Mosquitoes are annoying insects, but at the same time they have their own characteristics. For example, it is known that female bloodsuckers love to sting mainly women, and among the ladies they mainly choose blondes.

Everyone encounters mosquitoes at least once in their life, but everyone has heard a characteristic squeak in the air in the dark of the night when you are already going to bed. It is he who foreshadows that an attack by these small bloodsuckers is possible. An encounter with mosquitoes results in unpleasant consequences for many. And in some regions of Russia, the invasion of these insects turns normal life into hell and a nightmare.
Who bites.
It is worth understanding that mosquitoes bite people for a reason, but for a very specific purpose - usually females bite people in order to provide food for their clutch of eggs. Male mosquitoes, as a rule, are content with a vegetarian menu - plant juice and flower pollen. Females do not accept this option, because... on such food they lose the opportunity to lay eggs. The number of offspring will directly depend on the amount of blood consumed and the ability to renew reserves. One clutch contains 30−150 eggs, and a female mosquito produces her offspring once every 2−3 days.

Who is chosen?
It has long been a proven fact that mosquitoes do not bite everyone. They, like real gourmets, have their own preferences and passions. There are a number of assumptions according to which female mosquitoes can select their prey. One of them is blood type. After all, mosquitoes are interested in protein that is in the blood of a certain group - and often we're talking about about the first one. Also, mosquitoes can be attracted to representatives with the third blood group, but these bloodsuckers like the second less.
There is also a version that mosquitoes are attracted by the smell of carbon dioxide that a person exhales. So the more often you breathe, the more likely you are to get characteristic bite. It is believed that it is for this reason - more frequent breathing - that children are often targeted
Smells can also be interesting to mosquitoes due to metabolism. The faster it is, the higher the blood temperature rises, the smell of acids - uric and lactic - becomes intense, and the aroma of ammonia and sweat increases. Mosquitoes really like all this.

The smell of alcohol also makes a person an attractive victim. After all, not only the “aroma” of ethanol itself, but also the increase in body temperature against the background of its intake literally calls females for a snack.

Pregnant women are also at risk. They also have a higher body temperature due to an increase in blood volume and acceleration of its flow through the vessels, which is why they breathe more often.

Why are bites dangerous?
And everything would be fine in a collision between a person and mosquitoes - some would be saturated, others would not notice it - if mosquito bites would not be dangerous. True, not for everyone. Some people are predisposed to an allergic reaction to an insect sting.

The thing is that at the moment of a mosquito bite, the mosquito releases saliva with protein structures that anesthetize and prevent blood clotting. This is necessary so that a person does not have time to notice it certain time and did not destroy it. It is this protein that is the main irritant for the human body, and the body begins to become more active in order to as soon as possible remove it and minimize harm. Against this background, that same characteristic reaction develops. Anna Shulyaeva, an allergist, tells what you should pay attention to and in what situations you should urgently consult a doctor:
- An allergy to mosquito bites can manifest itself as severe itching or a blister, and it can grow and turn into a draining spot that occupies the entire surface of the skin. This happens, for example, if a mosquito bites your arm or leg. The reaction can also be from the outside nervous system- this includes vomiting, nausea, even anaphylactic shock and loss of consciousness. Such manifestations are usually observed in adults. In children, everything is often limited to an enlarged blister and severe itching.
An unexpected reaction to a mosquito bite can develop if there has been a climate change, for example, with a sudden change in time zones, due to the presence of concomitant pathologies, changes in the immune system. Often this problem develops against the background of worms. In adults, an overly active reaction can develop in the presence of malignant tumors.

If an adult has such a reaction, when the swelling and blister increase, the state of health is disturbed, problems with consciousness are noted, it is necessary to provide him with first aid - give an antihistamine, put cold on the bite site and apply a bandage to prevent the reaction from spreading further.
For children, first aid may be to take an antihistamine and perhaps also apply ice if necessary.
If the active reaction does not go away within a day, or the symptoms increase: the itching intensifies, the blister enlarges, some new spots appear, the swelling spreads, and other symptoms appear, then you should definitely consult a doctor. If a blister persists for a week or a lump appears in its place, it is also worth visiting a specialist. You need to see a doctor because severe local reactions require treatment with hormonal ointments, and only a specialist can prescribe them.
If an overly active reaction develops during the first day and does not subside, it is necessary to emergency assistance in the form of either an adrenaline injection or a prednisolone injection. Both are injected either into the bite site or intramuscularly, so that the body completely devotes its strength to stopping this hyperproduction of antibodies to the entry of the allergen into the body

How to escape.
If you are prone to allergies to mosquito bites, you should study their habits and preferences. For example, mosquitoes love humidity. That is why there are many of them where it is damp and warm - the optimal parameters for them are: +16 degrees and humidity 80−90%. This means that on days of prolonged rain, downpours and floods, the chance of an entire invasion of blood-sucking insects increases noticeably.
The following are considered negative for mosquitoes:
- Air temperature +28 and above - they cannot be active in such conditions
- Air temperature below +12 - they can neither fly nor bite in such situations
It is natural that living in ideal conditions not everyone can. Therefore we have to select different options struggle. But even here you should try not to make mistakes, so as not to harm your body.

Thus, in the first place among protective agents are chemicals in the form of repellents. This is a special liquid that is packaged in cans and supplied under pressure. It should be applied to the skin and renewed every 3-4 hours.
If you follow the instructions:
- Apply without enthusiasm
- Gently spread over skin
- Wash it off your skin before going to bed
- Use according to the age stated on the label
- Wash your hands thoroughly after using the product
Then nothing bad will happen. Naturally, you should not spray such substances into your eyes, mouth or ears. This means they should be kept out of reach of small children.

Also as protective agent repellents are offered in the form of ointments. The principle is the same, only the release form is different. The main thing is to follow the same simple rules.

For children great solution will be a special bracelet impregnated with repellent. But even here it is important to understand that such a remedy cannot be used in children who are at an age when they put everything in their mouth.
Fumigators are a product that protects a large area at once, for example, in a room. These are devices that have a nerve-paralytic effect on mosquitoes. They work with plates or liquid that release insecticides when heated. Such protection can last for 30 or even more nights. When using such a device, the windows in the room must be open. In this case, the accumulation of insecticides does not occur, and they themselves are released in quantities that are not dangerous to humans.
if there is mistrust chemicals, you can connect traditional medicine. For example, an aroma lamp filled with basil, geranium, eucalyptus oil, tea tree, citrus various kinds. This composition will not be dangerous for humans. You can also try putting cotton wool with camphor on a saucer. Vanilla turns out to be an unexpected repellent. It can be dissolved in water and sprayed on both the room and the human body.

Zika, malaria, dengue fever - the catalog of diseases spread by mosquitoes is constantly expanding. These harmful insects do not allow you to sleep, squeaking in front of your face all night long. People are looking for and using all kinds of remedies for them.

But why do they bite some, while others are of little interest to them? Research shows that 20% of people are particularly fond of mosquitoes. Jay Jonathan, a professor of medical entomology at the University of Florida in Vero Beach, calls this group losers. And he says that there are two most attractive factors for mosquitoes - the type of person and.

There are many myths about what attracts and repels these mosquitoes, for example, some believe that bananas and vitamin B12 help. However, scientists name other factors. Some of them can be adopted to avoid pests and reduce the use of harmful chemicals to scare them away.

What attracts mosquitoes - scientists' opinion

Man's clothes

Mosquitoes choose their prey visually, with their own eyes. Jay says: "especially in the afternoon main way searching for people through vision." Wearing dark-colored clothing (black, dark blue) and red makes it easier to spot a person.

Blood type

Blood is a kind of nectar for mosquitoes. Adult mosquitoes use nectar for nutrition, and females- proteins in our blood for the production of eggs. So it's not surprising that some types may be preferred over others.

It has been proven that people with the first blood group (type O) are twice as attractive to mosquitoes as those with the second; with the third group (type B) - located in the middle. In addition, 85% of the population produces a secretion that signals what kind of blood they are, and is therefore more vulnerable to mosquitoes.

Carbon dioxide

Mosquitoes feel carbon dioxide at a distance of up to 50 meters. And the more people exhale it, the more attractive they become. But since a person exhales carbon dioxide through the mouth and nose, mosquitoes hover around the head, squeak and land on the face.

Sweat and heat

Mosquitoes sense other odors besides carbon dioxide. They can sniff prey from top to bottom, attracted by lactic and uric acid, ammonia and other compounds secreted by sweat.

Mosquitoes also love running people: a hot, sweaty person turns out to be tasty prey for them. Vigorous exercise increases the accumulation of lactic acid and heat in the body. Of course, genetic factors also influence the amount of uric acid and other substances, which is why some are more attractive than others to these insects.

Skin bacteria

According to scientists, the types and amounts of bacteria on human skin also have a certain effect on mosquitoes. Our skin is replete with natural microbes and has a special smell. This also explains why some mosquitoes are drawn to ankles and feet, a particularly fresh source of bacteria.


It turns out that some types of mosquitoes are 2 times stronger than others in attracting pregnant women. Experts attribute this to an increase in the exhalation of carbon dioxide (20% more than normal) and an increase in body temperature. It has been established that the belly of a pregnant woman is 0.5 ° C warmer, and mosquitoes, as already mentioned, love a warm body.


Experts found that significantly more mosquitoes attacked experimental participants who drank 0.5 liters of beer, compared to those who did not drink it. Scientists believed that this was due to the increased ethanol content in sweat and temperature from the consumed drink, but they could not find definitive evidence for this.

So no one yet knows why cunning pests target beer lovers. But research continues.

Mosquitoes and midges are carriers of many infections in different parts light, and therefore they are regularly the subject of much research. Some of them focused on what attracts mosquitoes to certain types of people and repels others.

With the arrival of summer, many of us ask ourselves the question: “why do mosquitoes love to bite me so much?”, especially when the little bloodsuckers find the only uncovered piece of skin as soon as we stick our nose out for an evening walk. But there are people for whom even clouds of blood-sucking insects are not a problem. So what's the difference? Why don't mosquitoes bite everyone?

It turns out - in many ways. Scientists have found several reasons why mosquitoes cannot resist the temptation to bite some people and, like hell, are afraid to fly up to other people.

A little about gender

We all know that only female mosquitoes feed on blood; males have enough plant food and moisture. Females bear offspring, but larvae need a full set of nutrients. Where to look for it, if not in the blood of large mammals, such as humans? Our blood is an almost ready-made nutritional cocktail for tiny mosquito larvae.

However, among the victims of flying bloodsuckers there was also some sexism. Some studies have shown that mosquitoes prefer to bite children and young women because their skin is thinner and easier to bite through.

Carbon dioxide

Mosquitoes and mosquitoes, like sharks of the air, flock to the smell of blood, which they can smell several kilometers from the victim. However, this is not their main sensory stimulus. Mosquitoes find victims by the carbon dioxide we exhale. The more carbon dioxide a person produces, the more insects he attracts.

Certain types of people produce more CO2 than others. These types include, for example, large people, pregnant women, beer drinkers and people who sweat a lot.

Blood group

Mosquitoes are famous for their selectivity, looking for “that” taste of blood. Scientists explain this selective approach by blood type. Some groups attract them more than others, for example the first, especially if it is Rh negative.

A team of scientists from Japan conducted a small experiment; they tested the reaction of several groups of mosquitoes to people with different blood groups. The mosquitoes mostly circled around the people in the first group. Even those individuals who had their proboscis removed settled on representatives of the first blood group.

Chemical secretion

Mosquitoes also have a big sweet tooth. They prefer the blood of people, whose secretion releases saccharides, they make the skin “taste sweeter.” Another mosquito “delicacy” is lactic acid. It is formed during the breakdown of glucose in our blood. Eating certain foods and being physically active increases the body's production of lactic acid. Increased carbohydrate intake and heavy physical activity attract insects.


Billions of different bacteria and microbes live in our body and on the surface of the skin, providing each person with a unique aroma. Bacteria in the pores and on the surface of the skin are responsible for the odor of sweat. And here mosquitoes show their pickiness and selectivity.

Dutch scientists have discovered that a high concentration of one particular type of bacteria strongly attracts mosquitoes, while large number types of microbes and bacteria, on the contrary, repels insects.

Main goal of research

Scientists and pharmacists conduct research to identify and isolate individual elements, which attract or repel mosquitoes and midges to create a universal bacteriological spray that will protect the skin from mosquito bites.

Well, who among the constant victims of these itchy bloodsuckers would not want to cover themselves from head to toe with harmless bacteria in order to get rid of the eternal persecution? However, research is moving painfully slowly, and mosquitoes are famous for their high ability to adapt, so there is no need to get too excited. Traditional methods No one has canceled insect protection yet!

Now is the peak of mosquito season, and if some lucky small insects do not touch, many mosquitoes literally give no rest. Scientists are trying to understand what makes some people such attractive prey. Molecular biologist L.J. Zwiebel, a professor of biology at Vanderbilt University, agreed to comment on this topic.

Sweet smell of success

Mosquitoes find their warm-blooded prey by capturing the heat and carbon dioxide that mammals exhale. Pregnant women and larger people are more likely to suffer because they expend more energy than the average person.

Mosquitoes are also guided by their sense of smell. “No matter what my grandmother said at the time, my blood is not sweet,” says Dr. Zwiebel. - Mosquitoes do not distinguish between the quality of blood. They are attracted to the human smell, which is largely generated by bacteria that live on our skin.” “The flora and fauna of our skin,” according to the biologist, smells delicious to mosquitoes, and when we sweat or spend a lot of time outside, this effect can be enhanced.

To the best of Dr. Zwiebel's knowledge, there is no scientific evidence to support the Internet claims that insects are repelled. high level cholesterol or diabetes. Taking vitamin B, garlic or special medications also does not help.

Immunity to bites

After working with biting insects for 20 years, Dr. Zwiebel now says he can stick his hand in a container of mosquitoes and be bitten hundreds of times and not show it. Children who have been bitten much less in their lives than adults may react more strongly to bites because their immune systems have not yet reached full maturity. However, adults who complain that mosquitoes prefer their blood are usually wrong. “Some people have more allergic reactions to stings than usual, so they may appear to be bitten more often than others, even though they most likely are not,” says Dr. Zwiebel.

What to do?

For those who have blisters and scratches all over their body, Dr. Zwiebel advises not to itch in the first place. When a mosquito bites, its saliva remains in the wound, containing, among other things, anticoagulants and a local anesthetic. The body recognizes it as something foreign and sends histamines to counterattack. When we itch, we simply spread that saliva, promoting the production of antibodies, which only makes the itching worse. This is how it turns out to be a vicious circle.

For those whose skin becomes very swollen and itchy from bites, “you should talk to your doctor about taking daily preventative over-the-counter antihistamines", says Dr. Zwiebel. You will still get bitten, but you may not even notice it because the medications will prevent it. allergic reaction, turning a painless bite into a serious nuisance.

The cleaner the better

Female mosquitoes bite us because they need to feed on blood to obtain proteins that allow them to complete their reproductive cycle and lay healthy eggs. To reduce being bitten, wash yourself antibacterial soap so that fewer bacteria that attract bloodsuckers live on your skin.

Other ways to avoid being bitten: Try not to leave the house between dawn and dusk, when mosquitoes are most active. Install an outdoor fan to keep insects away. Wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts unless it's too hot to do so. Dr. Zwiebel also recommends spraying clothing with a repellent that contains diethyltoluamide, a chemical that targets mosquitoes' olfactory receptors. “It works, and until they come up with anything better, this repellent is the most effective way prevent bites,” he says.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively from foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

If you are bitten by a mosquito, it means you are still young. And you shouldn’t be so angry with him, even if he doesn’t let you sleep. A mosquito squeak can tell you a lot about your health.

Adoctor,therapist, rehabilitologist, valeologist, naturopath, herbalist,nutritionist Boris SKACHKO suggestshow to decipher mosquitoesbites.

Boris Skachko


A mosquito bite is the simplest test by which you can determine a person’s biological age. And if a mosquito bites you, that’s good: your biological age is young. Or rather, not a mosquito, he is a vegetarian and feeds on plant juices, but a mosquito. After all, she, too, is looking for not the worst food for herself, because for reproduction she needs good blood of warm-blooded animals, including human blood. And by the heat generated, she searches for her prey. Therefore, if a mosquito chose you, it actually gave you a quality mark.

Who is not afraidmosquito bites?

For those who have vegetative-vascular dystonia and who regularly become depressed. In these conditions, a person’s blood is thicker and cannot fully ensure metabolism. As a rule, such people have low blood pressure and their extremities become cold.

And if you wear clothes that leave only your hands bare, the mosquito will not touch them. This is an indicator that you have high blood viscosity, which means you have a high cardiac risk and are at very serious risk.

If the mosquitoes choseyoufrom a decent companyI congratulate you!

Carbohydrates give us energy. And if two thirds of the energy human body able to extract from carbohydrates, then from a metabolic point of view, you have a good biological age. And these two-thirds of energy make it possible to release carbon dioxide from your body. Therefore, if mosquitoes chose you from a decent company, I congratulate you.

Who is rarely bitten by mosquitoes?without protective equipment, go to the nearest green zone.Test yourself: suddenly they will remember that you also exist in this world. And they will try to drink your blood and show you that you have not aged much yet. And this is a very serious test.

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