries dry out: what to do - pests and diseases

    Drying strawberries can be caused by diseases and pests. Diseases are often a consequence of weather conditions: cold and damp. Insect damage occurs when planting plants from other areas where pests were found or, conversely, when changing places, when bushes are moved to new beds with soil that has not passed preventative treatment. It is dangerous to plant strawberries next to plants that share common pests and diseases.

    Drying different parts Strawberry bushes are caused by diseases such as powdery mildew, late blight, gray rot, brown spot, and verticillium. gray rot can be identified by brown spots on the leaves and gray plaque on drying berries. The disease spreads during the period of fruit formation; it is difficult to fight it, since bushes with berries chemicals You cannot spray - the plants must be removed and burned.

    Strawberry leaves dry out and curl due to powdery mildew, also become deformed and acquire bad smell and a berry taste, although the flowers may look normal. Powdery mildew appears most quickly when the soil is excessively damp and warm.

    Verticillium wilt appears when the strawberry leaves change color to red-brown, and then the entire bush dries out. It is impossible to detect the fungus in advance - it can remain in the ground for up to 25 years, and the symptoms of the infection manifest themselves differently, depending on the plant variety and soil. Drying strawberries should be removed from the site and burned.

    Late blight or leather rot appears as dark spots on the berries that become hard and dry out.

    Brown spot begins with the appearance of spots along the edge of the leaf or along the central vein, then the leaves and peduncles dry.

    Prevention measures against strawberry diseases include replanting to a new location every three to four years, timely but not excessive watering, disinfected plants for planting that are disease-resistant. The berries should be harvested immediately after ripening, and the soil under them should be mulched with pine needles or clean straw. You can get rid of diseases and fungi with the help of fungicides, but not during the ripening period of the berries. In autumn or spring, old leaves need to be removed from the beds and burned, and young shoots will need to be processed in May Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate with laundry soap.

    Strawberries can be damaged by many insects, some of them gnaw off leaves and flower stalks, and because of some, the plants can dry out when their larvae are in the soil in winter, for example, Nettle leaf weevil- an insect about 1 cm in length. In mid-summer, its larvae eat the strawberry roots, and the plant dries out; new individuals, spreading out, feed on the fresh leaves of neighboring bushes.

    Spider mite- an insect about 1 mm long. It is difficult to notice with the naked eye, but through a magnifying glass it can be seen on the ground, stems and leaves. When infected by a mite, the leaves, entangled in cobwebs, turn yellow and dry out.

    Insecticide treatments will help get rid of these pests and others. Chemicals It is better to spray in late spring, early summer before strawberries bloom, after harvesting. Karbofos, colloidal sulfur, Iskra, Neoron and others are suitable for soil treatment. Popular folk remedies include infusions of garlic, tobacco dust and onion peels. The ground around the bushes is dug up in the spring so that the larvae outdoors died, and are also loosened at the time of setting the buds and after picking the berries, but no later than the first week of September. All treatments are carried out in the morning or evening time, irrigating the bushes with a spray bottle or watering can, repeating if necessary after 1-2 weeks, according to the instructions. As a preventive measure, you can plant plants between the strawberry bushes whose smell pests cannot tolerate - marigolds, nasturtiums, onions, garlic, dill and others.

    Strawberries are drying up: what to do if the reasons have not been established?

    If the reasons for the drying of strawberries are not clear, then you should try to transplant the bushes to another place; perhaps there is an acute shortage in the soil nutrients or, conversely, there are too many of them due to excessive feeding. This can be confirmed not only by dry leaves, but also by changing color, twisted, wrinkled leaves, deformed peduncles and berries.

    You can dig up a bush and inspect the roots, check if there is an anthill under it. It’s easy to get rid of ants by sprinkling the area with dry ash or watering it with a solution made of vinegar, vegetable oil and water. If there are no insects, but the roots have rotted, it means that the plant is flooded, and watering should be temporarily stopped or the area should be changed to a higher and drier one.

    Another option is that the bushes are old, have grown too much, and need to be replanted. In this case, you need to separate the young shoots or root the tendrils to obtain new planting material and replace dry plants with it. The lifespan of strawberries is 3-4 years.

    Why do strawberry leaves turn yellow?

    Another disease, red spot, develops through similar mechanisms. The only difference is that with severe infection, the center of the spots becomes light gray. In case of minor fungal infection, the leaf becomes covered with red spots, then it begins to turn yellow and dies. Most often, the disease actively develops in old beds, in places where there are a lot of weeds. Preventive measures for this disease are the same as in the case of brown spot. Euparen 50 WP is particularly effective as a treatment.

    Spots on strawberry leaves may appear for other reasons. One of the most common diseases is white spotting. Brown round spots appear on the leaves, which grow up to 6 mm and take on an oval shape. The center of the spots becomes lighter, and a brown frame is clearly visible around it. Usually the problem is dealt with using Euparen 50 WP. If the disease manifests itself after harvesting, then the drug Topsin M can be used.

    You should know that some strawberry varieties are resistant to certain diseases.

    Why do strawberry leaves dry out?

    Many gardeners are faced with drying strawberry leaves. The reason may be Earth mite. The pest feeds on plant sap. Because of this, the leaves become covered with red spots and then dry out. Other signs that strawberries are being eaten by a mite are chopping bushes and berries.

    The drugs Karbofos and Aktara will help cope with the disease. Among the safe non-chemical methods, garlic tincture is effective.

    Another reason why strawberry leaves dry out may be the larva of the cockchafer. In this case, the plant withers, and then begins to turn yellow and dry out. You can get rid of the problem by watering the soil with Anti-Khrushchev. Another method of control is to treat the perimeter of the beds with a solution based on chicken droppings.

    Strawberry leaves are curling: what to do?

  • One of the culprits causing strawberry leaves to curl is Genuine powdery mildew. In the case of this disease, the leaves curl upward. On the bottom side you can see white coating, and on top, in the same places, there are red spots. Typically, powdery mildew manifests itself in early May and actively spreads in dry, warm weather. To combat the fungus, Topsin M70WP and fungicides are used.
  • Strawberry leaves also curl when plants are damaged by pests. Leaves may become deformed due to mites. In the spring, the drugs Actelik and Karate are used against it; in the summer, diseased leaves are destroyed.
  • Strawberry berries are drying reasons photo

    • Insufficient watering
    • Fungal diseases
    • Pests

    Strawberry lovers look forward to a new harvest of these delicious, fragrant berries. But sometimes gardeners are faced with unpleasant problem: Strawberries are drying out. To prevent or correct such a situation, it is necessary to understand the reasons for what is happening.

    Insufficient watering

    Of course, first of all, an experienced gardener, having discovered that the strawberries are drying up, will check whether the plants are well-watered. The fact is that sufficient soil moisture is necessary not only at the time when the berries are just beginning to fill, but also throughout the entire fruiting period. Especially if the summer was too hot and dry.

    It should be noted that you should also not be overzealous with watering strawberries, since constant humidity promotes the proliferation of many harmful bacteria. Some of them, in turn, cause diseases that also lead to strawberries drying out.

    If the bushes lack moisture, this will be immediately noticeable by the condition of the plant: not only the berries, but also the leaves will dry out and decrease in size, and the ground will be cracked and dry.

    Fungal diseases

    Why do strawberries sometimes dry out even if they are provided with sufficient moisture? Obviously, this is not a matter of improper watering. You should know that sometimes drying of berries can be caused by certain fungal diseases:

  • Spotting.
  • Gray rot.
  • Powdery mildew.
  • Verticillium wilt.
  • Late blight rot. late blight rot
  • Gray rot

    If ripening strawberries are covered with rapidly increasing brown spots, then most likely the plant is affected by gray rot. Diseased berries become soft, discolored and lose taste qualities. They rot, and a thick gray mold-like coating forms on their surface. After some time, mummification of the berries affected by gray rot occurs, the strawberry dries and in this form continues to hang on the bush for a long time.

    The causative agent of gray rot is a fungus that lives in the soil. It affects not only strawberries, but also other plants. If this disease is detected, all affected bushes should be removed and burned.

    Gray rot is also dangerous because it is quite difficult for an inexperienced gardener to recognize it when the disease affects plants during the formation of berries. In this case, the green above-ground part of the plants may look completely healthy and juicy, but the fruits suddenly begin to dry out.

    Powdery mildew

    Powdery mildew first appears on back side leaf, and then gradually spreads throughout the plant - along the stems, tendrils and fruits. Strawberry leaves dry out and curl. The leaves themselves harden and stop growing.

    The buds, flowers and ovary seem healthy at first glance, but in fact powdery mildew is simply not visible on these parts. When flowers appear on affected strawberries, they cannot be pollinated or fertilized normally. This leads to underdevelopment and deformation of the berries, they dry out and have an unpleasant taste and smell.

    Gardeners who grow strawberries in a greenhouse should pay special attention to the signs described above, since this is where very favorable conditions are created for the appearance of powdery mildew. It develops well in humid and warm air.

    You should know that plants planted on elevated surfaces and in hanging pots are least susceptible to powdery mildew.

    Verticillium wilt

    Verticillium fungus spores can live in the soil for 25 years or more, so this disease is considered one of the most dangerous. The appearance of the first symptoms of Verticillium wilt on young seedlings can be noticed during the formation of the mustache. If the plantings are old, then, as a rule, the disease appears immediately before the harvest begins.

    Symptoms may vary depending on how susceptible a particular variety is to the disease. To accurately determine the presence of this disease, it is necessary to do special laboratory tests.

    The main sign of plant infestation is drooping, wilted leaves that turn red-yellow or dark brown color. If the area is seriously affected, then almost all strawberry bushes dry out. In the case when only infected individual plants, it is necessary to remove them from the garden bed and burn them.

    Late blight

    This disease is also called leather rot. Late blight negatively affects the quantity and quality of the crop, and in some cases can cause its complete loss.

    When it is not clear why strawberries are bitter, you should inspect the bushes for this disease. Bitter berries are a sign that the plants are affected by late blight rot.

    In addition, a sign of the presence of this fungus are hard brown-purple spots on the surface of ripe fruits. On green berries, late blight rot is deposited in the form of light brown spots framed by a border. The affected fruit becomes hard and then shrivels.


    Drying strawberries can also be caused by insects:


    Often, strawberry fruits dry out due to a nematode attack on the plant. This disease causes stunted growth of bushes, thickening and shortening of young leaves. Diseased strawberry leaves wither, wrinkle and curl into a tube. After some time they turn yellow-brown. This is followed by deformation of the flowers and death of the ovary. If the fruits have time to form, they do not grow, but dry out.
    The fight against strawberry nematode should be, first of all, preventive. If there is a suspicion that the area is infested with nematodes, then when planting young strawberries, it is recommended to immerse the seedlings in hot (approximately 46˚C) water for ten minutes. After hot bath you should immediately lower the plants into very cold water for 15 minutes. In addition, to prevent pests from entering the bushes, the latter can be protected with lime: grooves are dug around the seedlings and lime is poured into them.

    Strawberry mite

    This pest causes significant harm strawberry plants. First it damages the leaves, and in the fall the females begin to look for suitable place for wintering. As a rule, they live at the base of leaf petioles, where they lay eggs in early spring. Since the strawberry leaves have not yet unfolded at this time and have not had time to gain strength, the plant begins to hurt, as a result of which the berries become dry and very small.

    In the absence of measures to combat the strawberry mite, it spreads throughout the site and all strawberries die.

    • The measures to combat this pest are the same as for the nematode: before planting, seedlings are immersed in hot and then cold water.
    • If in the spring it is discovered that there are mites on the plants, you should treat the area with strawberries with “Karbofos” or “Grey colloidal”. In this case, the first treatment should be done during the period when green leaves have just appeared, and the second - before the strawberries begin to bloom.
    • If there are a lot of mites in the strawberries, then it is necessary to cut off all the plants at the root and burn them.
    Strawberry-raspberry weevil

    The weevil overwinters on top of the soil, in plant debris and lumps of earth. With the onset of spring, beetles move to young leaves, buds and shoots of flowers. Before strawberries begin to bloom, females climb into the buds and lay eggs there. Over the entire period of egg laying, one female weevil damages up to 30 buds.

    The development time of the larvae is one month. Before turning into beetles, the larvae feed on the contents of the buds. Young beetles feed on the pulp of leaves. If the strawberry plot is too dense, weevils can destroy the entire crop in one season.

    As a rule, buds damaged by weevil larvae die a few days after the female lays eggs in them. The surviving flowers produce small, dry and unsuitable berries for consumption.

    To protect strawberries from weevils, plants should be treated with insecticides, for example, Inta-vir. If the number of pests is too high, the treatment must be repeated after collecting all the fruits. It should be remembered that strawberries and fruits cannot be sprayed with such preparations.

    In addition, since insect pests are afraid of the smell of onions and garlic, it is recommended to alternate strawberries with these plants when planting.

    Gardeners always look forward to the strawberry harvest. However, no one is immune from various misfortunes that can happen to a berry grower. If in the middle of the season the bush and berries wither and dry out, it means the crop is sick. A summer resident may not know why strawberries and berries are drying up and what to do about it. There are several reasons why garden strawberries can dry out.

    Diseases that cause bushes to dry out:

    • Verticillium wilt;
    • Fusarium wilt;
    • Anthracnose.

    Each of these ailments has its own characteristics and symptoms. After a gardener has detected signs of a disease, he must take control measures, otherwise he may lose the entire harvest.

    Drying strawberries with berries

    Verticillium wilt

    Another name for the disease is wilt. The cause of the disease is the fungus Verticillium. It spreads through the earth. It may remain in the soil for 10 years and not show itself in any way. But as soon as it appears suitable crop, he immediately pounces on her. The disease starts from the roots. It is through the root hairs that the fungus penetrates the plant body. When the Verticillium pathogen finds itself in the root system, it begins to actively multiply, capturing the root collar and stems. The bush stops receiving nutrition because the roots are blocked by the fungus.

    Pathogen spores may appear on the site completely by accident. For example, they are brought by the wind, they end up on purchased seedlings, equipment, or end up in the soil with water from a contaminated source.

    Pay attention! Verticillium wilt does very well when there is a sudden change in weather conditions, if it rains or the soil is watered too often and abundantly. In addition, the fungus appears where there is no normal circulation air. It's about about too thick strawberry plantings.

    Signs of verticillium wilt

    Wilt can develop rapidly, or it can develop gradually. In the first option, the gardener notices the rapid drying of the bush. At first the bush looks drooping. Then the lower leaves begin to turn brown. The color change begins gradually. The tip gets darker sheet plate. Then the entire plate begins to turn red or yellow. If fruiting has already begun, then the berry and flower rot and dry out. If the disease is rapid, then literally in 5 days the entire bush dries out. Typically, this type of disease is observed on soils where sand predominates.

    Signs of verticillium wilt

    The gradual development of verticillium wilt can take quite a long time. This form is called chronic. Garden strawberries can dry out for 1.5 years or more. Dry leaves are visible on the bush; it stops developing. After some time, it stops bearing fruit and turns into a dwarf. After 1.5-2.5 years the plant dies. If you look at the insides of the roots of a diseased plant, they will turn out to be dark, black, and brown. In the final stage of the disease, the root dries out and rots.


    If the strawberry bushes dry out, what should a summer resident do? If a gardener has identified verticillium wilt, it is important for him to understand what stage the disease is at. If it is just beginning, then it makes sense to fight it with drugs. If the plant is almost completely dry, it would be wiser to get rid of it. The bushes are dug up and burned.

    Important! In the initial stages, the fungus can destroy biological drugs Agat-25K, Trichocin. Agat-25K will not only help remove the pathogen, but also stimulate root growth. It should be diluted in 1 liter of water. For this volume take 7 grams. means. Root treatment is carried out once. Agata's price starts at 50 rubles for 3 ml.

    Trichocin is diluted in proportions of 10 g. drug per 1 liter of water. The drug can be used 2-4 times. A break between waterings is made for 14 days. The cost of Trichocin is about 150 rubles per 6 grams.

    Biological product "Trichotsin"

    Working with the drugs is quite simple. The advantage of Agate is that spraying is carried out only once, and also at a cheaper price. Even a novice gardener can treat with Agate and Trichocin.

    You can save a garden strawberry plantation using the medicinal fungicide Fundazol. It has a low level of toxicity. 10 gr. fungicide is placed in a 10-liter bucket of water. Mix well. The bushes are sprayed completely. The procedure should be carried out twice a season. The first time is before the flowers appear. The second time is after the harvest. According to reviews, this antifungal agent is one of the most effective. However experienced gardeners They assure that it is recommended to use Fundazol only on uterine bushes. The cost of the smallest pack of fungicide (10 grams) is about 30-50 rubles.

    Pay attention! Treat the disease with late stages impossible. The bushes are removed. The soil must be disinfected with copper sulfate or a hot solution of potassium permanganate.

    Prevention measures

    • Among the preventive measures is purchasing only high-quality seedlings.
    • Strawberries are planted sparingly. Optimal distance between bushes – 35-45 cm.
    • Before placing the roots in the ground, they are treated with Agat 25K or Gumat K. You can simply dip them in one of the solutions. Agate is diluted in the following proportions: 7 g. products for 1 liter of water. Gumate K take 15 g. for 1 liter of water. The cost of Humate is less than Agata. 25 grams of Humate can be purchased for 25 rubles. The price of Agate starts from 60 rubles.

    Strawberries are planted sparingly

    Fusarium wilt

    Another reason why strawberries and berries wither is due to the disease Fusarium wilt. Another name for the disease is dry rot. The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. He is a long-liver. It can remain in the soil for 15-30 years. The best environment for its reproduction is the summer heat. The causative agent of dry rot enters the plant through the root system. Settled in the tissues, it poisons the berry bush. The plant stops feeding.

    Important! Fusarium wilt appears in too dense plantings or in acidic soil. The disease can be caused by the gardener’s refusal to water the plant or, conversely, by waterlogging of the soil. Spores can also attack the crop if the garden is located next to a highway.

    The disease is included in the list of the most dangerous strawberry diseases because it leads to drying and death.

    Signs of fusarium wilt

    The foliage is the first to react to dry rot. The edge of the leaf blade begins to darken. It changes emerald color to brown, and then may turn yellow. Depending on the type of soil and the condition of the strawberry, the symptoms may vary slightly. On one plant, all parts of the bush (bud, flowers, foliage, petioles) together become brown, may turn black and dry out. On another plant, Fusarium wilt appears only on lower leaves. In most cases, with Fusarium wilt, the plant stops setting.

    Fusarium wilt


    If the plant has just begun to dry out, it can be treated with the drug Fundazol, which also treats Verticillium wilt.

    Another remedy for dry rot is Horus. It is used 3 times per season. First time berry patch sprayed at the rate of 1.5 g. drug per 2.5 liters of water. The process will be organized in early summer. The second spraying is carried out as soon as the fruits begin to appear. Then you will need 3 liters of water in which 1 gram is dissolved. means. After the entire crop has been harvested, spraying is carried out again. At this time, the solution is prepared in exactly the same way as the first time.

    Chorus combines perfectly with Topaz. A mixture of these fungicides can control Fusarium wilt. According to reviews, the composition of Horus and Topaz is a worthy answer to the question: “the strawberry bushes are drying up, what should I do?” Topaz dosage – 1 ml per 5 liters of water. This treatment is effective, but not cheap. The cost of a package containing 2 ml of Topaz starts from 40 rubles, 1 ml of Horus - 30-50 rubles.

    The drug "Horus"

    Additional information. The prepared solution, which contains these drugs, must be used immediately.

    Another answer to the question “the leaves are withering, the strawberries are drying up, what should I do?” – use of the drug Fitosporin-M. This is microbiological universal remedy new generation. Among the diseases it fights is Fusarium wilt. 5 gr. products are dissolved in 10 liters boiled water. You can make a solution from settled water. When preparing a cocktail, you cannot use tap water because it is chlorinated. Beneficial bacteria will not awaken in it. It is recommended to add a little laundry soap to the solution. Phytosporin is used to treat the foliage of the berry plant twice a season: at the beginning and end of June. Dry rot will disappear gradually. Spraying with Fitosporin is the easiest and budget method save garden strawberries, the bush of which is not completely dry. The cost of the biological product is about 20 rubles per 10 grams.

    Among folk methods, fly ash solution is popular. It's easy to do. Take one glass of ash. It is mixed with a liter of water. The water should be hot (about 60 degrees). Everything is mixed well and left for 24 hours. After a day, the resulting infusion is poured into a bucket containing 8-9 liters of water. The mixture is ready to use. She needs to spray the plantings generously. This method is cheap, effective and not labor intensive. In addition, the ash will not only fight the disease, but will also have a general strengthening effect on the plant and protect it from pests.

    Fly ash solution


    • It is necessary to buy only healthy seedlings;
    • Plantings should not be thickened;
    • The beds should be weeded on time;
    • Maintain crop rotation - plant strawberries every 3 years different places. She feels best after green manure (mustard, peas, cosmos, garlic). You can plant green manure between garden strawberry bushes.
    • You cannot plant strawberries in a garden bed where potatoes, tomatoes, and cucumbers previously grew. These crops, like strawberries, are susceptible to Fusarium wilt.


    Anthracnose disease is caused by anamorphic fungi. Another name for the disease is coal disease. The disease is dangerous. Because of it, up to 50% of plantings can die. The best conditions for the development of mushrooms are warm weather(about +26 degrees Celsius) and too dense plantings. Mushrooms also love soil where there is an excess of nitrogen. Another criterion for the active development of the disease is moist soil.

    Strawberry anthracnose

    This infection enters the garden along with purchased seedlings, and the spores are also carried by insects. The pathogen covers the entire bush, affecting the roots, top part plants. Fungi overwinter on their plants. They do not die at subzero temperatures. In the spring, after the snow melts, the pathogen wakes up and continues to spread. He gradually moves from one bush to another.

    Signs of anthracnose

    First, spots appear on the leaves in the form of ulcers and indentations of a brick burgundy color. They are quite small - about 5 mm. The middle of the spots is dry. There is a border. Its color is charcoal purple. Spots appear on the stems. The flower stalks on the strawberries also dry out. If the crop bears fruit at the time the disease develops, then the fruit also changes its appearance. They appear on the berries dark spots. They dry quickly, affecting the entire fruit. As a result, the berries decrease in size, turning into crackers. Spots on leaves and stems grow and merge into a single whole. The bush may suddenly wither and dry out.


    If strawberries dry on the bushes, what should a gardener do? The very first step is to stop watering the plant or reduce the amount water procedures to a minimum. In addition, all leaves, flowers, fruits, and stems with signs of anthracnose are removed and burned. The bed is weeded, the bushes are thinned out. It is necessary to give the culture fresh air.

    all leaves, flowers, fruits, stems with signs of anthracnose are removed and burned

    There are also several treatments for coal sickness.

    Among them are the following:

    1. Treatment with fungicide Metaxil. This effective remedy, which can eradicate pathogenic fungi. You can spray garden strawberries 3 times: the first time late spring, the second - at the beginning of summer, then - at the end of June. The breaks between procedures should be short - about 14-20 days. 10 g of the drug is diluted in 3-4 liters of water. This amount is enough to spray a standard strawberry bed. Cost 25 gr. funds - about 30-40 rubles.
    2. The drug Antrakol can stop the development and reproduction of fungi. His positive aspects: it is not addictive in pathogenic organisms, it can be alternated with other drugs, and is non-toxic. The price of the drug is about 30 rubles per 25 grams. To prepare a solution that is used to spray strawberries, you need 5 grams. for a 10-liter bucket of water. However, Antracol does not dissolve in water as well as Metaxyl. You will have to wait half an hour until it completely dissolves. It is important to spray on a calm day. Treatment can be carried out 2 times per season.
    3. A solution of iodine can destroy the fungus. This folk way. According to gardeners, it is quite effective in the early stages of the disease, and also very economical. For a 10-liter bucket of water, 10-15 drops of iodine are enough. In addition to fighting fungal infections, this cocktail kills pests. The method is ideal for the thrifty gardener. In addition, it is not labor intensive at all.

    Important! Using iodine, you can disinfect the soil in autumn and spring. The beds are watered with the solution after digging.


    • A summer resident should purchase only healthy strawberry bushes.
    • The optimal distance between bushes is 35-45 cm.
    • Before planting young strawberries, their roots are treated with fungicides Skor, Fitosporin-M.
    • Do not over-water the beds or over-feed them with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.
    • It is important to weed the strawberry plantation on time. All old leaves and tendrils are removed.

    It is important for a gardener to know what diseases can cause strawberries to dry out. This is necessary to properly organize treatment. However, it is best to take preventive measures against known ailments, because preventing diseases is much easier than engaging in labor-intensive treatment, spending money on various drugs.

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