The plum fruit tree, and especially its species such as damson, are quite stable crops for growing in areas with a not very favorable climate. Fruiting usually does not exceed 15 years, and then the trees stop producing crops. In harsh conditions, it is possible to cultivate only especially winter-hardy varieties obtained through selection of Canadian and Ussuri groups.

The chemical composition of plum fruits is very diverse and depends on the type, maturity of the fruit, and soil. Thus, yellow fruits contain a lot of carotene, B vitamins, folic and nicotinic acids. It should be noted that plum differs from many fruit plants in its increased content of vitamin E. It contains much more of it than pears, tangerines, cherries, but less than peaches and rose hips.

Among the mineral substances, plums contain compounds of iron, iodine, potassium, copper and zinc.

Plum has a mild laxative effect and helps remove cholesterol from the body. It is recommended for kidney diseases and hypertension.

The history of the plum

The history of the appearance of plums in gardens is almost documented, and as for the history of the appearance of plums as botanical species, then it is unexpected.

Homer, describing the garden of King Alconius in the Odyssey, mentions pomegranate, pear, apple tree, grapes and olives, but there is not a word about plums. And this is not surprising, since the Greeks became acquainted with this plant much later.

But already in the III–IV centuries. BC e. The ancient Greek scientist Theosphatus describes two cultivated varieties of plum. He also mentions a noble variety of plum with very sweet fruits, perhaps this is a description of the domestic plum.

The domestic plum came to Greece and Egypt from Asia, since it is believed that this is where its homeland is located. But how did this species appear where two others grew - diploid cherry plum and tetraploid sloe? Very simply - from extreme cross-pollination.

The history of the plum, enshrined in written sources, begins in the 4th–6th centuries. BC e. The noble plum was widely cultivated in Egypt; it was used not only in fresh, but also prepared for future use.

Currently, plums can be found in almost all countries with a temperate climate.

What does a plum tree look like?

Plum is a deciduous tree and a stone fruit crop. Currently, up to 40 species of plums common in the wild are known, 3 of them grow in Russia. Most known species- domestic plum.

The tree reaches a height of 6-12 m. Life expectancy is 20–25 years, depending on care and variety. The productive period of plums is 10–15 years. It bears fruit in the 2-7th year - after planting, depending on the variety. Root system The tree is taprooted, the bulk of the roots are located at a depth of 20–40 cm. The stems of young shoots are bare or tomentose-pubescent, red-brown or greenish-yellow. Old trunks and branches are dark gray in color. Plum leaves are alternate, simple, elliptical or obovate, dark green above, grayish-green below.

Plum shoots are divided into growth, fruit and mixed shoots depending on the ratio of growth and flower buds. Plum flower buds are simple and produce 1–3 flowers. Plum blossoms in the 1st-3rd decades of May for 6-12 days. The flowers are white, with a greenish tint. Fruits in August – October. Fruit – juicy drupe round or elongated shape. Descriptions of the color of the fruit of the plum tree range from pale green to black-blue. The fruits are also yellow, red, purple or black and blue.

In the minds of many, a plum is a plant with large dark blue or purple ovoid tasty fruits with yellow or greenish juicy pulp. Plum fruits are round, green or yellow in color. In fact, the real plum is a wild thorn that grows on the edges of the forest and has small, sour, sometimes astringent fruits. Another variety of plum is cherry plum, growing in the Lower Volga region and the North Caucasus. The fruits of cherry plum are larger, but its frost resistance is significantly inferior to thorns.

These photos show what a plum tree and its fruits look like:

The most favorable zones for growing plums are the southern, middle zone and Far East. Flower buds and the ends of the growths are the most frost-sensitive parts of the plum tree. Therefore, this crop is rarely grown in the northern regions. But in recent decades, new frost-resistant varieties of plums have been developed, growing in the Urals and Siberia.

What types and varieties of plums are there: photos, names and descriptions of trees

The cultivated plum grown in gardens is a hybrid of sloe and cherry plum, the so-called home plum. Its fruits are larger, tastier and juicier than sloe fruits, but the winter hardiness of home plums is much lower.

There is also a type called damson. This plant resembles a plum, but its fruits are smaller, tart and not as tasty as homemade plums.

A special place in the description of plum varieties is occupied by “large-fruited sloe”, or damson plum. This is a hybrid of domestic plum and small-fruited sloe. The taste of its fruits is distinguished by an unusual combination of acid, astringency and sugar. You can’t eat much of it fresh, but after the first frost it is a real delicacy. It is often used to make compotes, preserves and jam. Therefore, in many regions, for example in the Volga region, it is the leading variety.

Most of the best varieties of plums are classified as domestic plums. Based on their characteristics, these varieties are divided into different groups, namely:

Hungarian– plum with elongated, mostly dark-colored fruits, its pulp is dense; used fresh, as well as for preparing prunes and for freezing;

Greengage– plum with large fruits that have a round or round-oval shape, the color of the fruit is green, yellow, sometimes red or purple, the pulp is juicy and sugary; fruits are used fresh and for preservation;

Mirabel– plums with small fruits, round or oval in shape, the color of the fruit is yellow or green, the pit is round, easily separated from the pulp; used in canning and making jam;

Egg plums have very large, oblong-oval fruits, the color of which is often yellow; They are consumed mainly fresh.

These photos show types of plums that are popular with gardeners:

Most varieties of domestic plums begin to bear fruit in 4-6 years. There are varieties that begin to bear fruit much earlier, already in the 3rd year. They are distinguished by high yields and are demanding of moisture.

The lifespan of different types of plum trees depends on the varieties and their growing conditions. The average lifespan of a plum tree ranges from 15 to 60 years. At good care from 1 tree you can get up to 100–150 kg of berries per year or more.

Below you can see photos and names of the best varieties of plums.

An interesting variety is "Volga Beauty". It has a piquant taste and is one of the most winter-hardy.

Among the new varieties we can highlight "Vavilovskaya" And "Peaceful". They also have interesting taste qualities, but a little smaller than the “Volga Beauty”.

"Opata"- a hybrid of plum and cherry, bred at the end of the 19th century. It is small in stature and belongs to the dwarf cultivated trees. Its fruiting begins early; already in the 2nd year you can get a good harvest. However, its fruits are small - the weight is only 10 g. If it is pruned, it can be grown as a bush.

"Anna Shpet". The variety was bred in Germany in the Shpet nursery. A tree of medium height, with a sparse spreading crown. The variety has average winter hardiness. The time for fruiting comes early, already at 4–5 years, and you can get a good harvest every year. Annual shoots are short, slightly pubescent, and brown. The leaves are dark green, wrinkled, elongated. The fruits are medium-sized or large, weighing on average 30 g, individual fruits reach 45 g. The seam on the surface of the fruit is weakly expressed. The thickness of the stalk is average, the length is 15–20 cm.

The fruit has a medium-thick skin, the color of which is light or dark purple. The variety is characterized by the presence of a large number of yellowish subcutaneous dots in the fruit, which gives its color an originality.

Almost the entire surface of the fruit is covered with a light blue coating. The stone has a light brown color, a rounded-elongated shape, the top is blunt, the base is slightly pointed, the ventral suture is convex. The bone is difficult to separate from the pulp. The pulp is greenish-yellow, medium-dense, fibrous, juicy, the taste of the fruit is sweet. The time to ripen begins in early October.

"Vaneta". This is an interspecific hybrid bred in the USA. The tree is medium-sized, with a spreading crown, occupies a lot of area, so you rarely see it in small garden plots. The variety has low winter hardiness. The harvest is irregular, but very high. Feature varieties - fruit buds can form even on long-term (4-5 years) wood. Fruit orange color, have a flat-round shape, medium size. The ripening period is average. The taste is mediocre. The pulp does not lag behind the bone. The fruits are consumed both fresh and for processing. They are often attacked by the codling moth.

"Hungarian homemade". The variety was bred in Asia Minor. Also known under the names “oposhnyanka”, “common Hungarian”, “uger”, prunes, etc. It has high winter hardiness. The time to bear fruit comes relatively late, in the 5th year. Productivity is high, annual. The trees are vigorous, have a dense crown of a wide pyramidal shape. Annual shoots are bare, thin, hairless, and have small conical buds. The leaves of this variety are distinguished by wrinkles, an ovoid elongated shape, and serrated edges. The fruits are of medium size, their weight is 20–22 g. The shape of the fruit is elongated-ovoid.

Ripening occurs at the end of September. They are stored fresh for 3 weeks. They tolerate transportation well.

The skin color is dark purple, with a matte blue coating. The pulp of the fruit is golden, yellow-green, dense. The taste is pleasant, sour. The fruits are consumed fresh, and also used for drying, preparing compotes, jams, marinades and other types of processing.

"Red quick-ripening"- the result of folk selection. Frost-resistant, self-fertile. It begins to bear fruit in the 4th–5th year. The fruits ripen in the second half of August.

"Moscow Hungarian" has dark red fruits with a purple bloom, a sweet and sour taste, processed fruit products are of excellent quality, especially juice with pulp and jam. The stone is easily separated from the pulp. The fruits ripen in the second half of September. The variety is the most productive and resistant. She is self-fertile.

"Memory of Timiryazev"– medium-sized, winter-hardy. It begins to bear fruit in the 3rd–4th year. The fruits are yellowish with a bright blush, have a pleasant sweet taste, and ripen in early September.

"Spark" is a small tree. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 2. The fruits are yellow with a blush. The pulp is yellow or pink-yellow, juicy, sweet and sour. The bone is well separated from the pulp. The fruits ripen in mid-September.

"Smolinka"(VSTISP, authors Kh.K. Enikeev, S.N. Satarova). An early ripening variety with beautiful large fruits of good taste. The fruits weighing up to 30–35 g are dark purple, ripen on August 14–25, suitable for fresh consumption, drying and freezing. The taste is sweet with sourness, the flesh is greenish-yellow, juicy, the stone easily separates from the pulp. Productivity up to 6–7 kg per tree. The variety is early-bearing, self-sterile, the harvest is irregular, it bears fruit on annual growth and on bouquet branches, pollinators are varieties of domestic plums. Winter hardiness is average, resistance to fungal diseases. The trees are tall - up to 5 m. Recommended for growing in the central regions of the chernozem and non-chernozem zones.

"Yakhontovaya"(VSTISP, authors Kh.K. Enikeev, S.N. Satarova, V.S. Simonov). Early ripening variety with high yield and fruits of dessert quality. The fruits are large – weighing 30–35 g, round in shape, bright yellow in color, ripen on August 15–18, suitable for fresh consumption and processing. The taste is sweet, the flesh is yellow, juicy, the bone easily detaches from the pulp. Productivity is high - up to 70 kg per tree. The variety is medium in early fruiting, fruiting is regular, pollinators are domestic plum varieties. Winter hardiness is good, resistance to fungal diseases is average. Trees up to 3–5 m high. Recommended for growing in the Central region of Russia.

"Extra Early"– the variety was obtained at the Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture. Seedling from free pollination of the Tatar yellow variety. Authors L.A. Sevastyanova, G.E. Osipov. Early term maturation. Resistance to diseases and pests is average. The variety is winter-hardy, moderately resistant to cluster blight, early-fruiting, and used for tableware. The tree is low growing. The variety is early fruiting. It begins to bear fruit in the 3rd–4th year of life. The fruits are small, 12 g, round-oval, red-wrinkled, green with a double-crested edge. Propagates well by budding and green cuttings. The variety is zoned in Krasnodar region and has proven itself well in central and southern regions Non-Black Earth Region.

Varieties such as yellow-fruited also deserve attention:

"Collective Farm Renklod", bred by I.V. Michurin, but still widespread in gardens

"Vitebsk Late"

"Egg Blue"

In the southern regions of the Non-Black Earth Region, varieties of the Black Earth zone do well:

"Voronezh Hungarian"

"Soviet Renklod"


The “Late Beauty” variety, bred at the Rossoshansk Horticulture Station, stands out for its very high winter hardiness and large, beautiful dark blue fruits.

"Viola"high-yielding variety late ripening period - the first ten days of September. Grows as a low tree. Annual yield is up to 25–30 kg per tree. The variety is highly self-fertile. The fruits are medium, weighing 20 g, blue, pleasant sweet and sour taste, suitable for fresh consumption and processing. Disease resistance is above average. Winter hardiness is average.

"Pearl of the Urals"– a high-yielding partially self-fertile variety of medium ripening, grows as a tree with a spreading crown. Fruit good taste, universal purpose, medium size - up to 25 g, green, with a dark brown tan. It is difficult to separate the pit from the pulp. The variety's winter hardiness and resistance to pests and diseases are high.

"Mashenka"– high-yielding, mid-season variety with large fruits of blue-violet color and very good taste. The variety is early ripening - it begins to bear fruit in the third year. The variety's disease resistance and winter hardiness are high.

"Renklad Tenkovsky"– a winter-hardy, high-yielding variety, suitable for cultivation in the conditions of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and other regions with harsh climates. The trees are medium-sized with a spreading crown. The fruits are medium-sized, round-oval, orange-reddish, with a waxy coating. The fruits have a pleasant sweet and sour taste, ripen in mid-September, and are suitable for fresh consumption and processing. The variety is self-sterile. Pollinated by the following varieties: Skorospelka red, Eurasia 21, damsons. Resistant to pests and diseases.

"Sineglazka"– a medium-ripening variety. The bushes are medium-sized. Winter hardiness and productivity are high. The fruits are small, oval, dark blue. The taste of the fruit is pleasant, sweet and sour, slightly astringent, suitable for fresh consumption and processing. Ripen at the end of August. Productivity is high. Amateur gardeners like it because it produces little growth. The variety is self-sterile. Pollinators: Red beetle, damsons.

"Skoroplodnaya"– a promising variety for the Middle Zone. It begins to bear fruit early, in the second or third year after grafting. Flowering early. The fruits are medium in size, round in shape, red in color, very juicy, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Consumed fresh. Ripen in mid-August. The variety is self-sterile. The best pollinators: Ussuri plum, Alyonushka, Zarya, Red Ball, Sister of the Dawn and others. Winter hardiness is comprehensively high.

"Tatar yellow"- a medium-ripening variety. Bushes of medium vigor - 2.5–3 meters high, with a spreading crown. Winter hardiness is high. The positive thing is that it blooms late, after the spring frosts have passed. The fruits are medium-sized, amber-yellow in color, have a pleasant sweet-sour taste, and ripen in the first and second decades of August. Productivity is high.

"Thorn large-fruited"- a medium-sized bush with a rounded crown. The fruits are relatively large (13–16 g) and ripen late, at the end of September. They contain tannins and are mainly used for processing: compotes, jams. The yield is high - up to 10–15 kg per bush. Winter hardiness is high.

"Edinburgh"– one of the most winter-hardy varieties of Western selection. A strong tree with a dense branched crown. The fruits are dark red and round in shape. The pulp is very juicy, greenish in color, the bone is not completely separated from the pulp.

Common sloe- grows in the form of a bush. The taste of the fruit is very mediocre, somewhat improved after light autumn frosts. The fruits contain a lot of tannins. Sloes are highly winter-hardy and are widely used by breeders to develop new varieties of winter-hardy plum species. Thorn has one undesirable quality: it forms a lot of root growth, which is difficult to eradicate and spreads in large quantities within a radius of about 3 m from the bush.

Taking into account the characteristics of plum varieties, when choosing seedlings, along with large fruit and good taste, experienced amateur gardeners attach primary importance to complex winter hardiness: bark, wood, leaf and fruit buds.

These qualities are most fully possessed by common thorns, large-fruited blackthorns, and varieties:


Red early ripening

Yellow Khopty

Renklod Tenkovsky and etc.

Look at the photos of plum varieties, the descriptions of which are presented on this page:

Plum varieties for central Russia

The best plum varieties for central Russia:

Hungarian Moscow

Eurasia 21

Blue gift


Red early ripening


Memory of Timiryazev


Egg blue and etc.

The Swedish variety Opal showed itself well, self-fertile and productive, sufficiently winter-hardy for the conditions of the Non-Black Earth Region. Bears medium-sized red-violet fruits.

Plum grows as a tree or in the form of a tall bush. In the central zone, its bush forms with a low crown are usually grown.

The main reason preventing the intensive promotion of plums into the gardens of the middle zone is its insufficient winter hardiness. In terms of winter hardiness, it is significantly inferior to the apple tree, and even somewhat inferior to the cherry tree. Plum suffers especially hard in regions with sharp changes in winter temperatures. Prolonged thaws are detrimental to her kidneys, which then turn into quite very coldy. Therefore, the most important condition for cultivating it in harsh climatic conditions is the presence of winter-hardy varieties. The second reason is that many varieties of plums are cross-pollinated and, like cherries, require the presence of certain pollinating varieties in the garden to bear fruit.

Many novice amateur gardeners, not knowing about this feature of the plum, observe in surprise: why does the plum bloom profusely, but there are no fruits?

Then, naturally, disappointment sets in, the thought appears that it is a wild, unvarietal one, and the plum is completely removed from the garden, although all that was needed was to plant a pollinating variety in the garden.

How to plant a plum in the spring: planting tree seedlings in open ground

In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, the buried seedlings are checked (without digging them out of the digging yet) to see if there is any damage by rodents or broken stems. The seedling is dug up from the dig just before planting. For planting plum seedlings in the spring, well-lit, sunny places protected from cold winds are most suitable. Planting can be done along fences, but on the sunny side. It is also necessary to take into account that tall trees: apple and pear trees should not shade it. Therefore, plum plantings are located with south side

these trees. To plant plum seedlings, holes are dug 80–90 cm wide and 50–60 cm deep. The top, fertile layer is thrown to one side, the bottom to the other. A planting stake is installed in the center of the hole and filled 2/3 with the top layer of soil mixed with organic and mineral fertilizers (15 kg of rotted manure or compost, 1 kg of simple or double superphosphate, 0.1 kg of potassium chloride or 1 kg wood ash

to reduce soil acidity). It is not recommended to add lime to avoid burns to the roots. Planting is carried out by two people, one installs a seedling with cola, spreads the roots over the mound, and another covers them with fertile soil. The root collar should be 35 cm above the soil level. A hole is made around the seedling and the plants are watered. The seedlings are tied to the stake with twine or film in the shape of a figure eight. The groundwater level in the area should be no higher than 1.5 m. Otherwise, it is advisable to raise the soil by 40 - 50 cm or plant on mounds.

Having finished planting, when caring for plums in open ground An earthen roller is made around the seedling and watered with two or three buckets of water. When the water is absorbed, the soil is mulched. The seedling is loosely tied to the stake with soft twine or a rope made of a rag.

When developing a new site, the soil is dug up with preliminary application of lime over the entire area at the rate of 0.4 - 0.5 kg per 1 m2. The seedlings purchased in the fall are dug into a trench 35–40 cm deep for the winter, laid them obliquely and the roots are covered with soil up to half the bole. The soil around is trampled down. In winter, plants covered with snow are better preserved from frost. Plum grows best in an elevated place, with light loamy soils. The distance between trees is 2.5 – 3.5 m.

The time for planting plum trees depends on the climate: it can be planted in the spring before buds open or in the fall 1.5 - 2 months before the onset of frost, when the plant is dormant.

In central Russia, plums are planted in the spring. At autumn planting The seedlings do not have time to take root well and grow stronger and often freeze out in winter. If the seedlings had to be purchased in the fall, then they are dug in, covered with pine spruce branches, then at the very beginning of winter with snow. This way they will survive the winter well.

How to care for a plum tree

Plums reproduce by seeds, grafting, and root shoots. Some varieties of plums, such as Skoroplodnaya, produce a relatively large percentage of cultivated plants when sown with seeds. To do this, the seeds are sown in the fall in well-prepared beds to a depth of 6–7 cm and mulched with humus or compost before the onset of winter. The thickness of the mulch layer should be 2–4 cm. Shoots appear in the spring.

To grow plum seedlings, use “large-fruited sloe” or the most winter-hardy variety“Red early ripening” plums. From the seeds of these varieties, a seedling is grown, onto which the required variety is then grafted. The shoots growing near old plum trees are also used as a rootstock, and you can also try to root green cuttings. Seedlings are more suitable for growing dwarf plums felt cherry. If an ordinary cherry tree does not graft onto a felt tree, then a plum tree grows beautifully on it.

When caring for a tree, remember that plum is demanding of moisture, sandy loam soils are not suitable for it, and it does not like dry places. By the end of summer, the plum is watered moderately to prevent it from drying out.

In this period high humidity does not negatively affect the condition of the tree, but can worsen the ripening of wood, which will reduce the winter hardiness of fruit buds. If you do not pay enough attention to watering, it will lead to the same result. Dry summers can negatively affect plum yields. Therefore, the tree, especially before the harvest ripens, must be watered. The soil between the rows is sodded. Why do you mow the grass 5-6 times a season and leave it in place as mulch? In this case, watering should be more frequent.

Plum develops better on neutral soils, but in central Russia they predominate acidic soils. Therefore, in places where plums are planted, liming is carried out every 5–6 years. The rate of lime application depends on the acidity of the soil. On average it is 400–800 g/m2. If the soil is light, then the rate of lime is reduced, but on heavy soils, on the contrary, it is increased. Liming is recommended to be done in the fall. For this purpose, lime along with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are scattered over the soil surface and dug up.

To reflect sunlight it is necessary to whiten the trunk, just before the onset of frost, dig up the plum and hill it high so that the place of grafting and root collar were insulated. Important condition growing a plum - as the tree grows, a circle around the trunk with a diameter of 30 - 60 cm should be left cleanly plowed.

Soil care consists of weeding, loosening, fertilizing and mulching with a mixture of humus and straw. You can also make mulch from straw, hay, sawdust, or ground corn cobs.

To care for plums as carefully as possible, to protect trees from birds, it is good to plant mulberries nearby; birds love its berries more than plums.

The wood of the plum tree is quite brittle; after entering the full fruiting phase, care must be taken to ensure that the branches do not crack under the weight of the fruit. One of the features of growing plums is the provision of a system of supports and strapping:

  • small branches that need support can be tied with ropes to the central trunk;
  • balance large branches located opposite each other;
  • place supports in the form of slingshots under branches heavily loaded with fruits.

Top dressing when caring for plums in spring

When caring for plums, fertilizing is necessary. For normal growth and good fruiting minerals and organic fertilizers. Before planting, the soil must be enriched. Before filling the soil, the top fertile layer is mixed with 15 kg of rotted manure or compost, 1 kg of wood ash and 1 kg of simple superphosphate per 1 m2. The latter can be replaced with 0.5 kg of double superphosphate. In the first year after planting, no fertilizer will be required.

Over the next 3 years, when caring for plums, 20 g/m2 of urea is added every spring. After the plum enters the fruiting season, 25 g of urea, 10 kg of compost or manure, 200 g of tree bark or 20 g of potassium chloride, 60 g of simple or 30 g of double superphosphate are planted annually per 1 m2 of tree trunk circle.

It is recommended to add urea in the spring, and phosphorus fertilizers in the fall. Compost or manure can be added either in the spring or fall. After fertilizers have been applied, you must immediately dig up tree trunk circles to a depth of 15–20 cm. Closer to the trunk, in order to avoid damage to the roots, the digging depth is reduced.

The next section of the article is devoted to how to prune a plum tree and shape the crown of the tree.

How to prune a plum correctly: features of the formation of the tree crown

Immediately after planting, begin pruning and shaping the plum crown. Trim the tops of newly planted trees to balance them with the roots: leave 3 - 4 main branches located in different directions, delete the rest. Leave the side branches only 15 cm long. Shorten the leading shoot so that it is 15 - 20 cm higher than the top branch.

In subsequent years, when pruning the plum tree, all shoots of the tree that give an annual growth of more than 50 cm are removed. The formation of the plum tree lasts 3–4 years. By the beginning of fruiting, you need to form a compact tree that does not have branches extending at an acute angle and interfering with each other.

In the future, pruning, as an element of care, can be reduced to cutting out shoots that are not part of the skeleton, removing damaged and broken branches. Depending on the density of the crown, either thin it out, or direct future shoots into the crown, cutting to the inner bud. It is necessary to keep the top of the tree open so that the sun penetrates to the lower branches and fruit branches. Root shoots should be constantly removed, tops should be removed or included in the crown, transferring fruiting to them. Skillful pruning of the crown can keep the plant in good condition. active growth and high productivity.

The plum harvest is formed on last year's shoots, spurs and bouquet branches. When pruning, be careful not to accidentally drop the flower buds on these fruit formations. It is necessary to thin out fruits that have set in too large a quantity, leaving a distance of 2–7 cm between the fruits. Otherwise, brown rot will settle in the places where the fruits touch and spread spores.

Plums are often susceptible to heart rot, which is caused by improper pruning. The shoots should be cut as short as possible; stumps that are too long give bacteria a chance to penetrate into the wood. Pruning should be done in the spring before the buds open, and the wounds should be covered with garden varnish.

Depending on the characteristics of fruiting, plum varieties are divided into 2 groups: European and Ussuri. Fruiting of European plums occurs mainly on short bouquet branches. Ussuri plums bear fruit on long annual growths and short bouquet branches. Both varieties have bouquet branches on perennial wood. These features are taken into account when pruning plum trees.

During care when growing plums in the first years after planting for crown formation and strengthening fruit branches European forms cut loosely. When they begin to bear fruit, thickened, broken and incorrectly positioned branches become the target for pruning. Old trees stop growing, and their branches are densely overgrown with fruit branches. To restore growth on such trees, more severe pruning is carried out on 2-3-year-old wood. The cut is made on the outer lateral branch. The peculiarity of strong pruning of plums is that it improves growth, resulting in the formation of more productive fruit trees.

A characteristic feature of Ussuri plums is their high fruitfulness. In varieties of this species, fruit buds are formed both on annual and perennial shoots, as well as on trunks and trunks. In this case, abundant fruiting does not occur. positive results, since it causes the fruits to become small, the trees stop growing, and as a result, the yield falls.

Therefore, pruning of Ussuri plums is carried out in order to obtain annual harvests and improve the quality of the fruit. To prune plums correctly, as practice shows, you need to thin out the bouquet buds and shorten the long annual shoots by about half.

The plum begins to bear fruit in the 4th – 6th year after planting. Homemade plums are distinguished by high winter hardiness and high yields, unlike other stone fruits.

The plum bears fruit for 13–15 years, then its plantings should be renewed.

Plums should be collected in different terms depending on the purpose of the fruit:

  • at the stage of medium softness, remove plums for canning;
  • When fully ripe, remove plums for dessert;
  • leave the prunes on the tree for a long time so that they gain sugar content;
  • In case of long rains or cold dew, remove the fruits in advance, otherwise they will spoil.

To collect, you can place trays with wire mesh at the bottom under the trees and carefully shake the plums into them.

The video “Pruning and shaping the crown of plums” demonstrates all the subtleties of these agricultural techniques:

Or Medovka

Prunus domestica L.

Family - Pink - Rosaceae

The parts used are flowers, young leaves and young shoots, bark and roots, fruits.

The popular name is Ugorka, Hungarian, Renklod, Honeydew.

Botanical description

Honeydew or House Plum is a tree up to 15m high, with slightly prickly branches and a wide or narrow ovoid crown.

The leaves are alternate, simple, short-petiolate, elliptical or obovate, serrated along the edge, pubescent below, 4-10 cm long, 2-6 cm wide. Flower buds are simple, producing 1-3 flowers. The flowers are white, pink, 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter, solitary or in bunches, consist of five green sepals, 25-30 stamens, one pistil with a superior ovary, blooms in April - May. The fruit is a drupe of various shapes, sizes and colors. The seed is flattened, pointed at both ends; the fruits ripen in June - August.

Home plum - the life of the tree depends on the variety and can reach 25 years, the productive period is 10-15 years. The plum tree is not found in the wild. It occurred by hybridizing cherry plum with sloe.

Collection and preparation

Flowers are harvested during the budding period. Dry in the shade or under a canopy. The leaves are collected after the plant has flowered, ventilated in the sun and dried under a canopy or in a well-ventilated attic. Fruits after they ripen. Roots and bark are harvested from bushes to be cut down, cleared of soil, washed cold water, wither in the sun and dry in a dryer at 60 - 70°C. Store raw materials in bags or closed containers, leaves, flowers and fruits for 1 year, roots and bark for 3 years.

Active ingredients

Sugar, acids, mainly malic and citric, tannins, pectin, fiber, carotene, vitamins C, 81, P, mineral salts, dyes.

Healing effect and application

Honeydew or House Plum has choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, laxative and antimicrobial, analgesic, diuretic, and anti-atherosclerotic effects.

Honeydew or Homemade Plum in folk medicine is used to treat diseases of the gallbladder, stomach and intestinal disorders, constipation, heartburn, kidney disease, rheumatism and gout, and hypertension. hypovitaminosis, anemia, inflammatory processes in the urinary tract. Plum increases appetite and removes radionuclides from the body.

Plum fruits are consumed fresh or dried for prolonged constipation, heartburn, to soothe gastrointestinal pain, help remove cholesterol from the body, they are useful for atherosclerosis, kidney disease, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, rheumatism and gout.

Non-drying oil for the medical industry and cosmetic purposes is obtained from the seeds of the domestic plum.

The juice improves appetite and digestion and can serve as a source of vitamins for the body in winter, and also has antibacterial activity against Giardia and other protozoa.

A decoction of plum leaves in vinegar is used to lubricate old and festering wounds, achieving faster healing. Fresh or steamed dry plum leaves are used as a wound healing agent.

Flowers, in contrast to fruits, have a mild laxative effect, regulate intestinal motility and contraction of the hepatic ducts, and have a positive effect on metabolism in the body. Flower preparations help with constipation, skin diseases, stomach colic, bloating, nausea, shortness of breath and neuralgia.

An infusion of plum leaves and flowers is used for inflammation of the kidneys and Bladder and for dermatoses.

A decoction of the bark is used for diarrhea and malaria, externally for erysipelas and for douching for leucorrhoea.

Plum fruits are widely used in the food, confectionery and alcoholic beverage industries.


- Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of crushed plum leaves, boil in a water bath over low heat for 20 minutes and let steep for 30-40 minutes. Strain and apply to wipe damaged areas when treating acne several times a day. ( ).

- Pour 25g of crushed water into 1 glass of boiling water and let it brew like tea. Strain and take 3/4 cup 3 times a day before meals. (Constipation).

- Boil the prunes in milk, remove the pits. Apply hot to calluses, and when the berry cools down, replace it with hot. Carry out this procedure without interruption for as long as possible. (Calluses).

- Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed bark into 1 glass of hot water and boil in a closed enamel container in a water bath for 30 minutes. Strain, bring the volume of the resulting decoction with boiled water to the original volume and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. (, malaria).

- Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves into 1 glass of hot water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Bring the volume of the resulting infusion to the original volume and take 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals. (Inflammation of the kidneys and bladder).

The plum, according to most researchers, is one of the most ancient fruits known to mankind. The plum appeared in Europe thanks to the inhabitants of Syria and almost immediately became a very popular and fairly widespread fruit.

Today, more than one hundred species of plum are known, which are distributed mainly in northern temperate latitudes. globe. It's great that these numerous varieties they take root well in a wide variety of climatic conditions, so now the plum is a full-fledged resident in many garden plots.

Useful properties of plums

Plums are especially rich in vitamin P and P-vitamin substances, which help lower blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels. Moreover, vitamin P is well preserved even during processing. Coumarins were found in the leaves and fruits of plums, which have the ability to prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, cure thrombosis, and also dilate coronary vessels.

Traditional medicine recommends plum fruits as a medicine for the treatment of throat and cough diseases. The fruits are used as an expectorant for respiratory diseases. Juices, fruit drinks, preserves, jams and marmalade are prepared from plums.

One of the most important properties plum fruits: they regulate digestion. Everyone knows their laxative properties. But for other types of disorders, they, like blueberries, perform a regulatory function. Plum fruits help cleanse the blood, relax the lower digestive tract and cleanse the stomach. Plums are very effective in treating diseases caused by excess bile. Plums strengthen the liver and cleanse the blood, expelling toxins from the body.

They are good both fresh and dried. In terms of nutritional value and content of fiber and vitamins, prunes are five times richer in them than fresh fruits. Prunes have a laxative and diuretic effect, healing effect for atherosclerosis, cholecystitis, liver, heart, kidney diseases, and hypertension.

In addition, plums protect against free radicals and can even improve your mood. Doctors have also recognized the beneficial properties of plums.

Prevents hypertension.

Potassium in plums helps lower blood pressure and regulates the body's water balance.

Improves digestion.

Helps strengthen bones.

Dried plums contain the extremely valuable, but very rare element boron. This element helps prevent osteoporosis. A diet rich in prunes helps increase bone density. This also applies to postmenopausal women because they are at greatest risk of developing osteoporosis. Regulate cholesterol.

Dietary fiber lowers bad cholesterol. Health problems begin when there is too much in the body bad cholesterol.

Protection for the heart.

Thanks to antioxidants, prunes prevent heart disease. And potassium prevents the absorption of bad cholesterol, which is important to minimize the risk of heart disease. People who eat foods rich in fiber are 11% less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases(according to the World Health Organization, 20-40 grams of fiber are needed for healthy people).

Prunes are in some ways much more beneficial than fresh fruits. Because they are actually five times richer in vitamin A (1606 IU per 100g) and dietary fiber than fresh fruit. Due to the abundance of iron and phosphorus, prunes are recommended for vegetarians. 3 prunes a day or a glass of dried plum compote regulates digestion. This is due to the high content of ballast substances, or pectin. Unfortunately, prunes contain more than 5 times more calories than fresh prunes with pits - they contain up to 267 calories per 100 g

Plums will help you lose weight.

Plums (fresh and dried) contain a lot of fiber, which effectively fills the stomach and regulates intestinal function, prevents constipation, improves metabolism and speeds up digestion. Dried fruits contain much more calories than fresh plums (a handful of fresh plums is about 40 kcal, and a handful of dried plums is already 160 kcal).

Remember, however, that we are talking about moderation and common sense, so a few plums a day (including dried ones) certainly won't hurt, considering the fiber content, it can help you lose weight. This is quite surprising considering the nutritional value of prunes (100 gm contains more than 260 calories). 100 gm of prunes contains up to 9.4 dietary fiber! Scientists believe that it is thanks to this that plums promote weight loss. The biggest problem with dieting is the feeling of hunger. Meanwhile, plums contain soluble fiber, which provides a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Plum in cosmetology

Plum is used not only in cooking and folk medicine, but also as cosmetic product, which helps rejuvenate the skin and give it elasticity, for this it is important to make at least 15-20 masks per course.

If the skin is dry or normal, then the plum pulp should be mixed with sour cream or thick cream.

If the skin is prone to oiliness, then the plum pulp is mixed with whipped egg white.
Plum pulp is used both for making masks and in creams and tonic lotions.

Contraindications for eating plums

It is not recommended to eat prunes if you have diabetes or obesity. Plums should be included in children's diets with caution, as they can cause stomach pain, gastrointestinal disorders, stomach rumbling and diarrhea.

Plum juice should be consumed with caution by patients with gout and rheumatism, because with these diseases the human body must have a sufficient amount of fluid, while plum juice helps eliminate it.

Due to the fact that plum juice has a high sugar content, it is not indicated for diabetes and can be consumed by diabetics only in minimal quantities.

Among stone fruits The plum ranks second after the cherry; every autumn a rich harvest of plums is harvested. What to cook from plums for the winter to preserve the vitamins and benefits of the berries?

More than 30 types of plums are grown in Europe, Asia, and North America. There are 7 species growing in Russia, the most common being the common or house plum. About 2000 varieties are known, the most commonly grown ones include 350 varieties of plums, which are divided into subspecies: Hungarian, Renclod, Mirabelle, egg plum and others.

Common or domestic plum

The common or domestic plum (Prunus domestica L.) is a large shrub or fruiting stone fruit tree of the rose family from 3 to 12 meters in height. Young branches are bare or tomentose, reddish-brown or light green; old trees have dark gray, cracking bark.

The leaves are alternate, simple, elliptical, short-petioled, 4–10 cm long and 2.5–6 cm wide, serrated, dark green, dense.

Blooms white fragrant flowers with a diameter of 1.2 - 2 cm, 2 - 5 in bunches in April - May. The fruit is round or oval with a lateral groove and dense pulp with 1 seed drupe of golden yellow, red, purple or black and blue with a bluish coating. Fruit ripening begins from July to September. The tree bears fruit in the third - fourth year, the yield of one plant is 15 - 30 kg or more.

The plum is the result of a natural cross between sloe and cherry plum, followed by selection over 3,000 years. Asia Minor, the Caucasus and Northern Iran are considered the homeland of plums.

In ancient Rome, already in the 8th - 7th centuries BC, the plum was known as cultivated plant, and in the VI - IV centuries BC. e. The plum was widely grown in Egypt. Then the plum began to spread into more northern regions, to Europe.

Under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1654, several plum trees were brought to Moscow from Western Europe through Arkhangelsk; they were planted in the garden of the village of Izmailovskoye near Moscow; plums were included in the menu of royal dinner parties. Nowadays, cultivated plums are grown in all countries with temperate climates.

The scientific name of the genus Prunus, denoting the plum tree, is found among the Roman and ancient Greek botanists Pliny, Theophrastus, and comes from the Latin pruinosa - “covered with frost” - the waxy coating on plum fruits resembles frost. The name of the species domestica is translated from Latin as domestic.

In East Asia, the plum (mei-hua in Chinese) is a symbol of a girl's early youth, since the plum flower blooms earlier, even before the tree is covered with leaves. Five petals of a plum blossom Ancient China were a symbol of the five gods of happiness.

What are the benefits of plum for the body?

Plum fruits contain a large number of biologically active compounds: sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose) - up to 17%, organic acids up to 3% - apple, lemon, cinchona, vinegar; tannins, pectin, fiber, carotene, vitamins C, B1, B2, P, minerals - salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper and others; coloring matter.

Plum fruits, due to their rich and varied composition of nutrients, have many beneficial properties. medicinal properties, and they are also delicious, healthy fruits.

For medicinal purposes, plum fruits are used, which are collected in July - August, and leaves - harvested in April - May during flowering, as well as the bark. The bark is used as an antipyretic, the leaves and branches as a diaphoretic. Crushed leaves are used to cleanse and treat wounds and ulcers.

Plum fruits are used in medicine as a mild laxative, enhance intestinal motility, normalize metabolism, and improve appetite.

Prunes: benefits and harm to the body

Hungarian plum varieties with black fruits, which have dense, sweet pulp and are easy to dry, are suitable for prunes. Dried Hungarian fruits are called prunes and are classified as dried fruits.

Prune infusions and compotes act as a mild laxative. 10 - 20 fresh plums or prunes, eaten before bed, enhance intestinal motility and also have a laxative effect.

Prunes help remove cholesterol from the body and are recommended for atherosclerosis and gallbladder diseases.

Dried plum fruits are useful for kidney diseases and hypertension, as they contain potassium salts, which help remove excess water and table salt from the body.

The calorie content of prunes is 5-6 times higher than the calorie content of fresh plums, which is one of its advantages as a valuable food product.

Prunes contraindications:

  • for diabetes mellitus,
  • for obesity.

Beneficial properties of plums and contraindications

The use of plums for medicinal purposes is varied; it is determined by the chemical composition of the fruit and the entire plant as a whole.

For colds as an antipyretic:

Pour one teaspoon of crushed plum bark into 1.5 cups of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink warm with honey.

For sore throat:

Pour one teaspoon of crushed dry plum leaves into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Gargle with warm infusion several times a day.

To improve bowel function and constipation:

  • Pour boiling water over fresh pitted plums and leave for 2 hours. Drink 1 glass of plum infusion 2 times a day before meals.
  • Eat 10 - 20 dried plums before bed or drink prune compote.

For fever:

For 0.5 cups of freshly squeezed plum juice, add 1 tbsp. l. honey - drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals.

To cleanse the body:

Drink one glass of prune juice in the morning on an empty stomach.

Due to its high potassium content, plum juice has a diuretic effect, is useful for hypertension, kidney disease - it reduces blood pressure, removes excess salt, and reduces swelling.

For the treatment of wounds, abrasions, as a wound healing agent:

Z st. l. crushed dry or fresh plum leaves, pour 100 ml of boiling water, cover, wrap, leave for 2 hours. Apply a compress of gruel to damaged areas of the skin 2 - 3 times a day.

Harm of plums and contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance
  • Increased stomach acidity
  • Plum fruits have a high sugar content and are not recommended for use if you have diabetes or obesity.


The use of plum in cosmetology

In cosmetology, plum fruit pulp is used in nourishing face masks. Used to relieve facial redness due to dermatoses, facial eczema, and acne. For early hair loss, use the fruits and a decoction of the leaves.

Vitamin masks for any facial skin:

  1. Peel fresh plums, mash with a spoon, and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Moisten gauze folded in several layers with juice and apply to the face for 15 - 20 minutes. After the mask, wipe your face with a dry cotton swab.
  2. Peel ripe plums and soften them. Apply the resulting paste to your face for 15 - 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. The mask nourishes the skin well.

Nourishing toning mask for dry skin:

Grind one egg yolk, add 1 tsp. plum juice Apply the mixture to your face for 15 - 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm, then cold water. Apply the mask 1 - 2 times a week, course 15 - 20 procedures. The mask nourishes, softens and tones dry facial skin well.

Plum leaf decoction:

One tbsp. l. crushed plum leaves, pour 1 cup of boiling water, heat for 20 minutes in a water bath, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Wipe damaged skin areas when treating acne several times a day.

What to cook from plums for the winter?

Plum fruits, especially in winter, are a valuable food product rich in vitamins. Plums have different tastes from sour to sweet, honey, and a varied plum aroma. It’s nice to pamper yourself and your children with different delicacies in the middle of winter and remember summer. From plums you can make preserves, jams, compotes, marmalades, marinades for the winter, prepare plums for filling pies, for sauces, marinades, whatever your imagination desires. Here are a few recipes for plum preparations for the winter.

For storage and use in winter, plum fruits can be dried.

Dried plums

Wash fresh fruits, place in boiling water for 1÷1.5 minutes, drain, then cool in cold water. Place in one layer on a wire mesh baking sheet.

Dry in an oven or special dryer for 3-4 hours at a temperature of 50°C, cool. Then dry at a temperature of 60÷70°C.

If the plum is well dried, when squeezed, the juice is not squeezed out and the seed does not move freely. Store dried plums in sealed jars or paper bags in a dry, dark place.

Plum juice for the winter:

Plum juice with pulp is dietary product. The juice improves appetite and digestion, and serves as a source of vitamins for the body in winter. It stores all valuables nutritional properties fresh plums

Heat freshly squeezed juice to 85°C, pour into hot sterilized jars and pasteurize at 85°C:

  • half-liter jars - 15 min.
  • liter - 20 min.
  • three-liter - 30 min.

Roll up with tin lids.

Plums in their own juice for the winter:

Wash the plums, cut into halves, removing the pits. Place tightly in jars, cut side down, and cover with lids.

Pasteurize in boiling water:

  • half-liter jars - 15 min.
  • liter jars - 20 min.

Roll up the lids, turn over, cover, let cool.

Can be used for dessert, for filling pies, for pancakes, tea.

Plum jam for the winter:

Sort the plums, wash, cut, remove the pits, and place in a bowl for cooking.

  1. Pour in the prepared hot sugar syrup and leave for 6 - 8 hours to soak the berries.
  2. Place the plums and syrup on the fire, bring to a boil, then remove and leave for 6 - 8 hours.
  3. Cook for the third time until done.

After cooling, transfer to sterile dry jars and close with lids.

For 1 kg of plums - 1.3÷1.5 kg of sugar, 1.5 glasses of water.

Plum jam for the winter:

Wash very ripe and overripe plums, remove the pits and place them in a bowl for cooking.

Stirring, let it boil, add sugar in portions, cook over low heat in a thick-walled wide container until thickened.

Place in hot sterilized jars and seal with lids. Turn over and place on the lid. Cover the jars until cool. Store in a cool place.

For 1 kg of pitted plums - 500÷700 g of sugar. You can do it without sugar if the plum is sweet.

Plum compote for the winter:

It is good to use plums that are ripe but firm so that they do not lose their shape when cooked.

Sort and rinse the plums. Small plums can be pitted so they don’t burst. Large plums - without seeds.

Blanch the plums in hot water at 85°C for 3 - 5 minutes, immediately cool in cold water. Place in jars, pour hot sugar syrup prepared with water in which the plums were blanched. Cover with lids and pasteurize in boiling water:

  • 0.5 liter jars -10÷12 min.
  • 1 liter jars - 15 min.
  • 3 liter jars - 25÷30 min.

Roll up with tin lids.

Syrup: for 1 liter of water - 400÷500 g of sugar.

Pickled plums for the winter:

Plums must be firm to retain their shape after cooking.

Sort through, rinse, if the plums are large, prick them in several places to prevent them from bursting.

Blanch the plums for 1.5÷2 minutes, immediately cool in cold water.

Place 4 - 6 cloves, 5 - 6 black peas on the bottom of a jar (1 liter) allspice, lay the plums to the top.

Prepare the marinade: boil water with sugar and bay leaf, add vinegar.

Pour the hot marinade over the plums.

Pasteurize jars at 90°C:

  • half-liter - 15 minutes
  • liter - 20 minutes

Roll up the jars with lids and turn them over until they cool.

I suggest watching the video - everything is very simple, understandable, good recipe. For 2 kg of plums - 2 kg of sugar, cook with pleasure!

Plum jam for the winter video

By making such simple, tasty, healing preparations from plums for the winter, as well as from other fruits and berries, you will provide yourself and your family with vitamins, health and good mood for the whole year.

Probably everyone in their life has tasted the fruits of a tree such as plum. This culture is quite widespread throughout to the globe, and its fruits in in different forms can be delivered to almost any corner of the planet.

Not many people know that its popularity is associated with high tolerance to adverse natural conditions and the opportunity to take root on unsuitable soil.

Such fruit trees Like plum, there are about 30 species. Many of them have been common in the northern hemisphere for more than 2 thousand years. Some only serve decorative purposes, while others bring great benefits to their owner, producing delicious fruits.

What features does the plum plant have?

These plants belong to the Rosaceae family and have a number of features:

  1. They reach a maximum height of 15 m and bear fruit for about 10-15 years, but some can even last up to 25 years.
  2. The description of a tree such as a plum should be supplemented by the fact that it can bear its first fruits already 1-2 years after planting (early-fruiting varieties), 3-4 years (middle-fruiting varieties), and some (late-fruiting) begin to bear fruit only at 6 or 7 year old.
  3. The productivity of this plant is very high and reaches an average of up to 30 kg per specimen.

When discussing what kind of plum plant it is in terms of its demands on growing conditions, we can confidently say that in most cases it is not picky.

It can be planted in any area. The main thing is that if the variety is self-sterile, then in the vicinity of others plum trees for pollinating flowers.

But no matter how detailed the verbal description of the plum may be, the photo shows it all much better: see for yourself:

What shape are the leaves of a plum tree?

Each representative of the flora has a number distinctive features that make it special. One of them is leaves. Recognizing exactly what kind of leaves a plum has will not be too difficult a task. The thing is that their shape is simple - lanceolate and jagged along the edges.

When describing a plum leaf, it can be noted that it:

  • next;
  • short-petioled;
  • elliptical or obovate;
  • the edge may be crenate or serrated;

The leaves can reach from 4 to 10 cm in length, and the width is usually from 2 to 5 cm. Their color can also vary depending on the variety. For example, a red plum has this color not only for its fruits, but also for its leaves.

Photos showing plum leaves will help you better understand what we are talking about:

What kind of fruits does a plum have: photos and description of features

Plum fruits are distinguished by their aroma, density, taste and medicinal properties. They can be consumed not only raw, but also used to make various jams, compotes, marshmallows, marmalade and dried fruits. As mentioned earlier, there are many types of this plant, and what kind of fruit a plum produces depends on its variety. Some fruits contain large amounts of sugar, others contain salts or acids. That is why it is important not to make a mistake in choosing when purchasing a seedling for planting.

The description of any plum fruit should begin with the fact that it is a drupe with a hard stone. This juicy fruit plants, it consists of an outer layer, which is dense and voluminous, as well as a woody stone. There is also an exocarp (a thin peel that envelops the fruit itself from the outside). The drupe itself is single-stone and apocarpous.

It is interesting that a plum can be recognized by its seed, because it also has a number of its own characteristics:

  • Semi-removable.
  • Flattened.
  • Pointed at both ends.
  • Almond shaped.

The pit of a plum is smooth and uniform, more similar to an apricot. Special attention It is worth paying attention to its smell, which may have tart notes of almonds depending on the variety.

It’s worth taking a closer look at all the plum fruits in the photo to understand this issue more thoroughly:

An important point is that the fruits of this plant are distinguished not only by their undeniably pleasant taste, but also beneficial properties, which are used both in cooking and in cosmetology and medicine.

Particular attention should be paid to the collection and storage of plum fruits. It is quite natural that not all of them mature at the same time. According to the poem, the harvesting process can take up to one month. To always have access to fresh fruit, it is recommended to plant several varieties that bear fruit at different times.

To keep the harvest fresh longer, you don’t need to resort to any tricks. It is important that the picked plums are slightly greenish and firm. They should be placed in a box lined with paper and sent to a cool and dry place. A frozen option is also possible.

Features of plum care

It has already been said above where plums grow, now you will receive information about the features of planting and caring for the plant.

First of all, it is worth noting that the ideal time of year for planting would be spring. Of course, you can choose autumn, but the chances of the tree freezing greatly increase. The next step will be digging a hole and mixing the soil with natural fertilizer in equal proportions. Next, you should drive a stake into the center, secure the seedling and fill the hole with earth, simultaneously filling all the voids.

Expecting to benefit from your fruit trees in the future, constantly monitor how the plum tree grows.

If necessary, periodically use fertilizers, but you need to remember the main rules:

Remember that no matter how abundantly a tree produces, the fruits still need to be thinned out and the plant pruned.

Another important point is weed control. To do this, you can use various bedding. The most commonly used are compost, lime, peat, chalk, etc.

Feeding the plant plays an important role. She is the one who helps to get good harvest and not cause damage to the plant itself. Already from the second year you need to start feeding and fertilizing it every spring. But you shouldn’t do this without first carefully looking at the tree itself.

Purely visually you can determine exactly what type of feeding is required:

  • If the plum tree is deficient in phosphorus, you will notice graying leaves and small, undeveloped fruits.
  • If there is a lack of nitrogen, you should not count on any harvest at all.
  • A lack of potassium will be manifested by a change in leaf color from green to brown.

Having noticed such changes, you should immediately react and add the missing minerals. But this does not mean that you need to use only one of them; you can revitalize the plant in combination. Also pay attention to the need to fertilize with ash. After all, it is the alkaline environment that is most favorable for this tree.

Depending on the type of tree, harvesting can continue until autumn and last for a month. But right after that this fruit tree, like a plum, you need to prepare for cold weather and fertilize it to further produce a large number of fruits.

It is important to remember that the foundation for fruit buds is laid in the fall. Therefore, it is during this period that you need to focus your attention on caring for the tree. One of the most important points is to provide the plant with moisture, since autumn can be quite dry. Use various fertilizers for the roots, water not only the leaves, but also the trunk with special fertilizers.

Look at the photo showing a plum tree in autumn: it is important to properly clean the branches and leaves:

You should be prepared for the fact that, despite your efforts, next year after huge harvest the tree will rest and bear fruit less abundantly. This is quite normal; it is important to endure the cold during this period with the least loss and damage. To do this, with the onset of the first frosts, you should line the trunk with manure in order to retain heat and provide protection from bad weather. In addition, this will save time in the spring, when you need to fertilize the plant with humus.

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