Growing tomatoes requires attention and care of the plants. Tomatoes react especially sensitively to transplantation into a greenhouse; in addition to a new place, they have to get used to the surrounding temperature. Often, after planting in a greenhouse, bushes look lifeless and lethargic. To help tomatoes quickly perk up and start growing, use folk remedies for feeding and nutritional supplements. All fertilizers are applied at a certain period in the tomato’s life, since the need for vitamins varies throughout the entire growing season.

Procedure for using fertilizers

With the transplantation of tomatoes, the bush intensively begins to produce new shoots and green leaves. The root system also grows. The main additive for tomatoes during this period is ammonium nitrate or nitrophoska. If there is a lack of nitrogen, the leaves may become pigmented or yellow and dry out prematurely. If the bush looks dull, then it must be fed with nitrogen fertilizer. Dilute saltpeter or nitrophoska (a teaspoon of fertilizer per 10 liters of water) and water the bushes once every 10 days. You can repeat the treatment 2-3 times. Nitrogen is well absorbed only in the first phase of tomato growth, before budding. Fertilizers are used from the beginning of May to the end of the month. The first complementary feeding is done 2 weeks after planting.

When the tomato bushes have already grown taller and begun to bloom, potassium supplements in combination with phosphorus come to the rescue. Both components have a positive effect on the formation of inflorescences, making future harvest delicious. Allowed dry application fertilizers, but it is better to dilute with water. Potassium sulfate (10 grams) is dissolved in a bucket of water. The same amount of superphosphate is added to it and the tomatoes are watered in the morning from June to July. Supplements should be used no more than once every 10 days.


If the leaves on the tomatoes curl and their tips turn black, this is a sure sign of potassium deficiency. An additive is used to replenish the metal deficiency.

Folk remedies

Substances beneficial for tomatoes are contained not only in powder fertilizers, but also in other components. Ash is of greatest value to gardeners. It contains great amount mineral elements and other useful compounds:

  1. Potassium.
  2. Calcium.
  3. Sodium.
  4. Magnesium.
  5. Manganese.
  6. Iron.
  7. Phosphorus.

Tomatoes need all these substances for intensive growth. Ash can be used as root and foliar feeding. It is often added to the soil during planting. Fertilizer should be applied no earlier than early summer. Ash can be used to water tomatoes. To do this, a glass of ash is diluted in a bucket of water and the crop is watered at least once every 7-10 days for a month. The powder can be applied directly to the leaves and stem. It is crushed and powdered with your hand or a rag on the tomato shoots. Ash not only replenishes the lack of minerals, but also protects tomatoes from rot, midges and aphids.

Mullein and chicken are considered proven additives. Before using fertilizers, they are diluted with water and left for at least 3-5 days. Cow manure is less concentrated than chicken manure. It is diluted in a ratio of 1:10. has a stronger effect and is diluted in a ratio of 1:20. Both additives are used from the beginning of summer until the end; they affect the taste and increase the juiciness of tomato pulp.

The use of yeast to stimulate the growth of seedlings has already become commonplace. Yeast helps improve the development of roots and leaves, accelerates the formation of fruits and makes them larger. To prepare a watering solution, take yeast in a package and dilute it in a liter of water. Then, to make the dough rise, add a tablespoon of sugar. When the mixture has stood for 2-3 hours, water the tomatoes under the bush with it. Yeast can be fed to tomatoes when they are in the flowering phase and the formation of tomato ovaries. Yeast feeding is carried out no more than three times during the entire period of growing tomatoes. Yeast can be replaced with bread crusts or crackers. They are soaked in water, then left for 3-4 days, the solution is filtered through cheesecloth and watered over the tomato bushes.

Nettle and any freshly cut grass are very useful for young seedlings. They have a rich composition of microelements that help tomatoes ripen faster. Watering and irrigation with such an additive, prepared entirely from natural ingredients, can be carried out regularly, starting in late spring. In nettles and grass, the juice found inside the plants is especially valued. To extract it, fill a bucket of nettles or herbs with the same volume of water and let it brew for a week. You can make the solution more nutritious and add a teaspoon and nitrophoska per 10 liters or boric acid. The mixture is applied to the leaves of the seedlings, but before noon, so that by the evening the moisture has time to disappear.

Humus and compost also affect the ripening of tomatoes. The components are often added when forming a planting ridge, and then used as mulch for the further cultivation of tomatoes. Mulch is laid in an even thin layer after each watering. Before the next watering, the layer is replaced with a fresh one.

Preventive treatments of tomato bushes with a weak solution of iodine or potassium permanganate prevent infection, kill harmful microorganisms and help maintain tomatoes high stability to pests. Iodine makes up for its deficiency in the stem, and its content in the fruits themselves is beneficial for health. You need to dilute iodine no more than 2-3 drops per liter of water. The solution should have no distinct color and be slightly tinted. Irrigate the leaves and stem of the plant with the solution 2-3 times a month. Irrigation can be carried out in May and June. You should not use iodine during the flowering period.

Potassium permanganate is similar in properties to iodine, but is of great value for tomatoes. Since the supplement contains potassium, which is necessary for abundant flowering And good fruiting, permanganate can be used as an independent fertilizer. You only need to dilute a few crystals of powder per liter of water until you reach Pink colour, then the solution is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed evenly over the entire piece, including the leaves. Permanganate can be watered at the roots of tomatoes.

Other types of fertilizers

If there is not enough time, and the tomatoes need feeding, then complex fertilizers will help. They have a balanced composition, which is characterized by versatility of use. Such drugs include Fertika.

The fertilizer is based on potassium, nitrogen, humate, and phosphorus. The drug is suitable for weekly watering, is perfectly soluble in an aqueous environment and even neutralizes harmful effects from pesticides. Can be used dry. The additive should be diluted in strict accordance with the instructions.


Treatment of tomatoes against insects and diseases can be carried out simultaneously with fertilizing.

One of the most popular additives used by most summer residents is the complex additive Agricola. Agricola for tomatoes does not contain harmful toxic substances such as nitrates and chlorine. It can be used from the beginning of transplantation. All components in the powder are in the correct dosages. The treatment is repeated after 2 weeks for 2 months.

Summer residents often use their secrets and recipes for fertilizing, which give excellent results. As a rule, most recipes include a whole mixture of the fertilizers described above. The cocktail turns out to be very nutritious and has an intense effect. These recipes are especially suitable for tomatoes that have weakened and look sick.

  1. Recipe 1. Mix diluted chicken manure (25 grams per half liter of liquid) with 20 grams of superphosphate, add 5 grams of potassium sulfate. Dilute the entire mixture in a bucket filled to the top with water. Water the crop 2 times a month with this composition; watering has a particularly positive effect in the first months after planting in the greenhouse.
  2. Recipe 2. Take 20 grams wood ash, add 2 teaspoons of superphosphate and 5-7 crystals of potassium permanganate to it. All components are dissolved in an aqueous medium. Watering is carried out 2-3 times a month in June-July.
  3. Recipe 3. 20 grams of potassium humate are dissolved with any complex fertilizer that does not include humate. The additive can be used to irrigate plants, but only in the first half of the day.

The use of fertilizers certainly has positive influence on the growth of the crop and allows during the growing process to eliminate most problems such as drying and yellowing of leaves, small unsweetened fruits, late date maturation. All supplements are used no more than once every 10 days. Between different fertilizers there should be a break of at least 2-3 weeks. It is necessary to observe the correct dilution of substances, regularly loosen the soil and water the soil. Timely care of the crop will undoubtedly ensure it good growth and promotes a bountiful harvest.

Tomatoes are a plant that decorates almost any personal plot. These are some of the most delicious and healthy vegetables, which are planted both for seasonal consumption and for preservation for the winter. In the middle zone and southern regions of Russia, tomatoes can be grown in open ground. For example, in the Rostov, Voronezh, Tambov regions there will be no problems, there is enough heat for the full growing season of these plants. But in the Pskov and Leningrad regions (and, especially, to the north), growing tomatoes without shelter is a rather risky undertaking. But even here you can get good harvests in open ground if you comply with certain conditions:

  • Early planting of seedlings. Proper application of fertilizers for tomatoes at all stages of growth and development. Use agrotechnical methods to accelerate ovary and ripening

Tomato seedlings

Obtaining, selection and disinfection of seeds

Seeds for seedlings can be bought at the store. You need to choose well-proven, zoned varieties that have genetic characteristics that are consistently passed from generation to generation. For example, the following varieties are suitable for growing tomatoes in open ground in the middle zone:

  • “Verlioka”, “Katya”, “Arctic”, “Native”, “Nevsky”, “Yamal”, “Far North”, “Apples in the Snow”. They are also recommended for greenhouse cultivation in the northern regions of the country.

For southern regions more choice. Here you can plant nightshades with long period growing season and greater fruit mass of the final product. This:

  • “Fifty”, “Taman”, “Salad Pink”, “High-Peel”, “Shiva”, etc. .

Another way to obtain seeds is to get them from your garden. For this purpose, strong ripe tomatoes(it’s better to let them ripen on the bush, without ripening) and keep them on the windowsill until they become soft (rotting should not be allowed).

The prepared tomato is cut in half, the seeds are squeezed into a jar and fermented. To do this, they should be left in the jar for 2-4 days. Quality seeds will separate from the pulp and settle to the bottom.

Selection of planting material

Before planting, you should sort the seeds by placing them in a glass of water for 10 minutes and stirring wooden stick. Seed material suitable for planting will sink to the bottom, and lightweight specimens will remain on the surface. Some sources advise warming up tomato seeds before planting in order for friendly shoots to appear. The benefit of this procedure is questionable, because heating the seeds at high temperatures can deplete the supply of moisture they contain.

How to “treat” tomato seeds?

Previously, for this purpose, a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 0.5 cup of water) was most often used, in which the seeds were kept for 20 minutes, and then thoroughly washed with water. But now the drug KMnO? has practically disappeared from sale, and gardeners use other methods to disinfect seeds:

  • For example, aloe juice, into which tomato seeds are placed for one day, and then left to dry without washing.

“Treatment” is necessary, because even the best fertilizers for tomatoes will not help to get a good harvest from diseased plants, and after such treatment, adult bushes are practically not affected by anything.


The most popular among amateur gardeners are the following: preparations for stimulating seed germination: “Epin”, “Zircon” and “Guamat”. They are good not only because they are growth catalysts for growing tomatoes, feeding their seeds with useful microelements, but they are also environmentally friendly fertilizers of organic origin. The soaking temperature in these preparations should not be lower than 15°, otherwise the effect of the elements on the seeds will be incomplete .

It is best to use a solution with t = 20-22 °C. But it is strictly forbidden to soak tomato seeds in an ash solution.. This useful fertilizer will be useful in the next stages of plant growth and development.

Now it will have a depressing effect due to the presence of mineral salts in it. Potassium fertilizers for tomatoes are not used at this stage. for the same reason. Tomato seeds need, on average, 18 hours to swell. After this, they are taken out of the water so that they do not suffocate, since during germination they begin to need oxygen.

Germination of seeds

This procedure is simple and quite fast. It is best to place the seed material in well-ironed gauze, which can be moistened with water or a diluted growth stimulant (Epin, for example). They germinate within 1-2 days, the most important thing is not to miss this moment, otherwise roots will grow that will dig into the tissue and get stuck there.

Growing seedlings

It is necessary to attend to this issue in central Russia at the beginning of March. IN northern regions At this time, seedlings are planted for subsequent transplantation into greenhouses. In the southern regions it is planted in April, sometimes even in May.

But here there is no fundamental need for it; you can plant nightshade seeds directly into the ground.

Soil preparation

First you need to prepare the soil for tomato seedlings. There are many recipes for this mixture. Here is one of the most popular: For 1 part garden or turf soil (ideally earth will do, on which nettles grew in summer), take 1.5 parts of humus, 1 peat, and 0.5 river sand.

To ensure calcium balance, add 1 cup of crushed eggshells. Note that mineral fertilizers are not needed at this stage. They will be needed later, when it is necessary to feed adult plants for ovaries and fruiting.

Soil treatment

The resulting soil mixture must be steamed. This is done in different ways, from heating the bucket over a fire to the oven.

Disinfection and destruction of fungi and putrefactive bacteria, as well as aphid larvae and the cessation of weed activity are achieved using this procedure. Another way to clean soil mixture for growing tomatoes from pests is spill it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. You will have to water in any case after the soil is placed in containers for seedlings, as water helps it settle and compact.


After germination, the seeds are placed in the prepared soil to a depth of 0.5-0.7 cm, root down (if in doubt, place the seed on its flat side, the sprout and root will find where to move on their own). Before the first shoots appear, pots with seedlings are placed in warm place, with a temperature of at least 25°C.

Some gardeners cover pots to enhance the thermal effect. plastic bags. This can also be done, but you should not forget to periodically ventilate the plantings.

Seedling care

To ensure adequate nutrition You can water young plants with ash extract. This is done no more than twice during the entire period of “home” growth. One more A way to feed young plants is a yeast solution.

You can prepare it as follows: 5 grams of bread yeast are diluted in 5 liters of water and left for one day. Then the seedlings are fed with this suspension, but not more than once during the entire growth period.

The resulting mixture cannot be stored for more than 2 days. You can also use fast-acting yeast as a fertilizer for tomatoes. A mixture of them is made like this: One packet of yeast and two tablespoons of sugar are poured into a glass of warm water, stirred until completely dissolved. Leave for 2 hours, and the resulting working solution is added when watering at the rate of 0.5 liters per 10 liters of water.

“Moving” seedlings to the garden

Tomato bushes ready for planting should have a first cluster with ovaries and a second, flowering cluster. They should not be planted directly into the garden bed. You must first harden the plants; this is one of the main conditions for growing tomatoes in open ground.

It is advisable to start on a cloudy day by placing the pots with plants outside for 15-20 minutes, increasing your time outdoors every day. There is another way (if you came to the dacha for one day with the goal of planting seedlings in open ground) – cover the plants plastic bottles or plastic buckets. To do this, take a bottle with a volume of 5 liters or more and cut off the bottom. It is installed above the tomato bush in such a way that there is a gap at one edge between its lower cut and the soil for air circulation.

Diagram: example of arrangement of tomato bushes in a garden bed

Caring for tomatoes in open ground

Into the ground before planting seedlings, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizers. For one square meter The following consumption rate per 1 square meter is recommended: wood ash - 0.5 l, compost or humus - 1 bucket, urea -1 tsp. After the plants have taken root well, fertilizing should be carried out.

For this purpose, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers for tomatoes are used. It is better not to feed nightshade plants with nitrogen at the first stage.

Its excess leads to rapid growth vegetative mass, to the detriment of the formation of ovaries. It can be very useful for development at this stage liquid fertilizer from ash. It will nourish the plant with those elements that are necessary for the growth of the bush and the formation of flowers and ovaries.

At the stage of flower formation, it is also worth feeding nightshades with ready-made fertilizers, such as “Sudarushka-tomato” - a universal complex without chlorine. It is used to prevent fungal diseases and increase productivity. The method of application is as follows - 1 spoon (teaspoon), dissolved in 10 liters of water. 0.5 liters are poured under each bush. In open ground for tomatoes sometimes a typical “greenhouse problem” appears - tomatoes bloom, but do not set. But the root causes of this phenomenon are different than those of plants in open ground:

  1. Early planting of seedlings.

Tomatoes are a rather demanding vegetable crop. This plant actively removes nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other minerals from the soil.

During seed germination, phosphorus is necessary to enhance the growth of plant roots; it promotes more early flowering, ripening of tomatoes, increases yield, sugar content and dry matter in fruits. Potassium is necessary for normal fruiting, and nitrogen in ammonia form- For fast maturing fruits

During budding, flowering and fruit formation, plants need nitrogen and potassium nutrition. If there is a lack of nitrogen or potassium, then plant growth is weakened, and this leads to a decrease in fruits and a decrease in yield. Tomatoes have high nutritional, taste and dietary qualities. Excess nitrogen negatively affects the growth of tomatoes.

It delays fruiting, and there is a high probability of plant diseases. Thus, in order to get a good harvest of tomatoes, you need to create all the necessary conditions. To do this, plant tomatoes in soil that has been prepared in advance and fed with mineral organic matter. Enriched organic materials and biofertilizers, the soil is the key to a rich tomato harvest.

IN Lately summer residents are trying to refuse chemical, artificial fertilizers, preferring natural feeding. What to fertilize tomatoes with, everyone chooses for themselves, since there are many options.

Fertilizer methods for tomatoes

Yeast is one of the best plant growth stimulators. How to feed tomatoes? The most common methods of feeding are: bird droppings, ash, yeast and others. Let's take a closer look at each of them. Yeast.

They are the best stimulant plant growth. Recipe yeast fertilizer: 20 grams of yeast are diluted in 10 liters of water, left for 24 hours, and the resulting solution is used to fertilize the plants. "Growthmoment" is ready-made fertilizer, which is produced using yeast. It is also suitable for planting tomatoes.

This product is the best biostimulator of growth and further development plants. Using this fertilizer, you can be confident in its quality. "Rostmoment" is suitable for fertilizing tomatoes that grow in pots. Ash is an excellent source of potassium and phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, zinc and other trace elements.

Ash is added to each hole before planting seedlings. To do this, take 3 tablespoons of ash and mix it with the soil.

To enrich the soil, 3 cups of ash per 1 square meter is required. Fertilizing the soil when planting tomatoes plays a key role in the growth of fruits. Chicken manure is a fairly valuable fertilizer. His chemical composition ahead of manure, and nutrients are contained in a fairly light form.

Fertilizing tomatoes with chicken manure has a prolonged effect, even after two or three years after applying the fertilizer, the soil remains nourished and has a positive effect on the plants. Feeding from bird droppings is quite easy to prepare.

The concentration of the solution is prepared depending on the stage at which the tomatoes grow. You can prepare the following composition: add 100 g of fresh bird droppings to 10 liters of water, leave for 24 hours and water the plants. Fertilizing with manure and bedding is applied during soil cultivation, in a ratio of 6 kg of fertilizer per 1 sq. m. Chicken manure is not a universal fertilizer, so it is necessary, in addition to it, to add other fertilizers to the soil, such as ammonium nitrate, superphosphate. For a good result, it is not necessary to use expensive fertilizers, the main thing is not to exceed the dosage and apply them to the soil on time. Nitrophoska and other complex fertilizers are applied to tomato seedlings at a rate of 0.5 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. Planting tomatoes begins with the use of superphosphate, 1 tablespoon per hole. 5 days after planting, you can water the tomatoes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Stages of growing tomatoes in the garden

  • in the fall, when digging the soil, add 4 kg per 1 square m of humus or compost; in the spring, it is necessary to fill the soil with mineral fertilizers: 80 g per 1 square m of superphosphate and 20 g per 1 square m of potassium chloride; after planting the seedlings, the first fertilizing is planned in 10-15 days , and the second - already at the beginning of fruit formation; so that the fruits set faster, use a 0.5% solution of superphosphate or a solution of boric acid. The solution that has settled is drained and the tomatoes are sprayed with it.

Thus, fertilizing the soil when planting tomatoes plays a key role in the growth of future fruits. Today, there are a large number of different fertilizers that can improve the quality of fruits; the main thing is to follow the exact dosage instructions and time of application to the soil. With the help of fertilizing you can grow excellent harvest tomatoes on soil that is not particularly fertile. We list the most important fertilizers for this crop:

  • potassium; phosphorus; nitrogen.

Phosphorus plays a great role in the formation of the root system and fruit set. If plants do not receive this substance, then tomatoes poorly absorb nitrogen and other necessary elements nutrition.

Symptoms of phosphorus starvation in tomatoes are the appearance of red-violet spots on the underside of the leaves, as well as curling of the leaves along the main vein; fruit ripening also slows down. When thinking about how to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse, you should remember the high consumption of potassium by this crop. This mineral promotes the formation of stems, as well as the absorption and processing of carbon dioxide.

In case of potassium deficiency, lower leaves accumulate ammonia nitrogen, as a result of which they first wither and then die. In the photo you see how the result of potassium starvation of tomatoes appears on the leaves: Let's take a closer look at what and how to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse.

When and what kind of feeding is carried out

The very first fertilizing can be done during the planting process. tomato seedlings to the greenhouse. Compost or humus is placed in pre-prepared holes and ash is added.

Compost, like humus, contains many minerals, and the ash contains a high content of various micro- and macroelements, which are so necessary for tomatoes. normal development, growth, flowering, setting and formation of fruits. The question of how to feed tomatoes after planting in a greenhouse causes “hot” discussions among gardeners. Part of the “gardening” community is of the opinion that the question of what to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse immediately after disembarkation it’s not worth it at all. Such gardeners believe that the first feeding of greenhouse tomatoes should be carried out no earlier than two weeks after transplanting the plants to a permanent place. Other gardeners are of the opinion that for seedlings “injured” by transplanting, it is better to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse earlier, preferably immediately after transplanting, all the better.

For the first fertilizing, these gardeners recommend using organic fertilizers, or so-called “green tea”. This fertilizer is easy to prepare with your own hands. To prepare it, they take the most different herbs(various weeds, such as nettle, plantain and others), to which add a bucket of liquid mullein and a glass of wood ash.

For infusion, take 4-5 kg ​​of finely chopped grass per 50 liters of water, add mullein and ash, mix and leave for several days to infuse. Then the volume of the solution is adjusted to 100 liters. Approximately 2 liters of prepared infusion is poured under each tomato bush.

Important: mineral supplements, carried out at this time by many gardeners, have a one-sided effect on plants. Some of them stimulate the active growth of green mass, others enhance flowering. If there are no organic fertilizers, it is better to fertilize the tomatoes with any complex mineral fertilizer. So, if you think that the soil in your greenhouse is well fertilized, then you don’t have to fertilize it after replanting the tomato seedlings. Then, rough plan the feeding will be like this:

  • The first feeding will be carried out approximately in 15-20 days after transplanting plants. For it, mineral fertilizers are used, diluting them in 10 liters of water:
  • 25 g nitrogen; 15 g potassium.

For each plant, use 1 liter of the prepared solution.

  • The next feeding is carried out at a time when the tomatoes begin to bloom en masse (see Forming a tomato bush in a greenhouse - how to do it correctly), since feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse is necessary for normal fruit set in the future. 1 tbsp is diluted in 10 liters of water. a spoonful of potassium sulfate, 0.5 liters of bird droppings and the same amount of liquid mullein. Each plant should receive 1-1.5 liters of the prepared solution.

If there are few or no organic fertilizers, then you can fertilize by dissolving 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska in 1 bucket of water. For each plant, 1 liter of working solution is used. During flowering of tomatoes, in order to prevent blossom end rot of tomatoes, it is necessary to spray the plants with an aqueous solution of calcium nitrate. To prepare it 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water.

  • During the formation of ovaries, it is necessary to fertilize the tomatoes with a solution of 2 liters of wood ash and 10 g of boric acid, diluted in 10 liters of hot water. The prepared solution must be infused for 24 hours so that all elements are completely dissolved. This mixture contains a large number of micro- and macroelements that will help the harvest to form more quickly. Water each plant with 1 liter of the prepared working solution. Last root feeding tomatoes are carried out during mass and active fruiting in order to accelerate ripening and improve taste qualities. For this root feeding, dissolve 2 tbsp in 10 liters of water. spoons of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid sodium humate.

Anyway, clear instructions about at what time, how often and with what fertilizers to fertilize greenhouse tomatoes, does not exist. Each gardener, knowing what vegetable crops were grown in the previous season and what fertilizers were used, follows an approximate feeding schedule, “adjusting” to the characteristics of the plants, the vagaries of the weather and relying on his own experience.

Foliar feeding

In addition to the usual root feeding of tomatoes, it is also useful to use foliar feeding - spraying the stems and leaves of tomatoes. The peculiarity of foliar feeding is that they are able to bring to the plant the substances it needs, which are lacking in the soil.

This is due to the fact that the leaves, unlike the roots, absorb only the elements that are missing for the plant. If the tomatoes lack some specific elements, how to feed the tomatoes in the greenhouse is decided by applying foliar feeding of the missing elements. Spraying plants with a solution containing scarce substances very quickly gives positive results, appearing literally within a few hours.

If you apply the same elements through root feeding, the result can be seen only after a week or two. During flowering, thinking about how to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse, you can perform foliar feeding with a solution of boric acid and wood ash extract Tip: to prepare an extract from wood ash, take two glasses of ash and pour 2-3 liters of hot water.

Leave for a couple of days, after which the precipitate is filtered off. The resulting solution is brought to a volume of 10 liters with water, after which the plants are sprayed.

How to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients

Tomatoes very clearly signal to their appearance about exactly what elements they lack (see more: Tomato diseases in a greenhouse: their varieties and how to deal with them). External signs of mineral deficiency

  • with a lack of phosphorus, the stem, lower surface of the leaves and the veins on them turn purple. If you spray the plants with a weakly concentrated solution of superphosphate, then within a day the purple color disappears. Calcium deficiency leads to curling sheet plate inside and disease of tomato fruits with blossom end rot. In this case, spraying the plants with a solution of calcium nitrate will help. If the plants do not have enough nitrogen, the plant turns light green or yellowish, lags in growth and becomes very thin. Spraying will help cope with nitrogen deficiency " herbal tea"or a very weak urea solution.

It may seem that fertilizing greenhouse tomatoes is too troublesome and unnecessary. It is enough to simply add fertilizer to the soil during spring and autumn digging, and then plant the tomato in the greenhouse.

Indeed, if the soil is not depleted and it is practiced correct crop rotation crops, you can get a harvest. But if you carefully look after the plants and quickly respond to their needs, constantly taking care of them, the tomato harvest in the greenhouse can be obtained much more abundantly and of better quality. After watching the video, which tells in detail about various types feeding tomatoes, you will see that you yourself can easily cope with a similar task.

Tomato is a tasty and juicy vegetable, without which it is difficult to imagine our everyday and even holiday menus.

Tomato juice, fresh tomato salad, canned tomatoes, borscht dressings are very healthy, nutritious and tasty.

Therefore, it is worth taking care of a good harvest in advance, and for this it is important to provide the plants with all the necessary nutrients on time.

The nutritional needs of tomatoes after they are planted in the ground can be determined by the appearance of young plants.

Main signs of deficiency nutrients the following:

How long after planting should they be carried out?

If signs of nutrient deficiency appear on planted tomato seedlings, then it is necessary to fertilize them.

A very popular question - How long does it take to fertilize plants?? Start in 1 week? In 2 or later? On what day? Most gardeners agree:

The first feeding can be carried out 15-21 days after planting tomatoes in open ground when the phase begins active growth plants. That is, two weeks after landing.

How to fertilize tomatoes for the first time?

In order to choose the right fertilizer for feeding tomatoes, you need to know their types and composition. All fertilizers are divided into 2 types:

  • mineral– contain nutrients – chemical elements;
  • organic– fertilizers of natural origin (manure, peat, sawdust).

Mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers help the plant develop after it is rooted in the soil; they are used in case of a lack of chemical elements in the soil.

Many gardeners do not consider mineral fertilizers a complete nutrition for vegetables; they use them only as “ ambulance", in emergency cases.

Others, on the contrary, often and happily use them to feed vegetables.

The most popular mineral fertilizers:

  • potassium– promote the growth of the root system and strengthen plant immunity;
  • nitrogen(these include urea, saltpeter). This type of fertilizer is therefore recommended to be used only after planting seedlings in the ground;
  • phosphate (superphosphate)– influence metabolic processes, are a source of energy.

Potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate) is a fertilizer of natural origin containing about 50% potassium. The application rate is 20 grams per 1 sq.m of planted tomato seedlings.

Attention! When working with potash fertilizers, you need to use protective gloves and wear goggles.

Urea (urea)– mineral fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. Produced in the form of white granules. To apply as plant nutrition, 4-5 grams of urea per 1 sq.m of planting is used. It is applied by scattering it over the surface of the soil, as close as possible to the root of the plant.

Ammonium nitrate– produced in the form of white granular balls, with a nitrogen content of about 30%. To prepare the fertilizer, use 10 grams of saltpeter, which is dissolved in 5 liters of water. Apply using a watering can or ladle strictly at the root of the plant.

Superphosphate– granular fertilizer containing 30% phosphorus. To feed a tomato, you need to add about 50 grams of fertilizer per 1 sq.m.

Important! In order to determine the volume of fertilizer applied, it is enough to use a teaspoon, which holds about 5 grams of the substance.

The application of mineral fertilizers for the purpose of feeding plants planted in the ground is best done in a comprehensive manner. Most often, ready-made dry mixtures are used, which contain potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients. To apply, you need to use 30-40 grams of such fertilizer per 1 sq.m. landings.

Organic matter in spring

In addition to mineral fertilizers, tomatoes can also be fed with fertilizers such as manure, ash, and chicken droppings.

These fertilizers are of natural origin and are environmentally friendly.

Manure– the most common type of fertilizer. Before application, it is necessary to prepare a solution. To do this, pour 1 bucket of manure with 1 bucket of water and leave for a week, after which 1 liter of this infusion is diluted in 1 bucket of water. The resulting infusion is added in a ratio of 1 liter per 1 tomato plant.

Important! Can not use fresh manure as a top dressing. Only its infusion or humus rotted over the winter.

Ash– an excellent remedy that can compensate for the lack of nutrients. You can prepare a solution from it as follows:

  • a container of 50 liters or more filled with water is used;
  • for every 10 liters of water, add 0.5 liters of wood ash;
  • the mixture must be mixed well.

That's all, the ash fertilizer is ready. Under one root you need to add 0.5 liters of infusion.

Chicken droppings- a fertilizer that contains everything essential microelements. To use it, you need to prepare a solution in a ratio of 1 part litter to 10 parts water. The resulting solution is mixed and added at the rate of no more than 1 liter per 1 bush.

Spray or feed at the root?

The following can be used to feed crops planted in the ground:

  • root - when fertilizer is applied directly to the root of the plant, for its nutrition and transmission throughout the plant;
  • foliar - carried out by spraying tomatoes with solutions containing nutrients.

Foliar feeding is most often used to strengthen the plant’s immunity and achieve more quick effect from the use of fertilizers than when applying them by roots.

It is carried out using a sprayer in the early morning or in the evening to prevent leaf burns.

Read about other important ones in the materials at the links.

Rules for spring cultivation in open ground

Most main feature When fertilizing plants, consistency is important. Root feeding should only be done if the plant really needs nutrients.

Fertilizing involves enriching the soil with nutrients.

If the plant does not consume them, then microbes and harmful bacteria can feed on them, which can lead to negative consequences for the tomatoes themselves.

Therefore, it is very important not to overdo it with nutrition. It is better to underfeed plants than to overfeed them.

Root fertilizing is carried out on pre-moistened soil so that when fertilizer gets to the root of the plant it does not burn it. This feeding is carried out only after the plant has completely rooted, 2-3 weeks after planting.

Root will not have an effect if the air and soil temperatures are below 15ºC.

An important feature of foliar feeding is the possibility of its application immediately after planting the plant in the ground. It allows you to significantly save on fertilizers, since their consumption is minimal, but at the same time the effect of application increases.

Plants that are fertilized with foliar feeding usually set inflorescences 2-3 weeks earlier than those that were fertilized at the root.

Before treating plants with a solution, it is worth checking the composition on one of them; there are situations when the leaves and stems do not tolerate a particular type of fertilizer and the plant dies after such treatment.

What is the best food to feed in May and early June?

It is worth clarifying that the plant can receive from each fertilizer necessary microelements, however the most suitable fertilizers are complex(contain several nutrients in the required proportions).

These include the following:

Growing tomatoes is a rather labor-intensive process. Particular care should be taken at the rooting stage of plants planted in the ground. It is important to understand what nutrients a tomato needs so as not to harm it by applying various fertilizers. The owner's attention and care to such a crop as a tomato will be rewarded with an excellent harvest.

Useful video

You can see how the first subcortex of tomatoes is performed in the following video:

Like all berry plants(and tomatoes belong to the nightshade family), tomatoes need feeding during the period of growth and fruiting. To increase productivity, you need to know what fertilizers are best to use for tomatoes, how to feed tomatoes during different periods of growth, and how growing in open ground differs from greenhouse cultivation.

It is necessary to start caring for plants from the moment the seeds are planted:

  • monitor soil moisture;
  • prevent diseases;
  • Apply fertilizers in the right quantity on time.

You need to monitor the plants throughout the entire period in order to notice nutrient deficiencies in time.

Fertilizers for young seedlings

If you start germinating seeds at home or in a greenhouse, the first step is to soak them for 10 minutes in a 5% salt solution. This is 1.5 tablespoons of salt per liter of water. This way the seeds are disinfected. Next, wash and transfer to clean water for swelling for 15 hours (approximately).

The procedure must be carried out shortly before sowing into the soil.

The next step will be preparing the soil. If it is purchased in a store, then no processing is required. If used garden soil, That the best way It will be good to pour it with a solution of potassium permanganate. After this, the soil should stand for a couple of weeks. It's too early to plant seeds.

IN garden soil add a small amount of complex fertilizer for tomatoes in liquid form or an organic solution diluted to a minimum. When the seedlings sprout, you can begin to observe what color the foliage is and how the shoots develop.

After 2 - 3 weeks, you can feed the tomatoes again natural fertilizer. For example, an infusion of herbs.

You can plant seedlings in the ground after 1.5 months. The signal will be the first ovary of flowers. Some gardeners remove it to dateLet the plant get stronger. Cloudy weather will be most favorable for transplantation.

Fertilizing tomatoes in open ground

If autumn events on fertilizer garden plot were not carried out, then 2 weeks before the expected relocation of the seedlings it is necessary to dig up the soil with compost or add some mineral fertilizers so that they have time to dissolve. These are phosphorus and nitrogen.

Fresh manure must be prepared. Fill the bucket one third with manure and add water. Then take one part of the infusion and dilute it in 10 liters of water. Pour the liquid into the soil within 4–5 days so that soil bacteria begin to digest it.

Video: How to properly feed tomatoes

If fertilizer for tomatoes was applied in the fall, then in the spring you can limit yourself to watering with an organic nutrient mixture or a small amount of urea. This is the best way to feed tomatoes good harvest in future.

Requirements of tomatoes for mineral fertilizers

Except nitrogen fertilizer for tomatoes, you will need to add potassium. But this is later - about a week after landing. Feeding tomatoes with potassium fertilizer is very important, since this element affects the number of fruits and their ripening. The best way to feed tomatoes is potassium magnesia or ash. In the first case, tomatoes are fertilized with potassium sulfate. In the second - natural additive, which in addition to potassium contains trace elements - sulfur and magnesium.

Tomatoes do not like chlorine, so potassium chloride is used as mineral fertilizer cannot be used

Phosphorus fertilizers are best applied in the fall, so that they have time to dissolve and transform into a form accessible to plants. In spring, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with phosphorus 2 - 3 weeks before planting seedlings in the ground. The dry mixture is scattered and dug into the ground.

Phosphorus affects root growth and nitrogen uptake, so you need to know that these two elements must be present in the soil at the same time.

The best phosphorus fertilizer for tomatoes is superphosphate. It can be combined with organic matter. This is healthier than simply fertilizing tomatoes with manure, which contains a lot of nitrogen and potassium, but no phosphorus.

The nitrogen requirement of tomatoes is greatest during the growth stage of shoots and foliage. How to properly feed tomatoes and how to prepare fertilizer can be read on the fertilizer package.

If the instructions give a certain amount of a substance, and the gardener simultaneously uses organic matter for root feeding, then the amount of the mineral mixture should be reduced so as not to damage root system plants

During the period of fruit set and ripening, nitrogen fertilizing should be stopped. It's potassium's turn. Feeding tomatoes with potassium accelerates the ripening of fruits and affects the duration of fruiting.

Video: Fertilize tomatoes to increase yield

Professional gardeners recommend choosing one fertilizer rather than feeding tomatoes throughout the entire period of growth and fruiting. And then - depending on the situation. It can be diluted or mixed, or foliar feeding can be used. It is useless to look for the best fertilizer, since the algorithm of action is the same. There are slight differences in the concentration of additional substances. It is better to focus on the composition of the soil in the garden.

Signs of nutritional deficiencies

Lack of nutrition can be determined by the appearance of shoots, leaves, and fruits. It depends on what stage it arose.

If there is a lack of nitrogen in the soil:

  • shoots are weak;
  • leaves are small and light;
  • the ovaries may fall off;
  • small size fruits.

In order to notice a lack of nitrogen in tomatoes in time, you need to monitor plants that consume nitrogen in large quantities– peas, beans, potatoes, cabbage. If their leaves begin to turn yellow from below, then soon it will be the tomatoes’ turn.

When there is a lack of water in the soil, plant nutrition is disrupted. Cold cloudy weather has a bad effect on nitrogen absorption. A lack of phosphorus slows down plant growth when the root system develops poorly.

This is what a tomato lack of nutrients looks like

Phosphorus deficiency:

  • foliage turns red or purple;
  • delayed fruit ripening;
  • The roots lengthen and turn black.

A lack of phosphorus affects tomatoes immediately, so it is urgent to decide how to feed the tomatoes so that phosphorus deficiency does not affect the yield. Basically, these are foliar feedings in parallel with watering. This method quickly helps to save the situation.

In open ground on clay soils, deficiency appears more often. Acidic soils also prevent plants from absorbing phosphorus, so it is worth adding chalk or dolomite flour to feed tomatoes.

Potassium deficiency:

  • leaves turn yellow at the edges;
  • spots on leaves;
  • The roots turn yellow.

Appears on heavy soils, swampy and peaty. Fertilizing tomatoes by spraying is the fastest way. At the same time, it is necessary to organize watering with a potassium solution.

Micronutrient deficiency

Lack of at least one important element can negate the efforts of gardeners. With a deficiency of magnesium, boron, calcium, copper, sulfur or iron, certain signs appear on plant leaves:

  • magnesium - leaves darken and die;
  • sulfur - the foliage turns pale and yellow;
  • boron - fruits of irregular shape appear;
  • calcium – fruits die off starting from the calyx;
  • copper - leaves curl on the sides;
  • iron - leaves dry around the edges and die;
  • zinc – spotted leaves.

In addition, if there is a lack of microelements, plants are susceptible to diseases. Weak shoots cannot resist the action of pests and die. There are situations when, with a complex deficiency, it is impossible to determine what to choose for feeding tomatoes. There is only one way out: start with leaf feeding. Preferably complex mixtures.

Do-it-yourself feeding

On summer cottage or on your own farm there is always something to feed your tomatoes so that there are a lot of fruits. This could be cow manure, chicken droppings, waste from other animals or birds - sheep, ducks, horses, rabbits.

It should be understood once that fresh organic matter is large quantities may burn plant roots. Therefore, it is necessary to first infuse and then dilute the slurry. This process takes a week.

The second option is to apply fertilizer for tomatoes in the fall. Over the winter, organic matter is consumed by soil bacteria and becomes available to plants.

The third option is to lay compost pit or a bunch. If you do this at the beginning of summer, then next year There will be something to feed tomatoes in the spring for harvest. One square meter of fertilizer for tomatoes consumes up to 8 kg.

Yeast is gaining popularity as a fertilizer for tomatoes in open ground. To do this, they are bred in warm water and water the soil, add to green manure. The goal is one - to provoke the growth of beneficial bacteria in the soil in order to improve its quality. To do this, crumble a 200 g packet of yeast into water and wait until the liquid begins to foam. Next, one liter for each bush (the soil must be moist before watering with yeast).

It’s not difficult to prepare green fertilizer for feeding tomatoes with your own hands. In summer weed mowed or weeded. It can be put into action. IN large capacity grass is poured into a third and filled with water. It takes 2 weeks for the fertilizer to sit before fertilizing the tomatoes. Tomato feeding is carried out by watering or spraying.

If it is possible to fertilize tomatoes several times with whey or milk, this should definitely be used. Sugar is often added to such mixtures - about 1 glass per 3 liters of milk. Tomatoes love this additive very much and the fruits quickly gain weight.

Fertilizer application scheme

The feeding scheme for tomatoes depends on the type of soil on the site, the amount of precipitation, and the presence or absence of organic matter for application to open ground. It just so happens that each gardener has his own feeding regime, as well as types of fertilizers. Some people use exclusively mineral mixtures, others mix organic matter with complex fertilizers, someone prefers to grow bio-products.

You should not go to extremes - sprinkle everything you have under vegetables or use one type of additive for all occasions. There is a risk of losing crops and poisoning the soil. It’s good if no one gets hurt after too much fertilizer.

Before you decide to feed tomatoes, you need to carefully read the fertilizer manufacturer’s instructions - how much of the substance is consumed per square meter. This is to protect people's health. When and how much fertilizer should be applied so that there is no excess. This is for plant protection

It was not for nothing that one prominent scientist said: you cannot hide a lack of knowledge with an excess of fertilizers. Or something like that. The result, and most importantly the harvest, will be disastrous.

For greenhouse tomatoes

Greenhouse tomatoes are fertilized 4 times per season. The first time they add: mullein solution and nitrophoska (as an option). For 10 bushes, 10 liters of water, half a liter of mullein and 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska are required.

After about 10 - 12 days, a second feeding of the tomatoes is done. For a bucket of water, take 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate (or other fertilizer without chlorine) and a tablespoon of prefabricated complex fertilizer.

A feature of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse is ongoing care and soil disinfection. When tomatoes grow in one place for several years, they become affected by diseases. First of all - late blight. Various methods are used for prevention:

  • sulfur bombs for processing internal space greenhouses;
  • copper sulfate 3% for soil;
  • feeding tomatoes with the microbiological composition Fitosporin.

After watering with copper sulfate, the soil must be dug up and then watered with the solution again. The bulk of fungal spores are found in the soil. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to annually remove old bushes from the greenhouse and burn them. Monitor weed growth. The procedure for preparing the premises for planting should begin in the fall. Before feeding the tomatoes, in September the greenhouse walls and soil are completely disinfected.

Buy good seedlings or hybrid seeds are not yet enough for a bountiful harvest. It is necessary to feed, process, and so on. But not everyone knows how to feed tomatoes after planting them in the ground. Many gardeners purchase various fertilizers, not realizing that there are so many organic fertilizers nearby, just under their feet or at arm's length, to solve this problem.

    How and when to fertilize

    How to fertilize tomatoes

    What to do on the day of planting seedlings

    Tomato growth in the first ten days

    Root feeding

    Foliar feeding

How and when to fertilize

It is necessary to carry out fertilizing in several stages, alternating or combining it with treatment against late blight, other diseases and pests. Feeding tomatoes is as follows:

  • before boarding;
  • after rooting;
  • Apply fertilizer for tomatoes during flowering and fruiting.

But this is still not enough. It is necessary to first prepare, fertilize the soil and treat the seeds.

It is not difficult to prepare the soil. It is enough to sprinkle on the surface:

  • ash;
  • humus;
  • compost;
  • bird droppings and digging up the garden.

This must be done in the fall, after harvesting, and in the spring, two weeks before planting.

Important! It is better not to use the land, or rather the area where potatoes grew last season or crop diseases were observed, or to thoroughly disinfect it.

To neutralize the earth from possible pests, late blight spores, you can water the area with an aqueous solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture, which contains copper sulfate and lime. Follow the proportions strictly according to the instructions indicated on the packaging.

For seed treatment, a regular, slightly pink color is suitable, water solution potassium permanganate. The seeds must be dipped into the solution, left for about thirty minutes, rinsed under running water and that will be enough.

How to fertilize tomatoes

Tomatoes with an abundance of nitrates and chemicals fill the shelves of modern stores. Name own plot It is stupid to follow such an example of modern farmers. On any site, in any house, there is something that will become a unique organic matter. Fertilizer for tomatoes can be in the form of:

  • baker's yeast;
  • ash from trees or grass clippings;
  • dairy products;
  • garlic water;
  • bird droppings, humus, manure;
  • boric acid;
  • onion peel;
  • food waste;
  • nettle tincture.

It doesn’t matter how the seedlings were obtained, purchased or grown independently. This is a topic for another conversation. Here we will look at exactly that stage of how to fertilize tomatoes when planting.

What to do on the day of planting seedlings

Tomatoes should be planted in the ground in the evening after a sunny day, when no rain is expected. Even if the soil has been previously prepared, you can add one tablespoon of ash directly into the hole when planting a tomato. It will not harm the still weak root system, but nitrogen and phosphorus will appear in the soil, which are essential for the normal development of tomatoes.

You shouldn’t worry too much about what to put in the hole when planting a tomato. It could be onion skins eggshell, if there is no ash at hand.

Important! Ash for fertilizers can be after burning cuttings of branches, mown grass, without admixture of burnt remains of diseased vegetable crops. Epithelia are not afraid of fire.

Do not plant plants too close to each other. The distance between each plant is at least 30 centimeters. If you plant closer, you can provoke the development of late blight. Wondering what else can be put in the hole when planting a tomato, or whatever is at hand if there is no ash.

In the end, the seedlings grew in fertilized soil and this is quite enough for the first time. And the soil itself on the site must be prepared. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the plant and only then decide how to fertilize the tomatoes after planting in the ground. Usually they quickly take root and already at the end of the first week the growth of each bush is noticeable.

If you have doubts or want to further enrich the soil, you can add a solution of baker’s yeast. It is necessary to dilute 10 grams of dry yeast (one small packet) in ten liters of water. They must stand for a day. On the day of planting, moisten each hole with this mash and plant the tomatoes.

Tomato growth in the first ten days

It is during this period that one can observe how actively the culture is developing and what it lacks.

  1. If observed purple on the plant, which means phosphorus must be added to the soil. An aqueous solution of ash (a ten-liter glass), which is applied to the plant by spraying, will help get rid of this.
  2. Weak growth may indicate that the plant was planted early and night cold snaps were observed.
  3. The leg turns black, which means late blight infection is occurring. Urgently spray the planted tomato with a solution of Bordeaux mixture, boric acid under the root, the soil nearby and the seedling itself. If the symptoms do not go away, the plant must be destroyed so as not to infect neighboring ones.
  4. Withering is almost impossible. But if this happens, then the plant simply does not have enough light.

After a little observation of growth and appearance, you will learn to understand what to feed the tomatoes after planting, what fertilizer to use for tomatoes in which case, and what exactly is missing in the soil. If the plant has taken root normally, it is observed healthy growth, then during this period you can do nothing. But for the entire growing season you will need root and foliar feeding tomatoes.

Root feeding

How to fertilize tomatoes when planting is more or less clear. Now you need to decide when to carry out the first and subsequent root feedings. Although the first fertilizing was applied for tomato seedlings. Everything that was in the soil and applied at the root can be considered the first root feeding.

The first two weeks we simply observe the growth and appearance of the plant. At this time, replanting is still possible if the plant does not like something. But this happens extremely rarely; once in the ground, the seedlings behave quite unpretentiously, which cannot be said about the entire subsequent period.

Important! It should be remembered that for healthy tomatoes only root feeding is necessary. Foliar application is carried out for prevention and protection against diseases. Even watering the plant is necessary at the root.

  • The first fertilizing can be done when the plant is well rooted and has noticeably increased in growth. Do this no earlier than two weeks later. Dilute humus, ash, bird droppings (0.5:10) in ten liters of water and apply five hundred grams under each bush.
  • The fed tomato is not touched for two weeks, until the first flowers appear. Maybe this shouldn’t be done if the soil is well-manured. But what was used for the first feeding can be applied a second time in the same proportions.
  • For the third feeding during the period of abundant flowering, you can already use herbal or nettle infusion so that the droppings and ash do not become boring to the tomato. This component is introduced in a liter for each bush.
  • Now it is important to determine how to properly carry out the fourth feeding; it must be done during the ripening period of tomatoes. Here the plant needs superphosphate. You can do without it, but it is advisable to add it. A tablespoon per ten liters of water will be enough to prepare a solution. Carry a liter for each bush.

Foliar feeding

The plant does not like abundant spraying of plain water on the surface. Besides, excess moisture may provoke fungal diseases, among which late blight is destructive for the entire crop.

Well, spraying with solutions containing useful substances is very beneficial for the plant and the fruit. Especially if you prepare mixtures from various components. You can add the same droppings or ash into the water for spraying, enriching them with something else.

Boric acid has a fairly beneficial effect on fruits. This:

  • elastic fruits;
  • rich taste;
  • even color;
  • absence of diseases.

For this treatment you will need one teaspoon of boric acid per ten liters of water. The acid is diluted in hot water, so it dissolves better. Then injected into cold water and spraying is carried out.

They have proven themselves to be excellent herbal infusions, into which acid can also be introduced. This component is guaranteed to produce delicious fruits with an unforgettable aroma. It is worth remembering that such fertilizing must be carried out in the evening, if rain is not expected.

You can add a little potassium permanganate to the solution, this is an even greater guarantee to protect the plant from diseases and pests. This condition is necessary so that the plant absorbs more of the applied component. This happens especially abundantly when dew appears in the morning.

Together with dew, tomatoes absorb all the most important substances applied in the evening. This is all simple, but guarantees a bountiful and healthy harvest.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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