Hello to all fighters.
I’ll try to briefly talk about the brakes in the game and what to do about it.
Simplified for the user, “brakes” are divided into two categories:
Slow drawing (rendering) of the image and, as a result, low FPS (frames per second - the number of frames drawn per second).
Network lags (lags) are delays in the transmission of data on the Internet, leading to a slower reaction of the tank to your commands and to strange behavior of other tanks: driving jerkily, randomly appearing or disappearing, etc.
You can view the rendering speed (fps) in the game in the upper right corner during the battle. In general, for our tank gameplay, below 15-20 fps is slow, 20-30 is average, above 30 is quite good.

I’ll say right away that the game is not yet optimized for rendering speed - on weak and medium-sized machines there may be strong “brakes”, especially with a large number of players on the map. We will optimize, including expecting a lot from the next version of our engine (Bigworld), which we plan to switch to in the near future.
For most people, I recommend setting the graphics detail in the lobby settings to “medium” - this will significantly increase FPS and make the game more comfortable.
Additional steps that can be taken if all else fails and the game has slowdowns and graphical glitches:

Install the latest version of DirectX. You can get it at the following addresses:
Install the latest video card drivers.
For Nvidia:
http://nvworld.ru/drivers/ or
For AMD/Ati:
http://www.radeon.ru...ds/drivers/#wxp or
Important! Before installing new drivers, do not forget to uninstall the old ones (via Add/Remove Programs) and restart your computer.
Lags or network delays. They occur if network packets with information disappear or are delayed on the way from your computer to the game server. The reasons for lags can be different: your communication channel is clogged, for example, with torrent downloads; for some reason one of the routers on the way to the game server is overloaded; the game server may be overloaded with a large number of players or game sessions.
You can determine exactly where losses and delays occur using the PingPlotter program (http://www.pingplott.../pngplt_std.exe). The program is a trial, it works for 30 days, although after that you can use it, you just need to wait after downloading until the “do it later” button appears. In order not to wait, you can simply buy the program.
Install and launch. In the “address to trace” field we write: . In the “trace interval” field, set 1 second and press the “start” button. A list of routers (Hops) will appear through which information packets travel from your computer to the game server. Right-click on each of them and select “show this timeline graph” from the context menu. For each router, graphs will appear showing packet loss (red vertical lines) and delay (black line in graph form).
Then you can start the game and look at the graphs. If there are few losses of pacts on them (single red lines scattered across the graphs) and the delays are small (black graphs of network delays are mostly in the green zone), then everything is fine with your Internet connection and you can play normally.
If, on the contrary, frequent red lines appear on one of the routers, or they even merge into wide red stripes, or the delay graph constantly hangs in the red zone, then this router is precisely to blame for the poor quality of communication.
If this occurs closer to the first hops, then these may be delays at your provider or in your network (if, for example, you are connected to the Internet through your home network). If this appears on the first hop, or the program does not show anything: there are few red lines, the graphics are in the green zone, but there are still network “brakes”, see if your communication channel is overloaded: downloads, Skype, torrents, automatic program updates (operating system or antivirus). It would be a good idea to check your computer for viruses.
If problems occur close to the game server (maximum 1-2 hops from it), then these may be server problems. By the way, we will fight this mercilessly - closer to release, network traffic will be highly optimized and the game will be less dependent on lags.
What to do about it?
If there are problems on your computer, then figure it out yourself: look, configure, clean; or call a competent friend who can help you.
If there are problems on the game server, you need to complain to our technical support (although if we have problems, we most likely already know about it and are trying to fix them). For everything else, you can complain to your provider: “Why is my connection to this server so bad?” If the provider is sane, then the problem can be solved. You can add screenshots from a ping plotter to complaints as “evidence” (File\Save Image menu).
That, in a nutshell, is all.

World of Tanks from Wargaming has become the most popular MMO game on the RuNet in a couple of years. Its developers are putting all their efforts and resources into new updates. The company does not stand still in terms of developing patches. So, at the end of September - beginning of October 2014, update 9.3 will appear, which will introduce new top-end light tanks and functions that were not there before to the game. A patch that has already been nicknamed “Physics 3.0” is just around the corner. It is this patch that can separate a small portion of users with weak computers from all players. Many people remember what happened with the advent of patch 0.8.0, which introduced new tank movement physics into the game. Owners of computers with weak hardware fully “felt” the lost FPS. How to remove lags in World of Tanks?

Lags in the game occur for several reasons. Sometimes these reasons are related to each other. And often, in order to get rid of lags, you have to do a huge amount of work to optimize the client and computer. In fact, lags can occur due to high ping or low FPS, as well as incorrect client settings and installation of unnecessary mods.

Working with a computer

So, if there are lags during the game, then the first thing you should think about is increasing the performance of your computer. PC hardware is the main factor affecting the frame rate in the game. For a comfortable game, 24 FPS is enough, but it is better to have an FPS with a reserve, since, for example, when shells explode or an ammunition rack explodes, the FPS quickly sags and small lags occur.

So, the first step is to clean your computer of excess junk. First, transfer the game to drive C, if you previously installed it on D. The game will run “faster” from the system drive. Secondly, remove unnecessary files from local drive C. Movies, music or pictures should not be stored on this drive. Third, clean your disk of temporary files. The CCleaner utility will help you with this. You can download “Sclener” from any popular software portal. After installation, launch the utility and click the “Analysis” button on the “Cleaning” tab. After analysis, click the “Cleaning” button.

We do the same cleaning with the registry. Select the “Registry” tab, click “Search for problems”. Then click the “Fix” button.

You should also definitely look into startup. Unnecessary programs load the system and “eat up” computer resources. Open the “Tools >> Startup” tabs and disable everything except the antivirus.

Viruses are often the cause of poor PC performance. Run a full system scan and clean your computer of all “evil spirits” in the form of Trojans, viruses and worms. If you don't have an antivirus, you can download free Avast, Avira or Security Essentials from Microsoft.

In addition to software cleaning of your computer, it is worth cleaning your computer in the truest sense of the word. Dust, which accumulates over time on the internal parts of the system unit, interferes with normal cooling. When the video card or processor overheats, then temporary lags occur in the game. Therefore, you need to regularly clean the system unit or laptop from dust. Having disconnected the equipment from the network, open the side of the system unit case and blow out all the dust with a vacuum cleaner, trying not to damage the wires and parts. A cotton swab can be used to clean radiators and fan blades. The main thing is to clean the cooler of the power supply, processor and video card.

After cleaning your PC, you should think about updating the drivers for your video card. Fresh drivers always guarantee high video card performance. If you have a video adapter from Nvidia, then you have probably come across the NVIDIA GeForce Experience program, which allows you to optimize your video card for any game. Be sure to take advantage of GeForce Experience, as this excellent utility will give you the opportunity to get the most out of your graphics card.

Working with the client

How to remove lags in WoT? If you are still interested in this issue, then first you need to configure the client correctly. If the game constantly lags, it means you have selected the wrong settings. First, we enable the server crosshair in order to know exactly where your crosshair is at a certain point in the game, and disable swinging in sniper mode, as well as the dynamic camera.

Secondly, you need to switch to standard graphics, remove all effects in sniper mode, and also disable track marks, smoke and foliage transparency.

In addition, you should choose a lower graphics quality. All these actions will lead to an increase in frames per second and a decrease in the number of lags.

Having configured the client correctly, you should get rid of mods that waste FPS: “deer tracker”, “smart” mini-map”, the durability of tanks in the “ears”, fancy futuristic sights. In addition, due to unoptimized mods, the client or game interface may not load. If possible, try to play on a “clean” client.

Client optimization

If all of the above actions have not brought any benefit and the game still lags, then it’s time to start taking measures to optimize the client. There are special compressed textures for World of Tanks. Textures with 25/50% compression are considered popular. After installing them, the client loads faster, and the FPS increases several times. If you are interested in this feature, then look for a thread on the official game forum with compressed textures from AHuMex.

In addition, you can use the WoT Tweaker utility, which allows you to disable unnecessary effects in the game and thereby increase FPS.

Another reason for lag is high ping. True, solving the problem with high ping in the game is quite simple. The first step is to choose the server on which you have the lowest ping. To determine such a server, special mods or the WoT Pinger utility will help you. After selecting a server, disable all Internet-related programs: downloaders, torrents, and, if possible, Skype and ICQ. In addition, it is recommended to disable your antivirus and firewall while playing. If the ping is still high, then you should change the operator.

As for laptop owners, few of them pay attention to proper cooling. Buy special stands with fans, and also set the power settings to “High performance”.

Minimum and maximum graphic settings for World of Tanks 1.0

World of Tanks has a very wide range of graphics settings to suit the maximum possible gaming configurations. But at the same time, WoT The game is quite demanding on hardware, because at maximum graphics settings the system requirements are far from moderate, and you will need a fairly powerful computer to play comfortably at maximum graphics settings, especially with the HD texture pack installed.

Difference between minimum and maximum graphics settings:

As you can see from the screenshots, the differences are simply colossal. At maximum settings, texture detail, picture quality and image clarity are many times better, and all objects receive additional details. In general, you yourself can clearly see the difference between minimum and maximum graphics.

Basic graphics settings World of Tanks 1.0

Now let's go through the main parameters that directly or indirectly affect the performance of the game.

- Graphics quality

“Graphics quality” is the main parameter that affects the overall picture quality in World of Tanks. Depending on what setting is set here, the remaining parameters will depend. At the first stages of setup, we would advise not to touch this parameter, but to set the recommended settings by clicking on the corresponding button, which is located next to the graphics quality. When you set the recommended settings, the game will conduct several tests of the video card and processor in the background and automatically set one of the profiles. We will build on this and continue to find a balance between performance and picture quality.

- 3D render resolution and screen resolution

“3D render resolution” allows you to change the graphics resolution without changing the screen resolution. By decreasing the value of this parameter, fps and game performance increase quite significantly, but at the same time, there is a significant deterioration in detail and picture quality. We would recommend changing this parameter in real time using the key combination RShift (Right Shift) and “+” to increase it, and RShift (Right Shift) and “-” to decrease it. This way you will see changes in fps in real time, and in the future you will be able to set the 3D render resolution to a level that is comfortable for you. With the release of global update 1.0, it became possible to set a dynamic change in 3D render resolution, i.e. the game will automatically adjust this parameter based on your system configuration, which will be even better than adjusting this parameter manually.

“Screen resolution” is also one of the most important parameters affecting game performance. However, with him everything is extremely simple. This parameter should be set in accordance with the resolution of your screen. If your resolution is 1920x1080 (FullHD), then World of Tanks it's worth putting it in. To improve performance, you can slightly reduce the resolution in the game, setting it to, for example, 1280x720 (HD), but in this case you should expect blurring of the image. Therefore, you should lower this parameter only in extreme cases, when changing other settings does not help.

- Vertical sync and triple buffering

The “vertical sync” parameter limits the frame rate in accordance with the scan rate of your monitor, i.e. If your monitor has a refresh rate of 60 Hz and the “monitor refresh rate” parameter is set to 60 Hz, then when vertical synchronization is enabled, the frame rate in the game will not exceed 60 fps. “Triple buffering,” in turn, equalizes the frame rate to certain comfortable standards - 30, 45 and 60 fps, allowing you to avoid the appearance of artifacts in the image in World of Tanks. We recommend enabling both options.

- Angle of View (FoV)

“Viewing Angle (FoV)” is a parameter that changes the viewing angle of the player’s camera in World of Tanks. It does not directly affect performance, however, it can affect it indirectly. The fact is that by setting the viewing angle to the maximum value of 120°, more game objects will appear on the monitor screen that require processing by the processor and video card, so in theory, by reducing the viewing angle, you can improve game performance, however, in practice we do not Noticed no effect of this parameter on fps.

- Monitor refresh rate and full screen mode

Performance impact: no

The “monitor refresh rate” parameter is automatically set by the game in accordance with the scan rate of your monitor. This parameter does not have any effect on fps or performance in the game. Full-screen mode also does not affect the performance of the game, however, there is an opinion that it is still better to play World of Tanks it is in this mode because If the game is launched in a window, then the computer will have to process the desktop additionally, which will increase the load on the system, and in full-screen mode you can gain several fps. However, we did not find any evidence for this theory and we did not notice any difference in performance between these modes.

Other parameters, such as: monitor, color blindness mode, color correction and gamma, which are located in the “Display” window in the graphics settings do not affect performance in any wayWorld of Tanks .

Advanced graphics settings World of Tanks 1.0

Let's move on to the advanced WoT graphics settings, where the user is given the opportunity to manually set additional graphic parameters.

- Graphics

Performance Impact: Critical

The choice between standard and enhanced graphics has the greatest impact on performance and fps. World of Tanks. Switching to standard graphics disables most of the advanced settings, which greatly affect the detail and performance of the game. On relatively weak systems, we recommend setting this parameter to standard.

- Lighting quality and shadow quality


“Lighting quality” is a parameter that affects dynamic effects such as sunlight, deep shading, optical effects, as well as the gamma of the image. It is not known for certain what specific lighting technology is used in WoT, but if you have a 9th or 10th generation video card, then the quality of lighting will not greatly affect the overall performance of the game, and if the graphics adapter is powerful but relatively old, for example, some GeForce GTX 780, then you should not set the value to “ultra”.

The “shadow quality” parameter affects the dynamic rendering of shadows from objects (tank, tree, building, etc.) and has a fairly strong effect on performance World of Tanks, because shadows are a fairly resource-intensive effect in almost any game. To get the coveted 10-15 fps increase, we recommend getting rid of this parameter, freeing up a decent part of the GPU video memory.

- Post-processing and motion blur quality

Performance Impact: Low

The “post-processing” option adds and improves various additional cinematic effects, such as shading around the edges of objects, the effect of hot air from damaged tanks, etc. Motion Blur Quality is an optional extra feature that adds blur to the edges while the tank is moving. For an online game, these effects are unlikely to be useful - rather, they will distract the player from really important game goals, so on relatively weak video cards we recommend disabling both parameters.

- Water quality and landscape quality

“Water quality” is a parameter that adds reflections of objects from water, and also adds the effects of waves and vibrations of water when the tank moves in it. “Landscape quality” is the drawing range and quality of detailing of the land. The quality of the landscape quite heavily loads the processor and video card, and when it is turned off or set to a low setting, landscape objects that actually exist disappear in the game, but they will simply not be visible. This parameter is important from the gameplay side, because the enemy can hide just behind some small hill and you will see him, but when you shoot at an enemy tank, the shell will simply hit not him, but this “invisible hill”. Therefore, it is not recommended to reduce this parameter to the lowest; it is better to set at least the average value.

- Terrain tessellation and terrain tessellation in sniper mode

Performance Impact: Low

“Terrain Tessellation” and “Terrain Tessellation in Sniper Mode” are relatively new graphical options that arrived in the global update 1.0. They are responsible for dynamically rendering the quality of the landscape in real time in normal mode and in sniper mode while aiming. For performance World of Tanks do not affect much, but on relatively weak computers, we recommend disabling them.

- Vegetation detail and amount of grass

Performance Impact: Medium.

These graphic settings, as the name suggests, are responsible for the amount and detail of grass and vegetation. In general, it is recommended to enable both options. However, if the graphics adapter does not have enough video memory or the fps drops sharply when vegetation, trees, foliage and grass appear, it is better to disable them to increase game performance.

- Transparency of foliage and grass in sniper mode

Performance Impact: Low.

“Foliage Transparency” and “Grass in Sniper Mode” are less significant performance parameters that are responsible for drawing foliage at close ranges and in Sniper mode while aiming, respectively. Since they do not greatly affect the number of frames, it is recommended to enable them, but, as in the case of the vegetation detail settings and the amount of grass, on relatively weak systems it is better to neglect these parameters for the sake of a slight increase in performance.

- Quality of additional effects and additional effects in sniper mode

Performance Impact: Low to Medium

Both parameters affect the quality of various additional effects, for example, fire and smoke in normal mode at close range and in sniper mode while aiming, respectively. To free up additional video card memory and slightly improve performance, it is better to disable them.

- Improved destruction physics

Performance Impact: High

Enabling the “improved destruction physics” parameter loads the processor quite heavily because the game has to constantly refer to it when processing physics during the destruction of objects (tanks, buildings, etc.). For weak processors, of course, it is not recommended to enable this option.

- Effects from under the tracks and tracks of tracks

Performance Impact: Low

The parameters “effects from under tracks” and “tracks of tracks” are responsible for the presence of display of tracks from tracks and saturation with the effects of scattered earth, soil, splashes of water and other effects while the tank is driving. Both parameters do not have a significant impact on fps and performance, but by disabling them, you can free up video memory and its further redistribution to the overall quality of detail.

- Antialiasing

Performance Impact: Medium

The “smoothing” parameter makes the edges of objects smoother and removes various “jags” from them. As a rule, anti-aliasing is a rather resource-hungry graphical setting, but in World of Tanks it does not have such a critical effect on performance, so even on relatively weak PCs you can set the minimum or even average value, but if fps stays below 30 frames, then the best solution to improve performance is to disable anti-aliasing.

- Object detail and drawing distance

Performance Impact: Medium

“Draw distance” and “object detail” are relatively new graphical characteristics that appeared in the global update of World of Tanks 1.0. They are responsible for the detail and drawing range of all objects in the game, including those that are located at a large distance from the player. At the same time, these parameters are quite demanding on the resources and memory of the video card, so on weak computers it is definitely worth disabling them, but if the PC configuration allows, then you can set the values ​​to at least medium settings to get better and more detailed objects.

- Texture quality

Performance Impact: High

“Texture quality” is probably the most basic parameter that quite strongly affects performance, as well as the quality and detail of the image in World of Tanks, including all 3D objects in the game. The higher the quality of the textures, the clearer and more detailed the picture looks. This parameter directly depends on the amount of built-in video memory of the graphics adapter.

The higher the volume, the less memory will be used for texture processing. If there is not enough memory for the selected value, then there will be drops in fps, so when setting the quality of textures, we recommend starting from the average values ​​of 30, 45 and 60 frames per second. If, for example, sharp jumps in fps are noticed at the average value, then it is better to set this parameter to a minimum.

General recommendations for increasing the performance of World of Tanks 1.0

After the release of global update 1.0 for the tank simulator World of Tanks, the game has switched to a new graphics engine, so the old and new settings do not compare with each other. Minimum and low graphics settings work with standard graphics, while medium, high, maximum and ultra work with enhanced graphics. It is also worth considering that the standard SD client WoT offers the same set of graphics presets as the HD client, with the exception of high-resolution textures, which require a graphics card with more memory. In any case, both for powerful gaming systems and for relatively weak computers, it is recommended to regularly update drivers for video cards, regardless of the manufacturer. For example, in the latest (at the time of writing) drivers for graphics adapters Nvidia- 391.01 support for new games has been added (and improved), including updated to version 1.0 World of Tanks.

As we said earlier, you should resort to detailed graphics settings after setting the recommended values. Only after the game itself tests your system and sets a certain graphics preset, should you manually change the parameters in order to achieve a balance of the best performance with acceptable picture detail quality.

Not everyone can boast that they have a super-powerful computer that squeezes 150 FPS at maximum graphics settings. On the contrary, statistics show that most tankers have weak computers and World of Tanks slows down so much that " bend over"Let's figure out what the problem is, maybe we can do something?

World of Tanks for weak computers?

Although the BigWorld engine used in the game provides an excellent server part, the structure of which is capable of supporting colossal loads and excludes the possibility of using classic cheats, the client part is a little lame, in particular in matters of optimization, distribution of resource use on multi-core computers, as well as graphics. But what to do if World of Tanks slows down?

First you need to understand whether your patient (computer) is alive or rather dead, look at the settings and look at the characteristics. These are the minimum system requirements recommended by the game developers themselves:

  • Operating system: Windows XP /Vista /7 /8
  • Processor (CPU): 2.2 GHz
  • Random access memory (RAM): 1.5 GB for Windows XP, 2 GB for Windows Vista/7
  • Video adapter: GeForce 6800/ ATI X800 with 256 MB memory, DirectX 9.0c
  • Audio card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
  • Free hard disk space: 9 GB
  • Internet connection speed: 256 Kbps

This does not mean that if your computer does not reach the minimum, the game will not run. It’s just that the greater the gap between your system parameters and these characteristics (for the worse), the more difficult it will be for you to play due to various brakes.

Let's understand the cause of the problem

Let's figure out why it may be uncomfortable to play World of Tanks. The game slows down primarily due to a lack of system resources. If your funds allow it, then of course the best option would be to buy a new PC or at least replace the processor or add RAM (if the system allows it).

What should you pay attention to? Let's look at a few responsible pieces of hardware:

  • The processor is the head of your computer
  • video card - responsible for graphics
  • RAM - stores temporary data in its buffer

If even one of these elements is a weak link, then you can catch the brakes. Of course, within the framework of this article we will not delve into such equally important details as the motherboard bus or the core frequency of the video card.

Freeing up memory

We have already briefly discussed why World of Tanks slows down, now let’s get down to action.

If there is not enough video memory

This is all due to your weak video card. This deficiency can be cured by lowering the graphics quality in the game settings. You can also use the program to disable additional effects that cannot be disabled so easily in the game.

If there is not enough RAM

We need to build on what we have. If you have 2GB or less installed, then my advice to you is to buy more. RAM is not expensive now, I bought 2 sticks for 8 gigs at 1,000 rubles each, although I could have found it cheaper.

But, if this is not possible, well, we free up the operative space. First of all, even before launching the game and asking reasonable questions “what to do if World of Tanks lags,” you need to look at what programs you have running. Close everything! Browser, player, all sorts of Skype with ICQ and Quips, torrents and other programs. We're closing everything!

If this does not help, you can resort to the help of special software that frees the RAM from unused data. One of these programs is Wise Memory Optimizer, instructions for which you can watch in this video:


Those who are experiencing problems are wondering when playing World of Tanks without comfort - why does the game freeze? If all of the above tips did not help, then you can get a little hardcore and delve into the issue of optimizing the client and your computer as a whole.

Master Yoda:
"The brakes in World of Tanks are caused by a weak computer".

  • - this material contains links to the best tips and mods to improve game performance.
  • - a lot of useful information, including a description of the program for overclocking a video card.

Hello to all World of Tanks fans! Today we have an extremely important topic on the agenda; we will find out why the World of Tanks game is slowing down. Many players are faced with the problem of insufficiently high FPS and “sticking”. In this article we will discuss the main reasons for such glitches.

All of you, or some of you, in addition to WoT, also play offline games. In a single-player game, you can go through levels with slight slowdowns, this is not very annoying, because you can always boot up and replay the problem area. In multiplayer entertainment, which includes World of Tanks, everything is a little more complicated, we are playing a game with real players in real time, if we lose the battle due to lags, it will not load. In general, the brakes make it very difficult to play effectively in dynamic battles. First you need to find out the original source of the problem.

Possible reasons

The first reason is the banal speed of your Internet, or rather, the lack thereof. Very often, our providers begin to temporarily fail, there are connection breaks and a decrease in speed. All this entails lags in the game. If your WoT ping is constantly high, contact your service provider to fix the problem. Let us remind you that the lower the ping, the more comfortable it is to play. An excellent option is a ping of less than 50 ms; if the number increases beyond 200, then it becomes more difficult to play, jerks are observed, but experienced gamers can win with such indicators. To reduce slowdowns, do not play with a torrent enabled for downloading, if your Internet speed is low, also disable all programs that “eat up” the Internet channel.

The second reason for slowdowns in WoT is more extensive - the computer is too weak for the game, or the WoT settings cost more than your PC can afford. First of all, read the World of Tanks system requirements in this article and check the hardware of your computer. If your PC has hardware for playing at medium settings, and you set it to high, then don’t be surprised and don’t ask questions why the World of Tanks game is slow, the answer is obvious - the computer is too weak, lower the graphics quality.


But most often it turns out that the PC doesn’t seem to be weak, but the game still slows down, here you already need to delve into each individual thing you did:

  1. Video card. The main reason for lags is the lack of video memory; perhaps a couple of years ago “tanks” had enough of 512 MB, but with gradual graphics updates, the appetite for the game has grown significantly. Now you need to have 1 GB of video memory in stock (or better yet, 2 GB). But keep in mind that cheap video cards with a 64-bit bus, but with 2 or 4 GB, will not provide you with high FPS (read more about this in the article about video cards for World of Tanks). The problem can be solved either by purchasing a new, more modern video adapter, or by disabling and lowering some graphics settings, for example, shadows, lighting, and anti-aliasing “eat up” the largest amount of video card resources.
  2. Processor. The CPU is an important component of a gaming PC, but not as important as the video card. Brakes can occur due to a weak processor; if you have 1 core, then do not be surprised by the lags, this is no longer enough for normal performance. In this case, you will have to do an upgrade.
  3. RAM. If your PC has 2 GB of RAM, and even an outdated type of DDR-2, then the brakes in World of Tanks are quite understandable; the game does not have enough of that amount of memory. It should be taken into account that in addition to the game, RAM is “eated” by our operating system, as well as all sorts of running programs. For normal functioning of the PC, you will have to purchase another 2 GB of RAM (if you already have 2 GB installed) to become 4 GB. If you have extra money, you can increase the memory capacity to 6 or 8 GB, it certainly won’t make things any worse. Keep in mind that if you have 4 GB of RAM, and the “tanks” still lag, then disable all third-party programs running in parallel with the game: Skype, torrent, browser, etc. (more about choosing RAM for WoT,).
  4. operating system. Also a very important component of a gaming computer. A friend of mine had an interesting incident. His PC ran WoT normally, he played without lags or slowdowns, but at one point the game started to become very slow, he didn’t know what the reason was, he thought maybe the heat was taking its toll or the hardware was failing. But then he remembered that his Windows had not been reinstalled for about 2 years, a friend reinstalled the system, reinstalled the “tanks” and, lo and behold, everything began to work normally again. Therefore, in case of brakes, remember how long ago you reinstalled your OS. Periodic cleaning of the registry and debris in the system will also be useful; the Ccleaner program does an excellent job with this task.

We really hope that our article about why the World of Tanks game slows down on your computer helped you. Check the power of your PC, don’t forget to clean it of debris (and dust), periodically reinstall the OS, and WoT will “fly” on your computer!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):