Scientists have proven that pillows with natural filling are dangerous to life. In European countries, for example, it is prohibited to use feather pillows in sanatoriums, hospitals or children's camps. What exactly is the harm? feather pillows?

Do not forget that pillows made from natural fillings contain dry remains of poultry skin. Imagine this situation: you washed your hair and decided to go to bed with your hair not dry. All the moisture was absorbed into the pillow, the water got on these particles. As a result, they begin to decompose, rot and deplete bad smell. All this will soon force you to take such a pillow to the nearest trash can.

A little about synthetic pillows

You might think that the problem has been solved by now. After all, manufacturers have been producing pillows with synthetic fillers for decades. In addition, marketers were able to convince consumers that such pillows are more useful for their health. healthy sleep, they are elastic and resilient enough to provide the necessary height to support the head. But there’s a catch here too. Recent studies have shown that synthetic pillows are even more dangerous to human health, especially those that have been in use for more than a year and a half. Scientists came to such conclusions due to the fact that such pillows are inhabited by several times more more fungi than in feather ones. The most common of the fungi has a name similar to the spells from the book “Harry Potter” - aspergillus fumigatus. This fungus can especially harm people suffering from leukemia and bone marrow transplants, and also complicates the course of asthma.

To solve this difficult problem, they invented the miracle of pillowcases made of special fabric that prevent allergens from penetrating into your skin. respiratory tract. But, alas, these are not yet sold in our country. While we are waiting for magic pillowcases to go on sale, there is only one way out against pests and fungi - change the pillows every 1.5 years. A little expensive, but is it possible to save on health?

Many people don't even realize that real mites live in their pillows. These are the ones you are thinking about now, they do not bite and do not drink blood. However, they cause no less problems, especially for those people who are more susceptible to their influence.

Dust mites are sometimes called feather mites because they often make their home in pillows made from bird feathers and down.

The unpleasant fact is that if you do not wash the filling of such a pillow for several years, most of its mass will be occupied by these microorganisms. It is impossible to completely get rid of them; they are so small that they can live on all dusty surfaces, in bed, soft toys and in all the cracks.

Let's consider the characteristics of life and reproduction of these pests, what danger they pose to people, how symptoms manifest themselves, as well as methods for reducing the number of individuals.

Habitat of feather mites.

The size of the body of the main characters of the article is very small - 0.3-0.4 mm, which makes them completely invisible. Therefore, they can live in the most secluded corners.

A tick under a microscope.

The most popular question from our readers: - which pillows do pests live in, and which ones don’t? We answer: – in any! Down (feather) mites can live in both synthetic and natural pillows; the latter is, of course, preferable for them.

The main reason for the appearance of mites in pillows is the environment suitable for their existence - this is humidity, rare washing and the person himself, since they feed on particles of our dead skin.

Effect on humans: symptoms.

Once a person's immune defenses begin to weaken, the ubiquitous presence of mites, especially in pillows and blankets, causes quite noticeable symptoms.

Since these are tiny grains of sand, with any air fluctuation they begin to spread everywhere, flying into the respiratory tract, clinging to the mucous membrane.

With such harmful contact, a person develops some symptoms of illness, which is caused by mites living in pillows.

At external manifestation symptoms described above, it is best to consult a doctor who will prescribe necessary vitamins and medicinal products.

If you don’t want to deny yourself the softness and comfort of feather bedding, you need to know how to clean the pillows yourself:

Pillows with feathers and down have long been abolished in kindergartens, camps and sanatoriums. If safe analogues are available, try replacing the old ones with them bed dress.

Hidden from human eyes, mites live in dust particles, bedding, pillows, and soft toys. Few people know how many problems the neighborhood with these insects poses. It is impossible to get rid of these creatures without a trace, but you can protect yourself and loved ones from diseases transmitted by feather mites.

How to recognize the presence of a tick in the house

A healthy person shows no signs of exposure harmful insects. But as soon as immunity decreases, malfunctions appear important systems human body, mites in pillows make themselves felt by showing the following symptoms:

  • Itching, worse at night;
  • Facial skin becomes gray with enlarged pores and redness;
  • The oil content of the skin increases;
  • A rash appears on the skin;
  • Hair fall out.

If they remain and are not noticed, then the disease enters the next stage, which manifests itself in the form of an allergy to feather mites:

  • Atopic dermatitis, characterized by itching, peeling, and redness of the skin. Requires long-term treatment.
  • Urticaria, which appears as pink spots on the skin with severe itching.
  • Allergies accompanied by lacrimation, runny nose, cough. Unpleasant symptoms disappear after eliminating contact with the pillow.
  • The tick in a person suffering from asthma causes frequent attacks of the disease.
  • Swelling of the airways can be fatal.

If symptoms of insect exposure are detected, you should not self-medicate; a visit to the doctor is necessary.

Seeing a doctor

Treatment options

Treatment of the consequences of feather mite exposure requires integrated approach. Reducing the number and spread of insects and using medicinal drugs will help get rid of skin diseases.

For drug therapy, you must consult a doctor who will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe individual treatment. Doctors prescribe a complex of vitamins and minerals, soap to eliminate insects on the skin, ointments that relieve inflammation, difficult cases Antibiotics are prescribed. For elimination skin problems caused by ticks, it takes 10-15 days.

IN folk medicine Calendula tincture is used against the effects of feather mites. Skin rashes are treated with a product applied to cotton wool. Aloe juice applied to a bandage is used as a compress. Castor oil and trichopolum are applied to damaged skin for eight hours. Treatment for the effects of insect exposure is fourteen days.

To prevent the spread of feather mite infestation, you must:

  • Do not squeeze pimples or cleanse the skin of the face, as this may contribute to the spread of insects;
  • When washing, do not use hot water;
  • Protect your face from exposure to sunlight;
  • It is necessary to adhere to a diet that excludes from the diet: smoked foods, canned food, fried foods, sweets, coffee, alcohol.

Getting rid of ticks

Reducing the risk of infection with linen mites

Despite the variety of methods to combat insects, it is difficult to completely get rid of them. The basic rule to follow is that the fewer dust particles in the house, the fewer feather mites. There are a number of recommendations to consider:

  • Repeated washing bed linen using hot water dramatically reduce the number of insects.
  • Replacing down fillings in the pillow with synthetic padding.
  • Synthetic pillows should be washed, and down pillows should be replaced every six months.
  • Blankets, mattresses and pillows should be taken out into the fresh air for treatment. sun rays and cold.
  • Using special mattress covers will prevent feather mites from getting to human skin.
  • Regular cleaning of upholstered furniture from dust particles and pet hair fibers will deprive ticks of their usual environment.
  • Removing from rooms carpets or replacement with wicker rugs.
  • Carry out wet cleaning daily.
  • Wash and comb pets regularly, as they are a breeding ground for ticks.
  • Personal hygiene requires due attention: frequent change of towels, minimizing stress, strengthening physical health.

Drugs and preventive measures

There are specially developed formulations that help fight feather mites. Sanitary services They treat the premises with solutions that are safe for people, but have a negative effect on insects. But you can also buy it yourself chemicals from ticks, diluting them strictly according to the instructions. TO effective drugs relate:

  • Tsifekos powder, which is diluted in water, eliminates feather mites for one month.
  • Emulsion Sipaz means for disinfection in residential premises. Fights insects for 30 – 45 days.
  • Based medicinal herbs There are sprays for treating bed linen that eliminate feather mites in three hours.
  • Easy Air product, developed based on natural ingredients.
  • Allerqoff spray for treating mattresses, carpets, and upholstered furniture helps reduce the number of mites.

After processing disinfectants It is recommended to leave the premises for twenty-four hours. After which the rooms must be ventilated and wet cleaning using bleach and salt. Textiles should be dry cleaned or cleaned using a steam cleaner.

Each person has a different reaction to the presence of linen mites indoors. As the insect population grows, allergic symptoms occur. But knowing how to treat allergic manifestations, and by taking preventative measures, you can protect yourself, your family, and your home from feather mites.

Video: Dust mites that live in bedding

It's hard to say when people started using pillows. But it is known that already in Ancient Egypt this subject did not surprise anyone. Today there is no longer a question of whether a pillow is needed? Among the variety offered, we only strive to determine what distinguishes them and which pillows can be considered the best.

You can safely snuggle up to such a shoulder. And cry into it tirelessly. It will never let you down, it will never move away, and the hug will always be warm.

First of all, we determine the purpose for which the pillows are purchased. For sleep? Then they are subject to much higher demands than their sofa “relatives”, which give a cozy, lived-in look to the interior. However, let's discuss everything in order.

Baby pillows must take into account anatomical features child and ensure his safety.

Special pillows for pregnant women are also used after the birth of the baby.

Decorative pillows

Needlewomen successfully do it with their own hands. They can be a great gift. Particularly popular are the various funny pillow toys. Both adults and children like them. And their choice is so rich that everyone can find a soft “girlfriend” to their liking. Women like hearts, rollers, embroidered and knitted pillows. Children love furry animals of all kinds. And men prefer cool pillows with a “zest”, or even a “spice”, turning more attention on the form rather than on the content, that is, the filling of the product.

Sometimes the main thing in a pillow is not the content, but the form, reflecting the tastes and preferences of the owner.

Decorative pillows can have not only a variety of shapes, but also many details.

Embroidered pillows have not lost their relevance for several centuries. There is a place for them in any interior.

Women and children are delighted with pillows in the shape of soft and fluffy animals.

Such a pillow can easily become a faithful and almost living friend.

Sleeping pillows

When choosing a pillow for sleeping, we solve health issues. And if hygiene issues are determined by what you choose, then the mattress and pillow are directly responsible for the quality of your sleep. We will definitely talk about mattresses later, but today we will continue the topic we started.

The requirements for choosing a pillow for sleeping explain that the quality of the material from which it is made and itsform. The latter is most often traditionally square or rectangular. But there are also pillows that look unusual, anatomical shape determined by their purpose. For example, this is notable for pillows for pregnant women, for newborns, for feeding a baby, and car neck pillows. Special shape, as a rule, have orthopedic pillows. Each manufacturer tries to implement maximum comfort for the consumer in their products. Here, for example, orthopedic pillows Magniflex : they can be wavy or cone-shaped, with a wide variety of convexities and concavities. But their shape is always justified by ergonomic goals and increased comfort during sleep. A separate topic is the filler. Let's look at its types in more detail.

Modern orthopedic pillows are considered the most correct.

Down and feathers

It looks like classic down and feather pillows are becoming a thing of the past. This natural filler, which used to be the most common, today is becoming less and less acceptable to consumers. First of all, this concerns the pen. Besides that feather pillows are quite labor-intensive to care for and quickly lose their properties; this type of filler often causes allergies; dust mites. If it is not sufficiently dried and not ventilated in a timely manner, the feather may begin to rot. This means that such a pillow quickly becomes harmful and dangerous.

Feather pillows still find their consumers. Swan pillows are especially in demand. Here, in addition to softness and lightness, psychology plays a big role. Even the thought that you have swan fluff under your head fills you with tenderness and calmness, helps you relax, and therefore have a good rest. However, the same problems remain: harmful microflora and dust mites, for which natural down filling is favorable, are not eliminated by home washing, and dry cleaning, which deals with them, spoils the quality of the filling, reducing the service life of the pillow.

Down and feathers are a classic filler for feather beds and pillows. But today they are recognized as dangerous.

We emphasize that in many countries, particularly in Europe, down and feather pillows have long been banned. Back in the 19th century, European medicine recognized them as harmful to health. For allergy sufferers and asthmatics, down or feather pillows are strictly contraindicated.

Wool pillows

Another type of natural filler is wool. As a rule, these are pillows made of camel hair or sheep. Such pillows are very comfortable, provide warmth in winter and coolness in summer, and perfectly absorb moisture. However, they also easily harbor the same harmful microorganisms, fungi and mites that are detrimental to our health. Therefore, such pillows are not acceptable for use in homes where asthmatics or allergy sufferers live. In addition, wool pillows quickly lose valuable properties: within six months to a year the filler begins to clump, and after 4-5 years it becomes completely unusable.

Camel or sheep's wool- an excellent, centuries-tested material for pillows. But. Unfortunately, it also has its drawbacks.

Plant-based pillow fillings

Long before the appearance of pillows in their current form, our ancestors slept with straw under their heads. And in some ways they were right. No wonder today everything greater distribution get pillows with various types vegetable fillers. And, it should be noted, doctors welcome this growing popularity.

Bamboo pillows

Even in ancient times, the Chinese learned to make almost everything from bamboo. We, by and large, are just discovering this for ourselves. exotic plant. But bamboo pillows, like the blankets, have already been appreciated by many. As a pillow filler bamboo fiber- tender, reminiscent of cotton wool - almost perfect in all respects. It is environmentally friendly, has antibacterial and antistatic properties, is breathable and easily provides optimal temperature regime during sleep. Bamboo pillows are hypoallergenic, do not accumulate unpleasant odors, and are easy to use. It is recommended to use such pillows for children; it is only important to choose the right height. The only disadvantage can be considered the fairly rapid creasing of the fiber, especially in wet. Therefore, make sure that your bamboo pillow is dried well (especially after washing) and is not stored compressed.

Cotton is mixed with delicate bamboo fibers for strength, which only improves the quality of this filler.

Buckwheat pillow

The next most famous vegetable filler is buckwheat husk. These pillows have enough heavy weight, but quite comfortable. Interestingly, what is most wide application they have it in Europe, where buckwheat as a food product is known, perhaps, only to Russian emigrants. But buckwheat husks are valued as a filling for pillows with a lot of useful properties.

First of all, the husk is highly breathable. The second significant plus: excellent support individual uniform, which your head and neck receive when you lie down. This allows you to completely relax both the muscles and vertebrae of the neck. In addition, a buckwheat pillow has a massage effect. Based on these and others useful qualities buckwheat, manufacturers promise healing from many diseases and relief from many sorrows to those who constantly use their products.

For some, the rustling of buckwheat husks prevents them from falling asleep. For others, on the contrary, it calms them down.

Some buckwheat pillows They seem a little cold, which is confusing in winter. Sometimes consumers also complain about a fairly noticeable rustling of husk grains. But these shortcomings vary from person to person: some people find it bothersome, others like them. The only objective disadvantages include the fact that buckwheat is afraid of moisture, so you can only wash the cover, pouring out the filler, and the fact that during use the grains rub against each other, forming fine particles. But this can be completely eliminated: just periodically sift the filling, and your buckwheat pillow will serve you no less than other types.

Cedar pillow

Quite an unusual and rarely seen pillow. Nevertheless, it is also worthy of attention. The cover of this pillow is filled with small spirals of cedar shavings. Manufacturers provide the ability to easily pour out some of the filler to give the pillow the desired rigidity. It, like buckwheat, has massage properties. The aroma of this pillow is also useful. It is especially suitable for those who are prone to colds, since the phytoncides contained in the cedar aroma strengthen the immune system.

It is necessary to care for this pillow in the same way as for a buckwheat one: the filling is shaken out of the fabric cover, the latter is washed and dried. After this, the sifted filling is poured back into the cover, and the pillow is ready for use again.

Energy Siberian cedar preserved in elastic and aromatic shavings.

In addition to those mentioned, there are pillows with herbs, seaweed, and eucalyptus fibers. Manufacturers' fantasy in search optimal solution for the comfort of our sleep is almost inexhaustible. And each option has its own advantages.

Synthetic pillows

When considering the types of pillows, one cannot help but mention synthetic fillers. Modern materials The quality is not inferior to natural ones, and in some cases even surpasses them. First of all, it should be noted that synthetic pillows are usually much cheaper than natural ones. And this is their first advantage. Second no less important advantage is that microorganisms and mites that provoke the development of various diseases do not live in synthetics. In addition, synthetics are very practical: they can be easily washed in washing machine at low temperatures without losing its properties. This makes synthetic pillows durable and ideal for allergy sufferers.

Cheapest pillows foam rubber. Depending on the shape and purpose of the pillow, it can be solid foam rubber, cut, or crumbs (an option that is very low in both price and quality). Most often, sofa cushions are stuffed with foam rubber.

Popular for stuffing padding polyester, padding polyester, holofiber. Products with such filler are very light, voluminous, and hold their shape well. Due to their hypoallergenicity, they are excellent for both allergy sufferers and children, starting from a very early age.

Modern synthetic filler is not only not inferior to natural materials, but also has its own advantages.

The most modern orthopedic pillows fill latex or silicone. It can be a solid block of ergonomic shape, or it can be balls, spirals or columns that provide the finished pillow with a massage effect. They do not wrinkle, retain their shape perfectly (and some, especially “smart” ones, can even remember your individual characteristics anatomy). It is these pillows that can provide the healthiest sleep (especially in combination with). It is only important to choose a manufacturer whose product quality has proven itself in the market.

Do not neglect to be careful when choosing a pillow for sleeping. After all, how you feel during the day depends on how you sleep. Which means the right pillow can provide more than just good mood, but health and success in life in general. To further strengthen your confidence in your choice, we suggest watching the video “The Ideal Pillow”:

Tatyana Lukyanenkova, especially for the site.

What about luxurious down featherbeds? It turns out that they have all the disadvantages of foam rubber, only they are much more expensive. German doctors were the first to notice this back in the 19th century.

Bird feathers and down retain heat well due to the numerous air gaps between them. But they strongly absorb moisture and do not release it well, so such a bed seems damp and cold in the evening.

Moreover, feather beds require bedding made of very dense fabric, otherwise the elastic feathers will come out. A special fabric, teak, is impregnated and becomes impermeable to air. It's like sleeping on oilcloth! This not only interferes with the removal of excess heat, but also prevents the skin from working normally. Through the pores, the skin breathes, releases toxins and carbon dioxide. And impenetrable confidants force you to absorb all this back, poisoning the body.

All these troubles are aggravated by the use duvets. In such a “steam room” you throw off the blanket many times a night, get cold and pull it back on. Sudden changes in temperature lead to insomnia, cause colds, rheumatism and arthritis.

Here is what the 19th century German doctor O. Steiner wrote in his book “Bed”: “All feathers, even with slight humidity, emit a heavy smell. They begin to show signs of rotting; Yes, this should be so, because feathers contain inseparable products, especially easily decomposed, such as particles of meat, skin and fat that remain on the feathers when they are pulled out. This is a fact worth thinking about."

The fight against this evil is unproductive. When we fluff our pillows before going to bed, we only excite the ticks and “ventilate” their home. The same thing happens when dry vacuuming. And when we try to clean the bed and upholstered furniture modern washing vacuum cleaner, then we create an ideal environment for a “demographic explosion” of these populations in conditions of high humidity.

Another statement by O. Steiner from the same book is appropriate here: “We have to destroy the good old prejudice that disinfection by drying in the sun or cleaning feathers can permanently prevent the process of decomposition. These measures are a completely meaningless break in the silent life of billions of microscopic creatures. After just a few days, this life develops again under the influence of moisture and heat.”

Of course, in private homes everyone is free to decide for themselves what to sleep on. But in Germany and Switzerland, down and feather bedding has long been banned in hotels and hospitals.

What is the danger of house dust from feather pillows?

Scientists have proven that pillows with natural filling are dangerous to life. In European countries, for example, it is prohibited to use feather pillows in sanatoriums, hospitals or children's camps. What exactly is the harm of feather pillows?

Do not forget that pillows made from natural fillings contain dry remains of poultry skin. Imagine this situation: you washed your hair and decided to go to bed with your hair not dry. All the moisture was absorbed into the pillow, the water got on these particles. As a result, they begin to decompose, rot and give off an unpleasant odor. All this will soon force you to take such a pillow to the nearest trash can.

A little about synthetic pillows

You might think that the problem has been solved by now. After all, manufacturers have been producing pillows with synthetic fillers for decades. In addition, marketers have been able to convince consumers that such pillows are more beneficial for healthy sleep, they are elastic and resilient enough to provide the necessary height to support the head. But there’s a catch here too. Recent studies have shown that synthetic pillows are even more dangerous to human health, especially those that have been in use for more than a year and a half. Scientists came to such conclusions because such pillows contain many times more fungi than feather pillows. The most common of the fungi has a name similar to the spells from the book “Harry Potter” - aspergillus fumigatus. This fungus can especially harm people suffering from leukemia and bone marrow transplants, and also complicates the course of asthma.

To solve this difficult problem, they invented the miracle of pillowcases made of special fabric that prevent allergens from penetrating the respiratory tract. But, alas, these are not yet sold in our country. While we are waiting for magic pillowcases to go on sale, there is only one way out against pests and fungi - change the pillows every 1.5 years. A little expensive, but is it possible to save on health?

Is it dangerous! Find out what harm Feather Pillows cause to your health!

Feather and down pillows are very warm and light, they quickly absorb moisture and are very pleasant to the touch. When used, down pillows quickly restore their previous volume. They give comfortable sleep, But…..

Researchers have proven that pillows with feather filler life-threatening. In Europe, for example, feather pillows are prohibited from being used in sanatoriums, hospitals, kindergartens and hotels, as they are potentially hazardous to human health.

Take care of yourself and your family, and YOU WILL BE HEALTHY and happy!

Why are feather and down pillows so dangerous?

Feather pillow: good or bad for health?

I haven’t slept on feather pillows for a long time because they gave me asthma. The whole family had to switch to pillows with artificial fillings.

Even now, when the asthma has passed, as soon as I come into contact with a feather pillow, I begin to breathe poorly - the mucous membrane of the nose and bronchi swells, and I have to take an anti-allergy pill. Feather pillows often harbor dust mites; they or their waste products also cause asthma.

Down and feather pillows

Down and feather pillows are among the most common bedding items. Usually goose or swan down is used as filler. Some models include down and soft feathers for a comfortable sleeping experience. Such models are in great demand because they attract attention with their naturalness and comfort.

Harm and benefit

Since ancient times, people have used pillows filled with feathers or down of various birds for sleeping, but it is worth thinking about the safety of this product.

Allergy sufferers should be very careful, as they may be allergic to the feathers and down of different birds.

Many experts note that down and feather pillows have many positive qualities:

  • Down and feathers are natural fillers that have excellent ventilation. They allow air to pass through well and are also characterized by excellent thermal insulation properties. You will feel comfort and convenience at any time of the year.
  • Models with feathers and down perfectly move away from the head excess moisture, which is formed during sleep.
  • Fillers are characterized by softness and lightness. They quickly restore their shape and are also elastic and resilient.
  • Models with down and feathers are wear-resistant if you care for them properly.
  • Such pillows are already traditional. There is no such thing yet synthetic filler, which could be compared with down and feather models.

But, besides the benefits, pillows with natural fillers They also have some disadvantages:

  • Difficult to care for. If you do not follow the rules for using the product, then it will lose all of the above advantages.
  • A feather or down pillow is not suitable for everyone. People suffering from allergies need to be very careful when choosing such a product.

Types of filler

Most often, when making feather and down pillows, goose or duck plumage is used. Models made from natural goose feathers are in great demand because they are characterized by elasticity, softness, good elasticity, as well as excellent thermal insulation properties.

A pillow filled with goose feather and down is different best quality than a duck feather product.

The quill pen can be gray or white, therefore, depending on the color, the material for the bedstead is selected. White fluff does not show through the fabric, so for such a pillow you can use covers made of expensive, thin materials. Models with gray down are usually presented in dark covers made of thick fabrics.

This product made from Siberian goose retains heat perfectly, guaranteeing a comfortable night's rest. Down retains its shape well and is also characterized by airiness.

A pillow made of eiderdown and feathers is a fairly popular option.

The eider is a diving duck and lives in cold climates, so its down is characterized by excellent thermal insulation properties. The peculiarity of eider down is that it weighs very little and warms perfectly. The down is extracted by hand, as it is taken from the birds' nests and replaced with soft, dry hay. Thanks to unique properties Such pillows are expensive and belong to exclusive items.

Many manufacturers use camel hair to make pillows.

Usually such products are two-section, because natural wool under heavy load it quickly collapses into a lump. Thanks to the use of bird down or padding polyester, the product can last up to 5 years.

All pillows can be divided into several categories, taking into account the ratio of feather and down:

  • Down models must have more than 85 percent down, with the remaining 15 percent being the presence of small feathers.
  • Down and feather options have an equal proportion of down and feather.
  • Feather products have more than 50 percent feathers. They are not in demand because they are flat and have a short service life.

There are several categories according to GOST:

  • Extra – contains more than 90 percent goose down.
  • The first category - the goose down content can vary from 85 to 90 percent.
  • The second category - products have less than approximately 85 percent fluff.

According to the European classification of down and feather products, they are divided into the following categories:

  • Premium class pillows contain more than 90 percent white goose down.
  • The highest category - products consist of white or gray goose down, and they must have from 70 to 90 percent goose down.
  • First category - the pillow contains white or goose down. gray, which fills the product from 50 to 70 percent.

Modern manufacturers use various materials in the manufacture of pillows to create the maximum level of comfort during relaxation.

To give the product elasticity, many companies use not feathers, but latex inserts that have a shape memory effect. Such options are characterized by excellent orthopedic properties. But pillows with latex inserts are more expensive than conventional options.

Models from artificial down They are in no way inferior to natural analogues, and also attract attention at an affordable price.

Modern technologies make it possible to create excellent artificial substitutes natural materials.

Options made from artificial down are characterized by hypoallergenicity, elasticity, and ease of care. They have light weight and have excellent breathability.

Eco-down is a fairly popular filling. Products with environmentally friendly fillings are functional and high level comfort. They are ideal for ensuring healthy and sound sleep.

Which is better: down or feather?

  • The down and feather pillow is one of the most common options. It is a bag filled with feather and down, called a napernik. Additionally, a pillowcase is placed on this pillow. Depending on the amount of feather and down, the softness of the product is determined. If a pillow contains more feathers, then it is firmer.
  • The down and feather model has different prices. Expensive options contain more fluff than feather. The proportions can be varied, since the percentage of down in a pillow can vary from 2 to 90 percent. Each buyer chooses the most best option for yourself, taking into account personal preferences.
  • Models that include the addition of a fine feather are characterized by increased wear resistance. They keep their shape perfectly and last for many years. A feather product consists largely of feathers and is characterized by elasticity and rigidity.
  • The half-down model is in great demand because it offers many advantages. It quickly restores its original shape, is characterized by softness and excellent ventilation. When wet, the semi-down pillow dries quickly enough.


When choosing a pillow, it is very important to pay attention not only to the filling, but also to the pillowcase, since the convenience and comfort of using the product depends on it. Modern manufacturers use a variety of fabrics when sewing napkins. Satin, cambric, cotton, cotton cambric, teak, satin jacquard, silk muslin or silk are very often used.

In great demand today are pillowcases made of teak, which consists of natural cotton and is also distinguished by a special dense weave and impregnation, which prevents fluff from flying out of the pillow.

Austrian and German companies are the undisputed leaders in the production of high-quality and durable bedsteads. In the manufacture of materials for pillowcases, they use various compositions to give the pillows additional properties. Often used aroma oils, vitamin E, aloe vera extract, silver ions and seaweed.

Cushion fabrics are often of Chinese origin, but this does not mean that their products are inferior. There are various manufacturers.

Low-quality products are characterized by roughness of the fabric, and rustle when used, so you can easily recognize a quality product.


The standard pillow shape is a square or rectangle. Most manufacturers produce products in these forms because they are convenient and functional.

A square or rectangular pillow is great for comfortable sleep.

The round pillow looks original and unusual. It is usually used as decoration. Several small round-shaped products will give sleeping place coziness and comfort.

Dimensions and weight

Today you can order a pillow of any size, taking into account personal preferences and wishes. Standard width products vary from 30 to 50 cm, but the length can be from 40 to 80 cm.

The width of the mattress plays a decisive role when choosing pillow sizes. For a double bed, you can use an option that will occupy half of the mattress.

If you sleep on a single bed, then remember that the width of the pillow and mattress should be the same. A large model will lead to discomfort, as it will constantly hang down on the sides, which will lead to inconvenience during sleep.

If we talk about the height of the product, there are no restrictions. You can completely rely on your taste. If you like to sleep on your back, the pillow can be very high. For those who like to sleep on their side or stomach, it is better suited low option, as it will not interfere with your breathing.

Many manufacturers offer down and feather pillows in sizes 70x70 cm, since pillowcases usually have such dimensions.

If this option seems large and cumbersome to you, then you should pay attention to products of size 60x60 cm. This pillow is ideal for an adult. Convenience and comfort are guaranteed to everyone. Models with dimensions 68x68 cm are in great demand.

The weight of the model is an indicator of quality. A down pillow is always lighter than a feather pillow. If you take a down product with dimensions of 70x70 cm, then its weight will be approximately one to one and a half kilograms. A pillow of this size made of down and feathers will weigh from one and a half to three kilograms.

And the feather model is the heaviest, since its weight varies from 2.5 to 4 kilograms.

Life time

A quality pillow is characterized by long term use. If you follow the rules of operation of the product, then it can last from 10 to 20 years.

  • Down and feather pillows must be washed three or four times a year at a temperature of 60 degrees. It is quite problematic to carry out such a procedure at home, since the filler must dry well. You can contact specialists who clean such pillows. Cleaning the products involves removing the filling from the pillow, disinfecting it under ultraviolet rays, washing it, drying it, and using it to fill a new pillowcase.
  • Pillows should be ventilated fresh air under the sun's rays, and also, if possible, knock out. This will get rid of dust and dust mites.

Although feather and down pillows do not have specific period validity, but if you do not follow the rules for cleaning the products, then it is not recommended to use them for a long time. Such products require replacement after about 3-5 years.

Manufacturers rating

Today, many Russian and European manufacturers offer stylish, high-quality pillows made from natural fillings.

Many buyers leave positive reviews about the Chicago down pillow from the Russian brand Dargez. This product consists of 90 percent natural down of the first category, and the pillowcase is made of percale. The manufacturer offers several color solutions. The only negative is the high cost.

Elite pillow manufacturers use exclusively natural raw materials. For example, the Italian company Daunex offers stylish model Nuvola made from 100% gray goose down. The bedstead is made of twill. This product is certified, therefore it guarantees environmental friendliness and safety.

Why are feather pillows dangerous for your health?

Researchers have proven that feather-filled pillows are dangerous to life. In Europe, for example, feather pillows are prohibited from being used in sanatoriums, hospitals, kindergartens and hotels, as they are potentially hazardous to human health. Why are feather and down pillows so dangerous?

The feather with which the pillow is filled does not allow air to pass through, which means that the head of the person lying on the pillow sweats. During the night, the body of an adult can secrete about a liter of moisture, which collects in the feather pillow. Experts estimate that over five years of use, a feather pillow becomes a quarter heavier. And not just because of moisture.

Down pillows: benefit or harm?

What is the most important thing in life for a person? Health - you will say, and you will be right.

But this understanding does not come to everyone right away. But when the realization comes that caring for own health should become a priority task, then we begin to look for all opportunities to strengthen and maintain health.

The most important factor in maintaining health is good dream. We all know about this, and everyone also knows very well that you need to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, and it is advisable to do this from 22.00 to 6.00 in the morning, but not everyone knows that a comfortable pillow made from natural materials plays an important role role in our healthy sleep.

There is an opinion that 80% of people on the Planet do not get enough sleep, that is, they do not get good rest. There are many reasons for this. One of the main reasons is an uncomfortable bed and, in particular, uncomfortable pillows. These days, still 60% of people sleep on feather or down pillows.

Why are feather underwear unsuitable for sleeping at night?

First of all, it is worth noting that a feather stuffed into a feather bed or pillow practically does not allow air to pass through, which is why the body does not receive the necessary oxygen. Simply put, it “does not breathe”, and therefore sweats. Also, if the feather is not capable of allowing air to pass through, then moisture accumulates in it all the time. The body of an adult is capable of releasing from 500 to 1000 ml of moisture in one night. And scientists have already calculated that over 5 years a feather pillow becomes ¼ heavier than its original weight.

Pillow: harmful or for health?

Surely, you have now gained enough knowledge to be convinced that pillows and other bedding filled with feathers and down are not the best items for healthy rest and sleep.

Nowadays, there are also useful pillows - these are BIO pillows. In such pillows the main filling is buckwheat husk.

Such pillows have an orthopedic effect, since the husk takes the shape of your head and neck and remains in place throughout the night;

In addition, pillows with buckwheat husks do not cake, since they are filled with air that circulates among the freely flowing hulls.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):