In any city in our country summer period shutdown hot water has become almost traditional.

Surprisingly, most people do not care if there is no warm or cold water flowing into their homes.

Residents consider it acceptable that at any time of the day its supply is suspended. This causes a lot of inconvenience, so there are regulations containing the duration of FGP termination.

The term “hot water supply” means the supply of water elevated temperature to residential and industrial premises to carry out the heating function and provide household needs.

DHW may be centralized and local. In the first case, water is supplied from the boiler room or the second cooling circuit of power plants, which is subsequently distributed to residential and public buildings. Local DHW provision is installed for 1 or a certain number of houses. It is designed for short distances: tens of meters. Water is heated using small-volume boilers using electric or gas heating.

Exist legislative acts, thanks to which the termination of supply to residents is monitored hot water. These include the following:

However, such organizations that have the status of increased epidemic significance (medical structures, boarding homes, schools and kindergartens) receive hot water from personal backup sources during annual work. This must be provided for at the stage of project creation.

Main reasons

IN summer time DHW service is canceled due to any repair or maintenance work at thermal power plants or on the pipelines themselves. Typically, pipes and heating mains are checked for damage: water is supplied to the test area under high pressure. In this way, the presence or absence of losses is recorded.

Before the shutdown, the organization warns residents, sending them a notification about the beginning of forced interruptions in the provision of hot water. If such a notification was not received, most likely there was a breakdown at the thermal power plant or distribution system, which is why the supply of hot water was urgently suspended.


Taking into account the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 354 of May 6, 2011. “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings» DHW may be suspended in specific situations:

  • 8 hours in total for 1 month, for four hours of a one-time shutdown, and in the event of emergency violations on a dead-end highway - for one day in a row.
  • According to SanPin 2.14.2496-09 dated April 7, 2009 No. 20: annually during repairs or maintenance work at thermal power plants or pipelines, the cessation of hot water supply should not exceed 14 days.

Based on the above, the contractor has the right to turn off the supply of hot water in the summer for a duration of no more than 2 weeks!

In addition, clause 49 of the Procedure states that planned shutdown DHW occurs after mandatory written notification to residents no later than 10 working days before the hot water supply is cut off.

How to find out about the planned termination of supply to a specific address

To clarify the exact date preventive shutdown of hot water supply at a specific place of residence, just go to the page government services portal of your city. To use the server, registration on the site is not required. After this, you need to indicate your street and building number in the information window and click on the “Find out” button.

Recently appeared SMS notification service about the impending cessation of hot water supply. To do this, the consumer sends a free message to number 7377, typing the text “GOR WATER P”.

When disconnected without warning

If the DHW was suspended without any notification outside of the schedule or large quantity days, the first thing you should do is ask the emergency dispatch service. These structures are responsible for recording requests and providing the information residents need. It is worth noting that such a shutdown could occur due to unforeseen breakdowns, a natural disaster or other disruption normal operation networks.

However, there are cases when hot water does not meet the required readings: warm or cold water appears, or rusty-colored liquid comes out of the tap, and the housing and communal services ignore your complaints. Then residents can file complaints with the Housing and Communal Services Department, Administration, Management Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer protection, housing committee or district or regional prosecutor's office.

Considering the situation, a person who goes to court may receive compensation for an illegal and unexpected termination of hot water supply.

Responsibility for violation of order

If the fulfillment of duties for supplying hot water is unsatisfactory, you can complain about the organization providing its services. However, who exactly is responsible for non-compliance? To answer the question, you need to identify a specific organization.

It depends on how exactly the building is managed, so there are several such structures:

For lack of adequate provision of hot water to residents possible consequences indicated in Article 7.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It contains information that if the contractor violates the provision of required quality or the duration of provision of utilities to residents, is charged administrative penalty for legal entities in the amount of 500-1000 rubles, and for legal entities - from 5000 to 10000 rubles.

Due to annual repairs at thermal power plants or on the pipelines themselves in the summer, the supply of hot water to residents is stopped at this time. The legislation clearly establishes the duration of these works. In case of non-compliance with the standards in the provision public services Owners not only do not pay for hot water supply, but can also claim compensation payments from the organization in the form of an administrative fine and penalties.

For information on when hot water supply will be cut off, see the following video:

"It seems Soviet Union it has been gone for more than ten years, and the Communist Party has long ceased to lead and direct, but, as before, every year in the summer planned three-week shutdowns of houses from hot water begin. Every year, destroyed socialism reminds itself of itself with a small piece of paper on the entrance door: “In your house from such and such to such and such...”. This is, or almost this is how journalists begin their articles on summer hot water outages in Moscow.

Let's try to understand the question - why is this being done and whether it is possible to do without hot water shutdowns using the example of the Moscow heat supply system.

To do this, first, you need to understand the essence of the heat supply system and the provision of hot water in Moscow.

The principle of heating your home using a fire or fireplace existed almost until the 20th century, and only industrially developing Germany first used what is now called centralized heating. In Moscow, Mosgorteplo uses heat and hot water supplied to the heat and water supply systems of houses and buildings for the preparation of heat and hot water. thermal energy, generated at the thermal power plant of Mosenergo OJSC. The process of “preparing” heat and hot water with the necessary parameters of pressure, temperature and composition of water, as well as accounting for thermal energy, takes place at centralized heating points (CHS) “Mosgorteplo”.

But human civilization is constantly developing, and what was once a breakthrough is today a vestige of the Soviet era of general centralization.

The fact is that the Soviet system district heating at one time was developed without taking into account the conditions in which it would be used in our country. Parameters were laid down for water quality, temperature, the quality of the same pipes, and the regulation regime, which did not exist in reality. In fact, the water is completely different, it is active, it destroys the pipes. The pipes were also made from the wrong metal; they deteriorate much faster than expected. The methods of laying pipes were not optimal - because of this, huge heat losses occur. The very principle of laying heating mains was very simple: steel pipes were wrapped mineral wool and were placed underground in special concrete “cases” - trays. At the same time, hot water supply pipes were laid in the trays. We will leave the important issue of huge heat losses and significant costs for installing heating mains with such a system for another information material. Here we note another factor in the quality of water supply - increased corrosion internal surfaces steel pipes, often giving hot water a yellowish tint. As a result of all this, it turned out that the system was wearing out “several times” faster than expected. The aging periods of systems turned out to be much shorter. And since this coincided with well-known problems in our economy and an almost complete stop in the 90s investment programs transition to modern technologies, this has led to the fact that today the heat supply system requires constant, regular reconstruction.

Let us highlight two main reasons for the summer shutdown of hot water in citizens’ apartments:

Repair and maintenance work at thermal power plants and main networks of Mosenergo OJSC

Work on the reconstruction of heat distribution networks and the Mosgorteplo central heating station

Preventive work on hydrotesting of existing and reconstructed heating networks and thermal inputs "Mosgorteplo", verification, installation, replacement of equipment at central heating stations.

All this work is called preparation for the new heating season. And all of them are aimed at maintaining the centralized heating system in working order in winter period, that is, trouble-free operation throughout the entire heating season from October to April inclusive. This task is a priority for anyone heat supply organization in Russia.

State Unitary Enterprise Mosgorteplo is responsible for approximately 5,000 km of pipelines and 5,200 central heating stations. Every year, reconstruction work is required on approximately 10% of the entire length of heating networks. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly conduct hydrotests of heating networks to identify emergency and problem areas. During hydrotests this summer alone, 1,397 damages were identified and repaired - sources of potential accidents in winter. Added to this is work at heating points. In preparation for the 2003-2004 heating season. 226 central heating stations were seriously reconstructed.

The law establishes that the duration of repair and maintenance work and associated hot water outages cannot exceed 21 days. Mosenergo OJSC coordinates with Mosgorteplo a schedule of shutdowns and work completion by dates and areas. It is during these periods and exactly according to the approved schedule that hot water is turned off in apartments. Failure to complete work in deadlines and increasing the shutdown period is a state of emergency. Such a case will be the subject of analysis at the highest city level. The issue of accuracy of work and compliance with deadlines when turning off hot water is always the subject of special control by the Moscow city authorities.

But is it possible at least in the future to refuse to turn off hot water in the summer?

There are several directions in solving this issue. All of them, like almost everyone in our world, even if it sounds banal, depend on money.

The first path that Mosgorteplo is already taking is modernization everywhere existing system centralized heating by:

Applications modern systems pipelines using polymer materials, designed for long-term, up to 50 years of operation. In addition to a significant reduction in heat losses, which contributes to the stabilization of tariffs and the absence of corrosion, these pipelines allow you to “forget” about them for many years. Already this year, Mosgorteplo, when reconstructing heating networks, uses 60% of such pipelines, despite significantly more high price than steel pipelines.

Introduction of automation and dispatch systems for the centralized heat supply system, which allows you to quickly monitor, predict and manage the situation in heat supply systems. This system currently covers 950 central heating stations out of 5200. And it is planned to completely combine them into one control system distribution networks"Mosgorteplo" by 2006.

All these measures will make it easier, reduce the timing and number of facilities shut down in the summer, but will not fundamentally change the situation.

The solution is to diversify the heat supply system, to gradually move away from the very cumbersome centralized heat supply systems that are now being built everywhere, and to move towards greater variety.

Today's Experience European countries clearly indicates: a system of only centralized heat supply to buildings is ineffective in principle. To remodel the heat supply infrastructure, it is necessary to build many small boiler houses (for each apartment building or in each microdistrict) for backup or even main heating supply, depending on the specific conditions of each house. That is, build a backup heat supply system. For example, the heat supply system in Stockholm has been solved.

At the same time, it is necessary to completely reconstruct and replace all heating networks with pipelines using modern materials.

City authorities have an understanding of this problem, but it requires huge Money. We must be realistic - we will have to follow this path for quite a long time and planned shutdowns of hot water in apartments in the summer will continue. But we are moving in the right direction. Today, the Moscow heat supply system is the most reliable and sustainable in Russia. Understanding the challenges at hand and planning to solve them, Mosgorteplo uses all its forces, organizational and financial resources directs the implementation of these plans into reality. And it has achieved significant success in this direction. Confirmation of which, in addition to dry figures, is the work on heat supply to Moscow without any significant accidents, meeting the growing demand for heat and hot water, reducing losses, increasing the efficiency of heat supply and its quality. This is the reality of today and Mosgorteplo can be proud of it.

Why do they turn off the hot water at all?

This technical necessity, because in the summer everything heating network preparing for the heating season. If in winter, at sub-zero temperatures, a breakdown in the pipes is discovered, then the population will have to live for some time not only without water, but also without heating. During an outage, preventative work is carried out, during which utility workers look for damage to pipes and equipment - for example, pumping pipes cold water under pressure. It is impossible to carry out this work without turning off the water supply in the apartments.

Will it be turned off for a long time?

It’s different in all regions of Russia. On average, the duration of the outage is no more than 10 days. Many people think that there is nothing to complain about here - in Soviet times, it happened that the water was turned off for a month. According to SanPiN (Set of Sanitary Rules and Norms), it can now be turned off for a period of no more than 14 days.

What determines the shutdown period in a particular house?

Basically, it depends on the time the house was built and the area. For example, in new microdistricts, preventive maintenance may take 1-2 days, or even not be carried out at all: the pipes there, in theory, are new and have not yet worn out.

The shutdown period may vary not only in neighboring areas, but also in neighboring houses. In houses built 10 or more years ago, it is impossible to quickly carry out preventive work, since replacement of pumps, heat exchangers and other equipment may be required.

Where is the hot water not turned off at all?

In almost every city there are certain areas where this does not happen at all. For example, in Moscow these are Yuzhnoye Butovo, Kozhukhovo, Nekrasovka. Information about such areas can usually be found on city government websites.

Why is only hot water turned off?

Firstly, cold water pipes wear out less. Secondly, the law prohibits turning off the cold for more than 7 hours a month. Thirdly, for cold water there are backup pipelines that operate when the main ones are turned off. Therefore, if necessary, the cold water is turned off for a couple of hours in the middle of the working day - and then only in cases of extreme necessity.

Why is hot water not turned off in other countries?

In post-Soviet countries, centralized hot water supply systems have been installed. The same systems are installed in some countries of Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and Canada. There is a practice of shutdowns there.

In the rest of the world, the central water supply is only cold, and there are also backup pipelines in case of prevention and repair. Hot water comes from special boilers, which are located either individually in each apartment or in the basement of the house.

So what should I do?

The only one effective method get rid of the inconvenience - install yourself a boiler. Good news for Muscovites - by 2021, all old pipes are promised to be replaced with new ones. Hot water outages will then either stop completely or take much less time.

Cold water shutdown - emergency and planned, reasons and differences. How planned shutdowns are carried out, legal and illegal reasons for limiting water supply. How emergency shutdowns occur. How water supply payments are recalculated after a shutdown. Read our article - why there is no cold water.

from the article you will learn:

Uninterrupted water supply connected to central water supply houses and apartments is the responsibility of the resource supply organization. However, in some cases, turning off cold water is still possible. These situations are stipulated by law, and when they arise, the supplier acts in accordance with a certain algorithm.

Reasons for turning off cold water

There may be several answers to the question of why there is no cold water. It is usually disabled for the following reasons:

  • previously planned renovation work. In this situation, residents of the house must be notified of upcoming events 10 working days in advance. The responsibility for notification lies with the management company;
  • accident on internal communications;
  • failure on networks outside an apartment building.

If unpredictable emergency situations occur, cold water is turned off without notification.

1. The water supply in the apartment is in unsatisfactory condition and the owner of the property does not fix the problem. In such cases, the water is turned off in order to prevent flooding of the rooms below. The disconnection is not permanent; it is carried out in urgently to carry out repair work.

2. An unauthorized connection to the water supply system was detected. This is a violation of the law, it is promptly stopped and punished with a fine.

3. Local or federal authorities have ordered that water supply to the property be interrupted. The supplier implements this decision, and in case of disagreement, it is not his actions that are appealed, but the order that determined them.

By sanitary standards turning off cold water for debt is prohibited, as is deprivation of heating during the cold season. Thus, drinking water can be turned off only in case of an emergency, scheduled repairs, prevention and illegal connection to networks.

How long can cold water be turned off by law?

Temporary restrictions are established by law for planned and emergency water shutdowns. During one month, consumers can be left without water supply for a total of no more than 8 hours. The maximum duration of a one-time shutdown is 4 hours. This applies to all planned events.

In the event of an accident, water supply organizations must repair the breakdowns as a matter of urgency. In this case, the time standards will be different; they depend on the complexity of the accident, the depth of the pipelines and other factors.

If a planned shutdown of cold water occurs for a longer period of time, this indicates an inadequate quality of the services provided. In this situation, the citizen has the right to demand that the supplier recalculate payment for services.

A violation of the agreement on the supply of drinking water to apartments is not only its shutdown beyond the established time limit. This also includes reducing the pressure in the pipes. If it falls by 25% or more, then this also becomes a reason to recalculate the payment towards its reduction.

The consumer is obliged to regularly pay for water supply; violations are punishable by penalties and fines. At the same time, the supplier is also responsible for the quality of the services provided. All cold water shutdowns must be justified and carried out in accordance with the established procedure. Otherwise, the supplier will also face sanctions. There are a number of cases in which turning off water supply is considered illegal:

  • planned engineering works, but residents did not receive the necessary advance notices;
  • the water supply is shut off for non-payment, even if there are actual debts. As we have already indicated above, drinking water cannot be turned off even for debtors. To combat them, utility companies must find other methods, for example, charging penalties and fines, going to court, limiting the supply of other resources;
  • unreasonable interruption of water supply or reduction of its pressure in pipes;
  • delay in turning on the water after the problems have been resolved.

Emergency shutdown of cold water

In the event of an emergency, the water is turned off immediately to minimize negative consequences and troubleshooting as quickly as possible. Utilities are required to carry out repairs and restore water supply to as soon as possible. All forces are being thrown at this. The estimated time to eliminate accidents on the water supply system is determined in SNiP 2.04.02-84.

Emergency water shutdown is carried out not only in case of pipe breaks and other damage to the water transportation system. Another reason for this may be a significant decrease in quality drinking water. In this case, it is also disabled until the problem is resolved. This is a completely justified measure, since we're talking about about the health of citizens.

IN emergency mode Cold water is also turned off when extinguishing fires, for which increased water volumes are sent. Fires are usually extinguished fairly quickly, so citizens do not experience any particular inconvenience.

A separate measure when water supply is limited is the supply of drinking water. It is delivered by road tankers in quantities corresponding to water consumption standards for citizens. The specific delivery time is not determined. However, they work here certain rules, which allow minimizing discomfort for the population.

If cold water is turned off as planned, then warned citizens make the necessary supplies at home. In this case, tank trucks are sent to the site only in situations where repair and restoration or preventive actions last for more than a day. At emergency shutdown everything works differently. If the accident is not resolved within the next few hours, water will be supplied to ensure the current consumption of citizens.

Recalculation of water charges after disconnection

Resource supply organizations can adjust the amounts indicated in receipts upward or downward. In the case of turning off cold water, we are talking about lost resources. Payment here, naturally, should decrease. This is not done automatically; to make an adjustment, you need to submit an application for recalculation and support it with compelling reasons.

Recalculation is carried out not only for apartments in which meters are not installed and water supply is paid according to consumption standards. In housing with metering devices, amounts are also recalculated. This is one of the ways to influence the resource provider, who, when providing services poor quality receives less funds for the cubic meters actually consumed by consumers.

We will describe three main cases related to shutting off cold water and other violations in which you can apply for recalculation.

1. Water is not supplied longer than the hours established by law. Let us remind you that this is 4 hours at a time or 8 hours in total over the course of a month. Additionally, a 24-hour shutdown is provided for dead-end highways. If these standards are exceeded, for each extra hour of outage in the billing month, the payment is reduced by 0.15%. The reduced amount can be calculated according to consumption standards or in accordance with meter readings.

2. The composition and properties of the water do not meet sanitary standards. This is an unacceptable violation for which the supplier will be severely penalized. If this occurs, then no fee will be charged for each day of supplying water of inadequate quality. The meter readings do not matter in this case.

3. The water pressure in the pipes decreases. Such a violation is also not allowed because it prevents citizens from partially or fully using the water supply. In the described situation, residents of apartments on upper floors. For them, this becomes tantamount to turning off the cold water.

If the pressure drops to 25% of the standard, then for each hour of operation of the water supply in this mode, the monthly payment amount is reduced by 0.1%. A drop in pressure of more than 25% is punished even more severely. In this case, for all days during which such a decrease in pressure was observed, water supply is not paid for. The meter readings here, again, do not matter.

Russia is the only country where hot water is turned off in the summer. In European countries, hot water shutdowns are rare and last no more than five hours.

In the USA, there is no central water supply system at all. Instead they have a communal boiler room. Thanks to it, life without water at “high temperatures” is unknown to them, and the number of breakdowns and accidents is noticeably less than in Russia.

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Why is hot water turned off in the summer?

This question was probably asked by every second resident of Russia. Shutdowns occur due to the need to check pipes for possible breaks and holes. If the problem is not identified in time, it can have a bad impact on the future life of the population.

When hot water is turned off, workers do preventative work: they release water through the pipes under high pressure. Preventive maintenance also includes checking pipes for durability. maximum temperature and assessment of the degree of wear of pipelines.

How long does it take to turn off hot water in the summer?

Utilities can turn off hot water by law, but for a certain period of time, which cannot be exceeded. The regulations for such shutdowns are enshrined in SanPiN

  1. Within one month, the total shutdown time should be no more than 8 hours.
  2. If the shutdown is for one day, then no more than 4 hours.
  3. In the event of an accident on major highways, water supplies must be resumed within 24 hours.
  4. During annual maintenance work, the warm water supply can be turned off for up to two weeks.

For such periods of time in the summer the hot water is turned off. Situations occur when on one cold water They live for about a month. In such cases, residents need to file complaints with various law enforcement agencies, since such an offense is a violation of the law.

Condition of the central water supply system

It is no secret that pipelines in Russia are not allocated good qualities. The vast majority of them are severely worn out and need to be replaced, and 24% of pipes are completely worn out and cannot be used.

According to statistics for 2016, for every 10 kilometers of pipes, about 12 and a half breakdowns occur. News programs are increasingly showing videos from the scene of major pipeline accidents, and also provide information about the victims. The authorities are trying to reduce the number of such unfavorable cases through annual inspections and pressure testing.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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