So, continuation most interesting topic about the situation at home.

Design of floors in an apartment - you can write a whole epic about this! This design embodies the entire age-old dream of luxury, balls and estates. All denial of Soviet poverty and sameness. No, no, and you’ll think that there were still shortages positive aspects. For example, he greatly limited the ability to demonstrate bad taste. Although, I remembered: I had a friend whose mother worked as a waste collector. Books were given for waste paper and old rags. Her mother took all the books that came in for herself. She had no education, naturally she had no intention of reading them, but having a library at home was prestigious. One wall of the house was completely covered with shelves of books. But they weren’t given to the child with the words: “You’ll get it dirty again. They are here for decoration!” Unfortunately, I don’t know how the girl’s fate turned out; we were friends at the age of five, and at six our paths had already diverged.

But at least the house was then decorated with books, not patterned floors. And now a revelry of beauty! “Elite floors”, “Palace parquet”, “Artistic tiles”. And there is no escape from them.

Point by point:

  • There is no need for a pattern: whether laid out with tiles, or parquet, or inlaid,
  • No need for intricate inlaid parquet - this is not Versailles,
  • There is no need to make tiled floors “like Spain” or stone floors “a la Tuscany” in urban Russian apartments,
  • There is no need to divide the room “into zones” by different genders. For example, making a different rectangle (or, horror of horrors, oval) under dining table. Or use a different floor to separate the kitchen from the room.

Very bad

Just terrible

No good

In the apartment perfect solution: Same floor everywhere except bathrooms. Including the kitchen. Equally good parquet, or even better wooden flooring, so-called floorboards - painted or varnished boards. It was pointed out to me that “most people live in tiny apartments,” so small apartments need the same floor so as not to tear up space.

Boards or simple parquet

Another option: wood floors everywhere except the bedrooms, which have carpet. Without patterns or flowers, of course. High quality, wool, plain carpeting. It costs no less per meter than excellent parquet, so the price of these solutions is the same. And taking into account constant dry cleaning, parquet will probably be even cheaper.

I don’t like carpet, but I admit that some people find it more comfortable.

Wood floors can be any color. But it is safer to make them black, white, or “natural”. Few people can present a green floor beautifully.

It's no secret that the comfort of living in a home largely depends on high-quality floors. Installation of the basement floor is carried out using various materials: wood, concrete, special mixtures using the “self-leveling floor” technology. Floors in a private home must be smooth, durable, retain heat and have aesthetic qualities.

Types of floors

The question of what to make the floor of a house from often arises when building your own home. Therefore there is a need detailed study varieties of floors, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages.

Wooden covering

Wood floors look impressive, they meet environmental requirements, combine practicality and long service life, and allow for repairs as necessary.

Installation of a wooden floor requires the presence the following materials: timber with a thickness of at least 15 cm, edged boards thickness of at least 2.5 cm, waterproofing and vapor barrier elements, insulation. Timber and boards must be taken dry, their humidity should not exceed 12%.

Polyethylene film or roofing felt is suitable as waterproofing. There are a huge variety of vapor barrier membranes on the market. The insulation can be slabs made of mineral wool, sheets of extruded polystyrene foam, expanded clay. You will also need nails and screws, metal angles, a hammer and a screwdriver.

Installation wooden covering goes through several stages. The first thing to do is to carefully level the ground on which you will then create sand cushion. It is necessary to lay waterproofing on it. If roofing felt is used, the overlap between the strips is at least 15 cm.

Next, a strapping beam is installed along the perimeter of the house, to which, using metal corners logs are attached. All bars are pre-treated with protective compounds. The distance between the joists should be equal to the width of the insulation. If mineral wool slabs are used, they are installed by surprise. This must be taken into account when installing logs.

Then over the joist and insulation the overlap is stretched vapor barrier membrane, the joints of which are glued with special tape. The final stage involves installing the boards. They are also recommended to be treated with protective compounds. The boards themselves should be nailed as tightly as possible to each other.

Pay attention! House in Provence style - 150 photos of unusual design ideas

When the wooden floor is ready, it can be varnished or linoleum laid on it.

Concrete floors

Most often, concrete floors in a private house are installed in utility rooms, but this option is also possible in residential areas. The floor is poured according to the following scheme.

If there is a need in the area future filling a small pit 10 cm deep is first dug. Then a sand cushion at least 5 cm thick is made, which is carefully compacted. A reinforcing mesh is laid out, beacons are placed, which will help you monitor the evenness of the surface.

The concrete will reach its nominal strength in 28 days, after which it will be possible to begin finishing. Options for such finishing are tiles or linoleum on a thick base.

Linoleum is used in living rooms, tiles are laid in the hallway, bathroom and toilet, and in the kitchen. Linoleum is glued to concrete with special mastics, or it simply lies freely, secured along the walls with plinths. A special adhesive is used to lay tiles.

Self-leveling coating

To install such a floor in a private home, special mixtures are used, which self-level after application. This is one of the most popular methods of installing floors in country houses. The cost of a self-leveling floor directly depends on the manufacturer and brand of the mixture.

In addition, there are flooring options with a pattern or color, which is also reflected in the price. The base of self-leveling floors is a concrete screed, the surface of which is treated with special primers to improve adhesion. Using a drill with a special attachment, dilute the bulk mixture with water. The solution is applied to the primed base in small portions and rolled out with a needle roller to remove air bubbles.

The finished floor is covered for better strength gain plastic film, if this is specified in the instructions for the mixture. After the solution has completely hardened, it can be coated with polyurethane varnish to add shine.

The coating will be ready for full use in a week, and you can move on it within 12 hours after pouring. The peculiarity of this floor is that it is often used as the main one. But you can also lay carpet on top, lay parquet or laminate.

If you have the financial opportunity and the floors are being made in a residential area, then it is best to use three-dimensional or decorative self-leveling floors. To do this, you need to think about what kind of pattern will be placed on the floor, and then contact a company that specializes in these issues. She will take a photo of the floor in the house, printing it on a banner of the required size. Subsequently, using a special technology, this banner will be installed on the floor, making the room stylistically very attractive.

Warm floor technology

The most convenient and practical option is to install heated floors in a private home. There are floors with water and electrical system. Electric floors are popular in small areas of apartments or country houses. The main condition for installing electric floors is the presence of a power supply line capable of operating under heavy loads.

The only drawback of an electric floor heating system is that it consumes more electricity.

In the case of floor heating in large rooms, in which there is also no central heating, it makes sense to use water floors, since they can significantly save energy.

The water floor as a heat source has water heated by a boiler, circulating through pipes built into the floor. Role heating elements is given metal-plastic pipes(there are options for using plastic pipes). They are laid on the subfloor and connected through a distribution mechanism to the supply and return manifolds. The water circulating in the pipes has a temperature of +35-45°C. More high temperatures would make the floor uncomfortable and subsequently lead to its destruction.

A water heating system has a number of advantages:

  • heating costs are reduced due to the low temperature of the coolant;
  • as an independent unit makes it possible effective use living space (in the absence of radiators);
  • Cost-effective compared to electric underfloor heating despite high installation costs

What kind of flooring to install in a private home is always decided on an individual basis in each case. In this case, it is necessary to balance the purpose of the floors, their price and the quality of the materials used. Knowing the intricacies of all the options, the advantages and disadvantages of this or that type of flooring, you can ultimately achieve a unique result, while getting the best floors for yourself.

Photo of floors in a private house

The practical purpose of the kitchen has long been cooking. But in the modern world with a high pace of life, a permanent lack of time, the desire to save space, as well as the rational combination of everything into single complexes with similar, and sometimes completely different functional characteristics, it began to be supplemented with more and more new properties.

And now the first step has already been taken: the modern kitchen is firmly united with the dining room; followed by the next one: a kitchen-living room appears, and as the final point - modern urban styles, such as Loft, when a dwelling devoid of internal partitions, is divided into zones only according to formal external attributes.

Before you start designing your kitchen, you should think about what style to decorate it in. interior design. Dissonance caused by the inconsistency of individual parts of the overall whole can spoil the final result and create the impression of wasted time and money. So...

This interior style did not appear in ancient times, despite its name. Rather, it reflects a commitment to the strict geometric lines and ornaments of classical architecture. To arrive at its modern appearance, the style has gone through a long path of modification and improvement. Furniture in the Classic style is made from valuable wood species or with their imitation. The color scheme is natural light tones and discreet pastel shades should create a feeling of reliability and calm.

All this fully applies to floors, which ideal should be made of marble or wood, which are now increasingly being replaced by laminates and tiles stylized as them.

Natural materials, a minimum of stucco and carved decorations - here distinctive features this "rustic" style. An abundance of hanging and placed throughout the space kitchen utensils and wicker baskets. Only natural, natural tones dominate the coloring. And no plastic, concrete or similar “urban things”.

The most suitable types of flooring for this style are: natural stone or wood, often decorated with the effect of artificial aging.


But here the abundance of artificial finishing materials and plastic. And most importantly - fewer straight lines and geometric patterns. You should not be modest in your choice of colors, as well as their combinations.

All these distinctive features must be present in the design of the floor. Any materials and their combinations are welcome to divide the room into functional zones.

The style of the technical revolution of the 20th century, which successfully stepped into the new millennium. Natural materials are prohibited: only steel, glass and plastic. The color scheme is cool metallic shades bathed in electric light. An abundance of straight lines, slightly diluted with circles. Veto on any excesses and decorations. There is functionality, minimalism and ergonomics in everything.

Self-leveling floors, linoleum, ceramic tiles most suitable for this style.


Cafe style kitchen. Floor covering - tiles

French style in the kitchen interior. High-quality parquet and carpet on the floor

Art Deco, Mediterranean, Oriental, Provence, Japanese, Egyptian... Many different exotic styles designed to show the individuality and aesthetically refined taste of the owners.

But in order not to get into trouble and really achieve compliance with the chosen style, you should study all its features and nuances in detail.

The correct choice of material for the floor in the kitchen plays a huge role, because the loads on it are almost the greatest compared to other rooms. It is enough to analyze the number of movements that a person preparing food makes throughout this process in the stove-refrigerator-sink triangle.

But in addition to mechanical influences, the durability of kitchen floors is affected by:

  • high humidity;
  • temperature changes;
  • direct action of water and spilled liquids;
  • chemical reactions with acids, alkalis and salts of various types;
  • Contamination from oil, fat, flour, etc.

That is why, when selecting materials for kitchen flooring, you should give preference to the most resistant types and exclude such as: parquet, cork, carpet, etc. For example, when using cork flooring for a kitchen, it is usually protected with waterproof varnish, completely depriving all advantages of this valuable material.

Floors made of tongue-and-groove spruce planks in modern interior design are irrevocably a thing of the past. Their use is limited only to cheap options for country houses and utility rooms. At the same time, natural wood of elite varieties is respectable, environmentally friendly and beautiful, but not the cheapest material. And in the kitchen he demands special care and protection: any serious leakage can permanently damage your wood flooring.

A modern material designed, as far as possible, to replace expensive wood. At a fairly low cost, laminate floors look quite elegant and aesthetically pleasing, and unlike wooden floors, they are less susceptible to mechanical damage and scratches. And just like natural wood, they are afraid direct impact water, however, the economic losses will be much less, because only the damaged section of the coating will need to be replaced.

For greater safety, wood or laminate floors can only be installed in the dining area kitchen area, combining them with ceramic coatings in the cooking area. By the way, the range of laminate samples includes options that imitate not only the texture of wood, but also stone, tiles, leather, etc.

This coating can be done as in one piece material, and in the form of tiles. Both options are quite suitable for the kitchen, they are practical, easy to clean, chemically inert, and not afraid of water and dirt. In addition, offered at construction market linoleum has a wide range of colors and designs that imitate any natural materials, as well as those that do not exist in nature.

Enough low cost, the lightness and simplicity of laying linoleum covering make it quite competitive with other types of flooring materials. For example, many types of linoleum tiles are difficult to distinguish from ceramic tiles, and the difference in price of both the material itself and installation work with him is different by an order of magnitude.
Linoleum is not without its drawbacks: low mechanical strength, low durability.


Ceramic tiles, previously used only for bathrooms, with the advent of new production technologies, the rapid expansion of the range of sizes and surface textures, as well as the constant reduction in prices, have now become the most popular material for floors.

One of the few disadvantages tiles, however, like linoleum, its increased slipperiness is considered, to combat which enough is produced wide range samples with a relief surface texture.

Essentially, this is a tile that is not coated with enamel and has undergone double pressing before firing, thanks to which this material acquires very high strength and low water absorption. It perfectly imitates the surface and texture of natural stone, unlike tiles, which do this using a pattern under the glaze.

A new, but already quite popular technology for the production of monolithic flooring, which creates a perfectly flat, horizontal surface With unique qualities. This floor is durable, waterproof, has no seams or joints, and is not afraid of mechanical or chemical influences. To expand its decorative qualities, various fillers can be added when pouring it. 3D drawing technology is also gaining popularity.

The main disadvantage of self-leveling floors is the difficulty of dismantling when replacement is necessary.

Types of self-leveling coatingsThickness, mmDescriptionApplicationLayers
Thin layer or paintingUp to 1Thin-layer coatings should be used for rooms with medium mechanical loads to protect concrete floors from impact aggressive environments and dust, and to give floors a decorative appearance.Warehouses.
Car parks.
Industrial workshops.
1. Concrete.
2. Priming.
3. Finishing layer (painting).
Self-leveling or self-leveling1,5 - 3 Self-leveling coatings have a smooth, glossy surface. They have dirt-repellent properties, are easy to clean and hygienic.Any type of room, regardless of mechanical loads, as the floor is quite wear-resistant and durable.1. Concrete.
2. Priming.
3. Base layer.
4. Finishing layer.
Highly filled or quartz filled4 - 8 Highly filled coatings are highly resistant to impact loads and wear. Quite a large thickness, about 4 - 8 mm, allows you to get rid of unevenness. Quartz sand is used to fill such floors. If the floor must have other properties, then other fillers are used.Industrial premises with heavy mechanical loads.1. Concrete.
2. Priming.
3. Base layer.
4. Quartz sand.
5. Finishing layer.
Self-leveling 3D floors1,5 - 3 Self-leveling 3D floors are an ordinary self-leveling floor, only a sheet with an image is first laid on a previously prepared base, and then a transparent polymer is poured on top of it.Any type of room.-

Features of the use of various coatings. General recommendations

The quality of kitchen flooring design and installation work directly determine its durability. Therefore, having previously formulated goals and set specific tasks, the first thing you need to do is draw up a floor plan indicating all dimensions and sketch out a preliminary sketch of your project.

Specialized interior design programs, of which many can be found on the Internet, can help with this. The programs provide the opportunity to select various decorative elements, including floor coverings, combining them into big picture with walls and ceiling, as well as the proposed arrangement of kitchen furniture and zoning of the kitchen area.

Selecting the type of coating

When drawing up a kitchen design project and selecting the type of flooring for it, you must first make sure that there is a suitable base for this. You should also be sure to consider the possibility of laying under the floor covering. necessary communications, installation of a “warm floor” system, etc.

Surface preparation

The service life of the floor covering depends, not least of all, on the quality of preparation of the base for it, which must fully comply with the selected material and the technology for its installation.

For example, in wooden house It is preferable to lay floors made of wood, laminate or linoleum. With high quality concrete base Any type of coating is suitable, but the most durable are ceramics, stone and self-leveling flooring.

The cycle of work on preparing the foundation consists of the following stages:

  • dismantling old flooring;
  • If a radical replacement of the floor is planned, then the structural elements of the old floor will also be dismantled: wooden logs, cement screed etc.;
  • cleaning the prepared base from debris, oil and grease contaminants, as well as leveling;
  • Laying laminate

  • Linoleum is also spread on flat surface. Its baseless types, as well as linoleum tiles, are glued with special glue.
  • Final finishing

    If required, work on installing the floor in the kitchen is completed by painting, varnishing, special protective compounds, etc.

    An ordinary kitchen, from a room with a purely utilitarian purpose, has today turned into one of the most technically complex and multifunctional objects. modern home, the interior decoration and design of which determine the mood, performance, and sometimes the health of its owner.

Traditionally, 3 types of materials are used to form and finish floors in prestigious premises: wood (and its derivatives), ceramics and natural stone. Let's talk briefly about the design of the floors of all three types and in a few words we will describe some other - original - flooring materials.

Solid plank floors (solid wood) are always prestigious, beautiful and compatible with almost any design style: country, colonial, ethnic, antique, etc. The only thing is that covering made from solid boards is not recommended for use in rooms with high humidity, where water may be spilled on the floors: in kitchens, .

Solid plank floors

Modern wood floor design recommends tones either dark, grayish-black, or very light, white. Accordingly, the type of wood is selected. For example, bleached oak floor in the interior Many apartments are combined with the so-called “Provençal” style, but it fits well with both the “techno” style and various kinds constructivist design solutions.

The “squeak” of fashion is the use of boards with rough processing, with grooves, as if processed with a hand tool, with a rough surface. Look especially good wooden floors in the interior country style cottages; boards are often subjected to artificial aging or fumigation with smoke, which is why they acquire a peculiar and not always predictable color.

Fumigated plank flooring

Another technique is at the height of fashion: covering a wooden floor not with varnish, but with oil (oil impregnation). Such floors are silky to the touch, it is pleasant to walk on them barefoot, and your feet do not feel the cold.

Laminate flooring

For city apartments, floors made of laminated boards are preferable. They usually consist of three layers of wood, with the fibers of the peripheral and central layers directed perpendicular to each other. This reduces the expansion or shrinkage of the board due to changes in humidity and temperature.

Read about how to combine floor designs of different tones with other interior elements in the analytical review on our website:

Read about it in the article dedicated to the interior of these premises

The only thing in which laminated boards are inferior to solid wood material is environmental friendliness: after all, glue is a chemical!

Parquet in a modern interior

Once upon a time, solid plank floors were the most common flooring option, and parquet was the privilege of the elite. But now the situation has changed dramatically: in the interior modern apartments can be found much more often than solid wood boards, and it costs less.

Since then, fashion has also changed. Now parquet floors in the interior residential premises are no longer valued for the whimsicality or complexity of the pattern. They should reveal and demonstrate the natural texture of wood, sometimes deliberately rough.

The second trend is antique stylization, a departure from the traditional “herringbone” pattern to the use of various kinds of cross-shaped patterns, Gothic and pseudo-Gothic figures, etc.

Trends in laminate design

The same can be said about laminate floor design: manufacturers even go to such labor-intensive operations as giving the protective and decorative film that covers the laminate a relief that reproduces the texture of wood! That is, so that not only in appearance, but also to the touch it is indistinguishable from a natural board!

In connection with this, single-strip laminate - imitating a board made of solid wood - is reaching the peak of consumer demand.

And there is no competition - the author's, designer styling. The designer's coating can be not just two or three colors, but also have a 3-D effect, representing a real panel with various kinds of patterns, imitation of, say, beach pebbles, or the mother-of-pearl coating of a pearl shell. There would be, as they say, money.

Cork floors

One more fashion trendcork floors. In the interior modern apartments they not only perform functional role(insulation, sound insulation, formation of anti-traumatic coatings), but also decorative. Nowadays it is fashionable to bleach cork. Floors lined with such material have a light or opal color and perfectly set off furniture in milky and deep scarlet tones, and go well with large-pile woven products.

Design of floors made of ceramic materials

Modern is so diverse and universal, the quantity is so great that one can talk about tiled interiors ad infinitum and still not list all the nuances. It’s better that we simply, at the end of this article, offer the reader a selection photo of tile floor design.

It's much more interesting to talk about porcelain stoneware floor design– perhaps, at the moment, porcelain stoneware is the only flooring material that can play an independent role in the interior, setting the tone for the aesthetics of the entire room.

We are talking, first of all, about polished and glazed porcelain stoneware. This treatment increases the price of the slab by one and a half to two times, but the floor, lined with glazed slabs, turns into a solid mirror, the analogue of which can only be the creations of palace architects of the Rococo era.

Of course, glazed porcelain stoneware floors – for design large, spacious rooms not overloaded with furniture. But that's where his appeal lies. flooring material is not exhausted.

IN recent years decorators seemed to have rediscovered this material and a lot of its varieties appeared: with a surface imitating wood, leather, sheets of iron, fabric, etc. It is difficult to convey the impression of a person who steps, say, on an old whitewashed canvas, but at that moment feels a solid, massive stone under his feet.

Such design finds make porcelain stoneware a very attractive design material not only for hallways, bathrooms and kitchens, but also for living rooms and halls. Fortunately, in terms of pattern variability, porcelain stoneware slabs have long been on par with ordinary ceramic tiles.

Natural stone floor design

Marble has been the king of flooring since ancient times. Looks great marble floor in the interior of any room. In addition, householders are attracted by its high performance properties: good resistance to heat and sound transmission, bactericidal properties, it is difficult to slip on marble, etc.

Currently in design interiors with marble floors There are two opposite trends at work. The first is the creation of mosaic floor panels from different types of marble. This solution allows you to effectively use marble to decorate even small rooms in buildings of any height. In terms of weight loads, marble mosaic does not exceed the usual ceramic tile coating.

Another trend is the use in interior flooring slabs marble extra-large sizes - 3.4 x 1.8 meters. It is clear that such a stove will not even fit in a typical Russian apartment. But the use of such megaliths makes it possible to create an impressive seamless floor covering for large halls or, say, corridors in office buildings of reputable companies.

Original floor coverings

They were specially created for bathrooms, toilets and few were considered as floor coverings for living rooms, bedrooms, and home offices. The fact is that without special and labor-intensive care, self-leveling floors quickly become dull and covered with scratches.

Self-leveling floor with a three-dimensional pattern

New life in design technologies. In principle, a three-dimensional image can be created on any surface, even on asphalt, but in the conditions of a modern home, self-leveling floors are the most suitable object for such creativity.

The procedure is elementary simple:

  • The old floor covering is removed;
  • The surface of the interfloor ceiling is leveled and primed;
  • A canvas with a three-dimensional image is pasted onto the prepared area;
  • The self-leveling floor is being poured;
  • After the polymer composition has dried (5-7 days), it is grinded and polished.

Please! A house with a 3D interior has been put into operation!

Self-leveling floors are good and just for everyone - for those who are not too lazy to take care of them. In this case, the property will thank the owner: it allows you to create the most amazing designs, ornaments, combinations of colors and shades.

Photo gallery: tile floor design

Checkered tile floor

The floors in the hallway are constantly exposed to the aggressive influence of moisture, sand, and salts. In addition, the flooring is regularly impacted by heels and shoe soles. For an area subject to such loads, you should choose the most resistant floor covering.

For some reason, we don’t install parquet in the bathroom and toilet, and we try to prefer tiles for the kitchen. But when it comes to the floor in the hallway, many people forget about forethought. In the old days, floor tiles had an unattractive appearance, so they tried to use them to a minimum.

For obvious reasons, it was not customary to decorate hallways and even kitchens with it. But these days, when the choice of floor tiles is extremely diverse, it is hardly advisable to abandon them in favor of boards, parquet or laminate in “problem” rooms. Even the highest quality laminate cannot compare with tiles in terms of resistance to so-called aggressive environments.

The tiles in the hallway look elegant and appropriate. Such flooring visually “increases the cost” of the interior. At the same time, the tiles do not lose their original aesthetics for a very long time and look like new for many years.

However, tile, like other coatings, has its drawbacks. She is cold and tough. Walking on it is not as pleasant as, for example, on wooden board or carpet. With a tiled floor, the interior of the hallway, lobby and corridor can turn out to be cold, gloomy, and “official”.

In this regard, tiling a large area, of which the hallway is part, seems an unattractive solution. However, this is not necessary, because the tiles can be used to cover a small fragment. Combining floor coverings in the hallway area helps in solving several problems.

  • Tiles laid on small area in the hallway area, protects floors from negative impact.
  • Combining floors works for zoning: the hallway area stands out effectively from the general space of the hall, corridor, lobby or studio. The boundary of the zones runs along the joint line of the floor coverings. For effective zoning, it is important that the tiles differ noticeably in color and pattern from the second floor covering.
  • The combined floor deprives the interior of a long corridor or lobby of monotony. The combination of two coatings allows you to introduce additional curves or straight lines into the space.

If you prefer not to divide the space into zones through a combination of coatings, you can tile the entire area of ​​the hall, corridor, or vestibule. This area will look cozier if you choose wood-look tiles. For effectiveness, you may prefer a black and white solution.

Hallway tiles: which one to choose?

It is desirable that the tiles be as resistant to moisture and abrasion as possible. Porcelain stoneware has these qualities. It never loses its color because it is dyed to its full depth. The water absorption of porcelain stoneware is close to zero, which means that the tile is absolutely indifferent to moisture.

The tiles in the hallway should not be slippery. When purchasing material, you should pay attention to the anti-slip indicator. For the hallway, tiles with an anti-slip level of R10 or R11 are suitable.

The color of the tiles is important not only from a decorative point of view. If the surface of porcelain stoneware is textured, the light-colored coating may become dirty over time. The fact is that dirt will become clogged in the unevenness that makes up the tile relief. The anti-slip material has a rough surface, making it difficult to clean.

Of course, such tiles can be cleaned using effective detergents, abrasives, and brushes. However, not always and not everyone has the time and opportunity for this. If the practicality of the floor is important to you, choose darker textured porcelain tiles.

Light-colored “seams” will also get dirty over time. For the hallway area, it is worth choosing the least easily soiled grout possible. Polished and glazed porcelain tiles look luxurious. However, it is often too slippery and therefore not suitable for the hallway.

Tile in the hallway: ways to combine it with another coating

The tiled area may be on the same level as the other floor covering, or may rise above it. The tile podium should not be high - in the hallway it is inconvenient and even unsafe. It is enough to raise the tile level by 3-5 cm.

The podium can be filled with screed mixture or even tile adhesive. A mini-podium in the hallway zones the space more effectively, since the selection of this area becomes more obvious. As a rule, none of the owners or guests leaves this area without taking off their shoes. This helps keep the house clean.

The connection of two floor coverings can be straight or figured. The second option is more difficult to implement, especially if the boundary between the coatings is curved. It is necessary to make careful calculations and cut very carefully.

Just like that, solely for the sake of effectiveness, it’s hardly worth being sophisticated. But if curved lines are one of the key features of the interior, such a move will be justified. For example, the line where tiles and parquet meet can follow the lines of the ornament on the cabinet doors. Curvilinear connection of coverings will be relevant for an interior in the Art Nouveau style. which tends to whimsical ornateness.

Video on the topic: Hallway Floor Color and Design
Making a curved joint should not be difficult. Flexible docking thresholds are available for sale and can be shaped into any shape. It is much easier to refine straight joints, and the choice of joining parts for them is much wider. The threshold can match the color of the tiles, second covering, baseboards, furniture, doors or metal fittings.

Floor tiles in the hallway: ideas

If you plan to tile a fairly large area, you can think about introducing additional nuances of color and shape - that is, placing a tiled panel in the center of the area, using two types of tiles for cladding, or making a mosaic edging. This will deprive the floor of the hallway of monotony, making it more original and aesthetic.

Combining coatings not at right angles, but obliquely “breaks” the rigid boundaries of space. Sometimes such a move is justified if the owners do not like clearly defined rectangular shapes. With this combination of coverings, the hall or vestibule takes on a completely different look and acquires individuality.

To visually slightly expand the narrow hallway area, you can lay out tiles of two colors, combining them in the form of stripes with alternating dark and light rows.

As for the color of the tiles, a variety of options are possible. Tiles can match or be close to the color of other flooring in the home: for example, brown tile and brown plank, beige tile and brown laminate. It can also be completely contrasting: for example, black tiles next to white laminate.

Accent tiles will look interesting bright color, standing out from the general palette - this is great solution for the hallway in modern styles.


Floor in the hallway: overview of suitable flooring for the hallway

Ceramic tiles are resistant to the negative effects of moisture and dirt. We enter the hallway from the street in dirty shoes, and the floors are damaged from friction. The tile is resistant to various mechanical damage, including the effects of abrasive substances, and can retain its original appearance for a long time.

The ceramic tile flooring in the hallway is durable and reliable. In addition, tiles can be laid on a heated floor system. You can buy ceramic tiles in different textures, sizes, and colors. You can choose models that imitate natural wood, marble or stone.

What else can you make a floor in the corridor: less durable materials

But if you live alone in an apartment or with a small family, and no one is running or jumping along the corridor, then the flooring in it can be made from less durable material. In order for the flooring to last longer, you need to carefully prepare the base for it. The floor must be perfectly flat, especially in the hallway. If there are slopes and depressions, then a screed should be made so that the coating does not press through and does not diverge at the joints.

Parquet. A good material for the floor in the corridor is parquet, especially oak. Oak is a hard wood and, like all of them, is strong and durable, and is also resistant to abrasion. The parquet floor looks simply gorgeous. But parquet is a rather expensive material, and it is not suitable for everyone for financial reasons. Therefore, as an option, you can choose its imitation from laminate.

Laminate. Nowadays laminate is produced in a wide variety of colors and shades, there are options for valuable species wood It looks good, in terms of aesthetic indicators it is not much inferior to natural boards, and has excellent performance characteristics, abrasion resistant, strong and durable. There are different categories of laminate. Its resistance to mechanical stress is greater, the higher the class of the material. Therefore, laminate is an excellent alternative to both tiles and parquet for hallway floors.

Inappropriate covers. Linoleum is not good enough for the floor in the hallway, much less cork covering. These materials do not have sufficient strength and are intended for flooring in living rooms.


Floor tiles in the hallway, photos and experience of use

The hallway is the dirtiest room in an apartment (house), because all the dirt collected by shoes on the street ultimately ends up there. For this reason, you must first turn special attention on the resistance of tiles to destructive substances, such as:

  • water (degree of moisture penetration),
  • abrasive substances (resistance to surface abrasion from sand, earth, etc.),
  • other influencing substances (level of reaction to household chemicals or other substances such as salts, alkali, etc.).

Material properties

It is also necessary to take into account the safety margin - the impact of a heavy object on the floor also needs to be taken into account. Now let's look at each property in order. Water resistance is a property that guarantees the integrity of the tile structure when exposed to water. It is worth considering that floor tiles may be vulnerable to exposure (not just water) both on the plane and at the joints (seams). Therefore, large floor tiles in the hallway will last much longer in their original form.

Degree of slip – glossy tiles will not the best solution, since with constant contact with street dirt (water), its sliding properties will increase sharply. Wear resistance - determines the strength of the surface to various environments and substances, including impact resistance.

All tiles are divided into classes according to this parameter (grades 3-5 are suitable for a hallway). Appearance - it should not contradict the other elements of the hallway, it should fit harmoniously into the overall design and interior.

Types of material

Ceramic tiles. The basis of any ceramics is fired clay. This material has a good wear reserve, retains texture, color, and perfectly conveys individual elements designs: inserts, patterns, borders. The coating on the tiles, as shown in the photo, can also be embossed or smooth, where the first option for the hallway is more welcome, as it reduces slipping. But at the same time it has two disadvantages:

  • fragility upon impact,
  • cold floor.

Quartz vinyl tiles. It is made from high-quality quartz sand, in addition to which stabilizers, plasticizer compounds, vinyl, and individual pigments are added to the composition. The basis of the products is quartz. Vinyl, due to its properties, gives the tiles high wear resistance, strength, flexibility, such tiles have a high margin of impact resistance.

It is worth noting that quartz tiles are absolutely harmless, since most of its ingredients are environmentally friendly natural materials. A significant advantage of this tile can be considered a huge range of colors, which are based on the textures of natural materials. Quartz vinyl tiles can be matte or glossy, which is clearly visible in the photo. It is better to include options with uneven surface texture in the hallway design.

Porcelain tiles. It has a high margin of safety, due to the presence of granite chips, feldspar and (or) the addition of quartz, and fits perfectly into the design of the hallway, as demonstrated by the photo selection.

The manufacturing technology for tiles is similar to making porcelain: two types of clay are mixed, and then crumbs are added. Subsequently, the mixture is subjected to high pressures and temperatures. The plus is high quality applied pattern - applied over the entire surface. The main disadvantage is the high price.

Gold Korean tiles (Korean gold). This type of tile relatively recently became known in the CIS countries. It was given such a “precious” name because of its high practical properties (the second part of the name is the country of origin, South Korea). The creation of this material was based on a very complex technology.

A mixture of natural resin and stone granules is applied to a layer of compacted PVC; their shape is strictly triangular, elongated or round. Next, a layer of fiberglass is formed, a film layer is placed, onto which the desired pattern is applied. The tiles are protected from external deformation and pattern fading by two transparent layers.

The design of the products is based on natural materials such as wood, various varieties stone, avant-garde styles are also used or classical ornaments are applied.

Design secrets

In addition to the properties and qualities of floor tiles for the hallway, do not forget about the design (aesthetics), and the design of the room is also very important. The design design shown in the photo shows that you can choose it arbitrarily, use ready-made blanks or experiment with the style or type of materials. Sometimes, it is non-standard solutions that give greater harmony and combination with the overall interior.

For visual increase space, you should pay attention to large-sized tiles (the thinning of the space between the joints and the three-dimensional pattern will create the illusion of a large room). Smooth surface and light colors will only enhance this effect.

“Cold” monotonous tones will also help increase volume. It is worth noting that the black color absorbs light very well and shows even the smallest damage and scratches. Therefore, it does not apply in such situations.

To create maximum comfort, tiles of soft textures are used (a large number of halftones in the image, one color flows into another and another). Achieving greater volume (depth) can be achieved using additional tricks.

At diagonal laying tiles visually expand the space in length. This is due to the fact that the distance between the corners of the diagonal is wider than the opposite sides. The effect of “Spatial Expansion” is created.

Combination with other types of materials (parquet, linoleum, tiles of different sizes and textures) allows for a more sophisticated approach to the design of the hallway. But do not forget about the functionality of individual zones.

It is better to tile the place for storing shoes and the front part yourself durable tiles, since in the future these areas will more often than others come into contact with various substances (water, dirt) and experience more severe stress. In addition, such a division into separate zones will improve the room and rationalize its use (this should be taken into account when developing the design).

To provide greater comfort and coziness, rugs can be placed on the surface of a tiled floor, which, like tiles, will emphasize the chosen style and perform an additional “practical” function.

Before you go and buy materials for decorating a hallway, you need to evaluate its dimensions and the location of individual parts (walls, furniture, lighting). Based on this and taking into account personal wishes, figure out what the room should become. First of all, decide on the color scheme and the level of shadows and light.

After this, develop your own design, think through individual elements, calculating 2-3 options, take measurements of the areas required for updating, look at photo examples in magazines. Only then can you safely go to the store and select necessary materials, focusing on the requirements for quality, type and price.


Choosing tiles for the hallway floor

There are many requirements for ceramic tiles in the hallway. The flooring must be reliable and durable, and also maintain its performance qualities for as long as possible, since this part of the apartment is most frequently visited.

Outdoor shoes, indoor slippers, and pet claws also have an impact on the tiled floor. The tile is characterized by mechanical strength, wear resistance, high coefficient of friction and lack of sensitivity to chemicals.

Mechanical strength and durability are closely related to each other. Tiles with high resistance to mechanical stress cannot but be characterized high wear resistance. This type of flooring does not wear out or break under normal traffic conditions, eliminating the need for frequent repairs to the hallway floor finish.

The tile is highly moisture resistant. This quality is very important, because when you return from the street, you can walk along the corridor in dirty or wet shoes. The tile may differ in the friction coefficient value.

The floor in the hallway can be made of two types of covering. The tile, as can be seen in the photo, can be smooth and textured (or rough). For a corridor, it is best to choose a covering with a textured surface so that the floor does not become slippery.

The best tile option for the hallway would be a coating made of porcelain stoneware. This material has a number of advantages. Porcelain tiles are painted over the entire thickness, which eliminates fading over time, and is also characterized by zero water absorption. When purchasing tiles for a corridor, choose options with an anti-slip rating of R10 or R11.

Ceramic tiles have their disadvantages. It is cold and hard, so it will be unpleasant to move around barefoot. Some people think that using this material makes their hallway feel cold and gloomy. The last drawback can be easily dealt with by doing a partial tiling, when it is used to cover only the floor area near the door, and the rest of the hallway floor is covered with linoleum or finished with laminate.

When choosing color range Pay attention to the relief tiles in dark tones. Rough coating light shades will become dirty over time as dirt will settle in the uneven areas. It is recommended not to choose black material, as it visually narrows the space of an already small hallway.

Video on the topic: Hallway floor color

Combination with other coating

The tiled floor in combination with other materials on the floor in the hallway looks very impressive. Using this technique, you can perform several important tasks at once. The tiles are placed only in the area where the floor needs protection from the negative effects of external factors.

The combination of tiles with other flooring allows you to divide the corridor area into zones. As a result of the work, the hallway itself will be beautifully and effectively separated from the space of the hall or vestibule. Typically, for these purposes, choose a tile that differs in color or pattern from the second material.

The combination of two coatings is expressed in a combination of two textures and two colors, which deprives the interior of the hallway of monotony. Additional lines and new shades give this room unusual look. Tiles can be combined with other floor coverings in the hallway in different ways. Before starting work, it is better to evaluate the finished options from the photo. The tiled area can be at the same level as the floor covering or rise slightly above it.

If you decide to make a podium from tiles, then raise it by a maximum of 5 cm; at a higher height, such a structure will no longer be safe. You can connect two coatings in a straight line or along a curved line. The second option is more difficult to implement in practice, since it will be necessary to cut the material exactly to size, but the curly connection looks much more impressive.

The combination of different materials must be in accordance with certain rules. It is not advisable to spend your energy on carrying out such painstaking work for the sake of effect; experts advise making a curved connection in cases where it echoes other elements of the hallway interior.


Floor tiles can be laid in the hallway yourself. For clarity, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the photo and video master classes. Design work includes, in addition to laying the coating, also selecting combinations of colors and textures.

A specialist is able to create a unique image from tiles that will decorate the interior of your apartment. Not only the appearance of the floor itself, but also the perception of the entire hallway area depends on the layout.

Laying tiles diagonally is mainly used in small rooms. This pattern helps to visually expand the space of the room. A similar effect is achieved by combining tiles with another type of finish. The hallway in this case visually increases in size due to the allocation of zones. In the interior of the apartment, it is recommended to use floor coverings that imitate natural materials: tiles and laminate “like wood” create a feeling of comfort in the hallway.

Laying tiles with your own hands must be done following several rules:

  • The tiles are laid on a flat floor (if the surface has unevenness, they must be eliminated),
  • To make the work easier, you can first make markings on the floor,
  • The glue must be applied exclusively to the floor; the tiles are not smeared with glue,
  • Throughout all finishing works it is important to constantly check the levelness of the surface (use a level to ensure that the floor of your hallway is level),
  • You can proceed to grouting only after the glue has completely dried.

The tiles are laid on the floor in the corridor in two ways: “seam to seam” or “staggered”.

Before facing work, the floor surface is carefully leveled. You need to remove the old coating, clean out all the debris and smooth out any uneven surfaces. After this, you can move on to the screed; any of them will be suitable for these purposes. special compounds available in hardware store. After the screed has dried, you can mark the floor.

For correct markings, it is not recommended to use the hallway walls as reference points - they can go askew. Experts draw two perpendicular lines and focus on them. This method takes more time and effort, since you will have to try on each edged tile separately. To minimize waste, you can first lay out the material “dry” and analyze the resulting layout.

Floor cladding is not fundamentally different from wall cladding. You can use any universal glue as a fastening composition. Its layer for laying tiles on the hallway floor should be thicker than when finishing the walls. Glue is applied notched trowel, then the tile is pressed tightly against it.


Black and white hallway: a universal solution

The black and white hallway is bright and clean, but in the absence of functionality, it is a kind of protest against the prevailing clichés. A white hallway will give the owner of the house the opportunity to demonstrate her talent in maintaining cleanliness. Moreover, this is a very unusual decision, which not everyone will decide on. But to create such an exclusive interior, you need to understand all the subtleties and adhere to several rules.

Combination of white and black areas

The fundamental point in this design is the successful expansion and narrowing of space. All dark things will be visually narrowed, and light ones, vice versa. This can be used very successfully for such a small room as a hallway. If it is small, then you should use more light ones, but in a large space you can afford more black shades.

The only black option that enhances any space is bright, glossy black. Using this black, you can make the surface texture somewhat multi-layered and multi-faceted, turning everything into an unusual black mirror. This can be successfully applied to floors and ceilings to “lift” the room a little.

However, white ceilings are almost a classic, because they wonderfully make the room taller. To emphasize the whiteness of the ceiling, you can use black edging, dark ceilings, or create a pattern. This technique also looks original on massive wardrobes.

Playing with shadows on the walls

It is recommended to make one of the colors the leading color, and the other only its complement. This way the space won't be annoying. Most often, white is chosen as the main color so that the hallway does not look small, heavy and gloomy. To make black the leading color, you will have to put a lot of effort into harmonizing the room.

The white areas should really be accents and the lighting should be increased significantly. Surprisingly, all the sloppiness and stains during cleaning black surface much more noticeable than on white.

It is recommended to immediately choose furniture that is as closed as possible. So that various clothes, shoes and accessories do not spoil the entire harmony of the interior. Sliding wardrobes, special shoe cabinets and cabinets with a sufficient number of drawers are ideal for this. Such furniture for the hallway can be bought ready-made or made into a unique design.

IN dark color It is recommended to design areas that are closest to the front door. Usually this is the most easily soiled place and stains on a white wall will have to be constantly washed or renewed in these areas. In general, it is advisable to immediately select materials that will not deteriorate from intensive cleaning and cleaning products:

  • For floors it is laminate. But chemical cleaning are contraindicated for him.
  • If cleaning is necessary in the future and by various means, then it is advisable to lay the floor with tiles.
  • Ceramic tiles are also suitable.
  • Mosaic panels.
  • A stone will give a room a special charm. You can use both natural and artificial.

All these options are widely presented in black and white. There are monochromatic variations, with different patterns, designs and even entire paintings.

Those parts of the hallway that will not need to be washed often can be decorated with wallpaper or different types special decorative plaster. Don't give up on the idea of ​​painting large surfaces. It will be much easier to maintain, clean and update.

If you get bored with a monochromatic coating, it will be much easier to decorate it by adding a pattern or a whole design. It can also be created with paint or special stickers.

Decorating the floor with black and white design

Both black and white are easily soiled colors, especially when it comes to carpet flooring. If you have a choice, then instead of these colors, give preference to midtones of gray. A radically white or black floor will increase the problem.

You can decorate the floor not only with a soft covering, but also with linoleum, laminate, tiles and tile patterns treated with marble. Graphic designs on the floor look modern and stylish. Tiles help solve the problem of cleanliness. Even black or white is enough to wipe wet rag so that it shines with pure colors again.

Rugs at the doors should also be a continuation of the style of the hallway, observing the black and white “dress code”. Both the rug and the textiles are great if they are stylized as Dalmatian fur, zebra or chess. Can stand another black and white drawing or an ornament that has already been found in other elements of the hallway interior.

Monochrome romance

Agree, it is difficult to find a more charming and romantic style than retro in a black and white interior. Only slightly can the Greek or Art Deco styles compete. And each has its own characteristics and special little things, which will make up the whole mood as a whole.

It would be unacceptable to use in retro modern technology and materials. They must correspond to that magical era. In the Greek style of design, it is desirable to use specific twisted patterns, and the space can be divided by contrasting stripes.

Art Deco is characterized by its forged and carved elements, airy circular weaves. All these styles are very fond of natural materials and soft textiles; they are easily realized in a white and black palette.

Black and white fusion

A monochrome hallway is an opportunity to show your design imagination to its fullest extent. This is a unique case when high-tech elements can harmoniously coexist with baroque, and African flavor can comfortably take root next to the northern wenge style.

An example of such a hallway is the proposed description: majestic black walls covered with wallpaper with a velvet effect, in the center of which there is a black entrance door in a snow-white minimalist interior.

On the sides of the door you can place chairs painted white in the Rococo style, with lyre-shaped backs, above which you can place lamps imitating candles in transparent cups, or mirrors in frames that match the style of the door. The wardrobe in such a hallway can be, like in the rocaille style, to match the chairs, or a wardrobe made in black and white minimalism. Your guests will not be able to forget such an interior, and you will want to constantly return to your fabulously beautiful home.

Another option for a hallway is absolutely white cabinets or compartments, the same white walls, and the doorway is painted with glossy black paint, making up one piece with a glossy black floor decorated with tiles. A white pouf on the floor or a black chandelier on the ceiling can be good accents. These accents will dilute the space divided by a clear color border.

Although the black and white color scheme is better known as a symbol of minimalism, it can express whimsical shapes, a play of fantasy, and its embodiment in lines and forms such as:

  1. High-tech, where laconicism and geometry justify any element as functional, combined with transparent and matte surfaces
  2. Classicism that can be freely enriched with silver elements, gray accents, focal points, floor tiles under expensive finishing stone
  3. Art Deco, like an ornate web of lace, airy decor
  4. Southern or eastern ethnic styles, expressed in radically contrasting colors, which will add a certain fabulousness
  5. Pop art, in which images and lines are stylized, as if from comic books come to life.

Previously, it was common to believe that the hallway should be designed in the same style as the overall apartment design. New look for home renovation allows you to decorate all the rooms in different independent styles, which makes the space a kind of unique collection of treasures in one box.


Black hallway in your home

First, let's turn our gaze to the East. Here black is at a premium. He is a messenger of goodness, perfection and, oddly enough, a symbol of purity. For the Japanese, it additionally serves as an indicator of nobility and experience. In design practice, black is considered an excellent background because, like no other, it allows you to focus attention on exactly those details that are needed.

If you want to create an elegant looking hallway:

  1. Feel free to paint the walls this color.
  2. Decorate them with wallpaper in the appropriate tone.

This advice doesn't mean everything has to go dark. It is quite enough to make only one surface or part of it in such a solution. Now place bright, light furniture against the background of a black wall, and enjoy its radiance and beauty.

If you value tranquility and like non-flashy and slightly strict interiors, then add a gray palette to the black. Its colors can be cold or warm, placed on materials of different textures and used in combination. The only thing you have to take care of in the setting of such a gray-black hallway is sufficient and well-distributed lighting.

Video on the topic: Laying tiles. Hidden problems and ways to solve them

If you are not ready for such radical decisions, use black on the floor. Coverings for it, made in dark wood tones, always look noble, and are also relevant in the hallway. Coating them with yacht black varnish will give them special respectability.

Lacquered parquet laid out in a herringbone pattern looks no less wonderful in the hallway. However, do not forget that black floors are an option for cleaners. The dirt on them may be less noticeable, but the dust will become a real thorn. The best option For the hallway there are ceramic tiles. Black squares can be diluted with gray or white areas, and this can be done not only in a checkerboard pattern, but also in any form.

Now let's look at the ceiling. Do it in black small hallway- this is, of course, nonsense, but for a narrow and tall room this approach can be life-saving. In addition to the fact that you will be able to “lower” the ceiling and “move apart” the walls, in this way you can give true completeness to the entire black hallway.

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